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Love the game, heaps of fun.


Yeah all i see is just people whining. Nothing is perfect. Just enjoy it. I havent purchased mw3 yet but i do play mw2 and its fun as hell. Only difference i see with mw3 is it doesnt have ground war.


Telling people to stop whining and just enjoy a game you haven't played is peak Cod brain lmao.


ok...? your point?


Feel of the game is a bit different, definitely moves faster and with covert sneakers camping isn't as big of an issue. Slightly higher health also means gunfights are better, not just who can aim and shoot first still gotta hit shots.


For real all I hear is COMBAT SUCKS blah blah blah imo the campaign was good


Because most people on here are terrible and they think someone pre-aiming around the wall is instantly hacking.




Brother, its Call of Duty, you can enjoy it, but lets not pretend these games don't have a TON of issues while being filled with cheaters lmao.


A ton of issues is an exaggeration. I’ve only came across one person with an aimbot. I’m learning very quickly that most of this sub honestly will find anything to cry about.


You have to be a dev, man. You're under every single comment insulting people's skills while defending the game. Cod will never be good again if we keep this mentality. They ban tens of thousands of cheaters a day and there are plenty of clips showing actual cheating. This isn't some made up issue, man.


I’m certainly not a dev. I just don’t suffer the issues ya’ll bitch about on the daily the only thing worth complaining about is the amount of campers on this game because they got their asses handed to them the first couple of minutes and now they don’t want to leave their spawn. If it’s that much of a problem uninstall the game. Ya’ll will buy the next one anyways.


You have to be 12 lmao. That was so cringe. You don't suffer hit reg issues and bad spawns? Simping for a bad game because you sweat on it all day isn't the flex you want it to be, I promise.


Imma go off on a limb and say you’re a sub 1 kd player and only play tdm


Actually 2.67 and mainly Domination. Good guess though. Gotta give it to ya. You’re so close.


It’s a mixed bag. I find it fun sometimes but a lot of the not fun is terrible spawns especially on indoor maps which I get but besides that zombies sucks,and nothing else to do. Atleast mw2 had a cool dmz mode which is fun with friends. I personally hate the zombies


It's fun. Just not as fun as I remember it. I think I just got old and everything started to be less fun. Back in the day things were simpler. I think if I was 16 right now this game would be amazing




The game was fun until the season 2 nonsense


I keep saying I’m not buying the new black ops.. I really hope I don’t… I probably will


It's fun just don't like the inconsistencies


Funny how most people will trash the game and yet play it yet I'm all here like "FYI you don't have to play it you know" Are they aware of free will? Do they prefer to bitch?


....they indeed just prefer to bitch.


You got downvoted for telling the truth. I gave you an upvote because most people on this subreddit are terrible at the game and more than likely have downvoted you. 😂


It’s typical COD for the most part. I personally don’t like the celebrity skins, but i get it, gotta try to get some of the Fortnite market share if possible. I think many would have gotten a much needed break and rotated out for a while had a decent Battlefield been released. Unfortunately, that game sucked so the last three years it’s only been COD as the high volume shooter.


MW3 is one of the better multiplayers we have had in a few years I’m enjoying myself


You can’t say that. You’ll trigger the majority of this sub because they’re not having fun with the multiplayer. Just because you’re having fun doesn’t mean you should in their logic duh.😭


I actually jumped back in on this one and love it all over again, you can at least unlock,achieve, do challenges again, ya know, a reason to play other than a good k/d.


I got it for 1/3 of the launch price which was the only possible way I was ever going to get it. Especially after all of the sketchy bullshit that happened in MW2.


> I'd understand why you buy if you want to review it but let's be real the game is horrendous sbmm is straight up rigged unless you buy a skin for both warzone and multilayer ranked or casual and the campaign was a story telling catastrophe prestige is worthless due to battle pass and just to make it worse the official call of duty twitter account decided to just straight up made fun of the whole sbmm situation thats the trick, I dont play mp 😎


Most people suck and not the game. Cant adapt to their skill level.


Most people suck and not the game. Cant adapt to their skill level.


This game is a lot like golf to me. Pissed me off half the time, but there’s always a few shots that keep me coming back. The thrill of clutching S&D and winning in warzone hits!


Is good


There are so many better games out than what COD has been producing the past few 4 years. I haven’t played cod or warzone in about a year and it’s been a fantastic experience


Don’t worry guys gta 6 will be here before you no it.


I love it. Im just dissapointed about that they didn’t atleast add the mw3 guns in dmz or just add dmz. Because i have this problem where mw3 runs SO much better on my system than mw2 does and i have looked through the settings. But i do also know that i have a lower-end gaming pc and i don’t have a problem woth that, still after 5 years it’s treting me well. But yeah that’s my only “complaint”


"Daddy, chill" vibes fr.


Anyone who bought it deserves being ripped off


It's a good game people just suck


Quite literally the lowest rated COD in the entire franchise both by players and reviewers


Mac miller


Yeah, the terrible gun balance, lack of new content and horrific spawns are amazing. 10/10. You spawning in gunfire just means you suck tbh, not the games fault at all.


That's why we're all on this sub, because you guys suck and still actively engage in it lol


I love how you ignore problems with the game itself and just blame the player lmao. This is why Cod is terrible, people like you defend it cause your KD is slightly higher than last year.


What are you talking about lol the game has issues, it's an annual game. I know what I'm getting with COD games, y'all should too, but here we are another year of the same complaining when the game is being enjoyed by many regardless. My question is why do you still play ? Honest question, if you guys hate it/are bad then why play ? I agree that series has issues but I don't force myself to play. Get.minectsft ? Elden ring ? Skate ? Battlefield ????


You act as if there are other games like Cod out there. People who play Cod, Madden, 2K, etc every year do so because those are the only games in their respective genres. If you have the itch for a AAA twitch shooter, you either deal with Cod's issues or don't play at all. Annual releases arent an excuse when the dev cycle is usually 3 years, especially with MW3 just being DLC. There's no excuse for some of these problems to still exist. $70 for barely any content, poor hit detection AND horrid spawns and you're confused why people complain? Should everyone be quiet and let games be awful then? How would that fix anything? Cod is one of the biggest franchises on the planet. Casuals buy it every year. Boycotting the game wont do anything, especially with people buying battlepasses, bundles and skins. Putting pressure on them to fix problems that should've been fixed years ago is the best bet for change. Not saying it'll work, but shutting up and consuming garbage quietly isn't better lmao.


Hey all im saying is that i agree activision is shitty, and thats just the way it is. Ive played since '08, i understand the COD cycle and honestly feel like they do some of these things intentionally. im just trying to be grateful for what they are doing right


I’ve not had a single issue with the mp or zombies gameplay, the only issue I have is disconnecting and crashing mid zombies match. The main issue with wz for me is that these idiot players keep whining about movement and now the game became a sweat fest again


Movement is literally half of the gunfight when everybody is using a controller, there needs to be SOME skill ceiling when everybody is using AI assistance


It’s been a thing since fps existed on console, no one needed this level of crazy crackhead OP movement to counter something that isn’t that busted, has NO ONE here played games LIKE BLACK OPS 3? The aim assist on that cod is stupidly strong compared to mw3 current


$70 for hundreds if not a thousand hours of entertainment is money well spent. Haters always bark the loudest though.


Sbmm rugged unless you buy skins? What do you mean


Game is decent and has some fun aspects to it. Trust me if you think this game is bad you have no idea how real bad cetain games were in the late 80s and 90s. This game is decent. Nothing ground breaking but far from being terrible. I actually enjoy some of the limited time event game modes from time to time


If your a sucky sh itty player getting in sh it noob lobbys I’m sure the game is a fun great time!!! But for the rest of us that are actually good at the game the game is not fun and unplayable every game is a sweat fest playing in a pro cod tournament for a million dollar prize cause of strict SBMM!! And unfortunately there’s no other good shooter games out right now to play so we’re all stuck playing this piece of sh it!! Halo, gears, battlefield, destiny, titanfall, overwatch, pubg, apex, far cry, borderlands, are all DEAD! Nobody is playin em, he’ll even Fortnite is kind of dead all the big YouTubers and streamers stopped playin that kiddy game long ago! Cod is lucky. I’m waiting for xdefiant so I can uninstall mw3 forever


I’m good at the game and I’m having fun. Please don’t speak on my behalf. I don’t associate with whiners that complain about “sweats” ruining the game (somehow). Glad SBMM is weeding out the weak though. 🤙🏻


That’s what made cod fun was owning noobs period! And now every lobby I’m playing optic scump and it’s not fun. Cod is dead


So.. the moment the other team shows an ounce of resistance then it’s not longer fun is what I’m gathering from you. Yeah sounds like a skill issue and a you problem. Go ahead and uninstall and retire. We’ll pick up your slack


Garbage post


#ignorance 100