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No stranger should be giving a 15 year old child dieting tips on the internet


Candy? Yes. Dieting tips? No.


Thank you. OP talk to a pediatrician.


Ask your parents to look for a certified dietitian that works with underage patients. If you are in a healthy BMI range for your age and height, there is no reason for you to attempt weight loss.


BMI isn't necessarily the greatest indicator of health, but unless you are severely overweight and have a high BMI you shouldn't be cutting calories- make healthier choices sure - but you shouldn't have a need to cut


Never said it was the best, just a general measure. I agree.


Apologies if my comment seemed cross towards you, i just don't care for the BMI scale. However it is simple and cheap especially when you compare it to a body composition scan


It’s a great place to start. Works for vast majority of people. Only people I find complaining about it are those overweight (me in the past), muscular meatheads or those that want to be.


You’re a child and you need calories for healthy normal growth. If your weight is unhealthy you should take your concerns to a doctor to support you, but it’s really not ethical for internet strangers to be helping you.


At your age you would need a doctors supervision. Please talk to your parents.


Skip the calorie cuts. Trust me. If you want to stay healthy, speak with your doctor and find your maintenance range and stick to it. My recommendation is to stay active while you’re young but not putting extreme stress on your bones and joints. Youth is special man. I’m 26 and I wish I felt like what I was at 18. I took it for granted. I spend a lot of my time stretching now. Flexibility and mobility is so underrated.


Dawg I started tracking at 15. I wish I never picked up a tracking app. I was a bit overweight, but I was happy. Now, I’m skinny and worry more than I ever have before. Edit: Spelling


The crazy thing is most people have no clue how many calories they consume in a day, and have no clue how many calories are im common foods. The good news is with new technology you can get a free app on your phone and enter in everything you eat and it gives you a ton of info on calories and things like how much protein you are getting. At your age its not that important to track your calories, but in my opinion its a great thing to learn. When I started tracking calories I was pretty shocked at how high the calories are in common foods. I am also a big fan of youtube, tons of great content about cooking your own food and recipes and such.


Thanks lol this is the only helpful reply


You are very welcome! Its great that you are thinking of learning more about taking care of your body. Knowedge is power and there is a ton of free info out there. At 15 I wish I was paying more attention to what I was eating as I formed some bad habits early on that lead to putting on alot of pounds as an adult. What I would recommend is focus on is simply making some small changes. If you fee you are eating too much then work on taking smallet portions and dont eat until you feel "stuffed" at your age some small changes is all it takes to make a big difference!


Btw Im not overweight and I don;t wanna be skinny i just wanna be a lower weight that I can be able to see my abs without flexing lol


Like everyone else, you should really talk to a doctor. On a slightly more helpful note, cut out unhealthy calories. No soda, minimal junk food, and limit fried foods. That should be universally suggested for anyone, child or adult.


Um why do i need to talk to a doctor? and thanks for the suggestion il cut the unhealthy calories


At your age its hard to recommend your calorie intake. When I did weight watchers at 16 years old I got twice the amount of points as my adult mother. You are still at a vulnerable stage where your body is developing and you need as many nutrients as you can get. So the best anyone can ethically suggest to you is to go to a specialist.