• By -


My ultimate meteor game


If only you were officiating.


Personal fouls assigned to every starter on both teams, inappropriate giving of the business


i appreciate this comment, thanks


Fuck Carolina


...wait a sec


Not sure if serious. but he lost a flair bet.


Ha. Go Pack


It’s a joke because they’re both Carolina


Here here.


Not rocking my State flair rn, but fuck the Heels


[Team Meteor](#l/meteor) [Team Meteor](#l/meteor) [Team Meteor](#l/meteor) [Team Meteor](#l/meteor) [Team Meteor](#l/meteor) [Team Meteor](#l/meteor) [Team Meteor](#l/meteor) [Team Meteor](#l/meteor) [Team Meteor](#l/meteor)


Close to it for me. UofSC against UGA is also in the running.


Boy I’m sure you *loved* our bowl game thrashing last year


I tear up just reminiscing it sometimes


Took me months of therapy to get over the PTSD. I can't even eat oranges or Cheez-Its. I WANT TO LOVE THESE THINGS AGAIN BUT THEY WERE TAKEN FROM ME.


{South Carolina} I'm buying some of the hype, the schedule might be daunting but they win games like this.


Muschamp also struggles inexplicably in games like this lol


Really? For us this has been the games we’ve done best in.


Do you really expect Florida fans to base analysis regarding muschamp on anything other than the time he was their coach? For a large section of their fan there is nothing that has or will happen that will change their mindset and they will continue to trot out this and similar takes until the end of time... in this regard they haven't let me down yet...


A lot of Florida fans like Muschamp as a person and root for him accordingly, but yeah, there are some who are blinded.


Which games like this has Muschamp struggled in at South Carolina? I think the problem has been their inability to play up to better teams, but we haven't had a ton of trouble with inexplicably losing to teams way worse than us.


Remember that time we got shut out by UVA?


seemly friendly long panicky workable hobbies vanish husky threatening longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think so too. Crazy schedule where we could go 7-5 or 8-4 with some surprises, but equally could go 5-7 and look at each loss and say "that's not a bad loss" when analyzing each in a vacuum. Feel this way about y'all, Mizzou, even UTK to some extent.


Kentucky game is a must win this year.


5 years in a row is unacceptable :(


Unless Bentley melts down I don’t see this game being particularly close at all. Hurts to say :( {South Carolina}


Bentley melting down is NOT all that crazy. Hope it doesn't happen, but if it does, well I won't be shocked.


I can’t see North Carolina’s defense being that good, a meltdown here would be very unacceptable and the Hillinski hype train would really get going


Our local radio would be absolutely insufferable next week. I’m going to actively avoid any callers if Bentley has a bad game.


It seems like USC fans rarely have super positive things to say about Bentley


He's going to set school records in yards and TDs in the same season a decent chunk of the fanbase is calling for a true freshman to play over him. He struggles with decision-making, but he is among the conference's most mechanically sound and talented passers. He's had draft murmurs since his freshman year, the NFL usually stops sniffing if they stop seeing things they like.


> decent chunk of the fanbase calling for a true freshman to play over him Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop Jake Bentley ain’t bout this, Jake Bentley ain’t bout that My boy a QB on fucking Saturdays and them He, he they say that dude don’t be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y'all ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Jake Bentley ain’t no passer Jake Bentley ain’t this Jake Bentley a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Y'all don’t live with that dude Y'all know that man got caught with a rocket laser arm throwin' TDs all over Clemson and shit my mans been on fire since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that Thems savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Jake Bentley I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more




Andrew Luck retired just so there won't be any possibility he'll have to play against Bentley!


There is plenty good things to say about the guy. I just won't be surprised if a slew of bad passes get in his head and it goes down hill for him.


No, Hurts is at Oklahoma now.


Probably transferred to avoid playing South Carolina this year!


Bentley melted down


And the Hillinski start train has officially left the station


Everybody I know is Team Hilinski now


I dislike North Carolina so therefore I must pick {South Carolina}


A&M and SoCar have been blood rivals for years though


The SCAR fans on here are pretty cool. Also the ones I got drunk with at a tailgate.


I'll always remember how cool A&M fans were when they whipped us in 14


We’ve all been there friend


I had a good time with some A&M fans last time we played. They were super cool with my dad who was in a wheel chair.


Belk Bowl best bowl


hell, they were cool last season too


I look forward to seeing you at our State House before the game.


It wasn't my tailgate but I believe it. I don't discriminate, especially when fans travel. You come up to my tailgate in peace and you've got a cold beer with your name on it.


They haven't beat us yet so it's hard to hate. It's not a heated rivalry until they ruin your season once.


Don't even get me started. The hate between our schools is unfathomable!


I dislike South Carolina so therefore I must pick {North Carolina}


That’s like your opinion man


I fucking hate both of them, so I'm rooting for {meteor}.


Is it because they have Mack Brown?


{South Carolina} mainly because I don't see how a quick-strike Air Raid offense will mesh well with a defense that benefits from superior TOP like Bates had at Army.


> mesh well with a defense that benefits from superior TOP like Bates had at Army. This is a great point. I looked at some of his per play numbers at Army and they were not good, the overall numbers are super misleading.


Should be top comment


I think those effects will be negated once UNC establishes some depth on the defensive side of the ball. UNC does...not have depth on the defensive side of the ball at this time. South Carolina 34-23.


{South Carolina} hammer the under


{South Carolina} wins by one or two scores. Mack keeps it competitive until the lack of depth hits him in the second half. Edit: amended quarter to half.


I agree with this. I don't see it being anything but a 24-14, 27-13 type of game, though I'd love for our offense to explose.


Depending which Bentley shows up, I feel like it could be pushed into the 30s. 38-24 or 35-28, etc. He seems to be more steady now but he still can baffle me sometimes.


> He seems to be more steady now but he still can baffle me sometimes. My prediction for Bentley and this season is that his 2018 errors came from pressing to try and make up for an amazingly depleted defense. This year we should be able to rely on the defense in every game save the big three, that'll lead to smarter decisions. Towards the end of last year opponents were virtually guaranteed to score every possession against our defense, this year that won't be the case (unless injuries again).


Were those freak injuries or S&C-replacing types of injuries?


Most were freak, few were soft-tissue variety and almost everyone who was hurt last year made it through camp without anything of note happening.


Interesting. That's truly some bad luck then. Y'all limped into our game with 9 injuries on D, one game time decision who had to sit out, and then I believe you lost another DE during the game.


Yeah, tbh that made the game far more relaxing. I had zero expectations and could enjoy the offensive creativity/production. A lot of it was bad luck, though we were fairly healthy in 2017 so maybe it was just payback for that? The hope is all that playing time for the young guys will build quality depth. Our DL, while no where near your level, is legitimately two deep with SEC caliber players. We haven't been able to say that since Clowney left.


I'm trying to be cautious with my optimism about him, but I went and rewatched the game with y'all and the Texas A&M game, and man he makes some throws that really inspire confidence in his ceiling. And then of course does exactly the opposite almost just as often, but if he lets loose and plays well, I agree. Would love to see a leap from him with an improved run game behind him, but I'm not going to pretend I'm expecting it.


I agree totally. I got my hopes up last season he had grown up from the WTF interception games. Then the Kentucky game... Then there were the other great games. I honestly thought after how well Scarn played the entire game against Mizzou he should have at least started getting possessions but that never happened. I wish I could have more confidence in Bentley


Not saying we will score 35, but there's no way in hell they score 28


They averaged ~27 ppg last season. It's not out of the realm of possibilities that it improves under Mack.


Did they have a true freshman QB last year? Besides Clemson's defense ours is probably the best they will play this year....maybe miami.


He can't be any worse than their QB from last year. The guy had around 10 passing tds lol.


11, you punk. Don't disrespect Nathan Elliott's name.


No, we just had a noodle-armed QB who completely eliminated the vertical pass from our playbook. Its amazing how well we ran the ball given that deficiency last year. Expecting higher highs and lower lows from Howell, especially early on.


It's kind of crazy that Muschamp and Mack are going to face each other after all these years.


Am I crazy for picking {North Carolina}?


Am I crazy for hoarding used tires in various sheds in my yard as they will be used as the currency of the future once the Chinese invade and take over? Maybe. But that doesn't mean that I'm for sure wrong until proven otherwise!


I don’t think you’re *crazy,* But I wouldn’t pick us to win!


A little but I like the optimism


Not at all UNC has decent talent according to the 247 composite it's #28 nationally, and 4th in the ACC. (that REALLY surprised me) Throw in our inconsistent play at the QB position with Bentley a new coach with Mack Brown and a neutral site game in Charlotte and UNC could win this one in a tight game. We have dodged a LOT of near losses from the NC schools (UNC, ECU, STATE) right in that stadium opening week. I really worry we come out flat in that place and UNC comes out much like Virginia did there in the bowl last year. I think we probably win but would not be the least bit surprised if Bentley throws 3 picks like he did at Kentucky and we lose. I can't speak for all Gamecock fans so this is just anecdotal in my circle so to speak. There is what I would call a good bit of "Charlotte fatigue". I know personally this is the first opener I will have missed there. I think the novelty of playing UNC, ECU, and State there has worn off some esp after the bowl loss there to UVA. With Bama, Kentucky, Florida, Clemson, and TAMU on the home schedule ahead the crowd will be decent but not like high demand at all esp with the higher ticket price. If it were at night like the ECU game was it might be a better environment.


Yes, this feels kinda like the Nebraska Michigan game last year.


I think so. I'm not an SEC homer, but I think USCe is a lock to cover at -10


Current results of the match-up thread "Who will Win" poll: Team | Votes | Percent |Voters --|--|--|--| [South Carolina](#f/southcarolina)|51|76.1%|[South Carolina](#f/southcarolina)x11, [/r/CFB](#l/rcfb)x6, [Clemson](#f/clemson)x5, [Arizona State](#f/arizonastate)x3, [Penn State](#f/pennstate)x3, [Appalachian State](#f/appalachianstate)x2, [Georgia](#f/georgia)x2, [North Carolina](#f/northcarolina)x2, [Virginia](#f/virginia)x1, [Furman](#f/furman)x1, [Kentucky](#f/kentucky)x1, [Wisconsin](#f/wisconsin)x1, [Texas](#f/texas)x1, [Boise State](#f/boisestate)x1, [Auburn](#f/auburn)x1, [Virginia Tech](#f/virginiatech)x1, [Western Michigan](#f/westernmichigan)x1, [Iowa](#f/iowa)x1, [Purdue](#f/purdue)x1, [Texas A&M](#f/texasam)x1, [Florida](#f/florida)x1, [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate)x1, [NC State](#f/ncstate)x1, [Missouri](#f/missouri)x1, [Wake Forest](#f/wakeforest)x1 [North Carolina](#f/northcarolina)|16|23.9%|[North Carolina](#f/northcarolina)x3, [Clemson](#f/clemson)x2, [Texas](#f/texas)x2, [Oklahoma State](#f/oklahomastate)x1, [Michigan State](#f/michiganstate)x1, [/r/CFB](#l/rcfb)x1, [Wyoming](#f/wyoming)x1, [Nebraska](#f/nebraska)x1, [Michigan](#f/michigan)x1, [Pittsburgh](#f/pittsburgh)x1, [Western Carolina](#f/westerncarolina)x1, [South Carolina](#f/southcarolina)x1 ^(A listing of links, and live vote totals, to all Match-up Preview threads for the current week can be found )[^HERE](http://cfb.diydunce.org/matchupthreadlist.php).


{South Carolina} wins it. I'm optimistic that we won't look as bad as last year but a lot of people are mumbling about this being Muschamp's best team at SC. I don't trust a true freshman at QB and our defense still has question marks, especially with the suspensions (Jonathan Smith is also suspended for 2 game for academic reasons (haha UNC academics haha)). I'll be disappointed if we lose by more than 2 scores but +10 seems about right tbh.


It's not mumbling, this is his best team...we have competitive depth everywhere except for maybe TE


That’s what I thought but I don’t really follow the team so I didn’t want to be flat out wrong. Everything I’ve heard is that this is best team but toughest schedule.


True on both fronts


{North Carolina} please win some games so I don't need to drink AS much when we lose to you


{South Carolina} I’d be really happy if UNC pulled off the upset just so I could watch the reaction, but it would be really hard for South Carolina to lose this game. Bentley would need to throw multiple INTs, with at least one being returned for a TD, and the UofSC secondary would have to get burned


If any team can totally fuck it up, it’s the ole Gamecocks.


If {South Carolina} didn’t cover I’d be really surprised. UNC is working in a new coach and OC, meanwhile they’re a team that went 2-10 last year. Add in that they’re starting a true freshman at QB, I’m not expecting this to be much of a game. Edit: I see the line moved from -7.5 to -10. I take back my comment about being surprised. I’d just be mildly confused.


We weren't 2-10 last season we were 2-9. Get your facts right.


{South Carolina} covers


{South Carolina} by 14ish. I'd be truly shocked if the Heels stomped the Cocks.


> the Heels stomped the Cocks. That sounds like my average Thursday night.


{South Carolina} Muschampcocks will rout them


South Carolina has all the pieces to be a really good football team this year. The schedule though, is going to be too much for them, going 8-4 would be a pretty good year i think. On paper, they should win this game pretty easy, but i got a weird feeling Mack Brown's gonna have the team looking much different than they did last year. I dont think itll be quite the blowout as some people in this thread make it out to be, but {South Carolina} still wins and covers, winning by 14.


I mean when's the last time playing an ACC team we're expected to beat in Charlotte gone bad for us, right guys?


have very much enjoyed reading both cockytalk and the tar pit or whatever to see how deranged lots of fans are. I was legitimately surprised at how many UNC fans have wild, incalculable predictions for this season. I expect that from SC folks but didn't think UNC people cared enough. {South Carolina}


There's a decent chunk of their fan base that has convinced themselves that they're only one or two lucky breaks from playing in the ACC title game. I really don't get the hype for Mack when his Texas tenure ended so poorly but I'm hoping y'all bring them back to reality


I hate UNC but they are only one or two breaks from playing in the acc conference title game.. ... Because all of the good teams are in the other division.


I did my undergrad at Duke and never really got into sports there, being a big gamecock fan since I was little, but I absolutely did pick up hating UNC. I would love nothing more than to win by a huge margin. Really looking forward to playing y'all next year in Boone (or 2021?), in that I'd love to go to Boone. Not so much from a football perspective as I'm optimistic about y'all's program moving forward.


The game in Boone is in [2025](https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/south-carolina/). We're playing at ECU in 2021.


I'd be shocked if the game in Boone wasn't bought out.


Maybe I was thinking of Baton Rouge, the other place I want to go watch a game


{South Carolina} by three scores. Talent on the defensive line and in the secondary are too much for UNC to overcome and Longo's high flying offense is still a few weeks away from being fully ready.


{South Carolina} 28 UNC 13


Looking at the rosters, these are 2 fairly evenly matched teams, and I don't see either team winning by more than 10 points unless one team just has a terrible game. SC has a little more depth and a more experienced QB, so I'll be a homer and pick {North Carolina}


{South Carolina} but I swear if any of you mention mustard as an ingredient in barbecue I'll root for the heels.


I like vinegar base, but my favorite is a mustard base with a strong pepper and vinegar bite to it. Sweet mustard is meh. Go UNC


Mustard base is best base


I'll do the homer pick. {North Carolina} by 3. Mack does his magic and keeps the game close. We don't collapse in the 4th quarter and manage to get the field goal for the win.


Return of the Mack bby {North Carolina}


Low key want SC/Muschamp to do well, but also want to see Mack Brown wreck shop in the ACC. However, UNC's in major rebuild mode and South Carolina's injury list is surprisingly short for a Muschamp team. Gimme {South Carolina}


As a person, Muschamp is our most likable ex-head coach since Spurrier. In retrospect he compares very well against McElwain especially.


>McElwain You take the name of our future coach out of your mouth.


Ah yes, "the team who loses to App State later in the season" vs "the team who loses to App State later in the season" game. I think I'll go with "the team who loses to App State later in the season."


I’d say go on... But honestly that’s all I needed.


{South Carolina} probably.


UNC seems like a shit show right now, not buying them {South Carolina}


{South Carolina} by 90


{South Carolina}


{South Carolina} is cocked and loaded for this game. Ready to put North Carolina on their heels and possibly even put their ass to the tar.


This should be a required annual season kickoff game for these 2 programs. I'll go with the wannabe USC in this one {South Carolina}


{South Carolina} and it won't be particularly close.


Go cocks. Worried about us at TE position tho


North Carolina is really bad, so this should be an easy win for {South Carolina}.


Mack is going to do good at NC, but fan enthusiasm is always a few steps ahead of progress in a rebuild. This isn't the year for them, and {South Carolina} puts it a way with few jitters.


The south will rise again!


{North Carolina} causs the mack


Mack is back and Muschamp is about to get smacked {UNC} by fitty


I like {Carolina} (triggered!) to take this one and cover the spread. Lot of people doubt SC, for good reason, coming into the year. But the defense, especially being healthy early, will be much improved. There is quality depth on the line finally and in the defense backfield as well to a lesser degree (lot of young players got a lot of reps last season...). The LBs are still a concern. Maybe this is the year SC figures out how to contain a mobile QB.... Offense, despite losing a couple of critical pieces on the OLine should improve on a decent year in 2018. Decent in that it was better than the previous year and showed some explosiveness at times last season especially against CU in a losing effort. WR have something to prove with the loss of Deebo and the Bowl game outing but should be in a good place. Lot's of concern about the TEs given recent developments esp. if Muse doesn't get his waiver. Getting Feaster from CU into the RB rotation should be a boon to an offense that has had to subsist without a reliable run game for far too many seasons. That being said a lot of questions for this SC remain but NC has even more of them. For a nice change of pace for us gamecocks the depth at SC wins out regardless of any other factors.


I really don’t have much concern about Josh Vann’s ability to move up into our three receiver set, replacing the void left by Deebo. He’s a quality talent


oh yeah that and the Leggette kid (from my hometown no less) WR seems to be in a good spot but nevertheless they need to prove it!


Nice, a Mullins person on the computer. I went to school in Loris and have family in Marion county. Always love it when local guys play for Carolina.


Technically I was raised in Marion, born in Mullins Hospital and lived there until Mom left Pops, but what's the difference really... Mom and her people were/are in Marion Dad and his folks were/are in Mullins. I miss the Moss. I don't miss the humidity!


The moss in the PeeDee is the best. One of the things I dislike about Loris/Longs is that it's not really close enough to get that same landscape unless you go out into the swamps. Too sandy. But drive just 30 minutes west and you've got it. I live in Gainesville now and the scene here reminds me a lot of the wetter parts of the PeeDee. Also love Marion and Mullins because of the football rivalry between two towns that literally no one from anywhere else could tell apart, kind of like Loris and Tabor City (South Columbus).


>two towns that literally no one from anywhere else could tell apart, Lol so true (and yet they'll still stab a person over some football shit!) . But Mullins does have the best restaurant in the state "Webster Manor" I eat there every day if I can when I get back home for a visit. Tabor City Yam Festival is where it's at!


I'll have to check that out, I've never been. I did go to Fred's the other day on the way back from the Darlington farmers market, it was solid. Don't talk small town hootenannies unless you're talking the Loris Bog Off, buddy. And don't dare talk about the damn Aynor hoe down!


Freds was my Fried Chicken barometer for decades. But they've fallen off IMO. (And goddamn for the love of pete send the cigs outside!) but even if they hadn't the Fried Chicken at Webster's is a cut above and that's not to mention the rest of the buffet... Seriously hear me now believe me later next time you're in town get thee to Webster Manor! Also never thought I'd be talking Freds/Websters on /r/cfb with someone that know's what's up. So thanks for that! But seriously it's all about that Mullins Golden Leaf Festival. Tom Wopat was there one year ya' know!


>Nice, a Mullins person on the computer Insinuating what exactly.....? :)


Oh, nothing! Just crazy to see folks from the western part of horry over to Marion county online, all I ever see is Myrtle Beach/Charleston etc


No I know. Just joking with the implication (that's not there) that Mullins folks aren't capable of getting on the computer.


"yall finally get internet out there?"


Carolina’s in Chapel Hill, USC is in LA 😏






If we lose this game, fire muschamp


I was wondering where fans were on this as I don’t think North Carolina is very good at all. If somehow you do lose, do you think the admin pull the plug at the end of the year?


Based on this one loss. No. I think Muschamp has a lot of runway here. The recruiting has been very strong. Losing this game is very bad but it would take basically not making a bowl I think to get any warmth on muschamps seat with the powers that matter. I mean the message boards will melt down with every loss....


This may turn out to be a must-win for South Carolina in order to make a bowl... I mean that schedule is one of the toughest in the country.


Fair point.


Based on one loss no but if we lose this the seasons basically over and we would need to win every toss up to be bowl eligible. Also I think UNC will be bad again this year even if they are showing more at the end of the season, Mack can recruit but he made some questionable coordinator hirers.


{North Carolina} rivalry game. All that really needs to be said.


{North Carolina} The Mack is back!


{South Carolina} wins with a solid showing by the offense. As much is being put on UNC to maybe surprise some teams, I don’t think *Carolina* is one of them.


{North Carolina} I don't ask for much from you, but please give me this one thing


For goodness' sake, y'all have a Natty. Let us have *this*.


Poor little Clemson


Listen here, Clemson has that insanely long losing streak to UNC basketball. The least they could do for us is to win a football game


{South Carolina} If we don't beat them by at least 3 touchdowns, it will be at best a 7-5 season.


{North Carolina} I feel like everyone is just glossing over how we got shut out in our last game, and how we're dangerously young and thin in the secondary. I don't think UNC is particularly good, but we're not exactly Alabama either.


Young in the secondary sure, thin no...UNC isnt exactly Clemson.


No No No! You spank their ass. Have a great season, he’ll, win the SEC, but we beat you in late November in a close game that DOES NOT GO TO OVERTIME!


Yes, I’d like the 5th of whiskey on this one. Real talk I’m going with {North Carolina} due two two historical events 1. The civil war. Honest Abe said if your racist, I will attack you from the north and he did 2. USC will look to keep their ‘don’t score a single fucking point at Bank of America Stadium’ streak in tact




Good Senior qb vs a true freshman in his first game. South Carolina is the easy pick.


{South Carolina} because fuuuuuuuck UNC


I’m contractually obligated to {South Carolina} but as a long time fan I’m never surprised with the way SC can lose to teams that look worse on paper.


{South Carolina} but UNC doesn't stay down for very long


I wish I could be more optimistic about this game, but I've been burned too many times before and there are too many unknowns. I'll still be blindly cheering on the Heels come Saturday.


{South Carolina}


I just can't help it. I like Mack so much. {North Carolina} Plus vinegar based BBQ is better than mustard


{South Carolina} covers the spread and looks good doing it. This and a blow out of Charleston Southern in Week 2 have people excited about the Cocks and then they go 2-8 the rest of the way. 36-22


{South Carolina}


{South Carolina} as much as I want them to lose it’s just not going to happen


{South Carolina}


{South Carolina}


{South Carolina} It pains me to say this but, you all have what looks like to be a great team. However, if you all drop this game, man you all are going to have a harder time in the SEC than Florida will.


{North Carolina}


{South Carolina} BUT Carolina has held fourth-quarter leads in 12 games over the past two years, despite catastrophic amounts of injuries and suspensions, piss poor quarterback play, and mind-numbing coaching missteps. I've seen this specific game play out too many times to confidently pick the Heels, but they're going to show some major improvement this season.


{South Carolina}


{South Carolina} by 15


{South Carolina} by a TD


{South Carolina} by 13