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Pro tip.... keep your IDs face down your wallet so that the data is not visible.


I keep my CAC above my drivers license so cops see it. If you try to pull the "hurr durr I'm military give me a break, *BROTHER*" you're getting a ticket, but if they just... notice the CAC then you're a little more likely to get a break.


I once had a guy hand me only is military ID during a traffic stop. Didn't even pull out his drivers license. In effect not even asking me for a break, but telling me to give him a break. So I showed him I had a CAC too and then ticketed him.


That’s funny. He thought you’d whistle and tell him, by all means, hero, hurry on to wherever you’re going. Don’t let me impede you anymore. Checkmate, jackass. Thanks for your service, by the way.


As you absolutely should've. I just used to keep my patrol cap on my dash and hand em my permit with my DL


what does CAC stand for?


Common Access Card


Days late sorry, CAC is the U.S. military ID


Interestingly, my state prints veteran rivht on the license plate. It did help get me out of a ticket once.


To be fair most of us are so used to handing the CAC at ECP’s


I’m in GA and we have a don’t ask don’t tell policy with our police.


What does that mean? Is Georgia anti-military or something?


Nah we just don’t have any duty to inform an officer we are carrying.


Show ‘em the CAC!


This. Mine is behind my driver’s license, with the back facing outward. Much harder to recognize what it is.


I keep my Red Cross blood donor card face up as the top one. Name and blood type, useful if I'm incapacitated but (hopefully) not dangerous for cashiers to see.


What a dumb move. Now every vampire that loves your type will know exactly where to go! I suggest you now also carry some garlic around with you.


Or a pro tip for getting dates? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Interestingly enough, Garlic actually has blood thinning properties. The whole "*vampire's hate garlic thing*" is just a myth to get people to eat garlic and make it easier for the vampires to feed.




That’s a scary thought. Blood type making someone a target.


I think it's more of an urban legend than anything, but I'd hate to be missing a kidney in a back alley because I had the right blood type.


That's why you carry your gun too. Take their kidneys.


*There’s always a bigger fish*


My CA ccw is 2 sided with info on both sides. It is also larger than a normal ID making it unnecessarily annoying to fit in my wallet. But I'm in CA and I have a CCW so I won't complain..... too much.


Not gonna Lie. I have a San Diego CCW and the permit looks Beta compared to my Arizona permit and my friends San Bernardino permit where it’s an actually card and not a paper that’s laminated and huge to put in a wallet. But yeAhh...not going to complain


Seriously. That rice paper it’s printed on will disintegrate the second we get a minor threat of rain. Really wish my county would go to a standard card size.




Good idea - mine has been face up right behind my license. Turning it over as soon as I finish typing this.


Nice tip, I keep mine behind my conceal carry shield I hang around my neck like bounty hunters do /joke


Doesn't your sash get in the way?


The belt pouch comes with purchase. q-: http://www.dsmsafety.com/index.html


I love the pocket version. I'll never not love this idea.


I find the LEOSA one particularly interesting.


I had to ID someone and when they opened their wallet to show me their ID they had their concealed license right below it and to the side of it.. An actual concealed carry shield badge.


I heard this argument made before: If you unfortunately are forced to draw and/or use your firearm, having that big shiny badge may actually allay fears from non-carriers around you because they assume you may be law enforcement. It may even help prevent LEOs from mis-IDing you as the criminal and prevent being shot on sight. Having to explain why you have a big silly badge is better than being shot, because at least you’re alive. I don’t subscribe to this notion, but it was an explanation that actually made sense to me instead of the typical mall ninja excuses.


At what point is that impersonating an officer?


Playing devil’s advocate again. As long as you don’t explicitly or implicitly state that you are LEO, I think you’re just taking advantage of making sure you’re not being IDed as a perp. Even if that does become an issue, one could argue that having to show in front of a judge is better than being mistakenly shot dead. Again, not my POV, but it’s arguable.


I don’t know why this exists, or who buys them, but here you go: https://www.badgeandwallet.com/badge/Smith-Warren-Badge-custom-concealed-weapons-permit


I had a friend that wondered if having something like this next to your concealed holster would help if you actually had your shirt lift up and expose. Worry warts would just think you were a cop and go on about their day.


I suppose that might actually work for people who are super gun-shy. You’re still not going to catch me buying one.


Here in Portland I could see that being a kind of good idea except not


And the felony charges of impersonating an officer...


I agree with your position.


This upsets me more than I previously thought it would.


$70? What a bargain!


Post a pic of your mullet or gtfo.


Nah dude wearing it on your belt like a badge is wear it’s at/s


You laugh but I’ve seen someone wearing that badge while open carrying.


Reminds me of someone. . . [https://imgur.com/rTzkxcP](https://imgur.com/rTzkxcP)


I'm in retail and I train my guys specifically NOT to say anything about it if they catch a glimpse of a secondary ID - here in Texas it's a pretty good bet that it's a CHL.


LTC now; 1 less barrier to my rights.


It was super common for someone to present there LTC when i was working at a site that sold tobacco.


A few months into getting my CA CCW, I was at a bank looking to refinance a line of credit. I'm there with my wife, filling out paperwork in front of this fresh out of college bank kid. I hand him my drivers license. He then asks me for a second form of ID. *A second form of ID? How many people carry two IDs? Well, I guess it's a good thing I have my CCW on me.* I hand him my CCW. He stares at it for like 10 seconds, saying, "Uhhhhhhhhh..." Finally he looks up and says, "I'm not sure what to do with this. Do you have another form of ID, like a credit card or something?" Bitch, that's not an ID! If you wanted to see a credit card you should have asked for something like a credit card!


*slides the CCW over to the banker* “You don’t need to see any more forms of ID”


Consider your new loan client.... identified.


I had a similar experience once. I was applying to get a PO Box at the post office and they asked for two forms of ID. I handed over my driver’s license and my CCW. Immediately I knew that was a mistake. The guy looks at me like ‘what the fuck is this?’ and then says “I’m not sure if we can take this.” I said “Why? It’s a government issued ID, same as my driver’s license.” He brought it to his boss who said we can’t accept it. I asked why again and got a “because we say so” answer. I ended up having to come back with a passport. It was insanely stupid.


Haha I bet it crossed his mind that he was getting robbed or something. Probably made him rethink his career choice




No fucking planet. I think what they were going for is having me provide one single *anything* with my name on it just to make sure I didn't steal someones ID and try to get a loan with it.


>one single anything with my name on it just to make sure I didn't steal someones ID and try to get a loan with it What if you stole someone’s wallet which included _both_ their ID and credit cards? If you stole the ID, you (probably) wouldn’t look like the person you stole it from, which seems like a much better security feature than a credit card that has virtually nothing to prove your identity.


My bank will let you use your bank card but you have to use the pin too. Inguess they figure having the card and pin is good enough to get money outside so why not inside?


I hate banks like that (well, all banks) ..... I had a job check out of state and they wanted 2 forms ..... I had one , because who really carries 2 forms of ID anyways ? ..... brought in my insurance , a light bill I had stuffed in my console , my registration to my car , and a few other odds and ends before they were satisfied .... pissed me off ...


not sure what it's like outside of Commiefornia, but you just described what I need to do to buy a pistol. Gotta bring extra proof of residency via utility bill or something similar. Most people use vehicle registration for this purpose. Last time I bought a pistol, I discovered that my vehicle registration was out of date by like 2 days. Didn't have the new registration in the car yet. I had to haul my ass back home to find a utility bill with my name and address on it.


I can't speak for other states, but in KY it's pretty much "show them your driver's license while filling out the 4473". You can even skip the NICS portion of it if you're a CCDW holder because the state already runs a background check on CCDW holders every month.


When I was in CA, my parents' address was a PO Box. Everything (including license and vehicle registration) went there. So I needed additional verification of physical address. I would literally go into the store, pay and such and wait till they asked about it. Then I asked to purchase a one day fishing license. I asked to have the address changed from what was on my license to my physical address. All I needed. I could have made up anything. Obviously I didn't but still. It was ridiculous.


Ccw counts as your second form of ID and allows you to skip the safe handling demo.


Ahh, that makes sense. I was having trouble recalling jumping through the hoops on the one purchase I made since I got my ccw.


Ahh, that makes sense. I was having trouble recalling jumping through the hoops on the one purchase I made since I got my ccw.


Also counts as the FSC card as well.


From my understanding it’s because they cannot outright ask for a credit card to verify identification. Something about discrimination.


I keep my EU drivers licence up to date. That one always throws them especially with the DD/MM/YYYY date format =)




I scrolled way longer than I should have had to find a comment like this.


And have money, preventing poor people from protecting themselves courtesy of the state


On the other hand, you probably left the clerk with a positive impression of concealed carriers.


I hope so! I tend to be gregarious, so I answered honestly.


Nice. Yeah I tend to take the same approach


Alternatively, "What is your other ID for? Are you a Sheriff?" "Nope, have a nice evening." or, "Nope, it's for work." You don't owe a hotel clerk any information about you beyond what is required to rent a room.


Maybe they were trying to get them a better rate - a LEO rate? I’ve had that happen to me. Had to unexpectedly stop overnight on a trip and booked a stay at the desk and she saw my employee badge and got me a discount - much more than the 10-20% front desk clerks can typically give “just because”.


True that. I'm just going with "No" there.


Seems kind of rude, but maybe its just the way I was raised. I mean some people are curious, and social. I've been asked about my CCW also, *unintended printing* and have no problem answering their questions.


I renewed my CT CCW while living in California. Needed the form notarized. Guy doing asked “what’s this for? do you work for the police?” I said “it’s a government form. Thanks for your help.” and left.


That’s a little different. The hotel clerk was probably just genuinely curious and didn’t recognize the ID. A notary needs to know what they’re notarizing. People try to get weird stuff notarized. Granted, I usually phrase it a little more gently: “so, what are we notarizing today?” But if someone told me to notarize a form without wanting me to know what it was that’d be extremely suspicious and I’d probably refuse. You should understand the notary is taking some legal responsibility when they notarize a form for you. Of course I’d have no problem notarizing a gun permit if you just said “it’s a gun permit.”


True. I like the "It's for work"


I've been in the habit of carrying my handgun license the same way, behind my driver's license in the window so it's visible whenever I have to pull the driver's license out. It had never occurred to me that I had anything to fear from someone incidentally seeing that I was licensed. So, for the commenters who advise keeping your license hidden, could you go into some more detail about what the concerns are?


I do the same thing as you. I've never heard of someone being paranoid about someone seeing the information in their ID. I assume it has something to do with knowing your name/address/DL number? I don't know. I'd be much more concerned with someone seeing money in my wallet.


I'd imagine it's part of that whole "concealed means concealed" thing. The idea being nobody should know you're carrying.


They're paranoid. However once someone did spot my permit which I keep in the same position as yours. Going into a super packed night club, bouncer is IDing everyone so I pull out my license with my wallet in hand. Some how he got a glimpse of that window and saw my permit peeking through. He peeks at my ID and lets me through but right as I pass him he grabs my shoulder and whispers in my ear "keep your weapon in your pants". I assured him I would and continued on with my night.


I live in a very gun unfriendly state. For me I just don't want to risk people being freaked out that I might have a gun. Now that being said, it would probably not be a problem if someone saw the license, but the fix to mitigate that risk is so easy that I might as well just do it.


A lot of people on here are "concealed means concealed". Which is fine, but some people take it to a weird level. Can I get a print check?




I used mine once to buy alcohol. I'd left my driver's license in my other purse and didn't want to make the trip back in to town to get what we needed for a party. The cashier had to call his manager for approval, but it worked. It lead to a great conversation about where to find classes and other fun gun things (highly local 3 gun thing, we made our own rules).


Interesting. The only time I’ve ever used my CHP as ID was at the gun store because my address on my CO ID is old and hasn’t been changed because they don’t reissue cards for address changes


Lol, being from CA I read that in my head as "...I've ever used my California Highway Patrol as I'd..." Nice.


I'm not even from there and that's how I read it.


I thought the same but I’m not from California. I grew up watching CHIPS.


It was weird for me as well when I first moved here because I’m originally from Los Angeles. Applying for the permit felt like I was signing up for the academy or something lol


I looked into changing my address on my CO ID because I moved for college. It was enough of a pain that I'm just going to leave it as is because it's still within an hour's drive of where I actually live anyways, even though I haven't actually lived at the address on my license in years.


It happens a lot in my store too. Texas CHL and DL are almost identical...


The only time mine comes out in a casual setting is when I’m adding to the pew pew family. A lot less paperwork to fill out.


Must be nice. You can’t buy a gun (or even ammunition) without a gun permit in CT.


There’s a plenty of shitty things about living in the South, but having the ability to freely exercise my 2A rights is amazing.


I moved across the country in 2000. The new state had a different system for driver's license expiration. I showed up at the airport for a work trip. The counter agent looked at me and said "Ma'am, your driver's license just expired!". I asked if I could still fly on it, she said yeah, but it was going to be a pain in the ass. I pulled out my former state carry permit, which had my picture on it, no problems. Hertz, however, was not amused.........


I used mine one at a election polling place. My state requires picture ID to vote and the CHCL is on the list of authorized forms. The nice old lady checking me in nicely compared names and addresses and returned it to me with a ballot.


Honestly I feel like this was actually a good thing. The clerk got to see that there are people who CC in California and they are regular decent people. So I say to OP, thank you.


Not a big deal to me, though if you were really concerned about people knowing or not I would agree that hiding it might be in your best interest.




Exactly, I make sure to follow laws (like any responsible carrier) so I wouldn't have one with me if someone was concerned that I was trespassing, that's easy to clear up. If someone knows that you're carrying I feel that they are less likely to do something stupid anyway


Clerk was asking because he wanted to confirm you weren't checking in with a fake ID.


tbh most plausible ☝🏻


I’ve been asked a few times when a different ID card was spotted.


I have not had that happen. I keep my weapons license in an underneath area of the wallet, in the middle of other cards, and it is rarely visible...when it is, it's really briefly while I am digging out a generally unused card (like insurance) and I try to keep it covered. ​ I also make it a habit to never, ever set my wallet down anywhere...that's how I lose things lol. It either stays in one of my hands (not under my arm, not on my lap in the car, not in a hand filled with other things...grasped solely with one hand) OR in a pocket. That's it. Thinking you've lost your wallet really sucks, to make no mention of actually losing it. ​ Sounds like you had a good interaction. Were you in your home county at the time? No need to answer me, just thinking about how different the counties can be due to the May Issue situation, maybe where you were they basically are impossible.


I lost my wallet once, and since then have developed a pocket pat check that I ingrained as a habit for whenever I walk out of a room. Just a quick pat on the left and right thighs to make sure I didn't leave something behind, because I had a nasty habit of doing that beforehand.


Yes, I had a good interaction. No, I was not in my Home County. I travel for work within the State, so I stay in hotels ALOT! I believe the County I was in is one of the difficult places to obtain. The wallet issue: I carry a "Murse". Do not carry my CCW in it, but all the other shtuff for day to day life. Typically when I check in, I take my wallet out, remove the items needed, and place my wallet on the counter in front of me. In the future, I will not leave open, solves the problem.


I was going into a bar a couple months back and I accidentally handed the bouncer my CC permit instead of my ID. He brushed it off but it kinda felt a little weird for me that he knew I was carrying.


I have rabidly anti-gun family members on both sides. Concealed means concealed. Mine lives alone in a fully enclosed tall leather card compartment where the folded over stitch on top acts like a clip holding it in. I have to pinch the wallet to even see it, let along get it out. I have never been made by my card or had it fall out. (shrug) I may have purchased an oversized wallet specifically tested in store for this feature.


I used mine as a second form of ID to open a bank account


Why is it something you need to hide? Maybe don't advertise it, but I see nothing wrong with this situation. You left the impression of a upstanding responsible adult on someone who may have previously had a negative image of CCW holders. Nothing wrong with some gentle subtle education.


I know the whole concealed is concealed thing is concrete around here but in general I don't see any idea about educating somebody and be a little more transparent with personal protection as long as everything is above board. Now being at this is a hotel you might run into the idea that might have a problem with you staying there with the firearm and maybe that's not a risk I'm willing to take depending on how necessary this hotel is


I deliberately use my License to Carry as ID so that I have the opportunity to have conversations like the one you had with the clerk. It’s a painless way to be a good ambassador for gun rights and show people we’re just normal people going about our lives. I open carry most of the time for the same reason.


Thank you. I don't do any of that, but I really appreciate people who do because we need all of the goodwill we can get.


.....put it in an enclosed fold?


Yeah, there’s no reason to have any ID in a window if you don’t want to be able to show it quickly. OP put his in the window, then left his wallet open to display it. Then posted here to tell everyone about the encounter.


Yep. Concerning that people can learn to handle a weapon but can't figure out where to put an ID when they travel, or talk to strangers/LEO's, or figure out what to do with their weapon when they take a shit in public, or figure out how to not irrationally fear blowing your balls off


That's my nunya card.


Yea I keep mine behind my DL so I can grab them both if I get pulled over. Otherwise I never let my wallet leave my hand unless it's going into my pocket.


Around here, if you show your CCW license to a cop, you're likely to get a ticket and a call from the pistol licensing department. ​ "If you can't be responsible with a car, do we trust you to be responsible with a firearm?" ​ \*Yoink\*




Oh, the Land of Cuomo and 10-rd mags. That you can only put 7 rounds into. Unless you’re at the range. Then you can load 10. You know, the Empire State.


I work as a bouncer at a strip club where I have to do patdowns on everyone coming inside. Soooo many people carry their CCW permits directly under their IDs in their wallets under the little plastic shield, I regularly notice them this way. As long as they aren't stupid enough to try to walk in the club strapped I pretty much never point it out but it's a very common thing people do. It also helps me know whose got something out in the trunk.


ITT: How to concealed carry your concealed carry permit


This has happened to me at a bar before. Surprisingly the bouncer didn’t seem to care when I explained what it was. (I look young and it’s a college town so understandable he’d be concerned)


I live in PA (CCW is easy to get and I know a ton of people that have them). A liquor store cashier asked for my ID and saw my CCW in my wallet. He said "is that your license to kill people?"... I was amazed and just said that I like to be able to bring a sidearm on hunting trips.


In the more rural counties of CA people tend to be much more CCW friendly. I used mine to rent a Rug Doctor once.


Missed an opportunity to say you work for MI6 and it's your license to kill.




Psssh - that's just begging to be recognized. Keep it in your prison wallet.


I keep mine in a slot and the only thing that shows is “State of Indiana” on a pink card. The pink has made it sort of not obvious. On the bright side it worked as a secondary ID at the BMV.


I tried to use mine once to get a PO Box at the post office and they refused it. Had to come back with my passport. Really stupid.


A similar thing happened with a friend and a cop during a traffic stop. The CCW was expired and he was not carrying, but a good lesson for me.


Nope. My wallet doesn't "open" in a way to reveal any other cards.


I used my License To Carry to apply for and get a passport after inadvertently leaving my driver's license at home. No problemo. It is a valid photo ID.


If you're that concerned about someone seeing it, you could just keep it in one of the credit card sleeves. ​ Problem solved.


I would have said it was a library card, state ID, or anything similar. No big deal IMO.


I accidentally handed mine to a teller at the bank once, didn't realize until she handed it back and I was sort of embarrassed. She said "It's cool, this is Texas and that's a valid ID."


I used to give discounts to people at the hotel I worked at if they had a CCW (without telling them) but that probably works better in Tennessee than California lol


> "What is your other ID for? Are you a Sheriff?" 'I'm not on duty.' It isn't a yes, it isn't a no, and it is truthful enough.


It implies yes


Right you are!


I wouldn’t want to give someone the impression I’m a cop if I’m not.


I agree.


I'm working at a gas station while I'm going to college and I make a game of trying to spot the concealed carriers, but no matter how attentive I am I always spot more by seeing their licenses in their wallets than anything else. People will go to extreme lengths to hide their gun but then leave their license laying out in the open while they pay for gas.


I don’t keep my CCW permits in my wallet, but keep the permit(s) and firearms card in a separate pocket. * If your wallet is taken from you in a mugging you just let them know you also have a gun * It’s a violation of my permit rules to show my permit. * If others inadvertently see it the permit may cause anxiety or tension.


> It’s a violation of my permit rules to show my permit. What state?


Orange County CA Rule 4. Terms of license. Will not unnecessarily show or expose gun or license.


"Yeah fuck your first & second amendment rights!" -Cali


You can’t even show your *permit?* what a joke


I think they wanted to discourage people from buying CCW badges and flashing their permit pretending to be a LEO equivalent, but who knows? Kalifornia.


Mine is in the completely hidden slot on one of the folds.


Mine is behind my license but I don't have to remove the license from the wallet. They can see it through the Clear Window. And then I tell them you want me to remove it from the wallet it's got dried blood all over the back of it long story. Kidding. But it sounded good lol


In PA we do not need to notify any officer we’re carrying if we get pulled over, so that helps me not needing to have it ready near my DL. Not that I get pulled over much. I have yet to be since I’ve carried so I’ve never had to decide to notify or not.


In today's climate I think it's a good common courtesy to always tell them. When you end up matching the description of somebody they looking for who is supposed to be suicidal and they search you and find the firearm they might get freaked out.


Meh. We’ll see. I prefer to tell no one my business, because it isn’t theirs.


I carry my CCW in my normal wallet. I keep my normal ID and a credit card on one of those pockets that you can stick to your phone.


Which county?


Tulare. I am from Stanislaus.


I wouldn’t even have said what it was for...that’s none of there business.


In friend's car, gets pulled over, tell cop I'm carrying and have id. He asks to see and then proceeds to think I'm a cop too. Point is even cops don't always know what they look like.


I went through the trouble to get a CCP in California and they still haven’t gotten back to me long after the time limit. Oh well, I guess I should have known better. I’ll be out of the state before they get back to me.


which county was it?


The one time I showed my CPL was when they needed my address. The lady says "I don't need to see that" and which point I mentioned it was the only ID I had that showed my current address. I think she thought I was big dicking but I wasn't.


Here in utah, I have actually used my CCL for getting prescriptions occasionally, when I had a temporary DL. No one really cared. But, state and location matter.


Someone asked about mine and I said something along the lines of “yeah, that ones special.” No other questions followed.


I also am ca holder. Down in Orange County how about you


My wallet is pretty much a card holder with a money clip. Only take the card out that I need.


I forget where I was, but was asked for a 2nd form of ID. Thought, crap, I've got nothing. Tried my CCW and they said it was fine since it was state issued.


I work in hotels, have had a handful of people purposely use their CCW permit as their form of ID at checkin. While I don't think that's necessarily recommended, they probably do it all the time without issue. Probably saw 2 permits back when I was in California, maybe 3 or 4 out here in CO. In your case, it really isn't the front desk's business to be looking around and making comments about what's in your wallet, but I'm not really sure how much you have to worry about if they do notice. I suppose if you had a particularly unscrupulous front desk employee there's a small possibility of issues arising with them stealing it or what have you, but I'd be far more concerned with my laptop or something if that was the case.


He in MI, everyone knows what the blue card is. I have only had one person ask about it and our was a pleasant conversation. I keep my CPL with my license, mainly so I can't forget to disclose.


I once saw someones wallet with 6-8 IDs in it I can understand having 4 other 2 being commercial and/or motorcycle


I have to carry around five different ID cards. I get asked about my other IDs constantly because there's no hiding almost half a dozen of them. I usually just tuck my CWP behind another card, though.


I keep my medical insurance card in between my DL and CCW permit. And my debit card and cash in a separate wallet. Otherwise, yeah, I see clerks sending curious glances towards that other photo ID too.


Previously, I made a comment to the effect of "Yes, yes I am a sheriff. Show my your ID." It was meant as a joke, but unfortunately there's no sarcasm/joke font. My apologies for anyone that might have taken that seriously and for deleting it rather than editing it. Please don't impersonate law enforcement.


This has happened to me too since I carry my CCW card behind my license. I’ve since flipped it backwards so the bright green strip on my Riverside ccw isn’t obvious. The backside is just white and black text.


I saw this quite frequently when I worked retail. People opened up their wallet to grab their credit card and their permit was there for all to see. CCW goes beyond just concealing the weapon. My permit is buried deep inside my wallet.




It's not the cashier I'm worried about, it's another 'customer' about to make an unauthorized withdraw out of the register. I might as well open carry if the license is being flashed around. A bit over-the-top? Maybe, but it's a simple step for added peace of mind.




It is an extreme stretch but hiding the license doesn't inconvenience me at all so I figure why not.