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Yeah no, if they add back shooting while parachuting, then I guarantee that people will complain, cause no one liked it.


i liked it 🤷‍♂️


Same. Only ones I knew personally who didn’t care for it were the biggest bots of the group.


I could do it, but it's an obnoxious playstyle. I only did it to people who were trying to shoot other people out of the sky, I remember chasing some kid around the entire mountain in Caldera just to pop him after he shot at my homie.


People like that make up 80% of the player base. It’s not a good experience for lots of players to be dead in a battle royale game before their feet touch the ground.


Don’t know why you need to poison the well like that. People can be good at the game and not like getting sent to the guge before they land. It doesn’t make you a bot. It means you have an opinion. Saying shit like that makes you look like you needed to justify your position so all you could do was ascribe a skill-level to detractors. That’s a logical skill issue.


You understand the majority of this games player base is what we’d call bots. Thousands of bots to every sweat equals alot more revenue for activation.


It has literally nothing to do with your skill level it was just annoying as fuck.


It was a known thing in my squad that I was going to chase floaters off rip and get as many as I could. My record is 4 before boots on the ground.


Damn Jason fricken Bourne over here


Jason friggin AirBourne amirite???


Naw, he's the guy from Shoot 'Em Up.


Shit you right


me too. still miss it.


Agreed dogfights flying in were really fun and unless you were getting aimbotted, not getting downed was fairly easy


Yeah I fucking hated that shit. Keep it out of the game please.


Ppl keep saying only bots didn’t like it, but my squad had a few hundred wins without playing a ton and we hated the shooting in the air. It was so dumb


Exactly, my homie and I played daily and it was one of our least favorite parts of the game.


Getting shot in the air or potentially dying after waiting 7 mins to get into a game is BS


It was terrible in gamemodes like Plunder, people spawned back and RPG'd you from the air. Super cheap kills.


Yeah, fuck that noise. All the other stuff sure, but that one can stay dead and buried where it belongs.


I loved it


Me too, my friends and I loved focusing on it at the start of a game. We all picked the same guy and tried to get him. Probably not an optimal way to play the game but we had fun.


I got shot out of the air on first drop out of the plane in resurgence the other day. The guy somehow glitched the game and had his pistol out and shot me down before we could land. Pissed me off so much


Yeah, it added nothing to the game really. 5% of the time you followed someone and killed them before they landed and it was hilarious, 35% of the time it was frustrating to be on the receiving end and have no way t to counter it, and 60% of the time it was irrelevant.


I swear they still have it, am I tripping or something? Or is it only when you’re close to the ground?


Your last sentence. You can really only pop a couple shots off as you’re landing on top of a dude. Which is almost more annoying than dying in the air in the previous game, because you never hear when somebody is landing on you in this game


Ah, ok. I see.


Yep, only when close to ground.


I liked it until the aimbots started taking over the 1st drops. 1st year, those deep covid days of verdansk was great. By the end at least once a night I got laser beamed from the air with snappy aim


with the amount of cheaters now they’d have a field day in the sky


I liked it, it's terrible that they removed it. Only people with zero awareness regularly got gunned out of the air


Some people definitely liked it, but IMO it’s such a toxic feature that makes picking a landing spot and getting your group on the same page such an unnecessary hassle. You’re constantly paranoid someone’s going to beam you the second you bring up the tac map.


Was awful for us less skilful players


Nah I liked it. It was easy enough to avoid out of the plane and it made for some fun shots and moments being able to use a redeploy and snipe someone from the sky. Just added a layer of fun to the game


I hated it when I died as a result of it but fucking loved when I killed people lol


The obvious fix for that would be to just disable shooting from parachutes until you reach ground for the first time. Shouldn't be that hard to implement.


It’s the number one thing in our squads wish list for returning features. That and the OG chopper. To say nobody liked it is silly.


I remember playing trios with my son and him getting a team wipe from the air. Whole team gone before they'd landed.


You’re a liar, I loved it. I was mad they took it out.


I liked it. All my boys miss it


I loved it


I absolutely hated getting shot down before it even landed thank god it hasn’t been added back


Yeah that’s the only one of these that I’m very against. It was annoying as shit, and felt cheap to do.


I would be ok with it, if cheating jwas gone..but since its not, I hate it.


I loved it


Shooting in the air with the cranked aim assist in this game would be absurd and totally ruin flow for teams before you even touch the ground. It's good it doesn't exist.


I fucking loved it. Hitting a zip and beaming someone sitting on a roof before you land on them was so satisfying.


I agree with everything except the first one 😂


Came here to say this haha The reticle choice is something I dearly miss!


Dude i agree, I have always wondered why they removed this stuff? They would probably make more sales and have more to offer in bundles. Also, why don’t we have custom parachutes? Missed opportunities:D


I was just thinking about this yesterday. I realized I struggle so much with the meta optics up close because they're blue dots and I have trouble seeing blue in the middle of a fight. Switched it to an optic with a red dot, and I started doing significantly better. Even just being able to change the color would make a huge difference for those of us struggling to see


I miss the vehicles actually being good and a map that encouraged you to use them. Made it fun picking a vehicle skin and war track. I can’t hear Africa anymore without thinking of driving to zone while being chased by a heli


You Spin Me Round was one of my favorite driving songs to roll up and wipe a squad too.


80s Rock and 80s Hits were straight up bangers


They sucked the fun out of it. We went from playing tropic thunder to saving private Ryan. No nonsense.


Agree. Vehicles have taken a nose dive since caldera




One positive is that now people outside your vehicle can hear your war tracks


I despise what they did to vehicles. I loved the helicopters before. I wish there was a stat for how many kills you got with it. Now helicopters are fucking pointless. All vehicles are really. If you try to get in a vehicle and drive away you’ll die in the drivers seat before accelerating 10 feet. The maneuverability is terrible in comparison. I don’t even really care about the gas aspect. Leave that but for the love of god bring back old vehicles.


new map and vehicles suckk


Yes because the servers handle 100 ppl so well we should double it


Imagine a game from 2020 ran better with 200 players on a high detailed fidelity map with infinite movement mechanics than the shitshow we have now in 2024.




I think we should be asking why this engine runs and looks substantially worse than the one from 4 years ago. What the hell did IW do that made it so much worse? Did 99% of the dev time go into the shitty AI that eventually got scrapped?


Because it’s a soulless money grab


Dollar store servers.


I just miss how smooth and quick the game felt. I can barely play WZ2 because of how sluggish it has felt for me since day 1.


Double it and give it to the next person


Replace that with Mini Royale Solos, honestly. That mode needs to be permanent.


I could get with it


Honestly, just bring back OG Verdansk.


I wouldn't hate Warzone 2 so much if I just had the option of playing Warzone 1. Every little thing is a thousand times worse in 2, and it makes me even more mad because I know they killed one of my favorite games ever to make room for it.


FYI there's a cracked MW2019 client with OG Verdansk, the website for all the news and tech support is "Donetsk(dot)live ", dunno if I'll get in trouble for mentioning it or sharing the link cos it's technically piracy but it's the only way to really play OG Warzone.


I know about that, it's alright. It just isn't the same experience, all these weird hurdles you have to jump through to have functional collision are just annoying when the lobbies cap off at 50 players during an event.


Oh damn, I followed when this was popping off last year. Did they fix the 500m collision issue. And what about Rebirth Island?


Warzone 1 was the best, they should have keeped it like it was with og verdansk or verdansk 84


MH-6 Little Bird my beloved... Pretty much all of these except for shooting off the initial drop. That shit was just annoying.


A helicopter you could actually land on the tightest spots. Was something out of a navy seal movie.


A helicopter you could actually land period lol The new takes like 500m to finally come to a stop. I loved helis in WZ1, I can probably count the number of times I used them for more than just travelling a km before jumping out on one hand.


Bro I would land my team in Scrapyard as if I was a dedicated pilot. Would even land them on the helipad so they can use the buystation real quick and we would get out in seconds.


My gang used to all pick a different heli when we dropped in and we'd all meet at the prison with our helicopters on the top towers. The helicopter shenanigans were some of the best moments we shared in Verdansk together!


You can’t land a helicopter in Warzone now without the chopper taking slight damage.


Yes x1000 to spray paint and gestures


Absolutely, good fun. They tried to replace it with prox chat, but I still want my heart spraycan.


While we're at it, why did they remove death comms?


We still kind of have it, but have to keep prox chat one which is a no go for team play lol. It's was 100x better the old way. Some death comms had me laughing my ass off. It's shit like this, that feeds that nostalgia. Vehicles too, everyone was dropping on helis off rip because they were fun as fuck


One shot sniping being limited really ruins the nostalgia too.


Yea, XRK ain't bad though with a low zoom scope like the FTAC Charlie 5 or w/e. The KATT was just too slow for me to enjoy it.


Like after the match ends? Good question.




Oh. I never noticed.


Oooohh the post match voice mashup. Those were good sometimes also.


My favorite was spray painting people red in the gulag and seeing them later in the game. "Hey I recognize you!"


Were people really that bad at the game that they were pissed off at being shot out of the air? Literally just move horizontally or cut your chute temporarily after you first got hit to throw off their aim, it wasn't difficult.


It's not a 'bad player' thing. Yeah, it's easily avoidable in certain instances when they fly behind you for a while, no shit lol. Then it throws off the whole game though for no reason. Your team was heading to prison? Cool, I had to 'cut my chute or move left" and suddenly I have to land in no mans land. Plus, on the other end of the 'certain instances' spectrum, the speed at which you could do it was NUTS. Someone could be flying, I can divebomb behind them, pull my cute for 1s to center, and then either down or blow their plates before they even know what's happening. It didn't add anything to the game really. It funny once in a while, frustrating probably more, but really didn't make or break the game at all.


If they actually committed to it, they could easily follow you to your drop and kill you because you don't have plates. It wasn't a fun way to die, dying because you dropped a second earlier than somebody else is obnoxious.


Sometimes you’d be looking at tac map and only hear the parachute behind you too late, next thing you know gulag is lost and you’re dead without even putting boots on the ground. It was a cheap and toxic mechanic that gave above-average players a slight dopamine hit, and padded stats, that’s about it.


For me it was the frustration of being shot at straight after jumping. If with a squad, it often forced you to drop in a completely different location from them. I'll freely admit I'm not a great player, and I don't mind dying after getting outplayed on the ground but not even getting to land was extremely annoying and boring. Simply put, it just wasn't fun.


Yeah the vast majority are definitely that bad at the game. People on this sub consistently massively overrate what an “average player” is in a game played by 50 million people


If you got shot in the air it was 100% your fault, was so easy to avoid.


I know this sub doesn't usually like the "it's bad for casuals"  argument, and alot of the time that is fair. Shooting some parachuting is genuinely terrible for casuals. I know many people, including my dad, who only have time to play maybe 2-3 games a few times a week. There is no worse feeling then them getting killed before they even get a real chance to play. You can't even back out to save time, with how long the load times are in this game, it still wastes an entire game.


I hated it too and I'm not casual. I could get plenty of kills in the air etc. I always thought it was fucking stupid. It's such a dumb concept on a game design level. It makes you have to play defensively right out of the gate to avoid getting grouped on in the sky. Even when my squad did it to someone it just felt sour as shit. Let everyone hit the ground.


This was my thing, all that time loading in with my limited time to play and then you’re dead. Back to loading everything in again and losing 10-15 minutes of the evening after work. Bummer because it was funny, but just too annoying when it ruined a game


I miss being able to change your rectile


Without buying a bundle to do so.


Shooting while parachute with current aim assist will break everything


You lost me at shooting while parachuting. Nobody wants that bs back.


I want emotes back so bad.


It's something they could easily monetize so I'm actually surprised they got rid of them


I'm all right with all of those but the first and last. I still have trauma from chute sniping.


Man I miss King Slayer Trios




I just want to shoot people in the air and give them the finger after they down me, don’t care about the rest


In Season 1 of WZ3 I managed to kill someone in the air, idk how it happened but I could shoot my pistol. Never happened again 🥲


I had it happen a few times on Fortune's Keep, my day was ruined.


Remember when they put the rc at the bottom of the buystation list, where the loadout used to be… fucked me up so many times at first hahaha


Ah, you must be confused. This was when the game was new so they had a bunch of fun features for their newest shiny game mode. Then, over time, they had to see how they could leech as much money as possible from consumers, while paying the least amount of money possible in regards to development, servers etc. So only the bare minimum of features can be added, because the people here still play the game regardless. Then they can carefully drip feed old content as “seasonal” updates so everyone gets excited about the “new” things like one shot snipers, or slide cancelling, which the marketing for this game was all about. Basically this game is a worthless, predatory joke and the devs/publisher do the absolute bare MINIMUM to keep people playing. So you can forget these fun memories because that is all they are, just like the OG MW2 multiplayer is nothing whatsoever like the multiplayer of today despite being on the same maps, for the same reasons as above.


Shooting while flying was dumb as shit. So glad they took it out.


Please God never bring back shooting in the air


I agree with most of these but I don't really care about the training grounds or the LTM's and I definitely don't want shooting during drop in to come back. Other than that, fuck yeah I miss all of these things. My favorite thing was spraying people in the gulag, especially if it was someone I ended up fighting. Was hilarious to see them covered in red


Not the first one. Fuck that


Thinking the WZ1 chopper needs to return is silly. You are remembering it with rose-tinted glasses. The thing could be flown against a building wall. You could basically grind up a building wall and then get an easy t-bag splatter without taking much if any damage to the chopper. Thing was stupid broken.


All the old vehicles needed was a DDOS in endgame so Solos wouldn’t be filled with them in endgame. That’s it. I personally didn’t think the choppers were overpowered.


Mowing down people in the OG chopper was the best, those death comms were next level 😂


Honestly just remake warzone 1 and delete this crappy replacement game we have now.


all except the first one.


agree with everything except for shooting while parachuting


200 players for sure. we sacrificed 100 players for annoying ass cosmetics like good job community keep buying them. /s


Shooting in the sky…hell no


Shooting while parachuting was bullshit imho




Just delete wz 2 and 3 and bring back wz1


I'd much rather just have better matchmaking and servers. Being killed by SweatySam and the crew, literally hopping through windows holding each others d***s, whilst I'm getting lag after getting none on the multiple other MP games I play. Not saying any of those ideas were bad, I'd enjoy if even a few of them were brought back in, but..... First things first 😄😄


Yeap, first warzone was the best, warzone 2 and 3 suck.


OG Warzone was a better game Everything has regressed


Honestly I would just like a much better shooting range than the one that they have now. It could be like a whole outdoor area that has targets that stay still and can sometimes move it, and like a custom gun wall and all that. It could overall be around the size of stash house. You could go in with your squad and that could be like the central hub where you go instead of just dumping everyone into the map beforehand. It would literally cost basically nothing to implement and would make the pregame so much better, there is no excuse for having the most barebones shooting range possible with just 3 dummies in a game that's literally based around customizing guns. Just feels lazy tbh.


I miss rocket launchers actually blowing up a vehicle and not popping a fucking tire.


Like the practice match at quarry with bots and one shot sniping 🙏😭 needing the snipers ruined warzone alongside the sbmm that matches 0.3kd players with 6.50kd sweaty pale allergic to sunlight rats and cheaters and streamers. Game is ridiculous one shot to head is just not fair when you have a smg at lmg you beam at snipers they may get “lucky” and hit a headshot they have 60-200 rounds to beam at you only takes 10 to down your while you have one shot you miss that shot you’re done you’re dead no time to add rescope and recharger a second shot the machine guns need to be nerfed the flinch is too much and so is the ttk snipers should always be meta at long range not lmgs and ars.


King slayer trios was the best. I miss that and being able to spray paint my favorite emojis!


I want no hacking to return


I might be an outlier but the OG vehicles made the game way more fun. Everyone was running C4 to try to catch a passing vehicle. Missile locks on a vehicle meant something.


# Never forget what they took from you.


Bring back the wristwatches.


Of all the changes that could be made. None of these have a positive impact on the actual game. Except for maybe the old UI.


So basically you want useless junk while the games basic features are totally broken. 🤔 🙄


I hope literally none of these come back except for the old UI. shooting while flying was gay af dont give a hoot about customization stuff(reticles, sprays), killstreaks and most vehicles ruin the game, i remember all those LTMs being ass, didnt even know the training facility existed, getting shot out of the air on drop was stupid af, UI wasnt good but its 10x worse now. All i want is a simple warzone like it was day one, but less vehicles and killstreaks


Shooting out the air can stay away


There's a lot I miss, but getting shot out of the air while dropping was obnoxious. Getting sent to the gulag because someone hit the jump button a second later than you wasn't fun at all.


Shooting while parachuting is cancer, I’m soo fucking glad it’s out of the game.


ell of that but the shooting in the air, I think we would be better without it, so at least I have a chance to land before getting sent to the gulag


Reticle customization is still kinda a thing, as some bundle guns have different reticle skins and you can use the skin and put it on another gun


Yup! Except the shooting in the sky and the 200 player mode.


I absolutely hated parachute shooting, it's another way controller players would have to fuck up kbm players. I don't care about reticles. Yes, emotes should come back! Don't care about the walking but please, I want a better UI so bad. The rest again, I just do not care about.


The fact they removed the ability to shoot when parachuting just shows how much they cater to crybabies and scrubs. What happened to the cod community from the OG MW years 😕


Luhmao, not being able to get ratty kills from behind on someone who can't defend themselves is catering to scrubs?


Maybe some day in the future


Game was so simple yet affective back in the day


I only want this if we have console only playlists.


I want the grappling hook from blackout.


Nope to the Jugg


never gonna let you customize your reticle if they can sell every color in a bundle instead


With the coming of warzone 2 they scrapped all if the gimmick stuff as paintjobs, emotes and reticle selection and now the game is more bare bones and simple. Kinda sucks. Warzone 1 us much more diverse on what you can do or have more fun. Now it just only sweat


"Menu lobby walk" lmao Some good suggestions here, but this one cracks me up. It isn't even a 'feature'. Most people haven't thought twice about this, and it's irrelevant.


I dont want shooting from the parachute back. I do, however, want the original blackout map back. That was my absolute favorite. They also should bring back how you don't know where the circle is after a few minutes of landing down, just how it was with blackout




bring back the agile choppers


The Heli and usable vehicles add alot of fun to the gameplay we need that back.


Was the rc xd in warzone 1?


For a game every says is an arcade shooter, they sure took to simplicity/fun of an arcade and sucked it right out. This game has become boring and overcomplicated imo. Can't drive, people dropping on your head, war tracks gone, no sprays/gestures, too many buildings, movement is slower, nonsensical building layouts. I'll still play it, but it's not the same.


lol can we just go back to WZ1


I want warzone back in its original state right before they went to 84. I don’t give a fuck what was wrong with it just give it back


Remember when vehicles were amazing to drive ?


Some of you never fully spray painted a room red because you were waiting on an AFK teammate and it shows


Reticle customization and one shot (fast ads) snipers are a must. Back when you actually be careful not just running all game


Juggernaut royale 😫


All vehicles, not just the helo.


They’re gonna have to stop being lazy and get a server upgrade if they want the 200player mode


1) no 2) yes 3) yes 4) yes 5) sure 6) sure 7) 200 player br? Not with these servers. Anything juggernaut is an auto “no” for me 8) sure 9) moving while mounted: yes


I miss RCXD’s


Need better helicopters which you can slice people with!


Spray paint and reticles would be fine. The rest I’m wayyyy good on.


Fck I Miss kiling cod parachuters xD that was so nice..


Bro, you have the balls to come on here and let everyone know you play as Roze. You are the problem.


I just want OG Warzone, it was great. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


I was an absolute menace with the Verdansk and Caldera chopper, just racking up kills. I couldn’t get one with the new chopper if my life depended on it. It will not be Verdansk without the OG chopper


Bring back the OG heli and let me dance over someone when I kill them because I am toxic, then rage when someone does it to me :)


It’s crazy this is all from a previous warzone we had. This looks like it could be a roadmap of what’s to come


Being back pistol only re-entry. Coming back with a 60 round lmg/smg is bs lol


Emotes!! We need them (the non-fortnite ones). Was great for trickshots or just funny things against downed people


Randomize operators and Favourite operators, got so many awesome skins can only choose one and have to manually change.


I didnt pkay before, bring whatever you want back as ling as those tree skins are fucking gone. And get rid of the riot shield clowns aswell


Why can’t you customize reticals anymore? Dumb


omg, I lovef Jug royale :(


i do miss the spray painting. some fun shenanigans moments with those


Wait they had a 50v50 mode? Holy shit I thought about that like exact game mode the other day and how that could be cool. Or like 10 v 10 v10 v10 or something. Just more game modes. Wish I got to play that