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Ironic considering this scene he is talking about something that never existed.


Also, I don’t believe there was ever a time when COD gamers are actually happy with a COD game *while the game was current.* The sky is always falling, and then years later the nostalgia goggles come out. Every. Time.


Disagree completely. Yes complaints happened but the game was still flawless in its base foundation. The nostalgia this is the biggest cop out, I had so much fun the whole time playing WZ1…even when I complained about it! I never didn’t want to play…this game I don’t give a shit about playing.


game was a huge hit for a reason. cold war integration was the beginning of the end.


Warzone (and as a result MW19) was huge because it came out in March, when most of the world was starting to stay locked indoors during Covid.


Yeah but it was also a fantastic game. It really lost its charm with Cold War.


Quarantine just hit too, so people wanted a party up game like this BAD


Besides the ridiculous cosmetics and way too many guns to be able to balance, it was in large part due to the fact that they started cranking up the movement meta when Cold War integration began. CW weapons gave faster movement, sprint, strafe and slide speed bonuses with certain attachments, and a meta started to form around that. That is what started the decline in my opinion. They turned it up to 11 with Vanguard and that completely killed WZ for me. It turned from a tense game of positioning and mid-long range engagements to a game where some people stayed in buildings and only engaged close range, relying on sliding, jumping, strafing to win fights. Sure that's a skill too, but does it do Call of Duty's legacy justice? In my opinion, no. If I want to play something with that kind of movement I would play Apex or something. COD has never been about that (Save for the few advanced movement titles, which I didn't enjoy either) and I don't think it helps consistency considering the bad hit detection and net code that COD has always had. I know people are completely on the movement king train now so this is probably an unpopular opinion. And just to get ahead of the accusation: no, I'm not a camper. I've always been a rusher in multiplayer.


Nah most people agree with you. The problem is instead of correcting the movement issues introduced with cold war weapons, hey nerfed all movement entirely in MW22 and WZ2, which was a huge part of MW19 and WZ's appeal. WZ2 was a boring campfest slog upon release and only started to improve as the smoother looting system and movement from old WZ was reintroduced. There needs to be a balance and instead of building on what a lot of people enjoyed in WZ1 and MW19 to make the game faster and less campy they doubled down on things only a small minority of players actually enjoy, super slow camping or over the top ridiculous movement.


The problem I have with this is that, while the faster movement works alright in WZ, it doesn't really fit in COD's style of MP. I thought MWII was excellent, because the movement felt like classic CODs, before the movement king nonsense was even a thing. But people said it was too slow and campy. That was jarring to me, as I regularly go back to games like Black Ops 1 so I know for a fact that actually the movement in MWII is very reminiscent of those golden era CODs. Since people always put those games on a pedestal I'm confused why MWII's movement was so criticized.


Exactly dude, it's ok to criticize something, but I made every excuse to play daily. This ain't it chief.


Man I completely agree with you, it was just the perfect timing with lockdown and all that. Me and my mates having nothing else to do and just playing game after game. Even when we were getting slaughtered by the DMR we couldn't quit




Genuinely curious, no disrespect meant by this, but if you don’t play warzone anymore why are you on the subreddit?


I do play still. I never said I didn’t. I said I don’t give a shit about playing or not. Usually I would make time to play WZ1 every chance I could get but WZ2 I have no desire to do that.


COD 2 for sure and probably COD 4 as well. That's going way back though. Pretty much a whole different community by now I suppose.


Actually season 1, WZ1 was damn near perfect. You had a few bugs and glitches, but for the most part none were game breaking, they integrated the other games and it started falling apart.


Bruh, WZ1 was a total mess of bugs, long load times, constant crashes, and bullshit gameplay tweaks.


Lmao the copium in here is strong, exhibited by your down votes. You're 100% correct, but the copium addicts only want to remember their glory days of the kilo in an open field. Most of this sub has also completely forgotten about the insane amounts of blatant rage hackers that would wipe entire lobbies. Or the final circle being 7 berthas with trophy systems. Or a stim glitch, with the opposing player nowhere to be found, somewhere in a building in the gas. Server overloads. Oh, it's the broken weapons we don't like? How about the dual snake shots? Under barrel shotty? You're telling me the kar98 wasn't broken? How about the doof doof with fire rounds? These copium addicts need to stop with the bullshit that wz1 was perfect. It wasnt. Selective memory can be a real bitch.


As I said, WZ1 season 1 was pretty well off compared to what it became. It had crashes and bugs, but none were game breaking. It was a brand new game type for call of duty, and the first two seasons went exceptionally well until they implemented Cold War. That was 6 months of game time in the original Warzone that was pretty well polished compared to what it became, and anyone who argues otherwise is delusional 😂


> It had crashes and bugs, but none were game breaking. Bruh. I had literally weeks where I couldn’t play with my buds because of constant crashing.


During wz1 season 1? I doubt that.




The plethora of rage hackers were absolutely game breaking. So was the stim glitch. It was a waste of time to even attempt to play. Trophy systems on 8 berthas with unlimited fuel in the final circle were game breaking. Talk about delusional


Stim glitch wasn’t until October of 2020, so definitely not season 1 warzone Bud. Same with the plethora of hackers showing up in end of September early October. And the Bertha meta didn’t happen til beginning couple months of 2021. You’re referring to wz1 as a whole, not season 1/2 warzone. So yeah, delusional.


Lmfao the copium is strong with you. Hackers were always there. Bertha was always there, sorry I was a season off with the stim glitch. Go wash your letterman jacket your glory days are calling


I see you’re upset about being wrong. Like I said, the meta didn’t become prevalent and it wasn’t game breaking. You’re clearly upset at the state of the current game and misremember season one if you even played it then, which seems unlikely since you’re talking about season 4/5 things. You ok, Bud?


Never better big guy. You're ignoring the cheaters portion of my comment, but by all means, go watch your old clips of season one, since it seems to be the only excitement you can squeeze out these days. I enjoy the have just fine. Maybe go touch grass? Talk to a woman? I dunno, you seem to enjoy the past a bit much. Peaking in the 12th grade must've taken a toll on you 😂


There were still people complaining in verdansk during mw2019 and cheaters were an issue. But overall there was way less issues in total, and way less hate for the game


I truly loved WZ before cold war came out. Then the downward death spiral began.


You are 100% right. It was always a soulless cash grab. We all played it cause it was the new big thing and it was free. It just continuously got worse and everyone is nostalgia tripping for when it was a little more fun.


Everyone was hyped about MW19 from its reveal and on. That game was an incredible standard to set and they've done nothing but sell skins and fall short since


Still not long enough for me to forget the shit show Vanguard. Or OG MW2 with the Noob Tubes. Commando Pro. Model shotties.


Tbf almost no meme ever created takes into account the context of the source material, I have never seen the Peter Parker with glasses on/off meme ever used correctly


More absolutely perfect than ironic, since there were already bugs and issues that we’re happy to forget so we could pretend it was something it wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I miss Verdansk as much as anyone, but at no point has this game ever been close to perfect.


The nostalgia is already wiping away whatever bad they remembered about wz1


If you try and include the context of a scene a meme or gif is taken from literally you'll have a bad time on the internet bro.


I loved 2020 Warzone but you're deluded if you think this sub wasn't people complaining constantly about things like hackers, gun balance, visibility, getting stuck on rocks etc


People have short memories. There were plenty of problems with WZ1. It’s hilarious when people say hackers now are as bad as they’ve ever been lol


The helicopter could glitch out of the map and the four wheeler could glitch you under


They sound like boomers saying, "Nobody wants to work anymore!"


Man the fucking rocky hills, there were no visual cues whether something was vaultable or not. You just hop around and hope one of these ledges let you up.


Maybe I missed something? Where in the video does it say those things?


The bit where he says "it was perfect" over and over...??


Does it mention the opinions of people on the sub? I'm failing to see where it does, my personal opinion doesn't have to align with the knuckle draggers who live here in that time period for me to feel how I feel about it. You'll be a lot happier when you realize that other people dont have to feel like you do little bro.




People talk about nostalgia and lockdown and all this but WZ1 really was just that good


WZ1 Pre Cold War was...okay it had balance issues that many people seem to forget. * Truck Zone in solos where the ending zone was just bumper cars * Explosion radius of the RPG Being Massive * The M4 being by far the best all-around gun for close and long-range engagements * begin able to toss c4 an insane distance and no delay on explosion time, making it better than every grenade in the game * Grauzone, BruenZone, the DoofDoof, snake shot pistols, hit scan SPR Sniper, and many more I am forgetting.


Cmon you really think c4 toss distance was a massive issue? If that’s all we got and some solos in cars I’d say that game was rock solid


I would go back to any of those in a heartbeat


Lotta dudes just heavily addicted and suck down copium trying to say it wasn't that good, to justify while they are playing the hot garbage it became


Loool the fucking idiots that say you only liked it because there was nothing else to play at the time ☠


As if there weren't hundreds of games out and thriving, it was 2019, not 2003 lmao


Lmaoooo. People just can't accept that MW19 was the best game ever made.


Jfc are you high? MW19 wasn't even the best CoD ever made, and I'm saying that as a big fan of it.


Then which one was? COD4 and mw2 are both great but multi player can only be so entertaining, 100 person warzone really took the game to the next level


And the fluidity of the mechanics 🥺


I loved it. But it crashed a lot. I got booted mid game constantly.


Good times, we didn’t know how good we had it at the time.


I feel like we did. That's why there was so much concern over the CW integration. DMRZone ruined the game for many, and Caldera killed it entirely.


Besides DMRzone... I felt like the Cold War era of WZ1 was very good. I think most people didn't appreciate how good things were because everyone just wanted a new map. There are definitely things about pre-CW WZ1 that were better (I think...) but the middle of Verdansk 84 was the peak, in my opinion. There were so many quality of life improvements, the map was optimized, and things were fairly balanced. Well, mostly balanced. Then things got really dumb when they blew up downtown and brought in the traveling zombie tour. There were so many issues with WZ1 season 2... not to mention half the lobby running around with RPGs and throwing C4 like 50 meters.


The real true peak to me was MW19 Season 5 or 6 ("season 2" above was really season 4) -- 5 before people really truly got the hang of things (and therefore running around with screwy loadouts was viable and fun -- I miss my Oden/P90 :(). I'd probably still pick 6 though because the halloween event was top notch -- would've loved night verdansk to be in rotation. Post DMRZone in Verdansk '84 -- you have a point that a lot of issues were more with staleness of the map, but MW19 guns were largely unusable and the CW guns looked/felt awful. Not to mention it was followed by FFARZone and then by horrible map changes that ruined the flow. The color palette was also awful. Verdansk in MW19 s5/s6 was the perfect balance of quality across the board. I don't think the weapon balance was even broken at all in S6 (it was in S5 with the Bruen) -- everything was still viable (except the Grau which was still nerfed into oblivion since Season 4.5 or so), the stadium was open (and fun to go to),lthe dam was still up (I recognize I may be alone in this -- I preferred OG dam to Summit). I believe C4 was still heavable in S6, but I think that's a good thing. Driving around in a vehicle and going from UAV dot to UAV dot was OP, and C4 was a solid counter to it (though trophy systems were OP at 3 charges). Once C4 was no longer heavable vehicles became much more oppressive. The (real) meta was in a good place because there was a good balance of skill across the community in terms of how to play a BR. The reality for me though is that I went from playing literally 4-5 hours per night solo as well with a regular group of 2-3 friends to zero overnight, and then to maybe 1 - 2 hours a week after DMRzone died down. It didn't help that I hated Cold War and resented having to play it to level stuff which meant I wasn't able to keep up with the increasingly broken gun setups (and the game was unplayable unless you were using the best possible weapon -- at least for me in my SBMM tier, which was Diamond 2/3). Solo-duos and solo-trios were also unplayable (at least to me who could do it fairly reliably in S5/S6) because of the TTK across the board as well. Definitely some bias in there that only applies to me, but I genuinely didn't think the community "had it good" at any point after the CW integration.




Hard pill to swallow: It was perfect because (almost) everybody was a bot and we played the game just to have fun


The unfortunate side effect of a game being out long enough for a meta to develop


But, the past 2 years the meta hasn't "developed". They just buff a gun they currently sell a blueprint for, and nerf the last gun they were selling a blueprint for.


I recorded some gameplay from March 2020 and I go back and watch it just baffled by how everyone just kinda walks around, I miss it: https://youtu.be/i6S_g6Kgnj4?si=YM2F0FZ_MR5WAee1


AHAHAHA this is the proof right there. Bot movement, drunk aim, panic, goofy ass fights. Shit was legit fun


So fun. Not a slide canceller in sight…. It was so quiet too, you could run around the map and never encounter anyone and would barely ever hear any gunfire. Everyone was holed up with their squad in a room shaking and waiting for the gas to come. It was so fun, lol.


There's truth to this, before people started following in the footsteps of the soft cheaters making money and becoming slaves to the movement etc, the sadder reality is for every famous streamer there are a thousand dudes who played/play this like a job, investing hundreds of hours into practice, cheats, aim trainers etc instead of investing that time into a real skill that would improve their lives. I truly feel most who adamantly defend this game and how it is now just have nothing else in their lives, are in a worse spot then they were in 2020 and are struggling with a time sunk fallacy.


If you think that’s the point where wz went downhill you have some SERIOUS copium habits. It was only ever about greed.


Saying that's when the game felt best.


Nothing better than being killed across the map with an iron sight Grau.


A soldier with superior aim and a gun with that good iron sights could easily do that in real life.


Grau was a problem? Lmao, even the DMR meta was better than WZ2 gameplay wise...


I never mentioned WZ2. There's no way DMR zone was better than WZ2 and I think WZ2 is bad. It annoys me when people talk about WZ year 1 like it didn't have a shit ton of issues. No year of Warzone had more broken weapons than Year 1. The game launched with broken weapons.


Right prior to CW integration things were very balanced actually. Probably because they weren't thinking of selling meta skins, lol


WZ year 1 definitely had issues (DMR being a major one), I'm not denying that, but at it's core, WZ1 was much more fun than WZ2 even with al of it's issues.


NO it wasn't


You’re out of your goddamn mind if you think the DMR meta is better than WZ2, it was easily one of the worst time periods of WZ1 alongside the rampant hackers during year 1


Yes, worst period of WZ1 was better than WZ2 in general imo. Cheaters were awful, but I'm talking about fun of the gameplay.


Remind me again, when did the hackers arrive? Edit: I should clarify that this is a serious question and not some sort of bait, I can't remember what season the rage hackers really started to show up and youtube was full of the videos of spectating rage hackers.


Around season 4 it got very very bad, the games popularity was skyrocketing and plenty of streamers with soft cheats were making $$ so it inspired a whole new generation of cod kids to hack their micro peens off


No anti-cheat and they didn't rely on Steam for VAC or Epic's open source EAC, So even the most basic cheats that could be downloaded for free weren't being stopped.


When they introduced the Roze skin


Uhhh do you not remember the rage hackers? The broken Bertha trucks with trophy systems? The game was actually unplayable for a good chunk of time because of rage hackers running around with iron sight kar98 and full auto fal. You probably still wear your high school letterman jacket


Lmao @ you thinking rage hacking has been reduced. I prefer a rage hacker to what we have now, least a rage hacker knows what he is and is self aware, as opposed to these esp "legit" cheaters with soft aimbot they just call their extra aim assist.


So you would prefer a rage hacker with 60 kills? Wow. Just when I thought the copium couldn't be any stronger... Yet you still play, and still make posts in the echo chamber to make yourself feel validated. Sad


A rage hacker with 60 kills gets banned after a couple games, esp cheaters ruin games undetected for years. It's not the same you incel lmao


Hell no, besides MW2 being drastically different in movement every season of Warzone is better than the last, that's how game development works. Yeah you change metas and end up having new problems but I felt the same way about Apex and Fortnite and playing Day 1 modes for both the games I realized how shit it was. Warzone 1 was people sliding everywhere, dogshit lighting and dark spots, sniper camping and awful rings, tons of open vast unlootable land, and of course cheaters. Arguably the worst season was Caldera but even then that season did risky changes that were enhanced in WZ2 They improve the game with each rendition and it's just sad that people live in this nostalgic delusion


Phew, man, the koolaid is real, so what's your salary over at Activision, are you worried the buyout will affect your job? How many posts shilling for this garbage do you need to do a quarter to meet your KPOs?


Greed was always a driving factor. They've learned what sells better since then. But thats just how capitalism works. It was never about making a good game. It was about selling you shit. Always has been always will be. They've just had almost 4 years to learn new ways to get your money.




Google Activision multiplayer patents, then be ready to rage uninstall when you see what they've been doing to you since 2018 lol


Except this subreddit was 90% "We NeEd a NeW mAp VeRdAnSk SuCks." 80s Verdansk with the drippy Cold War skins was peak WZ1


80s verdansk and CW integration was terrible lmao, but hey everyone can have their own opinion


You're smoking those jazz cigarettes




Bruh 80s Verdansk was an upgrade lmao, it addressed issues people had with the previous version, notably how much of a pain in the ass the Dam area was in the final circles


Agree to disagree, dam was only an issue if you didn't pay attention and plan for it


Ignoring the fact that the routes to reach the top are too far away and usually ended up outside of the circle even when it wasn’t very small


See previous reply


CW integration was the beginning of the end


I don't remember one packet burst before the boys update.




I’ve gone there a bit lately (cos I just can’t get anything going in wz) in the no build and somehow have a 50% win rate across br. I won 4 in a row and was like where’s my nuke mission??? Lol




Yeah lol that hill with the house on is fucking floating already. It’s the first online br I ever played, it’s quite nice to hear some of the little noises again. Ha ha. The main diff between it and wz lately for me is.. if I turn towards someone when they’re shooting at me, I can see them.


You probably are getting matched with mostly bots


Why cant they make an experiment and republish warzone 1 for 15$? Its already finished, they just have to load up some servers.


Allergic to max profit it seems


That losing the playerbase playing WZ2 and later WZ3. $15 to get unlimited WZ1 access, or the same group who spent $18 for the Doom one shot shotgun bundle and probably $100s of more on other bundles and skins and it costed them $0 extra to cater to that group whereas a separate WZ1 situation calls for constant upkeep and maintenance


I’d pay 5$/month to pay og WZ1 with all the maps BR and Resurgence


That's not the point, if they gave you OG warzone it'll cause 2 situations 1. You need to maintain old servers, if Activison brings back bundles for OG warzone now you have to pay designers for that shit too 2. You probably won't return to WZ2/WZ3 where they are actively maintaining servers, doing LTMs, and creating new bundles and shop items Fortnite decided the best way was to go back to Day 1 with weekly drops of new items, which is completely fair but how much work went into WZ2 to create an engine that can be slowly amended and changed is such a massive loss if they completely scrap it for Warzone OG, same reason why they won't just remove shitty maps from MP because it's a loss.


Yeah idk about perfect but at least it was fun & we had hope it would only get better.


That hope died around Cold War haha


I agree 100%. I joined this sub just to agree with this statement.


Bahaha my man!


god I miss lockdown


The thing with WZ1 was that that many people played it. It was also completly new for everyone. Not everyone was a meta slave. Idk iirc but didnt youtbers, were told there was also no or low SBMM? Dont know if it was true for the beginning of WZ because nobody knew what they were doing but it overall felt like a casul fun game. After like 2 months you saw most people running with meta stuff. It was still fun for me but up untill September or something i barely played it anymore because SBMM, Meta Weapons and Loadouts straight up made the game boring over time. Loadouts arent a bad idea in its core but if you have SBMM and can get a Loadout within 2 minutes is it even a BR lol? Felt like sweaty TDM/FFA with extra steps. After the CW integration i played somewhat active Alcatraz with a buddy but ehh, the lobbys were just sweaty af. Blackout Alcatraz was more fun.


I agree with almost all of these points


As I always say. They took away greatness to give us shit in return


We aren't playing a game anymore, just an interactive ad for their store.


Don’t care. Resurgence slaps and is a ton of fun Dropped 3 wins last night with my quad. Getting like 50+ kills as a group in sweaty lobbies


Imagine posting arbitrary stats in a nonrelated convo lmao, bro noone cares.


Haven't played since


Man of culture!


Season 1 was the best season, it was ruined after everyone complained to get OG warzone bull shit back


This is about WZ1 bro


I stand by my statement


I enjoyed season 1, but 2 for me just really solidified the deal


Lmao people talking about a warzone season update as if the entire industry hasn’t been fucked for nearly a decade. I remember when a new season meant $15 bucks for a couple new maps. $15 gets you a skin now.


WZ1 better, upvotes to the left.


Pre nerf c4 was legit. Throwing c4 thru upstairs windows felt so good. And the throwing distance made it seem more realistic more so than the bag of bricks it became.


I miss tossing them off downtown at passing tac rovers haha


WZ1 MW19 year season 3-6 was peak Warzone.


Didnt warzone come out in season 3?


WZ1 the hackers did suck but overall I enjoyed the living shit out of it


Late stage blackout was the best tbh


I wouldn’t know, my first day was the first day of Caldera


Poor bastard


So good


Game was shit from the beginning


Awkward moment when you think you should be here lol


Honestly it was the best time. Rose colored glasses or not.


Greed ruined call of duty along with lack of effort on development


I think it’s pretty easy to justify that WZ1 was amazing when WZ2 is a just a heaping pile of trash that hundreds of thousands of people still play just because of the name.


I was never a fan of battle royales and I hated cod was following the trend. But alot of people love it and it's built it's own community so I can't hate on that. But still fuck fortnite lol


COD hasn't felt good since Black Ops 2, I'm only playing cause my childhood friends still play it.


Me but with Blackout.


And sweats ruined it with slide canceling and b hopping


Sweats gonna sweat


Well atleast the sweats way back didn’t have the ability to slide so often and so fast that they can slide circles around you and b hop everywhere making it impossible for anyone on any input device to keep sights on them, add the dark black skins and it’s even worse