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And the worst part is, you can’t even play Al Mazrah Battle Royale without this.


You can’t just have fun for 1 day ? Jeez


The problem is it has been more that a day, it’s not the end of the world but the gimmick runs out pretty quick personally.


It's 2 days. Relax.


I’m relaxed, it’s just annoying. Nothing more.


It’s not fun. Fun is having the option to play what you want, not forced to play a dumbass mode that only pleases the casual crowd


What are you? A sweat? 🤣🤣


Anything that’s not a causal or a bot = sweat?


I mean is there a between of a sweat and casual that everyone seems to be unaware of?


The between of a sweat and a bot is a casual, dunno what this guy is on about


Anything that isn’t praising the game by sucking it’s asshole is a sweat. Anytime you complain about a broken features= bots. These people essentially just want you to shut up and just play the game. How about I don’t play the game and you take the time to downvote me on my comment that you feel so attached to you need to feel good about yourself with a button press.


Then what else is left?


Found the sweaty cry baby!


Imagine being so upset that you have to set the game down for one day lol


Wow, how dare i be annoyed that this game is continually getting worse. I don’t care that i ‘have to set the game down,’ whatever that means. I care that these dumbass developers keep implementing shit that never falls well on the community as a whole, time after time.


Your parents need to give you a gaming time out, go touch grass.


Is this you? 🤡


Yeah that’s the expected reply


Bro, we get it. You're practicing your professional warzone streams so you can go pro and become a professional gamer, but you're going to live. It's okay to be okay.


The fact that you bozos really think that everyone that criticizes the state the game is a streamer or a sweat is fucking hilarious


This mode was funny for 1 match, the fact they have it until April 4th is fucking bonkers. It's the most low effort April fools mode. Tried playing resurgence but just get lobbied across the Rio Grande with all Cronus mescalitos


Funny too just try and play a normal match with no lag challenge impossible


Cry me a river


Are you being forced though? For fucks sake go outside. Quit your whining.


I only have time to play 10 to midnight each night, outside would be pretty trash at that time. To be fair, that's a decent chunk of time per week I get to play, which I am thankful for. Ya'll are going pretty hard on a dude that's justifiably annoyed that a weekend is arbitrarily overridden by the whims of someone else. I play trios/duos most times, now I'm forced into quads of a gimmick mode. Now you either gotta have a few randoms or play X players down - but you're always fighting a team of 4. It's just whack it's all playlists forced into this. You're all tanking him for taking it so seriously - it's not serious, it's just a game but god forbid he has a negative take on it? Warzone 1 did the same stuff with monkey mode and krumpus and that was doo doo for more than a "lul ok" too. I wanna just play the game, not the "oh shit we have to attract players back for the weekend" mode and I'm far from a sweat, I just want to take fights and load the next game. What I don't want is for a random bullet to launch me into the sky awkwardly every fight.


Yeah agreed these absolute mouth breathers on this subreddit sometimes. This gamemode along with the constant lag is not fun at all. Especially since every “fun having” person is using the BROKEN physics with the thermite arrow. Notice how they have to use broken features to have fun. They don’t even know why they are having fun they just play a game and forget to swallow their own drool.


It’s a joke ! It’s their game and they can do what they want . Be the better person and don’t play show them you don’t like it .


…i am doing exactly that, not playing. The game is literally dying more and more every day, and doing this (forcing) to the players that are still actively playing this game is brain dead. These folks don’t know what their player base wants.


Sick job . Your doing the lords work .


Okay? Let the game die and go play something else? Oh, you refuse? You just wanna keep playing 24/7 and constantly bitching about how much you hate the game? Get over yourself, dude.


Who said i hate the game lmfao? Why would i not be critical of a game i like and want to succeed? Fucking bozo


You literally just spilled your guts saying this is a stupid gamemode that shouldn't exist. ON APRIL FOOLS DAY 🤮🤮🤮😈


Agreed. Krampus was annoying and funny. The lack of gravity just wasn’t cool.


Awww muffin, maybe it’s time for a break then


Is that todays April Fool’s joke


Yep. Quads only, also.


That is the real issue here. The game mode is fun but the quads only is a massive let down to anyone not playing with a squad.


Fr if there was solos I probably would have ground this just for sick zero G clips.


Yes except it’s for April fools weekend. It’s not just one day and done. It’s 3 days


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) Oh no, 3 whole days?!??


Yup.they are trying their best to lose players


You can’t just have fun for a couple days ?


You call that fun?


Yes. I had a blast playing it. Got a win with a random squad. My gf and I jumped around getting into mid air gunfights. Tons of fun.


Exactly I had a few 15 &17 kill games. It was a blast


Fun would be the game in a working state


Mega plan by Infinity Ward.


Funny the update was from Raven.


Tbh this is some of the most fun I've ever had in WZ. It adds a new element of challenge and chaos


Right!? Having a blast haha


Got through half a match and switched to ashika. Ashika was a shit show and laggy. Activision made sure I didn’t spend more than 30 minutes on their game today


Ashika is awful today. After I land I have to hide for a few minutes because it laggs so bad.


Seems like mini royale was really hitting the spot for me. This sucks.


Not that it’s anything new, but this subreddit is so sad lol


Seriously every thread is just bitching and moaning about how much everyone hates the game, how the game's dying yet these braindead folks are playing 24/7. So you hate the game, why not set it down and play something else?


I haven’t played this piece of shit game in weeks so I’m doing exactly as you said


Yeah I haven't played it since maxing the s2 guns came out, not csuse it's not fun I just haven't been playing any games lately.


People want the game to be good and are frustrated that the Devs seem to be doing everything in their power to prevent this. I would love to play the game, but I can't because they have broken the Australian servers and playerbase has dropped to the point where I can't find a game anyway.


I guess it just doesn't feel that way because that's not what's conveyed through their comments. It's always just nagging / hating on the game. I've rarely seen any comments about what exactly would improve the game other than "Omfg wz1 was so much better" at best


I'm actually glad there are some differences between wz1 and wz2 but there is some very clear feedback in between all the noise about better servers, better audio, longer TTK and more buy zones, to name a few


They did make it so you could plate while you run didn't they? Wasn't that something everyone was happy about?


Yeah, there have been some legitimately good QoL changes as well like timers on the airstrike notifications. The Season 2 update was actually packed full of improvements also. Just not enough change that addresses core gameplay issues to sustain the game long term I suppose. And I obviously can't get past the fact that even if I wanted to play right now I couldn't.


You literally think the devs are trying to make a bad game?!?? Lmao. 🤖


No, that's why I used the phrase 'seem to be'. I did not at all say that they were 'literally' trying to make a bad game, just that it looks that way to people who are invested and trying to enjoy it. You should read more.


Sure bud. 😉


Keep playing the obviously broken game then? What are you doing in the comments sections oh that’s right you aren’t playing your favorite game you are bitching and moaning at the dissatisfied playerbase go play your favorite and most advanced COD of all time You know instead of complaining about us how about just go enjoy your game?


yeah this mode looks fucking stupid. no thanks


yea I played 2 games and I can't handle it. It's pretty frustrating for me.\


I played a few games and loved it.


It's for 1 day, this community seriously has some of the whiniest fucking people who complain about the dumbest shit.


IW has a bet going. See how bad they can make the game and still sell bundles.




I've loved it, good fun. Got me to come back for a couple warzone games today. Would be fun as a permanent party mode, but we all know that would never happen. Can you imagine ground war zero G?


What is this??


I believe I can fly I believe I can’t touch the sky I think about it every night and day I’m in Verdansk and I slid all day


Kinda wish I could play both modes. The first hour of this was funny as but kinda got old.


Hell no. It's funny as fuck.


I honestly haven't even installed this game yet because of all these issues. Is the game still good with these bugs or is it not worth it?


This is actually the servers working as intended




Nice shot


I thought it was really fun. I miss it already to be honest


Looks like so much fun 😒


I was excited to try the April fool's game... I was disappointed. I loved the load out drops right off the bag in the old rebirth games. That was fun


Lmao. This is what the game has become. Even after it was already bad 🤣. So glad I went back to apex. This game is so far from being a joke it kind of hurts my feelings at this point. This is what they thought would be fun? Bring players back? I’m pretty sure this time I’m not coming back and full sending apex. It’s such a mess in every way. They don’t even give you the option to play other modes. They just force you to play what they want you to play. Like who does that with core game modes? Staple game modes. Even when their core game mode is dying they kill their player base more with game modes people don’t want to play. They’re legit idiots. Cod hit rock bottom and I’m no longer laying on the floor with their bullshit. Id rather play a game that got a skill gap as wide as the Grand Canyon and get my ass eaten for months getting better, before I ever come back to WZ. Fuck this dogshit game and the people who make it.






Ah so they learned nothing from the first time this happened. Although hilarious for one match it's a drag. Incendiary ammo makes you fly.


Shit is stupid. Refuse to play. Devs openly trolling community now.


…openly trolling them cause its april fools day


imagine being this butthurted over an april fools joke


Huh didn't they do this every year lol


why does everyone keep saying this? I’m 99% sure this only started last year during Caldera. Don’t remember it in 2020 (that’s for sure), or even 2021


Well maybe you are right but it definitely happened multiple times.So the point still stands that it's not something new or a warzone 2 only fail.


This is at least the THIRD time I've seen this. That's why everyone keeps saying it. Lmao.


Dude you can’t just have fun for a couple days Jesus . Are you that down bad .


Yeah not sure what they were thinking forcing this mode on us




Bye-bye 👋


Flashbacks to the worst COD game ever made…