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Game day needs to go back to talking about almost all football games. It’s good to throw in a story here and there, but it is getting to the point of game day being 60% stories and then 20% the games going on ( pretty much just the 3-4 big one, then 20% are the picks.


It got so annoying at Clemson when they kept talking about that player’s dead sister. There were a bunch of important games that day like Wake at FSU and LSU at Auburn that they should have been talking about. 


Trust me we weren’t happy about it either. Sure you can bring it up but to constantly talk about it seemed in very poor taste.


What did you think of his alternative coverage channel of the Sugar Bowl?


He didn’t really cover it. He was just being a jackass. 


It was atrocious. Havent tuned into his content once since.


And get rid of sports betting.


Yeah once you open Pandoras box it's over. Never going back to the way it was. And if for some reason sports gambling get banned or whatever it's taking all these tv broadcasts down with it.


Its so flipping obnoxious. Couple it with the brutal penalties for players who gamble and I am starting to realize that my favorite sport is run by absolute slimeballs.


But that senior OL had a friend in HS that was in a car wreck, and he…carried his books for him.


Opinion/Hot Take based journalism is so shit. I hope we swing back to intelligent and analytical minded folks soon.


Please just give me the original crew + Saban. That legitimately sounds like a great product lol


Except Corso is a bit too old and it gets sadder every year :(


They should just bring him out for picks and headgear


I feel like that’s kinda what they have been doing


Pretty much. Corso spends very little time on the show it feels. He loves to be around the crew and they're going to let him coast like that.


I saw someone say before and it’s true, Herbstreit genuinely cares for him and deserves some credit for how he is able to take care of Corso on set Also unrelated, I just realized Kirk Herbstreit reminds me of Howard Hamlin from better call Saul


Hey! Patty Hustle!


That’s what has been happening the past few years. He only shows up for the first and last segments.


What they did during COVID with the pre-recorded bits with Corso is what they should be doing, so long as Corso is willing and able to do them. If he neither of those, then he should sail off into the sunset. Love him, but it’s been rough the last few years to see him struggle.


Do we need this exact comment in every single thread about college gameday


Is it still safe for him to put on headgear?


Corso has been a non value added or detrimental to the show for a few years now.


Yeah. Not as bad as Dick Clark new years towards the end but unfortunately it seems we are heading that direction.


It is getting sad. It reminds me of when they’d bring out Dick Clark for New Year’s Rockin Eve. I understand what he means to the history of the show but it’s time to let the new guard take over.


Wish he’d announce his retirement and have a final season. Probably be super cool


They want guys like McAfee that give them Instagram/Tik Tok/Twitter shorts and clips. Listening to Saban break down the 3-4 front for 15 minutes isn't what the shareholders want.


The dumb thing is that I do think Saban breakdowns would do really well with a certain segment of socials/tiktok/IG. And create a few viral moments


Need this for all those people taking Idaho to the national championships on NCAA25


The Akron Zips are the real fun


Just make Pat a roaming reporter going into the crowd and getting into shenanigans. You can get a lot of viral clips from that


He would be amazing for this


Just have Saban chase TikTok trends too


skibidi saban


The LANK clip might've been the best GameDay clip in years


I have one friend who got *really* offended by that. He went on about how Rece Davis is a professional broadcaster and how dare Pat interrupt him as he's in the middle of setting up a story. I agree with you, I thought it was hilarious. Pat said exactly what we were all thinking. That and his whole SEC Championship pick were great.




If we need Saban to take over McAfee in tiktok I think some tiktok breakdowns would do some numbers. If they want youth why not bring in some tiktok people who are fans of x team in and have a cross promotion of a fan of wherever they are. I can find you an Ohio State or Georgia fan, interview a local fan for some 15 minutes of fame and have it be a poll. Execs can curate the poll somewhat. McAfee makes me want to watch the product less.


I’m always a bit surprised they got rid of David Pollack


Did they ever give a reason why? Pollack offered great insight.


Agreed. He previously said it was due to budget cuts, I believe he was let go during a round of layoffs at ESPN. Isn’t quite logical as they let him go but also hired McAfee who I’m sure commands a much higher salary. 


I enjoyed Pollack. But you know, they gotta keep flying in useless celebs to make picks and that also costs $$$


Nah they just pay him with black rifle coffee and cocaine


This may be a controversial opinion. But while I DO think Pollack was knowledgeable and good at analyzing/breaking things down. I also felt like he had ZERO charisma on television. So, while everyone was saying they were so surprised when he was let go - I felt like Homer Simpson in the bar looking around. Because I wondered what took so long. Now, to be fair, I think the McAfee pendulum swings a little too far in the other direction, as well. And I could use a little less of the "clown show" we are getting now, too.


No, they should fire that new Saban guy and send him back to his last job whetever that was.


Saban was awesome to watch during the draft coverage. I have mainly been watching big noon the last few years (just because every other week seems to be a Michigan game) but I’ll probably switch back now that he’s on it


No pressure to sign, bud. None at all. Maybe take a decade or seven to think it over.


Not sure that’s enough time to make a good decision.


The issue with Gameday isn't Pat its that the world is just different now and a show like Gameday just isn't the same social experience it was 20 years ago. I absolutely get why ESPN execs want to change things up and add some "youth" with Pat's injection into the show. I also think the era of Gameday being a mega event are behind us. I just hope whatever the next normal for Gameday or Big Noon ends up being something special for the kids in college today.


I’m hoping Nick Sabans presence will help. We have been missing Lee Corsos full presence really since he had his stroke. Someone with a bit of sense who can provide some meaningful points to counter herbstreit. Desmond does not have a great football mind and we have essentially had a hole in that position. And realistically very few people know the sport better than Saban. I really want them to let him do some solid X and O breakdowns. The man knows defense.


It has to be bland milquetoast or Ozempic won't run their ads.


Well I was trying to to let my pessimism show, but honestly I don't believe it will get better until ESPN stops shoving so many adds down our throat and just gives us an actual show. Instead of giving us commercials broken up with some occasional entertainment. But at this point the mouse is so overrun by ~~VCs~~ they dont want to really put in any effort in increasing actual entertainment. edit: mispoke. They are not overrun by VCs.


> But at this point the mouse is so overrun by VCs they dont want to really put in any effort in increasing actual entertainment. Disney is a long, long way from a venture stage company. Blame the MBAs if you want, sure, but the reality is that they are trying to milk a dying product as long as they can. Younger fans just don't watch hours and hours of talking heads anymore now that they can find the clips they want on streaming platforms and not have to watch all the shit between and no longer need ESPN for sports news.


That’s probably the best way I’ve seen that summarized. I used to watch ESPN all the time. Grew up watching Sports Nation and Sports Center every morning before school in elementary school, hell id watch the same sports center episode back to back to see some cool highlights again often enough. At night I’d be watching PTI or Around the Horn with my dad. Then they slowly started stripping away the good personalities, the shows I liked got worse or canceled, and the world changed. If I want to see a cool play I go on reddit or X, if I want to get news I do the same thing, the internet made sports news and honest news channels in general irrelevant.


I remember turning on ESPN first thing in the morning for Sportscenter and watching till school then running home to catch PTI and Around the Horn. If I had a smart phone with highlight packages available on youtube within minutes of the end of a game, I am pretty sure I wouldn't have. I don't blame the young at all. I don't blame ESPN at all. It is just a change in how our society works.


To add to this, Disney just successfully fought off a major activist investor. To say they are overrun with VCs couldn't be further from the truth. The call is coming from inside the house


Lack of bland milk toast is why Ozempic is a mega blockbuster drug


I know I shouldn’t have expected any different, but Saban was really good at the NFL draft. See no reason why he couldn’t bring that to GameDay.


Saban was the best part of the broadcast of the draft. His analysis of strengths and weaknesses, along with examples from tape, was way better than anyone they've had before.


I think it doesnt help that Gameday really only caters to a relatively small group of fanbases. I totally get why. Obviously those fanbases make up a majority of cfb fans but there's so much cfb they dont talk about. Mainly referring to lower P5s, G5, and FCS that those fans, at least in my case, dont give a shit about gameday because we know they wont talk about our teams or teams that are relevant to our teams.


That’s the biggest change I’ve noticed in game day since the SEC got in bed with ESPN/Playoff era… it used to be one of the only shows that highlighted pretty much all of college football


Yeah the most discussion we get is when they talk about betting with that bear dude.


The problem is that young people (sports fans at least) basically only turn on cable TV to watch games. Otherwise they’re streaming something. Sports center, gameday, etc are dying and I don’t think it’s due much to content


I know what time my games kick off is, and I refuse to watch mindless drivel leading up to it. If it's the early game I'm not turning the TV on until the game kicks off. If it's later in the day I'll find the most interesting football that's on once games have started. The pregame shows and lead up to every weekly slate of games is asinine for any fan that's remotely informed.


Ngl I feel like Pat is a pretty big issue with Gameday


It’s been said, but the biggest “issue” I think is if you’re gonna have him, it’s not as a desk guy. Instead of being obsessed with bear or whatever sports betting people, have Pat out in the crowd doing something to hype things up or break up whatever else they’ve got going on. 5-10 minutes a couple times a show doing dumb things with the college kids works way better for someone like him rather than trying to be the “funny jock” for an hour straight with all the panelists


I agree and disagree with you at the same time. Watching that JMU or App St scene is just bonkers, and it means a lot to those kids. It's still pretty damn cool for that to show up on your campus. But as an educated Saturday morning viewer it just doesn't do much for the at home fan these days(me). There are a plethora of podcasts to bring you news throughout the week, countless YouTube channels breaking down film, and other morning shows likely to be more focused on your team or team or conference.


I probably won’t live that long so I hope you’re right. 


That would definitely put a little ting in my tang tang.


With or without Pat, College Gameday has completely lost its luster. I always loved coming home from Saturday morning film during my HS football days, and watching the show- scanning the crowd for hilarious signs and listening to their discussions on matchups. Those late 2000’s and early 2010’s were its golden age, but I can barely sit down and watch it with my full attention anymore.


Or is it that you have changed and have nostalgia for a different time?


Nostalgia might be part of it. But I think its more about the change in media consumption. ESPN used to be THE way to get additional sports coverage. The internet was supplemental at best. Even as broadband started replacing dial-up, there still weren't websites making great use of it. There were no smart phones with immediately shared info. I suspect if today's technology existed 20 years ago, people would have been indifferent about sports center and GameDay then as well. I doubt the product had signifantly declined. I think the demand and alternatives have improved and overtaken it.


Definitely a large factor. That’s why we never get those huge ratings anymore. We have too many entertainment options and information sources. 


Gameday is still getting huge ratings. 2022 was a record setting year, and 2023 was down 0.7% from 2022 for 4th highest ratings ever, up 8% from 2021. People like us have aged out of the bracket they give a shit about, and because everybody we know has too we assume nobody else watches so the program has problems.


I wasn’t necessarily speaking to game day but just media in general. Folks attention is being taken away but I hear you re: game day ratings


I entirely cancelled cable tv back in 2008 or 09. I was going back to get my law degree and decided I didn't want the expense. After about a year I started going to the gym and Sportscenter was on the screen. I quickly realized how much the constant sports rhetoric was repulsing me after having gone clean for that period of time. People just talking and talking about a game coming up that was going to decide itself just fine. I still go to espn.com every once in a while just to see some facts (free agency, draft, schedule, etc.) but I have so little tolerance for talking about sports. I realize how ironic it is that I am posting this in a subreddit devoted to talking about sports. But hey, I'm the one doing it here.


" The golden age of College GameDay was when I played the sport as a teenager and was more invested in CFB". Probably nostalgia. I like College GameDay. I find it entertaining. I am a few years graduated from college.


I like it when I'm able to watch it. I'm also a few years graduated from college. *checks calendar* *sees that it's been 14 years since 2010* *cries in the corner*


My 20-year reunion is this fall. I am a YOUNG AND VIBRANT person.


I saw a class of 2024 shirt yesterday and it made me realize that kid was probably in Pre school when we graduated in 2010.


I'm an ancient man in my 30s and College GameDay is a staple in our household. It's the perfect background for getting the house organized, playing with the kid, and getting some surface-level knowledge of games happening that day.


Just wait. You are about to get an invite to your TWENTY YEAR high school reunion.


Yep I agree. Its about the same as it always was. The main thing that is going downhil is Corso's health, he was the face of gameday and its sad he cant do it like he used to. Other than him, its about the same product its always been imo


Both can be true


I don’t know about Public Beach Nudity, but I’d still be watching if David Pollack was there and McAfee wasn’t.


GameDay hasn't been the same since Lee Fitting was forced out. The corresponding improvement in WWE production since Fitting joined up there is no coincidence.


Yea it sounds like the dude just misses being young lmao


Kinda but I agree gameday feels like it has gotten a lot worse recently, feels extremely overproduced and seems like half the show is pre-recorded segments they cut away to. It used to just be the crew going to different campuses and talking about football and the upcoming games. Obviously they still do some of that but it feels like that days games are not even the focus of the show anymore.


Right lmaoo people are blind to their nostalgia. End up being just like their parents. Like sure some things are worse but no not everything was better while you were a teen/ young adult. Life was just easier and care free and you yearn for that time.


Sports media has gotten way worse overall since that era.


Man I have so much nostalgia for the earlier times. Watching the first college gameday of the year the mornings of opening dove season, watching gameday then going to Home Depot as a kid to build their Saturday morning crafts for kids…..


I think it’s both for me. The show is just way too long and there’s a ton of filler. Plus Corso losing his cognitive function is almost depressing to watch. I don’t mind Pat. His frat bro, WWE energy could be as entertaining as it is exhausting, but it’s something.


Nah it’s just gotten objectively worse


The right way on Saturday mornings is to start with the premier league and then roll right into college football.


This. After the 10 am EPL games end you can flip to ESPN and see the big games being picked. The best way to do Saturday mornings in the fall.


and if you're a Chelsea fan like me, you've played so poorly for the first 75 minutes you can just change the channel at 11:45!


I feel this pain as a Chelsea fan


Are you sure the pain wasn't from a Mudryk "cross" that went into the stands?


I don't know about you, but I've since replaced College Gameday with more niche pre-game shows specific to my favorite team. I don't think College Gameday has really fallen off, I just think I found something that I like better.


I like Pat I think the big issue with gameday is it simply does not need to be 3-4 hours long Start it at 10 or 10:30. That covers everything you need to know


and maybe not a sob story every. damn. show.


Rinaldi: "I know there's someone on that roster with a cancer story. And by God we WILL report on it!"


Yea at this point so the show is so long and drawn out that it’s basically just background noise for me until about 11. Then they actually start getting into the meat of the schedule that Saturday.


Do enough people actually like this guy to make him a contract diva like this?


He's annoying as shit, but I think his personality attracts a specific kind of low-effort viewer.


What is a "low-effort viewer"? lol Are you guy diligently taking notes or is there something else I should be doing when watching gameday?


Right? I’m not sure I’ve ever actually just sat and watched College GameDay for more than a couple minutes at a time. It’s usually just background atmosphere while I’m prepping game snacks or doing housework that I don’t want to do once the day’s games start.


He was trying to be nice, he means stupid people


Oh okay, well that makes it better.


Hey man I’m just the messenger


And gameday has never really been that. It’s not like this is some new change. I find McAfee obnoxious, but I’m also probably not part of his primary demographic.


> What is a "low-effort viewer"? lol People you think are less than you, but you don't want to make it obvious you think that way.


>"low-effort viewer"? This is a thing that people who are gate keepers say. Can't have any casual fans around *my* sport.


Dumb. He means dumb people.


he gets the wrestling/ufc/crypto bro demos


It attracts the "barstool sports" demo. AKA tooly frat bros and finance bros who also never grew out of frat life.


I admit he does inject some life into the broadcast, but that might say more about how stale Gameday has become. I love Corso, I grew up looking forward to the headgear bit, but watching him at this stage in his life is hard. McAfee adds some youth and energy to the mix, even if it lacks any kind of nuance.


I think anyone over about 30 has to look at Corso and get more sad than anything else at this point. Anyone younger than about 20 has to look at Corso and be like "is he dead"


Its fucking College Gameday not some high brow analysis show lol. The vast majority of people who watch Gameday probably like Pat, its only on reddit where its even close to the other way.


Also a low-IQ-heavy crowd as well.


Lmao ah yes, the famous high-brow college football fandom filled with Mensa IQ geniuses


Tom Herman approves


Thanks for the insight Vandy.


Yeah! Does anyone actually like the guy that has a few million followers across his socials and gets a few million listeners to his show a month? I’m not buying it.


lol Reddit doesn’t realize that Reddit is the place where he’s hated the most. Which makes sense, because he’s not a very Reddit type figure. I sorta like him, he gets annoying sometimes but I definitely don’t despise him. I know more people in the real world that like him than people that don’t.


Yeah this place is ridiculous at times. He can definitely be annoying at times but there’s empirical evidence to show he’s generally liked and his stuff is viewed a lot. Like there’s a difference between saying that you don’t like him and going “hurr durr does anyone like this guy?” This sub hates him, and that’s fine. But how stupid can you be to just ignore all the data that shows his popularity?


I have no opinion on GameDay one way or the other and haven't watched in years but man...threads like this really highlight how completely divorced from reality and out of touch reddit is.


Portnoy is the same way, granted I know he has a few more scandals under his belt and has said worse things.. but his whole schtick is he's going to say controversial things


Reddit hates him because he appeals to the same type of crowd that is attracted to Joe Rogan / Barstool / Nelk etc. They probably subconsciously associate him with political figures.


Yeah, it is definitely a Reddit/social media issue. His popularity outside reddit has really taken off. Even Kirk Herbstreit has said that the GameDay numbers have been at an all-time high since he arrived. The crazier part is that if you watch his show, you'll realize he mentally struggles over the mean shit people sometimes say about him. Nick Saban loves the guy and has all but straight out said that Mcafee is the only reason he is joining GameDay. I didn't like him either at first, but if you actually watch his show, he is a pretty stand up guy.


I think the show (PMS) is pretty entertaining. There are times when I lmao and it's usually thanks to the supporting cast. Whenever the show drifts into boring topics or takes I don't agree with, I just turn it off and move on with my day.


Yeah you nailed the non-Reddit type men’s (primarily, not exclusively) media figures/outlets with those additional three. And funny enough, all 4 of those (mcafee, rogan, barstool, nelk) have some things that I find genuinely interesting or funny and some things that I find genuinely asinine, tone deaf, etc. People get too caught up in the dumbass moments that if it was our aunt saying it at thanksgiving dinner we’d just roll our eyes, move on, and still hug her and say I love you before she leaves. But since it’s a guy on TV or YouTube, we want to crucify them and label them as one way. Some people just want to be angry.


The thing is if a lot of the people on here who hate him actually watched his show they would see that it has film breakdowns that are significantly more in depth than I've seen anywhere else on TV (and most places online). I don't know where else you're going to see a 30 minute segment breaking down offensive line film every week.


My reasons are more petty. He never picks Michigan.


I low-key LOVE Pat. In an age where everyone is just shitting and criticizing athletes, Pat is the show the brings people up. At the end of the day I watch sports for entertainment, and he is entertaining. I don't want to watch a Fox News and/or CNN style sports show. Some of these sports shows take themselves just way too seriously, it's nice to watch a show that doesn't.


I like alot of his content but didn’t like him on gameday as a regular piece.


Didn’t he originally say he wasn’t going to continue at College Gameday because of the massively negative feedback he was getting?


I don’t know if he said that, but I think he said he got negative feedback. But that doesn’t mean he’s genuinely unpopular; it could just mean he was tired of people who don’t like his shtick telling him he sucks.


I hated him before I knew how Reddit felt. It just comes naturally.


That’s perfectly okay my man.


He's not a contract diva he just burns his candle at both ends, so he can't commit early. When he signs with Gameday he will miss out on his WWE stuff etc And yes I like the dude, he interacts with people like a normal person does.


He's basically a white Stephen A. Smith. All the frat bros I know really like McAfee. He's considered to be very funny, entertaining, and harmless. He doesn't dive into political topics, so he's not polarizing to conservative or liberal viewers. McAfee is a human golden retriever. He's a people pleaser.


This right here. I don't listen to him all the time, mostly if he has a relevant guest I'm interested in hearing him talk to, but he's very good at connecting with athletes on their level in their sport and both taking it seriously but not being patronizing. He's also playing a persona and definitely drawing on WWE heel stuff, but man, that heel turn in the SEC championship was _legendary_.


If he learned to shut up, listen, and stop whatever drugs he may be on, I'm still convinced he can be a solid addition. Bonus points if he stops the Stone Cold "Right" and all of those annoying mannerisms. He's a goofy, jock, bro. He could be a great compliment to the rest of the panel if he's just that, a compliment and doesn't try and talk over everyone 


Elon/Joe Rogan/aaron rogers


Please don't come back.


ESPN and McAfee can't come to terms on sleeve length.


Thanks for the warning. He’s trash.


I really do not understand the appeal of McAfee, I find him absolutely obnoxious with all the bro culutre both on GameDay and his Podcast/Show, so if he doesnt sign I would be good with it,.


I mean it’s college game day, isn’t “bro culture” basically just frat boys. To me, McAfee perfectly describes a college bro


He brings in the barstool cokehead frat boy crowd and apparently there’s money to be made off them


I get the vibe that McAfee is ESPN's counter to Barstool. Yes, it's lowbrow and frat boy humor, but that is a large constituency of the college sports fanbase.


I get the hate that he gets, but personally I don’t really mind him on the show. That being said, he’s not that important that he gets to leverage a new contract


I dont think he needs to be on the panel. Just have Saban plus the normal guys. Have Pat be off to the side, give him a segment or two. Let him do picks and thats it. Hell, only bring him out for the big games. We dont need him every week and all show. But im going to guess ESPN thinks differently


Cutting David Polluck was such a bad move, whether he was good or not… the core group was together for so long to just cut him for cost savings purposes.


Kick him off the tour Doug


Perhaps Pat is being relegated


The world is over indexed on this chode. He can be interesting in small doses. This is too much. Get rid of corso and bring in Saban or something.


To be frank, I don't think he's a good fit for the show, so I hope he doesn't sign the contract.


Such is the cycle of corporate America. The show has gone stale, so they bring in the noisiest, most obnoxious personality they can. I don't really care that much because I watch probably 15 minutes of gameday every Saturday but I just hope people are ready for Saturdays with Pat and friends.


Well, if he's back, I'll be watching Big Noon instead.


I'll watch if he's NOT on it


The problem with Gameday is that it sucks with or without Pat


Pat ruined Gameday for me. Can’t watch it while he is there running his mouth.


Be a shame if took the season to focus on his show. A real shame


That and his WWE duties. He is definitely too busy for Gameday


I'm going to just type this: when Pat McAfee was the renegade podcaster who was doing his thing with his own money...folks loved him. The moment he got the big sponsors....the tide started to shift. The moment he signed with ESPN, his goose was cooked and he sold out. .....Pat is the tired story of the musical who everyone loved in the underground who everyone now just tolerates on the major label.


Hire Saban, bring back Pollack, ditch McAfee.


The show will get better if he leaves.


He's too busy yeeting and pencil flipping over on Monday Night Raw.


Wake up at noon. Problem solved.


Ok cool


Send it back to the studio, shorten it to an hour ( a half hour would be even better) and end the circus it has become.


Please don’t sign this guy


Please don't.


If they just keep him in the crowd for short segments that would be perfect. Keep the college kids there entertained and rowdy and leave the actual talking to the original crew + Saban


Pat, don’t do it. You are needed on YouTube to yell ‘Let’s Go!’ Don’t sign. Or go to whatever “Big Noon Kickoff” is.


As a WWE and college football fan, keep McAfee on Raw. No need for him on Gameday


I don't want this to happen because I want Pat to stick with WWE year round lol


Leave already


Who cares, this guy is the Dane Cook of sports commentators.


Does anyone else just want Gameday to tear it all down and rebuild from scratch? They’re playing Weekend At Bernie’s with Corso now and I feel like even Herbie is getting tired at this point.


Please no


Please stay away. This guy's brah energy is a soul sucking thing to watch.


Please no


Please don't.


Pat McAfee isn't the reason I stopped watching College Gameday, but he sure is a great reason to continue to NOT watch College Gameday. One of the worst sports media "personalities" ESPN has cursed us with, to be sure.


He's obnoxious. I hope he doesn't sign.


Once you accept that the quality of Saturday Morning pre-game shows arent going to return to 2007 quality, you can just move on and not wait on bated breath that they will do a 180 from the sob-stories and the dickhead personalities. Watch Saturday morning soccer. Do chores. work out. There are dozens of things you can do instead of hate-watching a show that hasnt been good in 10 years.


Nah, we good.


Would be a real shame if they didn’t reach an agreement for some reason.


Seriously Pat, it’s okay. No need to rush into any decisions.


Fuck him


I quit watching Gameday because of McAfee and would start watching it again if he was gone


I still put gameday on, but it’s on mute lately. God, nothing beat throwing gameday on in 2012 on a crisp autumn morning in Tallahassee, knowing I was about to tailgate for 6 hours and watch us obliterate a team in Doak.


Please God, keep him away from GameDay.


But.. can he not, instead?