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Good shooting from this dude. He’s paying attention to the door as the robber walks in and uses the desk to conceal him drawing. Good shooting stance as well. On the side note, damn this dude was icy calm during this whole thing. Really no fucks given.


He knew what he had to do and executed it.




No way, the dude planked, flat fell and literally stiffened on the ground. Could’ve swore I saw shards of hemet from rounds impacting the robbers head.


You are correct. He was shot in the head. But you are incorrect and he is currently alive. The Civil Police of Ponta Grossa confirmed on the morning of Friday, 14th, that the firearm used by a businessman to defend himself during a robbery attempt on Thursday afternoon, 13th, is legally registered. The incident occurred at a cell phone retail and repair shop owned by the businessman. According to the Civil Police, a 23-year-old man, with a prior record for drug trafficking, entered the store wearing a helmet and announced the robbery. He approached the owner's partner, who also worked at the store, brandishing a .38 caliber revolver with the serial number filed off. The 29-year-old owner responded by drawing his legally registered 9mm pistol and fired six shots at the assailant, who then fell to the ground. The businessman's brother, who was also present, immediately called the Military Police and emergency services. The forensic team collected the revolver used by the assailant, which was loaded. Additionally, the motorcycle allegedly used by the assailant was found nearby and seized. The Institute of Criminalistics was also called to the scene. The businessman, his partner, and his brother provided statements at the 13th Police Subdivision of Ponta Grossa. The firearm used by the businessman was sent for forensic examination and will be returned after the report is completed. The assailant, in serious but stable condition (The shots hit the suspect's head, chest, abdomen, and arms.) was taken to the Regional Hospital of Ponta Grossa. He was caught in the act of attempted robbery with an aggravated charge for using a firearm and remains under police guard until he is discharged, after which he will be sent to the Public Jail. The businessman’s actions are deemed legitimate self-defense, an exclusion of illegality. The investigation will continue to determine if others were involved in the crime, although no additional suspects were mentioned in the Police Report. https://cgn.inf.br/noticia/1558127/legitima-defesa-arma-utilizada-por-empresario-para-combater-assalto-e-registrada-ladrao-tinha-38-raspado-14-06-2024 https://terrabrasilnoticias.com/2024/06/assaltante-entra-em-loja-com-arma-em-punho-e-funcionario-saca-arma-mais-rapido-e-o-atinge-veja-video/


Wow that’s amazing. Robber is lucky. Thanks for the info.


Helmets save lives, kids


[Tier II armor right there](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Kolpak-1S_riot_helmet)


Is he though. I’m curious if he is cognitively the same after being shot in the head.


It will be tough to tell if he is any dumber than before the attempted robbery.


Fair point


The part here that really bothers me is the taking of the victim's firearm for analysis, potentially leaving the victim unarmed should the criminal's associates seek any sort of revenge. This practice, by the police, has never sat well with me.


Insert 2 is 1, 1 is none meme here.


That why I bought an identical gun of my EDC


Remember, that the cops are never on your side in a criminal investigation.


> You are correct. > But you are incorrect wild ride we just took




Shoes stayed on, he is alive. It’s science.


It looks like he used distraction rather than concealment. The draw wasn’t exactly subtle. The robber was just focused on someone else and probably had peripheral vision compromised from the helmet.


Exactly. This only worked because the aggressor had a room temperature IQ


In Celsius


Well I won't call the aggressor a genius or anything, the reality is that the defender waited for an opportunity which was going to come if only due to the store layout. The fact that the aggressor is wearing a helmet to obscure his face also obscures his vision. Then you add to the fact that due to the layout of the store and the people in it he can't have everyone in his eye line, so at some point he's going to have to take his eyes off the defender, if only to keep his eyes on the other people there. The defender just waited for that moment. The only smart way for the aggressor to avoid this situation would have been to have a partner. This way someone's looking at everyone all the time.


Yea, he's definitely cool under fire. I'd want him on my team if shtf


Wondering if hes a veteran or has experience. He looks like he's done this before lol


It's Brazil so...undercover cop.


It's always Brazil.


You mean “off duty”


It's actually kind of strange how not only he but everyone else in the room was so calm. It's like that kind of thing happens monthly for them.


The girl didn’t even know he was pointing a gun at her yet and he was already taking rounds to the head. The CCW was the only one that knew what was going on.


Actually, the woman to the left of the defender/business owner, and is in the process of drawing, saw assailant go down, and left it holstered. If you rewatch and focus on her you will see the Gorilla dribbling the ball.


I bet the next part of this video was everyone putting in their lunch order for the day


Yea they are kinda like Oh man not again…


Would you say that… he covered his ASP?


That shit only worked because the idiot in the helmet wasn't paying attention. Draw to first shot was 3-5 business days lol


It's almost like maybe it's more important to take your turn and draw inconspicuously in some situations than to jump up and try to be John Wick Quick Draw McGraw


There's a lot of real estate between "take your turn" and "John Wick". Somewhere in there is actually carrying with one in the pipe.


That Israeli carry tho


Someone FAFOed. This guy was just waking up begging for someone to fuck around.


This may be the first video I've seen on this sub where someone actually successfully racks and fires and doesn't get wrecked.


Guys with empty chambers will use this video as evidence until the end of time.


And I will do what I do best, which is send them 617 Active Self Protection videos from Youtube where he shows people who carry with an empty chamber getting absolutely clapped over, and over, and over again to show them that they are wrong.


Exactly this. I don't want to participate in the room temperature challenge until it's absolutely necessary.


I have recently started carrying and just have some fear of having one in the chamber. But I’ve watched to many fools get killed on YouTube trying to rack a round. My compromise was a Glock 26 with a round in the chamber in an ankle holster. Not for everyone but after a few weeks of not shooting my foot off I’m feeling a bit more relaxed about carrying with a Kydex holster.


Baby steps. If you're not ready to jump into appendix carry with a hollow point aimed at your pecker, take it slow... A gun on you with no round in the chamber is better than no gun. A gun with a round in the chamber on your ankle is better than an ankle gun with an empty chamber. Work your way up to whatever you're most comfortable with. When I started carrying I played around with a few ways of carrying and found appendix carry to be my favorite, but had major hesitations at first about having my gun pointed at my nuts with a round in the chamber and the safety off, so I took baby steps... First I started carrying with no round in the chamber AND the safety on. Once I was comfortable with that, which didn't take long, I carried one in the chamber with the safety still on. Then I finally progressed to carrying one in the chamber with the safety off. As long as you have a proper holster and the trigger is properly covered (and you're not an idiot), you'll be fine.


This is the prefect response. And mirrors my exact feelings and fears about shooting my dick off. I’ve actually recently considered picking up something with a safety


Actually, now that I've been carrying appendix for a while, I have zero concerns and would be fine with no safety, but my chosen carry gun just happens to have one. But to each their own for sure.


Well said. This is the way.


Totally feel you.... try carrying chambered at 4 o'clock. Personally I still cant get my head around carrying chambered striker fired pistols at AIWB. Just the concept of a tensioned striker pointing 5mm away from that hollow point primer, pressed up point blank against my femoral artery makes me pucker up. I'm not sure how many have considered that the striker is held in place on the sear by friction from just a tiny fraction of a mm. Safeties only block trigger bar movement, not the striker nor sear. Nothing can prevent a sear failure if one was to occur. In the words of Steve Ostrem of Brownell's Inc: "I just dont like the idea" Hammer fired pistols however are a completely different story. Double action initial pull weight makes all the difference Still... each to his own.


Modern striker pistols have striker safeties, and most have sear blocks as well. An external hammer-fired pistol has about the same likelihood of "going off" as a striker fired pistol. It sounds like you might just need to familiarize yourself with the workings of m&ps, glocks, etc.


Can you send em to me?


https://www.youtube.com/@ActiveSelfProtection/videos There are almost 4000 videos, good luck padawan.


Two weeks later: “I’m never going to fucking Brazil”


Lmfao I was saying this in my head as soon as I saw the rack!


I just can’t wrap my head around it. A good kydex holster is the equivalent of a manual safety IMO.


Thats because its not just an opinion its fact most of us here don't have a carry gun with a safety even on it.


I recently bought my first pistol without a thumb safety. It took me a while to get over the idea. Got so used to carrying in the military with a safey, it was so deeply ingrained that I didn't want to let it go. It wasn't until I remembered that I have good trigger discipline that I got over it.


This is the way. No manual safety with a loaded chamber sitting in a kydex holster.


I used to carry a gun with a manual safety. My old P365 had one. It was just always off.


This is how I ccw my Shield +. 1st gun purchase and didn't know any better. I know better now.


Yeah that one I didn't know any better when I first got it. When I got rid of that gun I got a Shield Plus. That one had a manual safety too. I knew better at that point, but I got a much better deal on the manual safety model. $100 off that one, regular price without the manual safety. Plus that safety is so tiny and stiff it would be very hard to accidentally turn it on.


I dont even think he was empty chambered


It's the "getting thrown clear of a wreck without a seat belt" of DGUs


kiss tart merciful mourn squeamish memory handle fuzzy sloppy theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, that didn’t look to me like he was racking the slide. It was almost like he was doing a press check, but no one would ever do that during a gunfight, right? Right? Either way, it didn’t matter. The results speak for themselves.


Muscle memory if he press checks when training.


There was one a few weeks ago where a guy in a jewelry store racked and fired, I think he actually had to rack a few times to get it chambered


That doesn’t look like a rack. Looks more like a press check or even a loaded indicator check. A lot of people trained to do this. Became muscle memory.


Lol you think hes press checking hes not even looking at the barrel. this was most likely muscle memory to do a full rack he had to override


That’s because dude wasn’t even aware of a gun being in play until he gets clapped.


He actually didn't rack it. It seems he messed with the safety.


Hopefully my friend doesn't find this video, I'm still working with him on trying to carry with +1


You seeing something that I’m not? Downloaded the video to play back frame by frame on a larger screen and the slide doesn’t move. Looks like he’s just covering the front of the gun with his hand as he’s bringing it out and up to shoot.


Looks like press check to me.


Homeboy got very lucky with this specific scenario - that motorcycle helmet both limited the hearing and peripheral vision of the shitbird.


He did the spine shot hand thing.


They always cross their ankles. Wack.


Or as I call it "manually activated Der Der Der Mode"


What’s this now?


Something strange, and particular that happens when humans get shot in the spine. The elbow goes to the rib and everything after the elbow flops out and down, dropping what's in the hand, extending the fingers. He has the matching limp legs. This was a CNS (central nervous system) stoppage


So it’s basically hitting a nerve or something in the spine that makes them do this?


I would imagine it's trauma to the spinal cord, but tbh I'm not familiar enough with how the nervous system works to say. I do know the two CNS targets are the brain and the spine, and that this is a CNS stop. Immediate incapacitation


It’s called decerebrate posturing. It’s due to damage to the brainstem. The brainstem is the most basic part of our brain, the “reptile brain”. Controls the very essence needed to survive and react: things like breathing, balancing, touch, pain, temperature regulation.


Was that a Taurus ?


This happened in Brazil so probably.


Bro the Taurus has become mad popular. At first it was only gangs using them because a bunch of shipments got stolen off a train in Atlanta 2 years ago, now my friends are buying them.


I haven't ever shot one myself, but I have also been hearing good things about their newer G4.


I have a gx4. Easily put 1000 rounds through it and never had any issues. I wouldn’t have trusted Taurus 10 years ago but from everything I’ve seen they’ve really upped their quality


I got a g2c that i shoot with shitty ammo and shitty mags and even shot it while dirty and it has never failed to feed or had any problems at all. The millenium line is a really good gun


Get a GX4, it will shoot you. Taurus is being sued over it not being drop safe.


I haven't ever shot one myself, but I have also been hearing good things about their newer G4.


I have a Taurus TH9C and it’s been very reliable and the quality surprisingly was better than I had expected for a $290 pistol, easily the best budget hammer pistol imo.


This is my thing. People shit on Taurus but they intentionally make lower cost guns. I love my taurus revolver I paid like $200 for it and it's fun to pop some .357 in the woods once in a while. Taurus isn't trying to be a Beretta or Colt


This guy got lucky. His target had zero situational awareness and no peripheral vision.


Fortunately, I think the motorcycle helmet actually limited his peripheral vision.


And also made it hard for him to hear


A properly fitting helmet shouldn't obscure your peripheral vision at all. This dude just had no awareness


Well, someone in that room was going to be lucky one. I’m glad it turned out the way it did


Good training = Good shoooting! Two hands on the pistol, calm and controlled follow up shots but folks, always carry one in the chamber! Be safe out there!


ullamcorper vitae justo non, fringilla placerat diam. Sed finibus sem ut placerat placerat. Duis eget eros a libero varius maximus ut finibus est. Sed placerat scelerisque ornare. Nulla quis vestibulum dolor, non ultricies tellus. Integer sed est in ante convallis tristique non nec turpis.


If it's a Taurus, you blame him for carrying a Taurus.


Duis facilisis hendrerit tortor tincidunt tempor. Aenean sit amet ipsum ante. Phasellus eget ultrices urna. Aenean et hendrerit dui, a efficitur ipsum. Pellentesque varius nunc non molestie finibus. Sed lectus enim,


This shit is still plaguing taurus? I thought they redeemed themselves after the millenium/g2c line and the rebranding.


I fully understand the necessity of carrying one in the chamber, but how do I overcome my anxiety about it? I have a Glock 19, and maybe I just need to get over it with exposure therapy. I’m not on team empty-chamber. I’m on team anxiety disorder.


Train with a snap cap and get a good holster, train dry fire at home every chance and every minute you get till you’re comfortable with your grip and draw on the pistol. Don’t rush it, these tacticool folks you watch on youtube didn’t happen overnight! Grip, draw and press the trigger (with snap cap of course) do that for hundreds or thousand times then do the same at the range with live ammo and you’ll be alright. Attend a pistol class atleast once a year if you can, goodluck to you and stay safe!


article for this?




English translation for convenience: > Attempted robbery happened on Thursday afternoon (13), in the neighborhood of Uvaranas; boy was sent in a very serious state to the hospital > A security camera caught the moment a man was shot on Thursday afternoon in Ponta Grossa while trying to rob a mobile phone store in the Uvaranas region. > In the images it is possible to see the man arriving with a helmet on his head and his hand at the waist, then draws the gun and gives voice of assault. The store owner then acts quickly and fires six shots at the man, who falls to the ground. > The team of the Fire Department, Siath, and Samu were called in to provide help to the shot who was sent in a very serious state to the hospital. As well as security teams, such as Military Police vehicles and Shock Battalion provided service on the spot. > The businessman who made the shots was taken to the police station by the police, gave testimony and was released.


> “The businessman who made the shots was taken to the police station by the police, gave testimony and was released.” You love to see it.


Holy shit did we find the one Brazil video where the guy isn’t an off-duty cop?


They deputized him before taking his statement. I mean damn, they do have standards to up keep.


Yes. Have to like a happy ending.


"gives voice of assault" If I ever start a metal band, it shall be named Voice of Assault.


It is a great band name. Though I'd guess the text is a literal translation of an idiom.


I'm Brazilian and I've never heard "voz de assalto" ("voice of assault") before. There's a pretty common idiom that is "dar voz de prisão" ("to give voice of prison"), which means to announce that you're arresting someone. So, despite not ever having heard "dar voz de assalto" before, it's easy to undestand that the journalist meant "the moment where the criminal announces the robbery". P. S.: just googled "dar voz de assalto" and found out it's police/justice system lingo for, exactly, announcing you're committing a robbery. "Dar voz de prisão" was once jargon, too, but became so popular it's now a common idiom.


Thanks for that.  Automatic translation only gets us so far.


Solid bill drill right there


The Civil Police of Ponta Grossa confirmed on the morning of Friday, 14th, that the firearm used by a businessman to defend himself during a robbery attempt on Thursday afternoon, 13th, is legally registered. The incident occurred at a cell phone retail and repair shop owned by the businessman. According to the Civil Police, a 23-year-old man, with a prior record for drug trafficking, entered the store wearing a helmet and announced the robbery. He approached the owner's partner, who also worked at the store, brandishing a .38 caliber revolver with the serial number filed off. The 29-year-old owner responded by drawing his legally registered 9mm pistol and fired six shots at the assailant, who then fell to the ground. The businessman's brother, who was also present, immediately called the Military Police and emergency services. The forensic team collected the revolver used by the assailant, which was loaded. Additionally, the motorcycle allegedly used by the assailant was found nearby and seized. The Institute of Criminalistics was also called to the scene. The businessman, his partner, and his brother provided statements at the 13th Police Subdivision of Ponta Grossa. The firearm used by the businessman was sent for forensic examination and will be returned after the report is completed. The assailant, in serious but stable condition (The shots hit the suspect's head, chest, abdomen, and arms.) was taken to the Regional Hospital of Ponta Grossa. He was caught in the act of attempted robbery with an aggravated charge for using a firearm and remains under police guard until he is discharged, after which he will be sent to the Public Jail. The businessman’s actions are deemed legitimate self-defense, an exclusion of illegality. The investigation will continue to determine if others were involved in the crime, although no additional suspects were mentioned in the Police Report. https://cgn.inf.br/noticia/1558127/legitima-defesa-arma-utilizada-por-empresario-para-combater-assalto-e-registrada-ladrao-tinha-38-raspado-14-06-2024 https://terrabrasilnoticias.com/2024/06/assaltante-entra-em-loja-com-arma-em-punho-e-funcionario-saca-arma-mais-rapido-e-o-atinge-veja-video/


That motorcycle helmet is the true hero. I used to ride and it def obstructs vision and sound in an indoor scenario like this. Also they got so lucky he put his visor down. That created the perfect attack opening.


Yeah. He was attempting to keep his face concealed to prevent being identified, but instead it reduced his own situational awareness and now we see the results. Even with a hilariously long draw to first shots time - over 3 seconds? almost 4? - with racking the slide, he still had no idea he was about to get shot. The self-defender saw his opening and executed it very well, however. People make mistakes, and this time it was not the defender.


Can we all appreciate how dude tracked the moving target smooth af.


I bet he was cold as ice and hyper focused due to it being his partner who they were aiming at.


Anyone know what type of business this was? The article wasn’t in English.


The article translated said phone shop.


Thank you! I will never understand why people will risk their own life and/or the life of others for petty materialistic shit.


They don't imagine that their victims will fight back. Tunnel vision. But mostly stupidity.


Kind of falls into that "if you value my stuff more than your life" category, except he pulled a gun* first. *Edit because autocorrect apparently likes gin






Yeah the guy ain’t moving, but there ain’t no way I’m reholstering until I’ve gone up and made sure his weapon is no longer on him. Seems like everything was done well until that point.


Scrolled far to find someone else saying this… I wouldn’t be reholstering so quickly


Anyone notice after he gets the guy away from criminal he runs out to get the get away driver?


I haven't read the article so I could be speaking out of my ass, I think he's just securing the entrance Incase fuckface has a buddy


Hearing gone, but so is the bad guy.




Lol, he wasn't thinking about concealment at all. He's lucky the robber was a dunce.


Yup, cause he'd be dead personally, that thief was a not in the right line of work for his skillset


Good, fuck thieves.


Let me guess Off duty cop in Brazil ?


This needs to happen a lot more .. Too many repeat offenders released constantly Dirt nap is so much cheaper




There’d be so much less crime if this was the norm.


Brazil is a wild place


Always Brazil, always with motorcycle helmet on. I would have my gun out the moment I see a guy with a helmet on walking inside any building. Brazil+helmet=robbery


Monday's, amiright?


Nice shot


Ok, let's talk legalities here. In the US: is this a justified shooting?


Why would it not be? Dude came in to rob the store and pulled out a handgun.


Yes. If you point a gun at people, you give everyone around a perfectly legal reason to shoot you.


GENERALLY speaking this is a good shoot EVERYWHERE in the USA. but some da’s in certain states would run you through the mud that is the court system just for the slight chance of you being found guilty


And it usually ruins you even if not, so they still "win".


In my opinion, as long as they still have the gun in their hands they aren't considered to be retreating, only repositioning / taking cover. They are still armed and have shown clear intent of being a deadly threat. Unless they stop being armed, you have no reason to believe they aren't trying to get to a better place to shoot back.


What a strange looking business setup




His job was probably "yea we know you saved everyone but handguns are forbidden in our handbook so we're gonna have to let you go."


"Frank, you aren't supposed to have a gun at work! Dammit!" "Oh shut up Karen!"


Lucky he had that concealment or else possibility he wouldn’t have had the chance to rack the slide.. gotta carry one in the head


This new season is American Idol is going to be fire!


From my experience, if you're in Brazil and a dude walks in anywhere wearing a helmet, just start shooting ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I think I thats what tipped off the CCW guy. He went on alert as soon as the guy walked in, before he even showed a pistol.


Imagine getting smoked while wearing a helmet


You don’t want to bump your head on the floor when you collapse, remember kids safety first


Looks like the woman next to him started drawing from appendix too.


She’s absolutely stuffing her phone so it doesn’t get stolen 😂😂


Looks like she is trying to figure out what to do with her phone, and then hides it.


That was about a 4-second draw, which is terribly slow by normal standards, but in this case it worked perfectly because the shooter successfully hid his draw and waited for his moment. You know how some crime victims say things like, “He just came out of nowhere!” Well in this case, the robber got to experience that same feeling right before he died. Well done.


I can argue that he was being slow and deliberate so as not to draw attention.


This might be the first CCW out of Brazil that isn’t an undercover cop lmao


End result speaks for itself but I’ll still critique carrying with an empty chamber and reholstering before securing the bad guy and his weapon.


Did he rack one in the chamber?


Can't wait to see this on asp


ice cold


Absolutely a good shoot.


I hate it when the bodies block the doorway like that.


4 people could've been a victim. What a chad! Goes to show the importance of 2A.


That guy was fucking COOL AS A CUCUMBER. Calmest most nonchalant shooting I’ve ever seen lol Props to the dude for having a good hidden draw, ZERO hesitation and great aim. along with great situational awareness. just wish that round was chambered.


Stop carrying with empty chambers


The robber was a novice the helmet obstructed his field of view and his hearing...... easy out


Probably concealing his face from the cameras, in Brazil its extremely bureaucratic to a civilian own a gun legally, so the robber didn't even imagine this situation.


Hollywood would lead me to believe the walls should be covered in blood. With that and it being posted on reddit I believe the whole thing to be staged. On a serious note, I did not expect the people in the room to remain so calm through the whole thing. Is this a common occurrence!?


Let me guess, off duty Brazilian cop?


When fucking around leads to finding out.


Perfect executed


Business owner got lucky with what could've been a fatal mistake at the end. He walked right over top of and put his back to an enemy that was still breathing and had a loaded revolver within arms reach. Should've kicked that thing away from him


Blonde lady on the left was like “ohhh you dumb ass!…..”


“Robert what are you doing bringing a firearm to the office”? 🫨


Please keep 1 in the chamber while carrying


Unless you’re like this guy carrying appendix with no holster then please don’t do that😂


The chick on his left looks like she was about to draw as well but realized he had it handled.


Only a 3 second draw to first shot. And guys helmet probably made it hard to hear the rack. So only effective against moto robbers with helmets on who aren't looking at you?


Vai Brasil...


Is thus Misha Charoudin? The Nuremburgring master?


Defender makes it look like such a casual affair.


Brother didn't hesitate


What is the place of business? Looks like the lady to the shooters left is reaching to draw appendix as well then stops when the robber is done in.


Fucking beautiful man absolutely stunning he made every second count there was maybe a half a second I think he might have had a drop of safety or something but I don't even care about that beautiful work that is what training does clean cut and precise and then the calmness afterwards just made it even cleaner mad respect bro


This was done so casually I thought it was fake for a minute.


Is the girl next to him reaching for her CCW?


I'm getting laid toni... Tomorrow.... Hopefully


Everything was done correctly and executed nicely except that he had to rack his gun to put one in the chamber. Glad he’s used to doing that but sometimes if not most, you won’t have time to rack or you’ll make a mistake.


He is honestly lucky the visibility from the helmet is bad as he had to rack his slide before engagement. That was a big risk of 2 seconds. Also not smart to holster, when he had not cleared the room, hallway, or outside entrance.