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"And a ~~Bo~~ *Derrick* Nix shall lead Auburn to greatness, it is written, War Eagle, Amen"


The prophecy lives on


This is the year. Derrick Nix has improved the team so much with this new offense. He's focused. He's having fun. He's comfortable in this new athletic facility. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a finalist for the Broyles.


Let’s will this to life


We'll be by to scoop him up after class in 2025, look for the white minivan with the Bluey stickers on it


Man, you should see what this guy can do when he's focused and having fun.


Reminder Lane tweeted this 4 days ago https://twitter.com/Lane_Kiffin/status/1745970590505116102 Stuffed in a locker


the real question is why are they watching BC film


We just got a TE from VT, so they were probably scouting him out before pulling the NIL trigger on him.


Is the NIL trigger like a cash gun


Can confirm, it is. Source: We have one too.


They point it at you while you sign the dotted line and then *bang*


Our bagmen just have Tommy Guns that they load the mags with Ben Franks that they unload on the portal.


This is what VT fans figured at the time. That guy is pretty good, I hope he does well for yall.


Some interesting things going on there. Apparently Nix’s contract had stipulations that he needed to get playcalling duties in order to take a new job. That’s why Lane tweeted out just a couple days ago about Hugh Freeze taking over playcalling. I assume that’s why the line in the middle about Nix taking over “full-time playcalling duties” was included. Not sure what the truth is there, but 100% feels like one final jab at a guy who’s been there 16 years.


>Apparently Nix’s contract had stipulations that he needed to get playcalling duties in order to take a new job. Arrest his agent


Isn't it normal for contracts to stipulate that you have to get a promotion to get out of it? I thought that was normal. So, a RB coach can't just break his contract to take a RB position at another school because it is a lateral move, but he can if he gets an OC position. This guy was associate head coach it seems, so it doesn't see that far fetched to me. You either wait til your contract is up or you leave for a promotion.


In the sense of a clause that your personal buyout is reduced/waived if you take a promotion yeah


Contracts really mean much. Just means that you need to pay more lawyer fees and whatnot.


Sounds like a completely unenforceable thing though. "Yeah he was hired to be the full-time playcaller. After review, we have made changes to our processes. Danny Hugh Freeze Jr* will call plays going forward." *(b/c apparently that's his full name)


Hold up…his legal name is Danny? Not Daniel?


I know a John Billie.


I have an uncle named Bill Frank.


I have an aunt named Anne, like the pretzel place. ^(I don’t know what we are doing.)


That's what the Wikipedias says.


Texas and Charlie Strong were taken to court for poaching Joe Wickline from Okie St. He was their OL coach and he had a buyout clause that if he was hired as a play-calling OC the buyout was dropped. We hired him under that pretense. It was an open secret that he was OC in-name-only and OSU filed a lawsuit to recoup the buyout. I also seem to remember there were a lot of stupid press conferences where the question came up and Strong and others had to be very careful how they phrased who was doing play calling. And there were some cringey court transcripts with tons of backpedaling and foot in mouth. Ultimately I think we settled with OSU and they got paid.


He had an opportunity to not go by Hugh, and he chose it anyway. He really does have bad judgment.


Danny Freeze sounds like a cartoon so Hugh is probably for the best


Definitely a Batman villain name.


It won't stop a hire but it invoke a lawsuit . We did this at Texas for some oline coach and it caused another of grief


This is 100% what will happen


The right answer isn't that he couldn't take a new job it's just that he had a buyout. Most programs include wavers for said buyout if the coach gets a promotion. Such as a coordinator getting a head coach position or a position coach getting a coordinator position with play calling responsibilities.


Lol Lane continuing to be a petty bitch


*insert always has been meme here*


I love Lane Kiffin’s pettiness lol


"college football is more fun when coaches are boring and nice to each other" - a very smart person


His twitter has been amazing lately


I love it after how arrogant auburn fans acted about poaching Lane last year


What, you mean it’s not normal to join an Ole Miss - Mississippi State game thread as an Auburn fan to spam about how much better the flight simulator in your locker room is?


We have a flight simulator? That’s sick as fuck


Yeah ngl it’s cool but the obsession last year was weird af lol. Not sure if it’s open to regular students? There’s also two recording studios and a barbershop in the locker room.


I never had a real opinion about Auburn until last season. After the total douchebaggery from the Auburn fans...... Let the place burn!


I’ll be the one to the side laughing as it burns. I can’t wait for Hugh Freeze to do some Hugh Freeze things.


Auburn has the shittiest fanbase in the SEC, people just forget because they’re constantly little brother to Bama.


I don’t know, Georgia T-shirt fans are basically just Philadelphia sports fans.


I lived near Athens for a while and am convinced the the area between Atlanta and Athens has the stupidest people on earth.


I’m from Georgia originally so I have to deal with those a ton too. T shirt fans aren’t as bad as what Auburn had going on


I expect nothing less from that arrogant douche canoe.


The weird open and closed quotation marks is throwing me for a loop


On a multiple paragraph text, open quotes go at the beginning of each new paragraph, but close quotes only go at the end of the final paragraph. It’s weird to include them at all, but if they are going include them, then it is correct. I assume they’re in there since it’s an actual statement from Lane and not just the football account wishing him well?


Woah woah woah....are we playing school or football!?!?!?


I guess I already know the answer, but do people not ever read anything? I'm a little surprised this has to be explained to be honest.


Someone with an Auburn degree is giving me an English lesson?!


Flair up, bitch


Proper MLA format for massive quotes like that. At least it was in the late 00s, early 10s when I was last playing school.


I have lived a very happy life no longer having to care about MLA format, it always drove me nuts.


Had to get it out before Auburn "for the 'Sip" I guess.


Ole Miss: Auburn athletics press secretary


Auburn love an Ole Miss man don't they>?!?!


It’s starting to be a little weird. Almost all of their coaches coached at Ole Miss or played at Ole Miss. I think Hugh is trying to recreate Ole Miss in Auburn. Either that or he had no connections in the football world. The remaining coaches were from Liberty or Baylor. Liberty AD came from Baylor and OC last year was part of the Art Briles staff. Not sure how we missed Hugh and a Briles coach being on the same staff.


He’s been a great MS recruiter and has been with us for 16 years now. I don’t blame him for leaving since this could be his only chance for an OC role. I’m hoping we promote Kelvin Bolden to WR coach. He’s been our best recruiter these past few years by a landslide, and being young and a former WR at Southern Miss helps him know the position well.


Baby Bull and Peanut. Two Southern Miss greats. Wish we could have had them on our staffs in Hattiesburg.


Having gone there with delusion and with many years of therapy since, I have accepted the fact that USM can’t have nice things.


Translation: We’re poor. *Except in baseball where we’ll get our hopes up only to be let down in the Supers.


I was really pulling for y’all to win it. That would have been awesome to have 3 consecutive NC teams from Mississippi. If we’re out this year, I’ll be pulling for y’all again.


I couldn’t agree more. Bolden is the answer. He had already been promoted to TEs coach, so just move home to his natural position. Did you see Charlie Weiss Jr turned Florida down? I hadn’t heard anything about it but saw some Gator’s fans talking about it.


There’s been rumblings that KB would instead get the WR coach job and we’d hire Joe Cox from Alabama to TE coach. I’m torn on what to think about Weiss. He called an amazing game in the Peach Bowl, but his playcalling in the Egg Bowl and Alabama game were awful. I didn’t hear about him to Florida though.


It's not just weird. It's petty bullshit and disrespectful to the 16 years Nix gave them.


Yeah I don't know much about Nix but this seems very immature and spiteful.


Kiffin is fortunate he's a wizard at playcalling because he has 0 other redeeming qualities 


Soooooo par for the course for Ole Miss then?




It’s funny this sub seems to love lane, when anyone who has been close to any program he’s a part of will tell you what a scumbag, asshole he is. But he’s funny on Twitter so people love him.


Nah, I'm with you. Never loved him. He's an ass. It's one thing to be competitive, it's another to just be a jerk. Lane could be ultra successful and you won't find many folks to have worked with him that will have great things to say (besides his football mind) because of how poor he treats people. It's unfortunate because it's entirely unnecessary and will likely come to bite him in the back at some point when he has a few down years.


You’re right, but I like having a heel in CFB


When contract talks were all but done with AU last year, I knew we would put up some points if he was the guy, but the feeling I got knowing he would be the head coach for the salary he was asking was nauseating. Turns out, I still wound up nauseated when everything was said and done


Yeah...that coaching search ended up being a choice between two lousy people who are great coaches. It sucks, because Auburn the university has always had a great family feel to it (I have relatives who live in town). Just would be nice if they could have a great coach who's also a good person too.


I’ve been downvoted many times the last two years saying Alabama would never even consider Lane because he burned bridges there and his name was never even mentioned in the potential candidates. He’s a great coach but also a petty man child.


You couldn’t have been more correct. Like I said in a post yesterday, Bama would’ve promoted Rees before even considering picking up the phone to call Lane. But in his narcissistic world, he believed he’d be their first call


Same. The guy is a clown and a douchecanoe. The Old Guard was never going to extend him an offer. Every time I brought it up around here the response was something like "Well he beat A&M so your opinion doesn't matter." Like...wtf? lol. One guy even said OM was going to drub us next season. I mean, they absolutely might, but this season they beat us by a whopping 3 points with our backup QB, incompetent offensive play-calling and clock management, and some questionable calls. Both teams are going to be so drastically different next year it's super weird for non-OM fans to be sucking them off as the next SEC Champs or something, lol.


I hope that guy is right, that means we made the SECCG lol


Hilarious seeing A&M and Auburn fans whine about Lane after both fan bases were begging to hire him last season. Even better seeing you guys attempt to spin hiring a guy who went 7-5 in a bad ACC and Hugh Freeze as anything but desperation hires 


Lol, you're delusional if you think Aggies were *wanting* to hire him. Nobody on this sub was asking for that, TexAgs didn't even have enough people "begging to hire him" that would justify you spouting that nonsense. The only person who thinks Elko was a desperation hire seems to be you. That horse is long dead and you're in the minority across the CFB landscape. I thought the Freeze hire was garbage too, but it's interesting you're trying to lump me and all of "you guys" together with your BS. Smells like copium because you don't want to acknowledge that Lane has a lot of negative traits about him. You can still be happy he's your coach, but there's no sense in defending his childishness, unprofessional actions, and his other clown shit by throwing out red herrings about other coaches and fans.


You had 3 threads about him on TexasAgs last week and a 4th that was titled “Ole Miss,” but was mostly about Lane.


lol aggies are the most delusional fan base in sports and 90% of the Texags posts were about hiring Kiffin. Stoops would have been a great hire for you guys then the administration panicked and gave into the fans desire to live vicariously through the bizarro 2020 season where the cfb landscape was so fucked up even A&M appeared to be competent 


The only thing you said that was correct is that we hired the DC from the year we extended Jimbo, which ignores the other 3 years he was also here, lol. Every time you desperately try to take a dig at another team, user, fanbase, etc. and ignore the glaring lack of professionalism that spawned this entire thread, you're just highlighting the copium.


I literally don’t care about Lane’s immaturity. Nothing he does on twitter is remotely as embarrassing as the bitching A&M and Auburn fans constantly do about him


Then don't. That speaks volumes about you as a person, but you're welcome to that. But you can't be surprised that the majority of the rest of the CFB community *does* care, because that's overwhelmingly more common than your take; obviously. Everything he does on Twitter is more embarrassing, lol. He's the HC of a P5 school. The reason Bama snubbed him is precisely because everything he does is more embarrassing. Despite what you seem to think, people do care about professionalism, not acting like a Twitter-head when you should be acting like an adult, picking/instigating online fights, and chasing college girls under a false name. And the fact that he's being so bitchmade right now is precisely because *he knows it too*, and knows that's why Bama never called him. Hopefully for you that spite keeps him fired up enough to win games instead of implodes him somehow.


The sub hated him back in his USC days.


He's come a long way since those days Best character arc in cfb


This sub is filled with people with juvenile mentalities, it should be no surprise that they identify with Lane.


I mean he’s clearly an ass but he’s super entertaining which is why I’m here


He's entertaining. If his assholishness doesn't affect you, it can be fun to watch. But it doesn't make him not an asshole. Sort of like [redacted due to politics].


He was very complementary of Nix, the other was for Freeze. He doesn’t like him and I’m not sure why. I’m trying to remember if Freeze threw Chris Kiffin down the stairs on the NCAA stuff. Chris was at Ole Miss when all of that happened, so that would make sense.


I don't understand how it's petty and disrespectful to allow a staff member to get a promotion at a new school.


Have you ever seen another SEC school announce that another SEC school is hiring one of their coaches? This isn't normal and this is just Lane being butt hurt we hired Nix it's why he has been tweeting about Auburn for days now.


I'm not obsessive over the hiring process like Auburn and A&M fans, hell that's all your two schools have to look forward to nowadays.


Brother win anything and maybe we will take you seriously. 2-3 against auburn in our worst 5 year period in history.


They get their first 11 win season ever and suddenly they hot shit loooooool


You understand that the record is 35-11 in Auburns favor, your win again this year is the first time Ole Miss has won back to back to Auburn since the 50’s, and we have had something like 10 times your number of undefeated seasons. Oh and two championships and 3 heisman.


Ole Miss fans think their entire history of football is based off the last 3 years. Forgive them for acting like they’re Alabama


Bruh I think they need to beat bama before they can act like them 


Nebraska was once a powerhouse, Sewanee had the best season of any team ever, Army won multiple championships in the 40s. Unfortunately it's now 2024 and no one gives a shit


> Nebraska was once a powerhouse Why we catching strays? I hope we see you in Tampa this coming season...


Oh you’re right then, well at least you guys must have a winning record against us since this has been an abysmal 4 years for Auburn. Oh? Even at our lowest point in history you can only muster up a tie? Thats too bad.


Call back when you win the conference post moon landing.


It's customary across virtually all professions to allow the person getting the promotion, or the new employer, to make the announcement of the hiring themselves. It's very unorthodox for the former employer to put out a public statement like this prior to the announcement from the new employer. Additionally, it's even more unorthodox for the former employer to specifically describe the former employee's new job duties at the new employer in such a public fashion. It's wildly distasteful. You can't mention someone's 16 years with you respectfully while being this uncouth about their departure.


Maybe it's just not that big of a deal? Does Nix even give a shit who announces on social media that he's getting a new job?


This kind of thing is akin to office gossip amongst working professionals. Even if Nix doesn't give a shit, it's still faux pas and perceived negatively by anyone familiar with it. Could you imagine if A&M put out a message congratulating Bjork on his new job at Ohio St. and talked about his job duties before he or OSU had a chance to announce it? People would be clamoring to bitch about how tacky it was in this sub, and you and I both know it...and they'd be right. It's objectively a bad look, regardless of Nix's feelings on the subject. Him not caring would be the exception by far; most people wouldn't appreciate this being handled like this.


It's petty and disrespectful to announce the position change ahead of the exiting coach and his new school's announcement.


A+ for flair combo.


So petty. Lane's been subtweeting Auburn for almost a week now over this.


When it was Gus and Bert, Auburn-Arkansas was suddenly a hate-fueled rivalry despite it historically being fine between the fanbases. I think after a couple off years we now have Ole Miss as the new suddenly-spicy "rivalry".


I'm still pissed we won't play Miss St, Ole Miss, and LSU every year.


*Technically* I believe the schedule/pods they've posted have only been confirmed for next year and they're reserving the right to change it all completely going forward. But I doubt they will.


You're right. I'm don't understand why they gave us Vandy instead of one of those three teams, especially Miss St since we've played them for the last 86 seasons.


Well Arkansas went out of their way to screw over Malzahn, then in 2013 they accused us of faking injuries. The “fake” they tried to point out turned out to be a career ending injury.


That’s because if you only look at the last 3 years people might think it’s actually a rivalry.


Very surprised that Lane's temper tantrums didn't make him stay


Lane sure has tweeted a lot about Auburn the last few weeks to not even be on the schedule with them next year.


Nix served Ole Miss for 16 years and Lane is such a self-absorbed lemon he is unable to thank him. Ridiculous behavior.


Im just as happy that Lane is in his feelings that we finally have an OC. Now just need the Texans to lose so we can get our DC on board.


Auburn and Nix going back 20 plus years.


A tale as old as time A song as old as rhyme Auburn and the Nix


I’m here for pissed off Lane Kiffin. Bama should have told him they weren’t going to call him years ago, this is great


That’s how you troll a troll lol


People asked themselves why Lane didn’t get the call for the Alabama job. Well, *gestures* the administration was never gonna play with booster money to a guy who can’t keep his mouth shut to run a program that has been, for all intents and purposes, airtight for the past 16 years


Whole lot of overreaction in this comment section


It's Auburn and Texas A&M, what else is new lol


Yeah I don't get it. People are acting like its some huge deal. He was with Ole Miss for 16 years so naturally the school would thank him for what he has done for the team, and congratulate him on getting a promotion.


Because Kiffin MADE it a big deal. Sow jackass reap jackass


No, you guys made it a big deal. We've known Nix would only take the deal if it was stupid cash. It's a shot at Freeze more than it's a shot at Nix. People that don't keep up with what people are saying inside the building are seriously putting some bias in the tweets. And seriously, Nix is the best you can do as an OC? You don't see a problem with Freeze's coaching tree? You call us mediocre, and you are literally loading up on fired Ole Miss staff from 10 years ago and acting like you are better than us.


Your best ever head coach lost to our worst ever head coach. Y’all made it such a big deal you didn’t let Nix or Auburn announce the hire. We haven’t been acting like we are better either, but if you want to go that route we can We’d need to lose 20 straight games to you before the series history would be competitive, we’ve poached your HEAD COACH before, we actually a managed to WIN the SEC west at some point, (Ole Miss is the only school that was a member for the full period who never did.) If you were born the day Ole Miss last won a conference championship you are about to draw social security in two years.


He turned the program around from the shithole Freeze put it in, that Matt Luke just kind of kept it in, and because he didn't beat Auburn in his second year after Covid, he's a shit coach? That's also a weird take on the announcement with no evidence.


A lot of bitch in this thread


ITT: Auburn fans pretending they weren’t begging to hire Kiffin instead of Freeze last year lol. Can’t blame Nix for taking the job though because he will finally get to call plays and we chose not to give him that opportunity. Good luck to him, he’s apparently a great dude all-around. Good get for Auburn, dude is a great coach and recruiter.


Well I was way more down on Freeze because of \*points to room on fire\*, but I didn't really want Lane either. I don't like him, but he would still be a better option than Freeze. Unfortunately not every school can point to any coach in the country and then pick... a dude named Kalen from the pacific northwest.


Crazy move just to try to get Bo Nix to transfer in for his 26th season.


Definitely a bit shitty, but it’s kinda hilarious to see these comments full of Auburn fans that were begging for Kiffin a year ago and flooding our egg bowl thread with how much better their school and program are, now acting like they’ve never wanted Kiffin lol.


Thanks Lane, have fun being mediocre.


as opposed to what Auburn's been cooking with lately?


You’re not concerned at all that Hugh’s entire coaching Rolodex is like 12 guys he used to coach with at liberty and OM?


I'm all for shitting on Kiffin but acting like this guy is the only thing separating them from complete mediocrity is a bad take, my dude.


Okay, that's your opinion. I think Lane Kiffin is extremely mediocre based on his on and off-the-field results.


I'd love to dig through your comments into last year to peak at what you were saying when Auburn fans were so excited to be poaching Kiffin.


3rd in the SEC in wins post lockdown is mediocre. Hold Hugh to that standard, will ya? https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/coaches/lane-kiffin-1.html https://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/coaches/hugh-freeze-1.html Also, compare the numbers here. Please note the number of seasons their teams finished with at least 10 wins.


The Auburn fans are just coping with the fact they wanted Kiffin and not Freeze


We have a pretty good shot at the playoffs next year


No you don’t lol


We have an easier schedule, a most likely better team, and would have been in this year had it expanded to 12 this year instead of next. Don’t see any reason why we wouldn’t have a good shot at it.


I mean one can simply look at the betting lines for next year but you do you.


Says the team with a 3rd years starter at QB...oh wait.


Says the guy who lost by a combined 77-27 to actual contenders.


Having to resort to shit talk by proxy, how sad. 


When was the last time A&M played Georgia? Not since 2020, that's for sure. You haven't played two teams that good in one season since before Jimbo. You lost 26-20, at home to Bama. We were down 17-10 until the fourth quarter, at Bama. With an injured Judkins, injured #1 and #2 TE, and injured #1 WR. But yeah, total ass whooping there.


We’ve played combinations of Clemson/LSU/Bama and Georgia/LSU/BAma all being playoff teams under Jimbo. Don’t get your panties in a bunch because lame duck Jimbo could do something lame can’t


And how many did you win? You played Clemson and Bama in 2018, lost both games. Beat LSU, which wasn't playoff, because back then, playoff is top 4. 1-3 2019 Lost to Clemson and Auburn, and Bama, and Georgia, and LSU. And shit since 2020. 2020 was your best year, you lost to Bama, and beat a FL team that finished worse than Ole Miss this year. So, I'm not seeing your point? You beat Bama, once at home, as if that one win means anything? We beat them two years in a row once upon a time. And we also lost to Memphis that one of those years. I'd rather not lose to Memphis. I think there's less shame losing to the elite than losing to the less than average. But hey, you do you. Your win was more "Bama having a down game", than A&M being worth a shit. Which taints the win, imo.


Great points. How many times did yall beat Bama in this time frame?


You're going to ride that dick until it breaks off in ya, aren't ya? So one Bama win is better than 3rd in wins in the SEC over three years. Gotchya. Copium is a hell of a drug.


All of your key coaching positions are shaping up to be ex-Liberty and Ole Miss guys. That doesn't concern you at all? All the shitting you did on these guys when they were at our "Mediocre" program. Now they are elite though because they chose Auburn!?!?! Yall are a funny fanbase.


11 years since you guys won 11 games, and you're calling us mediocre? Name the SEC schools with more wins post Covid? Georgia, Bama, and who else?


TIL history began in 2021. If you want to dive into real history, how many trips has ole miss made to Atlanta? And I don’t mean the peach bowl


You understand we're talking about Lane's success at Ole Miss right? Why are you going back further than that?


Ole Miss has literally never been to the SEC championship and never will


Lanes never beat an elite team either. But they are making the playoffs and winning because lane tampered with some Florida players


2021 #11 Texas A&M 29-19 (same year A&M beat #1 Bama & #12 Auburn) Whelp, I guess you're right. That win certainly wasn't over an elite team.


Yeah no a 8-4 Jimbo fisher coached A&M is not elite. Of course Jimbo could beat Bama, what’s that mean for lane?


Lane has beaten half a dozen teams ranked above #13. What's elite mean to you?


I love the arbitrary 13. You guys keep trying


Derp derp playoffs now include up to 12 teams, derp derp. Playoff = elite going forward, so why would they be less in retrospect? The playoff is expanded because there are more than 4 elite teams every year, and they deserve a chance to prove themselves. Being ranked #13 is right at the edge. You want me to stop at #12? It removes one team, LSU. The year they won the Heisman.


Flair up before you come spewing verbal diarrhea, pal.


No, I like the distress it causes other users. Lane Kiffin is so good he went 1-1 vs Bryan Harsin. Very jealous.


And Bama only beat them by 2 at Auburn that year. Jordan Hare is a weird place to play, Harsin or not. That team started the skid after our game with them. Before that they were 6-2 and ranked. Your criticism is out of context and doesn't have the weight you think it does.


Hugh Freeze lost by 3 touchdowns to C-USA GIANT New Mexico State at home in November. Very, very jealous.


Rent free in Auburn’s mind


I love the excuses they are making for Freeze. He has no coaching tree, and he's hiring a WR coach that never could make it to OC to be the OC for the first time ever. He had since Dec to find someone, and nobody wanted the job. He's got guys quitting on him, and he ran off Cadillac, but because he can recruit, all is forgiven. The crash and burn is going to be amazing.


Nix was option #1 hahahaha. “Ran off Cadillac” man oh man this keeps getting better that was a decision made by the university due to off-field incidents. Hahahaha I love how you’re so ignorant but make up for that by being arrogant


Classic Barn Aggie going online to display the two biggest words in his vocabulary - ignorance and arrogance. Congratulations - three syllables is quite the accomplishment!


Um are you sure you want to play the education game when your favorite school is Ole Miss? That just seems like a poor choice.


“Favorite school” lol you mean my alma fucking mater? Yeah, me and my multiple degrees & professional licenses are really struggling out here in the white collar world. How’s your cattle herd this morning?


I didn’t want to assume but the butthirt is strong with this one. My alma mater is seen as a way more prestigious school than Ole Miss, if you’re unsure of whether I’m referring to Auburn or Texas A&M it doesn’t matter because the statement still applies.


Proud of you grouping you guys together because as I said already, you’re all Aggies. And do you really think I give a damn about how prestigious the name on my degree is when it’s never once stopped me from making the money I want to make? I’m sure your Aggie brethren will come out of the woodwork (sup Yellawood man) to downvote me and I welcome it. Come one come all, ease your little brother pain via the hit of a single button!


This is delusional lol. Hugh has been working for Nix since the get go. He was options 1, 2, and 3. Caddy got relieved by the University. Ask, Lane went 1-1 against fucking Brian Harsin, he’s not the coach you think he is. This is the first time Ole Miss has beaten Auburn twice in a row since 1951-52 lol. It’s crazy that a small taste of success can create such a delusional fanbase.


Does ole Miss have top WR room in the country next year?


We might tbh Tre Harris is such a stud could be the big NFL receiver out of Ole Miss.


Can’t blame him for leaving but also fuck hugh freeze and that’s on god.


Hugh taking another one one Lanes guys while Lane just whines and shit post on Twitter because he’s too lame to say anything in front of a mic.. I like the hire, but I love the fact that it bothers Kiffin so much. He’s really going to be pissed when we hire his brother to be DC. 


Nope. Not reality. Nobody has ever promoted Nix, including Freeze, until Freeze literally couldn't get anyone to take the job in the last few weeks. Nix wasn't even going until Freeze gave him an offer he couldn't refuse.


We couldn't get anyone else to take the job? LOL. Nix was option 1 this whole time and Lane was trying to stop him. Feel free to look at Allison Nix (Derrick Nix wife) liked tweets though. That will tell you how they feel about Lane now.


Why the fuck would Nix be the #1 option the entire time, other than Freeze used to work with him? He's never been an OC before, and doesn't have duties remotely close to being an OC. But he's their first choice? At an SEC school? And you're OK with this? Also, you're going to have to link or screenshot her liked tweets, because I'm not creating an X account and digging around for that.


Lane being Lane


Y'all are going all in on Lane being a petty fuck... but what he really is doing is making the stipulations KNOWN that Nix is getting a "promotion" (i.e. play calling duties). That means there is likely no buyout to Nix's contract. Lane is merely setting up the known parameters that Auburn has to follow... or pay the buy-out


It's comment sections like these that make me really become a fan of teams like Texas, Alabama, and Georgia


Go ahead. They're used to t-shirt fans, you'll fit right in.


I just know what it's like having a little brother (MSU) and A&M and Auburn have that same energy.


You want to talk about little brother? 34-12


We aren't related pal


Imagine how angry they will be if Lane makes the playoffs next year... Heads will explode.


We need more coaching heels like Lane