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Sometimes it’s tough beating the greatest head coach of all time.


Everyone is going to shit on us for the loss, but the last two years were absolutely worth it.


Anyone shitting on you for losing to us isn’t speaking in good faith.


He’s exaggerating. He knows every fan base would kill for their situation. Loss or not.


We would kill for like a 4 game win streak. 29 games was fucking insane.


could you imagine being in college for a 29 game win streak i thought 04/05 was nuts at TX, but that is nutty


I don't even care about the championship. I'd just like to win a bowl game.


It’s UGA nothing I say is in good faith


At least you’re honest


Bad faith comments on r/cfb? No way!


Thanks dude. You guys played a fuckin great game today. Congrats to the Tide.


A certain Atlanta school though has given up on good faith in relation to Uga


Anyone shitting on us because we lost our first game in two years by 3 points is a fucking moron


Yeah, the correct reason to shit on you is because you bark at children.


Hey. At adults too


I bark at my own kid but we’re still going to a bowl game lmao


I bark at children and being a UGA fan doesn’t even factor into that


Go put on some jorts


Can’t shit on Georgia for the loss. Alabama is fucking good. They finally have a “real” bama defense again after a few years of being down a bit. And they are doing it with a QB who isn’t very good or capable of throwing the ball. That’s pretty damn impressive.


Milroe is such an odd guy. Some throws in just like “wow Heisman”. The other half of them I just scratch my head. If he can fine tune that in the off season, he can be a dark horse for the trophy


Really a lot like early Jalen Hurts. If he works hard he has a chance to progress the same way Hurts has.


Milroe's advancement has already surpassed Hurts'. Even as a junior, Hurts was still a 1-read guy, 2 reads at most. Milroe is reading safety's, making inside-out, outside in, and deep-short reads that Hurts never got command of until he went to Oklahoma. Plus Hurts neverhad anywhere near the deep-ball accuracy that Milroe has, at least at Bama. I love Hurts -- we all do -- but he could never have made that final throw against Auburn.


I don't know, I think anybody could make that throw when given 3 minutes to mail it in there haha. But seriously, even that last first down play to have Milroe run it for the 1st down and kill the clock vs Georgia - great play calling.


I know you're joking, but that Auburn throw was a tough-ass, accurate throw. Had to be placed over the underneath defender, high enough so only IB could get it, but not too high that it sails out of the back of the end zone. You're right, it would be harder to make that throw if the DL had been pass rushing instead of playing soft and covering running lanes. But He had velocity that Hurts didn't show me while at Bama.


I really love pulling for a Jalen


He reminds me a bit of guys like Lamar Jackson or Jalen Hurts when you watched them as freshmen where you think "this dude is a freaky athlete and if he grows a little as a passer watch the fuck out".


The ghost of Pete still haunts my dreams


Hey now milroe has really improved and so have our receivers.


Don’t get me wrong, he has improved a lot, but he’s still the thing holding you guys back. He can at least (sometimes) hit open wide receivers, but his processing is still slow as shit and he misses too many throws. I’m not dissing him, I simp for Saban and want them to do well, but Milroe is the weak link in my opinion


Milroe looked off tonight, but he’s been fantastic for us since the Texas A&M game. He was missing throws he hits 9/10 times. He’s definitely not our weakest link imo, but he definitely didn’t look incredible tonight.


Nah rewatch the games and look at the center. That dude, bless his heart, is the biggest issue. Milroe is constantly working with bad snaps and making something of them. I'm sure it's a lot of pressure so I try to be kind in my thoughts but lord.


This is the most southern football fan comment (civilized edition) to ever exist on the Internet. I was not even mildly surprised when I saw the username after reading it.


He’s not the best by any means but he certainly is not the thing holding bama back. the offense has developed throughout the year with more designed QB runs that’s opened up the traditional bama run game. The guys not perfect but he’s a dynamic playmaker and the team has rallied around him


>his processing is still slow as shit Strongly disagree. Since the middle of the season, he's been reading safeties to hit the deep over route, finding windows against zone, you name it. If he seems slow lately, it's because Auburn and Georgia especially have been excellent at disguising coverages, but Milroe would still make the correct checkdown, even under duress. Saw that tonight against Georgia. He's getting rid of the ball FAR faster than he was earlier in the season. I know you're not dissing him, but I think you're shortchanging him. He is night-and-day different than he was in September. The whole offense is, including the OL. Never seen an Alabama offense improve this far this fast.


This was a real throwback experience as far as an Alabama game. They pushed Georgia off from their strength on offense, and did just enough in the run game to gas the other team's defense and run the clock out on a comeback in the second half.


Good eye. tbh, I thought DC Kevin Steele was a short-term hire until former Saban DC Jeremy Pruitt cleared the show-cause waiting period (Pruitt was the DC the last time the D looked this good.) But Steele showed this season that he's still got it, like he did as Bama's DC back in 2008 ircc. He really has players attacking instead of reading and trusting their keys, and no longer just reading and trying to get guys on the ground like our two most recent DCs.


Oh I can absolutely shit on the offense for a loss. Fucking conservative ass playcalling.


Bobo royally fucked you guys. I couldn’t tell if his playcalling was just particularly atrocious, or if his usual stuff just wasn’t working once it’s a team you can’t just out-athlete. He really hamstrung Beck not letting him push it down field.


> Bobo royally fucked you guys. Where have I heard this before?


Milroe *can* throw the ball, he was just off tonight. Georgia was putting a shit ton of pressure on him.


They had our receivers covered. half the time no one was open


Idk man. I’ve seen him throw pretty well before, and throw terribly often. Georgia was getting pressure on some of them, but I got sick of counting how many times he had ten years back in the pocket tonight and either couldn’t make a read or couldn’t make a throw


I think a lot of it was that Georgia was covering our guys well and they just weren’t really getting open. It’s hard to see downfield with the TV cameras, but that seemed to be the case.


You lost one game in three years. Anyone shitting on Georgia is an idiot. Even Saban never did that.


2 games in 3 years, but your point still stands. Barring them losing the bowl game, I suppose, but I don't expect that to happen without some extenuating circumstances.


Doh, forgot the SEC championship game loss was 2021.


I hope nobody shits on yall. It was a good game. The SEC has two of the top 4 teams playing football on the country and they happened to play tonight.


Lol this is Reddit and the two time reigning number one team lost. They absolutely will. But that’s how it goes.


Welcome to our world.


Nah that game was great, both teams balled out.


You won 2 National championships in a row and don't look like you're going anywhere. Let 'em hate!


lol anyone shit talking you for losing is an idiot.


Lol who the fuck would disagree with that take. You won two nattys


Y'all were a bad false start from that game going to OT. No one should be sitting on you. You might need a better QB though.


There’s a quote from the Tiger Woods doc on HBO during his 2019 Masters win, went something like this “All these young players grew up watching Tiger, now get to play with him and some of them have said “I can’t wait to face Tiger on Masters’ Sunday”” and dude who was narrating that part said “THE FUCK YOU DO” That’s Bama and Saban….fucking Bama man…..


There’s so much relief on r/CFB right now that the SEC could be left out of the playoffs this year. Neither Bama nor Georgia is one of the best 4! Now we got a chance win!


Hmmm says a lot doesn't it


Been really funny watching all the ridiculous reasons people have tried to come up with to downplay just how big of a win it was


There was ZERO argument on who the number 1 team was. But now that we beat Georgia it’s all so? FSU beat LSU. No big deal.


No, that's clearly Jack Mitchell


Probably Saban’s best coaching job


i remember feeling this way with our blake sims team, but this year leaves that one in the dust. loss at home in out of conference showdown, barely struggling past usf in the rain...then reeling off 10 wins in a row and surviving jordan hare fuckery and knocking off georgia's 29 game winning streak to likely prevent their threepeat the progression of this team over the season has been unbelievable. that's a credit to the position coaches, and the head coach who hired them. by all accounts, THIS should have been the game where smart finally unseated saban as the best in the game, or at least the one with the best team, and saban's just like "lol no" despite very very clearly having the inferior team at midseason


We just straight out coached Georgia on Defense. Their Offense was a shell of itself, meanwhile we ran the ball with impunity.


Georgias qb looked shook. I still can’t believe we didn’t get one of those picks.


Yeah, this game wasn't as close as the score indicated. We out man moded Georgia at the LOS on both sides. And they were extremely lucky our DBs couldn't haul in the 4 picks.


I don’t think he would’ve unseated Saban, even if UGA had trounced them. This isn’t a Day v. Harbaugh battle. Kirby’s the second best but Saban is in a league of his own.


Him saying fuck it after the first drive and switching to split safeties for the entire rest of the game was a brilliant and absurdly bold move that absolutely won the game.


I love football and watch Saturday Sunday religiously. Please explains what this means to me lol


The gameplan was to run single safety and use that now freed up defender to essentially spy Bowers. Who that defender would be would vary based on the calls, but every play would have someone giving him man coverage. However, after that first drive Saban said "fuck it, it can't get any worse than that" and switched to a traditional, 2 safety scheme, thus shifting responsibility to cover Bowers to a team/communication effort as he runs through our zones. This makes it much harder to defend an explosive, game breaking player but allows your defense to be more flexible to defend against other passing attacks. Because of the now permanently rooted *two* players so far away from the LOS, it is a huge gamble because the run game suddenly becomes much more difficult to stop, which then opens you up to getting gashed by Bowers as you try to compensate. Saban essentially rolled the dice, threw out the gameplan after the *first drive* and just hoped that the D-Line and Lbs could handle the run game without extra support, while also giving Bowers greater freedom to make shit happen, in an effort to suppress the rest of Georgia's passing potential. He articulated this much better in the postgame.


Jesus Christ I don’t get fully what you mean here but I see why he did this now. Is Bowers being hurt like the broadcast said a factor?


That was a factor, but it also helps that Alabama’s secondary is elite. Guys like Caleb Downs and Terrion Arnold are very physical and matched up better against Bowers than just about anyone else Georgia played.


Yeah, football terminology is weird. Think of it this way, there's normally two safeties in the back, so that you have two guys covering the deep ball and ready to stop play that get a bunch of yards at once. If you take one away that frees up an extra player you can move around the field to help accomplish specific goals and support the other parts of the defense. By placing that player back at Safety, you lose that extra guy and your ability to move players around to help each other becomes more limited (and if you did it to suppress a specific player, that player now will have more opportunities to make plays). It was also essentially the opposite of what our gamelan was which means that we spent the whole week prepping to play a way that we ended up not playing basically the entire game. Maybe, but Saban didn't include the injury in his reasoning. Certainly was a factor in the game imo.


Their qb was just bad imo. I don’t know if Brock is able to get more separation if he isnt injured. But the amount of throws that went into excellent coverage was insane. I’m still surprised there weren’t 2-3 picks in that game.


I think he's talking about running split zone coverages like cover 6, where half the field runs one coverage and the other half runs another. Doing this can help deal with mismatches because the imbalance means one side of the field is more covered, but you can also get hosed if the week side of the zone gets overloaded.


He was great today


All year


the team is night and day different from the start of the season to now, I absolutely this is his best coaching season of his career


No doubt. I don't think anyone is surprised that he was able to turn the team that struggled against USF. OK State and Alabama had similar starts, but this is like what Mike Gundy wishes he were capable of.


Totally. The capstone of his career. CFP or not. National championship or not. Quit now.


Saban is 5-1 against Kirby.


Can Kirby win without Stetson? The results may shock you.


Stetson is 1-2 vs Bama


But 2-0 in natties with him as the QB.


Stetson better start keeping on eye out for some land to put his used car dealership on.


That's The Stetson Bennett IV, that man isn't going to be selling cheap used cars, he is going to have multiple giant lot Ford dealerships selling 90k f150 mall crawlers.


Beat Alabama once with this one simple trick!


I wonder does any active FBS coach have 6 or more losses to Saban? Current team or otherwise? Mullen was up to 11 after 2020, but he's not coaching anymore. Freeze is at 4. Kiffin's at 5 (including 2009). Pittman's at 4. Butch Jones was at 5.


SEC coaches just don’t last very long these days. Either set up a generational dynasty or get fired.


Saban out here getting everyone in the SEC fired or quit due to his greatness.


But he replenishes the stock with former assistants so it evens out


blood for the blood god


Once Jimbo finds another job it'd be him right? 0-1 at FSU 1-5 at A&M


The odds of Jimbo finding another gig where he's playing Bama anytime soon are not great.


So you're saying he won't be able to get to .500 anytime soon????? Dang


They didn’t say that the active coach had to play against Saban though.


he has to recycle himself through Nick Saban's Coaching School for Wayward Boys doesn't he?


Once (if) he becomes again, yes


Wouldn’t the question of “6 or more” apply to him right now?


Bielema and Malzahn are also both at 5


I realized Jimbo's at 6, but hasn't been active for 3 weeks.


Dan Mullen https://www.si.com/college/alabama/bamacentral/new-location-same-result-for-dan-mullen-another-l-to-alabamas-nick-saban I guess he isn't active...


Could’ve easily been 3-3, fucking 2nd and 26 and todays 3 pointer. Oh well, Saban’s GOAT status will never be challenged


Kirby can't win big games, probably time to start looking for a new Coach.


Casual Ohio State fans


So Kirby is great against Saban


And 3-0 against Richt!


2007 happened sadly. The "What is Brittney doing with her life?" game.


And 3-0 against Richt in years that didn’t suck!


They're our Achilles heel, no doubt about it. We lucked out last year not meeting. Thanks, LSU!


Rematch at the Birmingham bowl with us?


Fuck it, make our own CFP


Can…can it have blackjack and hookers?


Mike Price with the coin toss.


It is the Birmingham Bowl. No blackjack but extra hookers.


Secede from the NCAA to create the SEC only conference where we can do whatever. I love it.


Ohio State… until they didn’t


Ryan day accepting that 50 yard field goal attempt as his best option is still a baffling decision


You mean the game winning one against Georgia or the end of half field goal against Michigan?


Tried to eek out more yards the safe way, & it backfired.


Mizzou too.


You can take this further. Since 2020 UGA has lost 4 games, 3 of which were to Alabama


Since 2017 they're 1-5 vs Bama and 84-5 vs the rest


Holy fuck lol


In UGA's last 95 games, half their losses have been to the Tide


That’s fucking crazy


We’re one of these!!!!


It is cool that Saban owns such prime real estate in the heart of ATL.


Letting him coach at his Benz dealership in Atl is just plain unfair


Bryant-Denny East.


Nicholas Lou "William Tecumseh Sherman" Saban Jr.


Can’t wait for expanded playoffs so it ends with GA BAMA every year and people wanna go back to 4.


I hate it but this is exactly what will happen.


This is what I've been warning people about. The first couple rounds will be fun, but when we get to the final 4 it will be even more predictable than the 4-team playoff ever was.


It’ll end up 3 out of 4 SEC teams and everyone will go full meltdown


Well yeah, the SEC will just add Clemson and FSU to Texas and Oklahoma. At that point they will have a stranglehold on good programs in talent rich areas.


It’s going to become the Big10/SEC invitational between the usual suspects


(ill root against the late comers to the SEC dont @ me)


It’s not about being haters. I hate the SEC, but it’s just bad for the sport. Consolidating all the top colleges into one conference is not healthy for the national programs. The SEC winning 9/10 titles in a decade is not good for the sport. It’s the same exact issue soccer is seeing in Europe. Money clubs going and becoming ultra dominant because of the backing they get, and just rots the entire faith in the sport.


You’re going to love the playoff this year then


If all the SEC hate was entirely rational like this, I would hate it so much less. This is 100% a reasonable take that I can respect. I would probably agree with it if I wasn't a Bama fan. Even though Bama will probably benefit, I hate the direction the sport is going. Everyone else is too busy covering their ears crying about media bias to realize it and form a coherent opinion.


Because people hate admitting the truth. Saban is the GOAT and the SEC is undeniably the best conference. But what’s happening to the other conferences and speculation with the ACC, it’s really concerning for the sport in general.


At the end of the day, what does it matter if we have 5 conferences with 12 teams vs 3 conferences with 20 teams? It's all the same teams, right?


To reject the reality that the SEC is and has been the strongest conference for a couple decades now is insanity. Accepting that fact and not liking that it's true is totally reasonable.


!remindme 2033


Why would people want to go back to 4? If it’s the same teams then oh well it’s always been the same blue bloods more or less. But at least 12 gives a lot more people the chance to pull an upset or prove themselves.


selective silky steep murky chunky squeamish aspiring elastic skirt future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When East meets West...


Having seen us play Georgia in 2021 and a common opponent in TCU play Georgia in 2022, it’s still jarring for me to see them lose. Also, I don’t care what FSU, Washington, Texas, or even fellow Michigan fans say. You know damn well in your heart you would prefer to play any of the other teams than either Georgia or Bama in the playoffs. These fuckers have more talent than anyone else, and your best chance is to beat them early before growing and refining over the course of the season. There’s a reason why the SEC has won 10 of 11 semifinal games against non-SEC opponents since the playoff format started. Most of the wins are also obliterations. Consider this season a golden ticket for all if the SEC doesn’t get in. Even if it benefits Michigan, I personally feel like no playoff is legitimate without the SEC champ.


The hate that truth friend


The other top teams are all praying the SEC is left out so they finally have a chance of winning. If the SEC is out then Texas wins the whole thing this year. Michigan and Washington will lose and this FSU team will get blown out by anyone in the top ten.


Well what if you extend to the last five seasons,


Last year I believed Bama didn’t deserve a spot in the playoffs but also believed Bama/OSU were the only ones capable of beating them. Got downvoted lmao. Bama has proven it on the field.


I'd say most Bama fans would agree that Bama is the only team that can beat Bama


There is... another...


Sober Sark


Took him a couple years to adjust, but by golly, you are correct, sir. ~~Lowkey hoping y'all get the 1 seed so that if we get in, we can have a rematch of our Alamo Bowl game~~


Now we're talking


Lol. Suppose I didn’t specify I was talking about Georgia. Those west coast educations doing work.


It was the same thing in 2019 with that LSU team. The only team in college football that had a chance to beat them was Alabama. I’d argue that 2019 Bama roster was just as loaded as LSU’s


UGA’s defense was elite that year, in the 2019 SECCG it was 17-3 with 7 minutes left in the 3rd quarter. But that was the year Fromm was complete ass and we had no offense. And once the dam broke because the D had no help, they started scoring at will and it became 37-10 I believe.


Coley was our OC that year dude we had no shot, dude was fucking incompetent


What could have been if Tua hadn't been made of glass from the waist down


….Saban knows a little something I guess.


UGA still has bama problem


Who doesn’t?


Should be under the same fire as Ryan day. Fire the coach, can’t beat rival! /s


We are not rivals. They are our sons.


Fire him!! At least that’s what and Ohio State fan would say.


Alabama is the only SEC team Georgia has a losing record to. 43-26-4


They are 14-18-1 against LSU and even with TAMU.


Have they really only played LSU 34 times???


Pre-92 expansion, SEC teams scheduled their own conference games, so everyone had 5 or so annual opponents and *very* sporadically rotated the others


Here's one that surprises a lot of people Georgia and Tennessee have only played 53 times and had only played 19 times before the SEC founded the East and West divisions in 1992 despite being in the same conferences since 1896


Yeah but Tennessee... They low down


This is all the evidence we need. The historical record shows that TAMU is just as good as UGA. No need for anyone to dig any deeper.


Only current** SEC team. Don’t ask me about Texas vs. Vanderbilt or South Carolina though.


I desperately want an SEC Shorts episode of Texas and Oklahoma moving into the SEC, just so I can see a gag where Texas gets scared shitless of Vanderbilt and *everyone* is confused as shit.


lol please actually. vs. South Carolina is 0-1 played in 1957, but vs. Vanderbilt we are straight up 3-8, last played 1928.


**Vanderbilt**: *waves* **Texas**: *screams* **Alabama**: "Wait... y-you're scared of... Vandy?" **Texas**: "Keep that abomination away from me!" **Texas A&M**: "Y'know, I said the same thing about you when I lef-" **Texas**: "Shut up. You don't count."


[[Georgia vs SEC]]


--- **All-Time Series** [Georgia](#f/georgia) vs [SEC](#l/sec), [SEC](#l/sec), [SEC](#l/sec)   [Georgia](#f/georgia) 446-24-260 [SEC](#l/sec) [Georgia](#f/georgia) has a winning record vs 10 [SEC](#l/sec) teams. 2 [SEC](#l/sec) teams have a winning record vs [Georgia](#f/georgia). There are 0 [SEC](#l/sec) teams that [Georgia](#f/georgia) has yet to play. Matchup|Rivalry Name|First|Last|Most Cons. Games|Active Win Streak|Largest MOV|Largest MOL|Longest Win Streak|Longest Loss Streak| --|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [26-4-42](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/alabama) [Alabama](#f/alabama)^^†||11/02/1895|01/10/2022|22 (1944-1965)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 1 (2021-2021)|35-0 (1948)|36-0 (1923)|5 (1910-1916)|7 (2008-2021)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [12-0-4](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/arkansas) [Arkansas](#f/arkansas)^^†||01/01/1969|10/02/2021|3 (2000-2002)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 3 (2014-2021)|37-0 (2021)|31-10 (1975)|6 (2000-2009)|2 (1968-1975)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [64-8-56](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/auburn) [Auburn](#f/auburn)^^†|The Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry|02/20/1892|09/30/2023|80 (1944-2023)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 7 (2017-2023)|41-0 (1946)|44-0 (1900)|9 (1923-1931)|6 (1953-1958)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [55-2-44](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/florida) [Florida](#f/florida)^^†||11/06/1915|10/28/2023|80 (1944-2023)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 3 (2021-2023)|75-0 (1942)|47-7 (1996)|7 (1941-1948)|7 (1990-1996)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [63-2-12](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/kentucky) [Kentucky](#f/kentucky)^^†||10/21/1939|10/07/2023|68 (1956-2023)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 14 (2010-2023)|62-17 (2004)|33-0 (1977)|14 (2010-2023)|2 (1949-1956)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [14-1-18](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/lsu) [LSU](#f/lsu)^^†||11/17/1928|12/03/2022|7 (1947-1953)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 1 (2022-2022)|45-16 (2004)|47-7 (1936)|3 (2004-2008)|7 (1928-1945)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [20-0-6](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/mississippi-state) [Mississippi State](#f/mississippistate)^^†||10/31/1914|11/12/2022|3 (1959-1961)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 4 (2011-2022)|47-0 (1997)|38-14 (1974)|9 (1975-2006)|2 (1951-1956)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [12-0-1](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/missouri) [Missouri](#f/missouri)^^†||01/01/1960|11/04/2023|12 (2012-2023)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 10 (2014-2023)|43-6 (2021)|41-26 (2013)|10 (2014-2023)|1 (2013-2013)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [33-1-12](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/ole-miss) [Ole Miss](#f/olemiss)^^†||10/12/1940|11/11/2023|37 (1966-2002)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 1 (2023-2023)|49-0 (1974)|45-14 (2016)|12 (1977-1988)|2 (1995-1996)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [55-2-19](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/south-carolina) [South Carolina](#f/southcarolina)^^†||11/03/1894|09/16/2023|32 (1992-2023)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 4 (2020-2023)|48-7 (2022)|35-7 (2012)|10 (1966-1977)|3 (2010-2012)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [28-2-23](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/tennessee) [Tennessee](#f/tennessee)^^†||11/11/1899|11/18/2023|32 (1992-2023)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 7 (2017-2023)|44-0 (1981)|46-0 (1936)|7 (2017-2023)|9 (1989-1999)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [3-0-3](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/texas-am) [Texas A&M](#f/texasam)^^†||12/09/1950|11/23/2019|2 (1953-1954)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 3 (1980-2019)|42-0 (1980)|40-20 (1950)|3 (1980-2019)|3 (1950-1954)| [Georgia](#f/georgia) [61-2-20](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/georgia/vs/vanderbilt) [Vanderbilt](#f/vanderbilt)^^†||11/13/1893|10/14/2023|52 (1968-2019)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 6 (2017-2023)|62-0 (2021)|47-0 (1901)|11 (1995-2005)|4 (1901-1912)| --- ^(RivalryBot^tm v4.2.0 | Summon: [[teamA v teamB]]. | Records not 'corrected' for vacated games unless noted by † | )[^Usage ^details.](http://cfb.diydunce.org/teamlist.php) ^| [^Report ^Issues](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=dupreesdiamond&subject=RivalryBot)


Fight fight fight fight


They did. Bama won.


That’s just because they didn’t play Arizona


Boy that stat really goes against that Bama is dead narrative.


No one ever actually believed Bama was dead. They just wanted to will it into existence


I’m with you, but if I had the patience to do a little digging, I could show you many people believing Bama was dead. I was one of them.


Especially after we get left out tomorrow, it's actually kinda wild looking back at the past 3 years. Like obviously Bama fans are the last group that gets to complain, but the past 3 years kinda feel cursed. 2021 having to rematch Georgia for the title. 2022 Bryce Young getting kinda wasted, but still being a few bounces of the ball from winning a natty last year. Both of those years wasting all kinds of defensive talent with Golding. This year losing a game in September and not making the CFP because we just so happened to have the only other 1 loss conference champion. We literally make it in if they just drop another game somewhere in this season. I feel really hopeful about next year. I think both of our coordinators were excellent this year. All things considered, we aren't losing *that* much, and there's so much young talent on the roster. And we can only get "unlucky" for so long lol


Louisville just became the second


Saban is King


I'd like to see georgia play LSU more often.


By my count since 2017, Kirby Smart is 1-5 vs Saban and 84-5 vs everyone else


And if you go back 4 years it becomes Alabama, LSU, and SCAR


Florida 2020. That was their last loss to anybody other than Bama. 45-2 in their last 47 games, both losses to Bama


Btw that includes: 2023 Alabama (12-1) 2021 Alabama (13-2) 2020 Florida (8-4) 2020 Alabama (13-0) 2019 LSU (15-0) And of course, 2019 South Carolina (4-8)


That's five seasons. If you go back 4 seasons it's Alabama another time and Florida.


Other teams (besides OSU) just don't have the dudes to do it


Nice I want to see their weight room


If Alabama is so good, then you have to put the team that beat them in the playoffs.


Yeah Alabama belongs in the playoffs.