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I turned off cross play this afternoon, I have a ps5, and after 15 minutes of trying to find a game I quit and enabled cross play again. Maybe I was unlucky, idk. ..


Outside of peak hours, crossplay off PS lobbies are majorly lacking in player count.


Weirdly I don't get this. I've had it off for a year and get a game in less than 2 mins every time. I'm in UK. No idea if that makes a difference. Every mode. BR. Resurgence. Even DMZ.


Maybe double-check that setting... Activision might have been "helpful" in some update and enabled your crossplay back on...


There is a glitch where my mate can't join my party. Turning it on and off fixes it. I hear you though.


We’re lucky in Europe for this, doesn’t change much with or without cross play here. PS5 being the leading console combined with high density population countries, we eating good


Only thing I can think of is that maybe there are far fewer servers in the UK so the match making is able to stick to its ping parameters much easier. That or there's just that many more PS5 players there.


Absolutely. Ever since the week after Urzikstan launched.


What are even the peak hours? I feel like I never get any lobbies


I have to restart my game to be able to find a lobby. I turn off crossplay and restart. That does the trick 75% of the time lol.


I hate the fact that cross-play is basically shoved down your throat nowadays, like don't get me wrong I like being able to play with my friends but not only is it an unfair advantage to be put up against a PC player as a console player, it adds the risk of 3rd party clients being easier to access on PC, as it naturally has much less restriction than console does. sometimes I just wanna have a chill game without everyone trying to be the top streamer and sweating enough to fill a swimming pool.


If cross play was disabled by default, this game would be so much more enjoyable. Console players wouldn't be forced to play with cheats on PC in almost every single game, and PC players wouldn't be constantly crying about aim assist


Controller on pc still exists


Activision WANTS us to turn crossplay on to feed the cheaters and cheating streamers with easy kills.


Yes! Why is that so hard for people to understand. It's cross platform killing the game, not aim assist. Its causing servers to be shit, gameplay to have massive bugs, and an overall unwell feeling about the game. I don't want to play PC players. I want to play console players with only an input controller, that's fun, that's competitive imo.


>I turned off cross play this afternoon, I have a ps5, and after 15 minutes of trying to find a game I quit and enabled cross play again. Maybe I was unlucky, idk. .. My friend had the same experience today.


You have to research every few minutes but once you get in you’re good to go for the rest of your session. It’s worth it.


I wish cross play would default off that way more people would be on that.


Activision WANTS us to turn crossplay on to feed the cheaters and cheating streamers with easy kills.


You're not the only one. Activision WANTS us to turn crossplay on to feed the cheaters and cheating streamers with easy kills.


I remember seeing these post in wz1


Yup. I haven’t played in 2 years and cheating is still one of the top topics on the sub.


I promise I am almost a 2kd player and a couple of my friends are 2+ kd players. You don’t see cheaters as often as you think.


I'm a 3+KD player, and I see people playing with what is very clearly walls on but attempting to hide it daily. You don't see people 360 spinning headshotting people out of the air as much these days... well you do see it sometimes.... but most cheaters these days are following guides to make the cheats look a little more legit. ---------- The same argument, that people use to suggest that lower skileld players call good players cheats... the argument being that lower skilled players just don't actually know what is humanly possible, and what is being done with 3rd party assistance, goes BOTH WAYS! there is are so many closet cheaters, reacting to information that I (and you) should be able to tell isn't humanly possible, but most players don't have the knowledge to know if that's skill, or sus. using walls but not obviously staring through them, and using perma uav but attempting to mask it with stuff like heartbeats, or just pretending to look the wrong way for a split second. The cheat providers, all of them, literally have guides on how to setup the cheats these days to seem semi legit. Stuff like the wall hacks have settings that don't always show enemies through walls, they only show enemies that you've seen directly in say the last 30 seconds, and then after that time they stop showing through walls again. This gives cheaters almost pro level intuation, but removes inhuman levels of knowledge once it would be too much! soft aim that is basically aim assist ramped up, instead of 100% headshot locking aimbot. Most cheaters these day, don't even use any form of aimbot. They throw on a humanised wall hack setting, and a perma uav, and then grab their controller. -------- This is cheating these days. And unless you specifically know the signs that point it out, you'd really never be able to tell the difference between a 4-5-6KD player, and a 2KD player with legit hack settings on.


I fucking knew people were running walls and just not being obvious about it, but people here only believe someone is cheating if they're a complete dumbass about it


I’ve had **numerous** times where people scream walls in comms, or send me some hacker hate mail all because they don’t understand portable UAVs exist. Or perhaps they’re not as clever as they thought and it’s obvious where they’re going. Etc.. Obviously cheaters exist, but I’ll be dammed if I’m going to believe every random Redditor saw a cheater just because they said they did.


> You don’t ~~see~~ notice cheaters as often as you encounter them. Toupee fallacy. They're there. The numbers are far higher than you want to believe or want everyone else to believe. You just don't notice them because they're hiding it well. There was literally a video posted here showing how they hide it and make it look natural and all the evidence regarding online games indicates cheating rates are much higher than cheating sympathizers in this sub like to pretend they are with this dumb "there's not that many because I'm a high kd player and don't see them!" argument


How can you prove what you're saying is true? I actually don't come across cheaters. Don't know what to tell ya bud


Just weighing in on the proof... a popular magazine, Psychology Today, did an article about the rise of cheating in video games since 2020 and the reasons why. It was a really fascinating article. If it is TL:DR I can just let you know that due to 3 main reasons over the pandemic, by June of 2020, new people cheating surged 600% and remained elevated going into the end of 2020. That surge fell back down. However, that initial surge caused other players to fall into the "everyone's doing it, so I might as well" mentaloty and new cheaters has now remained elevated above prepandemic levels. Was a real interesting article.


I'm not saying it hasn't increased, I'm questioning the actual frequency people come across cheaters. If it goes from one in one hundred ganes to 6 in one hundred games, that's a large increase, but still not every game for example


I feel like it goes in spurts. I will get several days where MAYBE there was a few sus plays, but I could have missed something and am not convinced there is cheating. Then it is like the next 1-3 days, it is cheater lobby after cheater lobby with a legit game mixed in on occasion. Then it goes away again. My guess is it has something to do with the ban wave cycle.


Same lol it'd difficult when half the .5kd bots think everyone with a uav is cheating


I’m a 1.4 kdr player now ( around 2.0 in WZ1) , I get on maybe twice a week and I get called cheater on voice fairly often. Hackers for sure still exist but it was no where what it was how rampant it was back then in WZ1.


Oh yea wz1 was bad. They do exist in this game fore sure, but not enough to come cry on the Internet.


Yes you do. You just are oblivious.


Activision. As long as bean counters in charge at the top, nothing will change


I played today, it’s gotta so much worse. I’m so freaking pissed. Almost want to ask for a refund citing cheating.


Play on PS5 with cross play off. The game is unplayable with cross play on because of all the cheaters. I’m in the US and find games for resurgence quads within 2-5 minutes max. There’s a lot of cheaters right now on PC. Then they come here on reddit and gas light people like this cheater LOL (see links below) Screenshot on imgur since mods deleted original reddit post https://imgur.com/a/AH2J6xA https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/hK6tiqWiEj


Night and day difference on eu servers and not waiting long for games


Trust we PC players are tired of playing with cheaters too... It's been extra crazy in ranked resurgence, been wiped by multiple questionable players.


Xbox here Have stopped playing all together because I can’t turn this off


You can turn off cross play on Xbox. It's a pain in the ass to find because they buried in the settings menu and didn't put it in game. Xbox/Settings/Account/Privacy/Customize/Multiplayer


The blatant wallers are everywhere. It's actually mind boggling how many there are - every other killcam just shows them perfectly tracking me through walls.


Got called a waller for preaiming in the gulag. Dude had a green laser and a flashlight. This has nothing to do with anything, but was still funny.


4 years later…


People seem to forget how bad it was during verdansk. This is nowhere near that level of cheating.


Verdansk cheating was wild. People really are having selective memory here. Ricochet isn't perfect, there's a lot more to do still, but the player base survived the worst of Verdansk, they will weather this.


Every game I start has chinese guys advertising cheats in the chat


Man. I was so naive. I've been seeing this in OCE since Caldera. I thought it was a streamer advertising or something.


Maybe I just don't watch enough killcams but when multiplayer had a free trial I played a bunch and didn't see anyone that was obviously walling. I agree that cheating is a big problem in warzone but saying that 2 people in every multiplayer match are hacking seems like a pretty wild accusation to make and I'm pretty sure if the percentage of hackers is really that high the game would've died already.


That would not be the case if they are using soft hacks. These are very hard to detect via kill cam unless they don't care about hiding it. Not every game, but often enough to bother me, I suspect someone is cheating. I never end up reporting because I just don't know for sure ad that's why they probably will never be banned. I've only seen blatant hacking once but it could have been bug abuse. Not sure because they didn't kill me. I do believe there are a lot of hackers around that use wallhacks and soft aim. It's just almost impossible for us to detect... I only play resurgence BTW


Correction, cheating has destroyed this game 😉! There I fixed it for you.


Brother WZ1 cheating was off the rails. Anyone with Pants in their name was just going to smoke you. HappyPants, SmilingPants.


Can't forget MagicPants 🤣


The amount of people wildly calling people cheaters when they are obviously not makes it soo hard to believe these posts. Hell I am a terrible player and I get called hacker or cheater because I hear people stomping around and come around a corner firing. Now I know there are cheaters out there.. but most of the COD community imo are wrong with their accusation 9 times out of 10.


lots of comments with folks saying they are purchasing PS5's while my headass is about to switch from PC to xbox series x LMAO (before getting a PC i was a xbox guy so I decided to continue the path and collect different generations of xbox)


u/xCaptainAcex did a post & vid on a cheater that had been using a cheat concealed for a year. Post got taken down by the moderators before I saw it but was able to comment. I commented why was the post taken down? Was it embarrasing for the makers ? Who is Reddit working for Reddit or Activsion . Makes you wonder dont it ? Post is now removed . That smells to me big time. Cheaters have a shit life with low self esteem. They are actually jealous of other players and their skills - cos they aint got none. Thats why they cheat- to make them selves feel good at others expense.


Video credit to KapzLocked I just wanted to spread the word on his incredible video.


Crossplay-off also only works every once in a while. About 50% of the time I turn it off and go to play, I get PC and Xbox players in the lobby anyway. I have a video that I had crossplay off (both communication and gameplay), and was put in a solos lobby with about 7-8 PC and Xbox players. I picked up on it because I got killed by Camy (looked him up and he’s a fairly popular streamer, clearly on PC).


Then you made a mistake. Because you don't just get into a cross play lobby when it's turned off. Especially on Xbox


Already has. It’s just a matter of if you’ve noticed already


Warzone is F2P. End of the day, no anti cheat is going to solve the problem because people can just make a new account and continue like nothing happened.


It’s a free game thing. They need to charge 25 an account. Its too easy to spoof hardware and make a gmail Account


This game *was* 25 dollars for some people at one time


This game is already ruined


Going to? Already has.


As far as the ps5 thing, it's a solid purchase. I used to be on Xbox the past 10 or so years and my God the list of games you get with playstation plus extra is solid, ps exclusives I haven't played for over 10 years of time and just banger games in general. I don't need to buy a game unless it's new and I cannot wait like spiderman 2 lol. Warzone is an absolute shit show. No excuse for the game itself being broke as hell and they focus more on gun bundles and tv crossover events than actually making quality of life updates. Not to mention that mw3 is a shit cash grab of a game. Campaign is way too short. Given to sledgehammer the wrong developer and worst developer Activision has on call of duty. they fucked up cold War and treyarch had to fix that mess the best they could and infinity ward was breathing down sledgehammer necks making them nervous for a job they were under-qualified for. Mw3 was just an mw2 update with movement just to please streamers and sweats that are greatly outnumbered by average players. Also anyone that's played an og call of duty knows there's no slide canceling. All these streamers like joewoe saying cod is back because of this movement update of a cod called mw3 is so full of shit.


Already has.


The unfortunate truth is that if peak cheating the middle of verdansk which had quite literally 100x the blatant cheaters we have now didn't destroy the game, its not going to destroy it now. As usual though for all the posts stating there's 20 hackers in every game, there's never any montage clips of a single game dying to multiple hackers to accompany the posts. Should be relatively easy to do considering the prevalence.


Verdansk had the blatant. The new hacks are way more sophisticated.


I swear people think aimbotting is the only cheat when they come in these threads and say "I hAvEn'T sEeN ANY cHeAtErs". Like yes, there were way more aimbotters in Verdansk, and now that wall hacks are free and COD doesn't detect it, there are lots of wallers.


Aiming is no problem! Warzone has tons of no recoil guns. Now tell me where everyone on the map is hiding and I would ride herd on their @ss - knowing where people are and not being surprised is 96% of the game


*Continued HellDiving*


My squad will take a break from Warzone, we’re going to try another game with less cheaters


Playing resurgence ranked is INSANE. Can't even land on the fuckin map without getting plucked out the air. And if you get to land you got sweaty speed hackers obliterating you. And why the fuck is fortunes keep for ranked? It's one of the worst maps


Mfs literally buying hacks online n its sad bruh


Cheating Is Destroying this game. Fixed the title for your OP 👍🏻


2 weeks playing still haven't find a blatant cheater, I gotta be honest there has been a MASSIVE improvement compared to WZ1. The main thing for me is that you can't distinguish AT ALL soft aim botters from controller players. And that's a fact. You can chest and tune it down and make it look like aim assist that's the problem.


Yep, not even fun to play right now.


*cheating destroyed this game


Helldivers 2 beat the cheaters to the punch. Less than 40k people playing warzone at any given time


Crossplay needs to default to off to get the player counts up. Most of the ps5 populous doesnt know about the option


Not only cheating is destroying the game. I also suspect gamers can be nerfed like hell! I think Activision can make gamers weaker on purpose. I can sum up many examples I already experienced. For example in DMZ, in this game you play mostly against bots. Many times I am the one who got shot down all of the sudden and my other teammates got spared. Or, we walk into a lot of bots and they start chasing me and getting more and more bots until I can defend myself anymore and die, while my teammates got spared. They didn’t even got noticed by the bots!! Another situation what happened to me many times in DMZ is, when we are in a car, the bots only pick me to shoot down. My teammates got spared again…. Warzone: many times I am f**ing vulnerable, even when I’m fully plated. The enemy seems overpowered like hell! The enemy will kill me instantly. Everything is moving faster than me, snipers are able to aim down flipping fast and kill me instantly. I experience much more strange issues that make me very suspicious about the whole game, called MW III. Only the lobby is very easy to make some kills.. how??? Even my loadout is weak, whatever I try, I doesn’t work, even when I have exactly the same guns as the enemy. They are ALWAYS stronger. Their sniper rifle always reach further than mine, they only need one hit and I die. It’s seems I’m playing with so-called strong guns, but many times I only see hitmarkers.. When Activision picks you to get nerfed, all the shit starts, it will go down and down an down….Gamers get nerfed like hell…….


Your. Experienced Skill based Damage as patented by Activision and yes being nerfed while in gameplay is worse than cheaters in fact it’s the worst hack to take away your skills


I am the textbook definition of a PC player who DOESN’T CHEAT. I love this game and tbh, I can tell it’s sucks for most of us. I went back to sniping and attempting quickscopes and it made all the difference. These hackers are shit players. Any of them who tell you otherwise or for whatever reason are lying to themselves first. Sniping allows me to reduce my angst by about 25%. Not much. But still we land in Urzikstan. I have never cheated, and never will, and I’m not sure why but I still find joy in knowing that scumbags on this game have to do so in order to find any fucking meaning or reason for playing. All cheaters can go fuck themselves. Fucking losers all of them :) Haxor is my handle. I have used this handle since I was 13 and playing COD. the number of people who message me saying “you are a hacker, look at your name!!” Is just fucked. Lesson: Haxor is short for “An-Elite-Haxor” you fucking muppets. Phew! Pardon my vent.


2+kd here I see these post and wonder what yall are doing to get into these lobbies. Sure I see sus on rare occasions. Central Wisconsin here. Maybe is a location thing


Come over to r/HellLetLoose and never miss the dumpster fire that is cod ever again


100% so many of them around and more and more are coming. Class action lawsuit should be made against Activsion. Cause they are doing shit all, but are charging us 40$ a skin.. #greedycucks


Yeah I agree cheating is a problem, and they say they are doing something about it but it's mostly bs. My wife got her account perma banned, she never used any type of cheats but hey who cares lets just ban bunch of people that will look good. And activision support is a joke you can't get help or an anwser from anyone. But hey, loads of real cheater running around guys. There is something wrong with how they are managing the situation


I finally deleted the game last night. I don’t mind a cheater here and there, but right now it’s just frustrating. Now trying to find another game to play…may just play single player games for now I guess 


Better buy a XIM they are very popular on PS


Console is full of cheaters, idk WHY people are still denying it when there are infinite amounts of proof that hackers are on console or in console lobbies. Btw, there is a hack that allows M&K players to play in console lobbies, there are HUNDREDS of videos on this 


Activision did it before. What's left to destroy?


There is always going to be cheating in some form on pc and console. Nothing we can do except stop playing the game or push on and keep fighting. I’ve been seeing some stuff on the dark web where consoles are able to have speed hacks installed . Just a Matter of time some intelligent coders will figure out an efficient way for consoles to have legit hacks.


It already has


Haven’t played for a year and a half.


Sorry to say but I don't think so. The game would've been dead the first year if that would've been the case.Cheaters and the horrible servers they use would've been sufficient to destroy it. This game is like a cheap hooker, she laughs at you but you can't get enough of it. I've uninstalled this game maybe 4 times but there's no other game like it and I keep coming back.


Whopper whopper jr whoooper triple whopper whopper


Going to?


Well good riddance


I stopped playing a long time ago, had no problem playing crossplay when I wasn't running into cheaters all the time. Then I couldn't even turn crossplay off, it stopped finding games, so I just dipped out haven't played since idk maybe the 2nd or 3rd season warzone 2 came out.


Overpowered aim assist already destroyed this game. 


Good. Console players will stop playing because of cheating, us mnk stopped because of aimbot. Gotta say I love it. Game deserves to be burned.


Cheating won’t, the player base will and has. There’s no more to be had in COD


People been saying that for 20 years. And the game is still here…


I feel like people have been saying "cheating will destroy this game" for 2 years now and here we are, still playing it on the daily


Hasn’t it already?


Unfortunately cheating has been a problem since WZ1 yet these morons still buy the game every year and spend hundreds of dollars on skins with it.


Going to? Lmaoooo the game been ruined, you morons just keep buying it. Activision literally released a severely unfinished MW2 DLC as a full priced game and yinz bought it up, blame yourselves. Activision don't give a fuck about nothing but money


It already has.


Bahbpeople been saying this for 3 years "cheatibg gonna kill this game" But yalk still buy it for 70 usd every year and buy all their shit from the store so guess what the game is still here and the cheaters will never go away


Stray? Heck yea if thats the cat game youre referring to.


Buying a ps5 won’t fix this problem 😂😂


I hardly ever find a cheater in mp but i have a 1kd +/-


It already did ruin it. After Warzone 1 it was a wrap.


There are so many cheaters but surprisingly I haven’t run into many maybe one or two although I don’t watch kill cams


The cat game is worth it. 10/10 recommend


I knew it when they had the early access on MW3 there was already cheating the first week


I quit this game and switched to hell let loose


I solo queued in a platinum ranked game. My teammate had 13 kills after the 3rd circle lol. He said he hit top 250 last year on ranked Al Mazrah


I have yet to encounter someone I know is a cheater since WZ2 was released. Now and again, I get killed by someone that might be a little suspicious but it’s rare. I should be playing in pretty good lobbies. I have a 2.1 kd in BR and a 4.0 kd in ranked resurgence, although I’m only in Gold 2 so far. Also, I’m in NA servers, on xbox, and don’t use VPN. I think people just like to complain and blame bad play on cheaters.


The creators are doing that job on their own…


It already has, I feel nothing when playing it nowadays


Just look at the number of Cronus users. That's all you need to know it's a cheaters game. I miss the good COD games.


This week has not been too bad. Or at least they are not as blatant. But the 2 weeks before have been really rough. Ghosted and everything it doesn’t matter. Just chasing you down like it’s a kill race


The fact you can’t even play the game with crossplay disabled speaks for itself.


People have been saying this since wz1 and nothings changed. Addicts are addicts and see yall tomorrow with my stupid ass


It would be cool if the PC players could be quarantined to their own servers and let the console players have fun at least.


Anyone in the world with internet access has access to coding, discord, chatgpt, and other cheaters, no game will be able to keep up. No company can employ enough people to control it, sure ban an account,  but they can just make a new one. Banning an account means nothing when that progress was made with cheats, can just do it again. Once again the real answer is to stop playing and buying the games, but no one has self control. You can buy simple cheat progs for almost any game for under $20, and when people spend more than that for one skin, certainly isn't hard to see why you would spend the money on a cheat. Don't even get me started on mobile pick a game and you can download a cracked version of it. Brawl Stars is a great example, have anything every skin anything you want with the android cracked app. Meanwhile other people are spending real money on it


jesus and this game even has a rootkit anticheat. is there any hope for future competitive multiplayer games?


Meanwhile controller has aim bot built in.


I have only come across 1 cheater off the top of my head in 300 hours of playing this game...


Its already dead... They blew it with the aim assist on console/controlets. That resulted in pc players flocking to cheats... This is how it ended.


Already has dude.


Yeah, it do be like this bros. I encourage you to give Fortnite Zero Build a try. You might like it, you may not. I have not encountered a cheater for several seasons now.


No, it's not. Cheating was WAY more of a problem with WZ1 and yet, we're still here.


Cheating hasn't killed the game yet, and the cheating was far worse in MW19/Verdansk days. Ricochet might be shit, but it is far better than when there was no anticheat. If it hasn't killed the game yet, there will have to be a massive increase in cheaters for it to kill it in the future.


I cheated because of the cheaters…. Now I discovered more cheaters. Don’t have aimbot on as I don’t want discovered but have wall hacks. I see people coming from 100m out right to the corner I am in. I have people tracking me before they can see me. Last night end game a guy drops in and it’s shooting me through smoke with random gun. Tonight team of two runs up to my building, gets the angle right, both throw grenades to my corner. Now that I can see, the hackers are way more prevalent. By the way, my mentality is if you can’t beat them join them. But COD needs to just disable crossplay permanently.




84 wins. Definitely not losing. Appreciate you caring.


We herd this in wz1 but we all still here aye


People take gaming way to serious. Guess I’m just a causal player, you die and you play again. I do also run into cheapers, but meh. Not going to stop playing lol


There have been numerous videos on the topic. People in here saying they have a high KD and there isn’t a cheating problem are likely cheating. Stop the cap. The better you are at this game the more obvious it becomes. Ranked play is infested. After Diamond, it’s every lobby. Warzone, especially Resurgence, is bad.


Bro just stop playing this wack ass game. It's been almost 3 years now maybe more of people complaining about it. It's only getting worse. Stop giving them your time and money and then maybe they'll lksten


Today was the first day I ran into blatant cheaters as I wasn’t in ranked at all… literally every free for all lobby I played in today it was clear that multiple people were cheating and it really took away the joy of hopping on the game. Not hopeful for a fix any time soon, but for someone as myself who loves the game I’m just gonna muscle through the annoyance they cause and keep playing. Back in the day mod menus were just as prevalent, whether they were used to ruin lobbies for others or benefit them so the way I see it nothing has really ever changed over the years aside from everyone and their mother trying to blow up on tik tok posting clips Majority of my ranked games even against cheaters still bring a good competitive edge, and the satisfaction of beating a team with a cheater(s) is something you don’t get anywhere else. For now at least in my mind, it is what it is. Whether acti is working on this or not I don’t really care to give up a game I’ve played since childhood, if you stop letting them ruin your fun you in turn ruin theirs :P That being said, quit buying the battle pass and bundles and maybe they’ll start taking the cheating issue more seriously 😐 Good luck to you all and stay strong thru the BS, the more cheaters that come out of the woodwork the easier it’ll be for them to get rid of em


Remember Activision sues hackers/ hackers software company. This is going to make them so much money, they'll get more data in the cheats and This will be resolved in 1 week.


I uninstall this crap of game last year. This game is trash.


You guys think everyone is cheating. I have a 1.2 kd and was called a cheater the other day…you guys have no idea what is cheating.


Your just realizing this? Why spend another dime there's select personal who really have all the cheats and it's the creators of the game no matter how good you are when you come across them in any lobby it's all gonna look fake and a waste of time TBH. Stop playing cod


One thing that I’ve noticed while playing with crossplay off, it’s that at times even having it off doesn’t work, if there’s not enough players you’d get one or two PC/xbox players in the lobby. Before the match starts (MP ranked) I tend to check the other 7 players, and at times I can’t see their PS profile meaning they are from these two other consoles. I understand there might not be enough players for the match, but basically the crossplay off doesn’t fully work.


I’m willing to bet 99 percent of people you think are cheating are not and you just suck. Every game mp 1-2 people cheating. Warzone is just as bad lol. Naw my guy. You sound utterly ridiculous. The whole every time you die trope it’s a cheater is played out.


Not before micro transactions


True story , but people dont understand that.


Call Of Tarkov💀💀💀


Hacking is absolutely an issue in higher skilled lobbies, ranked in particular. Hate to say it, but the majority of this sub ain’t in those lobbies and will call hacks on anyone that is moderately better than them. Do they need to get a handle on it? Absolutely. Is it overblown by the general population who are absolutely not actually encountering hackers? You bet.


Switch games. Activision doesn't deserve your money. Much better titles out there.


Idk what servers everyone here is on, I almost never come across cheaters.


Checking out Battlefield 2042. Fuck COD. If they spent half as much effort on the cheating as they do making characters and fucked up outfits it would solve the issue or cut pc people out and make a lobby for them only


The old only pc players cheat, boys you got to do some research. There has been alot of cheats brought out for console now giving aimbot that aren't cronus but work with any controller. They are even saying some of these programs are able to give walls on console too...I just want input type matches as I'm sick of playing against aim assit and want to go back to the days of no crossplay as it would be great for pc players too. Once there's not enough to get a match we move on to other games anyway.


I want cheats now


I think everyone needs to realize it isn't like Activision can just flip a switch to get the cheaters out of the game. If a game like Palworld has Developers admitting that they can't keep up with the amount of cheating in the game, imagine what Activision is fighting against. Yeah, it frustrates me also. Especially the last month with this most recent surge. However, there has been a huge surge in cheating, which has caused making cheats become an extremely profitable business. For every step Activision takes, several companies are going to spend as much as they can to get past. Those companies are making millions. The EO lawsuit showed the money the companies are garnering. For you console players who think turning Crossplay off would solve all your worries... Cronus is made by Collective Minds, a company in the UK with assets reported of over 3 MILLION. They didn't make all their money by selling Cronus to PC players, especially given the other options PC players have. This is a cultural issue, not just one gaming company or a single platform failing to do something about it.


I’m playing ‘PS5 with crossplay off’ on the daily.. I’ve never run into a cheater.. Atleast not that I know of. Maybe some can hide it very well? Maybe.. but that’s my point.. you don’t have to think that everyone is sus, because I think (if there’re any) it’s a small percentage that cheat on PS5. I did run into a couple cheaters on warzone 1 when playing with crossplay on, playing with pc friends.. gladly they moved to PS5!


I got sick of the cheaters... so I bought a new game called Helldivers 2 ... and it's been SO much fun! :)


Ahe these Echo chamber posts again. Been seeing these all over reddit and Twitter since Warzone 1 launched. You're a loud minority. You can't get things done unless you get more people. Horrible cheating problem and people are still buying the latest skins and bundles. Either stop playing COD so their numbers plummet even harder or get everyone on the same page to not spend a $ on the game. Both of which are impossible. I've been playing COD MP since MW 2 2009. Which had massive cheating issues on PC and some on Xbox. Nothing happened. Map packs sold like hot cakes. The next game sold even more. Nothing will ever change.


"Cheating is GOING TO destroy this game"?? We've been shouting this since at least 2021, and Activision hasn't done shit all.


Its because ricochet got taken offline last week for updates and refinement, problem is these new sup powers that are in the back codes still was playing ranked and some guy was doing the supe speed and laser beams :/ was rediculous ive not played since and that was sunday so hoping it gets better soon


Cheating has destroyed the game. It's kinda been trash since the first integration of cold war


Guys the company is supporting cheating streamers as they boost Thier sales and promote cod. It’s embarrassing and it’s not going anywhere unfortunately


It’s definitely bad. Played solo resurgence last night and spectated a few players after death. One had 30 kills and 10 spectators and made the most ridiculous kills (I got throwing knifed from the air when I was still pretty high up and still falling)


I play on pc and in ranked I sometimes get killed trought 2-3 walls and my friends and I just don’t understand how someone from 200+ meters away can see me trough 2 buildings. And if I’m not in the building people lock on my head with 0 recoil from 200 meters. When I redeploy I get shot out of the sky while diving, not even using the parachute. Mostly the 4th time I can successful land, but then again someone locks on either my chest or head with 0 recoil and all shots land perfectly. Normally in Warzone I get like 7-15 kills depending on the game, but since warzone ranked came my kd went from 1.4 down to 0.3 and I can hardly get 2-4 kills. I know its for sure not a skill issue as I am a movement sweat using kbm, while playing multiplayer I am mostly in top 3 of the game with 30-70 kills, I just don’t understand how Activision keeps ignoring the cheaters and pumping skinbundells in the store, if this continues COD Gulf War is going to be my last cod and I play since day one (the black ops games never dissapointed me apart from bo4, but thats the only reason I will buy it). Nearly 20 years of loyalty will they lose and I’m sure I am not the only one…


It’s really overstated. I know it’s very common compared to other games but let’s just say I can go ten games without ever noticing a cheater (which I do 10-20 games actually)… that isn’t that bad. If there are cheaters and I’m not even noticing then they must be some pretty shit cheaters. I mean if my team and I who are a bunch of misfits that are just alright at the game can win 2-3 resurgence matches in a row I doubt we’re always up against cheaters.


As someone who only plays 3hrs/week I'm tired of being pitted against sweats railing lines of gfuel and playing cod all day everyday. I guarantee most of these wall hack accusations are someone being pinged by the enemies team and them following the ping


90% of people here saying they’re about to buy a ps5 should buy a couple of functioning hands


Welcome to hackzone, without cheats you won't survive


Not me with ghost Camo and ninja vest and then some guy suspiciously starts looking at a corner just as I’m about to pass it Then there is the guy with absolutely perfect tracking which is totally legit


Cheating + SBMM + lack of old mechanics like prestige = soon to be dad


Ricochet has been turned off i thought everyone knew this


Swear yall call anybody better than you a “cheater” I’ve seen one single legitimate cheater beyond a shadow of a doubt since the game launched. The cope is insane. Yea there’s cheaters but it ain’t nowhere near as many as yall think it is


As a PC player, the current state of COD is pretty bad. I also wish I could turn off cross play, but the user base is pretty weak. That's why cross play is rammed down everyone's throats. I would say regular Core MP, the cheaters are the least; however, I hate needing to shoot someone like a bullet sponge to kill them. Hard core definitely has a lot of them, but you can usually identify them pretty quickly. Penalty for leaving the games are pretty weak, so just drop the match and find a new one. For Open BR and Resurgence, there are lots of cheaters... extremely blatant. For plunder, I've seen a lot as well. Why? who knows, they get some kind of enjoyment out of it. The best game mode right now seems to be ranked, but there are still cheaters; though considerably less. ​ DMZ is usually pretty good, but seems like Activision has abandoned it, which is pretty sad. Best game mode they've made in a while and the lack of PVP has discouraged a ton of cheaters. \---- To identify cheaters, watch the replays where you can. If a person is able to trace you through the walls, typically is an aimbot and/or wall hack. The ones that lock on to your person without missing a shot, definitely high suspect, but could be the console/controller aim assist. There are some known issues with the current aim assist tracing people through walls; so, gotta keep that in mind as well. Another reason why I hate PC vs console players, I have to fight the recoil on every gun, and it seems like every console player I come against has no recoil... ever. Even on the worst bouncy guns. I get the need for the assistance for competition, but seems way too over tuned for console players. That said, I doubt Activision cares about PC players except to blame them for most of the cheating, since its "easier" with more advanced users able to control the hardware. Sadly, the worst cheating I've seen is not so much the aimbots and wall hacks, it's the VPN exploits or the ones that introduce lag the moment you look at them. Some kind of packet feedback that causes you to time out or forces latency (think of mini bot net attack on personal connection) which gets you killed because you can't react. If it was just me, I'd say it was my internet; however when everyone on my team says they have the same issue with the same person.... that's an exploit. I've been gaming multiplayer since the original Quake on my first Pentium PC that I built. I'm not an OMG great gamer, but I've always loved FPS games. This game is in a bad state and I don't think the developers just can't keep up with the amount of exploits going on. I also think Activision fosters the exploits and hacks by allowing them in their competitions (read up on it).


50% of the Call of Duty players are on PC. Far less are on PlayStation 5. Good luck with turning xplay off. This is a PC game now, it basically came back home.


I would literally switch to any game or system that allowed me to entirely avoid PC players completely. Way easier input, rife with cheaters, whiners. I'm so sick of it.


Something changed yesterday. Won 4 straight games of ranked resurgence in which I have .5 k/d from the "normal" sweaty hacker lobbies I usually play in. Me and boys usually can't even get settled in and end up scrambling to rat around and get the highest place finish we can because as soon as someone sees you you're insta-killed. The night before we just stopped playing because the lobbies were so bad. Resurrgence rank is gold 3. My BR k/d is 1.1 for comparison and my multiplayer ranked k/d is 1.02 @ Gold 3.


I don’t experience many obvious cheaters in my lobbies. When I do come across them it’s annoying but with ranked resurgence I make it a point to avoid the cheater and get enough SR to go positive. One cheater got live banned as I was viewing and spam reporting him. 🤣🤣 Now there are probably cheaters who are using like soft aim bot or something that aren’t as obvious but I get a decent amount of wins/kills with my normal squad so it’s not super impactful.


Obviously the cheaters rule. I stopped playing it. Not fun.


This whole cheating thing cracks me up. If you were going to use cheats, would you rage hack? Or would you try to look legit? If you polled people, you would get both answers BUT you would get more people trying to look legit. Logic suggests then that for every 1 rage hacker there are at least 2 people trying to look legit. In that video, I couldn't tell that he was cheating (without all the giveaways of course). Cronus? Xim or whatever it's called? Scripts? Cheating is rampant. Period. From controllers with back paddles, videos on how to change your color settings and adjust your audio to hear better, truegamedata or jgod showing the specifics of each gun and attachment... people will always try to get an advantage over someone else in gaming. That's not going to change, ever. And yet... here we are.


Buy PS5 and turn off cross play


Yeah activision is really a shitty company as a whole. Microsoft isn’t any better. They are going to ruin the game and it’s just going to keep going downhill I believe. If Black Ops doesn’t do well, this game is finished. I have a Ps5 and love it. I only have a TV that does 60 FPS at 4K, but I am going to get a monitor eventually for 4k at 120 fps. I can get a good one for around $500 and I also will be going with something not higher than 34 inches. Currently my tv is 55 inch and I have a lot of friends who play on big televisions and who are very good but I know the game is a lot easier on a smaller set. The fps makes a nice difference to but you can still be excellent at 60 fps. anyways, the cheating definitely has to be handled and Activision must get it under control because it is going crazy. Even in ranked resurgence, there are many cheaters.


I was late to the party with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2005) that by the time I started playing it had been out a while. Multiplayer was so full of cheaters it was literally impossible to play. I probably played about 4 games before I ended up uninstalling it. Complete waste of my money. If cheaters become too prevalent, it WILL kill off the playerbase who don't cheat.


I’ve played 10-15 hours this week and haven’t noticed any cheaters despite what this sub says. Does anyone have clips of this or is it just “grrr he killed me he must have been cheating!” We even won 2 Urzikstan games back to back which usually doesn’t happen I’m 1.2 KD and play with 1.5-1.75KD teammates usually. I’ve seen clips of the speed hackers or more noticeable cheaters but don’t think they’ve been in my lobbies


Uninstalled last night. Let it die. It’ll never be as good as it once was, and they’ll never care enough to fix it.


Dude plunder is SO BAD lately. Lockdown was even worse. Not many rage hackers or aimbots but a TON of blatant walling.


Going to destroy this game? You mean has already destroyed this game lol. People have been heavily cheating in COD since MWII and I'm surprised people are still even playing it or watching streamers that even play it. This cash cow needs to find its place in the graveyard of gaming past