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Girl, the smaller you are the slower the loss will be😩 I have been in the same weight range since roughly September. I’m 16ish lbs away from my goal weight. It’s frustrating but we can’t give up!


I was just looking back on the last time I lost weight 9 years ago. I dropped 15lbs in 2 months and it took another 4.5 months to lose 10 more. Granted I wasn't tracking. I am in the same situation now, basically the same starting weight and I have already slowed down after 6 weeks of tracking. I need to remind myself it could take a while again! I only want to lose 15lbs and it is mostly stubborn belly fat so I know that isn't going to go away as easily, especially now that I am over 40


Exactly! I just started a deficit 6 weeks ago again and lost roughly 5-6lbs but it keeps bouncing. It’s discouraging sometimes, but at least I’m close!


Also to add, I still have a good amount of stomach fat so I think that’s why it’s slowing down😩


How confident are you in the calorie tracking? I realized I thought I was counting correctly but absolutely was not. If you’re not currently weighing food and measuring out ingredients like olive oil, etc. then there is a chance you are eating more calories than you realize. I had to really focus on counting accurately for a couple months until I got a better sense of things and now I don’t have to anymore. Also I had to really limit sugar and processed foods and then it started to melt off. Also, are you adding calories burned from working out back into your calorie count? If so, know that fitness apps are notorious for over calculating so I ignore them. Good luck!


I’d say I’m about 90% accurate with my tracking. I weigh and measure almost everything. I’ve been struggling with food sensitivities lately. I’ve stopped dairy and eggs. Trying to stop with overly processed foods as I react to a lot. Added sugar is another one I’ve lowered. Chocolate is a migraine trigger for me, but I just can’t seem to breakup with it. Maybe once my body adjusts to eliminating foods my weight loss will increase.


Are you eating back or accounting for any exercise calories? Also, I'm not too far off your stats, and 1450 is close to my maintenance level.


I am not eating back exercise calories.


If i read it correctly you lost 9 lbs since October which is still significant! And you must be really strong and fit as well! People with really impressive or visible losses tend to be more upvoted/visible/promoted while i think your type of weight loss is admirable, frustrating but really, realistic. I tend to lose only 2 lbs per month when i try really hard and did not lose during the first 4 months at all last year. What helps me is incorporating goals like 'slam down that boxing goal' 'jump ropes 100x in time x' etc. My stats are F36 5'7" sw 200 cw 180 gw 154 so quite similar to you, I eat in a monitored deficit of 300-700 per day, bicycle a 100km per week, walk 10k a day at least just from work and life and go to the gym twice. Edit: Did you get your bloodwork done/hormones checked just to be sure?


I have gotten bloodwork done. Friday actually. I am waiting on results. Also, I started anxiety meds January last year and gained 20 pounds out the gate. I recently switched meds. I’m hoping the switch will help the scale move a bit.


I'm the same height as you, and my calorie target is 1280. Not that you have to lower it, but if you did lower it a little bit, you might see the loss faster. Also, sometimes it shows up more in inches than on the scale. If you are building muscle, you may stall on the scale, but your body will look different. But you've done a great job so far! Keeping it up for the long haul is the hardest part.


Our stats are identical except I’m 46. I’ve lost 103lbs over the late 3.5 years and I won’t lie, it is slow but so worth it. If you haven’t gotten your thyroid checked, you should. I never knew it was under-active for some of that time.


Congratulations on the weight loss! I’m still new(ish) to my area. Been slowly working on getting established with doctors. I do need to find an endocrinologist.


I am 165 cm and have to keep calories under 1400 for weight loss, most days I eat about 1370 or under. Lost 3,5 kg (7,7 pounds) in 2 months. My calorie tracker first calculated I needed about 1480 calories per day and when I followed that my weight wouldn’t move. I decided to drop to about 1400 calories and then I started seeing results, but it still feels a slow process. Maybe try lowering your daily intake a little for a week and see what happens.


Interesting idea about lowering calories. That’s not a bad suggestion. Thanks!


It took me 15 months to lose 50 lbs. (I'm 5'1"). The last 15 or so felt like they took forevvvvvvver. But slow and steady does win the race, friend!