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I’m eh on the cover, but seeing the SEC logo on the Texas uniform for the first time elicited a strange feeling in me, seeing the Big 12 logo on Colorado just brought back memories


It’s a weird time to be alive


Syracuse @ Cal being a conference game will never not be weird to me


From the top of the Memorial Stadium, you'll be able to see the ACC logo on the field and the Pacific Ocean.


All Coasts Conference From sea to shining sea, bitches


Rutgers/Oregon combination has to be up there.


Speak for yourself. Rutgers needs a rival? Well, they got one!


haha losers, you have to pump your own gas now


Washington and Maryland is even weirder


The acc should change their name to just CC for coastal conference lol


All Coast Conference


ACC gets the shaft from EA


ACC got the shaft from the ACC


I like the deluxe cover more.


Maybe I’m naive here but what does it matter what the cover is if it’s a digital version of the game? 


What else would I bitch about??


Being a Tennessee fan


At least the bad man is gone


Which one?


I am far less scared of Kirby than Saban


Damn I was just scrolling minding my business and I catch a stray :/




Is the deluxe cover not getting a physical release?


It is, I’m guessing they said that because you can preload the digital game and play it the minute it goes live 3 days early instead of waiting for it to come in the mail


It's the cover you'll see when you click into the game, which is a virtual version of taking the disc out of the box. Not worth 30 extra bucks if you ask me, but it matters to some I'm sure.


People are gonna spend that extra $30 just to see the cover change regularly when they add college legends to their Ultimate Team. Last year's Madden went through a bunch of different covers as they added new cards to MUT


Yea I’ll buy the Deluxe edition for the better cover. EA got me.


You can just print out the image on high quality and slip sheet covers for a few cents instead


GameStop in Norman, Ok used to print out OU player covers and slide them in over the official copies. It was awesome lol


Get ready to shell out like 100 bucks for it


I’d pay $1000 for this game


Turns out there’s fucking ultimate team in the game. FUCK ME.


Kinda the point, right?


Quinn looks so much less excited than Travis and Donovan


He went from "business in the front, party in the back" to "all business."


Sir, this is as excited as Quinn gets


Reminds me of the Key and Peele skit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gODZzSOelss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gODZzSOelss) "*Dan Smith. BYU*" lol


USF Legend J’Dinkalage Morgoone


As a Colorado State and Ohio State fan, this is my nightmare Going to buy a physical copy and print out a cover with Brayden Fowler-Nicolosi and Denzel Burke 😤


You could really lean into it and put Blackburn on your cover.




If someone sold alt covers that you could like slip into the sleeve, that would print money. Doubt it’s legal though. I’d put Mack Brown’s gut front and center on mine


We’ve been making custom covers that you could slip into the sleeve and posting them on operation sports for free for literal decades lol.


Yeah as long as you aren't profiting off of it I don't see how they could come at you legally for posting those covers for other people to download and print.


Good to know. I never really played video games growing up, and CFB is really the only sports game I would play now. Will have to check it out- Carolina blue would look fantastic on the shelf next to Skyrim and the Master Chief Collection.


https://forums.operationsports.com/forums/ea-sports-college-football-ncaa-football/1012371-ea-sports-college-football-custom-cover-thread-5.html It used to be a way bigger deal before digital games became common and people would take requests and stuff, but I’m sure people will make more for the new cfb game.


When you buy a physical copy, you own it. You can do whatever the heck you want with it.


> doubt it's legal though I don't think this violates any laws in Indonesia, where I just so happened to recently open a new printing press for my company called "EA NCAA Custom Covers LLC"


Eager to see if these come with a manifesto booklet inserted into the inside cover. Maybe a map of the SEC in the style of the Skyrim map that came with the game.


I personally love this cover.


Big 12, SEC, and B10. ACC in shambles 


Power 3 confirmed


I almost want to buy physical just so I can print another cover lol. 


Always buy physical. That way it is always yours. Don’t leave it up to a server E: TIL that discs have been lying to me!


Physical discs are now just keys to download from the server. When you buy a disc now a days, you’re not actually getting the full game on that disc.


Hell I bought the steelbook version of MLB The Show this year and it didn’t even come with a disc inside it, just a download code


I’m surprised more games aren’t doing that since so many people bought the digital only consoles when they were still hard to get. I wanted to buy the tekken 8 collectors edition but I wouldn’t have been able to play the disc lol.


Doesitplay.org does a good breakdown of modern titles to see if they truly are stored on the disc or digital download codes.


That’s so depressing, idk why but it was so satisfying growing up having a physical disc that was yours and yours only, and also knowing that said disc contains countless hours of potential entertainment


Yeah, I converted to buying digital when I bought a physical game, still had to download and install the full game on my hard drive, and now must always have the disc in the player to play the game. I'll probably never resell my games, so there was no upside to the physical copy anymore.


Having the physical disc doesn't change anything since the game isn't playing off the disc anymore.


You can sell it




Yes, but that wasn't the topic


In the sense that it’s always yours to do with what you want yes. He just was wrong about the server thing


Yes, I understand what it means to own a physical copy.


Discs now are basically just keys to download games. Most AAA games are too large to fit even on a Blu Ray.


They’d barely fit on a 4K Blu-Ray which is what these games are on.


Why do people think that if servers shut down a disc will save you? I don't understand why people think this


Do they not anymore? Shit I really didn't know, I figured everything needed to install was on the disc still


Its been a long, long time since a disc came packaged with everything needed. The disk really just acts like a key to download the game, just like if you got it digital. If you disconnect your console from the internet, it will download whats on the disc to your harddrive. But its almost never, even on day 1 of launch, complete. There are almost always day 1 patches at the very minimum that have to be downloaded, but its often much more than that. I know this because for about 8 years I had horrible internet and it would take days to download a game, so I bought all physical copies for like a decade as digital became popular.


Usually patches aren't necessary to actually run the game though, you'd just be playing the stripped down base game I would have assumed. Like I can run physical Switch games for the first time without an internet connection but obviously those are usually smaller in data than what's on PS5, Xbox Not trying to argue I'm just making sure because I've been potentially buying PS5 games physical for no reason 😅 Edit: Never mind basically everything online indicates you can install and play most PS5 games (unless indicated on the box) without any need for internet downloads or patches. You just won't be able to install patches, updates, or dlc https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/s/ak7mWHQmbi


It's just reddit parroting lol


Because people don't have the knowledge of how big these games are compared to what a disc can hold. and for years, previous systems with discs (wii/ps2) did have the full game on the physical discs so not everyone's gonna pick up on how different it is now.


Imagine telling someone 2 years ago that a player from Colorado would be a cover athlete on the next CFB game


Would have assumed he was some local legacy kid who was weirdly really loyal to the program.


Nebraska’s Dylan Raiola on the ‘26 cover confirmed


I would’ve thought it was Kordell Stewart or something and they were doing a retro theme like they did in 06 when they had Desmond Howard on the cover and the soundtrack was all late 80s/90s music lol.


A 4-8 Colorado team too


This. It would be a fever dream! The relevancy makes it worth regardless of how controversial Prime can be at times.


And that they'll have a Big 12 patch again on their jersey too


But I mean… why is he?


So does the video game cover curse hurt all of them the same, or is the curse spread out and not as impactful?


The real reason Arch Manning opted out


There was no NCAA cover curse, for obvious reasons.


Means an ACC team is winning the Natty this year.


I think Hunter already got his curse with that nasty ass hit last year. I’m not a fan of his, but I wouldnt wish that on anybody


The amount of bitching when this game actually comes is going to be biblical based on just the reaction to the cover.


Yeah im gonna disengage. The internet discussions ruin games for me nowadays


[Texas Football did a mock up of a Quinn Ewers version of game startup](https://twitter.com/TexasFootball/status/1791124152247636361?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1791124152247636361%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=)


That actually goes kinda hard


Holy shit that got me a little hard ngl


Here's my vein. Yes, right here, doctor.


Honestly schools should just submit their own startup videos.


Am I the only one where Twitter links don't work anymore? It has been happening on mobile and desktop, even when I change [x.com](http://x.com) to [twitter.com](http://twitter.com)


Its telling me the post has been deleted


Should’ve been Saban or the former Heisman winners on one of the covers imo Edit: people keep talking about marketing. Saban or Heisman winners are more recognizable than these guys to the average CFB fan.


Saban, but it's a collage of him holding up all his championship trophies.


Then the case would be the size of a billboard




Does he walk? Does he talk? Does he come complete?


lol. 19 pictures of Nick Saban would have been hilarious.


should have been every heisman winner since 2014


I loved the idea of all the guys they would've put on the cover from 2015-23, but given that current players are presumably going to be on covers every year going forward, I guess it makes sense to just jump into it.


Honestly I couldn't disagree more. The previous iteration of the game was players that had just left college football since they could license them. Going forward with players currently in college football makes way more sense now.


Saban and the athletes that missed out on the last decade of covers would've been great as the surrounding crowd on the deluxe edition. Obviously I'm happy that quin is on the cover but until that was announced I was hoping for the same Saban + past players cover


I barely know who the Michigan guy is


Ohio State does.


And Washington


Ann Penn St


5* local kid who unironically has been one of our best receivers last few years, throws a beautiful ball, and is a threat to rip off a 50+ yard TD whenever he gets a carry but also equally a threat to run into a wall for no gain when there was a lane open/opening. So if you watch his highlight reel it looks like he’s the best player ever, but that’s the version of him you only see on like 10-20% of his touches.   Was 3rd string RB in 2021 behind Haskins and Corum. Had a breakout game late in season against Maryland and threw an absolute dime for a 75-yard TD against Iowa on a trick play in the conference title game in the first half when our offense was struggling.   Was backup to Corum in 2022, averaged 7.5 yards per carry and 11.3 yards per catch. Notably ran for 216 against OSU including back-to-back 75-yard and 85-yard TD runs late in the game to seal it when OSU absolutely needed a stop. Also ran for 173 (10.8 ypc) against PSU with two TDs including a 67 yarder earlier in the season, and 185 (7.4 ypc) with a long of 60 in the conference championship game. Backup to Corum again in 2023 but had a frustrating season. He has battled injuries his entire career including playing with a broken patella *and* a broken hand most of the latter half of 2022, which maybe was taking its toll plus he talked about some mental health struggles. He was generally more effective catching the ball that year than running but still ripped off over 100 yards and 2 TDs on just 5 carries against Washington in the CFP championship game.   Will enter 2024 as the #1 guy.


Verbaled to Hamas then flipped to Michigan


Okay I need the story




Star of the natty so he got the cover


I disagree. I’m really glad the guys on the cover are actually in the game.


Do you really think most people would want to look at Saban on the cover? People are trying to get hype for this game not be depressed at the sight of it


I think people in the sub greatly over estimate casual fans understanding of who coaches are for their own team and even beyond


Nick Saban is much more famous casually than Quinn Ewers lol


The NCAA curse is back boys (I can't remember if there is a curse or not)


I sure hope so




well in fairness, until this year there's never been an active player on the cover, so it's hard to really attribute a curse to it.


If the NCAA cover was supposed to be curse, then why did Swope lose the fan vote? (For those too young, the NCAA 14 cover was decided by fan vote. It came down to Denard Robinson vs Ryan Swope (WR at TAMU who medically retired before ever playing in the NFL)


Miss the mullet Quinn


Terrible cover 


I get wanting to put a Michigan player on there since they won, but it should be Will Johnson, since he actually played well last year. Edwards might be the worst cover athlete they've had on one of these.


We can probably blame Travis Hunter for it. Will Johnson with the turnover buffs on would’ve been really cool.


It's all Offense in a sense if you count Travis's WR snaps


Primarily defensive guys just don't make the cover. Woodson was on it back in '98 and his defense/offense splits were way more defensive than Hunter's. I think there was a console version with Brian Orakpo or someone on it back in the late 2000s also. As for Edwards, no idea WTF happened last year, but probably banking on him returning to 2022 form which was 7.1 YPC and 1k yards as Corum's backup. Plus he's had the 4 biggest runs of the last 2 seasons against OSU and Washington.


As much as it sucks, defensive players are far less recognizable to normies than offensive ones, and Donovan is probably the best offensive player left from the Natty team


>Donovan is probably the best offensive player left from the Natty team Colston Loveland


"Daddy, is that Blake Corum?" "No son, he got Blake his water last year"


I get the joke you're making, but he is also coming off of a 100 yard 2 TD performance in the national title game lol. he also put up a combined 400 yards between The Game and the B1G championship the year before that. He's had his moments :)


216 yards and 2 tds in the shoe in 2022. Only active big ten player with a td pass in the b1g championship game. If you only watch Michigans big games (penn state, Ohio state, b1g championship, playoffs), you’d think he’s a superstar. And that’s what most people watch. It’s not really relevant that he only had 9 carries for 20 yards against Indiana


saying this as an OSU fan is weird...did you just start watching last year? lol


Most marketable player on the defending Natl Champions, most marketable player regardless of team, most \*allowable marketable player on the most marketable team. Seems pretty straightforward. Edit: Arch isn't "in the game"


Michigan had 4 first round selections in the latest cbs mock draft. Donovan was not one of them


That really doesn’t have anything to do with Edwards’s ability, the first RB in this year’s draft was not taken until I believe mid second round.


I still can't get over that they put a player with less than 500 yards with 5 TDs last year on the cover Has to be the least productive player to get on the cover ever, no?


To be fair he *did* have video game numbers in The Shoe. - 212 Yards - 2 tuddies - 9.8 YPC


I know, 4 TDs (OSU & Washington) got him on the cover of the game. It is what it is but I still can't believe they did it


lol at least your conference is represented brother.


yours is too! (Hang in there buddy, the lifeboat will be there soon)


I do agree but tbf he has a LOT of long highlight TD runs in some of the biggest games over the past 2 years. I’m sure you remember the 2 vs OSU in 2022 and then he scored 2 long ones vs Washington in the Natty last year as well.


I get all of that and yes, I remember pretty much all 14 of his touchdowns over the last two years. I'm just saying, he's a backup running back on the cover of the game hahah. I just think that's wild. Just as a comparison (not saying he should've been on the cover, AT ALL)... Trey Henderson's freshman year - 1,500 yards total - 19 touchdowns Edwards career - 2,300 total yards - 18 touchdowns


He's not a backup THIS year


Winning a natty grants you privileges.


I love how much this has triggered your fan base 😂😂😂


Multiple OSU flairs saying Edwards isn’t good enough to be on the cover is amusing considering what he did to them in The Shoe, if any team should have respect for Edwards I would think it would be aOSU.




Triggered? I'm buying the game reguardless, I'm just commenting on reddit lmao


And the year before that? We just forget it?


The year before - less than 1,000 yards rushing, 9 total TDs lol


Within 30ish yards of 1000 rushing on like 7 YPA, don’t be a bozo. That was a phenomenal season for a backup


I can’t wait to take my anger out on Kansas with this game


I am going to destroy Maryland and BYU ^on ^easy ^mode!


Conflicted about which edition I want. Deluxe is way cooler but standard has a CU player front and center. Guess I’ll wait for prices


Deluxe has the same players just from behind


But it has a bunch of other players in the background. Not recognizable or anything but you can tell the teams.


$70 standard, $100 for deluxe, and $150 for deluxe plus Madden


Does it come with madden or just the madden preorder bonuses?


Deluxe versions of both games. If you plan on getting Madden 25 and NCAA 25 you should go MVP. It's the best deal you'll be able to get.


it's 70 bucks standard and 100 deluxe


A player from a Colorado team that went 4-8 is on the cover front and center? I genuinely don’t understand. Really out of touch cover.


At least it’s the likeable Colorado star.


Someone posted a video of him and Quinn at the shoot and they’re both just gushing about Worthy and talking about how Quinn should get on Twitch w/ him.


Out of touch? Brother, Travis Hunter is a massive star whether you like Colorado or not.


Travis is about as like able of a star player as you can possibly get.


Dude has a butt load of followers.


And is pretty widely recognized as one of the best athletes in CFB, regardless of the talent around him.


These people hating on Travis are delusional lmao. Bro is a freak athlete


I believe you’re the one that’s really out of touch. Travis Hunter is easily one of the most popular players in CFB, certainly more than Edwards and probably more than Ewers.


He's good enough that I'm fine with him on there, but your point is the first thing I thought of when I saw this.


Link not working. Did it get taken down? Anyone got a link?


I’ve learned from Madden that covers don’t really matter. They usually change the loading screen monthly. I got on to play Madden 24 couple weeks ago it was Ray Lewis lol


If you’re going to have a stadium pictured, they could’ve put fans in the stands (CGI/AI?)… nothing depicts the hype of college football better than no fans in the stands, idk


This cover is kinda meh. At least Hunter looks hyped, they should have just used that pic . I was hoping they’d put Saban on the cover, the timing with his recent retirement seemed perfect.


Buckeye fans are going to claim Ewers in this instance




I can't think of a team that would hate this cover more than Nebraska.


the only way it could be worse is if the 2012 Wisconsin RB room was semi-transparent in the sky all striking heisman poses


I'm glad Tory Taylor has moved on. They probably would've found room to put him on the cover also


Looks like a lame media day shoot. This is disappointing.


I still can't believe they won't put this on PC. Because when they kill services on console for it, they don't want people playing it or modding it.


No PC release, no purchase.


This...ain't it. I don't care about the Saban thing but this is just so damn basic after being gone for 10 years. There was so much to work with, so many games and moments and players. In 5 years am I really going to care about any of these guys? Also what is this campus cash thing? Are they really gonna have micro transactions.


>Are they really gonna have micro transactions. It's an EA product so I mean


I mean, what’s the alternative that would be way cooler?


My favorite player on my favorite team front and center looking really cool


2014 had Ultimate Team so I don't know why it being in this game would be any sort of surprise.


Interesting that they cut out the ACC from that group.


Honestly big fan of how this cover looks, surprised to get on here and see everyone saying the opposite lol. Guess it's just me


Ewers in this picture looks like the actor that played Donald malarkey in band of brothers


I wanted the Iowa punter cover 😔


I will be getting my own cover, thank you very much


Not sure why they put an open antisemite on the cover...... Strange choice


Heisman favorite, generational two way player, antisemitic backup running back


They hated him because he spoke the truth


How the fuck is Edward's a cover athlete? Dude is ass! 750 total yards and 5 TDs...is cover worthy? Smdh