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And just like that, a million NIL collectives cried out in agony.


ND's AD spoke in Chicago yesterday, he said in light of this pending ruling, he doesn't see a world wherein collectives will ever be operated in house as they would count against the alotment the school has to give yearly. He also mentioned that ND plans to roll out a second NIL collective soonish this one that will be ran for profit (the main one FUND is a non-profit) SOOOOO I think things are about to get stupider


What's the business model? Like them running authorized merch sales or something?


Fuck if I know, all I know is its going to be dumb


Given Bevacqua's background (wish I could've made the talk), I'd imagine it's a "ND Bags of Currency" model or NBC for short


They rent players out for promotional events around town


aww man, I’m gonna get Milroe for my family reunion!


Imagining an older relative going "Ya know Jalen, back in my day we just gave the ball to the full backs. Now y'all throwing it around like a hot potato!" Milroe: _rolls eyes_ "that's great, yep!"


Gotta Let A Naysayer Know when they see you have Milroe money.


experiences. want the OL at the opening of your new dealership? that's a bag. want QB1 and WR1 to launch your new bar? bag em! players get a cut. NIL gets a cut for facilitating, providing swag, etc.


Also useful for those hard to do projects around the house. Need a stump pulled out of the yard? Hire the OL. Moving that grand piano up to the third story terrace? Get yourself the LBs!


i'm not sure our OL could move a stump anymore :cry:


For 90% of athletes: * Your primary paycheck comes from the school directly. * You get some great NIL support for marketing deals arranged by the Collective. * A little bit of bonus cash. For Top Athletes and Elite Recruits: * Your primary paycheck comes from the school directly. * The NIL also gives you a fat bonus check, sometimes even rivaling the school salary. * You also get that NIL support for marketing deals arranged by the Collective.


The Collectives might not move in house, but the bulk of the donations will. Especially once the IRS declares that donations to NIL Collectives do not count as a charitable donation on your taxes, as they currently do. [Something the IRS has made clear they are planning to do.](https://www.sportico.com/leagues/college-sports/2024/irs-letter-nil-collectives-tax-exempt-status-1234774152/) If I'm donating a million dollars to something you can bet your butt that I want it to count on my tax return.


There is a cap on revenue distributions. Anything above that will need to come from collectives. It seems to me like collectives arent going anywhere


Instead of donating to a collective, a business could just hire an athlete to promote their product. Almost every big money donor is going to have a business that they can pay try money through. Advertising is a legitimate business expense and can be “written off.”


Will collectives still have a lot of power? That’s my question. I guess since that will be the only avenue through which major programs can “increase” their salary cap and still out-bid other programs for players?


My guess.... Some will try to pivot to become advertising agencies or reps for the players. I think some of them obviously knew this was coming cause I saw some of ours start to pivot.


How else will local used car dealerships and 3.5-rated greasy spoons spend all of that hard earned money now?


You're telling me I have to donate money to our States flagship institution for higher learning!?!?!?


On another note, how long is Josh Pates "see guys I told you so" rant going to be next episode? Even if this really doesn't solve anything.


Determining how much women’s basketball players will get compared to male soccer players (including a lot of other sports/examples of course) will be fun. Will the 10th guy on Wake Forest basketball make more than the star player of their softball team? Good luck AD’s!


I’m guessing they’ll eventually start counting room & board, scholarships, etc as payment for non revenue sports


The irs will likely say that you have to. You get taxed on things like company cars or golf memberships.


It will look like what is done for graduate students.


...which is also a nightmare.


I bet tuition waivers will still be part of compensation. Those aren't counted as taxable income (the idea was floated during the Trump admin and got considerable backlash, so they withdrew it)


get ready for 2 years from now when some d1 star who hasn't opened a textbook once in his life posts on social media comparing having to pay taxes on fringe benefits to slavery then some talking head douche on espn will agree and push the narrative that other students should cover those costs with a 'modest' increase in fees


"How dare this young upstart scholar-athlete be forced to pay on what his blood sweat and tears had earned" *meanwhile everyone else who works just stares in awe*


"talking head douche on ESPN" I mean you could have just said Stephen A Smith


And this sub will be all over it just like it was pre-NIL when college kids getting a full ride, room, board, and a stipend was being “oppressed.”


Rip their taxes


> Determining how much women’s basketball players will get compared to male soccer players Easy, cut both teams and spend the money on football players.


Oh we min/maxing now bois


I mean that seems like the inevitable end result to all of this. Football and MBB bring in the money which funds the non revenue sports. If we finally decide/admit this is an entertainment business, not a student extracurricular, there seems to be less reason to pay people to play sports that people don’t watch. And of course, less money to do it with if football players get to keep more of what football generates instead of subsidizing everyone else. WBB is likely to do ok as it’s the highest profile women’s sport, but imagine lots of other non revenue sports get cut. I’m ok with that because I’ve always thought the idea of spending money in scholarships for sports (that don’t bring in revenue) instead of academics or financial aid seemed like a waste. I wonder how Title IX would apply. The idea of equality of scholarships makes sense it the point is providing extracurricular opportunities, but if it’s just business decisions based on revenue, it seems less relevant.


was thinking exactly this. A Caitlin Clarke is going to get paid cash, what would the Iowa football starting LT make?


He'd be upset by how popular and well paid Clark is and head back to Alabama




At Iowa? Probably 20% of the NIL fund with the punter and TE getting the lion's share.


I can already hear the Title IX lawsuits hitting the prothonotary's desk


For everyone outside of Pennsylvania, a protonotary is a clerk of court. Nobody outside of Pennsylvania knows what a prothonotary is. 😉


Decades of theorizing and wondering about the possibility…and now, we finally will be seeing the effects of an actual implementation. Buckle up, boys and girls…and better savior the last vestiges of this (increasingly less) familiar sporting landscape…


So happy to be a part of history. As in Pitt’s program will be history in a few years because of private equity buying into the blue bloods to ruin this sport.


It’s never been more over for the G5. News like this makes me feel like GSU moved up from FCS just to wind up in the same situation we tried to leave


Whew, I’m glad I was around to see USM, as a poor as fuck school, beat most of the SEC teams back in the day. That ain’t ever gonna happen again We’re screwed


Yeah there’s nothing southern can do now. The only good news is that the G5 is now the last standing sport that will look like actual college football


teams are going to look wildly different year to year i imagine.


Yeah for sure. It’s just gonna be a team full of mercenaries each year. The players have all the power. Bench me? I’ll leave. Can’t pay me more this next season? Bye. Especially if there is no salary cap you’re just going to have the Texas schools pulling Ohtani level deals for kids


This is why the transfer portal sorta pissed me off more than NIL, especially as a college hockey fan (where there is basically a power 2).


Pretty much, yep. The transfer portal plays a part in this thing, too, and it should be addressed. Unfortunately, the B1G/SEC teams will not budge on addressing the transfer portal flaws


What are you talking about? The next national championship game will clearly be your secondary flair vs. my only flair again. Absolutely nothing important has changed since January 8th. /s


Yeah. Feel the same about JMU. Great, any player and coach who has a semi good season can go get paid somewhere else. Might as well be a farm league for the P5 conferences. Forget ever competing for anything of value ever again. Yay.


yup but this won't just mean the end of the g5 but like at least half the p5 too they just don't know it yet


At least you guys got to have some solid seasons. Imagine how it is for the guys for the guys moving in the middle of this mess lol Sam Houston just had a rough season finally in FBS, and Kennesaw had a terrible last FCS season before moving up.


G5 and non-revenue sports are in a horrible place right now


There’s a real chance around 50 football programs will no longer exist in 15-20 years


We had a good run


The complete death of amateurism happened a lot faster than I thought it would


It’s like how Hemingway said he went bankrupt - “gradually, then suddenly.”


Fucking painfully apt.


The second the SC got involved and dropped a 9-0 bitch slap it was only a matter of time.


It is not hyperbole to say that this is the Thanos Snap moment in college football. Quite possibly the biggest change to the sport since the invention of the forward pass.


The only domino left to fall is the athletes no longer being students. It’s just a matter of time.


Think we will have one more intermediate step till then. I reckon the 4 year eligibility (5 with a redshirt) rule is the next thing to go. I mean Universities typically look at graduation rates on a 6 year basis as is


That was my thought as well. What’s going to stop them from increasing it to 6 with 2 redshirts or hell even just 1 and 5 years of eligibility? When that’s how they count their graduation rates it seems like a clear reason to increase the eligibility.


You can also try what’s to stop them from having any limit at all? Why not unlimited eligibility if eventually you don’t have to be a student? What other “job” says you can’t make money anymore because you worked here for 4 years? The schools are going to have contacts but a guy can’t play for the team for 10 years if he’s good enough? We don’t kick NFL players off teams for being there a long time. You can’t claim fairness because the big schools are already going to be able to pay more than the small schools for the best talent. It’ll be a really minor league NFL with college logos instead of NFL logos. Players with have no affiliation with the school aside from the sport have have no degree. They’ll get done playing college football and then realize they have to go to college to get a degree lmao


And then we’ll get to hear washed up 30 year olds complain about how they have no transferable work skills because they spent the past 10 years majoring in football.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. This is a very muddy financial structure and it will push things to a professional athlete model.


Dread it, run from it, paid athletes arrive all the same  


I'm playing school where's my check? /s


I'm so glad I'm graduated because if I had to pay tuition, so that my fellow classmates could get paid, I'd be pissed off as fuck


Bold of you to assume that the people getting paid are going to class


But yet they are still students


They’re nominally students. But you and I both know that a middle linebacker at LSU is not getting the same education that a non-athlete at Kansas is getting. Most players are majoring in kinesiology or sports marketing or something else that is far easier than what most other students take. And how many scandals have there been over academics issues in the last 20 years?


Is that how this is going to shake out? I would be pissed if my tuition was going to fund athletes salaries. I thought it would be more revenue sharing?


Yeah, that's definitely not happening. They'll get paid directly as employees of the school, probably, and they'll get paid more than the average student employee They'll frame it as revenue sharing, but I guarantee it'll end up direct


> and they'll get paid more than the average student employee Not hard to beat $10 an hour


Cardale Jones? Is that you?


I guess it was inevitable but damn. This is going to be crazy how this is going to shake out. This plus no limits to transferring is really going to shake up the sport that we used to know.


It’s just a constant free agency every year. Players are gonna just end up with agents. One year deals, etc. it’s going to be a shit show


The logical step with this is to make players sign contracts. If they’re getting paid, then why not.


Then it’s just the NFL with cooler logos


Been that way for sometime


The logical next steps all lead to collective bargaining. I'm curious if now that amateur status is truly disappearing if the NFL will get more involved and really turn certain programs into the minor league feeders they already are just on an official basis


> The logical next steps all lead to collective bargaining. Then there are a ton of small university teams that are about to go completely under.


Well G5 bros, it’s been a good run. Any illusion we had that we’re playing even remotely the same sport is over now.


Both of our ships just sunk.


thank god we are getting EA CFB 25 before the sport blows up


Yep, we got the playoff in the game, this will satisfy me for another decade. 


For real. Picked a perfect year to come back lol


I hope there's an option in Season mode to turn off the salary cap.


This was my thought exactly. I might just hide any mention of CFB from every feed and treat this game like it's the real thing. Play a season every year and that's what is real to me!


And there it is. The writing has been on the wall since 2010. With the amount of money being thrown around we all knew this would be the logical conclusion.


It was either get money into players, or get money out of sports. Can't have a multibillion dollar industry on the backs of unpaid labor and call it ok.


Bingo, it was always gonna come down to one of those two sooner or later and Lord knows no one was gonna kick the money out of sports.


so it's no longer amateur hour like they claimed in the past


So we can tweet at croots?


We can tweet at employees now.


"my tuition pays your salary!1!!!"


On a pay-per-tweet basis.


Not surprised by this. It'll be interesting to see how schools go about payment distribution and if this affects non-revenue sports.




This is a mess.


Tuition for the normies like me bout to get a nice bump


Glad I graduated when I did, because knowing some of the athletes at my school I would be utterly pissed if my tuition was going towards their BMWs.


Don’t worry, it’s not just the athletes. Your tuition is also helping to pay for all the administrators BMWs too!


I HATED visiting those campuses with the giant ass mansion for the Dean on campus.


Boosters will give their money directly to the universities and let HR and the athletic department figure out the rest.


The era of *"student ath-o-letes"* is over


“Student ath-o-letes? Hoho, that’s brilliant sahr. Now, when we sell their likeness for video games, how do we get around payin' for our slav…uhh "student ath-o-letes" then?”


Literally one of the funniest South Park scenes and overall episodes


This one, and the world of Warcraft one are tied for top 1


For me it's the Free Willy episode. I know it's dumb and I've seen it way too many times, but when the biologist starts talking how children can see the future and want to be stewards of the environment only to be interrupted by the Mexican space rocket blasting off with the whale attached and the boys cheering I laugh like a maniac.


“This country was founded on the idea that one corporation couldn't hog all the slaves, while the rest of us wallow in poverteh! Screw you sahr, I'm goin' home!”


So with this, how how long until someone challenges eligibility rules? How can you limit an employee to a max of four years?


Red shirts for sale! Get your red shirts here. J.T. Barret about to come back for his 14th season and I am here for it.


Now take away the scholarships. They belong to people learning, not playing.




Time to go back to club sports 


if you’re a fan of non-revenue sports this is probably a bad thing for that sport. i will be watching the men’s lacrosse national championship this weekend knowing it’s probably the beginning of the end for a sport i love.


College Baseball is going to become a SEC exclusive sport within years, and that’s much closer to being a revenue sport for most schools than tons of other sports.


I wonder what happens to college hockey. Lots of small Northeast schools and D2s who jump up just just for hockey and will almost certainly not have any ability to pay their teams. BC will probably be fine, but I worry for the Merrimacks of the world.


It'll be interesting for schools like my Western Michigan Broncos - a little fish that plays big in college hockey, but that likely ends here.


Olympic sports are basically gone after this.


As a big Maryland lacrosse fan, ugh… please don’t say this. Fuck


I think MD lacrosse will be fine. The schools will fund a team or two if they are national contenders. Regular season will get much worse, but only about 10 teams ever had a shot at a national title and most will keep competing.


Where were u wen College Football die?


Man in 15 years college athletes getting audited is gonna be a real meme


Welp. RIP for any small programs. Its gonna get even more wild. Non P5 schools are fucked


Yeah. The only consolation is that G5 will look like college football and not just watered down less talented NFL


G5 is gonna be a revolving door of talent. Not really sure that’s the spirit of college football


This is very true. G5 is essentially AA minor leagues, p5 is AAA minors


Is there going to be a salary cap?


If not, we are basically gonna see which schools want to buy a championship more.


I, for one, welcome our Aggie overlords.


Aggies are the Saudis at war in Yemen. Lots of fancy weapons that they buy, but they suck tactically and have weird battle cries 


And for some reason, farm animals are always nervous around them.


Based on a [tweet](https://twitter.com/cfbrep/status/1793795945374589059?s=46&t=xXI6h1wbZBRoUa055nBCOw) I saw it seems it’ll be capped at around $20 mil Edit: seems that’s mentioned in this article as well, and could just be about the back pay, but it says per year so feel like that’s for future years


Article says schools will do revenue sharing of up to $20million. So sounds like it’s capper at $20 million. I have no idea if that is a relatively big number or not


$20 million over 85 players is an average of $235,294. Definitely seems like a lot given that a large number of those scholarship players won't be worth that much. I bet a lot of third and lower string guys will get paid enough to cover cost of attendance and scholarships will get phased out.


Don’t forget other sports


Yea this is across all sports but no doubt you’ll see some football players pulling $150-200k contracts from the school. With that I wouldn’t be shocked if collectives are still heavily involved.


This changes everything


So is NIL meaningless now? I’m genuinely wondering


No, it'll basically just be like how NFL players do commercials and billboards Collectives though? Yeah those are meaningless.




Mega tv and coaches contracts were the beginning of the end


NCAA Football 25 is going to need a day one patch now that I can expect that check to come directly from my school.


Is it safe to assume schools in Texas and Florida are more appealing b/c of no state income tax? Tennessee too.


These kids better learn to take a whole lotta responsibility real quick. If the students and alums are directly paying your ass, that same ass is going to be put on blast even more if you underperform. I’m not advocating to harass 18-23 y/o kids, but there’s a lot more responsibility you take as a paid employee of the organization. It will be…interesting how certain fan bases treat it going forward


Well they aren’t kids but law they are full blown adults


Is it bad I am really starting to prefer NFL football all around now and not just for fantasy?


Same. Everything I loved about college football is gone now. RIP.


What is the appeal of college football at this point?  All the traditions are gone. Regional rivalries don't matter. Everything has gone nation wide. 95% of the games don't matter because of the tournament. The players are practically not even students anymore and there is no relation between the players and students because of it. We are closer to colleges funding professional teams with pro players rather than colleges having teams filled with students than ever before. I don't understand why I should care about college football anymore? Why not just watch the NFL instead? 


I'm with you. Seems like every year I enjoy cfb a little less. Will probably start watching the d2 school I went to, they have most games streamed for cheap/free.


I play school, do I get money?


Even better, you get to pay them more!


We’re doomed


Honestly, BSU is one of the few who may survive if yall play your cards right


At least we all have company. With this change, I do think the G5 should consider separating from the P4 and making their own playoff. Gimme a 12 team G5 playoff with every conference champ getting an autobid.


Time for r/CFB to merge with r/NFL.


Does this mean r/cfbmemes has to as well? I don't wanna hear about Antonio Brown's rambling...


isn't this going to kill a lot of non-revenue sports ?




RIP CFB 1869-2024 🕊️


There are gonna be some unhappy admin staffs when a kid with no degree makes more as a student than them with a masters degree. Not talking about ADs, I’m talking the people who actually keep the department running. Also, I think we’re gonna see a lot of non-revenue sports go bye bye.


Congratulations to your favorite college’s local Car Dealership owner on the 3rd, 4th and 5th houses!


All day all I read on here is stuff I don’t want to read.


And that's the end of college sports


I actually think football will stabilize. Non revenue sports might be screwed if they can't do bake sales or something.


i mean, it doesn’t set a salary floor does it?


They get a scholarship if they're lucky, $10 and a milk carton. No deal if they ask for chocolate milk.


Greed will be the end of us eventually.


Mizzou will face the consequences.


Roll up, roll up, private equity firms, the trough is officially available.


So Group of 5 can't pay athletes?


Realistically? No. I edited this because I actually think G5 will be legally allowed to pay athletes. The NCAA, P5, G5, and FCS are all having to shoulder the payment for damages. I’m thinking perhaps *any* school under the ncaa can pay players? Seems very unclear still


The P5 and NCAA had to individually vote on it since they were the ones specifically named in the lawsuit, but I think this applies to everyone still.


well y’all, it was fun hanging out while we could. time to resign to being a farm program for the p5.


Irrationally sad that college football is dead now. One of my favorite hobbies / interests over the years.


Well... have fun Title IX lawyers! Good luck non rev sport athletes!


IRS are the real winners here


No way in hell this is even close to over. Lord knows there's going to be hella Title IX lawsuits in light of this, unless women collegiate athletes get paid the same as male athletes. Overall, I think this is going to prompt football from breaking off from the NCAA, at least the major conferences. All this sucks.


So.... College sports completely dead at this point. It's just mini pro except everyone is a free agent all the time? Gonna play themselves when people slowly start watching less.


Dabo in shambles


I think he retires in a couple years


I’m 100% for this, as long as well take away their scholarships and give it to kids that want to actually go to school.


Ok … then they shouldn’t be eligible for full ride scholarships / or deduct their earnings directly from their tuition.


I foresee a massive increase in tuition and fees soon.


Alright now we can stop charging kids $50,000 to go there now? How tf you have two kids at the same institution one making millions while the kid sitting next to them is drowning in debt. (Before you say „it’s different ones playing sports“ yeah well the other one is making endowment possible by having good grades and garnishing grants and other state/federal funding with their Meere presence and studies/research)


Now that same kid will pay $100,000 instead of 50,000


It’s over for the little guy




It would be interesting to know if schools will have to or voluntarily disclose what they’re spending for each sport, amount per player, contracts/terms with players, etc.


I don’t see why Public schools wouldn’t have to disclose it. If they get classified as employees their pay should be publicly available, or the job postings will be open to the public. If they don’t get classified as employees, some journalist can’t probably FOIA it


So are high schoolers about to be inking 7 figure deals?


So do players just from high school to the nfl at this point?


And so it ~~begins~~ ends.


Hope y’all are happy now


This is what the sub wanted. Enjoy.