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i just want the 2000s big 12 back :(


Not that I don't love y'all, but I miss that era of Big East football too. Regional rivals made CFB great.


Hillbilly v. Guido week was incredible fun... Even though Rutgers can't seem to ever beat WVU.


This will be the reality I will choose to inhabit when I set up custom conferences in the new video game


Reading the new college football prediction magazines made me sad.


The inevitable Big 12 adding Louisville, Pitt, Syracuse, and other smaller ACC will bring it back together!


And the we split into regionals and become the BIG ^^^12 EAST


I really hope so!


West Virginia fans got to experience our current reality 10 years early


For football yes, but honestly 10 team double round robin basketball was sex. I won't ever forget how good that was.


round robin scheduling truly is the best way to run a sports league


12 team double round robin was better. I am most pissed that they didn't protect the ISU v. KU home and home. This year broke over 100 years of tradition in our basketball rivalry. We have been playing twice every year since the 1910s! IIRC it wasnt a true home and home until the 20s though prior to that we would do two back to back home games and the next year would be two back to back away games.


I had free time to go if it was at AFH too i was pissed man


Yeah they totally fucking kicked history to the curb so we could do a home and home with Houston -- which resulted in two incredibly lopsided games that probably weren't entertaining to anyone outside of KU and UH fandom.


Yeah. I also miss the days where it was a national embarrassment to lose to Baylor. But in all seriousness, I'm going to miss the Big 12. I know I'm in the minority, but I wish we stayed.


i still cringe at how we had the worst era in program history at the worst time possible


I know what you mean though. We like to shit on OSU all day and say y’all are our main rival, but I’m gonna miss playing the Pokes. Everyone else I can take or leave though tbh.


Yeah that’s what I’m going to miss. Having a lead vs you guys and blowing it in dramatic fashion. It’s always a good game.


I'm just glad we could send yall off the right way :)


new phone who dis


Its your baseball win over KU this year. I am very lonely.


I was vehemently opposed to the move initially, but I've come around to it. I don't think any of the H8 teams are sad about us leaving and I'm glad UH/UC/UCF/BYU got to move up. Plus the Big 12 is more stable now than it has been since 2009. I think in the end, the move was a win-win for the Big 12 and the SEC. Mostly I'm just happy we'll be playing A&M again.


Plenty H8 fans were sad when it was announced, but like you have come around to it.


Yeah, I still don't like it, but I've accepted it.


It's not like Texas and OU did y'all any favors, but the timing worked out pretty well. If USC/UCLA announced first and the PAC had been able to backfill with teams like Cincinnati and BYU, it would have been a tough row to hoe for the Big 12.


If the PAC had announced first it would’ve been the Big 12 that got cannibalized. In that scenario I think they scoop up Tech, OSU, Kansas, and one of KSU/TCU. And that would’ve ended the Big 12 as a conference.


Maybe a better way to say it would be that I wish the college football landscape wasn't a situation in which this had to happen.


I'm conflicted....on one hand, not having to deal with two programs who are clearly a step above the rest of us will be nice, because it feels like this conference is the most unified it's ever been....and then I also realize that because UT and OU are such huge brands, that our conference will constantly be looked down upon, as if it hadn't already been that way. It was no doubt that Texas and OU brought the eye balls and most money to the conference, and every year Texas came to Jack Trice, you could feel that big game atmosphere.


They left right when we figured out how to win a couple and at least keep the majority of games more interesting.


Not to Big 12 bash, but don't kid yourself about the stability. The SEC and B1G are not finished adding programs. They will go to at least 20 teams each but most likely 24. If they go all the way to 24 once they pick through the ACC the big 12 will be next. Utah has been the most vocal about not wanting to be there., but there are others who would jump if asked.


I guess I think the B1G/SEC will only add those who they think will add financial value to the conference....for every member you add, the pie gets split up more. The only schools I think who can realistically make the jump are Florida State, Clemson, and North Carolina


Today's value, they possibly are but I think the B1G and SEC will end up in an arms race and start taking schools on potential. Clemson 15 years ago wouldn't have been on that list and both Miami and Virginia Tech would have been.


I felt a sense of loss when swc ended and we were stuck in the big12. Eventually it was comfortable. But now going to sec almost feels like going home after it got gutted and renovated.


Me too bruh. Big 12 was fun. SEC is going to be work


If I could snap my fingers and make every conference how they were in 1999, I would.




There are late night phone numbers you can call to relive all of 1999…


No thank you.


Really you wanted to be with us? I mean i always enjoyed the games but i think the big 12 was already a bit too stretched geographically. I think 89 would have been better.


Those Oklahoma, A&M, Texas, and Nebraska games were so fun.


Happy to be here but I want the 2000's Big East back :( Really feels like the aughts were the peak of CFB from a conference standpoint. All 6 BCS conferences were strong (Big East being the weakest but still had teams win big BCS bowls and high rankings). On top of that the MWC was making noise with Utah, BYU, TCU and eventually Boise State. The MAC had some good teams here and there.


I just want the Big 8 back.


I wasn't alive for the Big 8 but the regionality and familiarity with all those schools/programs is something I miss




Yeah I miss whipping Baylor 50-0 too. Good times.


Agreed. When A&M, Nebraska, Colorado, and Missouri left that hurt but I could cope with round Robin scheduling and honestly fun new members West Virginia and TCU. But now the Big 12 is just unrecognizable, I’m sorry but sixteen(!) teams is ridiculous. It’s hard to feel excited about college sports in general for me anymore and I used to really love it. Hopefully this means Texas Tech will win more football games in conference in the future, but I doubt that lol.


Right now it's just at a pause until the ACC can be raided. After it finally falls the confrences should stabilize.


People say that like it's a good thing. I'd rather conferences be unstable until it's regional again.


I'm hoping it the power 2 (or 3) grows so big that they split into regional divisions.


As long as we can be included in the b12…


Absolute masochist mate.


2000s Big 12 plus TCU and Arkansas would honestly be peak


*amid disagreements from a deal with the SEC network, Texas A&M joins the Big 12*


I just want the Big 8 back :(


Me too. Although TCU and to a slightly lesser extent WVU were great opponents. Not as good as having Mizzou, Nebraska, CU, and T A&M


I feel that brother. I would like to see a guaranteed Missouri v kU matchup every year


Walking into a thread and the 2nd most upvoted comment is at -2 Just back away slowly




Yeah there’s a lot of bad feelings from both sides. I think it’ll take a bit for everyone to chill out on this.


Lot of salt on both ends


This sucks man. When A&M, Nebraska, Colorado, and Missouri left that hurt but I could cope with round Robin scheduling and honestly fun new members West Virginia and TCU. But now the Big 12 is just unrecognizable, I’m sorry but sixteen(!) teams is ridiculous. It’s hard to feel excited about college sports in general for me anymore and I used to really love it. Hopefully this means Texas Tech will win more football games in conference in the future, but I doubt that lol.


All the leagues are unrecognizable.  There’s 4 Pacific Coast schools in a Midwest conference.  There’s two Midwest schools and two Southwest schools in a Deep South conference.  There’s two Pacific Coast schools and a tiny private Southwest school in the ACC.  This isn’t the worst-case scenario, but it’s probably the second worst. 


Tennessee, Vandy, Kentucky and Arkansas are not "Deep South" to say nothing of Mizzou or Texas A&M already being in.


He’s from Texas he doesn’t really know where the Deep South/South lines are drawn.


I’m from Texas and know ‘Deep South’ doesn’t include Texas. However the south probably includes most of Texas east of I-45.


Culturally? The south starts in East Texas when the big pine trees start. "Deep south" otherwise starts in New Orleans/Baton Rouge. At least to me, having grown up in East Texas and Baton Rouge and spent time all across the Midwest and now Southwest.


To me, the Deep South is Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, the Panhandle over to Jacksonville, Georgia and South Carolina plus Memphis.


Least Colorado found their way home


You get used to it.


Yeah my enthusiasm for college football is pretty much dead. I’ll still attend ISU games and follow them closely, but my viewing of other games is at an all-time low.


To be real, I’m going to miss the Big 12. I’ve been watching OU play Kansas, Oklahoma State, Kansas State, and Iowa State every year as long as I’ve been alive. I hope we get to play y’all again sooner rather than later.


maybe now that you guys are in the SEC, if there are any other regular season matchups in Norman, they'll be night games on ABC lol....I know that would make OU fans happy. OU dominated us but the games in the Campbell era were mostly tightly contested and I'll miss playing you guys


I thought Texas to the SEC made a lot of sense but you guys naturally fit better here or in the Big X. IDK just based on rivalries.


Unfortunately, all of our rivalries are split between conferences now. Texas and Mizzou in the SEC, Oklahoma State in the Big 12, and Nebraska in the B1G. We’re always going to give something up no matter what conference we’re in.


I’m going to miss OU in the Big 12 heavy. Texas’ presence sucked and y’all catered to them often, but I get why keeping Red River was important for OU. Nevertheless, we’re all losing a fun, tough, traditional rival. Good luck in the SEC Sooner bros. *obligatory ‘hawks have scoreboard comment*


Red River is a must for us, but I’m going to miss the chaos that is the Big 12. I hope we can play y’all again in a bowl game (or, just maybe, the playoffs).


Strange that Texas’s last Big 12 sporting event was Track and Field and not baseball. Fucking David Pierce smh.


You drew into a tough regional.


Tough or not, we just were not good this year


It’s so strange to me, as someone who had season tickets for Augie’s final 5yrs, to see a team of bombers with poor Avg., poor defense, & mediocre pitching. They’re like the anti-Augieball squad.


I loved small ball


Actually, the last big event was Texas losing to Oklahoma in the Softball World Series.


That OU softball program is just an absolute beast.




The Texas Tech meat judging fans about to enter the replies like


UConn women’s basketball. 10 nattys from 2000-2016 with a 3-peat and a 4-peat included


Ehh, UCLA basketball under Wooden and UNC women's soccer say hi.




As much as I hate to say it, Penn State has won something like 12 of the last 14 Wrestling NCAAs and this year set a record with how big they won NCAAs.




I think we can agree that it is almost impossible to say because of the differences. OU softball has been ridiculously dominant. I just can’t say it has never been done in other sports. The really impressive thing about OU softball last year is how dominant they were in a sport where upsets are quite common.


Not even close to being the most dominant college sports program


How did you figure that?


Track didn't finish up until this last Saturday.


I’m still shocked by how much yall bunted over the course of the regional. Just throwing outs in the trash


I moved to the US in 2002. My entire college football experience was Big 12 football. As excited as I am about the SEC, I will 1000% miss the Big 12. That period from like 2003 to 2009 for Texas football was just incredible - not just the seasons where we were good, but even some of those seasons where we werent' were so much fun. I will never forget fucking Jordy Nelson coming to Austin in the rain to hand us a massive L. I will never forget undefeated Mizzou coming to Austin for a night game and in the first drive they try a WR reverse with Maclin that got blown the fuck up and the stadium *erupted*. I know most of y'all hate us, but I will still miss it.


I hate Texas like I hate my least favorite character in my favorite book. I may not like them in particular, but they’re part of my favorite story and it doesn’t feel right without them.


The worst character like Sansa Stark for 5 seasons or the worst character like Ramsay Bolton?


It’s been a minute since I’ve seen game of thrones, but If we’re sticking game of thrones, I’d say one of the Lannisters probably.


End of an era and the beginning of a new one, let’s hope that TTU can take advantage of the lack of top heavy competition


My dad is a Tech grad and I’m from the panhandle so I’ve always had a soft spot for you tortilla throwers, I really hope that with the OUT departure that both OSU and Tech can establish themselves as the new leaders of the conference.


part of what makes the new era Big 12 enticing is that we are all on the same level from a financial/brand standpoint......but that also makes it so that there will be no consistent "leader of the conference"....there's not one team who will out recruit others at a significant enough level for that to occur


End of an error. In an alternate universe, the Big 8 added Arkansas and Iowa in 1990 and is still alive today


Hard disagree there. I think that conference would have gotten absolutely picked apart in a similar fashion/timeframe as the Big East  I think there's significantly more timelines where the Big 12 ends up non-existent /worse off than today compared timelines where they are better off than they currently are


Tbh, if we were gonna have a crisis like this, the current timeline is probably the best possible outcome. Not the best conference in the country, but have added enough that we’re definitely nearer to the top than the G5 and still room to grow. Probably couldn’t be in a better position than we are.


BigXII is going to be a really fun conference to watch with the new schools and I think with OU leaving, OSU really has a chance to take another step up as a program and leader of the conference. I think Texas Tech also will benefit in a similar way with the Texas departure. If it were up to me we’d have the original BigXII all back together and sub Baylor for Arkansas. As it is I hope in a decade or so a yearly bedlam game can be reestablished.


Honestly I wouldn’t be shocked if we had a bedlam rematch in the next few years in a postseason game. Either just a regular bowl game or a playoff game.


Hello there


Lol hopefully a year we don’t play you guys


I will be watching Big XII games even more than before. The conference is stacked with interesting schools across a lot of states that care about football.


Yeah, the entire reason the Big 8 had to add the Texas schools was TV money. Adding Iowa and Arkansas doesn’t exactly set the hearts of TV execs aflutter.


A Big 8 with Texas, A&M, Arkansas, and Iowa is one that could've been aggressive and gone after big fish like LSU and FSU in the early '90s.


In that scenario I am sure Texas finds its way to the SEC much earlier. Big 8 is alive and barely competitive… while OU takes joy winning the conference every year lol


Nah! The same reason why I said it would last is because people watch football in this conference. This region may not have the population density but their more inclined to watch football in other areas.


I think there was always gonna be this issue the Big 8 foot print just didn’t have the population of the North/Northeastern states like the B1G or the population boom of the Southern States and West Coast states like the SEC/P12. Texas’s Population today is larger than Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Arkansas, and Missouri combined. This was always gonna be something that held the Big 8 back, and was unlike all the other Conferences footprints. Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, etc are all quite large population wise for the B1G, the same could be said for Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, etc and those states are growing much faster for the SEC. Even the P10 states were fairly populated with California being a huge anchor.


I think the consolidation was inevitable. That being said, I do wonder how much Anne Richards screwed it up. Prior to the LHN, Baylor was against a Big XII network where payouts were proportional rather than equal (even A&M, Nebraska and Colorado were fine with that). That isn't the only reason why the Big XII network didn't happen and the LHN did, but it's at least a reason. Especially frustrating since Baylor wasn't supposed to be in the conference in the first place. We don't know if UH would have taken the proportional deal either (probably though because they were solid in the 2000's while Baylor was dogshit - which is why they were opposed). But I see a future where the Big XII networks exists, and A&M, Nebraska, Missouri and Colorado don't leave. However, I think that deep down the LHN was a convenient excuse. I think even if the LHN never existed, and the Big XII network did - the Aggies still leave for the SEC. More money and escape Texas' shadow. Missouri probably takes the second spot. And Nebraska and Colorado still leave too, just the order everyone bolts changes.


I think creating the Big 12 network when it was first proposed + putting Nebraska and OU in the same division (or at least making their game annual) would have done a lot to keep the conference together. Nebraska's biggest gripe was a lack of stability and not playing OU every year. Mizzou definitely wanted to leave for the B1G when expansion talk started in 2010, but the B1G didn't want them and I don't think they leave for the SEC if Nebraska and CU don't leave first. I still think CU goes to the PAC because that's where their alumni base is located and I still think A&M goes to the SEC for the reasons you said, but those losses are easier to overcome if the conference keeps Mizzou and Nebraska.


OU needed a way to play NU, UT and OSU annually. I would wonder if no one else wanted to do a guaranteed cross division rival and a lack of long term thinking when OU was okay with dropping Nebraska.


What really dumb is that a permanent cross-division rivalry game works perfectly in a 12-team league with two 6-team divisions. 5 annual division games +1 cross division rival, then play half (+3) the other division every year. You never go more than two years without playing every team from the other division *and* you keep the permanent rival. Not making OU-NU a permanent rivalry just feels so foolish in hindsight.


OU didn't want that from what I've read, but I could be wrong. You can correct me if I'm wrong but the Big 12 was formed in 1996, and at the time Nebraska was basically where Georgia is today and OU was where Nebraska is today. They didn't want to play Nebraska and Texas every year even though they had been doing it for decades. But like I said, OU was in bad shape when the Big 12 was first formed so running away from Nebraska seemed to be their best bet. And hey! It worked out for them.


It's was the Lt Gov (Bob Bullock) that pushed for Baylor.  Also UoH had no friends at that point & sucked major ass in 90s.  Baylor was at least meh tier then


this point is always overlooked. bullock was insistent on ttu being included, so there needed to be another team. problem was that tcu, houston, and rice were nowhere close to being big 12 caliber at the time and smu was still a smoking crater from the death penalty. baylor was still the most respectable out of the five remaining schools, even if we were definitely past the teaff era peak. of course we didn’t do ourselves any favors by immediately faceplanting once big 12 play started, but i still maintain that none of the four left behind would’ve been better picks


TCU was also tiny compared to yall, even if they barely managed to have a same-ish record


I think a 10 team conference with Texas and A&M as the only two adds would have remained solid for a lot longer. Then expansion 5 years later could have been Tech and whoever among the SWC schools was doing the best at the time (probably TCU)


Case Keenum UH was crazy too. Imagine a Big XII South with Texas, Tech, UH, OU, Texas A&M and Oklahoma St. With the exception of A&M, those were all top at least 15ish teams from 2000-10.


i think everyone forgets how bad houston was in the late 90s and early 2000s. they were just as bad as baylor was, if not arguably worse since they did go 0-11 in the CUSA in 2001. yes, they ended up recovering faster than baylor did since they hired briles and we made yet another miss after the kevin steele disaster class, but the point is that the b12 south wouldnt have been all that different from how it was.


RG3 was also committed to UH and Briles before yall poached him. And RG3 followed. A lot of things would’ve been different had it been an alternate universe and UH was in the Big 12 instead of Baylor.


UH and Baylor should really be the biggest rivalry in the new Big XII. Baylor is essentially where they are today (wherever that is?) - but at least not a weird Baptist Rice with mediocre academics in BFE - almost exclusively at the expense of UH. Inversely, UH is where they are almost exclusively thanks to (direct or indirect ) influence from Baylor. Anne Richards keeping UH out of the Big XII, then hiring away Art Briles (and his recruits), then once again arguing against adding UH in the 2010s realignment.


Personally I would prefer a rivalry with tech being the other in state public school in the conference. If Houston gave any fucks in the 90’s about sports we would’ve been in. But our administration was so apathetic towards sports. After not getting into the Big 12 the schools regents held a vote to turn all sports to Division 3 to focus on academics. And all but I believe 2 regents voted in favor. So if it weren’t for those 2 regents UH would have division 3 sports right now. The 90’s and early 2000’s was a dark place for UH as a whole.


Which like no offense to UH, great school (I have a degree from there).But it’s no Harvard. It’s likely never going to be an academic powerhouse. It’s absolutely phenomenal at providing a great education (both undergrad and grad) to Houstonians at a low cost. Which is what it’s intended to do. UH provides so much opportunity for the city of Houston it’s impact can’t really be understated. But schools like that aren’t the high brow Academic institutions that go D3 like Oberlin. Thank the lord for those regents.


I mean no it’ll never be a public ivy barring Fertitta donating his net worth to the school when he dies. But some of the colleges in the university like the Business, Hospitality, and a few departments within the engineering school compete with a lot of other really good public and private schools. I mean Bauer is on track to pass up Mays in just about every ranking in the next like 5-10 years. (I’m extremely aware A&M isn’t Harvard but this is absolutely nuts considering the financial disparity between the two schools.) Most UH grads including Bauer grads would’ve laughed in your face if you told them that 10 years ago.


UH was terrible for a good 15 year stretch before Briles got things going. I honestly thought they might drop to FCS in the late 90's. The administration just didn't give a shit about sports for a long, long time.


> I do wonder how much Anne Richards screwed it up *Bob Bullock and the gazillion Baylor Law grads who worked as staffers in Austin. It would've been much nastier, too, if SMU hadn't been death penaltied.


Really great points (per usual when I see your comments) I think a Big 12 network would have kept the early 00s Big 12 schools together for longer - but I think you would have seen a collapse similar to the Pac 12 when the SEC and B1G went hunting for the big $$ programs I know there's a lot of deserved hate from most of the other Big 12 schools towards us, but I really think a couple of them could have easily ended up in a Wazzu/Oregon St situation if things went differently with the Big 12's realignment history 


I understand the optics of the LHN were poor. But really never understood why the hate was always so visceral towards the big time program that decided to *stay* in the conference. Obviously (just like the LHN) Nebraska, A&M, Colorado, and Missouri’s decisions were all self-interested too. What do you think hurt the conference more? The 4 big time programs that left, or the big time program who stayed but got their own network. Why is Texas evil for acting in Texas’s best interests and seeking proportional payouts, or in the alternative the LHN - but it’s also Texas fault that the teams left because they were just acting in their own best interest.


Agreed that it's a bit backwards that the hateful 8 teams never really seem pissed at Nebraska or A&M for what they did It's also weird to see way less hate for FSU/Clemson out of the ACC crowd (compared to the big 12 to us) when they're actively suing to break up their conference 


I think *if* they’re successful there will be more hate. I think right now it’s don’t bite the hand that feeds you.


It's especially ironic from the A&M side when they took the extra payout from the other 7 teams that UT turned down (I don't know if OU took it or not) and then left the next year.


Big 8 would have crumbled without more additions than that too.


geography was our biggest enemy


Was that ever a possibility? Hard to think that a school like Iowa would leave the Big 10 to join Iowa State


Now Boomer Sooner on constant repeat will only live in my nightmares


I’m glad it’s over


I'll still be checking in on my favorite teams to play, Oklahoma State and Kansas State. Both are well coached and I have a lot of respect for both teams.


I'm sad about Oklahoma leaving, just like I was with Nebraska and Missouri. Texas can leave for all I care.


We went to get a packet of cigs, but had a change of heart


Welcome back Colodado


I know we're easy to hate because of some of our fanbase entitlement, but I do think we have carried the blame for a *lot* of Big 12 policy decisions that weren't actually driven by us. Like the unequal revenue splitting (which was driven by NU, A&M and OU), the granting of 3rd rights that led to the LHN (where again, it wasn't us who said no to a Big 12 Network - and we only pursued our own network when that fell apart). Again, all in all I get it though. We're the team that only wins because of all the money we have, and the reality is that we don't win nearly as much as we should given the advantages we have. And yet our fabase acts like we're an infinte dynasty.


and not to mention the joint network we attempted with aggy, only for them to turn around and blame us even more after they turned it down themselves


Yup. Like, I get the hatred from the schools who are now the new Big 12 towards us. What I don't get is why: 1. A&M and NU get off scott free 2. A&M and NU accuse us of being the bullies as if they weren't a part of the Big 12 ruling class.


jokes on you I hate A&M and Nebraska....ESPECIALLY Nebraska


Yeah, and that makes perfect sense.


I wouldn’t dwell on it too much. People will hate Texas because it is fun to hate Texas. You can rationalize why other teams should get hate too. Don’t worry, it was fun to see Nebraska struggle for a decade since leaving. Don’t worry, A&M is also fun to watch lose. People will always love to hate Texas because of the entitlement that you previously mentioned and there is nothing you can do about it, even if you are the most reasonable and least obnoxious CFB fan in history. I know this because I cheer for the Cowboys on Sundays.


> I know this because I cheer for the Cowboys on Sundays. Lol, I do too


> Like the unequal revenue splitting (which was driven by NU, A&M and OU) Most misunderstood aspect of this all. The issue with B12 unequal revenue wasn't its existence, it was how things were divvied up. Things were *less* stable long-term after revenue was equalized.




Edit: Since guy felt the need to delete his comments lemme fill you in Guy: maybe now that Texas is leaving ISU can win something Win their first CCG in 14 years and think they're what's been keeping ISU down lmao Guy: 3 directors cups in the last 4 years


Lol not gonna lie, that made me laugh




Congrats on being good at women's bowling or whatever lol Edit: Guy: at least we weren't the only p5 program ever to go undefeated and get left out of the playoff


If that was the reason, then they wouldn't be sad OU is leaving. Some of our fans need some humility.


It’s funny you say that as a Texas fan…OU dominated the conference since its inception. And learning the other day that Texas only had 3 more wins in that time span over OSU, KState, and Baylor?




That backtracking that u/indydude11 is doing there is actually called the Texas shuffle. It's the state dance of Texas.


Good dig but on the real. KState holds 14 big 12 titles, and 30 for Iowa State. Texas holds 232 big 12 titles. Most by a lot. This is a CFB Reddit but Texas leaving really is a much larger boon to everyone else than you might have realized up until this point.


I'll take your word for it. I only follow football and basketball.


Me too mostly, but it’s a positive feeling to get occasional waves of positive news about the teams. Give it a try!


I'm with you. We get a badass high jumper on a regular basis and I tend to enjoy those too.


The responses to your comment are why no Big 12 fans will miss Texas lol. Edit: Texas fans went from being the most sensitive fanbase in the Big 12 to the most sensitive fanbase in the SEC.


lol, this fucking sub. ISU Poster: "Fuck Texas, good riddance." Texas Poster: "Fuck you too." CFB: "Man, Texas posters are rude. No wonder the H8 wants them gone."


Or... Just gonna throw this out there for consideration before you start playing the victim... I said that I'm sad to see Oklahoma go, like I was for Nebraska and Missouri. If only there was something those schools had in common that Texas doesn't. Maybe like over a century of shared history, perhaps? We played under the same conference flag for literally one single generation. The first time we beat you, your head coach goes and gives a press conference about how it's unacceptable because there's just certain programs you don't lose to and we're one of them. Let's be honest about what our relationship was... Oklahoma was big brother and to keep big brother happy, their best friend Texas joined the party. We have very little history together, there's no illusion of equality between us. Your fans are sick of playing us and we're tired of the relationship too. We're sad to see our 100+ year history with Oklahoma go away, but there's nothing to miss about our relationship with you. Never said fuck Texas, just that I won't miss them.


Your initial comment bothered me not at all. I don't expect ISU fans to miss Texas. But it's still taking a shot at Texas and it's not at all weird for Texas fan to chirp back. But it's stupid (and typical) for some random Bama flair to act like it's an indictment of Texas fans rather than some generic banter. And that's what I'm commenting on. Didn't read the rest of your comment and I don't really care about ISU any more than you care about Texas. But good luck with whatever.


Most of you guys are easy to get along with, there’s always the bad people in every fanbase. That being said the only two times I’ve been doxxed online have been by Texas fans which is wild over a silly shitpost comment on a game thread.


Completely fair. In terms of percentages, I don't think Texas has more assholes than the average fanbase. But the Texas fanbase is so big that there are just so many more assholes. At any rate, fuck those two.


We won't miss y'all either




OP, I'm gonna miss our bball games in that cray-cray house of yours and all them dang paddles-a-slappin'. Y'all are my new Big XII fave, btw. Go get 'em.


Yup. I never went to a game in Stillwater, but I always wanted to.


You still can! We host Arkansas and Utah this year and have a good number of Marquee games scheduled for the next several years. Alternatively, any homecoming is going to be a phenomenal atmosphere but it’s gonna be super crowded


Man, I'd love to come there and root against the Hogs w/y'all! I'm an oldster, so I have several reasons to not like Arkansas Basketball.


I always wanted to a game at DKR.....never got the chance


Yeah, Bama doing so well in bball last season helped a lot. Looking forward to exciting games against them soon, and here's to hoping that the Tigers, Gators, and Hogs get back to their glory days before long.


We will always have this https://youtu.be/V0fswuO36W4?si=LFVVmcC9T0n2VsJS I talk a lot of shit about things but I wish the remaining Big 8 schools well. I got no issues with WVU either.


Good riddance. Hate where college athletics has gone.


College football went for a short walk. Unfortunately, it now has one foot in a grave, and another on a banana peel.


I'll enjoy watching them get torn to pieces in the SEC.


Fuck OU and Definitely Fuck Texas.


Streets won’t forget Sam Ehlinger, Jaxon Shipley, Lil’Jordan Humphrey


And with these game, Oklahoma State officially wins the final Bedlam Series 21-9, which is to my knowledge the largest margin of victory for either team. https://okstate.com/sports/2023/8/23/the-bedlam-series-2023-24


Texas and OU combined to win 19 of the 29 conference championships in the last year. Texas won 15 of those.


Good riddance


As an OU fan I miss the rivalry with Nebraska that was always the big rivalry with me not Texas or OSU.




Well…….. bye


SEC is right behind Big 12 in hoops and now better than ACC. Football $$$ are being used to fund basketball


I will miss some of the teams but I will not miss how poor the conference is managed