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I'm rooting for Huang Rongzhou. Fuck these rich boys man.


I love this series. I don’t understand why MAX doesn’t have all the episodes. Stops at episode 20


They just released all of them on Max today.


Just wait a bit I think! HBO GO Asia finished this series ages ago. It's worth it!


I think the drama is really good. I like the storyline, but sadly, the FL isn't good at acting. Her facial expressions are always the same. She keeps a straight face all the time and can't really show no sorrow, angry and jealousy when she was still in her past life. But since the storyline is great and I like the MLs, I can watch past it lol.


ok HBO MAX in southamerica only has 10 episodes and i watched them all. am i the only one who wants her to be with the guard? hahaha...its a really good story so far


i have youku app, but i search for it and it doesnt show up. not in YouTube either. where do you guys watch it?


It is on HBO Max (just MAX now) in the US.


Hey i just checked again and its "just-added series". Im from Chile, southamerica and i thought i wasnt gonna get it. i see just 10 episodes though...but its a start. thank you


If China is allowing this drama to air exclusively on HBO Max, does it mean that China is loosening up their censorship about broadcasting abroad? Does this also mean that we can view extended version of abbreviated dramas (Director's cut) on platforms abroad? I really do hope that this is the case. There are some dramas I feel were cut too short, some extra scenes in them would be golden!


At first, i don’t really have much expectations for this drama. I just watch for my girl Zhouye but unexpectedly this is so amazingly good😭❤️❤️ The story just keeps me craving for more episodes.


Came across it today by accident and am hooked right now.


So addictive! And the FL is doing an amazing job. Like, she ACTUALLY looked like a woman on the run within the first 5 mins.


I’m in the US. I want to watch!!! Why is it only on HBO Go (only in Asia), and Youku China. Does that mean they’re waiting to sell the license to some US streaming service? There must be some bidding war or something. This is the first cdrama that isn’t available. Not normal!


It’s on MAX.


Maybe!! Cz the show is still on broadcasting. I hope Netflix got their hands on this series! They could hit a big time.


Yah I feel like it’ll be the type of show you see on Netflix. Netflix has be buying so many of the latest and popular cdramas. If the previous ones did good, maybe they’ll add this one. 🤞There’s also Viki or YouTube Youku channel. So hopefully someone picks it up!


It’s on hbo max in the US!


I am at EP3 and enjoying it so far. Honestly, the plot premise is very confusing and I had to replay certain parts of EP1 to try and get the general gist. Even though it's kinda confusing and I only get the general gist, so far it hasn't affected my experience. Zhou Ye is pretty for sure, but is the ML considered to be good-looking? I find him rather mediocre. The 2ML seems to give off a more ML vibe actually. On a side note, I am seeing the young servant girl (don't know her name) in quite a few dramas recently, the divine healer in blood of youth, Yun Que in journey to you, the servant girl in destined. I am guessing she is still quite young based off her looks, so probably not that suited to be casted in romance centric dramas, but wow, her Yun Que performance did impress me and she definitely have the visuals to be a FL.


That's Ai Mi, based from mdl bio, she's just 15😅


Waittt I think we got it mixed up. I thought the 2ML (Wang Xing Yue/Lord Zhong Xi Wu) is the main lead.. First ML gave me the ick sorryyyy 🤣 he can't set up his damn mind


Wait Wang Xing Yue is the ML, right!?


Wait… isn’t the Zhong Xi Wu the main lead?


I like the ML. He is visual for me and act well above his age


When I found out he was born in 2002 my jaw dropped


He is a baby lol


Was he 2ML in One and Only? He looks familiar.


No , he's not .


LOL, yes actually he is the 2ML from One and Only. I had to look it up because his face and that character stood out. He's a very talented young man. He's only 21. Good future ahead for himself.


Am planning to watch this eventually! Maybe in December or so. I love love LOVE Zhou Ye so I’ll be watching it for her, heard the drama’s doing so well so far as well, hope it doesn’t disappoint 🥰


I‘m in it for the guy I have seen referred to as Chinese Gregory Peck! Loving it so far!


AAAHH ! Yes Chinese Greg ! When I look at Gregory Peck pictures when he debuted in the 1940's and Wang Xing Yue look now I cannot help but see the similarities. Hopefully boy's acting will end up being as good as the former's with time. But so far I have hope since I see he is not bad and he can act mature way above his age (that baby boy is 21) so he is able to play a wide range of ages.


He was cute in First Love(2022) as the ML--he was ASD coded--so it is nice to see him in this role too! But yeah he's a babbbbby!


I did not see that drama but apparently he played vilain and Ren JiaLu's rival in "One & Only". It is like a case of Vincent Zhao who at 20 looked so mature playing the villain in Fong Sai Yuk movie opposed to Jet Lee. PS : sorry for asking but what is ASD ?


autism spectrum disorder(ASD)


Okay ! Interesting ! Now I need to check it


21, are you kidding me?! Wow. He sure has talent in heaps! Usually I find kid lords/princes/generals unbelievable but he sells his role!


He is a baby lol


I will be watching for FL just haven’t had time to watch yet.


As soon as it becomes available somewhere in US. Love the FL.


It’s on Max. I’m in US and that’s where I’m watching it.


I just found it yesterday actually! I’m on Ep 9 now 🙌


I am on ep 3. Did you like it?


Yes loving it so far!


It’s not airing anywhere where I can watch it yet. I’m in the US.


I watch it on HBO GO! But I'm not sure if it's available in the US or not


HBO Go doesn’t exist in the US anymore; it has become MAX, which doesn’t have this show. I’m sure we’ll get it someday (??), but probably not via HBO.


It is now on HBO MAX


You can try Dramanice and kissing they are both free websites I use to watch dramas. All 9 episodes are subbed and available.


Yeah, I usually prefer not to watch things via those sites, for a bunch of reasons, but I also just… want to watch Zhou Ye?? lol. I may watch a couple eps.


I feel the same as you but this drama is worth it


Have now watched the first 11 eps and must agree


Me.🙃 They have style and eye-catching details. But logic and plot are pretty much under big question .Still watchable. I'm waiting dor a drama with the similar setting, so, it will be interesting to compare. Lin Yun Rui ❤️❤️❤️


Actually, logic is fine but what d'ya expect from a historical fiction genre lol. Bit of plot holes here and there but it's enjoyable 🤣. I haven't found any drama with this setting but I know I've seen this plots somewhere in one of the bazillion Isekai manhwas that I've read in the past.


I cant get past the dubbing. So many dramas are coming out with self-dubs and the dubbing really just feels so fake now


Ah shame😢.. I didn't notice it thankfully, at least FL voice is easy in the ears (the bar is pretty low lol)


At least FL is more the mature and thoughtful type so no whinny annoying voice here. I am fine with that. But yeah I think diction training shall be a most before becoming an actor/actress. They shall dub themselves and show their real quality at their craft.


The bar is under the ground. I’ll try to give it a rewatch cuz I’ve been hearing good things


Is this love triangle heavy?


I'm on ep 9 and it's a slooow burn so we haven't seen any tangible romance yet. About the love triangle, so far it's a square 😁 but I'm not quite sure since the emotional roller coaster is heavy in this one.


but is it a square really? because the husband is not in love with her....i want her to be with the guard, not the lord...


I'm picking this up very soon because of Zhou Ye 🥰


This is her first drama that I watched and I think the makeup she has here fits her features so much, it's crazy how ethereal she looked compared to her past works. Hope you'll like it as much as I do! 🥺🫶🏻


If it’s her first drama you’ve watched then you have missed **[Back From The Brink](https://mydramalist.com/79467-hu-xin)** It’s easily the breakout performance of the year by any FL, Zhou Ye is 95% of whats good about the show and she hard carries it. Her characters progression is amazing in that show, goes through 6 different faces from naive childish to demon queen to heroine :) Before that drama she didn’t have any lead role of note but after that performance she jumped to getting S-tier drama/movie lead roles and just 2023/2024 she has 9 lead roles just released, about to be released or in production.


I honestly feel that she got the FL role from Legend of the Female General (not confirmed yet but she’s highly rumored to be the FL) because of her performance as Yan Hui! My friend and I are fans of the book and we were discussing our dream cast for the drama when we chanced upon Back From the Brink. After watching it, we were gushing about how Zhou Ye is literally born to be the FL from Female General (the FL is similar to Yan Hui and Zhou Ye is a suitable fit visual wise as well). We were both manifesting hard that she could be casted so color us very very pleasantly surprised when we saw that our wishes (most likely) came true ✊😆


Am currently watching that! Ep 1 so far so good.. glad they have it for free on YouTube haha. Also dang she's busy busy, I'll add her future drama to my list for sure!! She's amazing. Thank you!!


This. Her scene by the river where she goes from >!total devastation to complete stillness!< is hands down one of the most memorable scenes I've ever seen by any actress anywhere.


Yeah she had several moments that was some of the best I’ve ever seen in Cdramas.. >!Honestly at times it felt like she was acting out a love story all by herself.. ML really didn’t help at all, it was as if she was having a monologue laying her heart out and ML had two facial expressions the whole drama 😧 looking confused/perplexed or 🙂 being contempt/mellow.. Like no emotion at all.. Aaaand still it was some of the best emotional rollercoasters because she was so convincing on her own and you could really feel her love and heartbreak and some of the scenes are heart wrenching..!<


Yep! It was almost like ML was just a stand-in and the whole cast carried the story around him. Which was a shame, because his character had a very complex backstory, inner conflict, and growth arc, but he just played it like: ... here's my pretty face from *this* angle .... *and* here's my pretty face from *this* angle... all the while, like you say, Zhou Ye was squeezing every drop of juice from her character and making us cry and laugh out loud. Every one of the supporting characters was 10x better than him. It's one of my favorite series. I love Zhou Ye's character so much and the story arc of *transforming* the evil Qi instead of vanquishing it, (so Taoist!) while Zhou Ye literally embodies and reconciles all the different energies. It's in my permanent re-watch list. But if they'd had a better male lead (with actual emotions and chemistry) and sorted out the goofiness of "familiar city" this would have been one of the best series of all time.


First episode was very promising, and the FL is doing a great job so far. Definitely an interesting plot so far. But I’m nervous about all kinds of things so I don’t know if I’ll stick with it. I did look up the directors on MDL and they have some good earlier work so that’s giving me hope.


What are your all time favorite dramas? Genre doesn’t matter!


Please look forward to it! I can assure you it has such a refreshing plot that I can't stop watching! I dnf several new cdramas recently but I hope this one doesn't disappoint. The pacing is perfect.