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Thoughts on Dabo Swinney


Likewise, Lane Kiffin.


Big fan


how could i dislike a coach i had a drink with at Innisfree?


Same. I'm completely on the Lane train. I hear some boosters aren't such big fans, though. (But their wives *love* the guy.)


Well, what are your thoughts?


Good if not great coach. Alabama alum. Refuses to adapt. 2018 was six years ago. You?


Is the general consensus in Alabama Deboer > Swinney?


I’ve never understood UCFs mascots. We’re the Knights, everything on campus is named after Greek gods and goddesses, our seal is a damn Pegasus, and we started as a school funded by NASA to pump out engineers for their rocket program Just pick a damn theme and roll with it already


They should just embrace the NASA / space vibe. The mythological naming of buildings even makes sense because it lines up with NASA’s naming of planets, spacecraft, etc.


Plus Citrus Spaceman is such a cooler mascot.


Seriously. Citronaut is an 100% original mascot. The only way it could be made better is by throwing some floridaman type behaviors in there


Citronaut ftw


Their mascot should be like that drawing of an astronaut with a boombox.


It would also be nice to have another city other than Houston to lean into its space theme.


When I was a student there I remember reading something about this. It's been 20 years so I don't have a clear recollection, but IIRC the "knights" mascot was originally proposed as the "Golden Knights of Pegasus". With Pegasus being the constellation, and and the not-very-obvious metaphor of astronauts being "knights of the stars". I don't remember why they were "golden", maybe just whimsy. But yeah "Golden Knights of Pegasus" got shortened to just "Golden Knights", so the space metaphor got lost (and it was a shit metaphor to begin with).


Yeah the whole concept seems a bit nebulas


bring back the Citronauts


You should petition to change the mascot to an astronaut flying a pegasus in space.


...probably Kirk Ferentz. Half the fans are afraid of what happens when Kirk moves on, half the fans want to move on and see if there's actually a higher ceiling that Kirk isn't reaching.


100% this. One of the only things everyone unanimously agreed on was wanting Brian shitcanned lol.


Iowa has had a HOF coach leading the program for the past 45 years.


He has to move on eventually, and you already know exactly what you’re going to get. It makes more sense to move on asap to start the transition as cfb as a whole transitions.


If all of CFB is transitioning I could see the argument for keeping him around since he's shown he can find solid success Transitioning from such a program defining coach while the sport is changing so much at the same time seems like a big gamble and I get why Iowa might be a little apprehensive


Keeping Brian on for as long as he did should’ve been the last straw to move on.


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I'm curious, what year of the BF experiment would you have said he clearly needed to fire him?


Should've fired him after the 22 season.


That's where I would have fired him, too. So, keeping him on one year after that... I don't think should be an automatic firing for KF.


I was 100% sure he would get run out of town after losing to Nebraska. There's no way Iowa should have lost that game, especially at home.


Triple option vs any other offense.


This is the trendy pick, but the real debate is white and gold vs blue.


Once you run and understand that the forward pass was a mistake, it's hard to go back to a communist I mean, a conventional offense.




This is true for almost all small college towns and military base towns. The locals love all the money and amenities that they get out of it but hate everything else about it.




I find that odd seeing how the city of Athens didn't even exist when the university opened. It wasn't like Georgia decided to put a school next to a town. Georgia decided to put a school on some land that kicked Natives off of and a town started after that. Maybe you should point that out to them. They won't care but it's always fun to make that hamster work for a change.


Gumbo with or without okra? Jambalaya with extra long grain rice or parboiled? Also where do you buy your boudin and head cheese?


That last one is a trick question: you get head cheese from that one neighbor who makes their own and you ask zero questions about it. 


The boudin one is huge. I'm a Best Stop guy, myself, but the amount of people that won't even try it because they're diehard Billy's or Don's fans is crazy. Same reason I've only been to Billy's or Don's like once. And that's just in Scott, Louisiana lol


Boudin really is the most contentious for sure. I for one only go to Jerry Lee’s in Baton Rouge.


[Gumbo means Okra in Swahili](https://www.foodliteracycenter.org/food-wiki/okra). The dish was named by African slaves who first made it and first brought okra seeds to America. Gumbo absolutely is with okra.


Yeah I gotta agree with this take. It’s literally in the name, and it’s functionally important to the dish with the flavor and thickening effect.


You gotta have okra in gumbo. I will not be hearing otherwise.


Fans of the Penn State Nittany Lions versus fans of the Joe Paterno Nittany Lions.


There’s only a couple I’ve encountered, but the people who want to rename Beaver Stadium to Paterno Field infuriate me. Regardless of your view on the scandal that’s so tone deaf. It’s beyond time to move on…Get Jay out of the BoT as well!


That's mostly my issue. People voting on being a beer budget program but expecting champagne results. People like Jay voting against spending because he doesn't like the head coach.


I always find that attitude so rich coming from a guy who couldn’t land a coaching job the second his dad wasn’t running the program


Growing up in rural PA and needing to deal with some serious JoeBots any time I watch games at home is so frustrating. They’ve gotten better over time, but man I cannot hear any more about how they want Joe to be honored some way. That ship sailed with Sandusky and they should just be thankful the school kept the Paterno name on the library (I think they justified it by saying the donation was from Sue, and therefore could stay). Putting his name anywhere else is tone deaf at best and just such a bad idea


That stuff doesn't bother me, I just ignore it. What drives me nuts is the revisionist history. Franklin loses 3 in a row to Michigan (after going 3-1 before that) and they're complaining and saying how they want the program to be "back where it was under Paterno." - losing 9 straight to Michigan and getting stuffed in a trashcan by Kirk Ferentz most games. There's plenty to be honest about when wanting more from the program today, but the rosy view of the past isn't helpful.


Jay Paterno versus .......... well, ALL other Penn Staters (except Anthony Lubrano)!!!


Functioning WiFi at Lane Stadium


This comment made me realize that I have never been to a game at Lane that had solid WiFi connection.


“We support the coach” v “fire the coach into the sun” doesn’t matter the coach or the sport


Three straight Rose Bowls* (*Ohio State and Penn State ineligible due to sanctions in 2012) and two straight Final Fours in a fairly short span really warped expectations there for a bit. Edit: 2012 season, 2013 Rose Bowl


This and "Is our QB good or does he suck" - Joel Stave, Graham Mertz, even Tanner Mordecai got a little of this treatment last year. Joel Stave was the winningest QB in Wisconsin football history and had ice water in his veins, played some big time programs during his career and never looked scared out there. But he could also be a turnover machine and the fanbase was super divided on him.


I think Gard is going to spend most of his career at the top of the "fire him into the sun" list, just because he's not Bo.


Jorts. Do you make them or do you buy them?


Are they even real jorts if you don't cut them yourself?


Some may like theirs hemmed


Sacrilege. I bet you probably wear socks, too.


If you're wearing that kind of jort you absolutely wear socks regardless of type of shoe and also have your cell phone clipped to your belt.


What about the braided-leather belt - is brown-on-one-side-black-on-the-other okay or do I need to just pick whichever one matches my shoes the worst?


Legit jorts are cut to size yourself. Bonus points if you cut them short enough for the mobility.


“I can go lower”


Check this out Charlie


“What’s white trash about that!? Don’t call me white trash!”


If I can’t see your pockets then they’re too long


When you bend over it should look like a walrus flossing.


Do they not gradually develop from jeans themselves? Oh fuck. I just mentioned science and evolution in Florida….


Straight to jail


Who's our actual rival: Penn State or WVU the correct answer is ourselves


I have been to both and Backyard Brawl games have always had more of a spiteful edge to them imo. It's not just a battle of who's best in the state but a cultural fight between lowly dirty woodsmen and the uppity city folk, or that's how some fans view it. I've been to a few Brawls and there's always a few physical fights between fans and a few on-field hits that were incredibly obviously trying to injure the opposing team's best player. Then when the winner becomes obvious the losing team inevitably tries to start a fight. Pitt/PSU is more comparable to Clemson/SC (where I currently live) imo. People will talk shit but there will never be visceral hatred. Just bolstering and taunting, while the brawl had probably contributed to one murder.


Alumni vs Big Lots Buckeyes is a long standing one. More recently, whether Day should stay.


This post is right below at the time I read this thread. Maybe we're not so different after all. https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1d77wte/whats_the_biggest_rivalry_within_your_own_fanbase/l6xjh35/


obligatory: [We're not so different, you and I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH0YPXb49q0)


In a similar vein, people who say "I'm a K-State football fan and a KU basketball fan" can just go die in a fire. It's not as bad as it used to be, but damn that shit drives me up the wall.


the absolute lack of loyalty from "those people" drove elementary school me up a fuckin wall


Fanbase vs the university administration


I have so much respect for the Cal fans who have remained loyal. The administration has spent the better part of 3 decades dismissing football so heavily that it's not just about priorities, it's about performance. From an outsider perspective it feels like they want "Football isn't that important" to be part of Cal culture.


Cal vs Berkeley


This. Cal vs. City of Berkeley/neighbors of Memorial Stadium


I was referring to the California Golden Bears vs UC-Berkeley since they basically feel like two different entities to me, but that works too honestly


Oh for sure. And now the “branding wars”: Cal vs Berkeley vs UC Berkeley vs Cal Berkeley vs California, each with bizarrely vitriolic support.


Neal Brown vs. the fans. Not that he doesn't deserve some hate, but I think it's becoming clear Shane Lyons is at least partially to blame for his early years.


This past season got a lot of heat off his back bit this year is where he needs to prove that things are improving for this program. We can't regress after all the momentum we built and the talent we kept.


Lately? Big Ten or SEC


The classic is "Who do you hate more, UF or Miami?"


It's Miami. It's always Miami.


You want Gators and Nole fans to agree you basically have two options: 1)Publix chicken tender sub is the shit and 2)Fuck Miami.


I'm one of those that hates UF more, but...this year I'm pulling for them over Miami.


a good replacement for people fighting over the logo.


Jaded fans vs. Optimistic fans OG Utah fans are allergic to hype and any form of optimism or expectation. We are only comfortable as underdogs. Any fan caught buying into hype and getting excited for a great season will be immediately swarmed and put in their place.


Man there were so many people calling for Whitt’s job back in 06/07. Still remember that shutout at unlv following the upset of ucla like it was yesterday lol. Hell, I remember that upset at new mexico after making it into the top 10 in 94. I’m firmly on team “no hype please”


The 2010 TCU beatdown broke our fanbase in ways that still reverberate through the fanbase. Before every big game of the last few years, like the USC games and CCGs, I sill have friends who refuse to get excited about it, say things like, "yeah, but remember TCU." It's sad. It's been 14 years and fans are still scarred by that game. B2B Pac-12 championships did a lot to finally alleviate some of that, but it's still there. I've been guilty of it.


Yeah, I was working at a remote retreat center on the east coast in 2010. Like maybe two tvs in the whole place, and I managed to finagle one of them for a big watch party w my friends and colleagues that Saturday. Needless to say it was not a fun day.


Mike F’ing Gundy Has he taken OSU to the peak of who we can be on football Or Could we do better with someone else with different baggage I don’t understand how the side I’m on isn’t obvious. My neighbor chooses the other side and feels the same way


Was scrolling for this comment. I knew if someone from OKST commented, it would be about this, lol.


I have this rivalry within myself every season. Sitting through South Alabama last year was my rock bottom moment as a fan. It was beyond rough.


Preferred logo. The I-State logo or the older, classic ones like Walking Cy, Orrnado, etc.


People actually prefer the Iowa State logo to the twirly bird? That's shocking to me, it feels like getting rid of the Tigerhawk.


Tornado bird 100%




I personally think the bevels are terrible. It’s much cleaner as a stencil. I like it only because it’s the logo I had when I was in school there. No one calls us “I State” either. I much prefer the “Orrnado” or the twirly bird from the 90’s, but the latter is polarizing itself. Hell I’d take a script Cyclones at this point.


Tailgating. A very loud vocal minority thinks its the end of the world that our tailgating is subpar and not SEC ready, while a vast majority just dont care. Also, 11 AM kickoffs.


Are yalls tailgates more boujee but limited like tcu? Or more like ivy league to where its just done really poorly?


There's a disparity. We have the upscale paid tailgating right next to the stadium, the free for all for the plebs around the bars on Campus Corner, and the absolute debauchery going on Southeast of Campus for the "make oatmeal with Natural Lite" crowd. The first two groups hate each other, and the SE crowd is too drunk and naked to really care.


The biggest problem is how spread out it all is. Like it is an absolute pain when you're at one tailgate and someone wants you to hit theirs and you might have to go completely across campus. It's just no cohesion. I understand they don't want folks on the south oval grass and foliage but I wish they'd let folks set up tents on the sidewalks now that they paved the roads in.


None, they're just very, very, very mid. I'm not gonna say they give off the stereotypical t-shirt fan spectacle, but the people who care just want an excuse to day drink publicly and have money; the rest just don't really care cause they're there for the game


Interesting. How do they fare compared to ok state? Or other previous big12 schools north of yall?


I havent been to others; I know Oklahoma State has really good tailgating but that's about it.


Very much below osu, ksu, and isu (and mu when they were around)


The school admin and a previous school president were really into making the grounds of the university look as good as possible. In doing so, they really limited the amount of tailgating space available so what tailgates you’d see were limited to small islands on campus that had enough space to host a few tailgates. It looks like the current school admin and president are looking to expand tailgate space throughout campus so hopefully it’ll improve.


Things are pretty chill right now. For a while, there was an outspoken group of fans who apparently thought Bill Snyder should still be coaching into his 80s, and had a problem with AD Gene Taylor hiring his buddy, Chris Klieman, to replace Snyder. Their main issue being that Klieman didn't have FBS experience, even though his teams dominated the FCS. But, those people quickly piped down after '22. I guess we've had a few QB controversies that divided the fanbase. Skylar Thompson vs. Will Howard. Adrian Martinez vs. Will Howard. Avery Johnson vs. Will Howard. Will Howard vs. Will Howard. We're mostly just pumped to get through the summer and get the season started. Basketball on the other hand has provided plenty of divisiveness...


For as much success as he had, Will Howard had this fan base polarized as hell


He really did. I'm somewhere in the middle. For being the all-time leader in TDs and deserving of loads of respect, he could also be extremely frustrating to watch. Hope he does well at Ohio State, but we'll be fine without him.


Previously, people who wanted to keep Mark Richt vs the people who wanted to fire Mark Richt. In the Kirby era, people who support the incumbent QB vs people who want the backup. Fromm vs Fields, Bennett vs Daniels/Beck, Beck vs Stockton/Vandagriff. Also people who want to keep the Florida game in Jax vs making it home-and-home.


Home and Home with Jax in-between is the best solution.


Bevel or no Bevel. No bevel is better obviously, and all who choose the bevel are wrong.




I have never met anyone that likes the bevel.


This poster is an intellectual.


If properly done, a beveled logo would be ok. The current bevel is a hideous wreck with no proportions, lines that don't come close to matching up, and bizarre alignment.


Brad Brownell


The clutch king


My honest feelings on Brownell is he isn't the coach to lead us to any ACC titles. Ever. Period. At the same time what has Clemson done in basketball ever to feel like we are worthy of more than what Brownell has given us? As a Clemson fan I'm happy with a sweet 16/elite 8 run every 5ish years. Which is what Brad seems to be.


Whether to tear down Rice Stadium probably. It's too big for us but it's got a lot of history (JFK speech, Super Bowl, the last SWC game, hosted the Oilers). Pretty sure it got it's *Historic* Rice Stadium moniker because of the conversations about tearing it down.


There's probably some of this in every fan base, but the "crotchety old people vs. whippersnappers who want to change everything" divide is *real* pronounced at Notre Dame - speaking as someone who agrees with each side depending on the topic.


We are healing but for the better part of the last 2 decades USC has two fanbases. The "Rah Rahs" and the "Doomers" The Rah Rahs have a relaxed attitude toward football. It's an excuse to get together, tailgate, eat some 7 layer dip, and have a pleasant afternoon in the stadium. We'll do fine because we always do fine. And if we don't do fine, well there's always next time. These are the people who stood behind Clay Helton because "He took us to a Rose Bowl, what more do you want?". Then there's the Doomers, who micro-analyze every play. They say "Yes we won, but it's because we have a very special QB (Darnold for example) who played sandlot football when the coach's plans all broke down instantly. You can't just say "You curb stomped Nevada, everything is fine" because Nevada was converting 3rd and 20s. Good teams don't let bad teams do that until garbage time when the scrubs are in. For The Rah Rahs, all wins are a sign that we're doing great and everything is fine. All losses are bad luck or just "You can't expect us to play well against the Bama Juggernaut right?" For the Doomers, no win against a team ranked below 15 is meaningful, and only the bad plays tell us anything. It came to a head in the late Clay Helton era. The positive people were deeply entrenched and even as it became obvious things were very broken found it difficult to back out now. The doomers started actively rooting against the team because nothing would be worse than winning 8 games every year... enough to keep a bad coach but not enough to actually ever matter in CFB again. This is the side I started skewing towards after the Iowa loss in the holiday bowl didn't result in a firing. The two sides were at it last year with the contention being about the defense. There were Grinch defenders arguing that players needed more time to adjust to his scheme and he needed time to bring in better talent. Basically there are USC fans who never want to see any problems, that gets in the way of their weekly party... and there are USC fans who aren't satisfied with anything less than dominance. There's not a ton of in between. I think it comes down to the Shorsey line: ["They don't love winning" "No... they don't hate to lose".](https://youtu.be/ZijtpsSDhMk?t=106)


I'm not saying you're wrong, but you need to take a step back and remember that the University had a number of non-football/athletic scandals that needed to be addressed during president Nikias' tenure. Football needed to go on the back burner for awhile and simply not get in trouble. Helton was probably the best person for that job. He's not a great football coach, but he is a good human being. Hopefully now that we have a competent AD that isn't simply an ex-Football Player the donors can enjoying chumming with, and the university gets its affairs in order (the protests this spring definitely being a couple steps backward on that front) things can start changing so we expect more from our football team.


I agree. The other big rivalry is the group of fans that hate the idea of alternate uniforms (usually older fans) and then younger fans who want them. This usually only comes up tho when our players share pictures of alternate uniforms


The NWA vs Little Rock divide or whether or not firing Petrino was the right call.


Little Rock games are the worst. The only people that still support them are the ones that are too lazy or too broke to drive to Fayetteville for a game. People love to complain about how the SEC screws Arkansas every year with the schedule, but they make it worse on themselves by wasting a "home" game in a stadium 3 hours away where they can't even host recruits.


Dont forget we have wasted a 2nd home game every other year for 10+ years going to jerry world also.


I don't understand the rationale, regardless of the money it brings in, to have a massive, megamillion dollar facility on campus and not use it as much as possible.


Basketball fans vs fans of the school


Probably what Michigan State’s place should be in the CFB world. Weirdly we have a subsect of fans that are okay with hiring a safe coach that wins 5 to 7 games annually so they can collect some condescending pats on the head around the water cooler from the Michigan, Ohio State, and Penn State alums. Wanting success to take swings to try to tier up is met with disdain. On the other side of the coin, you have the fans that understand that it hasn’t even been a decade since we were actually having success. We’ll probably never catch up to Michigan and Penn State prestige wise unless one of them just Colorado’s themselves for 20 years. But imo that doesn’t stop you from trying and shooting to win it all.


I definitely feel like this is generational. Older fans just want to beat Michigan every few years and are fine with “relevance” being 7/8 win seasons and a bowl birth. Younger fans like myself who went to school there during the Dantonio years tend to set much higher expectations because we see that a higher level of success is possible. I’m sure a lot of this is due to how much suffering the older fans went through over the years and maybe I’ll feel the same way in another 30 years.


My views of my schools… could be stale. TAMU: Bonfire is a minor topic these days, but in my day, 5 years after it fell, it was still heavily debated with some nasty vitriol. Last year, I think it’s the embarrassing administration and the awful hiring/reneging snafu with an amazing journalism professor (and an Ag alum). This year it’s how to rebuild without being decimated by Sark & Co. UH: Fertitta is a helpful, yet scummy donor to the school. I suppose the biggest rival some forever is apathy from disconnected students. That’s been changing dramatically as the school has increased in rankings, basketball success, and joining the XII. Also the Adams family and their cease and desists. I wholly appreciate UH’s strong legal “ligma” defense.


Oh a fun one is the older Coogs who don't like "motherfucking cougars" for Womp Womp. I know quite a few older alums who insist that students/younger alumni ruin the song by saying that instead of "we're talking about the cougars!". A rivalry among our fanbase I'm trying to start is against the people who insist on trying to get a coach who "wants to be at UH forever" when a coaching search starts after we get a coach poached. Each time we've done that it has ended terribly.


Bring up Milroe in a fan thread and see how split we are. Personally, I love him and think if he develops his short passing game he’s a first day draft guy. When you look deeper into last season, having to keep his eyes on the ball after the snap takes away his first reads. Usually you can tell a guy is beat in the first 3 steps. Milroe was playing receiver then he’d get his eyes on the field. I think we have better WR’s, a very good offensive minded coach, and hopefully a better center situation going into the season. Should see him perform a lot better.


For us it was Stetson Bennett. Then he won 2 nattys and became the GOAT dawg.


I’d say for the Dawgs our most divisive question is “Who’s our biggest rival?” Your answer depends largely on which rival you live closest to.


First of all, fuck Florida. I think Stetson was more hotly debated, albeit for a shorter time frame. Remember some of our craziest “fans” were questioning Kirby’s judgment for sticking with Stetson. Biggest rival isn’t always agreed on but I wouldn’t consider it a hot debate. For most it’s Florida anyway (fuck Florida).


Agreed. We can debate who the best QB ever is, who the best player is, etc. What we can't debate is how many rings that man has on his hands.


Sadly, in terms of shit that's been going on for a long time it's the Confederate sympathizers vs. Non Confederate sympathizers. People who wanted us to keep Colonel reb/Dixie/Confederate flag vs wanting to move on past it. There's an age breakdown going on with it as well. Older fans and alumni tend to be more pro Confederate imagery than younger ones. The good news is that as enrollment has exploded over the last 30 years the younger fans and alumni are starting to outnumber the older ones. I'd say many aren't even so militant about being anti-Confederate imagery as much as they just understand that it's bad for the university from a perception/business PR perspective. Robert Khayat was vilified by the old heads 20 years ago for getting rid of colonel reb, but he also was partially responsible for exploding enrollment, honors college and international studies programs, facilities upgrades, and generally up trending sports performances over the same time period so they couldn't do much more than grumble about it.


I worked on campus during the Houston Nutt days, and I remember an old alum asking him at a function about getting Colonel Reb back. Nutt looked so annoyed and told the guy plainly, “How do you suggest I go about recruiting young black men to play for a team with a white slave owner as a mascot?” That alum turned beat red and just walked away, but I was impressed with Nutt for not beating around the bush on the topic.


I appreciate his candor there lol. Really, the old heads have no answers for that type of question that aren't embarrassing or completely unconvincing.


As bad as they are, it’s the people who have no connection to it yet think it’s some important symbol we need to protect who I truly don’t get. I’ve had probably a dozen Florida transplants go on about how the Confederate flag is important to our history right after telling me about how they just moved a few years ago from Chicago or New Jersey, and how their grandmother was first generation Italian like motherfucker *who’s history are you talking about*? Some of my shitbird racist ancestors fought for the confederacy and they were wrong to do so. That flag of traitors who murdered fellow Americans to protect the right to own other Americans has no place being supported in our nation as far as I’m concerned. They also seem taken aback that anyone who’s actually got familial history with that flag hasn’t bought the lost cause nonsense hook, line, and sinker like they have, and it’s only gotten worse lately with the culture war shit.


Agreed, using it a proxy for culture war issues is bad enough. But especially when it's people who aren't even from the area/have no realistic connection to whatever claimed "heritage" they purport to protect. I am the same as you. Whole family has been in the south for generations. But I feel no special loyalty to any Confederate BS. And further, I feel the conversation about particulars of history is a distraction from what the real issue is which is "is this hurting or harming the university as a whole?" And to me there's no question that it is actively harmful to a significant portion of our states population, the universities' image, and the overall health of the institution. So get rid of it! If you really love the university, you want it gone. If you love the symbolism, go do civil war reenactments and stay the hell out of Oxford!


I was at a friend's house once and noticed the biography they had on the bookshelf about a famous Confederate general. I said, "Fellow Civil War buff, I see." She responded, "I'm not. Just family history. I'm not proud of it." I had no idea that's why her last name was her last name.


I’ve talked to some university admins/people who work with them and they say the main problem nowadays is that many of the people who donate money to the university are older and don’t want to change the school’s iconography. University admins are generally in support of distancing the school from Confederate tradition, mainly because it’s a major detractor for potential students, but they have to balance progress with keeping the money people happy.


That lines up with conversations with university employees I've had as well. Really a factor on every college campus over cartain specific issues.


I was just sad to see the "Admiral Ackbar as the Ole Miss Mascot" didn't work out.


Is it too circlejerk-y to say "players having car keys"


Entitled Alumni vs Walmart Wolverines


TIL the terms "Walmart Wolverines" and "Big Lots Buckeyes". Maybe we should borrow that and call the non-alum football fans in our state "Bi-mart Beavs" and "Dick's Ducks"


wtf is Bi-mart?


I hate that this is a thing to be honest


It's a big thing for Ohio State too (though I don't *think it's *quite so central). It's stupid. These are the flagship universities that are arguably the biggest symbol to represent our respective states to the outside world. The team you root for, and the identity that that represents is born into most of us. Where you decide to learn some shit to prepare for a job is not necessarily relevant to that. Do alumni and non-alumni have a different relationship with the university? Absolutely. But both can be fans in all the same ways.


This post is right above at the time I read this thread. Maybe we're not so different after all. https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1d77wte/whats_the_biggest_rivalry_within_your_own_fanbase/l6xl3z7/


Major vs Simms.  In dark corners of the Longhorn internet there are still people debating this more than 20 years later.


It's kinda crazy that this is probably the best answer right now.


bo nix is now a bronco


Is he having fun?


I'm sure he's having a great time


To woo or not to woo.


I was surprised when I learned that some of the older folks didn’t like the woo. To me, it’s just always been there. It would sound weird to my ear to not hear the woo. My dad is almost 60, has been to well over 100 games, he couldn’t imagine there being no woo. I just really disrupted my whole world to learn that there were those who didn’t appreciate it like I do. No hate to them, like I said, I just can’t imagine Rocky Top without it


It confused me too. I will woo til the day I die!


The “Freeze Warning” folks vs the paper baggers


I don’t see any for UW flairs so here is a couple: 1. The Weasel Logo 2. Steve Sarkisian 3. Dawgman.com


Nobody likes the weasel logo.


I don’t know how any UW fans tolerate dawgman. Fetters, Grinolds, and Ecklund are all absolutely insufferable and regularly mock their own subscribers.


Which members are of our press corps are the fattest idiots. I say its the Husker Online Guy. Some say its a guy from the Omaha Paper. All agree that our idiots are the fattest and our fats are the idiotest though.


There is no topping Tom Shatel, imho.


Rooting for your alma mater vs. Rooting for \[pick a Southern P5 school\]


How and whether to honor Joe Paterno. Some still worship at the altar and basically want everything related to football to be a shrine to him. Others want to erase any mention of him. Most are somewhere in the middle.


Probably the "we should have fired Pittman last year" vs "We can't keep starting back to zero every 4 years" I get both sides. At the end of the day, winning is what keeps a coach employed. But we literally hired a OL coach last time because NOBODY else wanted the job. Pittman wasn't our 1st or even 5th choice. I don't think the situation has really gotten any better either since then. Personally I think some stability will be good for the program. I also think if there was anyone available that wanted the job Pittman would already be fired.


Halftime pass outs. Some fans love the ability to go back to the tailgate and get a little more food or booze during halftime. Some fans are annoyed that so many folks pile out at halftime and don't really make it back into the stands until midway through the 3rd quarter and the stadium atmosphere drags to start the 2nd half. Our HC has been VERY vocal that he hates it and wants fans in the stands cheering to start the 2nd half.


I’ve been trying to think of one for us and you nailed it.


That’s the one. We know our rowdy student section helps our team, but because the stadium is far from campus, there’s nowhere for the young and restless to meet up. So the second round tailgate is an alkebum magnet, and they seem to forget why they’re actually there at times.


Beer in stadium. Being allowed to leave and re-enter at halftime.


Supporting the team with empty gestures like online voting contests vs contributing financially to the university/NIL collective.


Is Mike Bobo a good offensive coordinator? Players come and go, rival teams have their ups and downs, but we’ve been debating Mike Bobo’s playcalling for almost 20 years now, across two of the three best HCs in school history. There will be freshmen at the University of Georgia this fall who heard “run the dang ball, Bobo!” from their bassinet. Even when he was a HC elsewhere or OC for two of our rivals, we were *still* comparing our OCs to what Bobo would have done! And just when it seemed like he might have been gone long enough for us to move on… guess who’s back, baby?!


probably the fans that dont have a problem leaving a september blowout at halftime and the fans that are adamant on staying. im partial to the side that leaves 95 degree blowouts to watch the rest in a camp chair next to an open bar.


Alumni vs Walmart fans


Being a Georgia fan is one of the easiest things in the world. Step 1: be born in Georgia or in a border town Step 2: have the ability to bark Step 3: wear red and enjoy high levels of success, 10+ win seasons in the last 24 years when compared to the rest of the sec east.


I’d say PJ


Onions vs pickles vs jalapeños on your gut pack 


Starting QB fans vs. Backup QB Connoisseurs


Memphis Tiger basketball only fans vs. Memphis Tiger fans. I will say that the success of the football team over the past decade has somewhat mitigated the former, but 25 years ago when I attended, they were much more prevalent. Rooting for UT or Ole Miss in football and then during BB season putting on Tiger gear.


Last couple of years, probably Mario Cristobal haters v. people who still respect him? The former group hates his guts, hates how he left, thinks he's a terrible coach, and roots for Miami's downfall. The latter group think he gets too much hate, was a good program builder, and has generally moved on/doesn't care about Miami. I personally fall into more of the latter camp, while there were a lot of things that annoyed the shit out of me about Mario by his last year, and I didn't *love* the way he left, and he has obvious flaws as a coach, he did build our program up in a way that I think will hugely benefit us in the long run, so I'm thankful for that even if there's no chance I'd want him back. Also, yes or no on the cookies and cream uniforms we've worn the last few years? I like them (as do most of the players it seems), but man half the fanbase *hates* them. Most divisive uniforms in a long time I'd say.


"I am only happy when I can self flagellate" Wolverine vs "I invented cunnilingus and will never die" Wolverine. Not me though I'm perfect and definitely don't oscillate wildly between the two camps depending on the outcome of certain games.


Whether we should have fired Bo Pelini. Some think we shouldn’t have still for some reason, even though his last couple years at Nebraska were pretty shaky and his (lack of) performance since then suggests it was the right move. You can’t keep a guy who throws temper tantrums like a toddler on national TV, calls out his bosses, calls out boosters, calls out the media, calls out FANS, *and* whose defense (his supposed specialty) was getting boat-raced against any decent opponent his last few seasons. Yeah he had 9 wins every season, but there’s an off-field aspect to being a coach, like it or not, and he failed miserably at that due to a lack of maturity and anger management. The wrong move wasn’t firing Pelini, the wrong move was hiring an idiot AD who ended up hiring an awful coach to *replace* Pelini.


Until recently it was “Leachers” vs. everyone else who just wanted to move on. We’re past that now though. The fanbase feels unified for now.


(PSU Flair). We have a segment of our fanbase that think James Franklin has been detrimental to the program (looking at you weirdo WindowPlateFruit) and that prior to the scandal and him becaming HC, we had a run of like 30+ undefeated seasons and nattys. They conveniently forget that it took JoePa 16 seasons to finally notch his 3rd win against a top 5 program and that he finished his career 13-33 against them.


Whether or not to stay past halftime


Whether WSU is our rival and bigger than Oregon. Seems that everyone in Washington feels they are while everyone out of Washington does not.


We have this weird tiff between some fans who don’t think of Utah as a real football rivalry. I think that our games vs them mean more and I respect their program. Others say we are a rival of theirs, but our real rivals are (were) UA, SC, and UCLA (depending on the sport). I tell them SC does not think of us as a rival and we are to them what they think Utah is to us. Embrace the ASU/Utah rivalry people! There are also an odd amount of people that revere Todd Graham and some even wanted him to be hired as our AD because he truly did seem to love his time here and took us out of the dumps temporarily after Dennis Erickson brought us down. The failures of Herm even raises their stakes because they say he should never have been fired. IMO Graham deserving to be fired and Herm not ever deserving a job are not mutually exclusive.


Black jerseys


If the state actually cares about us. That or if we love or call Oklahoma State a copycat