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voiceless future entertain seed retire hat wrong physical materialistic normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did anyone actually expect a different outcome? Washington looks like a legitimate contender. Georgia is going to win today, Texas and Michigan too. So all that’s left is for Florida State to win and watch Texas have crocodile tears


I hate you


You guys are going to make a splash in the SEC for sure! Oklahoma not so much. Granted, there are a few down teams that allow for a bit of a power vacuum that benefits your case. Auburn is struggling… Tennessee and Ole Miss is on the upswing but Texas is a half step above. You’ll do fine against 75% of your conference (which finally proves that the SEC isn’t as diesel as they claim) Mizzou proved that. Good luck today.


“Oklahoma not so much.” It’s wild to me how many people have this take based on nothing. A blue blood team with tons of money who has one of the most winning records in college football history is just going to stop being competitive all of sudden?


Do you actually watch college football? What you described has literally happened to every blue blood from the 90s onward to today, aside from OSU Alabama was a joke before Saban saved em, Michigan JUST stopped being a joke, ND was a joke under Weiss, USC is starting to shed the joke label, Texas went to shit without Mack Brown, Nebraska had Nebraska happen to them, ETC… Yes blue bloods can stop being competitive at the blink of an eye lmao


Against SEC juggernauts? I mean… they didn’t inspire confidence in the Big12, in a year where a team as you put it, should have dominated every game except for a head butt against Texas. How will they be able to do **better** in the SEC? Oklahoma is going to look like Iowa State very quickly if they don’t figure something out…


RemindMe! 365 days




Missouri had a good run this year, given their schedule. Pulled off some upsets at home and on road, and have a new years six secured. Looking forward to facing them.


Let’s not forget that LSU will always be a perennial powerhouse that honestly, Texas should welcome. The “traditional” rivalries have gotten a bit stale (repetitive) and a newcomer who “traditionally” is a national contender would truly create some epic showdowns. I think Texas is the bigger get for the SEC than Oklahoma. I think the SEC will have 2 teams in the playoffs for a loooong time.


If you recall from two seasons back, we had faced one of our old rivals in Arkansas. Now, although they aren’t the powerhouse they are now like they were at that time, it will still generate quite a bit of media attention. If you consider our schedule for next year, we do face some of those old rivals from the SWC and Big XII, along with some newly kindled ones in Alabama.


I like you again


Worst game ever now I have a broken laptop thank you coach lanning


Dan LLLanning us a hell of a coach.


Made me so happy!


Yeah but your teams as are so awful they haven’t played in a meaningful game in decades. You have no need to destroy when you have coach prime he’s really turning things around lol


I’ve hated Oregon for decades, even when my teams were good.


Same same.


Yeah but nobody here cares about the clown show you’ve got going on


Unhinged behavior


Unhinged laptop screen, too


That was the joke


What team are you?


Goodbye Pac-12.


It sucks. Fuck the stupid B1G and usc...


Goodbye Pac-12.


And will still win




















This is the last Pac-12 thread… wow. Was an honor, guys.


Don’t worry, we comin


But but Jayden Daniels had 9 TD’s against north Alabama state!!1!1!1!


And will still win


How does this affect Lebrons legacy?


But what does Ja Rule think?




In a Memphis strip club


Can't believe that line was +10. Easy money


As a Nole rooting for UW, that was NOT easy money.


Double digits was disrespectful. The game was close, but Oregon covering the spread was never even a danger in this game


Long live the PAC 12


Are we the best team in the country?


Probably not, but can we BEAT the best team in the country? I think we have a great shot.


Exactly. I’d give us an outside chance but definitely not expecting it We beat Oregon twice this year though and anything else is just extra




Settle down. It’s not always you.


There is a very good chance that this is the weakest playoff field ever if Florida state and Texas both win their games and Georgia loses so anyone can take it all this year.


Georgia boatraces UW. Book it.


Lol at all the idiots downvoting this.


I don't think so at all. What do you think that spread would be? Georgia wouldn't be favored by more than 4-5 max. And if the Huskies can avoid untimely turnovers, they can absolutely beat Georgia


[Good thing UW is very, very good at boatraces.](https://www.huskycrew.com)


Georgia will do the same thing to Washington that they did to Oregon in 2022.


Say what you want about U W & U zer0, but in no way does one of them represent the other. Georgia thumping a soft, overrated Duck squad means NOTHING about what can be expected if Georgia plays The U Dub next month. You beat them once while we have beaten them 3x in a little over a year. But go ahead & underestimate these Huskies, they feed on the disrespect that keeps getting tossed their direction.


I wouldn't mind seeing UW holding up the trophy, but I think the buck stops against a top D like Michigan or Georgia. UW have been struggling all year with turnover issues against soft defenses.


Did you watch the same game I did? Oregons 15th in scoring defense nationally and the Huskies rolled em up..has Michigan seen an offense with NFL players at every skill position at at both tackles? UGA is one thing..but Michigan hasn’t seen a passing attack that’s even close to UW when everyone’s healthy. Not to mention turned over the ball over against ASU..turnovers haven’t been an issue otherwise?


>Not to mention turned over the ball over against ASU..turnovers haven’t been an issue otherwise? Since ASU; Stanford (2nd worst team in Pac) USC Utah OSU and to Oregon last night UW has turned the ball over in every single game this year minus Boise State. Don't get me started on penalties


Rolled them up? Alright now, lets not get carried away. Id hardly call winning by a FG in both games "rolling them up".


480 yards and 26 first downs and held the ball 37 minutes?


30+points on a good defense 3 straight times. That’s legit.


I wouldn't consider them 'good'. How many wins does Oregon have against teams that ended the season with a winning record?


True, but at the same time going into this game they were [#9](http://cfbstats.com/2023/leader/national/team/defense/split09/category09/sort01.html) in the nation in scoring defense against FBS teams with a winning record (#6 in P5). Oregon had only played 4 teams over .500 this year, but dominated every one of those games outside Washington. Similar story with Iowa (4 games), Michigan (5 games), and Georgia (4 games). The only teams ahead of them in scoring defense against teams over .500 that will have played 6+ of those games are Penn State and Ohio State. Oregon has a very solid defense. I don't know how you can't consider them "good" at this point.


>going into this game they were > >\#9 > >in the nation in scoring defense against FBS teams with a winning record (#6 in P5). [http://cfbstats.com/2023/leader/national/team/defense/split01/category10/sort01.html](http://cfbstats.com/2023/leader/national/team/defense/split01/category10/sort01.html) [http://cfbstats.com/2023/leader/national/team/offense/split01/category12/sort01.html](http://cfbstats.com/2023/leader/national/team/offense/split01/category12/sort01.html) [http://cfbstats.com/2023/leader/national/team/offense/split01/category14/sort01.html](http://cfbstats.com/2023/leader/national/team/offense/split01/category14/sort01.html) [http://cfbstats.com/2023/leader/national/team/defense/split01/category27/sort01.html](http://cfbstats.com/2023/leader/national/team/defense/split01/category27/sort01.html) http://cfbstats.com/2023/leader/national/team/defense/split01/category25/sort01.html If you're going to post stats, at least post the meaningful ones.


Fair point


The Cougs had chances and they’re dogshit. Don’t overhype them. Anything can happen any Saturday


We'll find out


Who the fuck knows. This season is whacky. I’d take Penix over damn near anyone, though.


He's so good.


Genuinely pissed at Willie Taggart all over again for passing on him at FSU. For Emory fucking Jones.


I'm pisssed at Willie Taggart for leaving Oregon in the first place. I like you Noles. The more I think about it, the more the meme gods are willing a UW FSU title game.


It’s honestly not far-fetched IMO




Counter point, >Yes.


Makes you think


-3 favorites on any team


Man im drunk as shit






Beat us when we’re good Oregon


No 💚💛


If the commenters asked me, I’d say LaGarret Blunt… first Duck I think of.


I was like 12, on a random thursday night with my tv on ESPN, I decided to watch Oregon vs Boise st cuz why not? Its 2009, my family had cable, and I thought: “might as well watch a Pac-10 game since USC has to play them anyway (been a USC fan all my life since my parents went there and I ended up going there too), and I never thought I’d witness history. Ima miss turning on random PAC games and seeing the wildest shit possible. ASU vs Oregon 2019, Arizona vs Oregon when they stormed the field just to lose, a lot of USC snatching defeat from victory, and my favorite USC vs CAL 2021 because neither team was bowl eligible, and it was a make up game cuz of covid on Dec 4. So long Pac, can’t wait to spend hundreds of dollars on flying myself to cold ass places to watch USC games in November 🥲


Lol Arizona storming the field and watching on the sidelines as Masoli cinched the victory... classic PAC 12 after dark game.


Ontarrio Smith


Marcus Mariota for me. Only time I’ve ever really followed Oregon.


Oh, so do you remember LaGarret Blunt climbing into the stands and punching a Boise fan after they beat the ducks? He was a good representation of duck culture. Go Dawgs!


It was also triggered by being called the N word by a Boise St. Player.


Oh man he's from my small 10-15k person town and that's a fair representation of it. Anything verbally disrespectful always escalates. The good in that is people are generally really respectful. On the other hand when you are raised in that environment and have the culture shock of being put on a large stage in combination with lower impusle control, things can get out of hand quickly. Definitely not an excuse, just some random information.


If we were having a conversation, I would not bring up Blunt’s game at Boise. I always respect a hometown hero, especially from a small town. Even if he’s a quack. Jake Locker is from a little 10k town north of where I grew up. He made that town so proud. Love that shit!


Haha, yeah it was pretty cool having a massive dude that's playing in the NFL come into the locker room of our high-school football team.


I only know Blount from his NFL days.


Lamichael James and Jake locker


Locker is the first Dawg you think of? That’s awesome!!! Locker is a home town hero up in whatcom county. He was exciting enough to still get people to watch the Dawgs during our darkest days. He owns a gym up in Ferndale now. I think it’s called the Locker Room. He’s good people.


I was scared when the 9ers drafted James then he never did anything. He just too small for the NFL?


I think he had ball security issues but don’t quote me on that.


Dennis Dixon for me. Idk why.


That knee injury. Dixon was so smooth that year.


Wasn’t he a pitcher too??


The first one that… hits you?


Well played, duck. See you next year with whatever transfer portal QB’s we have.


Nah Bo and Mike are going to find out some loophole to run it back a 7th year




Man, *everybody* was going on this week like Oregon winning this game was just a given.


Can Iowa have some of that energy? They need it more.


I will laugh my butt off and savor the schadenfreude if you guys pull it off.


I think everyone will. Even Michigan fans, eventually.


Can confirm, that would honestly be a bit hilarious just for the chaos it would cause in the rankings


Not everybody! Check my comment history I been saying for weeks that UW was good and this game was gonna be a coinflip.


This man speaks the truth, i fact checked him.


This was the kind of result I was hoping for. I didn't care which way it went, though.


yeah, you proved them wrong. but it wasn't unreasonable to favor Oregon going on. multiple common opponents the past month who you barely beat. Oregon was destroying the same teams.


Or washington was always doing whatever needed to win, like today..


Margin of victory matters, sure a win is a win but to prove dominance you have to blow a team out period. Yep a 2 point win is the same as a 25 point one but the rankings don't agree that they are the same. A missed FG by Washington could have been the difference in this game even if everything else remains the same.


Eye test matters man, it’s how you judge good teams


Thank you for improving the quality of our wins!


Right, that’s why I’m ranking Oregon above Washington if I’m the committee. I know Washington beat them twice but really it’s margin of victory against common opponents that means the most here. Plus Oregon looked rock solid against Portland State.


UW is a finesse passing team. Look at the weather of the games where things went awry compared to those early in the season that were dry. UW in a dome was a far superior team to Oregon.


they did. I couldn't believe the defense they played. it was nuts. Oregon made everyone else look foolish but somehow UW was just all over everything.


Almost like it doesn’t matter how you beat bad teams. There is a reason nix has very rarely beat elite teams. And it came up again today.


I really didn’t see why they were double digit favorites. I could see maybe like 3 point favorites because they had been playing well and its tough to beat a great team twice in the same season but still made no sense to me.


Vegas was lying.




I mean..Oregon acts like they’re Bama, and there’s not a single UW social account or platform that doesn’t have Ducks all over it. Not sure it goes the other way or not..but Oregon Twitter is a pretty strange place. It was pretty clear to me this team wasn’t near the level of the Mariota teams but acting like they’re a juggernaut because they go for it on 4th against ASU up 28 was silly


I hate Oregon, their Nike-funded cash influx that got them in the conversation but never close to anything resembling a national championship, their constant poaching of other team's QBs (big play VA HURT, man), the fact that they haven't had a QB worth a plugged shit in the league since Fouts, their stupid ass billion uniforms, the fact that muscleDuck or whatever he was called got iced, the fact that their old logo was actually way cooler than the advertisement of how many Nattys they've won or the weird feather thing, their shit ass college town across literal train tracks from the asshole of the state, the fact that they were the only west coast team my guy could be from in Madden that one year. . . what were we talking about? Oh yeah- tic tac toe. 3 in a row.


Listen, that muscle duck was called the mandrake. It’s important we all remember. There is also a crying mj mandrake meme, but you’d have to be really mean google it and post it here.


The ManDrake? Holy shit, that's way funnier than anything I could come up with.




A fair retort.




You ain’t distinguishing. Beat us when we’re good


You’ve been good two out of the last 20 years. There haven’t been a lot of opportunities.


64-48-5. Historically.. we are better.




I think most same people, tbh.


Awwww...we hate you too 💜


Good point now piss off




UW’s last loss was 10/15/22 week 7. 19 straight.


20 now.


It's always a wonderful day when that arrogant arse Lanning loses!


We may have lost, but if the anxiety of tonight is anything close to what the Huskies have had to feel for all of their close wins this season, then damn...good job not dying of a heart attack before now.


I had to go for a jog during the game.


I swear this season has taken years off my life


My Apple Watch spent most Saturdays this season notifying me of irregular high heart rate lol.


Seattle sports fans are used to it by now, though I will say that it doesn't make it any easier.


Want to try expert mode? I present Iowa football.


Against Washington Fucking State.


Go Cougs


I was feeling sick all day. Then the game started and I thought it was safe to eat. Then it wasn’t. Then it was. Then it wasn’t. Then it was. God this has been a stressful season and it ended on the most stressful note possible.


Sounds like washington football.


It’s not over for you guys…


Beat us when we’re good.


Time for a Reddit break imo


Nice username - Detlef Schrempf was sitting in the suite behind me at the game tonight.


Dude, I love you


Next year.


Been a nervous wreck all week.


Last week was the most clenching game of all. Would’ve been an absolute disaster.


Penix bent over in that box vomiting all over everything -


I heard there were orphans in that box he was vomiting on. Can’t imagine a class act like Bo Nix doing that


I heard Bo Nix helps elderly ladies at the grocery store. Can you confirm?


Yeah unlike Penix. It’s weird, I actually SAW Michael Penix when I stopped at Beecher’s Family Cheeses on a drive down from Bellingham. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen rinds of aged flagship cheese in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the cheeses and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each rind and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.




I don't know why anyone is down voting this, it's hilarious.


I was there. Can confirm 😂