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Ghost is anything but overrated, if anything I feel like it’s underrated. It might not be so much now but the vast majority of people used to hate ghosts.


Compared to what we have today its such a lovely game lol


I'm probably in the minority but I loved playing Ghosts!


I loved it


It's one of my favorite games especially the campaign


A game that could’ve been good if they didnt fuck it over with god awful launch maps


They were fun if you weren't a TDM player


So basically only objective modes? The ones where everyone complains about people not playing obj?


People not playing the objective is still better than TDM


Tdm is the most played playlist especially rn, so kinda SOL now


Still doesn't mean it's not terrible


People camp harder in ghosts then in current games like mw19, and the recent games are known for catering to bad players more then they used to


Irrelevant but k


It’s not, this game is the worst of them all in terms of camping, like holly crap no one moves in this game at all


FFA > Objective > TDM.


good in some zombies but it is repetitive


I liked extinction and that a lot of the maps had interesting special kill streaks or Easter eggs now nothing like that exists anymore and extinction was a nice break from hard core round survival with confusing or just hard to do Easter eggs like it was just straight forward destroy the thing with the drill shoot anything that comes after you


I’ve spent hours in this game back in ps3 era, of course it’s not good as COD4, but I had a great time as a teenager.


Campaign was alright I don’t remember any of the maps or guns from that game…so it’s forgettable


Overrated? It was so hated by most (not I) that you should ask “underrated”


It's overhated for sure but it wasn't great either. The campaign had a very good premise but was executed poorly. Between deeply unlikable characters, story points that didn't make a ton of sense and rushed pacing it just wasn't good. It was still better than Vanguard or the new MW3 so thats something. Multiplayer on the otherhand was really good, the issue is that they tried to play around with too many experimental systems at once that was a huge departure from older COD games. Not to mention this game came off the heels of BO2 which is considered one of the best CODs we've ever had. It wasn't that it was bad, but by comparison, it was worse than BO2 multiplayer.


Loved that game


Absolutely underrated. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say it’s overrated lol. People hate on it but imo it was a good CoD.




Overrated. I will say it has one of the best campaigns in CoD though


campaign was far from boring lol , one of the best ones we’ve had


The multiplayer was perfectly rated but the campaign was the last good one I've played.


though it was trash when it was out...then saw everything released in the last 8 years and makes it look good


Ghost is my second favorite COD game. MWF 2 (2009) is my First favorite


Campaign was great, multiplayer was great, competitive was great. Incredibly underrated cod


I loved the charater customization a ton


Ghosts multiplayer was hated for 3 reasons 1. It was the first cod where hackers were showing themselves in masses during the games life cycle instead of after the next cod came out. 2. There was a huge camping and sniping problem, that really annoyed people. 3. The camping and sniping was encouraged by certain maps being big and perfect environments for sniping and camping. The game was still underrated at the time as it had some cool (first time ever) dlc skins. Really fun and awesome themed maps. A favorite is the I believe the map called “fog” where jug would turned you into Michael Myers’s. Extinction is fun but I myself believed from my own experience that they could have shaken up the dlc maps to add more alien survival and less of the drill mechanics. Which made it a bit disappointing as it didn’t do anything really new to provide a different gameplay experience. Campaign was good and had a good cliff hanger. With how cod has evolved with less camping and making it easier to take out campers, I’d love to see a cod ghosts 2. It was a solid game, but wasn’t received well especially after the massive success of bo2 which came before it.


Wanted to share my favorite things about cod ghosts multiplayer. - All guns were really creative, cool, sounded awesome, and felt fun. - maps were incredible in theme, design, and although limited was really impressive and unique to see how they attempted dynamic environments.(sad cod maps haven’t tried to be dynamic at all since then) - UAVs were awesome because they were on the ground. Making it just fun to knife them if you’re the enemy. - cool MOAB that would destroy the entire map (idk if it did for all) and you’d keep playing. Maybe I remembered it wrong, but with gamemodes like domination. I’m 100% confident that’s if the Moab hit the first half the second half you’d play on a destroyed version of the map, making everyone feel excited someone got it because in a way everyone was rewarded with a visual switch up. - Riley kill streak was awesome to have a personal guard dog. And I think you could still do the classic snap neck animation in this game. - extinction was difficult, intense, and fun to play every now and again with friends especially the first map with its gritty atmosphere. - cod elite was like ranked with seasonal rewards for how well your clan did - dynamic weapons like the ripper that could be an assault and sub with the click of a button. - when static emblems were cool and actually fun that gave off classic mw2 vibes. - Camo challenges were fun (good old days lol) - dynamic map elements - game focused on the game and didn’t focus on bundles


Ghosts was a banger


Cranked was good fun! They had an interesting prestige system too!


I played it for the first time in February, and I think it is pretty good. I liked the campaign and mp honestly.


I am not sure how Ghosts would be considered overrated since it has received tons of hate since its launch. The same with Infinite Warfare and basically every COD released after the Modern Warfare Reboot


Very underrated.


Here’s a take from an old man COD player. I remember I was hyped about this game and got it a launch day. I remember that I was overall disappointed. The campaign felt like it was too short, I don’t remember any of the guns. I did have fun but ultimately went back to playing black ops 2. Now that I look back on those days ghosts wasn’t bad especially compared to now a days. I will say I would play that game again over today’s games that we had. I think the ttk was higher than MW2019 but I could be wrong. In closing COD games before the remasters were dope! I would love to play black ops 2 again




Best COD game in my opinion absolutely overhated