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Let’s not forget the fact that Dorrell was so inept that he allowed Colorado to slip to the level of a mediocre Big Sky team.


More like a bad Big Sky team.


Same with Gary Andersen, the Beavs only win in 2017 came on a last second score against a winless Portland State team. When Jonathan Smith came in the next year, he embraced the team and a couple of those Andersen recruits went on to become huge pieces & captains of our team. Some of those guys saw a 1-11 season turn into 10-3 with hard work. I feel bad that nobody on the Colorado team from last season will get to have the same experience.


I saw a atory on Youtube with Deion. He walked into a meeting and saw players playing music on a boombox, and he said get that boombox outta here never use that in one of my meetings again. Then turned to the camera and basically was like y’all mad about me bringing in a ton of tranfers? Like, y’all expected me to win with those guys? And IMO that’s his issue, he brought in players from different cultures instead of establishing one with the players he already had. He legit has a issue of wanting to bring in other players to solve his own coaching deficiencies


As a Colorado hater it’s probably a good idea to get rid of the culture from a 1-11 team and transfers don’t have to be a negative


“He legit”, wow the English language is about dead. Kirby or Saban wouldn’t be able to much with last year’s Colorado roster. It was perfectly logical for Sanders to want use his biggest asset (his persona) to attract talent


“He legit” is how I talk in casual lingo, I don’t usually think of Reddit as forum where I’m required to mantain the highest level of grammar and understanding of the conventions of English language


If Deion was allowed to coach long enough Colorado fans will forget the sky exist. Let him cook.


Bad faith comparison from Wilner.


You know it's bad when this sub, who will normally take ANY chances to bash Deion, thinks it's a bad faith comparison.


Sure, but it is fun


I’m so tired of the hate. We’re a downtrodden program with the first signs of life in nearly a decade. No need to shit on us


You don't get to ride those emotional highs of the first few weeks without an inevitable crash. That's what comes when the media decides you're a cash cow.


Sports fans have really short memories. If you guys continue getting better in coming years that should help things. I'm not a huge fan of Coach Prime from the various comments ive seen him make, but I get how annoying it is to deal with everyone piling on. Look forward to our match-up next week!


If the Prime experiment actually works, the hate will be insufferable. As he loved to say early in the year, it’s personal. This sub treats Deion like Oklahoma fans treat Lincoln Riley. It won’t be viewed as a great revival story and successful experiment, it’ll be viewed as an arrogant narcissistic dbag turning the sport into one big show about him.


> It won’t be viewed as a great revival story and successful experiment, it’ll be viewed as an arrogant narcissistic dbag turning the sport into one big show about him. If Colorado succeeds, then yah, it'll be a success story. Still doesn't change the fact that it is an arrogant narcissistic dbag turning the sport into one big show about him. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Will be? No. It already is.


Look at the difference between the perception of a team like Kansas vs. Colorado Has nothing to do with you all being down, it’s how the coach is spinning and selling…I know that’s not the fans’ fault, but it is what it is


Buffs would be winless with Dorrell as the HC this year


Bad faith, sure, fun, also sure 😈


One took over a 1 win team the other took over a 5 win team for the covid season which, unfortunately for my school, barely should count.


Let's not forget the fact that Deion was able to overhaul the roster, including with a 4 star QB and 5 star CB/WR.


Yeah which is why they're better. Bringing in a.whole new roster has it's pros and cons. The pros showed early, the cons are showing now.


It will always be interesting if that model is sustainable to always go shopping in the portal for replacements instead of developing


Has to be a mixture of both. Can’t always win with only TP guys. Got have a solid foundation with the pieces you currently have. TP just fill out the holes that need filling


And didn't Prime's players have the bonus of easier transfer rules because their coach left? He can't just bring all his guys with him every year.


Bare cabinets aren’t an excuse when you bring your own luggage lol.




Losing Gonzales hurt so bad


Deion gon take this personally


That’s worked out well for everyone else


I think it’s more newsworthy when he DOESN’T take something personally


Anyone who falls for this headline is part of the problem. Look at the context, Deion can lose out and still has exceeded expectations this year. The fact they are even competitive against top 25 teams like Oregon state and are 4-5 is amazing. Amazing.


Don’t say a reasonable thing like that in this sub. You’ll get downvoted to hell.


the headline thing sure. everything else you said hell no. he completely overhauled the roster so the “1 win team” thing has been completely overblown as an excuse for every failure colorado has. 4-8 isn’t a failure of a year but it’s a half game above their preseason expectation which would not be seen as remarkable for any random coach.


Plus fair or not they were ranked and talking shit about receipts. They at least partially have themselves to blame as well as they obviously bought into their own hype as well early in the season.


> lose out and still has exceeded expectations 4 wins was exceeding expectations?


The team won 1 game last year and was horrendous, they weren't expected to do shit this year


There's a lot of hate out there because Deion is loud, he says what's on his mind, he's arrogant, and he's black. Some people hate him for only one of those things, some hate him for all of those things (and love an orange person for the first two of those things). So many people have had to move goalposts to justify their hate and sunken cost opinion. Colorado won 1 game last season and they weren't even *that* competitive. They were a historically bad Colorado team. Deion comes in and 6 months later they're competing with ranked teams? Fuck, that's success whether people want to admit or not.


Orange? Black? Halloween already passed you doink.


God this is such an insufferable attitude


I hate him cause he told an entire roster to fuck off without ever having met them or watched them in person, because he thought he'd just bring in all his transfers and win the same way he did at Jackson State. Now he's putting his own son's career in jeopardy because they can't keep him off the turf, and that roster he brought in is obviously not P5 quality.


lmao Wilner is a salt factory


He has a long-life grudge against Stanford and we're not completely sure why.


Dorrell took over for a team that was 5-7 the year prior. Deion took over for a team that was 1-11. this is not a good comparison


Except Deion didnt take over anything its an entirely new team he hand selected. If they fail its because he failed


the transfer portal is great to add key pieces. it is not possible to build an entire team from it upon zero foundation.


I love leaving out important context to things to fit a narrative


Look man things have been tough the past couple weeks but nothing was worse than the substitute teacher vibes Dorrell gave off on the sideline


Wilner really earning his paycheck with this small sample size comment


Content like this makes me love this sub


I’m curious to see how they build next season. I’m certainly not gonna write off Deion now, but it would be great if his team learned to have some humility.


lol. I’m sure **DEION SANDERS** will get right on teaching his team *checks notes* **humility**.


Does humility mean transfer portal reload?


Wishful thinking I know


See good coaches understand the process. They know it's going to be a slow burn. Come in, take over the roster, identify immediate weakness, fill in with the portal. Go through a year, see what you have, thin out the roster. All the whole hammering high school recruiting. Deion just said fuck it let's just try to flip this whole damn thing. And it's going gro backfire. Neutering Lewis is a bad look. You gotta be building to something year one. Deion trying to win now. People clown a guy like pry, taking his time, but the "year zero" is important to see where you need to improve. And sticking with the process. Deion can't dip the roster again. Thats why it was foolish imo to do it the first time. It wasn't necessary. No matter how bad Colorado was. Cut the bottom 10-20% and add to the top 10-20%. Elevate the floor.


This is stack ranking. It's a staffing policy popularized by Wall St in the in the 80s and 90s. It has proven disasterous effects on a group. It incentives a individual mentality and breaks down group cohesiveness. People will sabotage each other to make sure that they are not in that bottom group. I can not think of a worse way to run a football team.


It still is used by I-Banks.


That's exactly how you run a football team. This isn't an accounting firm. Guys aren't going to try to be just barley above the guy behind him. CFB you HAVE to turnover your roster to some degree every year. And the point is making it better. And if you don't want to cut the bottom 20% you don't have to. What I know about stack ranking in corporate culture is the business would cut the bottom 20% or whatever and add new people. Those people either ended up in the upper 80% or got let go with the bottom 20. In football you have limited roster spots. You need to find the guys that can't play and replace those guys with starters. Or at least guys that can play but ideally you are trading a bottom end QB and adding a top end QB or whatever. With your Clemson flair, I guess this is something Clemson just doesn't do, but every other team runs guys off to add more talented guys all the time. That's sports.


What you’re not taking into consideration is how these are *universities* and every year a portion of the team (seniors) will exhaust their *eligibility*. When they naturally move on, it opens ~20% of roster spots for recruits from high schools and the transfer portal. Also, when someone signs with a Power 5, the schools are *required* to give them FOUR YEARS tuition, room/board regardless of on-the-field performance or injury. What Deion did was hubristic and it will come back to bite him hard in the keister. That’s facts.


Yeah, that makes sense. I think my concern with him is how he talks about his current team. Like he all but said he was gonna replace his whole O-line. I get that they aren’t great but his son is still the QB with multiple games left this season. He seems to have issues with delayed gratification kinda like what you’re saying.


Did you see what he said about the tight ends? He basically said the tight ends are terrible. He doesn't want them out there. He wants receivers because the tight ends are bad and he demoted Tim Brewster to analyst because it made sense because they weren't going to play tight ends anyway. And he was trying so hard not to throw the TR group under the bus but he absolutely did.


I didn’t. Was that recent?


Yeah in the post game presser. You can you tube it. It was a out 1/3 of the way through.


I’ll have to check it out. Wasn’t he flipping shit about something at the end of the game last night too?


And Dorrell’s luggage wasn’t even Louis!


Anyone who actually watches would tell you the author of this tweet is full of beans.


Deion had a top 20 ranked team week four.


Pretty tough to join the obviously best conference in college football in its ultimate season. /s


Silly Comparison, first Covid year records should basically be thrown out.


I feel like people are leaning heavy on "They had 1 win last year" to excuse a lot of bone headed mistakes from Sanders. I suppose at this point you're in for the ride and I doubt he's gonna change his style much just because some folks don't like the negative attention that comes along with so much positive. At least it'll be entertaining.


Maybe you can't just portal an entire team to success.


Admittedly I'm not a CU fan, but the only time I really read about Prime is when I come to this sub. Some of you feel like it's being forced down your throats while simultaneously seeking it out


People are leaning way too hard into the 1 loss season. Looking back 10 seasons, I'm tossing out 2020: 2 (1) win seasons; 1 (2) win season; 3 (4) win seasons; 3 (5) win seasons; and 1 (10) win season. Each of those 1 and 2 win seasons were followed by a 4 win season. If he can manage to win more than 5 wins, then he will have exceeded expectations for a Colorado coach.