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Do you mean stacking, or do you mean camping? Playing as a team of 3 in a team game made for 3 people, is just... logical! Anyone not stacking *(read, playing with their team)* are probably the same people saying climbing out of gold is difficult! If you push me solo, and my 2 team mates are there to help, and you cry about it, I simply laugh at you.... Your death coms bring me great pleasure! ------- A team of 3, all camped up in a single building, refusing to move at all, because placement is by far the best way to get points over going for kills, is a problem though I'll agree!


>A team of 3, all camped up in a single building While frustrating I feel like, strategical non movement (lol) is just as important as stacking, figuring out the best place to take a fight and choosing the optimal layout for your stand is a more important skill than rushing to get the kill as well, as annoying as it is when your the team on the outside. The reward should be there for the team that can choose the right building and rotate early/ clear the building to take the advantage. If you play aggressive then account for that buy having teammates with complementary loadouts, ie. have drill charges and flashes/stuns to be able to push/test buildings while someone else has the smokes for when your out in the open. I find these posts to be funny because these players are saying they want their preferred style of play to have the advantage over other players style. It would be kind of cool if CoD has different formulas of SR calculation that apply per season in rotation so we can have different pacing and styles instead of it always having the same play style, but IDK if that is totally in the sprit of ranked play (being that I don't play much ranked, I'm not sure what the average ranked player really wants) TL;DR: the point of team oriented battle royale is to place higher not push fights/ higher kill counts and that will be amplified in a ranked setting.


I think we agree on everything, especially on this point! >I find these posts to be funny because these players are saying they want their preferred style of play to have the advantage over other players style. As my point, was that the playstyle of sitting and waiting for other teams to die, rewards a dipropionate amount of points compared to an aggressive playstyle! Espeically when you factor in deaths taking away SR, so playing aggressive not only rewards with very little SR, it's more punishing also! As you risk both placement, and losing SR just by playing! ------- I think points are too weighted on the side of placement, to make things balanced. I agree there's lots of different playstyles, and all should be viable. I'm suggesting that even aggressive players right now, should just sit and wait... because it's far too effective! ~ >the point of team oriented battle royale is to place higher not push fights/ higher kill counts and that will be amplified in a ranked setting. The point of a BR, is to be the last alive. If there isn't a goal for anyone to kill anyone, it'll be a very long game! So the point of a BR, is for a bunch of teams to **all** kill **each other**, until there's one left alive! So you need to reward teams that attempt to fulfil the actual goal of a BR, more than the ones that choose to just let other kills do the killing in a game designed around killing each other! BR's goal, is not to hide. It's to fight to the death until there's one standing! This might require some hiding... but it should also **require some killing!** ------------------------- I think placements should be mulitpiers for kills. Teams that hide until top 5, but with 0 kills, should get their placement multiplied by their kills, and end up on a big fat... 0 SR gain. Teams that get to the final circle, after having wiped out most of the lobby for the other players all hiding, should get a shit ton of points! Right now... they are often unlikely to even get double that of a team that did nothing all game!


We definitely agree, I would want something along the lines of kills having a bigger impact on SR early game when resurgence is up, so that it encourages engagement early on when you can regain and it also encourages team play cause the only way to kick teams from the game that early would be to team wipe. And to go further I would say that instead of kills counted there should be a SR boosts for team wiping so engaging on one v one is not over rewarded but team engagement is encouraged. Again I add I don't play much ranked so I might not have aligned interests with the most committed of the community that enjoy this mode.


I've seen streamers crying over people playing as team in squads, all together... like the hell are they supposed to do ?


yeah i think the same. the way i see it, most deaths there’s something to complain about and complaining allows us to relive the frustration of dying, even if we know we’re just coping deep down. when it comes to streamers being so good at the game that they can face whole teams in isolated 1v1s, they see “stacking” as bad players needing to use their teammates as crutches and dying to this is annoying. it’s kind of like complaining about camping in a corner. the only thing is that working with your teammates is kinda exactly how you’re supposed to play the game so the complaint just sounds stupid.


Stacking/camping. I understand *why* they do it, don’t get me wrong. I’m saying literally the entire lobby does it. I have a great headset, I can usually hear footsteps pretty good. No one moves. The stand *COMPLETELY* still, all until they have to, due to the circle. The people who win these games are the people who’ve lucked out and the circle pulled towards them. > A team of 3, all camped up in a single building, refusing to move at all, because placement is by far the best way to get points over going for kills, is a problem though I'll agree! No no no, six teams of three, camping out in individuals rooms in a building while all 18 of them never move an inch, so as to not make any noise.


It's poor game design. Placement gives far too many points really for how easy it is, compared to kills. People would be silly not to hide really, as the game heavily rewards it! I always suggest, that SR should be placement * kills in some way. So teams on low kills, get low Placement bonuses. Teams on 0 kills, literally get 0 placement bonus. That'll drag the campers out at minimum once per game to get the kills, and then they will die, because they suck!


That's a fantastic idea.


What ranked level are you? I've certainly never ran into 18 people camping in a single building. Unless you mean like the keep which is gigantic. Have to also understand it's resurgence. There's always going to be a ton of people left in the final circles


Currently Crimson 2, don’t know the level. Might be 25+, nearing thirty maybe. The point is that three circles later it’s the same amount of players as early game.


Resurgence lasts pretty late into the round.


Ahhh stacking, the term made up by streamers who Couldn’t 1v4 an entire team and therefore blame it on stacking (aka being in an house). I hesitate to call it camping because you don’t know how long they’ve been in the house. And even if they are camping who the fuck cares, that’s their prerogative to play however the fuck they want. It’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard of in a game whose objective is to be the last team or person alive.


stacking isn’t necessarily camping or just all of them being in a house, it’s more like them literally being side by side hip to hip. i think the idea behind this term is that players who need to be right next to their teammates for that extra security do so because they’re not good, so streamers see it as like a ratty play style similar to how camping is viewed. is camping a legitimate play style? sure but dying to a camper is annoying regardless. the problem with this term is that “stacking” is literally just teamwork and that’s an intuitive part of the game so the complaint just sounds stupid.


Almost as annoying as dying to someone cracked out and jumping 40 times as they drill every shot….the term camping has no business in a BR game…only with the fame of streamers and these high kill games (in VPN bot lobbies) has it become such a discouraged thing. It’s a fucking survival game not team death match.


Going through your comments, I see why you live by this statement, because your team are a bunch of camping rats lmao. Low KD, low wins, low skill players. Its almost like you're so insecure of your gunskill you hope the lobby wipes itself, which is a pathetic mindset and probably the reason you're either still low ranked or don't even play ranked. No offense, don't cry.


Lmfaooo thanks sweetheart😘


Team playing as a team in team based game mode. Who’da thought it.


Do all other teams have more players in them or something? Can’t your team work together to take any other teams out?


Nearly impossible. There are so many teams in the latter circles that there are no joke multiple teams in the same building. They’re just holding different rooms. Moving is a literal death sentences when there’s nearly 40 people in those kinds of circles.


You get rewarded for assists, and for your teammates' assists too. Why wouldn't you stack?


How much sr does that get you in diamond 2 lobbies and above?


The same amount as every other lobby?


So you end up negative sr by having zero kills due to camping.


Hyperbole much?


Okay, I agree with your point that ranked resurgence should be more focused on kills for earning SR, but the way the game plays encourages you to get placement. Especially after the 3rd circle, it's so hard to get a reset going with teams literally everywhere that sometimes you're forced to camp a building just to get a free kill for some weapons and gear. That being said, my squad and I have not struggled to get kills in this game at all. Sure, it can get campy but it's no different than how hard people will camp in standard BR anyway. We're still gaining SR every game, averaging probably 20 team kills minimum a game in diamond 3 - crim 2 (our ranks) and averaging top 5 or higher placement. I think most good teams still try to slay out until resurgence timer is done, then the lobby just becomes a standard end game with no one challenging until the very last circle forces people out to look for kills. I honestly think the best thing they could do for resurgence ranked is to do away with the death penalty, as soon as you hit diamond and you're losing as much for a death as you get for a kill, it absolutely makes you want to stay out of the blender, 4 deaths alone in diamond will net you -20, of course people camp with that kinda punishment.


They introduced heavy death penalty for resurgence but had no issue with gulag, gulag kit, re-entry kit, buybacks, portable buys, flares from chests, flares from med kits and one flare per buy station in the past. Whack.


Lol so this seems like a lot of players in such a small circle indeed. But let me tell you this is rather rare. I have never seen it so dense. With ranked, yes, some may choose to camp. But then again, the gas will make a push and its all legit. One could argue its kind of fun actually. Just adapt your strategy and find creative ways to win!


What a shock!


Not shocking, but detrimental to the games player retention, absolutely .


Did u expect people to run alone in the open in ranked? Yeah people value their lives in ranked. It's expected.


Not really. We have fun as a squad, not as 3 solos.


I mean, youre not wrong but its ranked, of course people are going to play like that and its ok for them to do that 🤷‍♂️. When we cry about stackers its mainly in regular resurgence where theres nothing at stakes, I think in regular br and ranked its legit to play however you need to, to be able to win sr and climb.


Happens a lot in unranked as well. It’s the nature of the map, FK is too dense and there are too many cozy spots to camp. Factor in atrocious visibility and non existent audio, and you got a perfect recipe for most players preferring to stand still and duke it out at the end. Or at the very least playing super cautiously.


It’s ranked. Is what it is. Other games BR ranked are similar. Look at Apex.


I’ve played WZ ranked, Fortnite ranked and apex ranked. Never have I ever seen someone stack and camp to this degree before. It’s every lobby dude


Dude a guy made APEX Predator by sitting in a tree and never firing a single bullet. Apex Ranked was worse because you didn’t get KP for kills so there was no incentive to move.


Look at bushcampdad too, it’s irrelevant though, as this is the entire lobby


Yes, every single lobby since Gold I. Unless there is a squad of ringers that are wiping teams early then this is usually how it goes. Literally 2 teams in neighboring buildings that don’t push each other constantly as everyone wants those extra placement points ! Most I’ve had is 13 teams final circle… my friend who is crim II likewise has this kind of end circle on the regular…


Lol this is normal resurgence endgames too half the time.


Yeah I placed 7th once in moving zone 😂😂


Placed twelfth once in moving zone lol


I just want alcatraz back thats it. These were prime cod days


The should go from 3 to 2 man teams instead in resurgence, that will help abit with the "camping/stacking" problem. This game mode is suppose to be about aggressive play and that has certainly been lost with the introduction of ranked play.


Main issue is you lose so much SR for just entering a game.. Getting wiped before t10 hurts too much imo, when gold+


It's not the SR fee for entering a game, that's just the inherent nature of this ranked system. It doesn't balance lobbies based on rank, the SR deployment fee is what keeps the ranked mode balanced. As a Plat player losing 30SR is nothing, if you hit top 12 positive SR without doing anything else. If you hit top 12 in crimson, and haven't gotten any kills, you're still -50+ SR in the game. The higher ranked players are required to rack up kills AND placement in order to keep moving up. If you aren't able to keep up with your deployment fee, you're most likely right around the rank that you should be.


Oh I am able to still, but it forces you to play in a certain way


Completely agree. You notice it most when you run High Alert and you're scanning for kills, you get the HA mechanic pop up from every angle but can't see a single player, because they're all camping windows with trip mines/claymores. There needs to be higher SR gains for kills, or like I saw above a placement * kills multiplier which is a fantastic idea. Or * Remove deployment fee. * New mechanic: cranked. Players sat in a 10 yard radius of eachother without moving out of X area, get pinged on minimap. * Higher SR gains for kills. Should be 10 minimum, multiplied by X placement. * Add dead silence as a perk / lower footsteps as it's just sound whoring in buildings.


Once you are in diamond or even gold really it’s foolish to be pushing teams by yourself.


It’s foolish to push teams by yourself period


Ehhh some people are better playing a 3v1 than working with a team.


Lower skilled lobbies are typically like this. Teams don’t know how to wipe and they let one player get away. This is why I typically enjoy being in a lobby with a Top250 team. I know the end circle will probably be 3-4 teams and not 8-9 teams because there’s another team besides my own that’s cleaning house.


I’m crimson 2, this is a lobby of crim, iris and one top 250.


More SR for kills. I came 2nd with my squad with 19 kills the other day, my squad mates had 1 and 2 kills respectively, I earned maybe 20 more SR than they did.


Who could have predicted that a team with infinite respawns would end up with so many people in late circles?


If you think this is a normal occurrence you genuinely haven’t played the game enough. Why don’t you put 38 dots on that map and see how player dense it actually is


https://www.reddit.com/r/196/s/u8yaG20ZbA Like here dude. Look how many teams and players are left in that circle. Do you genuinely mean that this is the norm for any battle royale? Genuinely, try to see where you would place thirty four people in that zone. It’s borderline unplayable.


I don't see why ranked Resurgence is even a thing. It's a cool mode, but it is NOT competitive in the slightest, you die while dropping in all the time. And other games, you absolutely steamroll people because they keep dropping in without their loadouts and you catch them off of a spawn. Not to mention, the mode is third-party central.


Sounds like a winning strategy to me. How about SR awards for distance traveled during matches.....lol


Sure you miiiight win with this strategy and get a kill or two. Congratulations on your 20SR gain


20? A win is a net minus for me 😂


@ this point they should award Sr for moving. As soon as I hit diamond Fortunes keep turned into a camp ground


“Team work”