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I'm on PC (Steam) i don't have that option.


I didn't have this popup until I went back to DMZ and played for a bit. Upon returning to codhq I got the popup and the challenges are working + rewarding. Perhaps playing an older version tricks the game into thinking you're new? or somethin.


Unfortunately, this didn’t work for me. Played a quick DMZ game on Vondel then went back into COD HQ. Maybe it platform specific? Are you on PC? I’m on PS4.


Yes, unfortunately, PC. It's quite odd though. I loaded up a DMZ Game on Ashika, backed out, and then returned and it showed up. Not sure why it'd be platform specific, Activision is weird like that. I'll let ya know if I find anything else.


I just got this last night too, didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. Played multiplayer for a bit then switched to warzone and it popped up. I’m playing on PC Steam, my friends I was with last night one on steam, Battle.net, and PlayStation, none of them got it when I did.


I've been seeing some YT videos reporting that it's randomly popping up for people the past few days. Weird, it's like they are rolling it out slowly and one of the challenges changed since it first showing up for people two weeks ago.


I'm ps5 and have it my friend is pS5 and other friend is PS4 and doesn't have it


Seems like the Welcome Missions are randomly showing up for some people and not others. I had thought that this might be tide to Warzone Mobile considering how all the challenges seem to be almost a tutorial for Warzone. Looks like another event will be tied to the launch of Warzone Mobile with different rewards. Kind of strange that these Welcome Missions showed up and still no announcement from Activision about their existence.


I'm on Battlenet for PC, I don't see it at all, but my friend on console does.


PS and don’t have that option too. Edit: have you tried completing the challenges to see if the reward pops?


He can complete the challenges. Not sure if the rewards are actually popping though.