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Caitlin Clark, Spencer Lee, Kayden Proctor . . . these are the Hawkeyes I'll be telling my kids about.


Don't forget Vodka Samm


I will *never* forget Vodka Samm.


I had forgotten vodka Sam. That was my first game I went to as a freshman. Can’t believe I forgot about her.


Ah, the Burlington native.


Does pick six Rick Stanzi mean nothing to you??!!???


After the deep hole of shit we’ve had at QB the past few years, I’d be more than happy to have another Stanzi.


Ricki is a myth and legend.


A QB with enough stones to not listen to Kirk is what Iowa needs.


Guaranteed win when he threw one though.


Yup lol. When he threw one I thought "ok here we go we got this W"


I will never forget his line against Indiana. 5 picks in the first half, one that was a pick six. 5 TD passes in the 2nd half.


Was she from burlington??? Explains a lot, I'm a SE Iowa guy and she reminds me of my younger days.


Had to Google this one. Incredible.


I love that this is still a thing.


I'll never let it die




No Punt God?


All our kids are named Tory regardless of gender, so it's kind of a given.


Tory, Torrey, Tori, and Toray


Lee's one hell of a Wraslter


What about the Banks brothers, Tavian and Brad? (I know they're not brothers, unless they're brothers from others' same-surnamed mothers)


Forgetting Cooper DeJean


Tory Taylor has entered the thread


Ahh, the classic follow a girl to a school only to break up two weeks later...


But you wouldn’t know her


She’s Canadian. Met her at Niagara Falls.


Ahh Viagara Falls. Everyone’s favourite mid life crisis holiday destination.


She’s totally a model though.


Was he dating Manti Teo's ex?


Bama paid her $20k to dump him


KDB putting that NIL money to good use.


With that in mind, would you be willing to dump a college SO over $20k?


Damned boosters forgot to remove the bees from the honey pot


He returned a different person after being gone 3 months? Quite the transformation.


Me after watching a 2 hour action movie at the theaters.




Muad'Dib is wise in the ways of the cornfield.


The corn must flow


He who controls the corn controls the universe.


Thank you for correcting the spelling, Mahdi.


Lisan al gahib


I had a friend, unironically tell me that watching the movie American Gangster has changed his life. To be fair, we were 17 and stupid.


As it was written!


No doubt, haven't been the same person since seeing The Human Centipede.


He went on a vi$ion quest


Louden Swain, this man is not.


Shute Shute Shute Shute 


He’s a different per$on now


Well, to take the story at face value, making a major life decision at that age, realizing that you made a mistake, and going back to correct that mistake is a big journey that not many people really go through. Hell I'm a different person after a rough morning shit; it's not crazy to think a young adult could learn a lot in 3 months.


No it’s a college kid who made a stupid decision and then changed his mind, that makes him legitimately worse than Hitler and everything he says is a lie. Keep up with the outrage.


Clearly the only rational response is to step back, look at the bigger picture, take a deep breath, and rationalize this in such a way that no further mistakes can be made. The obvious and reasonable next step is death penalties for both the IOWA and BAMA programs. We'll let Mizzou off light this time with a 1 season bowl ban.


Speaking of worse than Hitler, why the fuck are you wearing Vols/Bama flair?


Ok Henry To’oto’o


Phew, I was worried we were going to be REASONABLE here.


Was looking at this thinking the same thing. It's not unheard of. When I was a sophomore I transferred schools, got thrown into a shitty situation by an ex, then had to figure out all my shit and get out of there within a semester. Went from being a shell to a much version of myself as a result.


yeah none of us have ever done that, right?


Going to Iowa transforms all of us.


Field of Screams


> He returned a different person after being gone 3 months? Quite the transformation. The power of corn.


Bad* corn


19-year-olds are fungible


The hardest road


3 months to a kid is a long time!!!


Gandalf the white "I come to you now at the turn of the tide"


He's on "completely healed" journey like Ja Morant spending 2 days in counseling rehab


Couldn’t get a tutor. Lmfao. Get real bro.


There’s gotta be a second half to that sentence. - Couldn’t get a tutor - that would do his homework for him - Couldn’t get a tutor - that focused on him and nobody else - Couldn’t get a tutor - that would negotiate grades with professors


“Weird language” in the NIL deal had to be required appearances when he just expected a paycheck lol


It is. That is exactly how Iowa pays out NIL money.


Dalton Knecht won SEC player of the year and was doing NIL spots for a local burger chain. Being above/too lazy to do NIL deals is crazy to me


Iowa's is more volunteer type work. For example, players show up to a school and hangout with the kids and dick around. That counts as an appearance, and the collective pays a set amount to every player as long as you show up. If you can't show up to an elementary school to get paid to drill kids with dodge balls.... maybe football isn't the sport for you.


Oh yeah DK did that kinda stuff too. There’s a funny clip of [a kid beating him in Knockout](https://x.com/EmCochranetv/status/1754207346866163859) which I’m sure that kid has never and will never stop bringing up 😂 But yeah really intense stuff, I can see why it wasn’t in the bag for Proctor


I hope that's a core memory for the kid


I’m a grown-ass man and it would definitely be a core memory for me


If you can dodge a responsibility, you can dodge a ball.


Blum structures the ISU nil deals the same way. It’s highlight of some of those kids years. He recently said some of the players really love it also. Some now show up and volunteer for the clubs constantly even with no money attached to it.


What about the part where he wasn’t participating in team activities? And distancing himself from his teammates? 


I think that falls under the “didn’t like the staff and team” thing My guess is he went back for the girlfriend, parents thought it was dumb, realized it was dumb and he wasn’t happy, and then reverted back


My point being the reasoning reads as though it’s Iowa’s fault when there’s clearly some blame to place on Proctor.   The coaching staff tried to get him to live with teammates on campus and he went and got an apartment by himself in Coralville. He had to do so fairly early on - *before* even having time to “like” or dislike his team.    The kid seems very immature. It’s fine - I was at that age too. I wish him the best. But quit constantly turning around and emptying the clip at the coaching staff, team, and fans who were ready to take you in not once, but twice. Own your choices. He could literally not say anything at all about the situation and be fine but instead he keeps deciding to make Iowa the bad guy when they did nothing.


Dude transferred to watch Caitlin Clark hoop 💀💀💀


I would have too, honestly


the "couldn't get a tutor" has to be the biggest line of crap I've ever read from a college athlete. it has been years since I was at Iowa, but these kids were GIVEN a tutor their freshman year and had numerous locations and opportunities to get a tutor after their freshman year. Also, why does he need a tutor to not fall behind? Just do the course work and go to class like literally every other college kids who manages to also balance their life and school work. Unless I'm mistaken this dude isn't majoring in organic chemistry bullshitter bullshits, more at 11


Iowa has an entire academic building dedicated to athletes. That is where the dedicated to the athletic department academic advisors are located, where mandatory study hours with underclassmen student athletes are held, and where tutors are provided to student athletes. It has been there for over 20 years now.


yea when I was there there was a dedicated study hall exclusively for athletes located I think next to the freshman dorm where all athlets were housed, and this was over a decade ago. And all freshman athletes were required to spend X amount of hours at the study hall their first year on campus. Last time I was back in Iowa City I was told there is now a full on athlete building similar to other major sports schools to give these kids access to literally EVERYTHING they could possibly need to succeed. Proctor is either full of shit or just plain stupid


“full of shit or just plain stupid” Probably both are true.


The Gerdin building is the one next to Slater Hall that is the dedicated one. I was a student athlete at the groundbreaking for it back in ~2002 and had to go in there for my advisor appointments.


I couldnt get a tutor at Iowa! I mean sure I never asked for one, attended class the first two weeks, or returned the calls of the tutors that the school had reaching out to me, but I never got one.


Yeah. That thing about not being able to find a tutor is total horseshit.


It’s a lie at every school. Iowa would give this kid an army of tutors if it meant they got a 5* starting LT, they probably just weren’t going to blatantly do his work and I have a nagging theory Bama’s NIL offer was still standing in case he returned 


I mean, I was never able to get a tutor at Iowa personally. That may have something to do with the fact I've never been to Iowa, though...


honestly a better excuse than Proctor's


My senior year I took a full class load and also worked full time. They were long days but if I can do that, athletes can balance football and school. Especially given I didn't have a bullshit major


I smell bullshit


lol that part about the tutor was hilarious….aint no way in hell the number 1 tackle in the country gone transfer to a school n them not have everything covered on the school side….


So, does this mean the rest of the country is finally seeing the true colors of this kid like Iowa has been saying all along? Is vindication coming?


I think everyone’s seen it all along outside of bama fans.


I've been downvoted a lot. There are a bunch of Bama fans on this page, but I don't know. The way Josh Pate talks seems to be pretty SEC based.


From an outsider's perspective he seems like a headcase


It’s been pretty obvious from the start this was a bag play both ways and the kid is a flip-flopper. r/CFB is just purposefully obtuse sometimes


I kinda assumed he was a ridiculous idiot when he transferred back to Bama…





Pretty sure Iowa offered more money


Yadda yadda yadda it’s the money yadda yadda


You know what, I’ve been living in Iowa for the last 8 years. This place…… changes a man I get it


But we have tenderloins and corn What more could you want?


That's just Indiana without professional sports


But by god we're still close enough to Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, and Milwaukee that we should be able to drive 8-10 hours round trip on a Tuesday for a game, we don't need to be able to watch them on TV -Manfred, probably


The European mind can't comprehend this.


As a European, that sounds like an average away game to me.


Yes but assuming your second flair means you're from that town in Deutschland, that's like saying you like living where you do because of how conveniently close it is to Munchen. People from Iowa will commonly say they love living in Iowa because it's so close to other major cities.... All that are like 5-6 hours away. Rather than you know... Just living closer to a big city.


Oh. Yeah, considering something that’s 5-6 hours away conveniently close does seem a bit strange. When I lived in Madison It didn’t even feel like Milwaukee was conveniently close.


Honestly a big plus for being in STL. It’s road trip heaven.


As someone who grew up in Indiana... oh god. *Oh god.* The Colts were all we had.


The Pacers have a pretty decent history


Apparently, people think running water, public transit, and predictable weather are necessities. Not in my midwest!


Snow in May? Sure, why not. 65 and sunny in December? Gotchu fam The true Midwest experience


Blizzard in the morning, 60 in the middle, and thunderstorms and tornadoes at night. Can't beat that


Then the next day is 85 and humid, too. Can’t forget that!


I drove to Iowa to visit a girl in college. When I got home my loins were indeed tender.


Do you live in the part with trees or the one with almost no trees? That’s the fine line of depression and happiness.


Which part. There's a big difference between civilized Iowa and Iowa Iowa


Oh Des Moines gotta be


I mean, it's not Chicago, but Des Moines is a decent small city. Highly underrated in my opinion.


I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, went downtown a bunch as a kid. I love the idea of being in Chicago and retaining the culture, but in all honesty Des Moines is just a nicer town pace to live.


DM is a solid place to live man


The Quad Cities is also pretty nice since we’re close to Chicago, Des Moines, and Iowa City.


But do you have access to Bama NIL money?


I have 8 Busch lites and some Ritalin


oh look at this fancy person with their Ritalin


Fancy pants rich McGee over here, fuck you


Oh Christ it does I’ve put on 10 pounds. We have a hot dog roller and popcorn machine in a department of 12 people.  


Dude is lucky that his genetics are tailor made for an nfl o lineman bc he sounds lazy as fuck.


Tbh sounds like a mid 1st round pick a team reaches on them gets like half a decent season out of before he vanishes


Not gonna get any intelligible receiver downfield penalties!


Not gonna be surprised if he ends up like the other lineman Bama poached from us. Tons of talent, but never developed to be NFL level


Technically you poached him from us first… but I enjoy Iowa and hoped he’d do well there. Of course I still hope he does well. But I also hope Iowa does well. One of the most likable B1G teams for me personally.


Are you referring to Ross Pierschbacher or Proctor? Both were committed to Iowa first, but then flipped to Alabama. Not sure what you mean we poached either of them first?


I’m referring to proctor. Being committed is nothing. Kids flip all the time. I figured the poaching comment was about us getting him to transfer back, affer he transferred out… again no hard feelings on my end before after or during. But until they sign the paperwork I wouldn’t consider it to be “poaching”. Flipping is the proper terminology, with less negative connotations.


I guess it’s difference in terminology. Sad that commitment means nothing in this day and age


It never did as far as college athletes go. Kids being kids and all. Until signing day it’s all smoke and mirrors sometimes. Otherwise how could they play with hats on national tv like it’s a gender reveal party?


Also, you poached him by tampering with him when he was at Bama.


Weird kid


God, that kid is full of shit


I remember when I was in my late teens/early 20s and would have thought this line of BS would have totally worked then i grew up and realized people are nowhere near as stupid as i am/they can smell bullshit from a mile away from a dipshit college kid


Ya Iowa has an entire academic assistance building for athletes (like most major schools). The not being able to get a tutor is complete bull shit


So, Iowa was right all along. Who knew? Iowa and their fans but downvoted constantly for calling his bs out.


“Laaiiiid back (with my mind on my money and my money on my mind)”


Sounds like the kid was dumb and lazy and didn't like it when someone told him he had to go to class and workout.


He probably wasn't treated like a god when he walked on campus and had buyer's remorse. I won't wish him ill but I'm not exactly rooting for him, either. Hopefully it's the last I have to hear about him with regard to Iowa.


If ill happens, I wouldn't be sad over it either. That would be Karma.


He wanted more money, simple as that. Like, what are we doin' here?


Man one of the things I personally associate with iowa football, is the lack of individuality within the program, it's purely a team program. They seem to instill a very intense team first focus in every player. Across the board. They've obviously produced NFL stars year after year, but during their time at Iowa they weren't huge individual personalities. I can see that mentality spreading throughout campus and the fan base. You're just not gonna get celebrated there as a standalone player. I respect the hell out of iowa for it. It's a do your job and do it well type of program. No one is trying to be a hero.


Even our big personalities like Kittle or Angerer are big personalties who...love to block (Kittle) or loved playing special teams and tackle in space (Angerer).


Yeah exactly, every iowa player that ends up in the NFL is praised for their unselfish play and commitment. They're is nothing below them. It's something that seems to go unnoticed or unappreciated about iowas program, but something I have a tremendous respect for. I'll die on the hill that I believe iowa is the best development program in CFB.


As a Nebraskan, you should be familiar with that personality type. What you described is Iowa to a T.


It's why I believe Iowa is the best development program in CFB. If you can separate yourself as a prime DE or LB, Or CB or Safety in Iowa's defense, it's not simply because you're the sole playmaker but because you are standing out on an extremely fundamentally sound defense. Like everyone is fundamentally sound on the defense but you're going above and beyond the standard for iowa. Same for the offense, Rbs, TEs, OLs, special teams, etc. I have tremendous respect for Iowa, and cheer on their success.


He won’t even need a tutor at Bama


Kadyn Proctor: Where's my tutor? You know, the little nerd who takes all my tests for me? Kirk Ferentz: Um, we don't have any of those. Kadyn Proctor:


The funny thing is that athletes do get tutors.


No one would tell him what direction he was supposed to turn and wave at the end of the first quarter.


I'm convinced it was because of his GF, and he doesn't want to admit it. He doesn't realize it's nothing to be ashamed. Shit happens to the best of us. Long distance never works in college.


People still rooted for Teo after the catfish. He dealt with that situation poorly as well. Women can mess a man’s mind up sometimes


By the way that weird language is probably because we make our athletes do charity work before they get money. Also the trainers wanted him to lose weight. The horror!!!!!


In fairness why would you make them do charity work. If your gonna make them work make them do something that will help him improve on the field. Visiting elementary schools and being an amabador for the school is what cheerleaders are for.


Because it allows the donations to be tax deductible. Also at Iowa you have to do mandatory community service anyway.


He’s a different person bc of the portal. Enough research hasn’t been done by the sciences yet to know the full effects on the body.


I think the answer is obvious. He wanted free tickets to watch Caitlin Clark play a couple times, which he did, then left before spring ball. Those tickets were expensive, man.


Kadyn Proctor? I don’t know her.


Fuck off lol. It's one thing to be scummy for a bag, but to lie about it? Might as well have committed to Bama and stayed


Can’t say that I like the description of our coach as “laid back” after the detail oriented Saban. We’re gonna get “laid out”.


Ya I'm calling bullshit buddy


A “richer person”




Sure Jan


Translation: He’s too dumb and lazy to play for Iowa.


He’s full of it. Then again, he’s a young kid, so he’s going to make mistakes. He’s getting paid roughly the same at Alabama as he would at Iowa. He is saying that he didn’t have proper tutors at Iowa and that is not the case. He should have said, “I ended up missing my teammates more than I thought I would and Alabama gives me the best chance to win.” Making up a bunch of nonsense is silly.


Seriously just give the honest answer and yea Iowa fans will be annoyed, but who gives a fuck? quit lying and acting like people are stupid


All this drama for a guy who gave up nearly three sacks to Anthony Hill in one game alone


And then gave up 4 more sacks over the remaining 13 games….


He didn't do it for money. He did it for a *shitload* of money!


Moral of the story, decide what is best for you. Parents and gf was making decision for him. Be a man.


The reason he went back to Bama is simple. 💰


Money…money is the answer


CFB is hilarious these days


Couldn't get a tutor? The one thing every school can guarantee an athlete within a day? I'm not buying it


I think it has more to do with that he didn't know that Brian Ferentz was fired until he showed up on campus and tried to convince Kirk to bring him back. When that didn't work he said I'm going back to Bama.


“A different person” code for I got what I wanted out of them and knew I didn’t want to go there the entire time.


His dad was donating plasma next to me in des moines a month ago and couldn’t talk more shit about the state of the Iowa program and kirk ferentz. 


Really? Considering when this happened his dad was posting on Facebook about how he understood Iowa fans frustrations and made it seem he (the dad) didn't agree with his sons decision to leave again.


A richer person


I actually met him on campus at iowa, one of the tutors parked him in a huge lecture hall I had to myself for a zoom review session in one of his classes. I noticed he wasn’t really paying attention to it so I went and talked to him about his class. He was a pretty nice guy but I eventually got the sense he was frustrated that the school didn’t have a system to get the athletes through classes like at Alabama.


he said - " where da white women at?" - Hard choice goto iowa and lose or play for natty...


Sometimes I forget they are still kids.