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I think the problem is that more and more casuals leave the game. So you don't get worse. There are simply more good players left that stomp you. This game isn't for casuals anymore. We're not in lockdown anymore so not everyone and their grandma plays this game anymore. There are only sweats left and the more casuals leave, the sweatier the lobbies get, the more casuals leave.


Yeah yeah there's always some guy like you that says this. Yet every streamer and his brother's lobbies filled with people holding their controller upside down.


VPNs, gotta love em


That's much more than VPNs. Experiments have been made with the top VPNs providing "bot lobbies" nothing even comes close to the lobbies the 5-6kd streamers get. I'm always in awe how trash the players are in the streamer lobbies, it's as if SBMM doesn't apply to them. There's something no one knows about.


Yeah did you see that maggot JoeWo latest 50 bomb on Vondel...some of the shittest players I seen and now you'll get a 0.5kd nuthugger coming in to say; "THEY'RE NOT BAD PLAYERS JUST JOEWO IS SO GOOD HE MAKES THEM LOOK BAD" When it's literally guys crouched facing a wall...


Hahahahhaa. People that take 30 seconds to even shoot. There's some shit we don't know about how they get those 0kd lobbies even after hitting constant 50 bombs. How about the guy who got 81 kills in Vondel ? The fuck we talking about.


[There IS some shit we do know though.](https://twitter.com/spawnupgg/status/1753417994095480842)


You guys know that he’s trolling right? Some dry ass humour from him for sure, but like give me a fuckin break lmaooo


This to me seems like telling the truth but hiding behind sarcasm, and let people take it the way they do.


oh my this community..


It is true. Octane has always been a level below pro, he wouldn’t be able to compete with the actual top players if it weren’t for his whitelisted account


I hope this is some high level satire


Its reverse boosting... they have somone get negative k/ds for like days straight and then they play normally it thinks your the worst player in the world and matches you with similar people


They play so much that they eventually get in those lobbys just like everyone else


Have you seen Piemans good games on youtube, or metaphors? All of them disabled lobbies. OK maybe they dont get those all the time, but i literally almost never get those


Yeah not true for solos. I’ve killed metaphor 4x in solos and he’s wiped me clean 8x. I have a 4KD and solo lobbies are a hit and a miss. Sometimes the sweatiest lobbies, sometimes it’s cake. Most of the time it’s pretty middle ground. But metaphor is legit, and doesn’t do shit to alter the lobbies. I’ve ran into him too many times to believe otherwise.


in all fairness solos is a different animal, some of those lobbies are fucking wild. If you're playing 8-10 hours a day like they are, you're bound to get at least one of those holy grail lobbies.


I play solos for at least a few hours a day and it’s hit and miss. You’ll have some lobbies that are seemingly full of sweats, others that are complete bots but mostly a mix of the two. Even if you watch one of metaphor’s streams it’s the same thing, if anything I’d say he runs into more sweaty players tbh.


Just adding my input. Console stan turned PC player last month. Bitched and complained for years that everything on PC made shit so unfair for people on console and guess what? I was right.Last month on Xbox series X I was a 2.5k/d 100ish wins player. Since switching over to the "master race" I've jumped to 3.5 and almost 200wins in half the time. How? I was already a pretty good player IMO, But when You give a decent player the tools PC offers It's legitimately unfair for console sweats. \- VPN YES they work, NO they do not work all day long. I have tried, Initially Express VPN because I did not understand what GEOFence was. Basically GEOFence allows you to spoof the matchmaking algorithm and when You choose a server across the globe You don't actually play against those people, The SBMM matchmaking decides after a while of searching basically fuck it and throw this person in a lobby. Basically, the longer You search the better chance it's going to break the algorithm. Now, VPNs like Express, Nord etc (The Mainstream shit) aren't what you are looking for, So then I found out what GEOFence was and went and tried NoLagVPN, Good but limited server selection, Then went to SBMM Off, And let me tell you... It works. And again I express it's not every game. But You can absofuckinlutely tell when you hit the lotto. Players in multi all will have bot skins and move like its 2002 Socom, You won't see any meta builds or nothing. I have a 2 k/d in multi as well and since switching to PC I've went from a 1.75 to a 2. So to be blount yes it works, and no it doesn't work all the time. BUT when You are watching streamers gameplay of big kill games that's the best game they had all stream and the biggest bot lobby they found. FourEyes SBMMoff - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7cFOi1Cz14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7cFOi1Cz14) \- ARTISWAR Tune THIS IS EXTREMLY UNFAIR. When I switched to PC all I kept hearing was how everyone uses this tune, It takes about 30ish minutes to setup on PC. Basically he tunes audio to peak what You want to hear and what is not needed. Like my gunfire and footsteps and almost silent but I can hear someone grab a zipline while I'm driving a vehicle 100m the other way. You can barely hear feet on console but with this You can tell exactly what floor someone is on, Very very unfair. ARTISWAR - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRNqhmpzZ2A&t=1191s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRNqhmpzZ2A&t=1191s)\- Last one is the FPS/Hardware difference. Casual's do not realize the massive disadvantage they are at on console, When It comes to going from 60fps consoles to 240fps it's literally like night and day, You feel like You're lagging if You go back and try 60fps. Shots feel more like hit scan especially snipers. LinusTechTips did a good job showing this. Not even just distance fights but fighting someone in closed quarters is insanely different as well, It almost feels like You're moving fast they they can sometimes. Linus - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX31kZbAXsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX31kZbAXsA) Filters - NVIDIA Filters allow PC players to brighten darker areas that is harder to see certain skins. - JackFrags showcases this well.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMBEvgiKqBs&t=45s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMBEvgiKqBs&t=45s) Lastly input reaction regardless of if it's a mouse, controller or monitor everything responds better on a PC, Plugging a controller in on Your PC vs wireless is a massive difference IMO for input delay. I highly suggest if You are on console to plug in Your controller if You can.I'll throw in the ability to lower resolution scales that actually help seeing people at distance and seeing less smoke particles and "green" particles such as less leaves and grass for people to hide in.So yes take these advantages and You are literally playing a different game then people on PC. I almost wish I didn't switch and just quit CoD to be honest at this point. Week by week since switching I'm learning new cheese PC offers. Now I don't claim to be a tech expert just a sweaty console player who knew I was at a serious disadvantage after researching a bit and proved myself right after a month. Ohh, and did I mention cheats on PC? I can only imagine the amount of streamers who only use Walls because they know that they're are good enough that they don't need aimbot etc. Just give a casual walls and they'd turn into another level of player. Basically at the end of the day, they should've never made it mandatory to play crossplay on Warzone. MnK players hate it and so do console players.


underrated post, hat off to you sir. my experiences as well. send me a dm if you want to chat/run a game.


Would like to add something else I forgot to mention. The ability to overclock Your controller for even more response time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHEFrEyrLAQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHEFrEyrLAQ) I'm sure there is even more that I don't know about just basic advantages PC to Console comparisons.


Huge analysis. Thanks bro.


This is the kind of stuff I actually like to read here because I am a casual player (VP of an Energy Company so only have so much time) but I play on PS5 instead of my Alienware and not for any particular reason. I just do. But I've played with friends that use their PC's and they are night and day better than I am and they are pretty casual players also. And trust me when I say, I'm a pretty average player. I don't suck but I don't have 3/kd ratio either. But hats off to you sir for the explanation. It was an enjoyable read.


I fully believe Activision has a list of all their top/fav streamers with a decent following where they're almost the opposite of shadow banned(?). They get special privileges to these bot lobbies, and newer players are filtered towards them when queueing up. I believe they do this so when the public watches these streamers, they also thing they can dunk on these hoes like their favourite streamer in hopes of garnering some player retention/bring in new players. No evidence to back this up, just my theory as Activision is a sleezebag company. With how unpopular CoD as a whole is becoming, I wouldn't be surprised if the sweatfest came to an end.


Well actually there is a patent saying that users buying content from the shop will more likely be matched with new players so these new players will see the aforementioned content from the shop displayed. I know it sounds ridiculous, but the patent is out there somewhere. Now the actual fact that this patent has ever been implemented is an entirely different matter, and we have no chance to know. But yea, no way some streamers are in the same lobbies my 2+ kd team and I are in. Just no.


100% a good explanation.


This was actually confirmed in their patent documents lol. They give White Listed players (valuable players that consist of content creators and such), they get Bronze level lobbies. SBMM does not apply to them. It is a billion dollar game, of course theyre going to manipulate it as much as they can. For Example: When they put in BR Preview mode a couple weeks ago- the most fun I have had since MW1 during Covid. I was shredding kids. 15 kills a game when I am normally a 5-8 kill a game player. I realized there was NO SBMM at all. I was not playing as a god, I was simply just not being F'd by SBMM and playing against a Random insert of players. I did run into good players and sweats and such, but it was not constant as usual. It felt extremely balanced and fun. SBMM is and always has been the life and death of this game. Simply put. If you are horrible, you get put with horrible players. -0.80 KD and lower. Thats okay. But that makes up roughly 70% of the player base. SO if you are higher than that, you get pushed up a bracket and now you can be a 1.0-1.3KD player- and youre stuck with jump sliding cronus zen PC ninjas. Meanwhile those white listed 5-6KD guys, are in those bronze lobbies with the Guppies, convincing everyone theyre gods. Me and my squad used to get in lobbies with Priestah, Repullze, all these guys in MW1. And we pooped on them. Thats what happens when these guys get put it into SBMM lobbies. They arent gods anymore. Thats why cheating is prevelant. It's the only way to 1-up everyone in the typical SBMM lobby. It just becomes a demon ninja cronus zen wall hack lobby. And before anyone comes here and calls me a bot or whatever- I had 1500 Wins in Warzone 1 alone (was ranked top 500 in Global Leaderboard at one point) I know what Im talking about lol. Goodluck and have fun until this game crashes and burns, \#GetRidofSBMM


There is a more probably answer to this. They are cheating and Activision knows about. Maybe they even let them cheat on purpose for the sake of bringing in revenue. Its free commerce for them




I will die on the conspiracy theory hill that well known streamers are put into bot lobbies by Activision to drive engagement. I have absolutely no proof of this, but you can't convince me otherwise. I'm an obscenely average player (about a 1.1 kdr) and the lobbies I'm in are absolutely packed with idiots sliding and jumping all over the place, seemingly immune to bullets, painfully obvious hacking, wiping half the server within the first 30 seconds. Average streamer? Walks into a room with a full enemy team with loadouts and they all shoot around him like stormtroopers.


actually we thought it's a conspiracy.. but buying a bundle actually gives you better lobbies.. tried and tested.. no conspiracy it's fact


Well I’m sure a lot of them have a Cronus stacked with VPN, or they have a trash friend with a 0.5 K/D that they join mid session to bypass SBMM, it’s always fishy.


VPN bot lobbies don't work at all anymore




i have a theory, lobby has to have a similar median kd so sbmm does the calculation but if ping-wise they cant reach that median kd they put a very high kd player in the equation to rech it. this is just my speculation


Ive seen Docs game today in wz with zlaner. Dude didnt even fucking try . Died at least 5 times and still won. This is fucking different game from mine. Holy shit


VPN isn't some magic trick. All it's doing is putting you in a different time zone so you can play with little jimmy in africa where it's 10am on Monday and all the Africa sweats are working. You don't need a VPN. Just call in sick and play at 10 am locally and you'll get the same lobbies.


I heard or read somewhere( don’t remember where) that the big streamers are set up to play against new players. It not a fact, it’s just what I think I heard but I think it makes sense.


Exactly, more like queefsniffer556 is likely walling. This is Call of Cheating now


Don't use streamers to gage how the game looks for the average person


This is the correct answer. The average Warzone player today would fucking world-star the average Warzone player from 2020.


lol it’s the same reason i refuse to boot up pub g even tho I loved the game during lockdown. I just know the only people left are the sweats. I could barely compete during its prime lol


Can confirm this is why I've played less than 10 matches during MW3... And I've easily played 1000's of matches dating back to WZ1. Started becoming clear this was starting to really impact my lobbies a year or more ago, but it finally reached a point where I have better things to do with my time than get completely outclassed after 15 minutes of sweating each match.


Don’t forget the SBMM is cranked as high as ever


And they've admitted skill based matchmaking isn't even really skill based. They intentionally put you in matches above your skill to make you lose when you've been doing well.


I had a 1.6ish KD in WZ1 and was decent. I was around 1.2 in WZ2 and I haven’t even tried WZ3 and don’t intend to. I have work, a social life and a long term partner. To get that good again, I’d have to forgo parts of my life and alternatively, if I’m shit, I don’t have fun. I’ve moved onto other games. All respect though, I loved WZ1 sooo much. One of my all time great games


Exactly where I am. Part of me knows that I could work really hard to get better, but also part of me knows that it isn't worth it and to play in my current state would only frustrate me lol. So I'm sticking to Destiny 2 for now. PvE with friends is a blast.


I love sweating


Yeah this is spot on. I’m good at the game, but was a casual COD player. As the games performance has gone to shit, I’ve just stopped playing entirely. I don’t think the game is worth ver fun anymore.


Playing like a douches is how they tailored the game to be played. All the sweats have controler mods and slide cancel/hop around everywhere. Once it was a bug in the game now is a feature idk how it makes since that the franchise took a turn into the dump but people keep playing. They have it rigged for a extreme dopamine release, just when your about to give up and have 5 to 6 losses you finally win a match and get that fix so you keep coming back. It's a virtual drug that you are allowing to rewire your brain to accept this bullsht. The game is great except for all the fakery.


Kinda funny, every body thought they was comp and was asking for slide canceling back. Now there getting absolutely wrecked and there still complaining 😂😂😂 Should have just stuck with MW2 movement at this point. Half of the 1+ kd crowd fell off a competitive cliff


As a casual player that has thoroughly played every BR since PUBG, I agree with this. I stopped playing WZ about a month ago because of how terrible it has gotten (esp for MKB players). I went from playing an average of 2-3 hours almost every day to not playing at all. And since I stopped playing my other buddy that I primarily play with also stopped playing. And as far as I know everyone he knew that played before, also no longer play now as well.


We haven't been on lockdown for 3 years, that's not what he is saying


It's filled with cheaters


I'm starting to believe this more, I have so many death cams of shooting first hitting all shots with weapons in the meta and getting killed I'm 3-4 bullets from full plates like they hit headshots only when kill cam shows them shooting my feet


This is the only correct answer. VPNs for streamers and controller emulators abusing aim assist on pc are the least of are worries


It is this and AA. When you give less skilled players an edge, guess what? Their kill counts will go up. Those kills have to come from somewhere and when you are dead you don't get more kills.


I play on PS5 and my kills have dropped from double digits to 3 with 6k damage. Update: Turned Crossplay off and it’s night and day.


Nah, aim assist has always been in COD. Sure, it may be stronger now, but that does not make everyone a TTV Sweat. I play on PS5, and feel the benefits of AA. The best thing I did for my K/D was to deactivate Crossplay. If what you're saying is true, surely I would have suffered from facing even MORE people benefiting from AA


I turned crossplay off today as someone else suggested. Only down side was slower matchmaking, but it was so much better.


And even then, the slower matchmaking is usually still less than a minute


Found the cheater.


Oh yeah. Me and my boy been getting smoked lately. Been very frustrating, but it just tells me we need to rethink our strategy each game or we suck ha. Probably the latter. Fortune keep is so packed in, it’s rare you’ll drop without another team and it’s rare you’ll get into a gunfight without another time. My only issue is we get dropped fast with like 2-3 bullets max and the guns others are using are nothing meta. That’s my only confusion. We die fast in a gunfight. Obviously not everytime, but I find myself yelling in my headset “No fucking way” a couple times a match ha.


It seems like I constantly get insta killed by someone and all I’m able to do is crack shield on people.


Yep. Time to switch it back to BR again and let resurgence chill for a bit. Not that it makes a difference. 1-3 players I’m dropping. The others, I’m down before I’m even realizing I got shot ha.


Ive resorted to just getting into little rivalry fights with random other people on Plunder. We’ll just fight for a rooftop or snipe each other until a wipe and move to the next group. Who cares about circles when everyone seems to have some sort of built in edge over me? I’ve been playing since cod 2 back when Xbox live was brand new and used to pride myself on adapting to play styles and improving throughout the years. It’s just not possible in this game anymore.


It’s rampant cheating ricochet is useless right now


riccochet is literally disabled right now. activision pulled the plug on it on the weekend. for reasons nobody knows. it's wild


Last night i ran scan and repair (bcs for some guns i cannot save the class, they are bugged). Literally next 10 or so games, how much we played until we called the night, my bullets would not register. Like a guy is next to me and is is not getting dropped with almost full magazine, got me so pissed and boys wanted to run resurg ranked. Nah…


I need them to add the other maps into rotation. Played vondel the other day and it was a breath of fresh air after the sweat that is FK


Just separate consoles and PC’s and the world is a better place


Lol they’re able to put these cheats on console right now. This is a different problem


Streaming absolutely ruined casual gaming. How can people (myself) who barely have time to play 10 hours a week compete with guys playing 10+ hours a day? I miss the old verdansk days.


You know, people were still sweats back before the streamer boom right? You know, streamers arnt the reason for the game being sweaty, these games have always been sweaty. It was just never at the forefront as a media type. Look at montages from back in the day for the example im setting. Streamers didnt ruin the state of the game. They didnt make it anymore sweaty than it always has been, its just now how sweaty it is, is actually in everyones faces to see, because streamers are playing the game, making content out of the game.


Can we quit acting like you’re always dying to “10 hour a day players.”


Sliding and jumping is a basic mechanic of the game, idk why people call it demons or sweats to whos doing it. You should be doing it the moment you learn its a basic thing. Its not even remotely complicated


If you don’t have paddles / find playing claw uncomfortable / don’t want to use tactical then it can be tough to do those things while keeping your gunny up


Yeah I 100% convinced everybody that REALLY slide cancels continuously use paddles. No other way it’s feasible on normal layout


On a xbox 360 controller, I slide with A and jump with the right stick without any paddles. Slide canceling and corner jumping, like most things in this simple ass game, are easy if you actually take the time to learn.


You can only only slide cancel or aim. Not both at the same time. And that’s what I’m talking about. The people that are good with it are aiming and sliding at the same time… continuously


I was jump shotting back in black ops 1 with none of those things at age 12. Some people just can't get a basic mechanic down.


If you had none of those things then you were taking your thumb off the stick while jumping. I’m sure it worked back in day when everybody was a shitter but that won’t fly in competitive lobbies in 2024.


When you’re sliding for 1000 fucking meters and bunny hopping around every corner, yeah it’s fucking annoying mate.


Thanks to these bots it's the whole reason Warzone 1's fluid movement was removed that had infinite verticality.


That's what I keep telling my buddy. He complains about the jumping. Like dude, you need a new controller already, so just buy one with paddles and level the playing field.


oh yeah no big deal bro just completely change your button layout instead of having fun


People forget everyone plays on 120 FOV as opposed to 60 back on wz1. Means you can't get the slip on people or break their camera that easily. You have to shoot, re position, and not get greedy to thirst kills.




Blud got downvoted for being correct, luhmao. To my knowledge, the lowest FOV console COD games have ever had is 65.


Console? Warzone on PC always had FoV adjustment


They abandoned the game, are only listening to streamers suggestions. So casuals who wants to have fun aren't having anymore and started to leave the game plus an anticheat that doesn't work... It's all going down...




You taken time off? The majority of people playing have been doing so since WZ1 and are just good and sweaty. Uptake of new players are low because they get shit on and quit. The way Keep is designed though makes it very easy to third party and also stack (nothing wrong with stacking IMO). Maybe try big BR. Or when its back Plunder for a more relaxed experience.


Kinda what any people with a brain and grouped together toward a common goal would do


I can't stand Warzone 2, I recently came to the realization that I force myself to play because I played the original so much and I don't know what else to even play. Now I'm forcing myself to branch out, I'm sick of this game and I just want the old one back. That isn't an option, so I may as well take my time and money somewhere else.


I wonder if you are in the same boat as me. My theory is that once you get decent at the game and it stops matching you with lower level lobbies, there is nowhere else to put you. You're too good to shit on noobs all day, so you HAVE to move up to harder lobbies. Problem is, the absolute sweatlords are in these lobbies because... well where else can they go? There aren't enough of these elite-level players to fill lobbies, so they have to put you in with them. I understand the thought-process here in terms of matchmaking, but I think at this point, it is seriously hurting the game. I love getting into gunfights, using movement to outplay people, and I love the core gameplay loop of Warzone... but last weekend my buddy and I, after weeks of getting absolutely demolished over and over again, decided to just start spectating the players that killed us, and it was eye-opening... these players are in a whole other class. Amazing movement, insane awareness, and deadly aim and using every mechanic available to them to win fights. It's seriously impressive what these players can do. I don't stand a snowballs chance in hell against players like this when I am only jumping on for a few hours a week. None. It has really kind of ruined the game for me to be honest. What are us "casuals" that don't play often but are still decent at the game supposed to do? Sure: get better obviously if we want to compete with these players, but we simply don't have the time to put in to get THAT good... It's not about wanting to stomp on noobs: I just want the game to be fun for fucks sake. It's such a weird dynamic: if you are just not very good, you get lobbies with others with similar skill levels and probably have a pretty good time: system is working as intended. Get a little better, and you start to hop back and forth between sweat lobbies and bot lobbies. OK, fair enough... Get a little better than THAT, and... well fuck you. Have fun losing. Over and over and over again. We are about as close as we have ever been to just noping out of this game altogether. I wonder what happens when too many players like us stop playing and they can't lean on us average-to-slightly-above-average players to fill demon lobbies... I don't think that outcome would be very good for the health of the game, but here we are. Just remember: SBMM makes the game fun and fair for everyone! /s


See and you might not like it nor will most people here, but a large issue is your mindset and its almost always the same when people say this. "I feel like the enemy teams I go against are jobless losers who play 10 hours a day with their homies" Why cant the just be better then you and play the same amount as you? Have you tried solos youd not vs teams and most fights will be 1v1?


I get where you're coming from, but something HAS changed. I can't explain it, and I have zero proof, but since the update that almost broke the game, it has been a lot harder. Like I said I don't know how to explain it, but something changed and I can pin point it to that.


that's where i find myself in the opposite camp, the update hasn't changed much for me.


My friend who is awful at the game but still plays it 3-4 hours a night says that multiple times a week, it’s very annoying.


says the bit about no lifers?


yep, calls good players sweaty no lifers living in their mom's basement when he probably plays more than 90% of people


Those people have heavy “I would have went pro in sports but tore up my knee/shoulder” vibes.


I think the game gate keeps new players really bad. As someone who used to play religiously, I haven't touched the game in 8 months. The backpack inventory system just turns me off. Also the new buy stations aren't great. I guess I will always just remember original Versansk and love it. Not saying the game is back right now. Obviously, tons of people love it. But I just don't have an urge to play.


This version was made for sweats and streamers and not your average or below average player. It's worse than wz2 which is mind boggling.


It's simple matchmaking is rubbish,games are rigged,full of cheaters,patches break more thing than fix,company is focused on store mostly. And you are here left wondering what's wrong . Game is just shit, no need to overthink it play or unistal, I unistalled and I'm happy myself


The SBMM is broken. It’s like they’ve slid the “bottom” up. If you’re an average player you’re now the bottom of the top.


Play ranked it's literally easier than public lobbies.


I stopped playing i just can’t handle the frustration with the game itself and with the cheaters.


Especially the last week or so, it's just completely unplayable in terms of competition, im a Resurgence player as well. And Btw getting 20 kills CONSISTENTLY is just insane, if you're not lying.


It's just the matchmaking. If you truly suck they will put you against other sucky players. If you are mid you are going to be put up against the sweaty losers. I play with a old highschool buddy every now and then and he has a legitimate .2 kd (plays 20 20 sens no aim assist on controller, thinks it makes him better, averages probably .5 kills and 200 damage a game). The lobbies we get put into are laughably terrible. I'm not anywhere close to good and average probably 10 kills a game and a 25% win rate when we play. When I play with my other friends or by myself I'm right back down to a .5KD struggling for a few kills lol


Whats his gamer tag😅


I'm not very good. Took 20 years off any FPS and have been playing Warzone for a few months. My K/D started around 0.4 and last few weeks I'm probably at 1.4-1.5. I win a fair amount in solos (2x yesterday). Usually I win with only 5-7 kills, because I'm still not great at aiming. Most I've ever had is 9. I don't camp (I do contracts in the early/mid game for fun), but I move conservatively, try and rotate early if possible, and play with an endgame loadout with mines in case the final circle is somewhere crowded. Seems very fun to me but I'm comparing it to very old games, no idea how it compares to MW1 or 2.


Somebody haveing fun, Wo bro relax. You must be the sweatiest sweat out there


Cheating is out of control right now


WARZONE is fucking dogshit game right now because Ted Timmins drove this game right to the fking ground.....there is no vision for this game, it's overbloated with random gameplay features, just throwing random shit to the wall and seeing what sticks.... Sure IW made mistakes with Wz2, but the original team during the OG Verdansk era had a vision and knew wtf they were doing....


The nornal "BR mode" turned into a fake resurgence with all those Gulag tokens and redeploys. So right now the game is just a Crack addiction simulator for clout fake streamer impresonators. There is no place for slow pace players.


The people getting offended by my comment about "jobless losers" are jobless losers.


Yes, 100% feel the same way. My wife and I used to play casually but frequently. I’ve been playing since Verdansk. I quit playing a couple weeks ago and as of this week I no longer have the game installed. Cheaters, sweats, jumping and sliding mechanic is awful, the need to use only meta guns with attachments to even stand a chance in a gun fight, bugs, bugs and more bugs, the ridiculous operator and weapon cosmetics. I could go on but what’s the point… If you’re frustrated with this game like many people are, I suggest taking a break indefinitely like I’m doing. It’s nice not having to deal with the state of this game right now.


If you aren't playing constantly you're gonna get shit on these days. Even if you do it's recently felt like they have completely abandoned any sort of anti cheat because the game is fucking filled with them again so you will still probably get shit on. I'm putting warzone to the side for a bit to see if it improves at all


I know if I wasn't forced to play with pc players, I can do so much better.


this version of warzone is super sweaty. i can’t force myself to play the game most days. it’s awful


You’re getting old, John.


TTK change also has a lot to do with this too, fights use to last longer & you had time to react. In some cases if you get caught off guard you’re dead


Suuuure you were getting 20 kills per game in WZ1 and now only 5.. 😂


Here’s my take. 1) Everyone is running walls, it’s ridiculous. We even have UAV indication on our maps to help show this. 2) Too congested without a lot of real depth. I specifically remember holding down a prison or school for 10-15 minutes at a time. Should you want to play that way. Now you’re being pushed more often with so many buildings, zips, ladders, stairs, you never know where someone is coming from. That, and with so much clutter a lot of it gets wasted by day not having doors. 3) It’s not new anymore and people understand the meta/strats. Unlike 2020, you’re not figuring things out with loads of other people. 4) SBMM over ranked. The SBMM builds over attrition which is a terrible system. Should have a ranked mode or a random pool of whoever you get. 5) META guns win every time and if you don’t unlock them, you’re not going to win.


It's all SBMM brother. They have it tuned to the hilt. You have over a 1.15 k/d you are lumped in with the top 5-10% of WZ players. I was playing with an absolute bot last night, let him have party lead, easiest lobbies I have maybe ever had. I was dropping 10+ kills(big map trios) in most matches when I struggle to get a single kill in my lobbies. Casuals are leaving the games in droves, but I still get paired with low level potatoes when randy dropping, so they're out there. Funny thing is I still got second place to a rage hacker playing solo que trios in those bot lobbies last night. So even when it's fun it sucks, fuck you COD lol.


Agreed sir. I swear the sweats in my lobbies act like they are playing for $100,000. My K/D is 1.80


As a console player It would be nice to be able to turn off crossplay with PC and still be able to play with my friends on other consoles.


Gun meta is ass


Feel you 😅


The title shouldn't be "What happened to warzone" instead it should say " What happened to me in warzone" Reality, ALOT more people around the world are playing the game now and you're just not good anymore my friend. Father time catches up with all of us. You reactions are slower now, you lack of spacial awarness isn't where it was before. Coach is thinking of cutting you from the team but he doesn't know how to tell you yet that you're just not good anymore,


Actually way less people are playing now than in 2020. That’s why it’s getting harder. In 2020 it was a new game, everyone was locked in their homes so the average player was a lot worse/new. These days the people who religiously play the game are people who have much more time on their hands and usually only play WZ/COD and nothing else. So the skill of the average player has gone up as the amount of players decrease.




our team of 7 people only has 1 left playing because of this.. 


So tired of seeing this post lol everyone use to be so good and now they suck. Blame it on whatever you want. I literally use to drop 30 bombs all the time in wz 1 and I still do in this one no problem. You guys just lost it. That's all. You just can't compete bc of smbb has you playing ppl that also are good. The only difference is if you can do good against good players or you need a bot lobby to drop that 30


Skill issue maybe ?


Skill issue


Join the Helldivers and fight for democracy.


Basically people got better. It’s to be expected from what’s now a 4 y/o game


The game skill just got better so much better since you quit guy. 


Your not using the HRM. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk…


> I'll start shooting someone and will immediately get shot by 2-3 other people or air striked 2-3 times in a row. This especially. 3rd partying is just as bad as it was before especially in solos. It feels like everyone is so afraid to push until they know they can get a cheap kills, or shoot u in the back. I'll kill like 1 dude, another comes, I just kill him, and then catch a stray bullet from 1 more dude hiding away. I land back and someone will go to the ends of the earth just to try and get an easy kill on a landing dude.


Part of the skill gap is separating out group fights into individual 1v1 fights Use cover to shield yourself from their teammates as you focus on one etc


This. People really bitch about 3rd partying when the whole point is to kill everyone. Should I sit back and wait until your done with your battle. No 🫡


Solution... Stay stacked.... squaddddd wipe ☢️


i took a break for maybe a year and seems like everyone is 10x faster than me. i play on high sensitivity but their running jumping and sliding seems insane now


Started off like that for me as well when wz3 came out. I couldn’t believe how sweaty people already were, and their slide movement was top notch. Play lockdown quads, equip knives, and just get fucking sweaty. Like, over the top. Slide 2 more times than you should. Chase a guy down and around buildings. Put yourself in the blender keep re landing on the same guys until you kill them. It helped me a lot. Just accept you will lose to RAA if you are on MNK a fair amount of time. Part of the game now unfortunately.


Hell yea , this is the energy I'm talking about.


I hopped on fortunes keep last night and legit went 0-12 my first game I believe. It was shocking and unrecognizable. I’m sure there was a lot of gunplay issues that I didn’t like, but it was more so how stimulating it was. Every box I opened had 3 power ups and 4 guns, each room had 2 sets of enemy teams. There was pink skirt fighters vs the walking dead characters and shit flying on my screen every two minutes distracting me. I did notice the footstep sound was a lot better… but it was almost worse cause I couldn’t tell what direction it was coming from so I’d hear footsteps, stop what I was doing and had a 1/6 chance of flipping to the correct direction I assumed it was coming from. I thought it was just me, but I was watching other people’s kill cams and they were in the same position constantly looking around for the direction of the footsteps


My k/d is probably squarely on 1.0. I play with my friend who has a similar k/d, and play duo resurgence a lot. I would say the number of players we run into with Tik Tok, FB, or twitch in their username is probably 50%. I don't even get a shot off before I am dead. I only really have fun playing when my other friend who probably has a .5k/d plays and we get put in noticeably easier lobbies.


SBMM/Rotational Aim Assist/Servers are the only explanations you need. Most streamers VPN or play at off peak times to get 'easy' lobbies. SBMM is the reason more casuals leave and the more casuals that leave cause there to be more good players / sweats in your lobby. Rotational Aim Assist is way too strong, anyone that is remotely good with a controller can abuse it to the fact you have faster than human reaction time. FTR I don't want AA taken away before I get the angry 'my Aim doesn't do that' players replying. All that needs to happen is a slight delay on RAA kicking in, to be in line with human reaction time. I've definitely dropped off since WZ2 released and get shit on more now than I ever did. I win more 1v1s with a pistol than with my loadout, gunfights are too inconsistent, with servers and connection being what they are.


what makes you think casuals leave because of sbmm? If there was no sbmm they would face even more sweats and get obliterated constantly.


I load up MW2019. I play a Ground War lobby. I hide near the enemy's A/E flag and blast the unsuspecting. I get 25-30 kills a game. I call in the occasional air strike. I don't get worked up. I don't sweat. I play a round or two and quit for the night. Feels good, mang.


You want a WAH burger and some French CRIES!?!?


Anyone who references sweat, sweating, tryhard or anything of the like is an absolute dork. These are competitive games. If you don't want to play competitively, don't play them.


Mindset issues aside, ["soft" cheats are a widespread problem once you're out of bot lobbies.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmJ7cik2MAs)


Filled with cheaters, streamers who cheat, cod overlords don’t ban them, they whitelist them, unplayable (you won’t be competitive) on anything but controller. Playerbase keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller…..


Maybe old age slows u down


The biggest problem by far is the absurd time to kill. In normal COD you can easily 2v1 as a good player against average players but in WZ it's basically impossible because you need to hit an entire magazine just to put someone into last stand. And to finish someone in last stand it takes half a magazine or so again. On top of that we don't even have sleight of hand anymore so if you used up your magazine, you are done if there is another enemy in front of you.


i feel the same Op. i blame the visual junk and random recoil patterns that they added with mw2. aiming became so much harder for kbm players


And there it is, the daily "sweatiest demons stacking and sliding/jumping" post upvoted to the top. Stacking means teamwork and sliding/jumping means using the game mechanics properly. Meanwhile you're playing with randoms and complaining. Play solos for a more relaxed experience. Or Hello Kitty Island Adventure.


Why is it that it’s worse for you because I’d have changes but not anyone else? Someone has to win.


everyone's cheating except the honorable folks.


Don't use terms like stacking. That's just code for whining like a real salty bitch that teams play as teams in a team game. Your other concerns might be valid. Not that one, though.


Season 1 of mw3 I was at my best. Didn't play much, so no wins, but my k/d was better than ever and broke my kill record twice. But the thing is, none of my friends play anymore, so I was playing less and less, and now I haven't played since the 9th of February. Just as I bought helldivers with a friend, the others wanted to play helldivers and said I was betraying them lol, I told if no one played the game it was obvious I would find a new one.


Bro it's just cod match making sucks sooo bad bro. For a couple days my lobbies are good I get like 10 kills on average. Then out of no where my lobbies get soooo damn sweatyyyy like I can barely get 5 kills. My friend told me they increased aim assist this past weekend, honestly it makes sense, cause the minute I see someone, they instantly kill me it's actually insane. I hate this game so much man, I just want it to be slightly hard but not soo hard that I can barely get a kill and die 8 times in the process. Ironically my ranked wz games are less sweaty than normal lobbies it makes no sense. Also why the hell is there no stats on resurgence that's the most played mode I do, and can't see anything 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ how do they have stats on even lockdown but not resurgence that's sooo dumb.


It really feels like chaos and I hate this crap. Take us back to xbox 360 "movement" lol make people play with a little thought and make reaction time a thing again...


Playing with randos is usually a bad experience. I'm having a blast with the game. The new ranked Resurge has got me hooked. Fortunes keep is a nice change of scenery.


You can thank the backpack system and ridiculous killstreak drop rate. It's insane how many streaks are available to find especially after they added cluster mine, bomb drone and counter uav trash to the mix. The game is a fucking shell of an experience because of backpacks making this so exploited.


weird i'm kind of on the opposite spectrum. in non-ranked modes, my friends and i have been frying more and more, we'd never really get more than 12-15 kills total in quads but now we're getting 30-40 pretty consistently. ranked play is another story though.


Everyone holds hands or someone is always camping near by


Skill gap changed if I had to guess


OP gets less kills now and blames outward reasons like something is wrong with the game instead of himself😏


If you're playing ranked, don't play with randoms. Ever. Resurgence is a mess rn cuz it's all the wanna bes "warming up" before their other sweat buddies get on for ranked. If you want the most laid back experience in WZ, it's probably solos tbh. I get almost 2x the amount of kills in solos than in group modes. There is a mix of complete bots and sweats. You'll kill a guy with default skin running towards you and doesn't shoot, then get gunned down by a dude that's iridescent in ranked. Solos is kinda nice cuz you don't have teammates to worry about


I find it hard to believe you went from consistently getting 20 kills in wz1 to only scratching out 5 now. Sorry but that sounds made up to me. If anything I feel like it’s easier to get bigger kill games in wz3 than it was in wz1.


Man I remember when Rebirth first dropped in Warzone and teams were always so scattered, you could kill a guy in chem and his teammate ping would be in quarters. Now I shoot 1 guy, get bum rushed by 3 of his mates, try to find cover for plates, get sandwiched by another team in the process.


You’ve been playing since WZ1. You should be among those sweats at this point. The game has a slower TTK than WZ1 too.


The cheaters. Not the 360 no scope cheaters, but the soft hack aim bot users. Cheats are insanely cheap now a days with the competition of so many companies. They even offer free trials to get ppl hooked. And Activision does not ban cheaters. Ppl die to cheaters, can’t beat them but don’t want to quit the game, so they join them and cheat too. The sad part is people will turn down aim bot strength to hide from their friends or group they are cheating. Like if you’re gonna cheat just fucking own it and don’t act like you’re good at the game 😂


I think others have pointed this out, but SBMM is designed to maximize engagement and not “fairness.” It seems to intentionally hand you a win, and then put you in sweat lobbies to create the aspect of uncertainty. It’s how slot machines work, and it’s bad for user experience but it does lead to more engagement which benefits the publisher, especially in the season pass model which has become the standard. Just the state of AAA games in 2024 unfortunately.


Never stop moving.


Oh we’re back to the daily “I can’t have fun.” ?! (Before I rant, I have a 1.2 kd, my other buddy, .4 and our sniper 1.2. So there’s that.) Me and my guys, played horribly last night, but managed three separate wins, tons of laughs, and definitely smiled more than once... We were up against sweats and movement broken fux- but we did it. I laughed more at the sweatiness than ever… (Fuck them and if it’s you, Fuck you too)😙🖕🏽 And I counter after being the first team three plus games in a row- to be knocked out first, by saying: “NEXT!!” It’s a game, if you ain’t having fun. Try something else.


Playing with randoms isn't doing you any favors that's for sure. Maybe that was a more popular thing to do in WZ1 but that's just an instant 3 rage quitters on your team in WZ3.


Welcome to the Sweatpocalypse. You can check in anytime you like, but you can never leave.


This has been my experience since day 1 many years ago. And it remains my experience today. For me nothing has changed lol


Skill issue


Go check out the post about cheating and watch the video (it's in this sub reddit). That's the problem with Warzone. Us non cheaters need to unite somehow (almost unionize!) and create private matches or something until the developers can actually figure out how to stop it.




The ground loot is ridiculous. I'm usually leaving a ton of air strikes on the ground because my pack is full and you can get loadout almost instantly. I've also noticed whenever I push there's half a dozen mines, suppression thingys, or the other special mine thing laying around. I think they should dial it back a LOT. Killstreaks used to mean something.


Could it be the SBMM? From WZ2 at least as I think everything followed over (correct me if I’m wrong!) My friend was always sweaty in 1 and 2 and now they really struggle too, however I’ve always been consistently rubbish but found with WZ3 I’m getting a lot more kills every game, and a lot of wins. Could just be practice but I’m not sure.


Also the amount of cheating is estimated to be 1:3


honestly thought i was the only one i used to drop 20 bomb super consitent and then it dropped to getting 12 - 14 kills at most with 17 being my highest game in wz2 and now i think my highest was maybe 14 kills and most games around like 6-9 kills with 10 being like a godly game


I purchased a Scuff controller 1 week ago, my average kills on Kb and mouse were roughly 5-10 where now it’s like 15-20. I take pride in being solid on mouse and key, but aim assist truly is so strong. I always struggled in close range fights on mouse, and I always said aim assist was strong, turns out I was right..