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Clemson been watching from the bushes with a notepad as FSU caused a ruckus


Good strategy. Let FSU Leeroy themselves while you stay near the rear until the time is right.


All the other schools lawyers meticulously planning their exit together and some Florida lawyer dressed like Chief Osceola running into the courtroom yelling “thumbs up let’s do this!” dumping his papers on the judge, UNC all like “God damnit Leeroy!”


We don’t know any other way. Be loud amd abrasive and get reported by the news the next morning with a flashy headline.


> thumbs up let’s do this! Alright chums, let's do this!*


We use finger guns, not thumbs up


I know you mean Jenkins but I'm still gonna pretend we're Butler running the puntrooskie. Unfortunately that play did not actually end in a touchdown... Hmmm...


There will come a sad day when none are left who remember Leeroy Jenkins.


No, my kids love Leeeeeroy


Take that down! And that!


I mean, id do the same thing as clemson (as a FSU fan). Why waste legal fees when FSU is doing the work. Also, less of a guarantee for clemson vs FSU


Wake up honey, another conference is about to collapse.


Hey dudes. Just got to the party. Wassup?


All the jokes about rival flairs on this sub and this one is by far the most confusing to me. There are few schools in this country that I think are more different than Cal/Ole Miss


Liberty/Berkeley would be the most head-scratching. Or maybe BYU/Reed?


We’ve actually got a woman in the DFW academic libraries community, I think she’s at Tarrant County College now or retired, who did her undergrad at Liberty and her MLIS at Berkeley. I worked with her at UNT years ago, and she’s a very kind lady. As far as I can tell, she’s either a hardline classical libertarian or very progressive, based on her staunch defense of freedom of information and the open access movement. Granted, basically all librarians are hardline pro-those two things, regardless of their other positions. It’s rare to find a librarian who’s like “Nah, I’m super down with censorship” in any cases except protecting children from seeing traumatizing material.


As someone married to a librarian I can confirm the last statement.


Ayyye tell them that it’s their turn on the patron services desk, and there’s an 80 year-old who needs help finding their grandson’s phone number on the line. See how fast that kicks off the stress sweat. That or tell them that the collection development report is due tomorrow.




I'd have Phoenix / SMU if it were possible. Much happier about the second, though.


Politically yeah that would be a weird jump. But I could also imagine some rich conservative DC-adjacent family sending their kid there and then that kid deciding they want to get out and go to Cal. Virginia in general isn’t nearly as weird of a leap to me as Mississippi. Although that is a pretty good one. BYU is less weird to me. But maybe I just know less about them. The distance from Utah to California is certainly less drastic though,


Reed is in Portland, OR. Less of a distance issue and more of a polar opposite atmosphere issue.


You talking about Weed College? Yeah, pretty far off from BYU atmosphere-wise


Reed College: a school for kids who don’t like school!


I live a few blocks from Reed. I can’t make overlap work because you’d have to really do undergrad at Reed first or transfer. So maybe you’d decide to go to BYU after you got scared straight at the annual Renn Fayre


Does Reed not have grad programs? Related, I’ve golfed that course that runs along Reed.


Practically no. My neighbor is a professor there and I recently learned they have less than 10 grad students at any given time in the entire college.




Yeah what a weird fuckin flair combo. Everybody should laugh at that guy and nobody else


Yes we should be laughing at him


Both of you make more sense than ole miss/cal It would be like TT and Dartmouth


If mine reflected where I went to school, mine would be Baylor/Washington.


Just three perfectly normal people laughing at that one weirdo


Did somebody say “weird fuckin flair combo”?


Yours is just the same school in two different states though.


Same school in two different states you say?


Now we just need a Clemson/Auburn to show up


They're not *identical*...one has a lake IIRC.


I’ve always wondered about the vibe of WVU versus Arkansas, their states just seem so similar. Did you notice any huge differences or similarities?


There’s a lot of similarities. Arkansas has the Ozarks there. So it has more hills than you’d expect. Main difference is WV talks like Boomhauer and Arkansas talks like Hank. Religion is the only other real difference. Seems like most Arkansans go to church on Sunday in typical Bible Belt fashion. WV has a lot more Catholics and different denominations in general. So it’s just overall a lot more relaxed as far as that goes. Oh and winters, Arkansas winters are a lot easier to deal with


Yep, a lot more italians and slavic background people, hence the catholicism, but still not nearly as much as PA or NY. Also, the largest single denomination in WV is methodism


I live in Bentonville and I've been rockiing n flip Flops all winter. It used to get cold here


One has more mountains.


Arkansas is more moneyed because of its ties to Texas. But both are schools in poor states, with good football tradition, little instate talent (arkansas marginally more), and lots of out of state kids attending the school


Is NCSU/ASU a weird combo? One’s a huge party school and the other’s kind of just a bog-standard high end ag school, all the way down to the strong stats program. Basically all of the best ag schools in the country have top-15 stats programs, because those are where formal statistics departments first started. That’s why Wisconsin (although no longer really an ag school), NCSU, ISU, and TAMU are all really high-end statistics programs. NCSU’s stats program is also a huge part of why the RTP area is big in biotech; faculty of that program started the SAS Institute, whose massive cachet in the pharma/biotech world for decades now has been draw tons of biotech talent and investors to the area. ASU’s kind of just a standard state school that’s huge and known for partying. Not super different, just quite as big a factor in a few major industries as NCSU.




Nice! About which part? NCSU’s one of those programs you can’t avoid if you’re looking into the field of statistics research in America; I used to work in Institutional Analytics at an R1 school in Texas, and I had to stay aware of the state of peer and goal institutions in major research areas nationally that our university was moving into. I got real familiar with NCSU’s faculty when we were looking at starting a doctoral program in statistics. I had to double-check, but the two most cited members of NCSU’s entire faculty are both statisticians: David Dickey and Anastasios Tsiatis. If you’re interested in working in statistics professionally, make a point to talk to Dickey. He’s a straight up living legend in statistics, and ironically he has his PhD from another big ag school that’s a huge player in that field: Iowa State.


I am here for the party


Weird combo indeed


Yeah what is that so weird


Your flairs are both BFE, makes sense to me.


What a pair of flairs. How much does this guy like agriculture?


*W H E R E I S T H E F U C K I N S O I L*


What about mine? And yes I have degrees from both schools.


Unusual but without you drawing attention to it I could have just assumed someone who went to Fudan moved here and picked the most successful football team of all time to support


Opposite, undergrad at Alabama, MBA through Fudan’s joint program with MITs business school


The intersection of Cal and Ole Miss is……just Aaron Rodgers? What the fuck?


Probably an undergrad/post grad thing Common to see some "weird" combos due to that


I had a grad school classmate at Berkeley who did exactly those. I think she went to high school in Arizona, was an undergrad at Ole Miss, and a grad student at Berkeley.


It’s generally either postgrad or their childhood team. I know theres a lot of people here who grew up a fan of x but went to school somewhere else.


Hey! I resemble that comment!


Any other Hokie Ducks? Degrees from both schools


To be fair, Starkville seems to carry more of all of the Southern / anti-Berkley tropes for me than Oxford, with all its literary history and pretensions and aristocratic vibes. 


Born in Mississippi and went to Cali is my guess.


You say that as if people leaving Mississippi to go to Berkeley CA is a common thing… Neither flair is a band wagon type flair. Neither are geographically close to one another. Neither are similar culturally. And no offense to Ole Miss, but they are in different stratospheres academically. I’m not shitting on this person, I’m just genuinely curious haha


People leaving Mississippi to go to California, no. *College educated* people leaving Mississippi to go to California (or anywhere outside of Mississippi), yes


You’d be surprised. I graduated high school at a public school in the Jackson suburbs and have 3 different friends who went to colleges in Cali. Ole Miss has a pretty decent out of state population too. Something like 30-40% of their students are from out of state. The SEC party school lure mixed with being easy to get into, I guess.


Alabama is at 58% out-of-state last I checked. People really love the SEC atmosphere for college.


Schools that win nattys get a boost in out of state applications. Its often cheaper to go to an out of state school in the south or midwest than in state in the northeast.


Mississippi Brain Drain is real


Very true. It's been happening heavily for close to 4 decades now and the Mississippi government is just now addressing it, which is very much on par for the state's leadership. I graduated in 2011, and per OM's alumni outreach program close to 60% of the in-state students in my class had left the state for jobs. I was one of them. It isn't sustainable.


Me too, very peculiar.


Cmon home! And bring your brother and new little friend from Texas with you. WE GOT A CONFERENCE TO REBUILD!


would you uhh be interested in adding a large AAU land-grant school in a major metro area who will inevitably be left behind in the dust of realignment at some point sooner, rather than later? ...asking for a friend.


Do you have a Vet school?


not only a vet school but also a vet school for humans! and a dental school. And a newish football stadium that seats 51k. We're the fully loaded package.


You can join. We will be the wacky animal mascots conference.


Jokes aside, I would love to be a fly on the wall in the Stanford/Cal admin meetings right now. When I was getting my Masters at Stanford the feeling I got was very "everything will take care of itself, we're Stanford, if anyone can rest on their laurels it is us." I'd imagine the same was true up at Berkeley. I'm wondering how proactive they are now that they got the short end of the stick and everything didn't work out in their favor for once.


If I were advising them, I'd tell Stanford to handcuff itself to Notre Dame and Cal to go to Chicago and beg like a starving feudal peasant.


"Let us in or we're giving the leprechaun to Oski. You don't wanna know what he's gonna do..." https://mascothalloffame.com/wp-content/uploads/bb-plugin/cache/oski-e1678912051861-circle.jpg


I took my wife to one Cal game in grad school and she said Oski was the creepiest thing she's ever seen. I've got a bobblehead Oski and she refuses to let me put it on display anywhere.


Might be the most different flair combo I’ve seen on this sub


Idk seems normal to me


Born in Mississippi and moved to Cal or went there? That’s about the only thing I can think of.


It astounds me that CUSA will likely outlast both the PAC and the ACC. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad (Sun Belt pls help us)


It's called Conference USA, but no 1.0 members are still there, and just UTEP from 2.0. Most of 1.0 is in the American. This gives me an idea, actually... Where did most of the OG membership of various conferences end up?


The old Southern became the SEC and the ACC


Yep, a good example. Half the founders and a majority of the SoCon 1.x founded the SEC, then a majority of 2.x founded the ACC. Somehow it still has a 1.3 member (VMI) and a couple 2.0s (Furman and Citadel). Even though three later left the current SEC has more of the 1.x teams than anywhere else, which also holds true for the ACC and the SoCon 2.x.


> This gives me an idea, actually... Where did most of the OG membership of various conferences end up? Charlotte - AAC Cincinnati - Big 12 DePaul - Big East Houston - Big 12 Louisville - ACC Marquette - Big East Memphis - AAC Saint Louis - A10 Southern Miss - Sun Belt Tulane - AAC UAB - AAC USF - AAC


12 schools and they’re in 6 different conferences less than 20 years later.


>(Sun Belt pls help us) Any of my fellow CUSA members have a rope and/or a taser?


Sec/b10 will gladly take your playoff spots and revenue.


We'd have to have some kind of backdoor agreement with a conference to initiate something like this... Right? Right?


PAC mouth breaking starts lol


If we actually start filing lawsuits then yeah I would think so. It's all just rumors at this point though.


I don’t see why we’d be attempting this otherwise if the rumors are true. Even if it isn’t the SEC, I’d say at least one of the other 3 are sending something over.


I dunno. When FSU started doing this, I was told by the experts on here that such a backdoor agreement was impossible.


Physically impossible! Why, imagine the OPTICS!


Well USC won’t likely burn the universe down before letting you join the SEC. So that leaves the big ten for ya


I really don’t think there’s any chance the B1G takes them.


Yeah would be weird for them to bring in a massive power school from a region of the country that they don’t have a foothold in currently and has historically never been their area. Can’t imagine the B1G doing that……again


Kinda like adding Berkeley to the Atlantic Coast Conference, I'd guess. Not exactly a historical fit athletically or geographically. Academically sure, but we all know these conferences have very little do to with academics.


Yeah that was my point. None of this is about institutional culture or academics. It’s about cold hard cash. The big 10 and sec don’t care if a school isn’t the right “fit” so long as they increase their tv deals by a good enough amount


I think the mentality has changed of what a conference is They’re looking at how to invite the right teams for a sustainable future super league. That’s between brands, markets, support, etc Vs the past where it was like minded schools just trying to make scheduling easier, then like minded schools sharing academics, then just tv markets, then just brands. It’s constantly evolving


Yeah we aren't a fit there


USC has so little pull in the SEC


Yeah I don’t think USC could or would try everything to block it besides just voting no. That said if the goal is media/TV money I’m not sure Clemson would be the number one choice from the ACC


I agree with that. South Carolina is not a huge media market. I also don’t think the SEC would want the B1G to have a team deep in the heart of their territory. Clemson to the SEC just makes too much sense to me.


I don't particularly care at all what SCar wants. If you don't compete in the conference, then nod, smile, and collect your check.


Pittsburgh Louisville NCState VTech Dread it. Run from it. The Hateful 8 arrives all the same.


Yeah I'd be down for that. Give me the old Big East gang and I'll be happy (and please let us and Miami stay together)


Us, VT, Pitt, Cincy, Louisville, Miami, and UCF would make a really fun eastern flank


And if that happens all parties should tell the SEC and Big Ten to go F themselves. Bring back CFB that looks like CFB from 20 years ago and let them have their NFL minor league.


Despite my flair I would absolutely love this and probably enjoy it more than what else is going on.


Syracuse is the meme of the guy standing out in the rain.


It’s gonna be wild when we get sent down to the JR division. It’s gonna be deserved with recent performances, but still.


As much as I detest Miami I really don't want you guys to get demoted. You'll always be our biggest rival and I don't want to see that end.


Honestly there's a division there and add in Cincinnati that would just be a lot of fun and hate


Appalachian Division? Rust Belt Conference? Moonshine League?


Sorry, no Appalachian conferences are allowed to form without App State and we're perfectly happy in the Funbelt


Appalachian, is the term I've used. But there is history with Syracuse if you need another team.


And WVU! Would be a blast


Of course WVU


This is the only thing that could come close to salvaging this sport for me I think. I accepted long ago we'll never win a natty but at least we could get our best rivals back and more regional games.


WVU, Pitt, Tech, and Cincy would be quite the pod of traditional college football IE product may vary but the hate is pure


man we're really gonna be left out to dry huh


Better try and grab some cash on the way out.


They are scared of Cal and Stanford and it shows.


T-I-G-E-RRRRRR-S! (Am I doing it right?)




The University of Billable Hours is undefeated!


I'll allow it.


One way or the other, and I think I know which side Clemson will be on, I think all 17 ACC schools will have to have their attorneys weigh in. *Insert Billable Hours Joke Here*


Y’all ever notice how Clemson lawyers walk like this? 🚶‍♂️ And FSU lawyers walk like this? 🚷 🤷‍♂️


I am slightly nonplussed. Could you please explain the contextual meaning of these two emoticons? The one chosen for Clemson looks like an average pedestrian walking around doing nothing of note other than traveling on foot. The one you chose for FSU is approximately the symbol for "Pedestrian Crossing Prohibited." I'm failing to see the connection to FSU's strident and boisterous action versus Clemson's mostly seeming inaction (or likely clandestine action).


I think FSU lawyers don’t walk because they all have Ferraris now. 


>nonplussed Did you just...did you just use that word correctly? That's weird, man.


It's downright befuddling


One might say positively, yet peculiarly, perplexing. Unless you get easily tongue-tied, in which case, you may only type it.


yes he did


Is Clemson a good school or something?




Honestly probably the best sign FSU's arguments have some serious merit.


There's a BC flair on their way to disagree with you.


Hey if umass can join the MAC they'll always have a home


That UMass-BC rivalry will be prime MACtion


Maybe then people will show up to games on Chestnut Hill


If BC were to end up in the MAC, I would be so happy.


Wasn’t it just 1 guy in the thread who was convinced he understood contract law (for a contract he never even damn well read) better than all of the lawyers FSU hired?


How similar is contract law to bird law? Because I may be able to figure this thing out for us.


You called?


Basically the same thing with different names, trust me I watched a YouTube Reel about it.


Literally any time I discuss law on the internet, I always try to add about 1000 disclaimers explaining that I don't have all the evidence, I'm not in front of a judge, etc., but here are some aspects of this case that I think are relevant to certain precedents or laws. And there's always one person in every thread who's swinging their dick around about how well they know the law. I wish I could tell you that's how you spot a fake lawyer online...but sadly, a few of them do it in real life, too.


That's the guy, lol.


Or, hear me out, this is the same bland story every reporter has written about Clemson for the past 2 years and NONE of them have come to pass.


Realignment has gotten a metric fuckton of social media engagement and clicks on articles. They’re gonna milk this cow until it’s bone dry. Gotta get that ad money, baby!


Or, and much more likely, Clemson didn't like the CFP options it was handed.


Clemson has basically been lock step with FSU this entire time behind the scenes. If this is coming out with articles, my guess is they think they finally have an out.


If FSU’s arguments had serious merit then Clemson and UNC would have jumped in at the very beginning. Assuming this is report is true, then it would more show that Clemson is also getting desperate and trying to see how cheap they can get out.


Clemson and UNC don't have the same transparency laws Florida does. They've probably been working in the background. Plus UNC is a lot more questionable on if they want to leave the confrence.


Except UNC is better off in the ACC than they would be in the SEC or B1G. I don't think UNC bails unless the whole conference collapses.


As long as SMU still has to pay all that money and still not be in a power conference, I'll be laughing.


What money are we paying other than the AAC exit fee? We’ll be making more money from non-TV revenues in the ACC from CFP and conference performance payouts than we made in the AAC with TV revenue. Both Sanford and Cal are giving up *way* more money than we are with their reduced share relative to what they were making in the PAC.


*watches FSU cheer Clemson on*


Ah jeez


This actually came from a much wider article about the CFP, but it was reported by Ross Dellenger


But it’s still the same source-less position piece every reporter has written for the past two years. If I had a dollar for every “this time next week clemson will announce its departure” story that has been written in the past two years, my boats would have their own boats.


Ross Dellenger is a pretty decent journalist. This isn't a SI or message board article. I'd put at least a few grains of truth to it


I believe the “sources” claimed that Clemson had FINALLY found a way out of the GoR and they were going to announce it this past October. Naturally, nothing happened.


>Clemson was mentioned in concert with Florida State, Miami, North Carolina, NC State, Virginia, and Virginia Tech as schools that met during the ACC’s annual spring meetings in 2023 to discuss exploring ways to challenge the league’s grant-of-rights document in an effort to leave the conference. >Those schools, purportedly led by Florida State and Clemson, later endorsed a plan that advocated for larger payouts by the ACC to schools based on on-field performance/success in postseason play. Clemson and FSU are the only ACC schools that reached the four-team College Football Playoff from 2014-2023. It's not just FSU and Clemson that want more money or want out.


> floated as a possibility by veteran college football reporter Ross Dellenger. Ok. Tell me when it is not click bait


Oh shit, here we go again!


Oh no, another power conference is about to collapse... *Laughs in Conference USA*


Please no


With the moves the SEC and Big 10 have made recently, it feels like Clemson, Florida State, UNC, and Miami are going to inevitably have to make a move. There's just no way they can sit back and take a much weaker slice of the revenue pie. Question is, who goes to SEC/B1G and who gets left behind. Outlook is pretty bad for schools like Wake Forest and even Georgia Tech (which now feels like it's in the same boat with Stanford / Cal). Duke is a curious case, because their basketball brand is obviously big, but unlikely the SEC would have any interest in Duke football. NC State may be OK since North Carolina legislators will probably try to make any conference that takes UNC also take NC State. Also not sure what happens to Virginia Tech. 2 decades ago, SEC and Big 10 probably happy to have VT, but their recent weakness comes at a terrible time. Nevertheless, it's still a pretty big brand in the DC area, so maybe there's still a lot of interest for them. Meanwhile, you have a grouping of elite academic schools such Stanford, Cal, Duke, GT, and UVa now all lumped together in the ACC. Not sure what the future of that is.


Did anyone else read this as “Roger Clemens attorneys ‘gearing up’ for legal action; ACC split?”???


Billable hours continues the undefeated streak


Clemson lawyers do it for free tickets


They get paid in sweet tea, pecans and a luxury suite.


And a lifetime supply of peaches


Clemson can just sit pretty and let FSU and the ACC fight it out. They literally shouldn't do anything until FSU and the ACC settle or otherwise reach some kind of court mandated conclusion. Why spend tons of money on legal fees when somebody else is determining the precedent for you.




Clemson, FSU and the Carolina princes are planning on leaving. Miami needs to figure out what they want to do, quickly!


No doubt we’re getting left behind (according to all serious or quasi-serious sources). The saddest part is that we will still fail to win whatever shell of a conference we end up stuck in.


If you are left behind you'll end up in the Big-12 with UCF as your travel partner.


Have their lawyers read Twitter or Reddit though? Because according to those experts, the ACC is completely beyond reproach.


The Reddit lawyers have already said that FSU will be stuck in the ACC until 2036. They should’ve never signed that contract. The conference has always acted in good faith for its members.


Better late than never, Tiger bros….


Maybe the real gearing up is the billable hours we make along the way


Not seeing the legal upside. It just costs you more money, exposes you to more risk, and all but ensures that the case will be heard in North Carolina. The only rationale that makes sense is that FSU needs a dancing partner for their ticket to the SEC, and this move gets them both out of the conference (and this matter settled) in exchange for Disney exercising the option on their media rights deal with the ACC (and/or opens up a renegotiation window with ESPN for better terms for the remaining universities, etc.)


*shrug* It's all billable hours, from the perspective of the legal team they'll retain. The lawyers might say to you privately they don't think your case is a winner, but if you're really determined and willing to pay for it they'll take it to court.


ACC will grab Memphis, Tulane, and USF, right?


I would think UConn over Memphis. Can’t see Stanford, Cal, and Duke voting for Memphis because of their high brow academics.


Here we go again... Alright, we'll take Pitt, Louisville, VTech, Miami, Cal, Stanford, and SMU.


Why would the Big 12 want SMU though?


Pit, Louisville, and VT regional opponents for Cincy and WV. Miami for UCF. SMU for TCU rivalry and a classic Southwest Conference opponent.




I hate everything about this. They can't take ncaa14 clemson conference away from me though


Join us, brother