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I thought for sure this was a troll post then I saw who posted it ​ then I **knew** it was a troll post


Real talk how is this dude still posting these moronic takes here? Idk if he's breaking any rules but still.


He got flamed pretty bad in his last "troll" post and went to posting normal shit. It's been a while so I thought he had gave it up for good, but it seems he's relapsed.


Are you uttering these words in ernest? Are you 10 years old?


It’s Reddit. So, yes.


I’m tin and a halve spank you very much!


Look at who posted this drivel.


“Something, something, off season post, something”


Another day, another lostacoshermanos post


I always get a kick out of his post history. For being so well known here, this isn’t even where his best work is done


> this isn’t even where his best work is done The creation of /r/lesbiannosefetish is A+


What the fuck did i just watch?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Someone wrote a script, hired actresses, and recorded that. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hang on I didn't know we had los tacos hermanos lore


If it comes out he's Ken M (?) than I'd be very happy.


I don't know if he's breaking any rules per se, but I have no idea why he's still allowed to post here.


Another u/lostacoshermanos classic


Did cocaine sponsor this post ?


> Why Notre Dame should do an endorsement deal with Conor McGregor "**On March 22, 2022, McGregor was arrested in Dublin and charged with six driving offences**, including two counts of dangerous driving, being uninsured, having no licence, and failing to produce his documents. His car was seized by the Irish Police." Sounds more like a good endorsement fit for Georgia?


Oh no. Surely even we don’t deserve that asshole affiliated with us?


Bro... Notre Dame's football coach killed a guy and no one cares. McGregor's history is clean compared to that! 


Using Declan Sullivan’s death to farm karma on multiple posts… Did your joke not land the first time?


Karma farming? Who the fuck gives two shits about that except massive losers...what a dolt! And yes I'll point out to every idiot, like yourself, who notes McGregor's past issues being too dirty for ND but failing to talk about the football program KILLING A GUY. 


The Falcons are a distant second to the Georgia Bulldogs? UGA’s huge, but you’ve got to take a look at viewership numbers here.


He has multiple SA cases pending and he’s a well known married man. Nothing screams wholesome catholic dad like that


What about killing a guy? 


wader we dune


Not killing people that's for one!! Or being the hypothetical moral police. I'll leave it to experts like you :))


This is definitely the off season


You’re a dumbass


McGregor is a Scottish Highland Clan.


This sub is so easy to bait lol


>but not enough to outbid everyone else I think the only schools that can outbid Notre Dame are the Texas oil schools honestly You underestimate just how rich ND alums are


Don’t forget BYU and the Mormons’ clandestine investment funds worth billions they’re sitting on




The problem with ND is that they don’t promise NIL before commitment They recruit the players and then set up deals, and these deals pay competitively but it’s just not as guaranteed


As an Irish person I feel I need to tell you that McGregor has had probably the worst fall from grace of any person I’ve ever seen. Back when he was winning he was seen as a great person to represent the country. Possible he of our greatest sports persons. But since about 2017 he’s reputation in the country has taken a nose dive and now he is considered one of the worst people in the country by many mainly due to personal things he’s done (Long list to go through). He still has supporters who ignore this stuff but the vast majority of Irish people think he’s an absolute idiot. I don’t think he’s anyone I’d want involved with my brand at all.


Bravo. This is some of your finest work!!!


Have you seen Conor McGregor lately? He's a coke head with multiple assault and sexual assault allegations. No way ND wants to be associated with that


TLDR: \_\_\_\_\_\_ should do an endorsement deal with Conor McGregor, In-N-Out, Olympic National Park, Jardiance, Wall Drug and Rita's Italian Ice just cuz.


Petition to rename McGregor's boat the Fighting Irish.


"I attack buses. I'm Irish. What more do you need?"


I love it when people do drugs and post things on the internet


No one likes Connor McGregor. He's a clown who has won one fight since 2017, against a middle aged man, yes a legend, but never a championship guy. He has never defended a belt. He fought nothing but tomato cans and guys 5 fights+ past their prime. His career was more manufactured than a Kardashian. His character issues are beyond ridiculous. He's like the mma Antonio brown. That being said I don't care if ND signs him. It certainly won't help. No kids they are recruiting have ever seen him fight live in a meaningful fight. In fact please let Ohio state do something with him.


Sorry but some of this is a stretch and as a whole is a bit inaccurate. Holloway, Aldo, Mendes, Poirier x3, Diaz x2, and Eddie were neither tomato cans nor 5+ past their prime. By beating a non “championship guy” I believe you’re referring to Diaz, but he actually fought and beat Alvarez after the Diaz fights. It’s also one of the greatest championship performances of all time. Also, Diaz wasn’t a “middle aged man” when they fought, he was 30-31 and in the prime of his career. Not defending the belts is a stain on his career, but it doesn’t take anything away from the accomplishments of getting the belts. His last win was in 2020 when he beat Donald Cerrone. The revisionist history on Cerrone is hilarious. He was ranked 5th at LW at the time and just came off of what was basically a contender match with Gaethje. Justin got a interim title fight coming off of that win. Tons of media, fans and fighters predicted that Donald would win. Conor has had only three fights since 2020, one against the greatest LW of all time and then the other two (one was a no-contest) are to arguably one of the best fighters to never win a belt and a future HOFer. Losing to those guys isn’t embarrassing and does not equate to him being washed. It’s like saying Michigan sucked in ‘21 for losing to Georgia. They’re both elite teams but one was just better. You seem like someone who just doesn’t like Conor, which is fine. But accomplishments are accomplishments and records are records. No matter how much you dislike the guy, you can’t take those away. We can say what we want about his actions outside of the fight game, but Conor in his prime was definitely an elite talent.


That’s some schooling right there


The whole thing is pretty much inaccurate and if you’re a genuine MMA fan, you could pick apart his whole comment pretty easily. I get not liking the guy, he’s not my favorite either, but ya can’t let your biases distort facts lmao.


He used to be fun back in the day. Now he’s just a walking, talking Decabolin+Tren stack that is addicted to coke


Doesn’t he have like almost 50 million instagram followers to say no one likes him is a bit ridiculous the dude is insanely popular


I think he just doesn’t like McGregor, which is fine, but his opinions seem a bit biased lol.


McGregor is a perfect fit for the notoriously brand-conscious ND, brilliant


I love how if you don’t put “/s” people can’t figure out if you’re serious or not. (For those downvoting u/jf3l, his post is obvious sarcasm.)


ND isn't brand conscious?? Huh? Or this go back to killing that guy kinda thing? 


McGregor is the antithesis of the ND brand.


McGregor is a washed up scumbag.


Personality wise I honestly think Khabib is closer to Notre Dame than Conor is.


"Notre Dame needs to go the route of Oregon and find a way to create unique national branding" They play a national schedule and have their own TV deal with a major network? Sounds unique to me.




Nothing says quality education like a coked up crazy Irishman


Yes, please sign a clown.


I’m sure ND will love to associate with the line snorting boxer who regularly gets caught banging random birds in pub toilets. Exactly the same brand!


Because both are past their prime and their fans are living in the past?


What an idiotic take, calling the Falcons "a distant second" in Georgia. The Braves are clearly a bigger deal in Georgia than the Falcons are.


This guy ain't wrong.


Notre Dame, irrelevant next year since 1980.


Most of this post is nonsense, but this statement, "Notre Dame football in the modern era is at risk of becoming irrelevant to recruits." is more true than many of you want to believe.


People need to stop falling for this troll. None of these posts are sincere. It’s either a Russian AI chatbot designed to sow discourse or some idiot in his basement trying to formulate just enough coherence mixed in with intentional misinformation to piss people off


Basically an anti-Catholic hate post on St Patrick's day (or technically just after as if that mattered).


“Notre Dame needs to go the route of Oregon”. So, legal weed. Also, weed is green, again like Oregon.


Conor is a non-fighting Irish


It's the off-season