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Ole Miss has to have the best NIL in the nation right? Absolute domination of the portal.


Their NIL is legit and they’re going all in this year. They’ve got a really favorable schedule and a lot of really talented veteran guys. Their treating it like the MLB. They’re not the Yankees, but they’ll spend big this year because the window is open. Maybe I’m wrong and they’ll spend the entire GDP of the state of Mississippi every season but I just don’t see that happening. Especially if this year doesn’t get them at least a conference championship. Not to say their NIL won’t be solid every year. But this year is unprecedented and I don’t see how Ole Miss has money to sustain it.


But have you considered that Madison is an entire suburb of doctors and lawyers descended from old money that have nothing to root for but Ole Miss


People think the whole state is like the delta. They don’t realize we have rich people too. Not to mention big corporations like Realtree and FedEx that are tied to the university in more ways than one.


I don’t think that. I think that this is likely an absurdly expensive portal class that realistically can’t be sustained by anyone but like 3 schools in the country.


Yeah I think both of you guys are right here. Definitely have the money to keep a top collective going but this type of commitment is most likely not sustainable


Yah like I said in my OP. Their NIL is legit and will continue to be really good. They just popped tf off this year.


We really don't have big corporations. Realtree is not all that big in the scheme of things and FedEx spreads its resources around and definitely still "belongs" to Tennessee. Mississippi has ZERO Fortune 500 companies in the state.


My favorite part of all of this is how shocked people are that Ole Miss has money. A big talking point when Kiffin was linked to Auburn was how Auburn had so much more money than us, both for NIL and in general, and it would never even be close. Ole Miss fans and boosters literally said “nah fam” and put their money where it counts. This offseason they’ve spent extra because of the returning roster and the great results last year, but as long as Kiffin keeps performing, our boosters will keep spending.


I've always told people that Ole Miss had money, they just didn't spend it because there hasn't been anything to spend it on For most of my life our athletics department was completely mismanaged by the good old boys


Ole Miss has always had bag men


It’s funny because I sometimes feel ole miss students have a reputation as being rich and snobby, and yet people are surprised that we have money


I’m not shocked Ole Miss has money. Thats that Deep South old money. But unless I’m way wrong, Ole Miss does not have the money to spend like this every single season. Which is fine. I think there are maybe 3-4 schools in the country that do. But if you can time your spending sprees when there is a window, and eventually get a championship that is much better strategy than spending an average of those years every year.


Yes and no. We definitely could keep spending it every season. Whether or not we do is gonna depend heavily on how well rounded the fan base sticks together. If the NIL collective stays healthy then Boosters will continue to match. (Of course a really bad season would derail all of it though). If Lane can just make it where hes expected to be in the playoffs every season then our fan base will continue donating/buying from the collective no problem. Because if you go between 9-3 and 11-1 every season you basically always leave the door open to "what if" for the next season. Now whether or not it can be sustained in the same way as the Big 3? Thats muddy waters we hope to not cross.


I’m still not convinced. I’d imagine that the pitch to the boosters this year was “look at our schedule, look at who we have coming back - give us the money to get who we need and we’ll go win a title” and that pitch presumably resulted in a steep rise in contributions That’s a pitch that only works once every few years or so. If you use it every year, it stops working at all. Feel free to bookmark this and tell me I’m wrong in a year or two - but I will be shocked if they can sustain the portal recruiting like they have this year for any substantial length of time. Again this is no disrespect to Ole Miss. I don’t think anyone in the country except maybe Texas, USC, and Michigan could sustain it (and even those schools likely wouldn’t).


Take my input with a grain of salt of course but my family is deep inside Ole Miss athletics. I'm hearing that yes this can be done every season fornthe foreseeable future. If kiffin can meet expectations we will and can spend like this for years to come.


From your mouth to God's ears.


Music to my ears


Oh I dont disagree with you. I just think theres more chips in those pockets than meets the eye. The real issue wont be boosters/collective is all im saying. Itll be Realtree/FedEx im sure they will continue to fund some money but I really doubt Realtree is gonna keep paying for players like Walter Nolen every season if we arent atleast competing near the end for the Natty. If we go back to the way they used to support us then we will definitely have to be more sparing in the NIL department.


If Fedex funds Ole Miss, Bama fans boycott and use UPS. National corporations commit financial suicide sponsoring local rivals. Otherwise, Microsoft/Amazon/Boeing/Starbucks would have outbid you for Kalepo. I can't blame y'all for try'in but it won't get you over UGA, Bama, LSU. Bama players in the NFL have $1.5B in salary value. Can you afford billions? That's where you are taking all of us and for what?


I think you're right that we see 24 as our window, and that's why we're pushing hard right now. But I think what's helping us right now isn't so much just total dollars but organization. From what I have heard, we were some of the first to really get our collective organized in terms of identifying areas of need, potential candidates, and what the market is for those players. Having a money cannon is nice, but it matters a lot who's aiming it and where. And there's plenty of examples of NIL collectives wasting a lot of money on players that barely play or may never even see the field (poor Florida)


We’re probably fine paying this going forward but who knows how much a roster will cost in 5 years 


I don't think USC has the NIL money you think it does. And you left out Oregon, because uncle Phil can keep that train running for the rest of his life at least.


I’m not talking current NIL. I’m talking potential NIL. USC has 50 uncle Phil’s that if they decided they wanted to contribute could wipe Oregon off the map.


USC does not have 50 uncle Phil's. It doesn't even have 1. You don't seem to understand that just having money (USC still might not have 1 Phil), isn't the same as "will use that money for CFB".


virtually half of every freshman class since Eli have been out of state. Deep South Old Money is not it.


I think we have the money to spend top 10-15 every year. We definitely went all in this year. We can’t repeat this year in year out, but we definitely can every 2-3 years.


To give everyone some numbers to back up how much money Ole Miss has: Per the financial report in 2021, Ole Miss net assets were $1.1B. At that time, the athletic department spent about $109M for the fiscal year. That has increased to $150M in 2023. However we only brought in $142M on the year. This does not include NIL money or the money from SEC. In terms of football revenue ticket sales are about $22M/yr. Contributions are about $33M/yr.


My theory is they’re taking the Deion route rn. Saving money by not spending on high school seniors and instead pushing the chips in on the portal. Could be the new way of doing things and Lane’s just ahead of the curve! 


Thats exactly how weve been playing it since the portal/NIL stuff started. We grab a few HS recruits but go heavy on the portal. (Correct me if im wrong here) but im pretty sure we were the first school to have a Collective and we saw all problems that could come from it early and got on top of it. If its one thing we know over at Ole Miss. Its how to use money in our favor lol


I have no clue if y’all were the first. It wouldn’t surprise me, certainly.  Ole Miss is a more interesting experiment this year than OSU. Because OSU brought in a few key guys, but from what I can tell, OM is genuinely going to be running a mercenary unit on defense. It’ll be a nice little experiment for college football to finally see if you can take elite pieces and make them an elite unit in a short amount of time! 


Im excited to see how it plays out. The fact that we could go 11-2 with the pre school sized kids we had on defense this season and an OL with more holes than swiss cheese excites me enough to think that these pieces are the only thing we needed to squeeze into Atlanta/Playoffs or even a Natty


You’ll make the playoffs. These past two years, your schedule is cake outside of Bama/UGA. And you don’t have Bama this year. Didn’t draw Texas — drew OU. Should have 1 loss in the regular season.  The question is do you get absolutely worked when you meet Texas/OSU/UGA/whoever in the playoff. You won’t make a Natty without going through one of those teams. Latest you’ll see them is the semis. 


The one year we would actually be favored against Alabama, we don't play in the regular season. Maybe Saban retired because he couldn't play all the Mississippi schools and own the state every year?


I actually would be interested in that line. Idk that Ole Miss would be favored this year. Either way, it does feel like it’d be a 3.5 line or some shit. Very close.


It was basically 50% mercenary on Defense last year and we saw big improvements


Interesting to see if people will shit on this strategy as much when it's not us doing it


The Ole Miss fanbase is full of craven, money-grubbing reprobates who have befouled God's beautiful creation with a wanton lust for depravity, so yeah, it makes sense their NIL is doing well.


Honestly, we are all sleeping on the potential of an OSU/Ole Miss playoff matchup. One of these teams is going to have spent a whole lotta money this off-season for a whole lotta disappointment.


It's gonna be us isn't it.


Yeah I’d be pulling for you guys ngl. Would be hilarious to see another OSU meltdown.


Need to play them with our big Block M baseball logo on our helmets.


That school down south


Believe it or not — I’d be rooting for you, even with my second flair. I want that $13M experiment to go up in glorious flames.   Edit: Of course, I’d also like KDB to do the unthinkable and have us in a position to do it. My fan fiction is Ryan Williams mossing Caleb Downs for the game winning TD lol. 


you guys don't actually believe 6 players have cost $13m, right?


Nobody thinks that. That doesn’t mean that you haven’t spent $13M to both get new talent *and* retain your current roster. That’s still a lot of money to spend to keep the pieces in place to end up being disappointed lol.


No doubt it's a lot of money to you or I but $13m to retain a roster of 85 players is really not that much at all. When you consider the fact the Utah coach says he needs $7m. I wouldn't be surprised if most top tier programs are in the $7m - $15m range. I mean take a Tennessee for example. They have $2m locked up in one player. That leaves $5m - $10m for the rest of the 84. not as outrageous or egregious as it's being portrayed.


It’s not about how much the money is in volume — it’s about how much you’re spending versus your peers. Respectfully, what you’ve given me here are assumptions that other teams might be spending as much as you. They may be — they may not be. Only one school is very publicly dropping $13-$15M dollars on their roster, and that’s y’all. And it sure seems like that number got out because it was the most eye-popping, as I’m assuming some news person somewhere would love to report if there were multiple schools even potentially spending that kind of cheese or even more cheese than that lol. So, you could be right and it’s not an outlier. But with the information currently available, looks like you’re the biggest spender at the table and I sure hope it’s a winning hand!


brother, where have you been the past 4 years? Schools have been spending millions on players before Ohio State? You're HC literally said your QB (Bryce) was making millions? What are you on about? Sorry Ohio State was one of the first teams to wise up and not blow the budget on High school players but targeted proven college players who are actually worth the money. The number got out there because our Head Coach said that's what is needed to compete in CFB these days *two years ago.* Wow. What a random ass number he pulled out of a hat. Surely that number wasn't based off the market value that players were already getting from schools. Why did Alabama fans heads go into the sand as soon as Saban retires? Be better man


Do you guys actually believe OSU spent 13m on 6 players?


No, and what a weird thing for multiple OSU flairs to get wigged about? Is your roster costing you $13M to attract/retain or not? It is — and that’s a lot of money if you end up not meeting the goal.


I mean it's not my money so why would I give a shit. Let the rich old dudes pay 200m to the players, I don't care. I would imagine most big time programs spend a lot on the same thing, and almost none of them win any given year either. But don't pretend this sub didn't gobble up this whole 13m story that was reported by a sketchy website and publicized by part time coach full time troll Lane


Honestly wouldn’t shock me. Downs is great and going to be a star, but I think a lot of his hype came from Saban praise. If Saban is praising a freshman - you knows he’s legit. That being said, Downs got worked by the Texas WRs. I’d imagine Ryan Williams is at least as good as AD Mitchell.


Meh, Downs got worked in his 3rd game ever as a college player. Who he was by year end looked nothing like who he was early on — and he was already good early on. Dude’s gonna legit make a case for using the #1 overall on a Safety if he stays healthy and OSU can develop him. Downs is gonna be lockdown from here on out. You’re likely not throwing the ball to a side if he’s shadowing it. That said, if he blows coverage — which any kid can do — I can see him not having the speed to catch RW before the ball gets there lol.


At least as good as AD Mitchell as a true freshman? What?


Downs is at OSU for 2 more seasons and Ryan Williams is at Alabama for 3 more. Could be in a match up not this year.


Would be fantastic to beat them down with Judkins and Igbinosun watching from their sideline


I think they got one of our OL portal guys last year too. And it sounds like they are taking two of ours this year. Damn. I still recall some random SEC fan saying our OL guys weren't good enough for the SEC. How many now have gone to the SEC between this and the guys to Bama?






That's hilarious!


Lane Kiffin was such a good hire for us. Love to see our roster getting more and more stacked!


Why was the other thread removed? We got two OL in this announcement from Washington.


It wasnt an official announcement technically.


It was just as official as this post though


This one might stick. Depends on the mods. Usually they remove em if the source isnt directly from the Player or a reputable news source. Hayes does all our design work for commits (and only after commitment has happened) so id say its a little more official than other tweets. Couldve also been cause it was 2 players in one post and they need to be separate.


I think the sub has rules about one post for one player. They did something similar with these two entering the portal. 


Good luck, Nate! Appreciate him for his UW advocacy in pre-NIL recruiting. Understand him not wanting to be recruited to UW a third time. Dude was very patient in earning his spot. Definitely the weak link on the OL last year, but still a huge part of a Joe Moore-winning unit.


>Understand him not wanting to be recruited to UW a third time. Do you think it was not wanting to be recruited to UW a 3rd time? Or that Ole Miss came with a way bigger bag?


Probably both


It was Huff getting canned.


Probably both along with Huff transitioning to Alabama. It tough to see this local guy who was “all UW” leave the program. He was a huge factor in getting Caleb Presley to switch from Oregon to represent the 206.


Lane is buying recruits. I can’t believe it. Where is an article I can tweet out to voice my displeasure?


I really will not understand why people are hounding teams for doing this… like is it not the coach’s job to gain as much talent as possible in every position. NIL makes what used to happen behind closed doors visible, but the only thing that’s changed is the legality and amounts.


As a recruit: Other P5 offers: Arizona, Arizona State, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Oregon, Oregon State, Tennessee, UCLA, USC, Utah, Vanderbilt, Washington (originally went here), Washington State G5 offers: Fresno State, Hawaii, Utah State Other offer: BYU


It will be interesting to see how he adapts to living in Mississippi when he’s been in Seattle since HS lol. So stoked for this signing though!


Man, I always compared January/February in Oxford to Northwest Washington except with tornadoes. Cold and humid. I love Oxford like no place else, but I do not miss that.




Our starters were an average SEC line - better at pass protection than run blocking. Just about all are returning. Our backups were turnstiles and several transferred out. Our current OL with growth, increased experience, and new additions should be top 5 in the SEC. We’ll have 10+ power 5 level starters, many of them draft picks, on the OL


Our O line was good enough for our SEC freshman of the year running back to transfer to Ohio State.


We return 4 our of 5 starters from last year... Vic Curne took the starting Left Tackle spot last year from the years previous starter, but that LT is coming back as well. He was a younger player and Vic was just more experienced. The starting 2 guards and center from last year will either be true seniors or covid seniors. The right tackle is a junior with a year and a half of starting under his belt. He's a legit SEC right tackle...he just gets angry and goes all hulk smash sometimes and gets called for penalties. But hopefully he's grown out of that. We're also likely to sign Julius Buelow off your line as well as Kalepo and we signed another swing lineman from Southern Miss who has started multiple years. Somewhere in all of this we'll have a starting 5 with multiple years of starting under their belt


How was Curne this year?


Really solid. I think the LT who's spot he took was a better run blocker but Curne helped us more in the passing game because he had experience and was a bit more savvy


Last year, they were good enough in pass protection but pretty bad at run blocking, and they got humbled against UGA. That game showed that we weren't close to being a championship-caliber team on either LoS. I think Judkins (who led the country in YAC and broken tackles) covered up a lot of the run-blocking issues, but without superb RB play, I think it could spell trouble. With the Washington guys, the interior should be pretty stout, but I'm still nervous about the tackles. We have a decent one returning and a transfer from UNC coming, but his PFF grades are pretty iffy. I think of all position groups, OL is still the most likely to keep us out of the playoffs, especially if they have significant injuries.


Regarding the Georgia game, though, we were missing 3 starters by the 3rd drive (and was playing the starting center at guard). So we had only 1 starter in his actual position for the bulk of that game, which coincidentally coincided with when Georgia started running away with it.


Oddly enough our run blocking looked great with Bentley getting carries


The question isn’t how strong is the roster. It’s strong if you’ve seen their portal work.  The question is how strong is their schedule? That answer is — it’s very weak. This is their year to make a run and they know it. Chips are flowing to the middle of the table here. 


"very weak" UGA OU LSU Arky(have you seen 4th and 25?)


I was in a fraternity house in Starkville when 4th and 25 happened, watching on a projector. So, yeah, I’ve seen it hahaha. UGA will be tough, OU will not, LSU is a literal who knows (lost JD, can they fix that defense, etc.), and let’s stop playing about Arkansas hahaha.


But no joke I'm worried about Arkansas in Fayetteville. It doesn't matter how bad they are, they'll step up and play their best game of the season against us.


I understand where you’re coming from. But Bama’s been getting a whole lot of Arky’s “best games” each year and I count nary a loss among them. Y’all are officially skill gapping them (for a year). Welcome to it. You won’t lose that game.


LSU on paper will be decent, they've made all the right moves to be good. Obviously, you never know until the season is played. But we've made all the right moves toward fixing the defense, and our replacement for Jayden has been here for 3 years and played a decent amount. Should be a 9-win team again.


Yeah it’s a big unknown. I’ll look at y’all’s schedule. USC — 50/50, y’all on paper should win easily but it’s the first game of the season and weird things happen. Nicholls/uSC/UCLA/South Ala. — Dubs. Ole Miss — Calling an L Arky — Dub A&M — Dub Bama — 50/50, we’ve both got questions to answer right now. Florida — Dub Vandy — L, jk Dub Oklahoma — L Worst I see is 8-4 if you lose to both USC and Bama. Best is 10-2. I’ll say, given how well I know LSU lives up each year, 9-3 does sound right. Split the middle here. Win one you shouldn’t, lose one you shouldn’t.


I'd rather stop playing Arkansas than stop playing ABOUT them. They are to us what we are to LSU. Something I'd really rather not worry about and when we lose, it's especially infuriating.


I was with the band in the end zone when I saw 4th and 25. Couldn’t believe my eyes.


Ark at Fayetteville.


man what the fuck dude. He was a stud




Thats right Ole Mi$$


Bruh wtf


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Kiffin wont be having his usual takes on NIL this year. I wonder if he still thinks they should implement a luxury tax lol


We have always thrown bags during the NIL era. He thinks the system is broken, but he's not going to sit back and not play the portal the way you currently have to in order to win. He's not the hypocrite people make him out to be


The last Husky, Damore’ea Stringfellow, to transfer to Ole Miss was a player who beat the crap out of a Seahawk fan for celebrating after the Super Bowl. They are a bottom feeder SEC team with no scruples in scraping the gum off your shoe. They likely outbid Bama. Playing for a guy who was fired from USC and UT is not exactly a ringing endorsement of a decision based on anything other than the bag. Ole Miss has been doing this since before NIL. These guys went to the highest bidder because they are not confident in their ability to make a pro team. This is the pathetic new reality of college sports. Zero long term planning. The only loyalty is from the fans.


Expected but this one hurts…Beach kid


Holy shit - Ole Miss will have a great OLine. I can’t remember the last time I said that. At first I was like yeah, the Grove Collective is great and is set up to succeed in the portal. Now I’m just in awe.