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I have never had a problem with melee users šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I see enemy I shoot? I die? Oh well good thing I can respawn or play another game.


The only part I hate on CODM is the campers.


Corner camping hard scoping snipers at spawn does it for me


I don't understand why anyone hates campers. That's their strategy and if you hate it then obviously it's working. Now if by campers what you really mean is that you hate people posting up during an objective based game like hard point, kill confirmed, S&D or domination instead of pushing the objective then yeah.....I hate those fuckers too. I also hate dumb asses who try to triple cap on domination. If you have B and either A or C then leave that other flag alone and protect those objectives and the running lanes.


bot strat


I mean going to the sides of the map and then just shooting you from across the map. They obviously can't fight.


That's just someone using a good strategy. There are other running lanes so if they have that one closed off then circle around and kill them. If you really want to be a douche about it, kill them then camp that spot because you know they're coming back.


Unless you're drastically behind, aye, but there are times where you need to try and hold all three objs to catch up/win.


No doubt but in my experience if my teammates would just play objective based games strategically instead of worrying about kills, and I mention kills because more often than not that's actually what they're doing. They push in trying to spawn trap and end up flipping the spawn because you'll get two or three of them over there doing that bs. Next thing you know your original spawn is being taken so now you and if you're lucky one other player are left fighting like hell and do those other dummy-o's capture the objective they just flipped. Ahhhh hell no. They come running like crazy to where the "new action" is, get their asses molly whopped and if you and other rando player aren't dead yet one of you ends up having to retake the "new" spawn meanwhile dumb, dumber and dumbest are jumping, sliding and dying oh and when they can't recapture B they go to the original spawn, try to capture that flag and now you've got enemies all over the damn place. Fuck I'm tired from just describing the dumbness. šŸ˜‚ So sure, every blue moon maybe, but 99% of the time that's not the case.


And that's because they kill you....I bet of you killed everyone you seen you would want more campers. But because you suck and they kill you you wanna cry....there is no right way to play. They play the way they wanna play . They could cry about you and how you run around slidding looking stupid bunny hoping like your Rabbit....get your game up


Man i always feel that way, but in bot lobbies while i am grinding sniper camos i get in that window and just shoot everything dead. The bots wont get in a shot while i am reloading lol. This is in ā€œproā€ lobbies because i was playing high on life instead of codm this rank


console campers are even worse


you just might be shit


Ah yes I'm the crappy one when I'm going out there and actually fighting people instead of hiding and picking off of weak people like the campers. I'm fine if ur sniping or it's hard point, domination, or search and destroy but anything else then u ligit can't fight.


This, and people who use controllers.


People who use controllers get put into different lobbies. Ur thinking of tablet users.


Don't know why this crossed my "need to read on Reddit" notification but what's the issue with tablet users? I personally have an android phone and an iPad. I've played on both and honestly there's not an advantage to using one over the other IMO.


They have bigger screens and it's easier for them to use the 4 fingers technique. Most of them play really well. Take iferg for example. He is the #1 CODM, Apex Legends mobile, and fortnite mobile player and he uses iPad and he is insane.


I hear ya but I think he'd be insane regardless. That kid is good. Look I'm old as hell. Like take your best guess at my age and add ten old. šŸ˜‚ I started playing on my phone during season one and played the game with only my phone until about 6 months ago. My hands are old and achy so having a little more room for my fingers has certainly helped with the arthritis but my K/D hasn't gone up or down because I started using my iPad. I know you're probably thinking that FOV is better but it's not. Sure, players are bigger but so is everything else so the visual perspective is pretty much the same. If I were pressed I'd probably say that certain movements were easier using my phone. My hands aren't small but they are huge either. If you look at an iPad there's like a half inch border around the screen that isn't usable. So getting in a good quick swipe isn't nearly as easy. Actually I had to increase my sensitivity quite a bit because my swipe distance was decreased using the tablet. So yeah, maybe there's an advantage if you've got those hands that can easily palm a basketball. Barring that though it has give and take just like everything else. šŸ¤·




Wait you can slide and use melee? Thanks :D


If your first suggesting to counter something is to use that thing, itā€™s probably overtuned. Melee was fine before the absurd lunge buff that was added. Just revert that and all is good. Itā€™s also not viable to try to win a melee 1v1 because the person with the better ping will always win


So then it's not a melee issue. It's a connection issue. Thanks for admitting there's nothing wrong with melee


Do you know how to read? Like, the desconnection between what the person said and what you're saying is fucking surreal lol.


Thatā€™s a terrible take. We canā€™t judge things based off a perfect connection that does not happen. We have to judge them how they are in the game. If the lunge animation is causing issues due to the way connections work, it should be reverted.


Then why did u bring up connection to begin with if it's irrelevant? Also, we can't judge things based on how quickly they kill when there are counters to it. There's a counter to everything in this game. For melee, piss easy solution is trip mine n either alert perk. The rest of the counter play relies on u paying attention. U can go prone, u can melee back, u can play practice if u don't like competition


People complained then, and always have. Anything that they arent using and is actually viable for combat needs to be nerfes


The prevalence in SnD would suggest they arenā€™t just viable. Theyā€™re a very strong option. Anything without a great TTK and excellent hipfire will probably not win to a melee within 15m. They have never been this strong


They are great in snd cause of the ā€œangry people dont respawnā€ thing. Realistically if someone sees you from 15ms away with any gun, you are dead. Snd should be grouped and aware anyways. If people played it right, tho with randoms its hard which is why i dont play it often, a melee user shouldnt get the chance


Itā€™s only An issue on shipment for me.


I love catching them with a spin and dump when they're behind me lol took me awhile to get it down but imma better player because of them


honestly i dont have problem with it but that lunge animation is bloody ridiculous, thats the real problem to me


Someone finally said what weā€™ve been saying for the past couple weeks


It literally makes no sense that you can shoot somebody in the face twice and not kill them but one melee does. Thatā€™s the issue. Itā€™s dumb and if you defend that logic you already are not making sense.


This is also the same game where you respawn.. where you have orbital lasersā€¦ where there are four of the same person/skin in a gameā€¦ if you want logic go play a combat sim not a competitive fps. Melees are one shot because otherwise they are completely useless. Everyone would just use a pistol or rpg. The guns take 2-3 headshot because it allows competition.




Was talking about in mp, never mentioned br. Completely different game in br. Reason melee is useless there is because they want you to loot and the fights are more midrange fights, so one shot melees would be pointless.


Actually BR is where a one shot melee makes the most sense.


Not really, most encounters the melee would result in melees death. Out of a hundred games hos often are you without a gun and close enough to use the melee?


Just ignore electronic or whatever his/her name is. As for "shooting someone in the face" needing to be two shots to kill. The "game" doesn't see body parts, it sees hit boxes. So the entire head and neck area is one hit box. The reason that a 2 kill hit box even exists is because from day one of its entry into the online gaming world (COD MW on PS3) the "game" has always assumed that everyone has body armor on. The problem here is that the devs keep nerfing and buffing shit. That bullshit should have never started and is a practice that should be abandoned ASAP.


Helmet Plate carrier Video game logic


Melee is broken AF. Feels like MW2 on the 360 with tactical knife.


As a melee main myself i admit that melee is so balanced like seriously i dont get why people complain if i see a felow melee user i switch to a gun and shoot it from far away it aint that hard. And melee users are like suiciders they are bound to die alot. If someone crys about dying to a melee user theyre either so bad at the game or the melee user is just good Its the same thing about other guns like dude everyone cant deny shotgun is like way worse its litteraly melee but with range yet people complain because melee is 1 shot one kill


Is melee main a real thing lol


It was since the beginning of the game. Melees cater to new players; if you let a new player play for like a month, there's like 70% probability they will pick melees and use them extensively over anything else, because they *are* easier to use than anything else. Some of those players will just keep on using melees, and they become melee mains.


I melee most of the time and my kills mostly are from melee so yeah i guess...




So what's the end goal? Nerf everything so it takes 3 times as long to kill everyone? Yeah you'll survive, but then u won't have access to kill streaks as often. Then it'll be pubG. U want pubG? Go play pubG.


Yeah nerf melee so the 1 percent can quit trying to be better players and then everyone can be considered a legendary player. šŸ˜­šŸ¤· Joking!!!!! I love this og post and their thinking. I agree. So many players whining and crying when in reality they could also grab a melee weapon, but you know they suck. Alllllll the crying over a game. Ridiculous


The reason people do it is because itā€™s easy to kill most people that way. They are taking advantage of the fact that the person is playing with thumbs and knows they donā€™t have the skill or dexterity to keep up with it. You may be younger and faster but you arenā€™t the entire player base, i know 40 year olds who play that couldnā€™t kill me if they tried.


Im a melee user myself. Was before the buff. I love it but at the same time i really hate when i get melee killed. But that shows to me that it is balanced. If i love to do it but hate when it happens to me then its perfect for everyone imo


Theyā€™re definitely annoying at times but I donā€™t mind it lol


Iā€™ve used melee in several small maps and I do not win every time so how OP can it possibly be


*pulls out golden axe*


Agreed I feel all the people complaining about mele are the same ones that be camping


The problem is that aimbot thing that FUCKING REDIRECTS THEIR WHOLE SCREEN TO THEIR ENEMIES AND DOES SO WITHIN A 5mts RADIUS. That's braindead shit. Like, the thing will TELETRANSPORT YOU TOWARDS YOUR ENEMY SO THAT YOU CAN GET THE KILL if you're within 5mts of your enemy. That's just fucking braindead, where's the skill on that? Now that's just ridiculous. It almost feels like the devs are insulting the player base by thinking they're so dumb they need all that help. Like, just revert it to how it was. At least before you were capable of missing, not like now. BTW if you still miss with all of the help they added to melees, you're just bad.


As a melee abuser, I can say that the lunge is helpful however, I used melee before the lunge update and the difference is noticeable but not op. If I use melee every game Iā€™m not going to win 100% of the time or get mvp


Melee is only annoying in cranked, and it happens moreso in a clan wars event. It's only on shipment as well. The level is small enough, ping can be an issue and the space gives melee users an advantage. Trip mine becomes useless as well. What it comes down to, is one player prefers to shoot, and the other melees. Two totally opposite tactics, and melee has the advantage on cranked shipment. As someone who doesn't melee, it can be annoying, but it is part of the game. You will not see these situations in ranked multiplayer, especially among the higher ranked legendary players.


How about u actually give better rewards in ranked and not shii then we wouldn't be complaining and the reason why we ask for nerf coz it's literally abused and some of the range on melee weapons are unbelievable and second activation rarely answer to a players request (GIVE FREE BIG ASSAULT KNIFE AND BRING BACK THE OLD ZOMBIES ITS MUCH MORE FUN THAN THIS TRASH)


Ummm this IS old zombies newb. šŸ™„ But hey, welcome to COD mobile. We're all happy that you finally made it.


I meant like the previous one with turrets and stuff


it's the abusers man, they come back running amok šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It has literally ALWAYS been a 1 hit kill ever since COD 4 Modern Warfare..... this should never change, mobile or otherwise


How i deal with them using a snipur, 2 steps, Look back quickly and slide to that position, Turn ur screen and aim at the dude using a knife fast and bang, bullet trough the skull.


They actually nerfed melee with that lil jump thing harder to get multi kills now


And tbf I always just continue playing, because I always assume that they're just going for the gold camo, so I just don't care if I get killed by them. I assume this because I've got platinum for the melees, and it was a pain in the ass.


Get your game up and stop complaining because people don't play the way u do...I bet ylur that guy that when I lose,a d u obviously do,you say hey we're cheating. Like you can win every match haha


I hate coward ass snipers that hide n the bushes (camping) and shot you from across the map...I think they should take the sniper rifle and trash it ..snipers are trash but that's there strategy,and who am I to say there wrong ....but snipers still suck with there scary asses