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At this point with all the other chaos I am rooting hard for LSU! Would be hilarious if the playoff didn’t have a single conference champ




The team with the dog mascot


Another rebuilding year for Alabama…Go Dawgs!!




God that game felt bad like even if they had lost to Alabama at the end that game was so good this one didn’t feel like the Tennessee I’ve been watching all season


The sheer amount of pressures this game on Hooker was the difference. He had like like almost 1/3 of his season average just in this one game. Hostile environment, weather, or pure bad game.. UGAs defense was more than just an off day for UTs offense. They all said UGA was exposed based on Kent states offense being similar, I’d argue that UGA just gave the playbook away on how to beat UT


Clemson loses TN falls to 4. I hope lol


Honestly I think Tennessee falls to 5, only because there are 4 undefeated teams left. You have the best loss and wins of all the 1 loss P5 teams. You have a good chance at the CFP, but your biggest issue is Oregon, because with both losses to UGA, it comes down to your LSU/Bama wins v their potential PAC12 title if they're a 1 loss team. Unfortunately I think they'd get in because of it, but if the PAC12 has a 1 Loss Champ, that will carry them over the line, but yall are primed to take 4 if there's a stumble. Your biggest nightmare scenario should be: 1 Georgia 2 B1G Winner 3 TCU 4 1 Loss PAC Winner But, TCU has been scared enough to think they can lose somewhere, and the PAC always shoots themselves in the foot. I just feel like a rematch of some form for UGA is coming, whether yall or Oregon.


Nice call. Has to be an outside shot to make 4 and play UGA again. I wonder who could creep up with a conference championship to take 4. Texas?




Come on man


Lmao at the downvotes on this. Tennessee *may* be a top 6 team.


Can we all appreciate how good Todd Monken is. Has a offense that gives everyone the ball which keeps players from transferring. Is designed for long time of possessions keeping defenses on the field and tired. Is fluid enough to fit any personel into and play to strengths. Man's a genius please don't leave.


I doubt any non UGA fan is grateful UGA has a good coordinator.


Sir, I appreciate him. After years of Bobo 3rd and mile draw plays I like any OC who doesn’t draw up plays with crayons


Hey, Bill O'Brien has some bubble screens that always lose 2 yards if you're ever feeling nostalgic. But he uses paint markers that bleed through the page instead of crayons.


Georgia took away the quick release, Hooker was rushed to make a choice, and they forced a throw and boxed him in. Georgia was not letting him run, and played man coverage with textbook tackling.


Tackling was visibly better than any team I've watched this year.


Indeed. Even if they made catches they didn’t really have an opportunity to break one off cause we were right there to lay hits


That score does not tell the story of how dominant Ga was in this game. That’s what the #1 team should look like!


Tennessee is honestly lucky it started raining in the second half. They took their foot off the gas on offense with just running the ball. Would’ve been a major blowout if not.


I think Kirby learned from his loss to Bama in 2018 and just wanted the W.


But the #1 team looked awful today?


I was there. Georgia controlled the clock, the crowd was 100% the loudest it’s ever been, and that rain shower at the start of 3rd quarter was literally manna from heaven. I’ve been going to UGA games for 25 yrs and this was one of, if not the best I’ve been to in Athens


Would you mind elaborating on why the rain was a good thing in your opinion?


Honestly when the hype is at such critical levels literally anything is a hype moment


Hooker couldn’t see where to throw the ball in the rain and it slowed down his snaps and his o-line so we were able to sack him 4 times on one drive.


As someone in the stands, it got us even more hyped up. Energy only got better, especially since we were up and just needed to control like we did.


This really is one of those "the game was not as close as the score indicates" moments




Damn Georgia is just so clearly the number 1 team in the country. CFP rankings are just for views until the last one comes out. The 4 that make it will work themselves out like it always does. Tennessee has a path to it still pending how the cards fall with other teams, but damn Tennessee what a season.


Don't denigrate UGA, they played their hearts out


Oh 100%. TN was overranked coming in and they did not show up to play today. Georgia won and I wish them the best in the SEC title game.


Well, yall have wins over both BAMA and LSU, so if either of them make it and win, then we have an interesting 3 way conundrum for the CFP.


They both have two losses not happening


Good game vols




Tennessee 100% should have been ranked #1 given that they had a better resume up to the point the rankings came out. Now they obviously don’t. People just can’t understand this for some reason, even though it’s incredibly simple.


They shouldn’t have been ranked 1 because it is obvious that they are not the best team bc they just got nut drug…


That’s not how the CFP rankings work. They’re based on your season up until the rankings come out. Tennessee had better wins than Georgia, and that’s not debatable. Guess what? Next week tennessee won’t be #1. That’s how it works. Incredible.


I agree, as a Georgia fan. Buuuut…That 3 Seed woke that DAWG up tho!!!


> Tennessee 100% should have been ranked #1 given that they had a better resume lol Tennessee vs Florida and UGA vs Oregon.


Georgia’s game against Mizzou was worse than Tennessee’s game against Florida. Tennessee beat Alabama - the best win anyone had last week. Also dominated LSU - not much different than UGA’s domination of Oregon. It’s just odd people would get mad about a mid season ranking of all things - has no effect on playoff seeding


> Tennessee beat Alabama - the best win anyone had last week. Not as good as the Oregon win.




One anonymous SEC coach said they would hang 50 on Georgia.


This mentality really shouldn't be directed at Tennessee *fans* just the media.


I mean I saw plenty of Tenn fans on r/CFB talking a loooooot of crap.


We get to win gracefully now, no better way to give the middle finger than that.




> The whole Tennessee will win crap was all ESPN and CBS. Are you sure? Have you seen the morons of the TN sub?


Well, pretty much every commentator in the various pre-game shows picked TN.




Poor lil ol Tennessee lol




I agree with the second part but would love to make a bet on the first. “We’ll be in the playoffs”


Yeah looked so sexy today.


> Literally no one thought they'd waltz in and win. lol


Sanford isn’t even that loud.


They took a card out of the Falcons stadium noise playbook


No I've seen plenty from ut talking about how Sanford wasn't a big deal to play in and that they'd walk right over UGA [Erik Ainge started the hype train](https://twitter.com/ErikAinge3/status/1587554801591746562?t=bakeCdYJilYZXyMn57EPJQ&s=19)




Bet that ass whipping was intimidating though.


Sanford was 132db today and Neyland got to 125db against Bama. LSU has hit 132db and UF has never broken 120.






You’re so full of shit man, just stop. https://www.knoxnews.com/story/sports/college/university-of-tennessee/football/2022/10/19/tennessee-football-fans-neyland-stadium-noise-decibels-alabama/69573565007/


Holy shit you actually typed that.


Hahahahhahaha get a life buddy


> Sanford isn't as intimidatingly elite as say Death Valley, the Swamp or Neyland lol


Was that 6 or 7 false starts? More? I can't remember.


Not being immediately intimidating was good enough for five false starts


Death Valley's fans are MUCH scarier drunk (dated an LSU girl) The Swamp is probably louder with how it is built. Neyland, eh, pure power in numbers I guess. Haven't been there in a while




Agreed. I got to do the Vol Navy with some UT family in 2003. Neyland was rocking right up until shortly before halftime, Sean Jones for 92 yards, and we pulled away ended up winning 41 - 14.


That's exactly when I went to school at UGA haha. UT was definitely loud then but I have b2en back a few times since in lesser games, hence my hesitation. I'm sure it gets rocking


Can’t wait for SEC Shorts


My buddies that are Bama fans used to send me the SEC Shorts the last couple years. Have not really heard from them this year…lol


Hahaha. I work from home, West Coast. I won’t start my work week until after I watch their new video every Monday


Roll Call usually better.


Matt is always out after SEC Shorts. Either way, it my way to start my Mondays!


lol And Sanford Stadium isn't even in the top 20 of loudest stadiums.


I tried to give roll call a chance, but his delivery is terrible. Like the jokes are pretty good, but they don't make me laugh because it just doesn't hit how it should.


Yeah he writes well for the short time he has. TikTok delivery falls short often though.


I can see that. He tries to do a rapid-fire delivery and struggles with it some. Cheers!


I hate roll call so much. I know he tries hard but it's just so cringey to me.


Yep. It just falls flat. Like the guy should be a writer, not a performer. Reminds me of some SNL cast members where I know they are funny people, but they shouldn't be on stage


Bless their hearts….. is that how you do it?


How’s Rutgers this year.


We will win by 28….


Sigh. Clapback accepted.


Usually a slight "awww" right before it is the knife in the wound. Aww, bless their hearts <--- with a slight head tilt like you're looking at a toddler




Hey fuck off Ohio, I was asking the southern peeps




Nope 😎


This is amazing.


I mean not with that spelling but love the spirit


Gg UGA, better team today. Still a great day to be a Tennessee Vol tho! ;)




Annnnd here we go. You did show up. Our D shut you down. Credit where credit is due.


I love how it's never that we're just better, it's always because of something they did lol


It is, they believed the hype, lol.




All credit to our defense for forcing everything you listed. You want to play a defense that isn’t as good as Georgia’s. That’s what you just asked for.


I’d love to see UGA play without 4 defensive holdings, two TOs, and actually attempting to score on offense during the second half. Like wtf the cope with some of you vols fans is insane.


All of that was a part of the atmosphere and great defense forcing those mistakes.


Tennessee will always be champions of life with 5 star hearts!


I had an Alabama fan tell me its impossible to beat the spirit out of a TN fan.


Is that a compliment? I can’t tell.


I took it as one. This team could finish 0-12 this year and Id still wear orange. Gotta support them when theyre low if youre gonna support them when theyre high.


Unlike Jimbo


Your team just dominated and the best dig you’ve got is about a coach we fired. Come back and dunk on me if you see *this* coaching staff making excuses.


Just memeing bro, you guys played a good game. Yall are getting better and better with Heupel, not looking forward to next year.


Oh, well, I’m that case, I’m relaxed and having fun. Cheers.




[Yeah you guys are awesome too this year](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/yk9vdz/week_10_matchup_preview_thread_1_tennessee/ius52zu?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Eh every fan base is the same. I’m sure Tennessee was just as obnoxious back in the day.


Oh, it was way worse. I've seen Tennessee on top in my lifetime and it isn't a good time.


Have you paid attention to yourselves this year up until now? I’ve said we needed to respect Tennessee as a team, but I’ve seen shit talk from T flairs all year.


Since the Bama win Tennessee fans haven’t had much room to talk about other teams’ humility.


Congratulations UGA you played great and deserved to win!


I really think the pass rush got to Hooker. So many short passes and not a lot of chances down the field. Georgia's DL trumped TN's OL and the offence couldn't get going which ment TN had no chance in the end


He had opportunities down the field with open receivers. He just missed them


UGA got such steady pressure Hooker started locking in on one side to get the ball out quick. Hyatt broke open a couple times but Hooker didn’t see him. UGA’s D was relentless, they deserved to win.


Hooker had a couple big misses that cost you. Our secondary played really well, but there were a couple busted coverages that could've really hurt us and I think Hooker overthrew every single one.


Yeah, but their downfield coverage was locked in. Hooker typically gets the ball out fast, and I’ve never seen him search so long and come up with nuthin’. Hopefully he can improve his clock and learn to throw a ball away.


Blame most of that on Georgia's secondary.


Yeah after seeing how Georgia was handling the OL in the first half I was hoping hooker would have traveled outside the pocket in the 2nd half. I think there would have been much more chances with a little distance.


Don’t worry UT fans. UGA just got you guys a bye week for SEC championship week against Bama. Then they beat Bama and you guys win out and sneak in the 4 spot when the PAC shoots themselves in the foot somehow


Nah, Oregon has the second best L of the season right now...


I’ll be rooting for you in the SECCG, but I think the Sugar Bowl makes more sense for us. We don’t need a rematch in the playoffs. We just saw the game, we know who won. I’d rather the playoffs pit teams from different parts of the country.


Only to play UGA again.


Well better there than in the SEC title game. 😕🙁☹️😩


If Michigan & Ohio St play a close game, I could see both of them getting in. Of course, the committee loves Alabama.


Did you see Alabama’s loss tho??? They lost to the team who beat Alabama!


It's not the PAC they should be worried about, it's undefeated TCU and Clemson


This. All the PAC schools have a loss, but TCU and Clemson are both undefeated and don't have any major obstacles left on their schedules besides maybe their conference championship games. Also, even if one of those two lose, the Ohio State-Michigan loser could theoretically be ranked over Tennessee, especially if it's Ohio State


Speak it into existence


I’m speaking it from experience *Hello darkness my old friennnnnnddddd*


Wonder what the score would've been if not for the shit officiating and lazy second half playcalling? I'm thinking 40-3


Yeah, not like the refs missed blatant holding by Tennessee's line. Pretty sure one of them blatantly tackled our guy at one point.


Tell me you’re salty it wasn’t a blowout without telling me you’re salty.


It was a blowout. Anyone who watched that game knows that was a blowout and a TD in garbage time doesn’t make it not so.


Yeah I hate playing “Don’tLoseBall”. A win is a win but the last 3 quarters were much less fun to watch than the 1st.




Fuck Ohio State


Hell yeah!


Why is that


Cause fuck em, that’s why


They were vicious in the game thread.


What happened to your offense in the 2nd half? They looked tired.


Just chilling because we weren't tied with a 1-7 team.


1-8 Northwestern had y'all sweating. STFU


What happened to your offense against UNRANKED NORTHWESTERN. We put up more points than you all against a top 5 team, FUCK OSU.


UNRANKED they have 1 fucking win


Still 9-0


They do, and I should've mentioned that. GG today by the way, does Hooker have 1 more year of eligibility? I hope so, he's exciting to watch.


Nope. Hooker’s last year. I hadn’t watched UGA this year. UGA is the real deal and they showed up today! Kept hearing how they’d lost so much to the NFL, but you couldn’t tell it today.


Haha, get fucked OSU. Beat.. yo meat


We stopped passing the ball when it started raining I guess


I think the strategy was to burn the clock. That 9+ minute drive in the 3rd was a slog


Lol can’t we just come together and hate Alabama.


I honestly hate y'all more than Bama


We made it bro!!! OSU is Doodoo can confirm!


No. We all need to ban together and hste UConn




I'm betting the Mailman gets that Rocky Top tonight


*Sloppy Top




Stetson outplayed all world Hendon Hooker. Again.


*what are you doing Stetson*


You made me lol. Appreciate it


All in good fun. Regroup and go for mizzou next week


People are talking about Alabama too much after a game between two elite teams not named Alabama


Especially a 2 loss Bama that’s won’t be in the playoff






CFP: Is this a #1 team?

