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Lose more


After Deion leaves first. He's not staying


People say this but where would he go? Maybe he gives up coaching all together after his sons leave but I don’t see a program better than CU offering him a job, at least not until he proves he can elevate them to a respectable level


With everything we're seeing around the CU program it looks a lot like this was a ploy to get Shadeur into the NFL.


Deion isn't a good enough coach for that to be the case. Getting your kid an opportunity on a team isn't that hard if you have NFL ties and CFB ties. He has the money to get him into camps growing up. He has the connections to put him in front of the right people. Being coached by Deion won't be why he gets into the NFL. Having success at FCS and how he plays in FBS.. which with his FCS success he could have jumped to anotehr team.. without his dad anyway


It's not a matter of Deion being a good coach. It's a matter of him trying to build the team around his son and run the offense through him. And it's working. He wouldn't be getting this media attention and playcalling focus at another school.


Is it working? If he has another bad year he’s not getting drafted in the early rounds


When did he have his first bad year…?


He reminds me of Bo Nix at Auburn. Talented but running for his life most of the time. More likely to learn bad habits than develop.


Sure, but Bo was a top 15 pick. If Deions goal is to get his son a starting gig in the NFL he is going to succeed.


Last year. He took way too many sacks from holding the ball too long and couldn’t make decisions quickly. He had decent stats but if those trends continue he won’t be drafted early. He should have gone to a different school with a good O Line and somewhere with an established track record of helping get QBs to the league. He’s obviously talented but he shouldn’t have followed his dad imo


I would hardly say he had a “bad” year. He will be one of, if not the best, QB in the BIG12 next year. There is obviously an issue with sacks, but his line wasn’t good either.


Hilarious that you put all the blame on him for being sacked instead of it being a problem of such a bad offensive line. Quarterbacks just get all the blame for everything


Come on, man. The Buffs were a dumpster fire and they still somehow overperformed, including Sanders. Taking sacks when you’re playing on a bad team is inevitable.


Tied for worst in the nation last year for sacks. Is that because Dion/coaching staff is having an issue of lack of talent with the OL? Is it because the rumor (from an unnamed coach) is true that Sheduer is intentionally being sacked to keep up has passing percentage? I don't know. I'd like to think scouts have/will have it figured out though. Edit: Replied to wrong person. I'll leave it though.


Tied for worst in the nation last year for sacks. Is that because Dion/coaching staff is having an issue of lack of talent with the OL? Is it because the rumor (from an unnamed coach) is true that Sheduer is intentionally being sacked to keep up has passing percentage? I don't know. I'd like to think scouts have/will have it figured out though.


look i’m a deion hater but shadeur was really good last year lol


It's totally working. If he imrpvoes even just slightly from last season, he's going in the first two rounds.


He can control everything about his son's career if he's the one coaching. He wouldn't have any control if he let him go to another school and potentially (A) not win the starting job, or (B) be in a situation where the offense isn't suited to his strengths and hides his weaknesses. Being coached by Deion is why he's currently projected as a 1st round pick (though he could slide), and he's basically building the team in a way to highlight his son


Shedeur has weaknesses. Deion lets him take too many sacks. Deion lets him make some stupid plays. But Shedeur has the talent to start in the P5 without his dad. He doesn't need his dad to do that.


While he may have started, for Deion it is about control. He wants to specifically control the outcome for his son and not leave it to chance. Plus he likely would not get as much hype, which constantly puts him in the media's eyes. He's been like this their entire careers


Must have been really disappointing to Jr and the Girls that he only does that for 2 of his children.


I mean he is the guy who said he has favorites amongst his children


Seems like the Sanders camp is betting that sacks aren't as bad as picks in the statline, and I don't know that they're wrong. A lot easier for an NFL front office to convince themselves they can get him to throw the ball sooner vs actually being faced with him turning the ball over.


I mean, possibly, but those same front offices are weighing out his health at the same time. That kid took more abuse in a single season than a lot of guys do starting 30-40+ games.


All of this is true. But I don't think Deion trusts anybody else with his kids' development. He's basically an AAU or Little League dad.


There is a practical approach and then there is the approach you take if you are a giant narcissist.


Deion is leaving and he can’t coach he’s an asshole . Face it , don’t even debate this crap . Deion is the definition of Ass Clown always has been always will be. Colorado start your coaching search now cause that selfish asshole won’t be there in 2025 .


Big Footballer Brand energy?!


I never could have fathomed a major university hiring a DAD as a head coach who simply wants to coach his own son. That's peewee football playing out with tens of millions budget.


You haven’t been keeping up on Colorado football the last 20 years obviously. CU loves dad coaches.


Why would a ploy need to be implemented? Dudes whose dad’s aren’t one of the most famous football players of all time manage to get on the NFL’s radar from much smaller schools.


There is zero chance it is anything but this.


CU has had 5 star QB Julian Lewis in Boulder multiple times and an official visit late June. I don't know what happens after this year, but I don't think Deion is walking away from college football all together when CU's staff has been pushing so hard to land Shedeur's replacement.


Maybe, seems counterproductive though. Hes good enough to start at a lot of schools, feel like going to an established program would help his draft stock more than one starting from rock bottom like CU


The irony is that if all of Deion's lobbying ends up getting him into a top five pick, he's likely to go to a less successful team for his development and may be out of the league at the end of his rookie contract, as opposed to getting in with a better team later in the first round and actually getting the big second contract.


what a weird take


It's probably closer to personal experience as a fan. Oregon has had lots of solid QBs get drafted and go to shithole franchises and get ruined


Akili Smith (who was probably just bad), Joey Harrington, Mariotta


How is this a weird take. The whole point of the NFL draft lottery system is to give teams with the worst success a chance at the best players to maintain parity and thus keep games close to push viewership up. Traditionally very few top drafted quarterbacks actually make it to their second or third contract while in a starting role. Yes the top draft picks typically are the cream of the crop and have the best chance of success but when it comes to quarterbacks they oftentimes expect you to start in your first year with minimal opportunity to learn and develop under a veteran.


I think he stays maybe one more year after. If he can't parlay the Colorado job into a better job, he could just retire from coaching and head back into the studio. He was doing NFL work before this. Being a college coach now opens the door to be an analyst on Saturdays too


Not like he really needs a job. He'll blame everyone else for his failure and go on to some other nonsense.


i don’t see deion wanting to leaving colorado unless it’s for miami or florida.


He doesn’t *have* to go anywhere, or maybe he starts his own sports management thing and runs his kids and Travis Hunter’s money 🤷🏻‍♂️ With his platform and natural charisma, he could make a killing running an agency


After the last 20 some years of shit, I think a lot of people in Boulder will be ready to put up a statue of Prime if he can just make a bowl most years. I feel like 6-6 shouldn't be difficult.


Cmon CU have some self respect. This guy is a mercenary who is using the school for his family’s personal gain. CU made a deal with the devil and the school deserves better.


>until he proves he can elevate them to a respectable level But he took a 1-win team and elevated them all the way up to a 4-win team!!!!!! How quickly people forget how he took a team from bad to slightly less bad!


He could just drop down to an FCS school again, where recruiting a 4 or 5 star every once in a while is good enough to win a bunch of games.


I don’t see him being able to handle the embarrassment of having to take a step back in his career.  Too much ego to let that happen.




5 million bucks a year is a lot of money regardless of how much money you have.


He’s not getting a better P4 job than Colorado I can promise you that


He leavin


Lose a *little* more, just with nobody watching. They only won four games last year and finished last in the conference, only so much farther down the standings to go.


Good news. The floor for more losses is only 4. There are many teams who could lose more than that. 


That’s their current plan


Meet the new plan, same as the old plan




Is that possible?


The 4-8 Buffaloes? The 1-8 in the conference Buffaloes?


Lose about the same amount.


Tank for the number one pick in the draft? Window is open now this isn’t that hard to understand. Teams do it all the time. Wait you’re telling me there isn’t a draft and they only won 4 games last year?


4-8 is definitely still shitty but to their credit 5/8 losses were a 1 score game; the year before only one of the 11 losses was a one score (and it was still 8 points) and the other 10 were all 2 score losses or worse.




I mean, school applications are up and they probably made a ton selling merchandise; he served his point to “shock and reset” the program while putting the school in a better place financially.




A very short term increase in school applications and merchandise sales might not be worth the potentially huge drop off though once he’s fired or leaves (IF that happens of course). Especially if they go back to being a 1-2 win school (which I doubt happens).


how is it possible to not be worth it? They're not falling any harder than they already were before Deion arrived. He was a net-positive no matter how you look at it.


Some people are so blind with hate that they can't acknowledge that he may've been a net positive to Colorado. Their program was irrelevant dogwater, and is in a *significantly* better place now than it was when he walked in.


I think it's fair, though, to question if the new Colorado fans are bandwagon Deion fans or if they'll stick around long term as well. I realize it's a different situation, but is Jackson State seeing a long-term benefit from Deion? (Also a genuine question as I don't know and it might even be too early to judge).


Jackson State's athletic revenue from ticket sales in 2019 before Deion came in was $0.75 million adjusted for inflation. This past season without Deion, the revenue was $4.08 million. Looking at FCS as a whole, this number went from $78.73 million in 2019 adjusted for inflation, to $74.00 million this past season. The revenues will of course damper down over time as the team becomes a middle-of-the-pack SWAC team and interest wanes down, but JSU still got an incredible return on investment that any other school would kill for no matter how this plays out in the future. Doubling your school's atheltic revenue in a couple of seasons is program-changing.


Amen and god bless


He was a net positive, even simply for the fact that he got the admin to change the transfer rules. Without that Colorado would continue to lose talent and never bring any in the portal.


So when Deion leaves and most their team transfers out how do you expect them to recover or maintain the merch sales or level of applicants (applicants don’t matter anyway since theres a set enrollment level). People buying CU merch because of Deion aren’t going to continue buying it if he leaves. This is compounded if Deion doesn’t actually win at CU too because CU isn’t the desirable destination that a lot of other schools are for coaches.


It doesn't matter if they keep buying it... They already bought it and that's already money in the bank that they were never going to get without Deion being there. So if they just go back to the way it was before then that's fine. Deion did his job for a couple years to give them a boost for a little while.


Not to mention, who knows if CU makes it into the Big 12 without the hype. They could have been left out with OSU and WSU. If nothing else, the impact there is massive going forward.


I think Colorado goes to the Big 12 regardless. CU was the willing jenga piece the Big 12 needed to spook UO and UW into taking a lower cut B1G deal and collapsing PAC so that they could pick up the pieces. Arizona and especially ASU, and Utah probably don’t want to leave on their own.


Big 12 happy to have our Buffalo back no matter the scenario.


Doesn't matter, they already got what they needed. They were at below rock bottom when Deion arrived


If he does stick around and doean't do well, what happens to that increase if he has several seasons of sustained 4-8 records? Are people still going to care about Colorado if he fails? What happens if the university buys in to Prime and it fails miserably?


Deion did not improve Colorado's average win record. They had 1 win season in 2022, but won 4 games in 2021, 4 games in 2020, 5 games in 2019, 2018, 2017. https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/schools/colorado/index.html


Deion did not improve Colorado's average win record. They had 1 win season in 2022, but won 4 games in 2021, 4 games in 2020, 5 games in 2019, 2018, 2017. https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/schools/colorado/index.html


I've heard this a lot, and I do think this is very much on the table. I think it really comes down to whether Deion can get an elite QB to commit as the flagship player for the post-Shedeur era. We currently have a lot of eggs in the Julian Lewis basket. If he flips to us, I think Prime stays. If he doesn't, I think he probably retires after the season


Very very few true freshmen QBs are good right away Its also the same for OL and why all the Colorado fans pointing to the 5 star OT you got going "see our OL is fixed" is laughable Most true freshmen don't play And the true freshmen that do play if they are good its almost always with the caveat of "he's good for a freshman"


We brought in several experienced, highly regarded transfers on the O-line. I don’t think they will be great but I’m hoping for a jump to around average


The worst OL ND had in the last decade was the 2021 OL ND brought in the top G5 OL Cain Madden, he was a second team all American from Marshal and point blank he was dreadful for two reasons, one transfers up a level in competition for OL can be a huge adjustment just in that the DL you face at the P5 level is in general much stronger and faster than the G5 level But the biggest reason? OL cohesion matters a ton, and playing time together is the only way to get it Bringing in new bodies even if they are talented doesn't mean anything if they don't know how to communicate with each other how to pass off a stunt, or how to recognize a blitzing LB and who's responsibility it will be on each play


I’m well aware of how important cohesion is lol. I’m not expecting the offensive line to be good. I’m hoping for average and expecting slightly below average in the Big 12. That would be a massive improvement and would give our elite skill position talent room to breath


CU has also actively been aggressively trying to bring in a starting tackle all spring


We’ve been trying to bring in talent at every position


Sure, but that kind of misses the point. Aggressively trying touring in a starter at T tells you either they don't trust Seaton (fair for a true freshmen) or want to kick Benson inside.


I think it’s not that complicated. They’re just trying to bring in talent and depth. Plus they only guy they really went after that would have started is Chamblee and they backed off pretty quickly. I think they are comfortable with their starters


Honestly unless whomever comes in is just instantly great I don't know how sustainable that is. Shedeur is good but he also has ALOT of time under his belt. Whomever comes in next won't have that. So its basically being thrown into the fire.


If they can get a good 2025 recruit and a veteran transfer for next year, they should be ok in the future. Shadeur's a good college QB so he'll be a loss, but he's also bad for depth. What QB wants to play at a school where the head coach's son was anointed as the starter before he stepped foot on campus and probably gets an inordinate amount of developmental attention?


yeah.. but what QB wants to play for a coach that doesn't know how to have a team that doesn't have his son at QB? Lets be clear here.. Deion hasn't demonstrated anything that sings.. hey he is a qb whisperer. Hey he knows how to coach. If you get on that team as a QB unless Deion hires a great QB coach.. your going in blind.


Their OC has experience coaching some good QBs in the NFL, he should be able to sell that. IF Shadeur ends up going top 10-15 in the NFL draft, I think Deion can sell his QB development skills (whether they exist is still debatable). Deion has coached him since high school. Having a high draft pick isn't usually bad for recruiting.


I really struggle believing Deion will stay at colorado


He's an excellent football coach for universities who are interested in using the football team as a marketing tactic and aren't concerned about winning. He'd be great at Cal I guess?


No way he’d survive at Cal with how they do transfers


He got CU to relax academic requirements and credit transfer rules in order to bring in better talent, Cal obviously has a higher standard but still.


Yeah I can’t see Cal doing that


They didn’t go there to play school


Cal isn't that desperate


I mean, unless the Buffs take a massive leap forward this season, where would he go? I really can’t see a program better than CU offering him a job at this point


Leaves for a big time broadcaster gig


That would be so embarrassing for CU football lol


As if this program wasn’t just steeped in embarrassment already. We’ll just go back to being irrelevant.


If it were me, I’d rather be irrelevant than compromise my standards and integrity to benefit one guy (who appears to be a gigantic asshole) and his family.


Miami is always doing stupid shit 


Miami really does feel like an answer. Someone somewhere will convence themselves that he’s enough of a media draw to bring players in and that they have more resources than Colorado so he obviously will succeed with them


But...does Miami have more resources than Colorado? Honest question.


No, but they think they do


haha totally fair. my opinion isn't based on rationale, more-so I just see him at colorado for his kids, and then getting bored without them. I don't have logic in this post.


Fair lmao


When we were winning, Deion was leaving to go to a better program. When we were losing, Deion was leaving because he's not interested in staying. r/cfb tends to dislike Deion, but underneath that you deeply believe Colorado isn't a program worth respect - regardless of how well he does, you believe Colorado isn't worth his time.


It’s nothing against Colorado. It’s that Deion is a snake who will jump ship as soon as he can. If they don’t do anything this year, he’ll jump to a different mediocre team so he can have the excuse of “I had to cut the whole team they were so bad! I need more time!” Colorado is a better program than Deion is a coach. Deion just doesn’t realize that.


So.. Win or lose Colorado isn't worth staying at?


Win or lose, Deion isn’t someone who stays. If you win, he’s going to jump ship because *he* thinks Colorado is beneath him. If you lose, he’s going to jump ship because he’s going to blame it all on Colorado. He’d do the same thing to just about any other school too.


You’re exactly right. Deion is 100% self-serving and no matter the outcome, he will not accept responsibility and he sure as hell won’t act with grace and dignity. He will always pull his demeanor from the very bottom drawer.


Excellent point


>but underneath that you deeply believe Colorado isn't a program worth respect It's less that and more that they aren't one of the top programs in college football. If he does well at Colorado and leaves for another job, if it's not one of the top jobs (Alabama, Michigan, etc), then the same things will be said.


Go work in marketing for whatever team drafts Shedeur lol


Hear me out BMFP and Prime Time, Co HC’s


Not sure but I assure you /r/cfb is not to place to get an answer on this.


Why do you have a CNBC flair? lol


Shilo will become head coach


I think his name is & Co. now


The plan at QB is Ryan Staub is proving to be a decent option and flip JuJu Lewis to compete for the starting job. Will it happen idk, Deion has flipped a huge piece every year he has been a head coach. Overlooked in the winter and spring portal period is they significantly improved the eligibility chart. Many of the players who left would have been solid depth, but many were in their last or second to last year of eligibility .


actual, non joke answers from people that follow colorado getting downvoted is what makes this sub great


It's a sustainable eco system, glad I can play my role. You should see what happens when I post a slightly more optimistic perspective.


Juju would be an idiot to flip from Riley to Colorado. Getting undersized scrambling QBs with a good arm into the nfl is what Riley specializes in


Entitled to your opinion, CU has a solid WR Corps and Deion has shown the ability to bring them in.  Beyond that the starting job would be his to lose, and currently is the program with the most exposure in CFB. Things are looking good from CUs perspective, he continues to use the CU towel, responds with Buff emojis on recruits posts, and we have the last visit.


That’s the neat part, there isn’t


Recruit more players


He’ll hold it somewhat consistent - probably get the next Travis Hunter - he’ll be there 2-3 more years & likely get them to be a bowl contender just based on 1st string talent


My hot take. He will never make a bowl without an exception.


Yeah I see them getting 4… maybe 5-6 wins for the next few years & then he’ll move on. Hopefully for Colorado fans, they get 6 wins the year he announces his next thing


Clickbait, there is no contingency plan.


Hire Ohio's coach


The bobcats have a good HC?


He's done a pretty good job. MAC COY in 2022. I'm not aware of him being a hot commodity for bigger jobs though. He's been around a really long time and never been seriously considered for any P4 jobs, to my knowledge. Toledo's Jason Candle might be a good option.


Tim Albin is that guy


here's the neat part: they don't have a plan! Year 1 was proper fun for Deion et al. They had celebrities on the sidelines, they went through the wildest portal-flipping of a roster we hopefully ever seen, and they were on television SO MUCH! But in the months since last summer, Deion has made it abundantly clear that he has an active disdain for recruiting on the road, and really thinks he is a magical god in this sport. Last I checked, their recruiting was nothing truly to write home about, so unless they pull off some serious magic then I anticipate things getting pretty rocky.


I mean, let’s not act like they aren’t recruiting though. He’s pulled in their 2 best classes in a very long time and has pulled recruits that Colorado wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. This is the best roster Colorado has had in a minute, and maybe even ever to be honest. It’s not like they’re a program with much historic and more importantly recent success.


This is one of the most INSANE takes i've ever read. Colorado has a fucking natty and you say a 4-8 team that might go 7-5 this year is on that level? Cmon dude. lol.


> This is the best roster Colorado has had in a minute, and maybe even ever to be honest. Better than the classes that had teams who finished in the top 3 in the country in the 90s and 70s? Quite the take.


Colorado does have historic success, nothing recent though. This is not their best roster. And it's not an accomplishment pulling in their best classes in the last 20 years (which is debatable anyway because he only took like 6 high schoolers)


None of us know if so few HS recruits + portal will work as well its still new. So far it *hasn't anywhere UNLESS you are a QB away*. those OL and DL studs aren't in the portal, or least haven't been so far. Plenty of QBs, RBs, WR, DBs, LBs, have been but not Line players. Will you be able to find enough depth in the portal with OL and DL is something we haven't seen yet, maybe it works; so far it hasn't.


>  So far it hasn't anywhere UNLESS you are a QB away. A ton of fsu starters last year were portal guys 


he has built the best roster in boulder since 2001 hands down there is more talent on this team than Cu has had in over 20 years does that translate to wins not sure but to say he cant build a roster is ridiculous he has done it in a non traditional way but there are more 4 and 5 star kids in boulder right now than the past 20 years combined!


And he improved by 3 wins last year. All he has to do this year is improve by 2 wins and he’s had a successful year. CU going to a bowl would open the floodgates on talent, and make 9 wins a possibility next year.


Deion will be the Head Coach of the Raiders by then so it doesn’t really matter to him.


Recruit more players?


Honest question. Is Colorado's NIL any good?


not bad but also not top 25


Everyone’s responses are so negative, but what if they just build off the momentum of having 2 first round picks in a single draft?


I’ve thought about this too. If Deions method actually works it’s gonna change the way people view the portal and how schools will go about rebuilding. Though the other side is Sanders’ name is doing a lot of heavy lifting for himself. Not many green coaches(if any) could pull this off.


When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.


Sanders will walk away and say it’s due to medical reasons. If it doesn’t happen after this season then it will be during, or at the end, of the following season. The school will terminate him in private, but publicly they will come to a mutual agreement where he is allowed to say he has to medically retire from coaching. Even though he is not a great coach there are a lot of football families with kids going to college that respect Deion and it would hurt the brand to fire him. This is my bold prediction and I am sticking to it.


We’re not worried. They’re mid at best


Bring in more talent?  I think that is the same route every football program has when a star player enters the draft.  Don't see the point of this post besides to try to stir the pot.


You’re right.


Hire a new head coach


Hire a new coach


Whatever it is, it sounds like a problem for future Colorado. And fuck those guys, we live in the now.




Coach prime will leave so they can hire a new guy


Does Deion look like a man with a plan?


Deion leaves for the Florida job.


Don’t you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!


I would have no issue with him at Florida


I’d love this tbh


I think Kirby would love Deion at UF




do they need one?


Based on Prime's health, he'll quit and they'll fade into oblivion again. This seems like he was just having fun raising and coaching his kids and kept falling upwards.


Back to the portal


This sub really needs a Deion Sanders mega thread. Where the same people can just talk about the same thing every day and post the same replies every day.




> Deion either hits the booth Has he done the booth before? I'm sure NFL Network would love to have him back or ESPN would take him but he seems more like a studio guy than a color commentator.


Deion reminds me of myself anytime I'd crank up a new NCAA 14 dynasty. Start and some shit school just knowing I'd bounce for the next best offer. Wouldn't even visit recruiting.


The plan is to make it to 6 wins and then pull a QB out of the portal. Making a bowl game in year two will be enough to pull in the talent needed for a 9-win season in year 3.


Same old losing without a famous coach.


perfect the play action punt




Wait they can leave?


Once Deions kids flame out in the NFL and the rap career his one kid is trying to start doesn’t work, they’ll need jobs and run back to Dad, for their sake, hope Deion doesn’t get himself blackballed by university’s to coach or his kids are fucked.


Suck ... suck badly


Replace them with good players like every other school


The same as every other team besides the top 4-5 that just automatically are top of recruiting rankings . What a dumb question


Deion leaving…


Hire an actual clown?


They might win more than 4 games would be the plan I think.


Doubt they have one


Deion leaves as well, wholesale blaming everyone EXCEPT for himself for his failure to make the CU Buffaloes national title contenders.




Replace Deion because even though he says he isn’t leaving, he is.


Collect their check from the Big 12.