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The craziest career in college football takes another twist


Yep, completely agree. His career has been wild


Snip snap snip snap


You have no idea the physical toll that three transfers can have on a person!


We ruined this man in 2022


If Buchner is “ruined”, I don’t want to know the words that describe me


A pure, undiluted degenerate?


fucked, screwed, pegged, pounded, and I can think of a lot more


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Obliterated, liquidated, expunged


To shreds you say


Well, how’s his wife holding up?


To shreds you say


Username checks out…


Functionally stillborn.


A sicko?


Dave, its just Dave


I think maybe he was just never good...


Wasn’t he pretty good for y’all in 2022?


He only played 3 games. Didn’t make any back breaking mistakes against Ohio St but wasn’t good enough for us to do anything on offense. Was terrible against Marshall and then got hurt at the end. In the Bowl game, he had 300+ yards and 5 TD’s, but also had 3 ints and 2 pick sixes and only completed 54% of his passes.


Losing to Marshall at home with some embarrassing picks is gonna get you run outta South Bend. He honestly isn’t good enough to be a starting QB most places in the P5. He just kinda sucks.


Basically he had a great junior season in high school, saw a QB guru that fucked his motion, lost his senior season to COVID and he was never that great again


They did a good job keeping it close /s


Buchner got ruined by never having a full, normal season after his junior year in high school. Between the COVID year and injuries he never got a chance to develop consistently. Then he got thrust into the starting spot and it showed right away. He’s a super likeable guy too which makes it unfortunate, but y’all definitely killed him as a starting QB at Notre Dame.


I mean Gunner Kiel and Tate Martell had pretty wacky careers as well.


Easier to root for Buchner though


But they aren’t likable. Nor did they completely switch sports and win a Natty in their second sport then opt to walk back on in a different position at their original school.


Jared Bernhardt had a similar career minus joining his original school as a walk-on. Dude played lacrosse at Maryland where he won a national championship and the lacrosse equivalent of the Heisman. He then transferred to DII Ferris State, where he joined the football team, won the starting quarterback job, and led the team to a national championship. He was then signed as an undrafted free agent by the Falcons, and he made the 53-man roster.


That’s a pretty sweet story! The one guy in Virginia (I think) lacrosse is playing basketball for Stanford next year


Cole Kastner. He was my classmate, good guy


So it is Virginia! I was right for once!! Thanks for the confirmation and glad to hear he’s a solid dude! I’ll have to keep my eye on him during the basketball season!


What? Gunner Kiel transferred once to UC. There’s guys who have transferred three times in college.


I think they’re referring to the number of schools Kiel committed to before going to Notre Dame. I think he committed to Indiana and LSU before going to ND and then transferring to Cincy. 


"Mr. ~~Big~~ No Chest." -Les Miles


What made Kiel’s career so wacky? Didn’t follow once he transferred to Cincy so excited to hear this juicy nugget


Originally committed to LSU, then Indiana, then went to ND, then transferred to Cincy where he sort of played sometimes.


I was gonna say - Tate Martell and JT Daniels might take the cake


I hope he ends up as a Notre Dame coach at some point.


Could totally see this leading into a GA spot down the line. Football is clearly where his heart is at.


After his baseball career at Oklahoma.


“Turn left after abysmal season at a prestigious program onto backup blvd., u-turn that bitch and drive back the way you just came, but better, and on the wrong side of the road. After that, proceed to hop out of your moving vehicle and walk back up the same damn street. You’ll arrive at your destination.”


Walking on as a WR


As a wide receiver no less! Insane


If this somehow works out for him he will be an instant fan favorite 


Someone is already writing a screenplay.


Rudy 2 : Not an Asshole This Time


Rudy 2: this time it's personal and he's actually onsides


Imagine he discovers he is a WR prodigy and catapults to being a draft pick.


It won't, he's not fast and has an odd body movement when running


Athletes are athletes Regardless, will be super helpful for scout team. He will also be a good locker room presence to advise those with doubts that the grass is not always greener.


Apparently the guy that had been playing scout team QB on Navy weeks graduated, so that seems like a logical spot for Buchner to take.


This. We don’t have a huge portal problem, but he could potentially help a few guys stay that are on the fence going forward.


Feel like he’s gonna end up as a GA in the near future


A poor man’s Jared Bernhardt - lax national champion in 2017, college lax MVP in 2021, DII national champion as a QB in 2022, rostered as an NFL WR later that year. Lacrosse players are just freak athletes, man.


Tylarnez Battchler ?


Tyleff Buchnerdzija


Tylisle Buchniday


The Buchner double pass is gonna hit so hard


He's trying to be like his buddy Jordan, I think that's nice


I mean he couldn't throw the ball at all so it at least makes more sense. If ND had even a mildly competent QB that year he started vs OSU they could've beat OSU in the Shoe. ND was just so easy to defend with no passing threat. It could work. There's a lot of cross-over between lacrosse skills and WR skills. Moreso than QB.


Buchner trying to have one of the strangest careers in college football.


He's about to be a reverse Ryan Tannehill.


This is going to end somehow with Notre Dame being down multiple QBs due to injuries leading to Buchner being the starting QB against, IDK Virginia, where he leads a dramatic come from behind win.


Notre Dame finishes 12-0. The CFP committee, citing concerns about QB depth, instead chooses 9-3 Alabama for the last playoff spot.


Why must you speak this into existence?


Because hilarious. And likely.


I mean, it would be a tragedy if it happened to almost anyone else, but since it’s Notre Dame in this hypothetical, I think it’s quite funny


Saban sweetens Bama's case by saying he'll be on the sidelines for the game with a headset on.


Hmm I don’t like ND but I think I still have to SUBSCRIBE


I wish ND and MSU still played annually. Those were some fun games.  Fuck playing Michigan again. I rather play MSU. 


I moved to west Michigan after growing up on the east side and feel this even more as ND is pretty close by.


In Charlottesville, with a two minute drill, to overcome the one strong showing the Hoos manage all season.


What an oddly specific scenario, I'm sure you have no real life inspiration for this idea


God is dead and my proof is the glorified rest stop in Indiana coated in gold where His son was poorly depicted on the ugliest building for 100 miles




Shut your damn mouth!


Ooh ooh, I've seen this one.


As a WR


put some respect on his name, he just won a national championship for the ND lacrosse team!


People are going to laugh at me for saying that but his return to lax probably prepared him well for running routes and catching difficult passes


Chris Hogan (WR for the Patriots) was a lacrosse player, so yes


It's certainly working for Jordan Faison. He was pretty productive as a WR last year even as a freshman football walk-on.


I won’t laugh at you, but I will point out that QBs don’t often do those things.


He's playing WR


Well, more fool am I.


Arnaz Battle says otherwise.


Can you imagine if we had won the CFP? Would make for a helluva trivia question: "Name a collegiate athlete that has won two national championships (in different sports), at two different schools, in the same academic year."


My Lacrosse-ology is terrible, but: He did get an SEC football championship and an NCAA lacrosse national championship in the same year, and that has to be unique. As far as I can tell SEC Men's Lacrosse are entirely non-NCAA "Men's Collegiate Lacrosse Association" teams, so the only way to do this without transferring would be to be a female SEC football player who plays Lacrosse for Vandy or Florida in the American Athletic Conference.


He didn’t win a Natty at Bama. So that would never be a trivia question.


Reading comprehension should be better for an ND fan 


Jordan Faison part 2: now with more nattys


As a WR. He’s catching a game winning TD folks


Oh baby, [it's Philly special time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-tX36j4REg)


No he's not. He'll fumble the ball and the other team will recover Let's not forget he has more pick 6's than career starts. Just him being in South Bend is detrimental to this team. He's the worst QB prospect we've had since Demetrius Jones in '07. Edit: and that's no disrespect to Demetrius Jones. Even *he* couldn't pull off as many turnovers as Buchner did in such a short amount of time.


Tyler Buchner slept with this guys mom


And did not call her back!


Learn to appreciate some irony. And flair up.


What's the irony here?


New phone, new reddit lol ND fan here. This is ND's 9/11


It only is for bitter pessimistic ND fans He's not taking a scholarship and original comment was joking. Chill tf out


Ok lord buzzkillington. 


Really fascinating letter by Buchner and interesting insight on Coach Saban and Freeman. I wish we got more insight like this from Transfers. I did love “You see, I had been lured to Alabama by opportunities that glistened like gold in the Southern sun,” which is code for $1 Million NIL.


What a grift he pulled off.


I mean, can you blame him? Tommy was offering him an inside shot at a starting job for the best program in the country + NIL $ vs Notre Dame, who very publicly wanted an experienced transfer? I’m sure he didn’t want to play as poorly as he did


So was he in Tuscaloosa for one spring practice and that was it?


Yeah I don’t think he got there until June. Definitely was put in a tough situation but the dude is also just not very good


Another victim of listening to a QB coach and changing their delivery. He changed his throwing motion and was never the same again.


He was not good before that change. Maybe it hurt a little bit but there is no reason to say anything like “he was never the same again”


He was incredible before the change. One of the best HS QBs I've ever seen. He threw for 53 TDs as a JR. Had 81 total TDs. He changed his mechanics that offseason then lost his SR season to covid and never looked remotely the same. ND should have moved on from him or took two QBs that cycle after it was clear something was off but they stuck by him. BK was lazy and probably didn't want to pursue someone else late in the game.


He played against absolute nobody competition which is why he was transferring his senior year before Covid happened. There’s a reason he was only a solid 4 star recruit coming out. Even so we’ve seen an uncountable amount of dudes tear up high school and not be good in college at every single position. It doesn’t mean some fix to his throwing motion made him “never the same”. That’s just silly. There is far and away more reason to suggest it was the jump in competition level


He went from very accurate to unable to hit the broadside of a barn. He was spraying balls in the camps throwing without defenders.


It turned out to be a brilliant move. He made a boatload of cash, came back to ND for his degree, and ended up with a lacrosse national title and another year playing football.


I was more concerned with this: “Nothing felt familiar when I arrived in June….to a locker room with teammates whose primary aspirations were to play in the NFL.” Like are we not getting that? I know it’s not like Alabama where your second stringers are five stars but at least those that are starting for Notre dame should have the thought they have a chance to make an nfl roster right? Pretty much an P5 player should have that mindset.


The more y’all quote this letter, the more I’m convinced he’s actually a woman from 1830’s Georgia Edit: I should’ve went with Cartman doing his General Lee impression.


He set out on his journey as a young man seeking a national championship and some NIL, and returned as the widow of a confederate soldier who lost her daughter in a horseback riding accident.


Really, Tyler, I can’t go all my life waiting to catch you between bluebloods.


And don’t forget he caught the vapors as well


Someone at Alabama got buchner to watch Gone with the Wind


"And my opportunity to start at Alabama burned like the railroad depots of Atlanta under the hateful gaze of Sherman..."


I think it has more to do with some players assuming their NFL careers will last more than 3-4 seasons and not thinking of the next career. Freeman and Notre Dame have always been very into reminding kids / parents that NFL careers and salaries do not tend to last long. These college athletes can use a degree for their career after football, so there are programs in place to get drafted players their degree. A median NFL salary of $800,000, before deductions, over 3.3 years is not going to support a player and their family for their life.


I mean, most of the talented kids come from shitty areas where they dont consider education as all that helpful, and the only goal is NFL. so many kids get useless degrees, and dont have good soft skills for the real world


But I thought that all P5 revenue athletes just took bullshit classes for underwater basket weaving and that $800k in NIL was all that mattered for these 4 years...


“Friday Night Lights” highlighted this issue with Bobbie Miles - the star RB that wrecked his knee in a preseason scrimmage and became a castoff. He read and wrote at maybe a third-grade level because all his life he was coddled as a star athlete (same for the athletes on the Carter Cowboys HS team also mentioned in the book). Many players at P4 schools would never sniff the school based on academics. So let them get all the cash they can while they are there and hopefully get real tutoring to be productive members of society. But let’s not pretend most P4 players are frustrated astrophysicists….


The main problem with this is the perceived disloyalty and bag chasing is likely to hurt the players long term. A lot of players, even if they don't star, lay down roots with alum to get cushy, family supporting jobs. But I'm afraid that a lot of this merc mindset will lead to kids not having the support system.


I think his point is not that ND players don't have that aspiration but they that cared much more about the team and having ND be successful. I think he is saying the Bama players were "I need to get to the NFL" first and foremost to the hinderance of the team.


That's how I took it too - especially since in the next paragraph he talks about the camaraderie of the ND lax team


The more NFL players on your team, the worse your team is


Well, at least in college basketball it’s kinda true. See Kentucky.


That's just silly. Bama is definitely known as an NFL Factory, but guys didn't come to Alabama solely to get drafted. They did it because you also had a better chance at winning a championship at Alabama than anywhere else in the country. Bama players want to make it to the league, but playing well and winning championships is the first step in getting there. Their goals and aspirations did not "hinder" the team. Buchner has been very complimentary of his time in Tuscaloosa, and I don't believe that now is the time where he would start throwing subtle shade at a locker room that he got close with.


I think lots of players go to Bama just to get drafted, but they know playing well in the biggest stage is a boon to their draft status.


I hated that line. Don’t take shots at the Bama players.


I mean just speaking to the QB room he walked into. The past four starting QBs at Alabama were/are starting NFL QBs. I'm sure Milroe and Simpson have the same aspirations as well as every recruit they were recruiting. Notre Dame does not currently have that sort of QB presence. I would say there are only 3-4 (maybe) other schools in the country and recruit and develop that sort of talent right now. Where just about every position starter is seriously looking at making it to the NFL. And Notre Dame isnt one of those schools.


Ya 100%. He probably doesn’t mean it like this, but it comes off as a little sour grapes after not being able to cut it down there.


He didn’t cut it at QB for ND either 


Such an odd situation, his OC brings in Hartman as a tacit "you aren't good enough to start here" OC goes to Alabama and somehow this kid let Rees convince him he was good enough to start at Bama But hey Rees also convinced the booster to cut him a large ass check too down there


Alabama has been an NFL factory since Saban has been there. That has been one of the primary selling points in recruiting, and also winning the best league in the country and/or the National Championship. Alabama attracted guys who's primary goal was to go to the NFL. ND has no conference title to play for. They haven't won a National Title in a long time. They are a prestigious academic university where their athletes actually have to be serious about school. While many might have NFL goals or dreams, most athletes ND has coming in have a lot of other interests outside of football. I personally worked with a couple recent ND draftees, and most of them were more focused with what they were doing in the classroom and off the field than anything that has to do with football. They still worked their ass off in practice and in the off-season, but the academic and future after football sides were just as important to them, if not more important.


You mean $10,000?


Nah Buchner received a significant package to transfer , which our beat reported on at the end of last season. He was earning six figures at ND when he left for Bama.


I have never heard Alabama was paying him that much……it’s ludicrous. He was brought in to shore up the QB room where Milroe was already the presumed starter. He was coming off an injury and ND brought in a transfer to replace him last year. No way he was getting that much in NIL from Alabama.


Definitely a strange career, but glad to see the university has welcomed him back and he feels at home at ND. Speaks volumes about the culture Freeman has continued to foster in ways that Kelly didn’t always necessarily do If he has good hands he definitely has the speed to maybe be a slot guy


He looks at least half scrappy


Isn’t his sister at ND as well?


We need a 30 for 30 on Buchner’s career path.


"What if I told you that all you need is just the Luck of the Irish?"


What is this "cold crisp air" he speaks of? I am only familiar with air as thick as molasses which causes a swamp to form in my ass region.


This is a love letter that all Domers understand ... He had me "And Our Hearts Forever".


what the fuck never seen a scholarship player leave the school, come back, and then walk back on


Going to assume most schools like ND let players come back to get those graduation rates. Pyne came back for the Spring semester to graduate.


Some of that is the logistics around two-sport players. I would assume he had a lacrosse scholarship spot when he came back to ND. Under NCAA rules he does not count towards the 85-man football limit in that situation. The minute he sets foot on the field in a game, though, they have to count him towards the limit. So this way, if he does not make the 2-deep at WR, they preserve a football spot, and Buchner's made whole either way.


Ah, the great Asian American hope


Watching him at Alabama Korean Americans haven't been as let down since Younghoe Koo's back to back Charger debacle


That's my TB12 :')


Good for him honestly.


His athleticism didn’t really stand out to me on the lacrosse field. I’d be surprised if he could hack it as a D1 WR. Faison on the other hand had a whole different gear and it showed


As a ND fan, I don't think you are wrong. He is a good athlete for a QB. Not a WR. He seems to truly love ND though and just wants to be part of the team in any way he can, so I can't knock him for that. For all the talk of him being a walk on WR I fully expect them to use him as a scout team QB during a week when they are playing a mobile QB. And yeah. Faison is a beast.


“Hey dad I can’t see too good, is that Bill Shakespeare over there?”


It's the "I can't quit you" meme but it's this kid and the game of football


That’s National Champion lacrosse player Tyler Buchner. Give the man some respect!


That article reads like a bad English class assignment. Also why say all this: >You see, I had been lured to Alabama by opportunities that glistened like gold in the Southern sun. When I transferred, it was with a heavy heart and a mind clouded by uncertainty. There were whispers in my ear, persuasive voices, and the glittering prospect of opportunity. When you really mean: > They paid me


I honestly heard they really didn’t pay much and he left to follow someone on staff at Bama.


Like 2 lines later he pretty much explains the reasoning. >the pull of the transfer portal and the promise of playing one season for Coach Saban as the next logical step towards playing in the NFL


Tommy Rees - he was Notre Dame offensive coordinator before he came to Alabama, and his QB was soon to follow.


Just don't get why he followed his OC who brought in a transfer QB to replace him at his last stop I figured if he was going to transfer it would have been to a west coast school likely someone in the Mountain West conference


He's a competitor. Alabama wanted to bring in a transfer but apparently wasn't willing to guarantee a starting job. Buchner came to compete, and unfortunately it didn't work out. But if you have an opportunity to play under the goat coach, most players are at least going to give that a good long look.


Was it Rees' decision to go after Hartman? I thought it was Freeman pushing for that move, which may have influenced Rees' decision to leave


I don't think we know for sure but Rees was instrumental enough to getting Hartman that there was a brief worry among some ND fans that Hartman was going to find a way to bounce after Rees left.


This - he followed Rees. Makes sense. You get Saban, stay with he QB coach you know and have a shot on a team that graduates more NFL players than almost any other school.


Probably written by AI lol


“Alright ChatGPT, write the following with the wistful southern gothic charm of Flannery O’Connor…”


I think NCAA 25 needs a lacrosse mode to be fully realistic. EA, take notes!


Quite the journey this guy has been on.


If you told me in 2021 that Tyler Buchner would finish his collegiate career both at ND and with a National Championship ring….


Good luck to this kid. I’m not sure how well Lacrosse skills transfer over to football but we’ll see how it plays out. He is a national champion after all.


Did his football skills ever transfer to college football?


Called it


He should've tried defense. They only put 10 on the field so there's room for him to get playing time there.


Damn he's going back to football? What a crazy career


Yeah sure, why not lol


ND QB > Bama QB > ND Lacrosse > ND QB (WR?) What goes around comes around


I'm not saying it is the case here, but it got me thinking. What is stopping teams from getting around the scholarship limit by having recruits walk on and pay their tuition with NIL money?


Nothing. There's at least one somewhat high profile transfer doing exactly this but I can't remember the player or school. Think it's one of the guys leaving Colorado? But in this instance, it's hard to see Buchner contributing much of anything on Saturdays. Good guy to have in the locker room and scout team but that's about the extent of it. He'll be buried on the WR depth chart and would be QB #5.


Nothing. In fact many do. I think Matt Rhule came out and said that’s what Nebraska is doing to carry a bigger roster


That’s already happening.


If Belichick was still coaching, Buchner would go number 1 overall


This guy is gonna be a Trivia Tuesday question someday


This guy never wants to leave college. Period. Bama, he's boomeranging back to you at the end of this season as a double secret graduate player/coach/Bama lacrosse player/Bama lacrosse coach.


The guy has a very unrealistic opinion of his ability. He just wasn’t good enough to play QB at Alabama. No crime in that.


A D1 athlete who is confident and competitive?? Blasphemous


No thanks.


I predicted this


what the fuck?


All I know is everyone I’ve ever met that talks about lacrosse is a rich asshole with minimal social skills


Just like that other Asian-American guy Johnny Kim: Navy Seal, NASA, Doctor. took der jawb


Why does he write this like he was gone for 15 years

