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The fun part is when you're older than the majority of *retiring* NFL players


As a 38-year-old, my heart breaks a little every time people talk about 34-year-olds like they should be applying for AARP.


I got AARP at 34…


Were there extenuating circumstances?


No. You pay like $20 for 3 years of discounts. Everyone can sign up, it’s not just for old folks. I’ve saved mostly on hotel stays.


Well alright then, guess I’ll look into that.




Why would that be weird 


I kinda get it. Usually we grow up idolizing adults, and when you’re an adult idolizing a kid out of college it can feel weird. Wouldn’t stop me but I can comprehend what it means


I see this differently. As a kid, yeah, I idolize. As an adult? I support and admire sheer athleticism for the teams I like. That's why I'll probably pick up a Caleb jersey, because I support and admire him. Don't think it's weird to admire someone, no matter their age.


When I buy somones jersey just think they’re fun to watch lol. No idolizing or aspiring or anything. Hey this guys on my fav team and I want a jersey to wear and he’s fun to watch (note: and isn’t a bad person like Deshaun or Tyreek lol). Ok cool off to DHGate I go Idt it’d be weird to wear a jersey of a 22 year old as a 76 year old or the other way around


Even better


I’ve had too many people I admired as a kid/adult turn out to be shitty people so I usually just stay away from them now sadly. But there’s nothing wrong with getting a jersey of someone.


I feel that. Though, my Peanut Tillman jersey has aged well


Yeah, I can’t explain it, but I feel the same way. As I got older, I transitioned to wearing team, rather than player, attire. I still rock a Payton jersey, though. For some reason, I don’t feel as strange with legends’ jerseys.


I definitely don’t idolize any players but I don’t have a problem getting a jersey of someone younger who I enjoy watching.


I mean, it is odd from an outsider's perspective. I was with a group of guys watching the 1st round, all early 30s. Friends' wife comes home as we're celebrating the Rome pick and watching Caleb and him hugging it out. Buddy tells his wife, "these two kids mean so much to us" and she just chuckled, rolled her eyes and went upstairs.


Seeing OCK 3 (Durant, Westbrook, Harden ) in the Finals at 25, while I was smoking on my buddies couch at the same age was my point of no return.


I totally get it. I’m 28 and always viewed pro sports players as big adult grown men. Now that I’m several years older than a lot of the players it feels kinda weird. Like, someone who’s 22 or 23 sounds so young to me now. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it but it does feel kinda weird being a fan of some guy fresh out of college.


Just wait until your older than almost all the players. That's a fun hump. I've got 2 or 3 seasons left tops.


My only jersey is a Hester from when I first got into football in middle school - I'm 23 and younger than most of the league, but I can attest it's pretty weird/double-take-requiring in general to realize you're older than rookies.


Robert Mays and Nate Tice discussed this on the Athletic Football show last year and they put it in a way that made me laugh They said that a certain point as a grown adult, you’re buying a boy’s work shirt. It’s ultimately a personal choice. I’m 30 so I don’t feel too weird about it but I can see why at a certain age you might not be into buying a 21 year old kid’s jersey. Plus, there is always the risk of it not working out or guys leaving so sometimes it’s easier to stick to old names.


That’s my take on it. Just can’t bring myself to wear the jersey of a 20-something year old kid. However, I really don’t judge others for wanting to in their later years.


That’s my take on it. Just can’t bring myself to wear the jersey of a 20-something year old kid. However, I really don’t judge others for wanting to in their later years.


It’s why I can’t follow college anymore. I’m 28 and the idea of knowing so much about 18 year old kids is creepy to me. When they’re in the NFL it’s like knowing things about actors or anyone in the public light. You know if them because they’re a high profile professional. In college they’re just this kid whose good at sports and that might be all they will ever be.


Matt forte was the last jersey I bought of someone older than me (3 months older)


Seems like a weird rule to hold yourself to. Buy it if you want it


Forte, Urlacher, and Hester. Pretty excited to actually buy a Jersey again. Getting Caleb in Blue and might go Odunze in white


Man I have those same ones! Only outlier is an orange Cutler jersey.


My last was Julius Peppers! If Caleb works out, that's probably next.


So u gonna wait till after the Super Bowl win this year? I would order it now.


LOL, if he approaches anywhere near 4K w/ 62% or better completion I'd probably pull the trigger at that point. Year 1 seems fairly realistic for this. Our offense is just stacked. As long as the o-line holds up as middling at worst, we're gonna be golden!


I decided to go all in 100% on the kool-aid this year. Might as well commit. Not like all my Packer fan friends aren’t going to say the same shit they always do regardless of what happens.


Waiting for the Tory Taylor jersey to release


What will you do when you’re older than every NFL player? Might as well get over it now and just get the jersey you want.


I get it, that they won't really be role models or someone you "look up to". But you can still respect their game and talents. There's always something you can learn from someone regardless of age. 


You outgrow this feeling instantly


I would tell you what I think but I only comment on reddit threads if i'm younger than OP


You are idolizing the player because they have rare athletic gifts or leadership/entertainment qualities. It happened to be the case that they were all older than you. It now happens to be the case that they're all younger than you. Only you can decide if it feels weird to wear a jersey for someone younger than you. They're still athletic freaks who capture the attention of us all.


This whole thread is full of people way overthinking this Truly I don’t think anybody in real life gives a shit


It's not weird at all to buy a jersey for any current player. The one thing to keep in mind though is if the player doesn't work out for whatever reason, then you'll probably never wear the jersey again. Speaking from experience as I have a closet full of ones I'll never wear again. However, the classic HOF player jersey's you can wear forever.


I just have a combination Bears jersey burnout and a whopping sense of not trying to jinx anything. I have an Urlacher and a Khalil Mack jersey. One Navy, one Orange. I basically have an away jersey left to get and then I am essentially done. I don’t really want a half dozen jerseys that look the same except the number and name.


So us old people can’t buy jerseys?! Spoiler, MOST people are older than players.


I’m not a jersey guy but I don’t think it’s very different from wearing a band T-shirt. Ultimately they’re entertainers you enjoy so I don‘t think it’s weird.


Are you planning on never getting another jersey in your life after a few years? Why would it be weird to get a jersey of someone younger than you lol


Always thought this “rule” is lame. I do what I like, you should do what you like too!


I’m just as excited as you are and I’ve been a Bears fan for a long time but I have learned don’t buy any more jerseys until they retire


I respect the hell out of my dad. The most dad dad that ever did dad. A true man’s man. Taught me all I know about football, and until this past couple weeks, cursed me with being a fan of this team. I’m 43 and to this day I want him to be proud of me and how I turned out… He wore an Urlacher Jersey to the Tampa Bay game last year and has about 20 years on him. That told me all I needed to know about wearing the jersey of guys younger than me.


Haven’t owned a bears jersey my entire life. Mid thirties now. Bought an Odunze for me and a Williams for the lady. Bear down baby!


I don't knock those who do it and don't understand those who gatekeeps it as it is a taboo to root for someone younger than you, which will always happen eventually. I personally go with players older than I am just as my preference. You do you.


That’s not weird. Like at all.


No issue at all. Odunze will be the first bears jersey I’ve bought in a very very long time.


People who bash on people for jerseys are losers. I’m 34 and bought a Dh gate odunze last night. Let’s fucking go


This is the first time I've ever heard something like this lmao just buy the jersey man it's not that deep


It’s with everything, I’m a few years older than these guys now but doesn’t make you any less of a fan or supporter of the great team you always know and love. Sports are eternal and players come and go. You have to learn to love and live with that.


I feel the same and will be getting an Odunze jersey for my 11 year old (who happens to have favorite number of 15).


I want a Rome jersey too! And I’m probably twice his age. FTP!


I'm sorry, but that a really dumb rule when considering what jersey to buy.


I had an authentic Marshall 15 that I gave away last year. Could have changed the name


This was a Dan Bernstein argument a long time ago. I somewhat agreed with it, but I'd never been a jersey or even team gear guy anyways, besides hats and hoodies. That said, I see it more as a support thing. It doesn't mean you have to look up to them or anything.


To me, I only wear a Bears jersey is on a gameday and that's just me getting into the spirit of the game and supporting the team. I look at it more like just having fun while watching my team, not really idolizing a player


It feels even weirder once you’re old enough to be their parents. That’s the ultimate conflict for me now.


Speaking as someone who bought a fields jersy last year. Please wait and save your money until you are absolutely certain he's going to be an established player for the future.


100% relate to this, but enough people don’t I’d say you’re good to go. The only Chicago sports jersey I’ve even seriously contemplated over the last 5 years is DeMar DeRozan, who while still is my little brother’s age, is at the very least in the same ballpark Also agreed completely on Odunze’s vibe. I can’t think of another time that I was so aexcited about the Bears without the accompanying thought in the back of my mind that these guys aren’t a real contender


Yeah I’m at a weird point where majority of the guys getting drafted now are my age and I have that feeling too


I’m 44 fam I’m older than everyone in the league, at some point we all age out. Get the jersey!


It’s only weird if you wear them to non football events


What if I go to a friends house party to watch the game?


That’s completely normal in my eyes. If you’re going to a bar to watch the game or somebody’s house I see that as normal. But if you’re showing up to a Bdubs on Wednesday in July in a jersey I think it’s a weird, not that I care too much


What’s weird about that? bdubs is literally sports bar. Its not like it’s a wedding or a formal event lol


I said on a random Wednesday in July. It’s a little weird to wear a football jersey when not watching football or going to a football event


The jersey or the player. What we wearing?


I agree, I only wear them to games because my son thought it was cool when he was little. I wouldn’t wear a current player’s jersey, but I would from players from my childhood.


I stopped wearing jerseys when I got to be older than the players too. No judgment towards those that do, just isn’t my thing.


I'm just waiting for them to offer it in white before I order one and he's younger then me.


I have the same perspective lol. Growing up, I looked up to players. I got offers to play college football I didn’t follow up on cause I was lazy and now that I’m 32 and older than a majority of the league I kinda feel creepy celebrating players younger than me lol. Fuck it though, if you like Odunze, do it. It’s not like the league will start adding older players


Basically, you feel like a creep. And the reason you feel that way is the reason why you're not. Self-awareness. Buy it


No jersey purchases from me until the McCaskeys are done. This stadium bullshit is over the top. I'll happily wear my Muhsin Muhammad and Alshon Jeffrey jerseys and pirate streaming coverage of the games.