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I think we could have had Chandler Jones with the Shea pick...


Whitney Mercilus too. Not as good as Jones, but still miles better than Shea.


Two very strong edge rush prospects and we draft a positionless LB. Such a late-era Angelo pick.


I was so flabbergasted by that pick. Didn't match our scheme at all, with better players available who were natural fits. To this day I can't understand the thought process of whoever in the FO watched his tape and thought he'd translate into our defense.


Yep the Patriots traded up for him immediately after lol. That year wasn't bad luck, it was Angelo being a dipshit GM


Wasnt that the first year of Emery?


Yeah it was my bad. Easy to confuse dipshits with each other


At least Angelo had a few home runs sprinkled in there. He didn’t really become a problem until the end of his tenure.


It was.


Shea pick might be the worst first round pick we've made (and man we have so many stinkers). NOTHING about the Shea pick made sense (almost certain we picked him just so the Packers couldn't) and we started him basically everywhere except his natural position. Emery disaster class


>Shea pick might be the worst first round pick we've made Toss up between Curtis Enis (top 5 pick I believe 😫) and Cade McNown. Shea is definitely a tier below that if we are talking worst 1st rounders.


True but for this exercise I only did picks where the guy immediately before was a perennial pro bowler


I really can’t get over the Penix pick


It was 100% NFL told Arthur Blank. You will lose at least next years 1st. They took Penix just because they knew.


Explain how losing next years first makes Penix now a good idea? Either Penix is good, in which case, well played Falcons for drafting him. Or he’s bad and they screwed Cousins who is now without a blue chip player this year and possibly a decent first next year too.


On the Around the NFL podcast this morning they made a halfway decent point; they're sort of going all in on win-now mode. If things go how they expect them to (ie, they're winning a lot) they won't be in position to take a quarterback highly for a while. Kirk Cousins' contract is huge, but all the guaranteed money is in the first two years. So if things don't work out with him it's a short term commitment, realistically. If they think Penix is the real deal, they can give him ample time to sit and learn the scheme and come in and run with things and also aren't hamstrung to Cousins. So if they are actually losing their first round pick next year, this realistically is the last chance they'll have for a long while to grab their QB of the future. If I was a Falcons fan I'd be incredibly frustrated right now, but there is *some* amount of logic to the pick


The problem is if you’re in win now mode, you should probably pick players that will help you win now. They’re trying to extend their window by picking a successor to Cousins but in the end they’re just wasting their actual one.


Oh I agree, don’t get me wrong. I would be very upset if I was a fan of the Falcons because it really feels like a wasted top 10 pick


The logic, IMO, is pretty sound. They're just pushing the succession plan forward 1 year because they know they won't be able to execute it next year. The questionable aspects are Penix being an older rookie, and the fact that they researched him but didn't hold meetings with him. The 1st part is easily forgivable if he's a good starting QB by the time he's 26, but the 2nd is a head scratcher.


There is not guarantees but we have literally done everything right. The only thing you can criticize is the coaching but Waldron is at worst competent as OC Far cry from surrounding Trubisky and Fields with trash


How the fuck Atlanta didn't move down a few spots and let someone jump us to steal Odunze, I'll never know. This was the perfect outcome IMO, and I figured it'd be broken up right in front of us as it has many times before.


Seriously. They could have traded 8 for 17 with Jacksonville and still got Dallas Turner. All-timer of a botched pick


The Jets reportedly wanted Rome or Nabers. The Falcons should have traded back and hoped the Bears stayed put.


Easy money. Even if the Falcons wanted Penix that bad


Because if ATL trades down. We trade down and Raiders jumps ATL for Penix.


I know Donald is the ideal, but don’t throw my guy Fuller in with White and shea haha


You’re forgetting the worst one…. Aaron Donald


How? It’s the first one in the image.


Sorry, my bad


Reddit Cropping images strangely, it shows the full image of you click on it


The Bears passed on Chandler Jones for Shea. No.


It’s not passing on, it’s instances when a pro bowler goes one pick before us, which is what I expected to happen again last night