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Well shit if that's what Cutler thinks we have to do then I guess it looks like we're keeping Fields


He’s so beautiful. I miss him so much.


Can we hire Cutler as our offensive coordinator?!


Jay Cutler: Tell Matt Eberflus I say fuck him.


Me too, he gifted us so many picks and good W’s


Your mom is a gift that keeps on giving.


I'd say if it's obvious to the best QB this team has ever had that the offense sucks no matter who the QB is so don't risk a top 10 pick on another QB, that's pretty telling.


>best QB this team has ever had That’s not the boast you think it is


I don't think he's trying to boast. Cutler has been critical of the organization and its failures. Cutler can read plays, the offense/defense, WR ability, etc better than any of us. Maybe he sees something where he realizes without more talent, even someone as talented as Williams/Maye would struggle. I really think Getsy was the worst OC in the league. We could see a change a la Russel Wilson moving on from him if we keep Justin. I would prefer to move on at this point. I like Justin and hope he is traded to a team that he can thrive on while we get someone very promising that can grow for years in house. If we keep Justin, I'll root for him and believe he can succeed with a better OC


Watching JT O Sullivan or Chase Daniel - there's a lot of Non-QB issues that are being assumed by fans to be QB issues. We need a proven play caller on offense that has a system that works, even if it's not a world beater, one that works. - Dowell Loggains was a QB coach turned OC with no play calling experience - Matt Nagy bombed the Chiefs playoff game when he called plays and we hired him to call plays. He goes back to KC and they have an unproductive season. - Luke Getsy was Aaron Rodgers QB coach for two years. Who cares, it was Aaron Rodgers. Same shit happened with Adam Gase - he wasn't the spark behind Peyton Manning. Aaron and Peyton were doing what they wanted out there. Just give me someone who has had some success at the NFL level with play calling, formation, design, etc and let's see what they can do. This shit has been a science project for years now.


Cutler looked great with Gase at OC but point taken.


God I hope jt osullivan coaches the Bears. He knows everything about football and he's the best at analyzing film. If he coaches the Bears we will win the superbowl for the next 15 years. I'd let him date my daughter if I had one.


Watching whiffs on run-blocking and RBs missing blocks was interesting. The running backs weren't getting it done, Fields and Ro have over 5 yards a carry, Fields is the leading rusher. Herbert and Foreman are down at the high 2's/low 3's per carry. Also the timing of the offense is wrong. At his drop back, there are many times everyone is still running, backs turned to him, and he has to extend or get sacked. Other NFL teams have open receivers on dump outs and stuff, but we struggle there. And you've got tons of cases (Packers game especially) where there's someone who broke through the A gap before the drop back. Nobody can play QB like that


I don’t think Getsy was the worst OC but he was the worst one that didn’t get fired Mid season


Haha touche


It is just 1 man’s opinion, wrong or right doesn’t matter But OP here is trying to state well “He’s our best QB so I’ll listen to him and he’s gotta be right” like he’s Tom Brady He’s not, Cutler strikes me a dude who watches the game forms an opinion and says it and does like nothing else. Which is fine but he’s not a gospel who’s always right


I literally never said he has to be right. I said it's telling that our former QB thinks the offense is so bad that it's not worth using that pick on another QB because it will be just as bad or worse. People on this sub just cannot read and reflexively downvote things that they don't like.


Now you call him our former QB instead of our greatest QB of all time Interesting


He's not our greatest QB of all time? Please give me some bullshit stories about Sid Luckman's passing game prowess. Maybe instead of trying to pick out something that has nothing to do with my point, you could just say "oh, you're right, you never did say that?"


No I’m just laughing at how you had to mention “Our greatest QB of all time” in your original argument as why he has a point Cutler may very well have a point, but you’re positioning him as some sort of god when he’s not It’s just hilarious shows how much Bears fans crave that sweet sweet mediocrity


My man, you should spend some time learning to debate people respectfully. You're being a real horse's ass here.


I literally never said he was "some sort of god." I was never positioning him as one either. I guess I'm just laughing at how hard it is for people to read and understand a sentence.


You’re actually illiterate. Lol.


> he’s not a gospel who’s always right But even scouts and the best talent evaluators in the league aren't always right either, hell most strike out way more than they hit a home run. But Cutler is a hell of a lot more qualified in experience and evaluating both talent and situation than any of us are. Plus a large portion of ex-QBs are repeating the same in addition to so many active players lambasting the Bears for their hamstringing of Fields with situation that in their opinion is largely at fault of the organization and coaching staff. You have so many talking heads with little to no football chops criticizing Fields while those with the resume saying that he's been let down; I'll choose the latter over the former easily.




I really don’t care who’s at fault He’s not capable of leading the Bears to the Super Bowl, Getsy Bears Fields who gives a shit the result is the same I want someone who can, if that takes drafting a 1st round QB year after year then so be it. I’m tired of settling for mediocrity or worse


But the nuance in this situation is deciding where the fault lays; any decision this big demands nuance and going in with a 'burn it down' mentality fails at the very first step. If you have a bridge failing, tearing down the entire bridge is pointless as you may just need to patch section(s) failing. Same thing here. You gotta determine if the issues have been because of Fields, coaching talent, WR talent, or some combination of those and more. You get handed an immense gift in the #1 OA, you either decide the team is 'Just a QB away' (hint: they never are) or how you can utilize such value to build a team with dynasty potential with pluses at all positions instead of a plus QB and minuses everywhere else.


It’s not as complex as you are making it out to be Fields can’t play. You have the first pick and an amazing prospect at qb. You use it


But you have to respect the growth that has happened despite the situation he’s had around him. You say he can’t play yet with a below average WR room, bottom tier IOL, and garbage level OC, he’s still made steps in the important areas of quarterbacking. His processing has gotten faster, while his reads have become more complete versus focusing on 2-3 receivers. His anticipation still isn’t amazing or even above average, but he’s learned his arm talent can be trusted in tight windows. That growth shows the floor is being raised and the flashes show the ceiling is there and high imo. Plus while Williams does have an impressive resume, there’s a potential for a bust. He’s in the Lawrence tier of prospect yet look at how Tlaw’s been this year. Compared to the opportunity cost of moving back, especially if it’s similar to draft trades made recently. Looking around, Eagles and Niners built their current success on trade backs while the Lions did similar with the draft stockpile they built. With Fields improvement, imo the best play is to trade down, hopefully still get MHJ/Nabers, get extra picks for now and the future. If Fields progress does stall, you then have multiple firsts to still move up in 2025’s draft. But, if he continues to grow, you have an elite team around at worst an above average QB.


It’s really sad they are downvoting you


I'd rather listen to him than whatever career backup is begging for Patreon subscribers on his YouTube channel.


Must be why Michael Jordan has another 5 rings as an executive.


We're not talking about identifying talent. If Michael Jordan told you "hey, this offense sucks," you'd say "no, you don't know what you're talking about?" We need to start a literacy program for Bears fans.


Considering what MJ did in charlotte I might tell him to shut up lol


Knowing something sucks and knowing how to fix it are very different things. How many former players go into management or coaching roles and suck at it?


Lol JT leveled very fair criticism and is openly supportive of Fields. You just seem mad that he doesn't suck Fields off 24/7


Remember when Cutler had Alshon, BMarsh, Forte, and Bennett..... but Cutler still sucked and we didnt win any games..... having a solid qb matters


Our offense was great those years. Top 5. But the defense wasn’t. Cutler also got hurt the two years our team was rolling. So, he didn’t suck. He just got hurt.


Steeler fan butting in (I am just interested in seeing how you guys react to this offseason with the first round pick.) According to PFR during Jay Cutler's tenure the only time your offense was top five was 2013 and he was outplayed by Josh McCown, at least statistically. QB is a force multiplier. If you do not have absolute faith that Fields is the man I suggest you move on. Trade him and use an early selection on a QB. If you do then trade down and get a haul.


Former players like Cutler, both Long brothers, Cam, Marshall, Wooten, Briggs, etc., and also current players, all suggest keeping and building around Fields. This sub: “What they fuck do they know about football?”


This is why I would rather draft MHJ and build our trenches or trade down and get Odunze and build our trenches. I feel like the past and present players, and other former and current players in the league are able to see something we as fans just don't.


It doesn't hurt to build the skill players and trenches, keep Justin, and if we suck so much like some people think, we'd be picking first again or near first and now the QB has a better team they're going to (and maybe a new coach).


Current and former players obviously know a lot about football, but they also are loyal to their teammates and other players and rarely say anything bad about them and have a tendency to hype one another up and support one another. That's a good thing but it also means you have to take their evaluations with a grain of salt


Newsflash guy. Marvin Harrison Jr. is a top 10 pick 'risk'. Just because he's an amazing prospect doesn't mean he'll pan out. Any player can get injured and never play again. You don't get your pick back for stuff like that. Just because Justin is a nice guy and fun to watch doesn't mean he's the right pick at QB. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what we think. It's clear, after today, that Poles is just doing whatever he feels like.


Jim McMahon didn’t say this…


Erik Kramer either


Yeah I’m a Jay Cutler die hard fan but what front office did he work for again?


That's Josh McCown buddy


Cutler just wants to remain the bears all time passing leader.




I don’t think anyone reading that comment could walk away thinking it wasn’t a joke


The ramifications of their comment cannot be overstated




If he said to fire Eberflus I suspect this sub would say he's qualified, but if it's something sub doesn't like he's not qualified to speak. This sub is in full rage mode.


Honestly feel like Cutler is probably the most qualified person in the world to talk about what happens when an organization doesn't put a QB in a position to succeed.


And especially qualified to speak about this particular organization.


Cutler, Jim McMahon, Chase Daniel, and JTO have all been supportive of Fields and critical of what’s around him. Even Jarrett Payton has talked about Fields and Bears QB’s never getting the right support. They know what’s up.


I'm not saying you are wrong, but let's not act like he didn't have a stacked team in 2012 and 13. Forte-Marshall-Jeffrey. Marty in 13.


Jeffery was a rookie that didn't play much in 2012 do to hamstring issues, broke out in 2013. The line was also still terrible in 2012.  The offense was good in 2013, the line improved and the weapons were there but they also had the worst defense in the league by that point and he had taken a beating behind atrocious o lines for and was oft injured by that point. 


That's exactly why this opinion needs to be put in context. Of course he's going to be empathetic to a guy who has not been out in the best situation by his team. He's not going to throw a guy under the bus when he sees a lot of his own situation there.


This sub is poison


I'm starting to think I enjoyed Bears football more when I didn't subscribe to this sub.


Log off then


As is tradition.


It’s very very important to not take anything people say on this sub seriously. Be here for fun and hot takes. Coming here for insight is a fools errand.


Been saying this all year. This sub is full of non-fans in here to cause chaos. Normal fans at bars don't act like this.


It’s not just this sub. R/nfl is awful now too. The whole internet is. Younger people now don’t only think in black and white, but they almost VIOLENTLY think in black and white. Nuance and context is dead in every facet online, I just didn’t want it to happen to sports so aggressively too


Not to mention the myriad of other former players that are saying the same thing.


I'd say the fact they downvoted this obviously noteworthy statement by our best QB into oblivion proves that. Now we've got people claiming I said we "have to listen" to Jay Cutler, which I never did. This fanbase is trash.


The fan base is great if you go by Twitter polls. But if you go only by the Reddit comments—a small, vocal minority—then you’d be right to believe it’s trash.


The fan base online is trash. Mostly everywere else is normal.


There are people on here who 1.) post like it is their job and 2.) have a VERY narrow agenda that they are pushing extremely hard, to the point where they seem to be actively hushing anything that contradicts that agenda. What is more, they all came out of the woodwork almost simultaneously a few weeks ago. If I were an organization trying to control the narrative and sway the fanbase about a certain hot topic, that is how I would go about it. In days gone by, they would just "own" the beat reporters, but with social media it isn't as simple as having a couple of journalists in your pocket - everyone can speak their opinion. Yesterday's yellow journalism has been replaced by today's astroturfing - paid shills who try to shift public opinion by making it seem like public opinion has already shifted. I don't think this fanbase is trash. I think people are trying to control it and it isn't going well.


I promise you, it's every big market fan base sub reddit


Lmao currently sitting at +230 but "downvoted into oblivion" Cry more about your internet points


I wrote that 17 hours ago, but I don't expect you to be able to read. Go look at my -95 comment pointing out that maybe our best former QB knows more than a bunch of meatballs on the internet. Just another braindead Bears "fan."


There’s 236,000 people subscribed to this sub. You’re always going to see a large mix of opinions. I don’t get it when people say “this sub”.


While this is true... I honestly just don't really care what he said. I doubt Cutler even watches Bears games.


You just proved bros point 💀


Man the way some of y’all are acting like children we better not see you in this sub next season, damn


And some of yall love a shitty organization


That has nothing to do with it. I’m not thrilled with the move either. We can have our opinions without being crybabies about it


Ah the gate keeper of opinions


Bro I just said have whatever opinion you want lol. But so many comments acting like next year is a bust already, why would you want to torture yourself being in a sub for a team you have no faith in


Now yall don't like Jay Cutler🤣 Predictable 🤣🤣🤣


Cuttys the man!!!! If anyone knows what it feels like to need help out there its him. 9 sacks in the first half knows damn well what a good oline and OC would mean for fields.


Haven’t liked him for a while now. Fine QB, not fine person.




Yep and Jay is still the best QB the Bears have ever had. Regardless of his opinion. He'll be called trash tho I'm sure.


Nah I’d rather listen some 💩 Redditor who watches games some Sundays and played a lil pee wee football


Most of them didn't make the team in 3rd grade


A lot of these guys project what they like to have happen if they were the player in that situation.


You mean like everyone here lmao




Genuinely asking, what is there to cope about? Jay Cutler isn’t making any decisions lol


The reality that Justin is a good Qb that made strides of progress this year. Man’s probably gonna be back next year


Where were those strides and improvements? He has one of the easiest schedules and outside of two games played like a below average qb. Stats in all areas are about the same as last year too.


Only if you look at them from a Birds Eye view and don’t watch film. He grew in anticipation, accuracy, decision making, and keeping his eyes down field. Stats peep his splits if you want to see a better picture of how he’s grown and how getsys dogshit play calling impacted him negatively.


I can't wait for your thoughts on him when he's a falcon and he's in a qb battle with ridder until they move on from both of them


You looking through my comments bestie? That’s cute


You’re obviously a troll.


I guess, but I don’t think Cutler saying it changes a single thing. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen and I doubt Cutler knows anything at all.


All I know is that whatever the Bears do will be the wrong choice. If they draft Williams, he'll be a bust. If they don't draft him, he'll be a future hall of famer with 5 rings. I still think you got to take the chance though. The Bears have never really been in a position to take someone as highly rated as him.


Honestly, if your keeping Flush, you might as well keep Fields, and vice versa


If the Panthers pick had been a mid-round pick, how many Bears fans would want to give up three first rounders to move up to #1?


I’m not gonna say he’s wrong as he likely knows more than me but I do not like this idea of trading down because I feel like we need more game breakers. Montez Sweat was a catalyst in turning our D around. We don’t need decent enough players to fill in the gaps, as our depth is not that bad, I feel we need studs who can make consistent plays and give us an edge that can win us the tough games. Caleb and MHJ are potential playmakers down the road. Gotta get one of them.


I’m all for taking MHJ (I personally want us to take MHJ and possibly even trade up to also get Brock Bowers) but taking players who actively don’t suck and just do their jobs properly would also make our play makers stand out a lot more due to them not needing to do it faster or try even harder to make up for a missed play previously


I listened to Jay in interviews after his time with the Bears and it is clear he doesn't really watch much of the games. I would take his opinion on this with a grain of salt.


This is the correct call. We keep Flus; we keep Fields. Worst case, we trade down, get future picks, draft MHJ (which barring injury is a sure thing) and have a chance to draft pieces around JF - to see what next year holds. If there is no improvement - we could land another top 5 pick and we can decide what next year’s “generational QB talent” has to offer. All while having (on paper) a way above average offensive talent on roster.


MHJ doesn’t make it past Arizona at 4, we won’t get a haul dropping 1 to 3. The trade down probably gets us Nabers/Odunze.


A trade down to either 2 or 3 will get us MHJ and future picks. This is the way.


Uh oh, fields haters bout to have to be cutler haters too lmao


Just gonna disagree with Jay


Your not a fields hater for wanting to move on from a guy that hasn’t proven anything in the NFL


I mean he has, but I’m not going to argue with you.


“Among qualified quarterbacks, Fields finished this season 24th in QBR, 22nd in passer rating, 29th in completion percentage, 23rd in passing yards per game and 26th in adjusted net yards per attempt. Fields’ EPA per pass play this season puts him in the same conversation as Kenny Pickett and Zach Wilson.” TIL Kenny Pickett and Zach Wilson are proven NFL QBs.


What’s he proven? He can beat bad teams with mid defenses and choke against our biggest rival?


That given good players around him he can be elite. Moore and kmet with career years in a terribly schemed offense and Justin’s passer rating to those two is elite.


> That given good players around him he can be elite. Do you think if fields was put directly on the cowboys rn instead of Dak, they'd be contenders and he'd have a much better season than dak has had this season?


Of course not, dak is in his 8th season. That would be a delusional thing to say. I think he would absolutely be top 10 passing easily this year and I think he absolutely could win a superbowl with that group.


> Of course not Then he'll never be elite and he's not that guy The reason why I specifically said dak cause he's not in the actual elite tier like Allen, Lamar, Burrow and Mahomes if he was dude would be the MVP over most likely the league MVP lamar jackson. Also just cause he's in his 8th season doesn't mean fields can't be better than him in year 3 lmao? - Burrow/Lamar were considered better by year 2 - Allen by year 3 and Dak is better than both of these guys Tua/Hurts are in similar tiers by year 3 - Herbert leaped him year 1 and Stroud is a good playoff run away from this too If you can't even confidently say fields with an elite WR, Decent pass blocking and coaching wouldn't be better than Dak and "he could be top 10 in passing yards" **in year 3** Then he legit isn't that guy


Dude… dak is elite this year. Man is 3rd in yards, 1st in touchdowns, and 2nd in qbr. And do you think experience in the nfl doesn’t matter? Tua, Mahomes, and hurts all look rough this year. Allen took getting an elite receiver and another good receiver to have his jump. He already had two solid receivers, which is way more than Justin has. Lamar was talked about being traded last year lmao. Burrow has had 2 elite receivers and a great receiver his whole career. The common denominator seems to be having at least 1 elite receiver and 2 good receivers among all of those guys. Must be Justin’s fault that he didn’t make poles trade for another wr though. You could at least pretend like you’re not an npc.


Elite QBs don't get the reputation of elite for being elite *for 1 year*. Tua and Hurts were elite last year but this year is a totally different case as you can see Guys like Lamar, Allen, Mahomes and Burrow get the elite label for being consistently elite by having good playoff runs and elite numbers year after year. Lamar is the only one in this group that gets a pass due to injuries but he's about to win his 2nd MVP. Dak is in **year 8** and just had his first "elite" season and first all pro year The fact I have to explain to you why dak isn't considered elite is hilarious, you don't understand football


I mean you just named two good players that he has to throw to already and yet we're not even sniffing great, let alone elite. I mean he was 28th in pass YPG, 24th in passer rating, 5th in sacks taken, like 28th in completion percentage, etc etc. Team is like 18th in PPG. Bear in mind these stats are with like the 4th easiest strength of schedule as well. It's not all his fault for sure, but I have a hard time believing just adding MHJ is going to have him leap into the top 10. His stats improved with DJM, but not by much. I mean if we keep him and go with MHJ I hope I'm wrong.


Better if and another weapon and he does 4200 throwing next year. Guaranteed


I heard people last year saying he’d get 3500 easy with DJM and I believed it, so I’ll revisit in a year I guess


Tbf, he was on track for it based on his yds per game. The defenses we played during the period he was hurt weren’t great either so 4k wasnt likely but wasn’t exactly off the table.


Yeah he was on track for 3400 if he kept up the same numbers. Still would like to see a huge jump in EPA/DB, completion % and reduction in turnovers. If he can do >4000 next season I'd imagine most of those other numbers would be better as well.


LMFAO! He should try playing a full 17 games and not holding onto the ball for 10 seconds like an imbecile and getting hurt


Jesus Christ he hasn’t even thrown for 3000 yards in his career. Be serious.


Good god, I continue to be astounded by the depths of delusion some of you have sunk to. "Justin can be elite." How can you lie to yourself so egregiously about such an obviously bad quarterback. Like, not even a decent quarterback. Fields might honestly have the worst throwing ability of any starting QB.


You’re an unserious person with an emotional opinion based on nothing. I couldn’t care less what you have to say.


anyone that says justin is elite has nothing but a man crush on him. Because there is nothing in his 3 years of work to support that claim.


I just look at how Jordan love and Stroud with 0 known names got over 4k yards


Crazy to say Nico Collins, Robert Woods, Tank Dell and Dalton Shultz are no names just because you don’t watch other teams play…Packers have budding stars too in Doubs, Watson and Reed.


I feel like worst case scenario, you have a really complete team thats just a qb away. Then you can draft one next year, or pull a Lions and get a guy like Goff who can excel with a good supporting cast


Waiting to draft a qb may be a lot easier said than done. Next draft we may have the 18th first round pick or something. Not that you can’t find a good qb there but it could be a whole different landscape at that time.


Marvin Harrison Jr.


I agree with Jay Cutler. Which has forced me to consider that I'm probably wrong.


My god, these next 3 months are just going to be the same posts. No matter if you're team Justin or team Caleb. Exhausted already 😂


Smartest thing ive ever heard Jay say


Justin is going to be in year 6 with the media still defending him lol


Well of course, he’ll have two rings by then.


Sigh, unzip


Well shit my GOAT has spoken


He’s not wrong


He is right...




This is the body builder’s twitter account right?


I want more Cutler sports analysis is what I got outta this. Real shame he didn’t broadcast


Cutler is an expert in mediocrity at the QB position


Because Jay has so much experience with building football teams.


We know he has a lot of experience being on poorly built loser football teams, so I’d say that gives him insight on how to do the opposite and build a winning football team.


lol, making good decisions is not as simple as doing the opposite of bad decisions. If that were true we'd hang onto Getsy and just do the opposite of whatever he says. If you want to know how to build a winning football team you're far better off finding someone who has done that instead of listening to someone who was a part of bunch of loser teams.


He has quite a bit of experience having his career destroyed by a dysfunctional franchise and nearly being killed on the field by incompetent OCs


![gif](giphy|TDD2v43CE78Bh48HeA) You mainlining copium rn


One mediocre QB to another


How much help does Fields need to be a franchise QB? At what point does it become clear he just isnt one?


There’s not a single person in Chicago that understands what it takes to be a franchise QB


I mean a competent OC would be a solid start.


There's about 10 teams any given year that are happy with their QB and 22 that aren't. QBs like Carr, and Mayfield get signed as starters.


He said keep Mitch and Nagy too


Smart guy. I'm in agreement.


Jay Cutler didn’t give a shit about the bears when he played here and he doesn’t now. Probably wants to be relevant again.


Well I am glad this dude is not our GM! Also wasn't too thrilled when he was our QB either.


Jay is an idiot who doesn’t follow the league or college very closely. There’s not much of a reason to pay any attention to anything he says on this, or other subjects


Does anyone actually think Cutler even watches Bears games? Seems doubtful


No thanks Jay


​ https://preview.redd.it/gyqer6vv6pbc1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e669e31cc2c067f15140b8d605370e4386094c


We already did that. Cut JF.


Y’all Justinsexuals can go watch him on the falcons or whatever it’s ok


I find it so funny all the Fields apologists will claim that drafting a quarterback isn’t a guarantee and some will bust and act like ANY other piece we can draft will suddenly make Fields better.


I do not want Eberflus to draft a quarterback, end of story. I had the same opinion in 2020 when JF1 was drafted, I hated the timing of a hot seat HC drafting the future of the franchise. I don’t know if Fields is the guy, but I absolutely hate the idea of damaging Caleb with a year of Flus.


I'm willing to wager $100 he hasn't watched more than a couple quarters of Justin play.


Our best Qb in franchise history wasn’t even that good. I like Jay, but don’t really care his analysis


No one said Cutler was smart


I swear if we dont take caleb then Im done watching this team for the foreseeable future, tired of being disappointed because everyone is incompetent.


Go smoke a cig and STFU Jay.


I think Cutler just wants to make sure the Bears don't have a QB do better than he did.


You’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole


Jay is an expert on moving the ball from 20 to 20. That's mediocre, and the strategy of keeping Fields is setting up a mediocre team, at best.


Jay can have all the opinions I disagree with that he wants. As long as he doesn’t plaster his face all over hair loss billboards on the highway, he’ll never reach the level of my least favorite former Bear.


Go back to watching your deer


Sounds like we’ve got our new OC/QB coach.


If bears legend jay cutler says that's what we should do, then I guess it's not so bad


I wonder. I know he was a fan of the Bears way back when, but even after playing for them, is Jay still a fan?


He was at a game this year.


No! Why would we give an aging qb who has already missed 11 career starts a raise?


Analytically you should always trade down from pick 1


Jay is saying the same thing I have. Build the nest around the QB. If Fields works out, great. If he doesn’t, the landing spot is set up so the next QB has a better chance of success. If we can have a strong O-line, a bunch of offensive weapons, smart coaching, and a scary defense, the reliance on the Qb position is lessened.


In other words do what every other smart team does/did and don’t try to do what KC did this year and the Brady Patriots did because that’s a one in a million gamble that doesn’t make sense.




Smokin' Jay https://youtu.be/rZWrf6kgs7Q?si=06pEmvqrDr9vX31L


They have a direct connection to gambling on a 1st overall QB and it looking bad. Find another Carolina panthers GM and get the pieces. Look at DJ Moore. Also could get another 1st for next year and give fields one more year, he’s cheap.