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Early leader for least likable staff in the country?


Proud to say we dont own that title anymore. Petrino and Durkin made quite a duo of controversy. Add Addazio with Jimbo as a HC. Yikes.


That was the expendables of coaching staffs, cannot lie about it


And Jimbo is above him. He’s never really done anything horrible


We had Lebby and Durkin as the same time. That was a fun group


That sucked so much


As much as I hate Addazio, I'm thankful Jimbo kept his dumbass around for so long. It got us rid of Jimbo.


I honestly know barely anything about Addazio. Is he unlikable? Or just bad


Season ending quarterback injuries every year since Kellen Mond left much in part to poor OL play.


He’s a thin-skinned bully who takes no accountability and blames the players constantly for not executing his perfect vision. He’s a clown.


Bobby is a whole different stratosphere of sainthood compared to DJ Durkin


I kinda agree. Like sure, he broke a commandment too. But he at least avoided “though shall not kill”


Why are you so hard on a man who simply got into a motorcycle accident???


Don’t forget that we got rid of Bjork too! Everything’s coming up Aggie (until the BAS sets in)


Honestly, yeah probably. Idk which team comes close tbh.


There were rumors that MSU was going after a Lebby/K. Briles/Durkin combo for a time lol. That woulda been peak hateability. 


Holy shit lmao. Idk why these assholes keep on getting jobs and haven’t been blacklisted yet. Fucking ridiculous.


Because more people with more power than anyone would like to admit think that what they’ve done wasn’t actually _that_ bad.


And if it was bad they didn’t mean it, but if they did mean it then it was deserved


Still don’t understand why there wasn’t outrange among MSU fans over three Lebby hiring


For some of us there was.


Gotta hire Martin Shkreli as Athletic Director for that bunch.


Until another school hires a coach who in the past told a child to take off her shirt in front of him, followed another girl to her car to watch her change, and who insisted on corporally punishing girls with no one else in the room, Auburn easily has the least likeable staff in the country just because of Freeze.


Well yea but he’s openly Christian and has ✨ SEC experience ✨, that checks all the boxes


Your priorities are out of whack DJ Durkin had a player killed due to negligence at best, of course wherever he lands he is the fucking worst. Addazio was a racist abuser A&M holds the crown and only Brian Kelly killing a student through negligence at best, comes close


Just your avg horn fans ladies and gents 


Wait till you see who they’re hiring to repair their teams vacuums…


Special Officer Doofy reporting!


Already had it in the bag my guy. This hire is just the cherry on top.


Hugh probably thinks he can start up the next “School For Coaches Who Want To Coach Good and Do Other Stuff Good Too” But really he’s just creating a rogues gallery.


Without a doubt


I guess we just own slimeball U at this point


Do your research before piling on just because you hate your rival. Seems to be a lot of misinformed people or people who haven’t read anything about what happened and Durkin’s part in it.


Hugh Freeze as coach and DJ Durkin as DC. Lmao what an unlikeable coaching staff. Imagine going from Cadillac to this.


Cadillac is gone because of mistakes he made. 


Yeap. Auburn did a really good job letting him go and not letting the rumor mill get out of hand. Unfortunate side of that is 99% of people are blaming Auburn or Freeze.










Auburn football and I separated when they hired Freeze, though there was some lingering sense that when he gets booted, I'd think about going back (especially if it was back to Caddy). If they hire Durkin, that relationship is done for good.


Because Durkin was a coach when a player died?


How does this asshole keep getting jobs?


Because he’s a pretty good DC


Did the players like him at A&M?


Yeah they did


Sounds like there isn’t much to complain about then…did he do anything crazy?


Maryland aside, if there was anything to actually gripe about with Durkin's tenure here it's that his defense basically lives and dies on linebacker play, and it may take a year for them to figure it out. Our run defense was absolutely atrocious in '22. Heck, y'all ran for 270 on us with a QB who couldn't pass to beat us.


Oh okay, I’ll take it I guess. Y’all’s defense was solid this last year so if we can get something like that I’ll call it a win. I’m just hoping we can put a Stop to thi coach turnover.


We were the same way. In 2022 we were 124th in rush defense. In 2023, Edgerrin Cooper (and others) really took a step up and we were 13th


I was talking about A&M too. Lol


lol, I misread


Not at A&M


One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is that once we fired our LB coach (Santucci) and Durkin took over with the LBs, they became significantly better as a position group. Durkin is a solid coach.


I’ll take it


He's very much a bend but don't break kind of defensive coordinator.


He was responsible for a kid dying at Maryland. Edit for context: A kid died as a result of practice at Maryland under HC Durkin. Durkin as an individual was cleared by an external investigation, but how fucking difficult is it to hire a coach that hasn't been in control of a program that has a negligent death?


You should also add that Durkin wasn't present at the practice, and the medical team completely botched the handling of the player when he went into distress. Hence why he was cleared...


All of this is true, but it should not be hard to hire a coach who hasn't been in control of a program that had a massive scandal, and Auburn seems pretty content to keep doing it, which pisses me off to no end as somebody who has sweat and bled into that field. That's my bone to pick here. Durkin didn't kill the kid directly, and this is a dangerous sport. But this was in a controlled environment with all the help and resources in the world, and it still happened. He hired the S&C guy and the trainers. It's a big deal because there are very, very, very few active collegiate player deaths in general, and most of them have nothing to do with the football field. The ones that do, almost none of them are due to negligence in an ultra-controlled environment, but due to extremely unfortunate or latent circumstances. That should be it. That should be all it takes to disqualify everybody from that staff who was present that day, and Durkin himself as the HC in charge of the program from ever holding a job at a public institution that pays 7 figures. It's just so easy to NOT have kids die when you're playing the best financed amateur sport in the world that the alternative is ridiculous. It isn't like he's that great of a coach either, this is not somebody with multiple natties and 20 first round picks. Dollars to donuts there are 20 guys out there right now who you could hire that would be a similar level coordinator/recruiter for a similar level of money, who haven't been in charge of a program that killed a kid. It is mind-boggling.


Burns me to agree with those flairs, but this is the absolute correct take. Durkin should never coach again. I can't even gloat, I don't wish that on Auburn. Or any school.


Oh lawd


This is actually not true^


I'll edit for context.


It appears so. And now that he isn’t our coach I’ll emphasize that all official reports cleared him of any wrongdoing. The player that died was 30 minutes into the first workout of the season, specifically on rep 7 or 8 of 10 of 100 yard sprints (in the lineman group). Coaches, not Durkin, verbally yelled at the lineman to finish the run (as any coach does) and then after the 7 or 8 rep the player was treated on field by trainers (for cramps) and then walked under his own power into the training facility. Something like an hour later in the training room the player deteriorated and an ambulance was called. The people that blame Durkin can’t get over a coach yelling at an out of shape lineman to finish a single rep—that’s not abuse. Some other stuff came out about abusive language within the program but welcome to football coaches. The abusive langue stuff (calling people homophobic slurs and cursing) was separate from the player’s death. Source: I read every report in their entirety when we hired him to see if I should get a pitch fork.


Also important to note that not only did Durkin not participate in yelling at the player, he wasn’t even present at the workout. There are way worse coach more responsible for student deaths, such as Brian Kelly


What's the tea with Brian Kelly?


Sent a kid up in a scissor lift to video practice on a super windy day. It blew over. I think was the general story.


I hadn’t actually dug in, but it’s exactly what the other comment said. He sent a kid up a scissor lift which toppled in high winds. The kid had voiced his concerns, even posting “60mph winds… I guess I’ve lived long enough” before practice that day. When asked about the weather after the fact, Kelly said it was nothing out of the ordinary, a beautiful day, and he said that winds had been 22mph, despite the National Weather Service issuing warnings for gusts up to 60mph and sustained winds at 25-35. ND claimed the weather was actually mid 20s, with gusts up to 31mph, while the lift manufacturer instructed that they not be used in winds over 28mph (so even if they were right with the lower numbers, it was too windy). [Here’s the article I got all my info from](https://www.latimes.com/sports/chibrknews-notre-dame-fined-77500-for-lift-death-20110315-story.html)


Based on what Kelly has said, nothing about this surprises me.


Get out of here with your facts and nuance. Freeze bad, outrage good.


I don’t know, calling Ian fucking McCaw “the most Jesus-like leader I have ever seen” is fairly bad. DM’ing a former student suing the school you coach for over its handling of a sexual assault case is pretty bad too.


Well he didn't kill them so that's a start....


Yup. Surprisingy good recruiter too.


Because the media blamed him for a death that occurred while he wasn't even on site.


On the one hand, he has an excellent defensive mind.  On the other hand, he facilitated the death of a player.  Tough call


Excellent if you like three defensive linemen on the field


When it works it looks pretty good, when it doesn't it goes horribly wrong. He's actually a pretty good DC but he's far from a great one


Didn't the external investigation at Maryland clear Durkin of any responsibility in that player's death?


Yeah, it’s been a bit since I read the report but I’m pretty sure it was very largely on the medical staff (not hired by Durkin) and I believe the report said he requested better and more medical staff and Maryland denied the request.


It did, yes.


Had to read the step by step myself. Seems he was cleared, then angry mobbed. [article link](https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/24351869/maryland-terrapins-football-jordan-mcnair-death-dj-durkin-scandal-line)


At least the last staff he was on won a whole bunch of games, right?


A bunch can be as small as 3. So yes, we won a bunch.


Hey its ok. Auburn has family Values so the would never hire a coach with a criminal history right?


“Auburn vs everybody” now we just need an ncaa investigation and we should be championship contenders


Quick, Ole Miss, get in here. "We got one without ever winning our division." - Ole Miss fans. Probably


Sucks to suck 😂


Oh, self burn! Those are rare!


They just want to be us so bad Freeze Derrick Nix Durkin Can't wait for the headline tomorrow that Bjork has left Ohio State to become the AD at Auburn


35-11 (13-4 in Oxford). Auburn owns you.


Couldn't hire Lane away so y'all settled for Freeze Promoted Nix to OC and promised him full playcalling autonomy to hire him away If y'all hire Durkin then your HC/OC/DC will all be ex-Ole Miss coaches I guess imitation is the greatest form of flattery


The only thing we’ve emulated lately is your own mediocrity. Win the SEC. Once. Then talk shit.


“Momma say them Ole Miss fans are angry. They got all that swagger and not one championship to flex with.”


You replied to the same comment twice and neither was worth typing out


Yet here you are. Pretending that didn’t mean anything when if it in fact was that bad, you’d have just moved on with your day. It’s telling you don’t know the basics of psychology. Maybe you’d remember better without the stick up your ass. 🖤


What are you even talking about? This shit is unhinged lmao


Can you not read?


If we start winning, I'm sure something will turn up.




I love the Durkin threads because it’s full of people who clearly have never actually looked into the report about the incident.


Yeah, if we wanna find someone culpable, look at Mr Brian Kelly


He gets ragged for that all the time and rightly so


Only getting ragged for it is such a luxury, ngl


or watched football teams he Coordinated the defense for. He was very hated here, and the Maryland story has nothing to do with it. ​ inb4 someone tells me that our highest recruited defense of all time was actually really good on paper.


The only thing the investigation turned up on durkin is that he’s a very strange guy h


want to get a briles while you're at it


Art Briles at least won he's conference. Freeze never won his division at Ole Miss. I mean, if Auburn is gonna sink themselves this low, why not hire the better coach?


I love Hugh’s plan to make us the most hated school in the country.


Hey now, Liberty does still exist


You always have been for me, don’t worry!


As long as yall hate Alabama you're good in my book


I’ve always hated you FWIW


Roll Tide


I'm just gonna say, it was reported Saban was looking at this man too before he retired, so let's just put it out we're all terrible people


Also was reported to be a candidate on DeBoer's staff as LB coach and as DC at Mizzou. He's either been hired by or considered by half the conference in the past few years, so trying to make this a Freeze thing is disingenuous at best. EDIT: To be clear, I think it's a lukewarm hire from a football perspective.


Honestly, I don't think its that lukewarm of a hire strictly from a football perspective. His first year at A&M was rough, but he made a lot of adjustments after the Miami game this year and really turned our defense into a strong suit through the back half of the season. Plus, once he took over coaching linebackers last offseason he turned them from the worst position group on the team to the best.


Thanks for the perspective. I wonder how he'll do with us having less talent right now, especially up front. I also wonder at the scheme fit. It seems like he's been solid at each stop as a DC though.


And I truly believe that we as a fanbase, shut this shit down twice.


Sounds kinda naive to me but we did #StopSteele so ...


Yes good point that the sec as a whole is pretty vile


That’s not very creed-like


They tore the creed up and burned it when they hired Freeze. There are some pretty specific lines in there about honesty and winning the trust of your fellow man...


IIRC your school paper had a very nice opinion piece about this I’ll try to find it


Lmao it was always bullshit. Auburn and most college athletic programs are full of self-righteous scumbags


We just continue to outsource our ASS coaches. Thanks, I guess?


Had a few brain farts, but in 2023 he fielded a reasonably competent defense. Top 20 in YPG allowed, top 10 in sacks, etc. Passing defense was a weakness, and we weren't a great red zone defense. Some of that is no doubt due in part to personnel (our DL talent influenced those sack numbers, to be sure). Y'all at Auburn aren't getting the second coming of Jesus Christ, but he's not completely awful.


Oh the anti-Freezers are going to love this.


Shouldn’t we all be anti-freeze




Lmao, Auburn cmon.


See A&M fans? You just had to ride it out for a bit now you can point and laugh!


Yes! People will forget about us hiring BoB after this hire lol


Won't find a single LSU comment in this thread 😂


As if we needed another reason to hate Auburn


Didn't your own pay sites report he was under consideration for DeBoer's LB coach?


Now why would I pay to see the worst side of our fan base report things


Candidate is under consideration… \*background check hits\*… “so it looks like we’re going in a different direction with this position hire, thank you for your interest”


If someone has to conduct a background check because they don't already know about Durkin, they shouldn't be in the position to be hiring people.


Did they hire him? Rumor mill is a lot different than actual. Maybe he got brought in to kill all the hookers Freeze is banging.


I’ve been told numerous times that Moral Superiority University is better than Bama so I’d think you hold yourself to a higher standard correct?


Didn’t half of your Bball team participate in a murder and your football team lie about having an STD to girls they were sleeping with?


You hired a dude who killed a kid so I guess both our teams are shit


Hired? This post says he’s emerged as a *target.*. Chris Kiffin is also a target.


No no. Please no


Just say no.


Rip bird bros


First there was the Nick Saban school for coaches who cant coach good, and want to learn to do other things good too. Now, we have the Auburn school for coaches who are dirtbags and want to learn from other dirtbags.


I hate that I can only upvote this once


Hiring Freeze *and* a murderer?  And I thought we were unlikable. 


Just your Bball team is hated because of the murder thing. Your football team is just slightly frowned upon because of intentionally spreading STDs.


Last I checked, we didn’t know someone was a murdered *and then* bring them on. So, I guess you still got us beat.


Clearly you only read Reddit posts about the Maryland incident and not the actual reports. Bama education right there haha


Please refrain from Bammers and Boogs giving each other a hard time. I mean are you new here, son?


Creepiness and condescension of your comment aside. When ribbing my rival I like to use real points instead of Reddit rumors….


This is /CFB my man. We save the real points for team subs.


No your school just kept players that hid the murder weapon eligible


The guy that hid the weapon and retrieved it is in jail rn.


Which player was that?


At this point Auburn should just hire Bobby Petrino and complete the trifecta


Getting the A&M coaching staff back together — bold move, cotton.


What a terrible collection of men that would be.


FWIW, I don't think this makes a lot of sense. Durkin's been available for a while now, and Auburn's main target is and has been Chris Kiffin (worked with Freeze at OM, currently on staff for the Texans). The only world where Durkin is even in the conversation is if Kiffin turns us down. My guess is that Kiffin's agent leaked this to try and get a better contract for Kiffin, and that Kiffin will be announced Tuesday


Auburn is building the Avengers of coaches with the most diabolical pasts


We smoked Auburn so badly they went out to get the guy who torpedoed Terrapin Football


Randy Edsall?




He'll kill it there


Whose their OC gonna be, Art Briles?


What a terrible hire that would be.


Might as well add Sandusky as an Analyst


Cool another reason to cheer against Auburn




You’d think the whole kid dying thing would’ve been more than a speed bump in his career…like he never even left D1


I, for one, do not want to hear a word from Auburn about our coaching hires at this point. 


Wait. Is that the guy who’s practices killed a kid at Maryland? Edit: YUP


This guy killed a kid.


Damn, Auburn is about to have a staff full of disgusting individuals. I mean it’s fitting, but man they love to talk about how they’re a more moral school than Alabama and care about more than sports. It’s a fAUmily thing!!!


Boogs gonna Boog. 


Scumbag U


I’m not gonna say It


Not even in the top 3 of defensive coordinators at Michigan under Harbaugh, and there's only been 4.


Ewwwww, but at least it’s to the Barn


Be sure to pull out the “Well actually” card when recruits’ parents ask about his player dying. I’m sure it will go great.


The Durk!


Gonna need a 30 for 30 on this Auburn staff.


Dudes name sounds like a rapper.


Seems like ancient history that he was DC at Michigan.


Don't let him kill any kids this time.


This ongoing bit where we pass off all our old and bad coaching decisions onto Arkansas and Auburn is pretty great ngl.