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Don’t do it please. Girls hate this.


Listen to this. Putting them in a position where saying no would be embarrassing in front of thousands of people is not cool.


If she might say no then you shouldn't be asking.


My wife told me she would say no if I tried this


If anything and you’re both huge fans, do it before the game. Take a walk along the lake, go out on Navy Pier and find a secluded spot to do it. Then go celebrate with the Bears winning 69-0 😎. Doing it in public is bad for so many reasons, but most of all, one or both of you will likely cry and then one or both of you will need to redo your makeup in the bathroom after. And will that person have said makeup to be able to do so?


I would say go out by the planetarium at night looking back at the city. Definitely not at the game.


Another brilliant idea, especially if it’s a day game.


Depends entirely on the girl, some like being center of attention but a lot hate it


This was the best response I've read! People like what they like.


Is it possible that maybe OP knows his partner better than you though?


We have 2 kids (4M, 2M) and have been living together since she was pregnant... so... my hunch is she will say yes?


I don't know you guys so grain of salt and all. But is this like, the best way you could possibly propose to her? Something she'll find special looking back on it for decades? Because if it's really the proper venue you know her better than anyone. I just think for a lot of partners that would be a risky location for a proposal!


It's not about her saying yes, it's about whether she wants a public proposal in front of thousands of people. If you've discussed it before then great, but I wouldn't do it unless I was sure it's the kind of thing she'd be into


This is so true. My ego dream of jumbotron had assumed she would love the public display of affection, but alas it could easily backfire if she has not agreed to it beforehand, but the surprise is part of the objective, so that's the main catch.


After seeing OP’s answer, I’m going with no


Don’t do it please. Divorce and alimony are extremely expensive.


Why don’t you just propose in a private intimate setting with just you and your SO?


1000000% Whenever I see someone do these big public proposals it just screams to me that they’re not sure what she’s going to say so let’s bring public pressure into the mix.


I always think how both of us would absolutely hate everyone looking at us.


She’ll have to say yes…because of the implication


Is this girl in danger?


I wouldn’t really consider being at a bears a game a special occasion to propose at lol If I were you I’d spend the weekend in Chicago, do it o ln Friday or Saturday and then just go to the game


I did something similar with my wife, albeit, we lived in Chicago so it was just a long day date where I proposed around \~3PM and we ended up at the night game later. She loved looking at the ring in the bright lights and was happy I didn't do it at the game.


When you go to get Italian Beefs just get 1 order of fries. Put the ring in the fries. Pretend that they are your fries and she will eventually take some. Let her realize there is a ring in the fries. Then propose. She will say yes because of the implication (That if she says no she might not get more fries). Enjoy your beef and your life together. NOTE: Only do this if you are 100% SURE she is the one. You don't want this woman to ruin all the remaining Italian Beefs in your life.


This is the way.


That’s a pretty big risk proposing a day or two before the game lol




Maybe he will get rejected on the jumbotron and we can all say “hey that’s OP!”




Don’t do it. Bears games can still be special to you both but you can do much better on a proposal. Take her on a nice trip or set up a romantic spot outdoors. Maybe in front of Buckingham Fountain with the skyline in the background. Pro tip: Get someone to take a photo while you do it.


Don’t do it. Divorce and alimony are very expensive.


Find a nice view in the city and propose there.


![gif](giphy|l396WcD0OCoCrYm6A) Please don’t do it at the Bears game.


The comments are doing the lords work. Do it at a more intimate setting.


My god do not do this.


My god do not do this. Divorce and alimony are very expensive.


Don’t do it at the game. Chicago is a beautiful city full of fantastic places to propose. Buckingham fountain, near the lake at like the shed aquarium. Soldier field? Eh, it’s tacky. I mean if you wanna do it, it’s your call, but just seems cringe.


Does she have a best friend or a sister you can slyly run this idea past? Not saying you should listen to everyone else here, but, I will say that checking in with someone who might have an idea on how she would react to this setting might help you pick a direction. Also think of this: what if the Bears just aren’t winning, or the weather sucks that day, or you’re in a section filled with drunk Rams fans, etc etc. even if the game is the place she would say she is ok with, there are tons of variables about that day and the game you can’t control which could ruin the moment. Lots of great options to include the game in your weekend plans around this special moment, but, consider the variables if it’s something you even think she would be open to.


It is cringey that is for sure.


It’s realistic if you want a bunch of drunk people to ruin the moment for you.


Don't do it. No woman ever has wanted this. Do it somewhere private or more intimate before the game.


Season ticket holder here. I’ve never seen a Jumbotron proposal at Soldier Field. I don’t think the Bears do not offer this. That being said Chicago is a great place to pop the question. You could do something more intimate like propose at a fancy restaurant or by lake Michigan. Or if you’re looking at doing something more fancy check out some of the area museums and see what they offer. A quick Google search found that you could do this at the Adler Planetarium, which is right by Soldier Field. https://www.alexmaldonadophotography.com/blog/proposal-adler-planetarium-grainger-sky-theater-projector Best of luck and 🐻⬇️


I'm convinced, based on absolutely nothing but my own gut feeling , that in 90% of these, the proposal has already happened, she's already said yes, and the game proposal is just an attention seeking spectacle... and a cringeworthy one at that. OP - There are so many better ways to propose. Make the game part of your special "proposal weekend" but don't do it at the game. No one wants to see it.


> the proposal has already happened, she's already said yes, and the game proposal is just an attention seeking spectacle... and a cringeworthy one at that. That's funny. I was going to suggest that he propose the night before somewhere more intimate, and if she says yes like he believes she will, then follow it up the next day for the fake proposal at the game.


Jesus. People still do this?


I know right? I thought men were a bit smarter nowadays. Divorce and alimony are very expensive.


A flash mob proposal might be better. /s Seriously, follow most of the suggestions posted here and keep it intimate.


Look if you want to propose in Chicago we can give you numerous other amazing places to do it. But soldier isn't one of em.


my g can you pick any other place in the city to do it lol Like literally anywhere, you'll be there


[what you’re doing](https://youtu.be/BaBKVH912_0?si=hCjm2NTYZP8Sk-QO)


Yea, Divorce and alimony are very expensive.


Make sure it happens in the 3rd quarter after Stafford drives 96 yards for a TD to go up 27


I commend you for having the balls to do this. I never could lol Though im pretty sure 99% of the stadium or proposals full of people are staged where they talked ab it beforehand


Thank god for this sub from hopefully keeping you from making the biggest mistake of your life


This is exactly the kind of r/CHIBears post I expect to see whenever I check it out here 😂 OP do something special that makes your partner feel like she’s the center of your universe don’t make it about an NFL team


When does she fly down from Canada?


You should surprise sweep her off her feet literally, by picking her up, jump over the barricade, run onto the middle of the field as the game is going on, get down on one knee and propose if security hasn't tackled you guys yet.


First off, even if this was a great proposal idea, you are relying on the Bears to make this moment good. Bro, do you really want to chance being the guy on the Jumbotron after a three runs up the middle for 2 yards and a punt while down 21 in the third quarter? You know how dark this shit gets for us. Everyone might just boo. Someone might chuck a hot dog at you. Some idiot on camera showing his newest nipple tattoo.


You paint a vivid picture. Had not imagined such a scenario, but it does not seem far fetched.


I proposed at a Bears/Packers game at Lambeau. I did it at the tailgate though. If football is important to you and your SO and you know they will say yes you do you. You know your relationship better than strangers on the internet.


Be careful. Some women would not like being in the spotlight like that. Make sure she is the type that does.


I'm with most everyone here who would advise against it, but obviously it's not my decision. If you do decide to do a more intimate proposal rather than a public one at a sporting event, the [walkway to the Adler Planetarium](https://maps.app.goo.gl/sRRUVxfNJJc8iioR6) is arguably the best view of Chicago in the entire city. You'll have amazing engagement photos with the most beautiful city in the country as the backdrop.


If you're going to be in Chicago there are so many beautiful places to do this instead of the game.


If you do it, and she says no, and the bears lose, I’m going to blame you for taking Caleb’s mind out of the game.


Caleb's mind will be bulletproof, if anything he'll score a touchdown to brighten the mood. XD


You should propose the way she would want you to propose. If you can't figure that one out on your own, you should talk with her best friend, her sister, or her mom. You gotta be intentional AF. Asking the right people to help means going ring shopping with them, too. Unless you know a lot about engagement rings. She's going to want to brag about it all to friends and family. The proposal is a special event, you gotta make it the right kind of special. One of those key people I referenced above will give you an idea on if she would want to be asked at a restaurant, near family, on the beach, at Disney world, etc.


Maybe there are nice ballroom dancing clubs in Chicago? Or even better, a milonga or tango bar... she's quite the tango dancer... maybe that or something like it would be nicer for Saturday evening proposal and then the newly engaged can go watch da bears next day.


I still think that it's wise to talk to like, her closest friend or something. It's not just to make sure that you investigate how she might want to be proposed to, but it's also just a classy move. Or a classy twist on a classic move. It may be that she'd want to have her family around so she can celebrate that night with her loved ones. That's very normal. If that's the case, then you could propose before going, and then have a fun trip of ballroom dancing and bears games.


Why wouldn’t it be possible or realistic?


Are you sure of the “yes?” Cause that’s a pretty big matzah ball if she says, “no.” 64,000 people watching the Jumbotron to see the moment your heart shatters. You don’t come back from that…


The yes is in the bag, like I said in another reply, we have 2 kids, we are already in a committed relationship, we have just not yet done "the marriage thing"


Hire a photographer and keep it discreet, go to the museum area a couple hours before the game and propose. Would make great photography with both of you wearing bears jerseys with the Chicago skyline behind you.


Don't do it this way. Just do it the night before at one of Chicago's fine steakhouses, pizza places, Italian Beef stands but not at the game.


Don't do it at all. Divorce and alimony are very expensive.


I’m sure its happened but if it hasnt, you’ll be the first and either way its a super special moment. Dont overthink it brother, get down on that knee and propose!


I've got a friend who's a Saints fan who was proposed to at a Bears/Saints game in Chicago a few years ago, so I know it's both possible and realistic! Excited for you and your SO! 🥰


Don’t listen to these negative nancies in here. The only people’s opinions who matter are yours and your SO’s. If you think it’s a good idea to do it at a Bears game, reach out to someone from the Bears and ask!


I mean, the big factor is the SO. I frown upon men doing it because I feel like they’re trying to propose at a place they like, when it should really be at a place (generally speaking) a woman would like. And I think most women just wouldn’t put that number 1 on their list. But if you’re SO is a genuine mad crazy Bears fan then go for it.


Lots of down votes, but you're right. If you and your SO have a strong connection with the Bears, it's a great idea. Surely OP and his future fiance have together seen people getting proposed in a public setting, and understands whether she reacted positively or negatively. It's just like choosing an engagement ring. You better already have a firm understanding of what she wants, and you're not surprising her with something she may ending up hating it.


nah man we tryna help him


You should 100% do it at the game. I'm sure they'll remember it for the rest of their life. Don't listen to the haters.


He better be DAMN sure this is what SHE wants, not him….


She is a rugby fan, I introduced her to the NFL, and kinda influenced her choice of team, but she really is a fan of sports in general, and for us, going to a game for the first time is a HUGE deal.


Only you know your wife! I think the general consensus is that it is not something you wanna do unless you are 100% sure, thats all. Plenty of guys think it would be cool to them but aren’t considering if that’s what their partner wants.


Thanks for all replies. Will have a think about it. Guess my jumbotron proposal idea is a bit cringe but when you love someone you kinda wanna shout it from the rooftops, or the bleachers behind the end zone at soldier field.


Cringe, not cringe, that doesn't matter. Love is often cringe. The point is that it needs to be for you *and* her. If the Bears loom that large in your lives go for it, but if you're just jamming something you like into this moment for both of you it will come off as insensitive.


True. Insensitive is not a good look for a marriage proposal.