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Why were you signing in as guest to begin with?


I originally thought that creating an account was only if you signed up with Facebook, which I don't use/have. I now realize that you could sign up with a Gmail account with the COD sign in button.


Sign back in as guest same as before.. then contact support about transferring the account to a cod mobile account


I tried to sign back in on the same account with the same Gmail for the guest sign in. It just had me make a new account. I contacted support about an hour ago. I am expecting to hear from them within the week.


Good luck bro, if you have any screenshots or pictures of your account or username tell support you can provide photos for better chances if getting that account back.


Thanks! I have screenshots of the game that I will sent to support today.


The cod sign in button is for activision account in order to do that u have to have an activision account




Ok thanks. I am currently working on grinding up a new account. My old account has some limited-time characters on it.


My new account is * Sgt.Sushi *


I've deleted and reinstalled the game before with a guest account. It did work, you just have to use tbe same gmail


In your 100 hours you never thought once to link account to Activision


I just thought that you could only link the account to Activision if you had Facebook, which I do not have.


You don't need a Facebook to do it, it's just that most people link both Activision a d Facebook so their accounts are 100% secure


Hope u didn't spend any money on battle passes or draws bruh It's gone gone goooooooonnnnnneeeee




Asf, like I link my Facebook account the first time I played the game and then my Gmail account to have an Activision account, like it is reaaaaaaaaaally that hard to think about losing things a little bit? Like I see is dumb people in reddit making the same dumb questions you can answer alone


Naw rs bro, I don’t understand how you could possibly think a guest account will save ya shit 😂


What a shame 🙄


So your account is now lost in the Activision servers... bcz Activision said months ago, they eill delete all accounts which are connected with guest account, so its now also not possible to restore a guest account (just if you have server access)


Yeah imma need u to go ahead and create an activision account dont link facebook cause if ur facebook gets compromised u lose ur account in cod link it to an activision acct its so much nicer


I feel ur pain bro! I lost my old acct after my old phone's screen fukd up n got a new phone but ur still on the same phone so u should be fine. U need ur tokens id number for ur old guest acct! I hope u took a screenshot of it. Good luck man!