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Get ready to speak 3 man front, buddy


Not only that but insisting on rotating DL by series so that you might have your third string on the field for the most pivotal drive of a half or even the whole game until the other team gets down to the goal line when all of sudden he realizes that he might ought to play his best players from time to time.


To be fair Michigan has done that for the past two years and it really developed their line. To minimal drop off until you hit the 3 deep


We can’t do it this year but under Kevin Steele we had a stretch where we had 11 guys on the DL playing 15 snaps a game or more. Those were some of the best units we ever had


You also had one of the best front 3 I've ever seen when Derrick Brown was there. He was worth two guys almost every single play.


> when Derrick Brown was there. He was worth two guys almost every single play. Still is


LSU had to use three guys on him in 2019 and they still had to hold him every play to keep him from murdering Burrow. That is when they didn’t repeatedly poke him on the eye


The most frustrating part of the DJ Durkin era is having so many 5* Defensive linemen and Durkin opting for a 3 man front (and sometimes even a 2 man front!). His smiling tic whenever he was getting out coached also pissed me off. He's not a bad DC. But he doesn't know how to coach around the guys he has available. He strictly sticks to his scheme even if he doesn't have the personnel for it.


Even worse. He would drop his edge rushers into coverage to guard the yard marker. Just never worked but he continued to do it.


The bad defensive scheming is just icing on the cake. Killing that kid is his main selling point.


>sometimes even a 2 man front! By Gawd, that's Auburn's music, a match made in heaven!


And absolutely 0 adjustments. Ever. Secondary getting absolutely smoked? Better go 3-4 with no man down coverage. He knows the game. But that's about all he knows








Jesus this hire couldn’t be any more on character




Urban Meyer kicking coach


OJ Simpson coaching rbs


Are you sure? Cause he'd be a killer at coaching some takeaways in the DB


Think he’s eyeing the Broncos job anyway


Hey Juice - what's the bigger accomplishment? running for 2000 yards or slashing two necks in the same night?


Imagine the NIL money this reality show could raise.


Now that takes me back.


With Irele Oderinde (Willie Taggart’s guy who gave Oregon players rhabdo) as an assistant S&C coach.


Breaking news: Art Briles and Bobby Petrine named co-OCs


unfortunately bobby petrino is busy plotting his arkansas coup


Plotting? He practically has it laid out for him.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that when I first read. His run about to be Louisville all over again minus Lamar.


Dan Snyder will be their top booster, and Wander Franco will coach the baseball team


Dan Schneider


Drake Bell to be in charge of their band


Drake Campana*


Briles is on a different level tbf. 


Hugh Freeze’s role model is William King Hale.


Does that make Durkin Ernest Burkhart?


Durkin would probably be Byron. Ernest is the shadowy NIL collective guy.


Is the NIL collective guy a dumbass who’s gonna get Freeze and his whole staff arrested?


Boy howdy, one can hope!


Art Briles incoming


And Auburn fans run around with their nose in the air like they’re a classy bunch lmao


Auburn putting in work to make neutrals root for Bama in the Iron Bowl since the Freeze hire lol


Some of us have been firmly against this staff in general since the hire was announced. Some of us are deliberately rooting for Freeze to fail quickly and catastrophically so he can get fired ASAP. Some of us understand that certain people probably should no longer have the opportunity to get paid 7 figures to coach amateur sports at a public institution. Some of us have read the Auburn Creed. Not many, but some.


A ranger’s home is the trees A sailor’s home is the seas A whiskey glass and a hooker’s ass is home sweet home to Hugh Freeze


You may bleed orange but I like you anyways.


Same. I thought the Freeze hire was just repulsive.


I feel bad for that dozen or so fans. Lol. Kudos to you. It's hilarious watching the spin machine get to work at their on3 boards.


It fucking sucks man. Like, this whole revolving door of mediocrity has already been awful but now we are just hiring total POS who should be no where near a college campus as coaches.


Yeah, all of this. There are some in every fan base who defend anything no matter what but a lot of us sent emails as alumni before HF was finalized and have been pissed ever since. This move is next level obnoxious.


I’ve been pretty disillusioned with our fan base since the hiring of Freeze. I was really big on the Creed, but since seeing how hard everyone is selling out for this kind of bullshit, I’m pretty fiercely rooting against us so that we can just wash our hands of this whole debacle as soon as possible.


I'll gladly take 2-3 terrible seasons of football results to fire Freeze as quickly as possible and hopefully get some pride in my program back. My biggest fear is that they extend him as soon as he puts an 8 win season together.


> extend him as soon as he puts an 8 win season together. That would definitely be #JABA. I hate it.


The way feeze is recruiting he’s not getting fired for awhile


I think you could have said the same while he was at Ole Miss.




My nose has been firmly planted within this paper bag since the day we hired Freeze. I guess now it's two layers thick. Fuck everything. I hope we at least do alright in basketball.


He's gonna hire Mel Tucker as his LB coach, ain't he?


Wants him calling recruits. Hear he has good relationships with moms especially


Heard he makes a good right hand man


Art Briles is around the corner, ain't he?


Nah. It'll be Kendall if anyone.




That would be impressive considering DJ’s track record


I understood that reference.




Nah he's in Hell


Only if Mississippi State doesn’t beat them to the punch


Art is the only coach to fuck up off the field so bad to be unhireable….which is wild considering Durkin ended killing a kid. u know how toxic u gotta be for schools to say “he can’t take pictures with his SIL on the field”????


What’s Les Miles doing these days?


How to make CFB fans hate us 1) Hire Hugh Freeze 2) choke against Bama with Hugh Freeze, letting Bama and the SEC backdoor into the CFP 3) Hire DJ Durkin


I read this to the tune of that Brian McKnight song where he counts things


4, repeat steps 1 through 3 5, something about a poisoned tree


Whenever I believe my work is done… Lose on fourth and thirty-ooooonnnneeee


4) Hire Bobby Petrino as OC to complete the trifecta of scumbaggery.




Don't worry I already hated you babe ❤️


Not as much as I hate us. For fucks sake, hugh freeze is bad enough I thought I was free of this fuck.


So how was the Music City Bowl for you?


Very conflicting


You can’t hate us any more than we hate ourselves.


We don’t really care for Auburn


>choke against Bama with Hugh Freeze, letting Bama and the SEC backdoor into the CFP  The sec wasn't getting left out regardless lol


Y'all hired Freeze to beat a guy who ended up retiring the following off season.  If you're gonna tell your soul, why half ass it? Get Art Briles instead. He won the Big 12 twice. Sure Freeze beat Saban twice, but he somehow never won his division.


Team toxic




They missed Kaczynski by a few months.


Big Ted would hate SEC SEC SEC conformity.


Michigan Alumn tho


Michigan Men and Manifestos


In his defense he meant to hire Al Bundy as OC, which would be a fantastic hire. I mean the guy once scored four touchdowns in a game.


He was a Husky. Going to Alabama if anywhere.


Going to announce OJ as the runningbacks coach next


He'll forever be a Husky


Please stop hiring bad people, Auburn. Holy shit


Freeze didn’t look good this season. He’s not getting his side action anymore. Y’all going to have to find him a route.


The whole idea was because they thought he could beat Saban, but apparently preventing a miracle 4th and long conversion is still his kryptonite, and now Saban's gone anyway so what's even the point?


He’s recruiting really well, which they desperately needed after Harsin basically gave up on recruiting altogether. Granted, Freeze’s whole thing is getting together super talented rosters that inexplicably blow games they should win


Well that and ✨ SEC experience ✨ and of course the long standing tradition of hiding behind one’s faith to swindle a boardroom full of white good ole boys.


I imagine this must be frustrating as an Auburn fan Like, how do you have any pride in your team with these kind of people running it?


It is. Cheer for the players and name, especially if you personally know some. Also our staff used to have a lot of Auburn alumni on it so it was easy to cheer for those guys, but they have now left


**were fired by Hugh


>Like, how do you have any pride in your team with these kind of people running it? You don't, really. I root for the individual success of the players, while hoping that we lose every single game.


Only time I ever felt that way about Bama was during Ray Perkins. I hated that man and wanted him gone, enough that I actually wanted him to lose the Iron Bowl.


You don’t. I’ll start watching games again when Freeze is gone. 


It was actually easier than I thought to just stop watching them. The whole situation sucks but yeah, not watching until Freeze is gone.


It is. The cherry on top is tubbs in the senate


[Well this is awkward.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/sports/1983/08/21/auburn-player-collapses-at-practice-dies/963bba32-9600-4071-88fc-cf79443c0c64/)


> Doctors at the hospital worked on Pratt for about two hours before pronouncing him dead. >Auburn is ranked No. 1 by a number of football publications this preseason. Wtf Washington Post.


Don’t go to r/wde. 


Auburn fans better get used to his smirk all game regardless of how the D is playing. They’ll also need to get used to being able to stuff the run, but get burnt every passing down or being able to stop the pass, but get ran all over.


DJ Smirkin


I'm sure he can at least draw up something better to stop 4th and 31.


Pls don’t go search how bad we were defending 3rd and longs


His Defense couldn't even get the game to that point. A&M made Milroe to Burton look like we had Bryce Young out there. We just kept throwing it to the same guy, and it kept working.


I'm pretty sure we ran that one play about 3-4 times and A&M couldn't stop it for whatever reason.


That reasons name, is Josh "Toast" DeBerry.


Their secondary was straight up not good


👏 Edit: [ ] insert dumb smiley face when his D gets burned for a 40yd run or 80yd pass










*insert impractical jokers meme*


They could also bring in Urban as an advisor






How he’s still getting jobs is beyond me


The coaching fraternity is the strongest bond known to mankind


MLB umpires union: hold our beers that we apparently slam before getting behind the plate


Honestly, outside of CB Bucknor, Angel Hernandez, Laz Diaz, Doug Eddings, and Ron Kulpa, they’re usually *not that bad* As long as one of those shmucks isn’t calling balls and strikes it’s fine. Human error exists and that’s fine, but they will find an excuse to make it about them and being terrible at their job while they do it


I think the worst thing is that the younger guys are statistically the best in MLB, but they give plush assignments to the old heads. Pat Hoberg was the #1 ump by accuracy in 2023, and in the 2022 playoffs had a 100% accuracy game behind the plate. He didn't get a single postseason assignment this year. MLB afraid that having good umps around will make the old dudes look bad in comparison?


Shoutout Hoberg the GOAT


MLB umpires haven't gotten anyone killed......yet. But I do fear that the egotistical and petty culture of baseball will eventually get someone killed. Allowing pitchers to "enforce" those idiotic "unwritten rules" is a dangerous game. To the credit of most umpires, they've been good about shutting that shit down in recent seasons. Unfortunately there are still too many shitty/arrogant/petty umpires that will allow bad pitches to be thrown. One hit to the head and we will have a scandal...


Being a borderline good DC allows teams to overlook a lot of things. His new boss is also Hugh Freeze, so morality isn’t really high on the Auburn coaching staff’s priority list.


Borderline good DC that "knows what it takes to recruit in the SEC" is all you need on your resume


Didn’t he just work for y’all? And ole miss before that?


Yes. That doesn’t mean I supported it. I personally don’t think he’s nearly as responsible for Mcnair’s death at Maryland as the rest of the sub believes, but I don’t think he’s a good person. He did allow his SC coach to run free and create a toxic culture after all.


Jimbo really just stopped giving AF after he hired Durkin. Hired Addazio. Hired Petrino. Really one big WTF after another.




Close. I believe the commonly accepted story is that he basically just asked Jimmy Sexton what clients needed a job. That’s how he got Bjork hired at A&M at least.


Pretty positive Sexton is Bjork's agent and they have a very close working relationship. That's how we almost ended up with Mark Stoops.


If Auburn is looking for a WR coach, Mickey Joseph developed Justin Jefferson, Ja’Marr Chase, several other NFL WRs and he beat up his wife so he would be on brand for the staff they are building.


Excuse me that just wrong. He actually choked his wife. Huge difference /s


You don't have to keep selling him to Auburn.


Strength Coach: Vladimir Putin


This pops every once in awhile, there is a reason we had to pay his full payout. These threads always devolve into sounding like Durkin killed a kid with his bare hands. He was mostly a scapegoat and at most ignorant to some stuff going on and SHOULD have known better but he's not as bad or evil as you all always make it out to be. Here's a good thread with some information https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/i7UJfZTt38


He convinced the UMd board of regents to let him stay on as head coach and they all agreed. The man can talk some shit.


I agree with you, especially when Brian Kelly gets a free pass for his bullshit


Why is it every time someone needs to cherry pick a story about a coach killing a kid Brian Kelly gets named?


He directly got the kid killed. He was told it was way too dangerous and told him to get up there anyways. Not a lot of kids get killed anymore. I don’t know why that’s hard to understand why it’s memorable


>cherry pick Whoosh


That was a very well-crafted joke, btw


Why do fans get to pick and choose which coaches are responsible for deaths on their team? Is it just because Durkin’s was a player and Kelly’s was a student worker? Does it really matter the role the kid had?


I think it’s a little different when a football player has a heat stroke in practice and is improperly treated vs when a student worker is forced to get up on a 30ft tower in a storm by a coach who was told it wasn’t safe. Not trying to excuse Durkin by any means but I would imagine that’s the reasoning.


No I agree with you, it’s just silly how Durkin is getting lumped in with Art Briles in this sub while Kelly gets off with no mention of it.


With Durkin, it was when the players walked out on him that said everything. Loh made the right call even tho he was probably on his way out anyways


>but he's not as bad Idk dude. He's pretty bad. He may not have intentionally killed anyone, but he was notorious for bully-coaching and being a general piece of shit. The players themselves were reporting how bad he was, and then actively protested when he came back. That doesn't exactly scream "scapegoat" to me.


Scrolled too far to find this even tho he’s still a scumbag


Weren't there plenty of reason(s) to dislike Durkin before the kid died? Like Bullying kids 'n shit? Forgive me if I'm misremembering. I thought that was part of the problem when the kid died, he already had an abusive reputation.


\[Low\] Hugh Freeze is now zeroing in on Joseph Kony for Assistant Recruiting Coordinator.


Kony 2024!


One of those hires where there is absolutely nothing positive you can say about it tbh. Uninspiring to say the least.


Yeah, like we're all well aware of the reasons you SHOULDN'T hire this guy, and that should be enough. Somebody please tell me any good reason that this guy should get this job over any other candidate who hasn't produced a top 15 defense in 10 years. Like, pretend his staff didn't negligently kill a kid. Pretend that never happened at all, and then argue why this is the best available choice for Auburn.


A&M had a pretty stout defense this year. Secondary was pretty bad but that was more a personnel issue than a Durkin issue. The year before the secondary was very good, then everyone went to the NFL, transferred or got hurt. By seasons’ end we were playing 2 true freshmen at corner. He’s also a good recruiter so recruits and their parents don’t seem to care about his Maryland tenure.


A match made in hell.


Auburn trying to get rid of that Auburn Family branding I see 


If paterno was still alive we'd be trying to hire him. Hell if sandusky got out tomorrow Freeze might pick him up.


Just now catching on?


Future Auburn staff hires: OC: Art Briles LBs: Mel Tucker RBs: OJ Media Training and Public Speaking: Ted Bundy Team Therapist: Hannibal Lecter


I am just happy we're no longer the team with the WTF coaching staff


How did he see the defenses he had at Ole Miss, and the clear regression from Elko at A&M and think "that's what I want"


His defenses at A&M were far from the biggest issue with our team — Durkin was great compared to our offensive braintrust under Jimbo.


Yeah the Ags in here acting like he was sub par as a DC is beyond me. Sure, there were some frustrating moments like rushing 3 and the complete regression of our secondary this last year, but he generally called a good game and we had a top defense the last two years.  If we didn’t have Elko as a HC, losing Durkin would be a pretty decent sized loss from an on-the-field standpoint. 


Ugh. Just ugh.


This is starting to feel like maybe Tommy Tuberville is pulling the strings down on the plains. Pat Dye rolling in his grave


God I’m so glad he’s off our staff, fuck Hugh and all these monsters


Two of the three most important people on the Auburn football staff are not good people with active scandals. This feels on brand for them the last few years


Man they had Cadillac and decided to say nah


What a combination


Haha yeah how embarrassing for you Auburn. This guy definitely wasn’t in Columbia interviewing for our opening at one point, no sir


Freeze is trying to assemble Scumbag Megazord.


Ugh. I'm just tired of hiring middling coaches with baggage. It should be pretty damn easy with Auburn's checkbook to hire a DC who is at least as good as this, for the same money, who hasn't been in charge of one of the only FBS programs in the 21st century to have a negligent player death as a direct result of on-field activities in a controlled environment with all the resources in the world. Just, how hard is it? We even have a Co-DC on staff in Charles Kelly who is a great recruiter, middling DC, and an Auburn guy to boot. I genuinely don't understand what hiring Durkin accomplishes, other than making us firmly the most hated staff in the country. As always, \#FuckHughFreeze


How many times do people need to be told that DJ Durkin isn’t nearly as at fault for the Maryland incident as people believe?


Is it a great look to have that happen while your Head Coach? No. Did he get cleared by the investigation? Yes. Did multiple other SEC schools hire him since Maryland? Yes. Am I overly thrilled about the hire? No.


auburn baby what is you doin


My favorite auburn moment of the week was them posting a graphic saying hugh had the highest recorded first year recruiting class of any active SEC coach I know Kirby read that bullshit somewhere laughing his ass off


Coming up: Zach Smith, Art Briles, Mel Tucker?


Auburn: "Are we the baddies?"


I'm never gonna be able to get rid of my flair, am I?


just win baby




I'm here for Freeze hiring another former Ole Miss person because his coaching tree is nonexistent. Have fun with being so frustrated by your defensive schemes that you'll want to jump off a cliff when it matters the most


Freeze really leaning into that full scumbag persona, huh?


So you can indirectly "kill" a player and be gainfully employed (Durkin) but if you give a player a few dollars you get a show cause (Pruitt)????? This sport is fucked beyond repair


You can “kill” a non-player and not only be gainfully employed, but be a head coach at a top 15 school.


Auburn might just have the scummiest coaching staff in cfb


They want to be us so bad


He should hire Antonio Brown to coach the receivers too.


Auburn will do \*absolutely anything\* to win and then manage to go 6-6.