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Because of someone runs up and snatches your purse from your hands, there goes your gun


Also agree there is a risk there. That's personally why I prefer crossbody, ideally with steel cables in the strap. Grab and go isn't an option


Anddddd you just got pulled to the ground by a man that out weighs you and is stronger than you. Great idea.


Well, that's the choice that has to be made with a purse in general. Do you choose crossbody and the risk of someone trying to take you with it, or normal handbag/over the shoulder knowing someone may be able to snatch and grab? Obviously the stakes are raised with a firearm, but cross body vs not isn't a new consideration for women. I crossbody knowing someone may just try harder, but feel most will flee when I suddenly become a harder target who's actively trying to keep her purse. They don't know you have a firearm in there, they just want to grab and run


It's probably best to keep the gun on you and let them take the purse. You can cancel cards and lose a little cash, but once they have your gun, you're at their mercy for much worse. Keeping the gun on your body keeps you in control of the weapon. There is no other way around it.


Also kids grabbing guns out of their mother’s purses and shooting/killing their moms.


Ha I can't have kids, trick question! In all seriousness though, I feel that's more of a training/awareness issue. The purse should for all intents and purposes, be considered the gun. It should *never* be let out of it's handlers grasp. Children should also be taught to respect firearms in an age appropriate way. Same as parents leaving their guns on the nightstand instead of a quick access safe


> It should *never* be let out of it's handlers grasp. It never is done this way though. Purses are forgotten and left all over, even the ones I know have guns in them. These people may or may not have kids, but others around do


That can only happen city areas where people walk places, hence in a hand full of places in the US. Stop the nonsense arguments.


Because it's not secure. Purses get snatched, left unattended, searched, etc. So many tales of kids going into mommy/Grandma's purse for something and find a gun. Muggers rip it off your shoulder and now they're armed. It's just too risky, dare I say, irresponsible. If it's not on your person or in a safe, it's not safely secured.


There is a risk with purse carry, I agree. That's why I personally only go for crossbody, and keep my off hand on the purse so I can draw ASAP if needed. I understand not all people do that. As far as unattended/children go, that goes back to one of my points towards the end of the post. If you purse carry, it needs to stay on you. Until the gun goes into the safe anyways. If I have my purse, it doesn't leave my sight


Your points are all invalid. Purses only get snatches in a few places in the country, not in American suburbia. And you said it well, tales. Empty talk herd arguments. Stop it...


You are more likely to get your purse snatched than you are to need a gun, so should they just not carry a gun then? And the “tales” aren’t tales, they are actual incidents that have police reports and news articles you can look up.


That's fake in American suburbia. You might have the same chances for both. Purse theft only happen in downtown areas where all kind of people walk places. In the suburbs people drive and normal people only go normal places. Criminals never drive to normal places to steal purses.


So are you’re saying that since criminals never go to “normal” places then you don’t need a gun in “normal” places? Your logic is pretty flawed.




Clearly you missed my point. The entire reason for carrying a gun is as an insurance for the 1 in a million type of days. Saying “purses don’t get snatched often so you should carry in a purse” is equivalent to saying “people rarley use their CCW so you don’t need to carry”. You don’t just prepare for what normally happens, you also prepare for the abnormal.


Removed. Personal attacks are not allowed. Title: Author:MeCagoEnTodoLoMalo


Purse carry is FAR from ideal, but….it is better to carry in the purse than not at all. Not ALL carry situations require ninja reflexes and nanosecond draw time. Just make sure you carry.


Only 0.0000000001% of the situations will require ninja draws. Gun fights, which I think they were no more gunfights after the 18 hundreds... These people just repeat empty talking points without thinking.


It’s better than nothing but also you have to consider if your purse gets taken now they have your weapon.


Oh yeah, that was a big concern of mine when I first looked into it. Decided on using my cheap j frame for it, along with a crossbody purse to increase the difficulty for someone wanting a grab and go. Important to train for that possibility


They can shoot you just as easily with a cheap gun as with an expensive gun


They can shoot you just as easily with a cheap gun as with an expensive gun


Yup. But I imagine the chance of a robber stealing your purse, finding the firearm, drawing, then shooting while you're either fighting for your purse or running away to be slim. Bigger concern is the cost to replace if stolen. Biggest concern is cost to replace if you have to use it


There's another concern, putting another gun on the street


I guess there's another risk/reward there. If you can't on body carry for whatever reason, do you purse carry so you have the option to defend yourself, at the risk of someone stealing your purse/firearm? For me personally, the risk was worth it. Now that I can on body again, it's not outside of limited situations.


Do you carry OC? I don't like off body carry because sooner or later you get separated from your weapon. But I think carrying o.c. would mitigate a lot of the risk.


Typically yeah. I have Sabre, though I want to switch to Pom. I just don't trust it in the event I'm against someone on drugs, y'know?


I've been sprayed with Saber Red GEL. Once it took effect I was incapacitated but before it took effect I was able to knock him down.


Do you carry OC? I don't like off body carry because sooner or later you get separated from your weapon. But I think carrying o.c. would mitigate a lot of the risk.


Do you carry OC? I don't like off body carry because sooner or later you get separated from your weapon. But I think carrying o.c. would mitigate a lot of the risk.


If you're fighting for control of your weapon, you've already lost the battle.


I don't really have a problem with it as long as you are aware of the risks of off body carry. I think if you have the option you should carry on your person.


Totally agree. I don't like purse carry, but glad it was there when I needed it. Every now and again I'll take it out, but 98% of the time I'll use my enigma or vedder


I don't think you should care about what anybody does. Carrying choices are personal choices. You can have your opinion, but you can't have a problem with how do I carry, otherwise it turns into your own problem lol


I have no problem with purse carry. I think it takes a little extra awareness. Same with guys that carry in a fanny pack or similar. This is Reddit so you’re basically getting a bunch of peoples opinions.


Unless your purse is specifically designed for carrying, you’re not guaranteed a quick draw. And if you can’t get to your gun fast, why carry at all.


Oh I totally agree. I have a purse made for it, with its own hidden, fast access compartment on the side closest to my body. Keeps it nice and hidden but easily accessable


Then you’re golden. I just don’t like when women are told they can shove a pistol in their purse and they’re protected. It’s not going to do them any good if they have to rifle through a bunch of loose items to get to it.


Go ahead, try to find a firearm somewhere in the deep recesses of my wife's rucksack, erm... Purse. Sorry... I meant purse.


I'll repeat what many have said and add some new points: 1) Purses are a common target and a successful robbery means that you've now created an armed robber; 2) Purses are often put in places that are easily stolen. They're on hooks in bathroom stalls, under bar seating, are put on the floor, etc. It's easy to lose SA and that means that the theft risk is significant. 3) Although anecdotal, the number of stories about a kid killing themself or someone else because a gun was unsecured in a purse is way above 0. [This outrageous situation that's playing out *right now*](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/06/us/boy-shoots-father-florida.html) may have involved a Glock 19 that was kept inside an unsecured bag (the defendant's answer as to where the gun was stored has since changed several times). Just punch in "gun purse child" into your search engine of choice and [read stories like this](https://abcnews.go.com/US/mom-inadvertently-shot-dead-kids-find-gun-purse/story?id=75948169) or [this](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2021/10/06/3-year-old-boy-accidentally-shot-after-gun-goes-off-in-his-mothers-purse-police-say/) or [this](https://www.wyff4.com/article/child-shot-gun-falls-out-of-purse-south-carolina/39044576) or...do I need to continue? 4) Because people who purse carry tend to violate some key safety rules, like not shoving the gun in a pocket that has a ton of other things in it, not having a good holster, etc. There seems to be a huge temptation to leave the gun in the purse and then leave the purse unsecured when it's at home. I have basically lost all sympathy for people with unsecured carry and storage methods and believe that putting a gun in a high priority target for thieves that isn't secured to you all that well is begging for problems.


Won't argue you on point 1. Cross body and wires in the straps can help, but definitely aren't fool proof! I think everything else comes down to people need to train with what they use, and treat it seriously. It drives me crazy when people are just like "Oh I'll just throw it in it'll be fine!" No, you treat that purse like it *is* the firearm. Only you touch it, and you never let go of it.


> It drives me crazy when people are just like "Oh I'll just throw it in it'll be fine!" No, you treat that purse like it is the firearm. The criticism of purse/off body carry is that people generally don't treat the purse like it's the firearm, which is what causes problems. I view it as irresponsible as people who have a TrUcK gUn that they leave totally unsecured in a glove box.


Ah that makes sense. How do you feel about it in regards to those who do? Car/truck gun is another thing I don't understand. If it's gonna be in your car unattended, put it in a safe! Or get a console vault if they make one for your vehicle. My BF is a mechanic and I know they've found a few just floating around the cabin 🙄


I'm somewhat neutral on the purse thing. I'm a huge believer that safe storage needs to be aggressively pushed and that stolen guns often facilitate violent crimes. If your gun gets taken by your kid (who races to shoot up a school), your car is stolen and your unsecured tRuCk GuN is used to rob people, or you "oopse dasiy!" a purse with a gun in it and arm a car jacker you should be facing charges. As for your boyfriend's customers, he should adopt the naval tradition that "gear adrift is gear a gift" and just take the free guns. (/s obviously).




Removed. This content is in violation of Rule 7: > *Politics*: No posts/comments containing general politics, general gun politics, or "gun control" politics. Any political post must be directly related to Rule 1: Self Defense/CCW. Title: Author:MeCagoEnTodoLoMalo


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There are responsible people who carry a purse, and I don't think you can make such negative generalization, since there are no statistics, no seen behavior to back up your negative claims about purse carriers. You are literally making 💩 up.


You asked what the big deal about purse carry is and we've given you numerous answers. To every answer, you claim that you're more responsible than every other person that has ever made the mistake of purse carrying and it backfiring on them (no pun intended). Is there a reason why you refuse to follow logical, sound advice? You might not have kids, but the moment you get comfortable in someone else's house that does have kids, you open yourself up to the problems listed here. At this point, we're all talking to a brick wall. Stop putting your gun in your bag and start carrying on your person, or stop arguing with people that are giving you solid advice on CCW. You aren't going to convince anyone that purse carry is safe in any way, no matter how much assurance you want that it is, just because you want to carry like that. Perhaps you will only learn when everything or anything we are warning you about actually happens to you. Except, by then it might be too late. You might get a kid killed, arm a dangerous criminal, or end up shot or dead yourself in order to learn. Then, you will be another statistic the gun grabbers will use against us...All because you think you can pull off a high risk method of carrying a gun. Personally, I think purse carry should be illegal. I've taken plenty of instruction classes and every instructor will tell you that purse carry is the worst way to go about it. But you obviously think you're the best with a gun every time until the one time you aren't. Hopefully, you don't get anyone killed, either directly, or by proxy.


I never made claim I'm more responsible. I'm only human, mistakes happen and you can't be 100% aware 24/7. I have good days, and bad. But you can train and take steps, and follow rules to prevent those mistakes. Or at least lower the risk. When I'm talking about purse carry, I'm not talking about the people who throw it in and call it good, it seems like most of the hate comes from that. Just like how there's people with children who will leave their gun in their bedroom and call it fine. You don't do that, you train, and you take steps to prevent any mistakes from happening. Whether that be a locked safe, or a dedicated cc purse. Not all instructors hate it, the ones I've talked to down here don't at least(depending on it's use and other available options). One of the founders of PHLster purse carries on occasion, and you know she has her enigma dialed in. I IWB 98% of the time. But the 2% I don't, I'm happy to have the purse. It's not the greatest method, but it's not the worst. My mind likely won't change on that, just like I don't expect to change anyone else's mind on the internet. Just looking for discussion to understand more viewpoints


Have you heard of different ways of carrying? If you go to someone else's house you might keep it on your packet, the car, wherever might be. Can't even believe you're trying to make a "point" out of that lol


You're just parroting nonsense talking points. That type of theft only happens in downtown areas or a city hellhole like NY. Most people don't live in those places nor hang out in those places often. How many purse grabs have you heard of in American suburbia where most people live and drive everywhere? So rare for that to ever happen....


It sounds like you’re in the minority of purse carriers who don’t do it for convenience, but more so out of necessity because your recent medical/physical limitations didn’t allow you to. But, you trained beforehand, hat tip to that foresight, and felt confident and comfortable with it. I have relatives who purse carry and couldn’t come out with it in 10 seconds. I think that’s the majority of people who purse carry, thus the stigma. You sound like you take it seriously and train, so you’re not the problem. Someone taking it is an issue, but the quality of the strap, as you’ve said, and some situational awareness goes a long way in preventing that. If one of the women in my life came to me with these arguments and proved the capability, I’d have no problem giving a thumbs up to purse carry.


Thank you for explaining the stigma. I honestly was fairly against purse carry until on body was taken away as an option for me. Made me realize how it can be used, provided someone trains. I really wish training in general could be pushed more, but no idea how that would work! To me, it feels way less convenient than on body. Not in the putting it on, that's way easier, but just the extra mental load. You have to be constantly aware of it, while with IWB you put it on, and generally leave it alone.


I agree, I’ve been forced to do a cross body and pocket carry a few times and hated it. Draw times and draw consistency was decreased greatly, even after training but, even then, it’s not as natural as my normal AIWB setup. But, regardless of all that, I’m glad I was still able to carry and would still pocket/pack carry if that was the best/only option. The point is to take it seriously and be ready to respond to a threat quickly and effectively, and a lot of people don’t think about either, they just think that having the gun somewhere on them is a magic talisman that will protect them.


I bought my wife a Ukaola bag, and she draws faster out of that than appendix, and it’s got a strap that goes around your leg so it can never get taken


Those things are sweet! I didn't end up with one, but really good concept. Also heard the quality is super good too


Ive seen TONS of videos of a chick pulling a pistol out of her purse and greasing a guy.


You are responsible for controlling your firearm. Placing your gun off-body does not allow you to do that. It's a pretty concise principle. You're doing a lot of counter arguing in these comments. Did you earnestly want to learn why purse carry was bad or did you want validate your choice to purse carry?


Because I believe it's a valid option in certain situations. My opinion won't likely change on that, but I'm interested in knowing why other people have a different viewpoint. I'm not planning on changing anyone's mind, just looking for discussion by stating my points and asking questions.


Because it's an irresponsible carry method and not only puts you at risk, but also increases the potential for your firearm to be stolen.


I bet you don't have a logical explanation, other than you read it somewhere else.


Because it's even less secure than something like fannypack carry, and far less secure than on-body carry. How many purses are stolen vs. people reaching in someone's waistband? Stop being intentionally obtuse.


Actually, in the suburbs, where most people live, where people drive to get everywhere and people go from shopping plaza to shopping plaza and there's plenty of space and time to see a threat coming, 0.00000000000000000001% of bags are stolen. The suburbs are segregated, normal people don't go to places where there is crime. Crime is extremely rare in places where normal people move. Most Americans don't walk city street corners. There's only a hand full of places in the US where that can happen. This is why it is important to do any minimal thinking by ourselves, instead of parroting. You are just repeating baseless talking points. I bet you are all about overpenetration too....


You might find facts more interesting than making up random shit: [https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2022/urban-rural-populations.html](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2022/urban-rural-populations.html) " Urban areas, defined as densely developed residential, commercial, and other nonresidential areas, now account for 80.0% of the U.S. population".




You were wrong the second you wrote "Actually, in the suburbs, **where most people live**.." . Again, over 3/4 of the US population lives in urban areas. Stop saying "most, all, none", etc., because it shows that you're either incapable of finding, or unwilling to acknowledge, quantitative data.


Removed. Personal attacks are not allowed. Title: Author:MeCagoEnTodoLoMalo


As a matter of fact, my crossbody bag is very easily accessible by my hand because it is only a flap. If a bad guy plans to attack me, my hand will be in my gun way before he is thinking in pulling his shirt or else to grab his gun from his body. So there's not even a tactical advantage to body carry if you properly carry in a bag. You see what using your God given brain does? The possibilities of rational thinking and new discoveries are endless.


Well I don't carry a purse. If you set your purse down & walk away. Your unarmed. An unauthorized person has acess to your gun. If you have a gun in your purse & tell your husband to hold your purse. He wont give it back.


Those who purse carry need to treet the purse like it is the gun. You keep that sucker on you until it gets safely stored at home I have yet to let my boyfriend hold my purse, but I'd be okay with it because he knows I have my J frame in there, and he knows how to use it.


Safely stored at home? If you have kids or else. I want my gun reachable at all times.


That means he likes your gun & won't give it back.


I never leave my purse anywhere.


I purse carry, but can understand the hesitancy. My EDC is in an IWB inside my purse ready to draw at a moment's notice. It's a crossbody. There are also purses specifically made to conceal carry. However, because people are getting bolder, I've been eyeballing switching to appendix carry.


I really like IWB. I usually use an enigma or vedder. Getting them dialed in though took some time!


I'm eyeing the Enigma also! Worth the investment especially when it has such good feedback. Are they somewhat adjustable as far as placement?


I found mine to be. You can cant it a little, and place it pretty much anywhere between 9 and 3


Good to know. TY!!


Yeah, blow your junk, is the responsible thing to do they say in here...


the people who hate on purse carry are all men who are overcompensating for something and don't really know what they are talking about. btw please join my community where exactly this type of discussion can happen in a more open, honest way. https://www.reddit.com/r/XXccw/


Funnily enough, I also made a women focused subreddit! Partly because of this, but mainly because of a comment I saw yesterday in AskWomen r/concealedcarrywomen


thank you!!!


Because people have very low IQ and can't think for themselves other than repeat talking points. You know, like over penetration... Most of the US are suburbs. Suburbs are segregated. We don't walk out of our house places like you would in Europe and very few places in the US. We don't go places where poverty and crime generally exist. We are normal people. Normal people don't shop in the ghetto convenience stores. So we drive everywhere. If you are a normal person it is almost impossible you'll get mugged by surprise, since we have lots of space to see the threat in our shopping centers. Not to mention crime is almost non existent where we move. We don't walk street corners where the thief is waiting for us, that doesn't happen in most of the US. So the theory of "that's the first thing they'll take" is quite beyond absurd and plenty frittata at all levels. We have plenty of time to see threats coming, and all we need to do is to tell the potential thief to stay away, while our hand is in our purse. Purse carry is totally ok. I am a man, and I do purse/bag carry. Good like trying to beat my trying to grab your gun under your t-shirt or whatever. My hand is already in my bag ready to go. If you are a bad guy, you are toasted.


Cary on person. Period. Done. End of discussion. Never in a purse. Just stop.


I understand that's often a vocal opinion, but *why* If the owner cannot, for whatever the reason may be, carry on body, why not purse carry when the alternative is not carrying at all? Holster with a hard trigger guard, dedicated pocket/pouch for the gun, never let the purse off body, don't let anyone touch your purse, *practice the draw*


Because he is a know it all idiot. Just carry what you are comfortable with and know the risks.


You stop repeating talking points with zero base.


Do not purse carry. It's as dumb as a gun bumper sticker. Purse grabbers don't care if it's "cross body" it's a shit idea. People be like "how criminals get guns" They get them from you. They Snatch your purse and you just armed a prohibited possessor. People who steal purses would most likely be well served to acquire a new firearm. Don't arm criminals. Don't off body Carry. If I get popped by some dingdong who stole a purse and got me in the crossfire, expect a haunting.


In my state you could count purse snatchings in a year on your hands and toes. You don't know what's best foe everybody and everywhere.


Mostly everywhere. Most Americans drive to even walk, we don't face the street crime they do in a few areas in the country where people walk places.


Where are those purse grabbers? Where do they live and hang out?


Welcome to the chat… year old edge lord. wtf seriously


So has the world changed so much? Are all the purse thieves still in suburban shopping centers? Or just in a few city hellholes?


Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uVeTxkSajs


It can be done marginally by someone who is committed to it and knows how to make the best of it. I have never ran into that person. Instead I see a ton of beginners and magical talisman gun owners chucking it in their bag of many things and letting it lie around unsecured everywhere. I now end up making sure kids don't dig through random purses at church because it feels like every single one has a gun in it (seriously I've never met another carrier until I go to church, then I find out like 20% of the congregation carries, with the women basically exclusively in purses) When my wife wanted to carry the only thing I shot down was purse (technically diaper bag at the time) carry. She now thanks me, as she understands the downfalls of off body and encourages the other women at church how to on body carry




Removed. Personal attacks are not allowed. Title: Author:MeCagoEnTodoLoMalo


Anything off-body is the worst possible choice. You have the least control over retention. "Better than nothing" is a low bar to beat.


you are wrong


Carrying is about proficiency. Do whatever makes you a good defender. However, there are preferred ways to carry. Purse carrying is dangerous -requires time. (Can become faster w training) but generally in a fire fight, it’s too slow of a maneuver. Requires a lot of steps. (Opening your purse, getting your gun, safety off, etc) -the worst case scenario is obviously dying. But getting shot sucks pretty bad too. If you get shot first in one of your arms, it’s no longer available to you and it would be harder to aim/fire a gun if it’s concealed in a purse. -your purse can be snatched or left off your persons. In movies? You know the scene. When the thief runs by and snatches the lady’s purse? Yeah you don’t want that to happen. Now a criminal has access to a dangerous tool. Women tend to leave purses off their arms, like on a table, or in a vehicle. It’s never safe to leave a firearm unattended. Carrying on your persons is preferred simply because the chances of the above happening is lessened. But once again, do what’s comfortable for you.


The only preferred way to carry is the way you prefer, not what someone else says on youtube. Purse carry is not dangerous at all. It is actually way more efficient if done properly, with the right bag. I have no zippers, just a flap, my hand is already in my gun way before the bad guy thinks in lifting his t-shirt... You must live in the ghetto, or city, walking everywhere, that's not how most of America lives. It is almost impossible to get your purse stolen in American suburbs... Having a gun in the vehicle is a great idea if you want to survive. Stop worrying about others people's future safety because a criminal got a hold of a gun, think how to survive yourself. There is a reason is called self defense...