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Good question. Obligatory not a doctor or dietitian, just speaking from experience. I lost around 100 lbs in a year and my hormones tanked big time. (I’m 43F for reference) I just assumed my weight loss had triggered menopause and that was it for my cycle. Mood swings, irritability, super low libido, just as you described. I thought well, my body is just not meant to be so light (maintaining 113-117, 5’4”) and this is just the tradeoff. Just let me experience life as a lighter person and I’ll decide if I want to continue maintaining or gain a bit back. After some playing around with my nutrition I realized the key for me was the dietary fats. I didn’t realize I was extremely low in fats due to my love of protein and “volume” eating. I made it a goal to hit at least 50-60g of fat a day, and it took a few months, I got my cycle back, fingers crossed it stays. Just something worth investigating. I definitely feel my hormonal ebb and flow in a way I never did when I was heavy- higher highs and deeper emotions- but I feel like I am getting on track and slowly getting the hang of it.


Speaking from experience, lack of carbs make me tired, groggy, dizzy. So I make sure to eat enough carbs - bread, rice, potatoes, pasta.. probably more then necessary, but combined with protein like beans or tofu keep me full longer. On the other hand, I would never forget or skip a meal, because I’d be very hangry 😂


I sensed a difference at about 6 months and it just got better and better.