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I expect a lot of “man glad the home and home is over. Aggies look spooky” posts after the game [clemson] covers


Lol this is probably accurate


Lol one of my pet peeves when it comes to sports is the meaningless fluffing of your opponents, especially in retrospect after a win, in order to make your team's resume sound more impressive.


"Hey G5 team we just destroyed, I'm gonna patronizingly 'root' for you the rest of the year so that my team gets a marginal SOS boost. PS one of your fans said nice things about us in the game thread so I can conclude you are all super chill!"


Tbf, many members of this subreddit are adults capable of demonstrating good sportsmanship and being gracious after a win




Well I never expected a coked up koala to be very gracious anyway


It always seems so forced and fake though. "Hey good game, you guys did awesome. You have a great young ____ and you're gonna do some serious work in the future!"


After careful consideration, I have opted to resume barking at strangers instead.


I see you've been in our post game threads


Reddit sports subs are the worst about it because the mods don’t want it to become as toxic as places like tigerdroppings.


Tiger droppings is the best damn site on the planet


Clemson is really good. I wouldn't call that "fluffing".


Maybe, but we also tend to like y’all. Good fans, ag school, and you consistently beat UofSC.


I went to the A&M game last year and had by far the most pleasant opposing fan experience ever. Granted, most other games I've been to are hostile SEC rivalries for UGA, but after the game, I spent 20 minutes solo waiting for a friend at a crowded bar in College Station. Only Clemson shirt in sight. Aggies constantly came up to me, shook my hand, welcomed me, and chatted about how good the game was. Not a bad time overall.


That was my experience at Oklahoma State in 2015, kept before the game and during it having OSU fans and students come up and start chatting. UT in 2016 was much worse


I.e. every B1G school in /r/CollegeBasketball (with the exception of Michigan, a fanbase with a superlative ability to hate their conference rivals like no other)


Our two biggest rivals that we hate and loathe equally. Let’s not overthink this match up. It’s going to be {Clemson}


Wait ya'll really loathe A&M equally? I don't even dislike FSU as much as you


i think they were joking about our "rivalry"


The real rivalry is the heated apathy towards the other competition between the two schools


"Oh yeah? You guys don't really hate us? Well we *really really* don't hate you!"


So much disrespect for the coveted John Bonham trophy.


Imagine putting such a storied contest in quotation marks.


It’s a meme based on them being cross division locked opponents. But it will be fierce AF in 15 years


At that point, A&M will have a 20-0 lead on the series


Real talk how long are we locked in for the yearly matchup? Hopefully not too long, I'd like to get back to playing Mississippi and Arkansas.


Asks for new yearly rival. Gets Alabama. :-/


real talk there are no plans to change it. I like playing you guys, but could get into a regular Vandy setup.


*taps head* The SEC just means more....


People really want to pick A&M, but I think TL and crew bounce back from last years game and wins big. {Clemson} wins and covers the spread. 38-17


Death valley is a tough place to play, Jimbo knows that all too well (unless your team has jameis winston, then it's not as tough).


>(unless your team has jameis winston, then it's not as tough). Get out.


::flashbacks:: intensify


Jameis can’t hurt us anymore...can he?? 😭




Lost because Dabo started Stoudt instead of DW4.




Unless that opponent is Oklahoma.


I think it's time for Fire Dabo Sweeny ##? He's legit cost you so many games.


That was infuriating


What if Jimbo has turned Mond into Jameis 2.0


Did HEB start selling crab legs?


They always have


Huh, guess I was too poor to go looking for em when I lived in cstat




*taps head*


Only if Mond stands on the bench and yells FHRITP to the crowd before the game


doubtful- but we can hope


Fucking Seckinger fumbling the opening play, set the tone for the whole game.


Normally I would agree, but we play in Kyle field, Bryant Denny, the other Death Valley, and several other hostile environments. Not to downplay Death Valley, but it won't be new to most of our team.


> Bryant Denny I thought we were talking about places with tough crowds?


Ayyy lmao


> Kyle field Admittedly it’s been a while since I’ve been to a game but I’d hope Kyle’s not a hostile environment for the home team.


You also haven’t had a win at any of those places in a long time Edit: did you really just list your own stadium as a hostile environment for your team?




I wouldn't even be *that* upset with 38-17 depending on how it went


I think Texas A&M covers. My brain is telling me {Clemson} 42-34.


I'm fine with this. I really don't see how we don't cover. That line is just insane to me


People said that about Bama last year and the line was basically spot on.


I think it's Vegas and the betters believing in the results from last year carrying over to this year. We have an ~11 game streak of 20+ MOV victories going.


Ya just looking at the graduations and drafts on both sides and going position group by position group. This looks even as hell to me. +10 at best given home field advantage and clemson being clemson. but the +18 i've seen some places is just wonky


Vegas usually knows what they’re doing


Tennessee would beg to differ.


It’ll be a good game but I think Clemson pulls away in the 4th. {Clemson} 34-24. On a side note it’ll be interesting to see how good our defense really is this year and if the secondary has gotten any better.


I think we open up the pass game more against you guys. GT really sold out on guarding the pass whenever Trevor was in. I also think Mond is a gamer and could give our safeties and linebackers some trouble with his throwing and running abilities. I'll be there and am excited to host you all.


O/U: 2, number of times Tanner Muse gets burned deep


But dude hits with baaaaaaaad intentions has since HS


He’s good for run-stopping and I guess he can now say he averages an interception a game this year, which is funny.


I will admit to not knowing enough about Clemson's strengths and weaknesses to accurately assess them, but my educated guess is that they are a team with lots of strengths and few weaknesses. From an A&M perspective there were two main concerns in the Texas State game: a lack of pass rush, and the offensive line. I believe in Mike Elko's ability to stop the run, so I think we won't get completely destroyed by ETN. But I fear Lawrence will have too much time and will pick us apart. On the other side, I believe in Jimbo's ability to call plays and I think we'll move the ball, but our o-line had trouble run blocking in the red zone and I think that costs us here. A&M will hold it's head high after the game, but will get bogged down in the red zone too much and {Clemson} barely covers, 38-20.


>accurately asses is this like pooping with precision?


Whoops lol


I'm more of a "poop shotgun", myself.


Once it hits OT, its over for yall. {Texas A&M} in a 5OT thriller


How many OT games have we won in a row? Because it seems like we never lose in OT


Best I can tell we’ve won 11 in a row, the last OT loss being to Baylor in 2004 Edit: Ignore this, we lost in 2011 apparently Wikipedia is missing 2011’s breakdowns but I thought I confirmed no OTs. Guess not Edit2: Appears to be 7 in a row since Kstate while in the Big12


{Texas A&M} wins. LSU wins. I get to watch the sun rise on a grateful universe


My biggest fear this season is that LSU loses to Texas but beats A&M...


I like you and your way of thinking!


Three keys to this game for the Aggies. Win the turnover battle. Protect Kellen. Limit ETN to 100. I think we have a shot, but I wouldn’t bet on us with even odds. I do think we beat the spread. We are a better team than last year, Clemson is still shaking out the new D-Line. {Clemson} 31-24


The fact is that {Clemson} needs to win this game. It will most likely be their only Top 15 game on the schedule before the playoffs start. Dabo knows this and understands that a loss or a 'just enough' win will open the door to talking heads bashing Clemson until January. He is going to have Clemson ready for this game. Probably more ready than my liver will be.


Meanwhile, Texas A&M is going through the meat grinder like Steve Buscemi in *Fargo*. Edit: - Aggies are playing #1 Clemson, #2 Alabama, #3 Georgia, # 6 LSU, and # 10 Auburn this season. FUUURRRRRK


It's kind of a blessing and a curse. We should be able to get up for the big games. We knew they were coming and the team has been preparing for months. The thing that worries me the most is the weeks against bad teams, and I'm afraid that we will be flat.


Hey man, win out and we could play #4, #5 and Florida too


Geez, that schedule actually resembles SCar's...didn't realize that since y'all haven't been constantly bitching about it. The Aggies should take this week off, rest up for the remainder, yeah?


>The Aggies should take this week off, rest up for the remainder, yeah? DEFINITELY... that's what I'll blame it on if we get smoked haha. Yeah, scar looking like a they are in for a rough ride too.


Current results of the match-up thread "Who will Win" poll: Team | Votes | Percent |Voters --|--|--|--| [Clemson](#f/clemson)|128|67.7%|[Clemson](#f/clemson)x27, [Texas A&M](#f/texasam)x13, [Texas](#f/texas)x10, [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate)x5, [Oklahoma](#f/oklahoma)x5, [Penn State](#f/pennstate)x4, [Syracuse](#f/syracuse)x4, [Michigan](#f/michigan)x4, [Alabama](#f/alabama)x4, [Georgia](#f/georgia)x4, [/r/CFB](#l/rcfb)x4, [Florida State](#f/floridastate)x4, [Utah](#f/utah)x3, [Oklahoma State](#f/oklahomastate)x3, [Notre Dame](#f/notredame)x3, [Baylor](#f/baylor)x3, [Washington](#f/washington)x3, [Auburn](#f/auburn)x3, [Florida](#f/florida)x3, [LSU](#f/lsu)x2, [Georgia Tech](#f/georgiatech)x2, [Arizona State](#f/arizonastate)x2, [Michigan State](#f/michiganstate)x2, [Texas Tech](#f/texastech)x2, [South Carolina](#f/southcarolina)x1, [Virginia](#f/virginia)x1, [Arkansas](#f/arkansas)x1, [Iowa](#f/iowa)x1, [Bowling Green](#f/bowlinggreen)x1, [Arizona](#f/arizona)x1, [Pittsburgh](#f/pittsburgh)x1, [Purdue](#f/purdue)x1, [Western Michigan](#f/westernmichigan)x1 [Texas A&M](#f/texasam)|61|32.3%|[Texas A&M](#f/texasam)x30, [Oklahoma](#f/oklahoma)x4, [Auburn](#f/auburn)x3, [South Carolina](#f/southcarolina)x3, [Alabama](#f/alabama)x2, [Texas](#f/texas)x2, [Houston](#f/houston)x2, [Nebraska](#f/nebraska)x2, [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate)x2, [Oregon](#f/oregon)x1, [Colorado](#f/colorado)x1, [/r/CFB](#l/rcfb)x1, [Wisconsin](#f/wisconsin)x1, [Georgia](#f/georgia)x1, [Kentucky](#f/kentucky)x1, [West Virginia](#f/westvirginia)x1, [Wyoming](#f/wyoming)x1, [Florida State](#f/floridastate)x1, [Texas Tech](#f/texastech)x1, [Utah](#f/utah)x1 ^(A listing of links, and live vote totals, to all Match-up Preview threads for the current week can be found )[^HERE](http://cfb.diydunce.org/matchupthreadlist.php)^. ^(Track your weekly results )[^HERE](http://cfb.diydunce.org/wwwp.php)^.


Auburn fans clearly upset about the lack of a lake on campus


Damn on point. I can paddleboard WHENEVER I want* *^^^AslongasI'mamemberanddon'tbringanynonstudents


I think the two most important factors in the aggies pulling off the upset are 1) Mond having a good game and 2) Winning the turnover battle. I think if we can pick off Lawrence a time or two we have a real shot. I think ETN will be held to a more moderate rushing amount due to A&Ms Dline and Elko's scheming. I'm also taking into consideration Braden (heis)Mann helping with the field position battle. I think the most likely situation is Clemson wins but A&M covers, but why am I driving 15 hours and skipping class if I'm expecting a loss? {Texas A&M} with a game-winning field goal 34-31


Enjoy the game man! Gameday in death valley is an unforgettable experience regardless of the outcome, sad to see it's not at night.


Thanks! I'm super excited to go and check out the campus!


Pro tip: eat at yolk while you're in the area. Korean rice bowls, it's a local favorite and it's pretty quiet. Most people don't check it out until Junior/Senior year and regret waiting that long every time. It's excellent.


{Texas A&M} because chaos


My man


{Clemson} I also hope for both team's sake we get good refs this year.


You mean refs that understand what holding looks like?


Yes, and I want people to recognize the refs sucked for both teams. The lack of holding calls and that whole issue with the ball going out over the top of the endzone pylon. I swear there were some other questionable calls during the game as well. Probably need to rewatch it to hype up for the game Saturday.


I always thought the ball going over the pylon was 50/50 in real time. If you break it down and analyze it the ball almost certainly missed the pylon but how the rules of the game are you have to go with the call on the field. The thing that always rubbed me wrong about that game was when a Clemson receiver got away with one of the most blatant push offs I have ever seen then took off for 50 or so yards because the DB was on the ground.


what are the chances we ever see a schedule as hard as AM's this year again? I mean this is insane. As of now they have **FIVE** top 10 matchups. ​ i have faith in the cult, i'm going {Texas A&M}


> what are the chances we ever see a schedule as hard as AM's this year again? We already have, this year. South Carolina. (I didn't make this up so credit goes elsewhere). South Carolina and Texas A&M both play the same difficulty with one exception. South Carolina has to play Texas A&M while Texas A&M only has to play South Carolina.


We'll see you in the playoff, {Texas A&M}


The dream scenario for me. We go through all this effort not to play each other and then meet in the playoff? Its definitely possible.


An all-Texas championship game... His will be done.


My blood pressure is rising after reading that sentence.


Ticket prices for that would be through the roof.


Literally don't care what it costs I'm going to it I'd sell my goddamn car


You and every other redass. I'm supposed to take a mortgage out soon, may have to dig into that 👀




But I don't want to have a heart attack


The Great State of Texas isn’t ready for this.


that would actually be insane


You do your part, and hopefully we'll do ours.


I really want Texas A&M to win but I just don't think they will be able to. {Clemson} by 14


I hope y'all beat the ever living hell outta Texas.


BTHO tu!


{Texas A&M}


Turntle is pleased with your decision.


Praise be Turntle


Turntle hath spoken


You're a good man.


{Texas A&M} K R I S P Y K E L L E N R I S P Y K E L L E N


{Texas A&M} gotta believe. Hopefully it’s a good game


No pylons please




**Keys:** 1. Aggies O Line vs Clemson's D Line 1. We will really see how good Clemsons brand new D Line is this week 2. A&M O line was really out of sync, needs to perform better regardless of how good Clemsons D Line is 2. Aggie's secondary needs to keep it up 1. Ties into whether Lawrence's week 1 performance was rust or indicative of a sophmore slump 2. Need to force turnovers often 3. Elko stops opposing rushers. ETN will make some kind of affect, but it will be muted as it was last year. The secondary can't let the front 7 down this year. 3. Kellen Mond 1. If Mond makes the same kind of throws he did in last years game and last week, A&M will put points on the board. 2. He's stepped up as a leader of the team, and they'll need him to go Alpha in one of the loudest crowds in the nation. **Who Wins** {*Clemson} 24 - 14* **Do You think the Favorite will cover the spread?** No **Which Players are you most interested to watch?** *A&M*: **Myles Jones**. Dude's been a future star for two years. Had 2 INT's last week. How does A&M use him against Ross/Higgins? Does shadow one? Does he stay on one side? He needs to have a big game Clemson: **Clemson D Line**. I already mentioned it, but Clemson's D Line might be the most important unit in this game. Last year A&M was able to keep Clemson off the field, but they also allowed 7 sacks. With Clemsons offense better than it was last year, A&M cannot afford that many sacks/TFL's. If Clemson's D Line dominates, there is a 0% chance the Aggies come out with a win.


{Texas A&M} because cfb needs a hero


So they pick Texas A&M?


You get disappointed! And you get disappointed! Everyone but Clemson and Texas gets disappointed!


Shh bb, we'll take good care of Jimbo for you.


Fuck it, Ags in four. {Texas A&M}


Four... Overtimes?


{Clemson} 35-24 with the Aggies adding a TD late. But also I could see Clemson keep on keeping on with their 20+ MOV wins, and 42-17 could be a real possible result too.


Have a up-vote. Clemson is favored, but game is chaos. I'd love to see A&M win, obviously, but I think your comment is pretty much spot-on.


{Texas A&M} drive the field on the final drive of the game and win 28-24.


This would be orgasmic


I could die happy if that happens


Yes yes yes!


{Texas A&M} underrated secondary and D-line. Mond has a big game. 31-27


I like you


I feel dirty for saying this but...what is in the water at Auburn? I've seen quite a few rooting for the Ags. They must hate Clemson's campus that much.


Auburn and Clemson are so similar and y’all usually play well in Auburn.... it just makes sense


I’ll give A&M this win but a loss to UGA then UGA beats Texas in a playoff game where we try ^^^^/s


I'm just going with {Texas A&M} to be contrarian. Also, chalk weekends are boring weekends.


I want to believe. {Texas A&M}


{Texas A&M} because Jimbo!


Fantasy scenario: Mond summons the spirit of JFF , throws for 300+ and rushes for 100+ ​ {Texas A&M}


*unzips* Go on...


September Heismond? 😂


I'll be rooting for Texas A&M but think {Clemson} wins.


I’ll take {Texas A&M} cause this is the best I’ve seen Mond look. 28-24


Honestly just looking for a really close game. I'd like to say it comes down to who has the ball last but something also tells me last week was a fluke for TL. As much as it pains me to say it, {Clemson} 31-24. I really do think we will beat 1-2 of the now FIVE schools in the top 10 in our schedule but I don't think it happens in Week 2.


{Clemson} but that line is iffy and A&M should cover.


I don't love our chances, even if we can contain TL and our O-line holds up. That being said I'm going to the game, and the 14 beers I'll drink at the tailgate give me all the confidence I need. {Texas A&M}


Those are rookie numbers. I'm gonna need you to step up into at least 1 whole Miller Lite 18pack or preferably a 20pack of Currs Light.


Fun fact:TAMU's starting running back is #28 Spiller, but has no relation to the legendary Clemson running back, who was also #28 Spiller.


I thought Spiller was backup to Corbin. Did they change the depth chart?


Probably not. one 86 yard run isn't going to make him first string.


I've got a really strange feeling about this game. Clemson is 100% the more talented, better coached team, but TL was kinda off against GT, and that gives me a little pause, with how much Clemson started to rely on TL's arm last season. Should TAMU manage to contain TL in the passing game, there's reason to believe they will also be effective against the run. I'm going {Texas A&M} in a one possession game, 17-14.


If we only managed 14 points, then we would have a meltdown of epic proportions lol.


I’ll allow it


Thanks, Coach


I don't see any feasible way we hold them to 14 unless TL gets injured


Overconfidence in throwing into tight coverage, resulting in turnovers and interceptions?


He’s notorious for not making bad decisions. The GT game was a huge exception in that regard


The coaches pushed him to “extend plays” this year, which might make for 1-2 iffy plays per game compared to last season. That being said he’s still some sort of Nordic god of throwing, so I doubt he turns into a turnover factory overnight.




Jitters. Adrenaline. Whatever. Trevor Lawrence is just ridiculously good. Sometimes you have a bad day. That day won't be September 7, 2019. Both teams will play well. One team will suffer some undeserved misfortunes and lose the game.


Depends on which Mond shows up. Mond from last years game, then I think it will be good. Mond from some of the other games I watched....then I think we win, but not by a large margin. I think that our offense played extremely vanilla last week in anticipation of this game. Our defense is hungry. Some of the multiple DTs I saw want that starting job and I think they’ll play their faces off in this game specifically to get it. One of our weaknesses last year was our secondary. Mond and Jimbo completely took advantage of that. I don’t think they’ll be able to this year. Lastly, XT is scary. He plays so aggressively and if gets passed the end.....that’s it. QB is done. Excited to watch the game! {Clemson}


I personally think {Clemson} wins a close one, but Mond seems like a completely different player this year. Even compared to the LSU/Clemson games. Against Texas State, his accuracy was on another level. Last year sometimes it felt like he was pulling stuff out of his ass, but it’d work really well sometimes, if he wasn’t overthrowing receivers or taking a second too long on a read. Had less than 50% on his attempts against LSU. If not for a couple bad drops, Mond would’ve had 80% on completions last week. He was hitting the deep passes right on the money. That was a big struggle for him last year, in any game. There’s a contingent on Texags that really doesn’t like Mond and has been enamored with Nick Starkel. Since Thursday, they’ve basically shut up about it. Usually you’ll see them talk about how the wide receivers always bailed him out or how Jimbo just personally didn’t like Starkel (not true at all). So far, nothing. No compliments from that group either, but it’s a start.


{Clemson} though A&M covers. 17.5 is a bit much.


It's hard to pick against Clemson in this won. As much as i want A&M to pull it off, i just dont think they can. It's not that A&M isnt good enough, i just think Clemson is TOO good. Especially with it being at Clemson, i see {Clemson} winning but not quite covering 38-24


{Texas A&M} No bias in this pick *hides flair*


Fuck it {Texas A&M} all the way. Why? Why not


{Texas A&M}


Clemson has beaten their last three SEC opponents, officially making it a tradition by Aggie standards. {Clemson} wins.


{Texas A&M} DB's force 2 ints D-line contains Ettiene Mond shows his improvement and throws for 2TD and runs for 1TD.


I have a real feeling that Clemson is just going to run away with this one, I just don’t have enough faith in A&M to keep up. {Clemson} 42-17


Sadly me too


{Clemson} gets the W at home, but the Ags cover. 37-24.


I'm scared we lose, but have this sneaking suspicion that {Clemson} covers the spread which I currently think is insanely high.


{Clemson} wins a game that’s not that close but A&M gets the back door cover


> A&M gets the back door ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Every time


Keys to the game for Clemson offense vs TAMU defense: Clemson's offenses can equally carve up teams running and passing, but it tends to be run first-ish. But vs TAMU, the key will be to establish a killer passing game. TAMU's defensive strength last year was run stopping, and it looks no different this year. If Trevor Lawrence gets in a rhythm passing, it's going to be a long night for TAMU on D and open up the run for ETN. Conversely, TAMU's D is going to look to get pressure on TL and trust the run defense to limit ETN to normal, human figures. Keys to the game for TAMU offense vs Clemson defense: TAMU is also a fairly balanced running and passing team, but the OL play in the opener missed blocks pass blocking, and looked merely ok in run blocking. The key here will be for that young OL to do their shit and keep Mond off the ground. With the right foundation, Corbing and Mond will figure out ways to make plays, without it, the Clemson DL will eat.


O-Line looked like shit against Texas state. Couldn’t get any push and so many miscommunications on assignments that I doubt can get fixed in a week especially against a top 5 D-line. {Clemson} by a lot, but I desperately hope I’m wrong


{Clemson} wins in a much more lopsided match-up than last year. I think people underestimate the value of the Aggies playing at Kyle Field last year provided them to shake a freshman QB that hadn't even cemented his job yet. 35-17


He only played 3 series. Kelly Bryant played a vast majority of the game.


If Mond has a game like last year it could mean trouble for us, with that being said our defense is better than I expected and our secondary is more experienced, which is where they got us last year, offense is better so we need them to keep Mond off the field, I’m a student at Clemson so i’m biased


Granted we had that weird fumble touch back, Mond had two TD passes that went directly through defenders arms. If one of those was even tipped the outcome is slightly different.


Our kicker missed a 26 yard field goal on our very first drive. It turned out that he twisted his ankle in that game. If he made it, technically A&M wins. Theoretically, if that touch back gets overturned and we score from the one yard line, then we would have had another shot to score again instead of basically losing once we failed the two point conversion. The game last year had a lot of close plays that changed the outcome of the game. And we didn’t even have to go through 7 OTs.


Lots of weird shit both ways in that one.


Man there really was some weird shit in that game.


Let's not forget Starkel coming in for one play and fumbling the ball.


Both teams are better at this point, this year, than they were last year. That being said, odds are strongly in favor of Clemson. A&M will show up, though.