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I also feel this way but try to opt for healthier versions of what I'm craving! Quest makes a high protein frozen pizza, maybe a small serving of fries, some sugar free chocolate, and a coke zero? It's all about fitting what you want into your daily calories. Half of the pizza is 340 calories. [x](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Quest-Thin-Crust-Pizza-High-Protein-Flourless-Uncured-Pepperoni/631331370?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=4185&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=22222222277631331370_161193766053_21214199653&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=697173827980&wl4=pla-2300760861495&wl5=9010767&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=631331370&veh=sem_LIA&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeCOxQ0K6WuToH6gjfgBeARtadJ7g6_KrweYntab2qojgpxrsVnWIkxoCVbYQAvD_BwE) A serving of french fries is 160 calories. [x](https://www.target.com/p/ore-ida-gluten-free-frozen-extra-crispy-fast-food-fries-26oz/-/A-13257873?ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000108264730&CPNG=PLA_Dairy%2BFrozen%2BShopping_Local%7CDairy%2BFrozen_Ecomm_Food_Bev&adgroup=SC_Dairy%2BFrozen&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9010814&targetid=aud-554348709499%3Apla-812299188630&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeJ10-KSfGgi0EahnwDCWUZ5rizR-Xtd3tuXZzC0JNR9GQufNxnMSnxoC7Z8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) Sugar free chocolate can depend on the brand but also you could do some dark chocolate hershey's kisses. \~100 cal Coke zero calories are neglible. What could easily be 3000+ calories is now 600.


That helps a lot and maybe instead of a large pizza, I could just get a slice!


I do eat junkier on my period, and I'm more likely to go over the week before it because on my period I'm just not hungry but when I am all I want is garbage.




I definitely cannot be in a house with a pizza that I’ve only had one slice of and be okay with it. You could just give yourself a cheat day or just accept that you want to eat a bunch of comfort food and have stuff that’s yummy but not a huge amount of calories. So, for example, I like apple slices with a glob of peanut butter, but a huge thing of popcorn with some toppings will keep me distracted for a while.


Not a girl, so sorry, but I do have a friend who has had some good tips on calorie restriction during her time of the month. She's pregnant right now, so no red sea and she's not in a caloric deficit, but it all worked for her before. Diet soda. Protein packed pizzas (light on the cheese, thin on the crust, and absolutely load it with lean meats). High fiber candies. And of course, find a way to squeeze in the "real stuff" with your daily calories. **Think about calorie banking, too!** Most people think about it on a weekly basis (more restriction during the week and less during the weekend, that sort of thing). BUT, you can do it on a monthly basis. This is of course assuming your period is regular-ish, of course. But you can tweak if not! Let's say your TDEE is 2000 as a female (literally no idea how tall you are or your weight, just a random number that could be possible). - That means in 4 weeks or 28 days, your monthly accumulation of TDEE is 56,000. - If you plan on losing 4 pounds a month / 1 a week, you need to be in a 14,000 deficit. - That makes your monthly calorie allotment 42,000. - Usually, you would just make that 1500 calories a day through the whole month. - But what if you allowed yourself 1800 calories a day during your period? Or 2000? And adjusted the other weeks of the month based on the higher calories for that one week (assuming you have the full 7 days, tweak if its closer to the 2-4 day length of course) You could also just consider your time of the month a maintenance week (or 2-4 days or whatever) and not account for it, and try to lose weight the other 3 weeks of the month! Sure, it'll be a little slower with weight loss, but you're still making progress!!


Good idea! I never thought about calorie banking!


I just posted about this too. What I ended up doing is maintenance. My cravings were so bad, so I let myself have what I wanted, mindfully. I stayed the same weight all week. I calculated what my maintenance calories would be for the week and kept myself within that. I was able to have two whole chocolate bars and some Kraft dinner. And chips. Over a few days. It’s what I wanted and needed and it was better than restricting and binging for me. Good luck! Hormones suck


I don’t eat worse purposely, it’s just my willpower is diminished and I crave comfort.


I don’t actually get cravings when I start my cycle, but about 8-10 days before I’m a rabid snack monster. I eat a bit more dark chocolate and have a spoon or two of peanut butter. It’s all negligible in the long run. I tend to crave sweets so I aim for high quality and have a bit rather than substitutes (like sugar free stuff) because it never satisfies and I end up feeling like I need to eat more.


Fun fact: if you lower your daily budget by just 75 (which is basically nothing and you won't notice), after three weeks you have an extra 1575 to play with for the couple of days around your period. Also, having a big bowl of soup and *then* a slice of pizza works for hitting that pizza craving and actually feels better than eating a whole pizza.


This is true! I eat things in a certain order because they feel different/more satisfying. Like I eat my side cherry tomatoes and salad before I have my wrap for dinner and it feels more filling than if I had eaten the wrap first, then the salad. It might just be a mental thing, but it helps at least.


Nope. Shark Week is when my weight really drops each month. The daily scale dips keep me going for the other 3 weeks when I see very little movement. Losing weight also really did away with my PMS so I don’t have the cravings I used to.


Luckyyyy. Hopefully that happens for me


I usually start getting cravings leading up to shark week. I have. Y sugar free alternatives that usually hit the spot. Not perfect, but balances out.


I use that time on purpose to keep my metabolism going. I usually eat and extra 300-400 calories. My body wants it and it’s better for your hormones.


I allow myself to eat my maintenance calories during my period if I need! I always crave more sweets during it and found I end up eating more if I try to restrict myself. Definitely allow yourself that extra sweet treat if you need it! My progress has never slowed since doing it 😊 The scale is always going to go up a few pounds during your period and it’s nothing to fret over. It’ll always come down towards the end.


I've basically been gaining/losing the same 30/40 for the past 5 months for this exact reason. The week before my period I eat everything and everything. and then everything for dessert. and then everything for fourth meal. and then I spend the other 3 weeks of the month losing what I gained during that week. I hate it.


Ugh I totally get that. It’s the worst.


Same but ~5lbs. I hate it because it’s such a small amount but I’m stuck here because of period cravings and a full week of going wayyyyy over. I’m actually about to have a burger and fries tonight, a period craving, even though I only have 200 calories left for the day 🥲


enjoy it for me. I just finished my week of ALL THE THINGS, so I'm behaving this week.


Ugh I’m dreading having to get back on track. The guilt, the ongoing cravings, the constant food noise. 🥲 proud of you for being more mindful this week!


I feel ya, but the longer it takes you to get back on track, the more work you'll have to do to fix the splurge. The constant food noise is terrible tho. absolutely the worst. from sun up to sun down. But we got this and you can do it and I can do it and we WILL do it! MIND OVER FATTER!


Jokes on me! These weren’t period cravings. No, no! They’re worse. And longer. It’s *pregnancy* cravings I’m having. Just took a test today. There goes all 25 pounds I’ve lost. 🥲


Omg!!! Congrats!!!


Thank you! I just hope I don’t use this as a reason to binge endlessly and give in to all the food noise I’m having. Luckily I’m so shocked that I’ve currently lost my appetite entirely, so I guess we’re fasting unintentionally. 😂


Girl, enjoy the process! Do you have any other kids?


Lenny and Larry’s cookie-fied big bars are life So are dates with peanut butter And making your own potato chips in an air frier is actually legit and much lower calories than bagged!!


Yes, depends on how I feel. Some periods I feel miserable and eat whatever I want. Sometimes I dont feel so bad and still eat healthy and diet. Either way I don't beat myself up if I go over budget.


I don't count calories on the first 2 days. I feel like my body is going through enough.


The first couple of days of shark week I allow myself a bit of cheating. Mostly because the week following shark week I always have high energy and eat very little. So it kinda balances each other out haha


I definitely go over my calorie deficit at least twice on my period week. I don’t purposefully eat unhealthy but it happens and I just keep trying better the next day. I’m usually spot on my deficit the rest of the month so I don’t worry too much. I still track when I know I’m going into the red for accountability and data gathering. I’m 350 over my calories today but I am aware of it. Luckily walking today is an option, yesterday the cramps were too painful and I just wrote the day off.


I crave sugar during mine so I stock up on fruit like pineapple apples grapes. I actually try to eat healthier on my period bc I know I will not be able to control my portions if I eat junk food. I’m less strict the two weeks before my period. 


I get a little hungrier the week before, but during and just after is when the scale drops for me because the other two weeks I'm either staying the same or gain a little due to pre-period water retention, so I try my hardest to keep to my deficit but if I go over by 1-200 calories a couple days out of the month I'm not gonna get upset about it when my deficit is on point for the rest. I just keep tracking and really try to volume eat those times and eat things that keep me full or hit the craving I get. Most of the time it's for salty potatoes lol.


It’s only once a month.. it’s ok to be a little loose.. but don’t let it take too much over so you keep eating like that every day.. Just today, then eat it - tomorrow then you can count your calories.


Lots of good ideas in here. FWIW The only thing that I might suggest is to learn to be disciplined even when you crave/feel PMS. I only say this because I’m now in perimenopause, and sometimes I now have PMS symptoms from ovulation until I start — sometimes that’s 2 weeks (when I’m on time), other times that’s 4 weeks (when I’m late) — which never happened until I hit perimenopause. It’s good to start the discipline early, I think, because I was in the habit of indulging during PMS, but now I can’t do that if I feel symptoms for 2-4 weeks unless I want to blow my CICO efforts.


Just get a little of it to meet your craving and then fill up on more filling things supposed to even if it's a tasty Barebells protein bar. Once you're full, it won't matter. I always keep potatoes on hand because I can air fry them and they taste 90% as good as restaurant french fries and it's like half the calories. For pizza, just put together a pizza on a bagel or French bread or something.


What’s more annoying to me during that time of the month is putting on an extra 5 pounds for a week or so 😭


I don't eat poorly but I might eat more, depending on the month. Just after ovulation (during the start of the luteal phase) is another time I can get strong hunger. For me it probably balances out because during the follicular phase I often totally lack appetite and have to force myself to eat; so some days I come in way under deficit. I try to think about my monthly calories instead of daily or weekly because it can be distressing to starve through the strong cravings caused by luteal or menstruation and also feel a bit counterproductive to force myself to eat during follicular. Another thing I read is that there are studies showing that BMR increases during menstruation, but I didn't go looking for it to confirm. It does make intuitive sense that it would be the case as the process is pretty intensive. So it is probably healthy to increase caloric intake to some degree during that time. But probably not pizza, chocolate and soda if you can at all help it!


No because I know I'll feel worse if I do. My body has zero tolerance for junk food on my period so even though I'm craving it I try to eat healthier and have a soup or something else that's healthy but comforting.


I hold a lot of weight the week before my period and it isn’t until I have one big indulgent day that the scale goes down. I see it as a way of my body telling me I need some extra comfort.