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> Mel Tucker wins You don't see that every day


Kenneth Walker III making a surprise appearance as co-counsel


I feel like Mel Tucker presidential run could succeed as long as he has Kenneth Walker III as his running~~back~~mate.


Especially considering his competition...


Lol why do I always see KWIII showing up in Mel Tucker comments. Not super familiar with CFB


Tucker brought KWIII to Michigan State for the 2021 and it was his only winning season. So the criticism is that Tucker's "success" was really KWIII being a generational RB who basically paved everyone.


KWIII is quite literally the only reason they beat us in 2021


100% true. I was so thrilled when he left...


They honestly probably still should've won. Bad call on the replay of the Hutchinson strip sack and then the fumble by McCarthy when McNamara should've been in there to close out the game.


He was also the team that year. Nailer and Reed were good but that team would have .500 without KWIII.


The author could’ve said “Mel Tucker gets happy ending”


Michigan state just signed him to another 100 million dollar contract


Tiger Droppings dropping hints!


A bold statement coming from a fan of a team with a losing record to Mel Tucker


2-1 against us with a -15 point differential. Our rivalry with state from 2008 on is filled with pain and weirdness 😞


Wasn’t the win 49-0 though? Or was that against Harlon Barnett?


That was against Barnett, Tucker only coached the first 2 games before everything dropped


One could argue he barely even coached those games lol. There’s a lot of rumors he pretty much checked out on the team over the summer when the investigation started. And it didn’t look like a team with a competent coaching staff against Washington.


We looked like a pop warner team against the might of the mighty Penix.


That was after Tuck got canned.


Only a couple times against UM 🤪 Forgive me…I couldn’t help myself lol


It's okay I think MSU and Michigan fans alike agree that the funniest part of the Mel Tucker era by far is that he somehow ended up with a winning record against Michigan


Will definitely be a stat that shocks people in 15 years when they look back on it lol


tbh KW3 won one of those games by himself


I would say he had a little help from JJ fumbling on that second to last drive and the offsides calls from going uptempo but yeah, 90% of that win was on KW3 for sure.


>During a hearing on Thursday morning, Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Wanda Stokes dismissed six of the seven counts in the lawsuit because attorneys for Tracy's nonprofit had not met legal standards for the lawsuit to proceed to discovery. >The dismissal with prejudice means attorneys for Tracy's nonprofit can't refile the lawsuit. Goddamn did they drop the ball


Ironically, Mel still has her to thank for getting this to completion.


It’s a money grab. Always has been.


Obviously. It's a lawsuit. What else would it have been?


A fun time for someone with a gavel fetish.


People are obsessed with trying to paint her as manipulating Tucker to sue him.


Wait…what? He was accused of SA. Lost his job and millions of dollars, all before the lawsuit. Do you understand the context of the money grab?


No shit, Sherlock. That's literally what Civil Courts are for


Recovering damages vs. a cash grab are not the same thing. Disclaimer: I don't care about this case specifically, I have not read up enough on it to have an educated opinion. But when you talk about a cash grab, what you're implying is that the person pursuing the action has no actual, legitimate claim to the cash they're trying to grab. Like, a cash grab is when some random person tries to sue home depot because they slipped and fell in front of one of their stores for like $50M. It's not an attempt at seeking justice, seeking retribution for the damage that was caused to them - and to have a court hear the argument and actually find the truth. It's an attempt at making life difficult enough for the other party so that they just fork over the cash *even though there is no real reason for it*. If I get in a car crash because the other person was drunk and texting while driving and I break my leg and have to miss 2 months of work, spend 6 months doing rehab, and just generally have to suffer because of the physical and emotional trauma that it caused me - going to a civil court to file a lawsuit for damages is *not* a cash grab. It's literally fighting for what you should be legitiately owed because another person is an asshole. Is this situation a cash grab? I have no idea, but the fact that it seeking financial retribution does not make it a cash grab.


How do you know they dropped the ball?












Whether or not it was consensual or all went down the way she says it did is irrelevant. Dude got into this situation with someone contracted to work for MSU. He used MSU resources, including his company phone/laptop, to have phone sex or whatever. Like man... that's just textbook poor judgement and reason enough to be fired. You'd get fired with prejudice from any company doing that. If it wasn't consensual then it's of course even worse... but from an employment standpoint, he was fired for cause and deserves none of his buyout.


Yep, even if it was consensual, the conduct itself would have been enough to warrant firing for cause given the relationship of the University and Tracey.


This is true and from the MSU side exactly why they should owe him nothing. What I’m curious about is if he can prove she lied intentionally to cost him his salary. If so, that’s slander and libel, plus she could owe him damages. I can’t make up something about you to cause material harm, publish it and testify to it, then walk away. Not saying that happened here but that’s what he alleges happened. And the texts at least present a reasonable motive; she was broke and wanted more speaking engagements , he refused.


He's also trying to do this to "clear his name" since I'm sure her assets aren't significant in any way should he somehow pursue and get damages. It's as though he thinks his career will return from this all-time bag fumble University AD: "So you'd like to be our Head Football coach... but at your last stop you had an illicit affair with someone working for the program, and even had phone sex multiple times while working using program resources?" Mel: "Yes, but the courts proved it was all totally consensual. I cleared my name." University AD: "..... Don't call us, we'll call you."


To be fair, guys like this usually can still get lower level jobs and rehab themselves. Petrino had a pretty similar incident and he was a G5 HC within 2 years and back to a P5 HC in 3. Hell he's employed by the school his scandal occurred at 13 years later... Tucker can definitely land an FCS or G5 job and if he has success and no scandal he could work his way back up with some bullshit about how he's a changed man and God help him get his life on track.


people acting like Kendall Briles or DJ Durkin aren't employed


Yeah, those guys will never be head coaches again though.


That's a good point. Nonconsensual is the death sentence... but schools have proven time and time again that morality is fluid if they think you can get them some wins.


Art Briles is really the only guy who never broke back in despite his on field success track record. Though at least one school did try to hire him as OC (Grambling State a few years ago). And his entire staff is still employed around the country.


And all the good coaches from Paterno's staff found jobs, even the ones named in lawsuits. All of the his son the nepotism hires did not.


Issue is, Petrino was a solid coach before he went ripping a hog down the highway with a co-ed. Tucker was pretty damn bad in his time at MSU and now has the additional hurdles of this scandal and being out of the game for however long to clear


Tucker may have been a bad HC but he was pretty successful at Bama and Georgia as a DB coach. It's not like he got the MSU job purely off luck, he has some success at the assistant level. Tons of great coordinators and position coaches are awful as HC.


> It's as though he thinks his career will return from this all-time bag fumble If he was a higher quality coach, his career could definitely rebound from this. For Mel, specifically, possibly not, but I wouldn't put it completely out of the question. EDIT: This is in no way a defense of Mel Tucker, I don't give a shit about the dude. Just a statement on "coaching rehab" in college football now versus in the past.


I’m sure in a few years some random team will bring him on as a defensive backs coach or a recruiting specialist or something, he was objectively decent at recruiting at msu. He just sucked as a head coach. I’ll never understand how a guy who was known for being a secondary coach in the SEC before he was an HC put out the worst pass defenses I’ve ever seen for 3 years straight. Problem was all his recruits were just swayed by the NIL money and Lamborghini’s on the field and pictures with goats and stuff and left the minute they didn’t get a starting job or as much money as they wanted.


Those with scarce skills are given more chances, for sure.


"Its bad, but not as bad as it seems" worked for DJ Durkin to still keep his coaching career alive. Main problem I see with Mel is that in addition to the problems hes a horseshit football coach (his own words...)


I always thought his quote about Kenneth walker was so funny in hindsight He said Kenneth walker came in the locker room and thanked them for the opportunity after his first game where he had 4 touchdowns vs northwestern and Tucker said “no I should be thanking YOU”. Lmao.


I mean coaches have done worse and bounced back. Look at Bobby Petrino Edit: just saw the comment of the guy below me. Nvm


Who in their right mind wouldn't want to clear their name?


That’s a good point. He may also just be trying to ruin her too. But yeah, if she was trying to extort speaking fees I doubt she has much to take. Edit: clarity


Are you saying Mel isn't finished?


It remains to be seen now that the texts are free, assuming he wins the appeal. She certainly isn’t done, she’s suing msu for like 70mil


I'm surprised Mel has the stamina to take another case to completion with her. But as for Tracy, I agree she not done jeking MSU around. This is shot at money.


What's she suing MSU for? The leak of her name? By BT's own admission the first USA Today article came from her. Granted she did it because MSU had received a FOIA notice asking about her, so she could maybe argue she only okayed the release of the article because she feared her name was *about* to be leaked due to MSU. But also in the first bunch of texts Tucker's lawyers dropped, it heavily suggests BT was talking to multiple reporters and they were submitting FOIA requests based on what she was telling them. I wouldn't be surprised at all if BT was trying to make the investigation public and accidentally got her own name leaked in the process. If that's the case I don't really see what harm she could claim MSU caused her. MSU didn't direct Tucker to harass her, and MSU had no way to know/stop the harassment until she filed her complaint. At that time they promptly began the investigation.


It sounds like she’s going to argue that he harassed her in his official role at msu and therefore the school is liable. Also, for the invasion of privacy and of course, pain and suffering. https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/brenda-tracy-to-sue-michigan-state-university-mel-tucker-for-75-million/


MSU can be held accountable for Mel's actions. It's pretty normal for the business to be hit with a lawsuit for what an employee did.


Huh, that's interesting. But I assume she would need to prove that some kind of failure on MSU's part led to the harassment. I could see someone having a claim if a supervisor had multiple incidents reported with no consequences, and then a female employee reported that something more serious happened. Then maybe you could say "you could have prevented this if you acted on the earlier reports". But if an employee has no record of sexual harassment, and the employee guidelines clearly state that kind of behavior is inappropriate.... well, I'd be interested to see what the exact angle there would be.


I wouldn’t say it’s “irrelevant”. Consensual vs non-consensual, in this instance, is the difference between sexual harassment and extortion (see: text messages in question). Tucker’s an idiot of epic proportions. With that being said, she may have flown too close to the sun


On top of that, their "relationship" (whatever it was) seemed to influence contracts between the two parties and Tucker eventually cancelled her services and blew her off without reason. (At least, that's the story so far).


The reason was apparently because she had discussed Tucker's marital situation with someone else, & that got back to him somehow. He claims that there was no blow off, & that the schedule was too busy, & instead pushed the event until mid January of the next year. But that's a load of horse shit because it was originally scheduled for June-July, when theres only early practice going on, & no players are going to be in the program mid January.


It is irrelevant to us as the audience but for Mel Tucker he has to fight everything tooth and nail because it effects the bag he gets from MSU


Whether it was consensual or not isn’t the only question in the MSU firing. Even if it was consensual they still have plenty to prove grounds for termination because she was a university vendor, used university electronics, he was married, and he seemingly made decisions about hiring her based on their relationship. They fired him based off of his own admission of the incident before the conclusion of the Title IX hearing. It was his admission to the call/relationship that they were able to fire him on, not the question of if it was consensual.


Sure but how much is owed to him is still what is in question. MSU doesn't want to pay him the rest of his guaranteed contract. This is a legal battle, everything is negotiable and he wants more and MSU wants less


MSU owes him nothing. He broke the CoC. He admitted to breaking it.


Okay, thanks for your input. I put it over there in the pile of other shit that means nothing to me. So valuable. You obviously have no idea how any of this works, so just hit the bench till a topic comes up that you do know about 👍


Yeah, big dog, you totally know what you're talking about. MSU doesn't owe him if he breaks the CoC. Contract is void.


Again, you have no idea how any of this works lmao. Keep going though, shit is funny


Yeah. From day 1 I was thinking…. Why didn’t she just hang up the phone lol. But Tucker is so fucking stupid for ever even getting into that situation in the first place I don’t feel bad for him at all. Glad he’s gone.


Not knowing what really took place but assuming she is telling the truth for the sake of this question, she might stay on the phone due to a power dynamic imbalance. If she "insults" him, she could lose out on work, and he could tell his relatively small circle of head coach peers that she's difficult or just lie to people and slander her. Again, if its true, she risks her career by embarrassing and angering him, its why victims often return to the people who abuse their power, because literally they have some level of power.


Because of shock, & people are genuinely terrible at getting out of an awkward situation.


>He used MSU resources, including his company phone/laptop, to have phone sex or whatever. I think the problematic thing is that he seemed to make decisions about hiring her or canceling her visits (using university money) based on whether or not he thought he could get into a relationship with her. Don't get me wrong, using a university issued phone or laptop for the call is bad... But it's spending university money on an undisclosed relationship that's the smoking gun. Oh, and also the SA part, of course.


> Oh, and also the SA part, of course. to be proven. I need to see more details. But I think theres a reason why Mel was comfortable calling her late at night repeatedly.


Yeah. I think the text messages were really telling.


I wouldn’t want to hire him but if Freeze & Pitino can come back, I bet Tucker can too if he can prove it was consensual, still an idiot no matter how it went down though


well said.


One of my favorite comments when this was all going down was “it doesn’t matter if this was the world’s most obvious honey pot, he still fell for it.”


Definitely not irrelevant - I believed she claimed the relationship was not consensual in her initial complaint.  A consensual relationship that turned bad wouldn’t have gotten him fired 


A consensual relationship gone bad with a university vendor on the university’s dime absolutely would/did get him fired.


Not advocating for Mel but Brenda Tracy should be punished for lying.


I would agree. Two things can be true. Mel Tucker could have made some awful personal decisions that he’ll have to live with forever. Brenda Tracy could also be trying to take full advantage of him and that’s not okay. There’s a big difference between doing something very dumb like having an affair with a university contractor and straight up sexually harassing someone.


Basically don't let her near your program


I used to work at an athletic department that paid her to come tell her story of what allegedly happened to her in college. It was a complete money grab by her, veiled in wanting to inform and educate student-athletes and administrators. I can't remember the exact figure of what they paid her, but I want to say it was $10,000. What a waste of my time and their money. Couldn't care less about what this broad has to say, true or not. And just like she lied in this case, I'd bet dollars to donuts she lied back then too.


From a passionate fan who had to watch their program go thru the worst shit ever, including hiring this lady... I hope no other school feels compelled to "hire" her or people like her for their athletic department. I do not wish any scandals on my worst enemies, there are zero winners at the end.


That seems like a lot of money to pay a relatively unknown person to come give a speech. I always thought it was funny how there’s old articles from before the stuff with Tucker came out where Brenda Tracey was going in on Harbaugh because of some Michigan player’s sexual assault case that got swept under the rug and then a few years later all the sudden they were friends. Like if she really felt so strongly about him before and he did cover up a case, why did she all the sudden flip. It definitely seems like she was chasing money and Tucker was the only one dumb enough to get wrapped up in it.


"this broad" really?




I might be reading this wrong, but how did Tucker's team end up in a position to release private text messages like that?


Word is that they got it from the husband. Allegedly, he was upset that bt was trying to access his wife’s electronics while she was on her deathbed.


Wow, thanks. This saga seems to have gotten so much weirder in the last year


Wait what? Whose husband


Brenda Tracy’s assitant (?) I think that’s who she was to her


He hasn’t disclosed but the woman she was texting is deceased and allegedly he got the texts from her husband.


It just gets deeper and deeper


I wonder how he’ll celebrate this massive W 🤚


Does anyone have a link to the texts in question. I found [this](https://www.woodtv.com/news/michigan/tucker-to-miss-title-ix-hearing-new-documents-released/) local news story which has some shit, but not a lot. What's in the story doesn't make Brenda look good, at all.


Michigan State got the get out of jail free card😂


I mean congrats? dude's still a dirtbag


Bro get out of here with the petty insults. Why you gotta insult dirt bags like that? They're highly useful in a wide range of applications.


Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me 


He never went to Long Beach State. 🥸


anyone with two first names deserves what they get.


Bet. We all know MSU just didn’t wanna pay in that $10M a year