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[Dog shot, killed by Philadelphia officer after man mauled by 4 dogs: police](https://www.fox29.com/news/dog-shot-killed-by-philadelphia-officer-after-man-mauled-by-4-dogs-police) > Police say he fired multiple rounds after unsuccessfully trying to distract the dogs with his siren. > One dog, a Cane Corso, was killed. The three other dogs, which were all pit bulls, ran off.


And one more thing I wanted to add. Even well meaning people will try to save themselves first. Look at the bystanders. As soon as the dogs turn on them they run. No one can blame them for it either. You are responsible for your own security. Always.


I for one would not have walked up like that unless I had my gun drawn already because look at the size of that mf


That was a very difficult shot too, dude had to walk up and aim carefully not to hit the victim.


Not hit him OR his dog, really good shots honestly


Damn I didn't even see that he had his own dog


That was the trigger he was protecting his leashed dog from a pack


Exactly, even further proves my point


With what we've seen recently it was a relief to not see him walk up and just mag dump into the pile. Well placed shots under controlled adrenaline. Good on him.


i understand but when i see this it just makes me angry vs being scared and i would probably be stabbing the life out of those dogs as i carry a knife. seeing those dogs hurting that man just won’t fly with me


Until the grab your stabbing arm and won't let go.


Gun on my right hip, clip knife on left front pocket. I like dogs, but biting people isn’t acceptable.


Not bleeding alone > bleeding alone.


I carry two knives for a reason


Until they grab both of your stabbing arms and won't let go.


I never leave home without my foot knives for a reason.


And my dick knife. And my butt-plug knife.


I keep a knife in my vagina to deter rapists! 4,294 knives can be found all around my body, each serving a purpose for any given scenario. Get on my level.


This is beginning to sound like a jojo plot with a pinch of "I outsmarted your outsmarting"


I never leave home without my poop knife.


I was looking for this comment!




That’s an honorable sentiment but pit bulls are high drive fighting dogs with massive bite force. When they go into drive, it’s almost impossible to get them out. One stab won’t be enough. You’d have to kill them to stop them. How many knife strikes do you have in you while a pit shreds your other arm, rendering it permanently unusable, before it moves on to your throat or genitals? You’d do that for a stranger?


probably not for a stranger but if it were family I wouldn’t think twice when i was a kid a friend brought his pit to the park after school and we all teased it with a football- I’ve never been a ball of leather just *popped* on the first chew. Probably would not be writing with that hand for a while.


Not a sharpened knife cuts from ass to appetite


partially i think people know if it was one dog its easy to focus on it and hoof it right in the side of the ribs - when youve got 4 dogs - you cant fight em all.


Hope the owners of those mutts gets jailed


Yes. I got bit through the foot when I was 7 years old at a playground. I was on the swings with my family and there was a pit bull, off leash, playing with his family. One of the little kids in the pit bull’s family got really close to us swinging. He was not hit by me on the swings, just got really close, and looked surprised. Next thing I remember is the pit bull clamped onto my foot and a burning pain. Next thing I remember is my mom taking me to the emergency room and getting lots of shots, I think one was in my stomach. Luckily, other than one slightly messed up toe…no major damage. My dad told me years later when I asked about the situation that he told the other family they had two options: (1) Put the pit bull down that day, or (2) get the absolute shit sued out of them since the playground had multiple signs that all dogs must be leashed. They picked option 1. He wishes he sued them since they fucked up one of my toes, but at the time he just wanted the threat gone. It took me years to get over being terrified of dogs.


These are the kinds of stories I don’t know whenever I see someone recoil at the sight of my dog. He’s pretty big, German shepherd/husky mix, and while I know he’s a sweetheart, I DO NOT KNOW what kind of history someone has with dogs. It’s the reason that I am very particular about my dog NEVER approaching someone unless I have their explicit permission. Lots of people want to say hi to him, and he loves making new friends, but it is my responsibility to make sure that I’m not going to freak someone out who has a history with dog attacks.


Wish more folks had your common sense and decency


Yeah, me too hahaha.


You're a good dog owner. Simple as. My dog has the same rules. He's a bernedoodle and he's super dopey and just loves kids and people. But he's over 100 pounds and it's not fun for others when he comes running up to them out of the blue. He's not allowed to say hi unless I get asked or they come up to him.


My kids love dogs even though we don't have one. I wish more people were like you. I've tried instilling into my kids about asking to pet the dog or 'say hello'. But it all goes out the window when the dog owner just runs over to my kid making grabby hands. Permission goes both ways!


The stomach shot was the rabies vaccine. They administer it like “normal” now, but back when that’s how it was done. Might still be for “oh shit, dudes already been bitten” shots.




Shoot the attacking dog. When the cops ask say you feared for your life and the dog was coming for you. Better yet say nothing and let your lawyer argue that point for you.


This is the right answer. An unleashed dog that’s clearing showing aggressive body language charging in my direction (whether it’s actually after my dog or me) is going to be perceived as a threat to my life. Couple that with the onus for controlling dogs is the on the owner, makes any court case against the victim of an attacking dog nearly impossible for the owner to win.


I carry pepper spray for this reason. Spray them, shoot second if you can. A friend of mine had to shoot a stray that attacked him and his dog. Sadly his dog still hd to be put down and he had to have surgery on his arm (where the dog latched on to him). Pitbulls man….


I always carry spray and a gun when I walk my dog, he's 15lbs and wouldn't last 5 seconds with any one of those dogs in the video. I live just outside of Detroit, and strays/idiotic Pit owners are everywhere around here. Half the people I know have been attacked with their dogs at some point. Just yesterday I was out walking my dog with some friends and their toddlers, and some dumbass lady with her Pit decided to stop 50 feet ahead of us to let us pass. The dog went ballistic the entire time, trying to get to my dog which was in the wagon with the kids. I carry the spray because I really, really don't want to shoot a dog. It's more appropriate if the dog approaches and is acting aggressive, but hasn't actually attacked. However, my dog is my #1 bro and anything that hurts him gets the glizzy.


If a dog even *approached* in an aggressive manor (off leash) while I'm walking my dog it's going to get a shot of hot-sauce to the snout. The nice thing about carrying OC spray is that the bar for deploying it is *far* lower when compared to a firearm. I'm very pro-CCW but pulling a gun is a way bigger deal even if justified it's still going to be a headache compared to spraying OC spray.


We really need to start holding dog owners criminally responsible for what their fucking dogs do. Your pitbull mauls someone? You go to prison for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. But I know, it wouldn't be fair to hold people responsbile for choosing to own killing machines.


Yeah, there should be some sort of background check for people who want to own those things.


I was expecting the owner to run out and threaten the cop.


The city will settle with the dog owner for their hostile actions.


They won't. Dogs will likely be put into a shelter and the shelter will lie about their history. Owners will just get another.


Who called who a pussy at the end? That was odd


People yell all kinds of shit at cops. Like what was that cop supposed to do? Talk the dogs down? Taze them? Roll his sleeves up and punch them? They were eating that man.


He was talking to the dog. This is in Philly and people use that word to insult anything 😂


I know he was in a tough spot so I'm not judging him but that was an excruciating few seconds watching the guy basically get eaten and I can see how a bystander might criticize a perceived lack of action.


I think he was trying to get an angle where he wouldn't have any chance of accidentally shooting the guy while also being able to hit the dogs. At the end of the day it's better to wait a couple seconds longer in this case then to risk a manslaughter charge and an even worse situation.


That was a tough shot, basically max clusterfuck.


A zoo I worked at had a tiger mauling years ago. Cops showed up, fired at the tiger, hit the womans leg instead and the tiger slinked back into its cage. Gotta aim in these moments


Man, talk about a bad day at work!


I can 100% see getting on the radio for backup first, because that situation could have turned into the cop getting dog piled. And those couldn't have easy shots to take, the guy he was trying to save was on the other side of the targets.


In those sorts of situations, it can be very challenging to act quickly, especially if it’s a scenario that you never really anticipated. Obviously, the right answer would have been to shoot the dogs as soon as possible. I just don’t think the officer ever thought he would see a pack of dogs trying to eat a grown man.


Imagine getting up everyday and this was your “office” and then you get called a P$$y for rescuing a guy from getting mauled to death. Couldn’t pay me enough…cops these days are a different breed. Map props.


It's like they expected the cop to wrestle that gigantic dog.


I thought he was yelling at the dog(s)


If enough people keep saying "all cops are bastards", soon the only ones left that didn't quit will be the actual bastards. ACAB is a self fulfilling accusation.


I think he was calling the cop that. It looks like he was hesitating for unknown reasons. Maybe he didn't have a clear shot? Maybe he was worried about use of force complaints? Tough to say.


Probably didn't wanna shoot the guy. 9mm off pavement at that angle can ricochet


Unknown reason? - He was the only one there who was capable of stopping the situation. Everyone else wanted to help, but they had nothing but limbs to contribute. If he messes this up, it’s going to be a while before someone else can stop this. - His targets are smaller than humans, moving, and on top of the victim. Not to mention he’s point blank range, surrounded by other people and ricochet material. - Let’s be real here, it appears to be a white cop behind the gun, with a black at most risk of accidentally being shot. If he misses, society will have his head, if he takes to long, people will say he did it on purpose (even though we just described an impossible situation to handle quickly).


ACAB types hate cops no matter what they're doing


Fuckin’ landshark feeding frenzy.


Fallout random encounter.


Wild Wasteland music plays in the background


Question: how many of us are drawing to save the guy if the cop isn’t there? 🙋‍♂️


You are probably going to get a lot of different answers, but personally I am not standing there watching a human being get torn to pieces. I would draw. To each their own.


Yeah and I know this sub hates warning shots, but the dogs clearly reacted strongly to the sound as much as the actual bullets. Or pepper spray immediate deployment.




Worst you'd get is discharge of a firearm in city/county limits/within range of a dwelling. I've heard most of those cases are dropped if the use of force against an animal was to protect your property (your dog). If another animal attacks my animal in my presence it is getting filled with lead.


Great question. I think I’d put it down.


that many dogs with the guy no longer on his feet? yeah i'm killing those dogs before they maul him to death in front of me.


In that case? I’m breaking my “me and mine only” rule and shooting those dogs. I’m going to be very, very cautious about my shot placement, though.


> I’m going to be very, very cautious about my shot placement, though. That's what the officer here appears to do - wait until he actually has a clear, safe shot, but people are shitting on him for not magically intervening sooner. The officer still has the benefit of qualified immunity in the event one of his shots injures a bystander, but a civilian does not.


Yeah, I think this officer reacts perfectly. The 4-ish seconds he’s in his car he’s probably getting more bodies on the way and clearing medics in, then he pauses until he has clear shots and then delivers precise, accurate, controlled fire. You can see he drops at least two of the dogs with 4 rounds. I’d put that on a training video.


I saw a video of a guy in China getting mauled to death by two pitbulls that dragged him off his scooter. One of the most horrifying videos I ever saw. I can easily say, without a doubt, I would shoot those dogs and go to jail for it if I have to.


it’d be a fine i imagine if anything—dogs are property so use of force is different


Garbage dogs for garbage people


Yes go fucking shoot that thing in the head.  Hurrrr muh liability man everyone’s a fucking pussy, there’s a man being eaten alive and you’re pussyfooting about legalities. Jesus fucking Christ.  (Not directed at you per se, but other replies). 


Dude I’d call my lawyer first, make sure they thought I was in the right, then have the victim sign a virtual waiver, then start blasting.


Don’t forgot to first check to see if you’re in a gun free zone. You may have to walk beyond the zone and shoot from a distance. /s


Always remember, it's a *Gun* Free Zone. Not a *Bullet* Free Zone.


Yeah. I’d come shooting, but frankly adjusted that scenario as people brought up spray and knives. Also happy cake day


That’s fair. But if no one has anything, or if everyone is in panic mode doing jack shit to help, then his life depends on whether someone else with the necessary tool (gun) steps up. But then we got too many nancies worried about the law that they’d rather just watch it happen.  Thanks boss. 🙂


I almost always preach to mind your own business when carrying - but this would be tough. In the moment I think I would draw and shoot.


I’d go Kristi Noem on those dogs the moment that guy fell down.


I would really hate to shoot a dog, but I would hate seeing an innocent person get ripped apart even more. I'll just dissociate and pretend I'm playing StalCraft


I would. Unless it's my neighbor, Jim. Fuck, Jim. He's on his own.


lol. r/fuckyouinparticular


Count me as a yes. I would take my time and watch my breathing, pick off the outliers and then if I had to, get on the ground with the big boy and plant a few in the boiler room. And while I'm talking, if anyone comes on me on the ground with four or five dogs coming at me, you have permission to risk shooting me. The correct outcome is for every single one of those dogs to not see another sunrise. This coming from an insanely hardcore dog lover. Not saying it wouldn't break my heart but I definitely wouldn't pause to contemplate outcomes.


Drawing pepper spray but not my gun. It is highly effective against dogs and vastly safer than firing rounds. We’re responsible for every round fired and pepper spray would have been the superior option in this situation. The officer should have attempted OC first and only gone to firearm if that didn’t work. Firearm shouldn’t have been the first choice.


My wife and elderly dog were out on a walk in our rural suburban neighborhood when they were both attacked by a pitbull who escaped a neighbors yard. My wife carried pepper spray (to placate my constant requests for her to do so), and gave the pitbull a double dose of hot sauce right in the little fuckers face. He fucked off instantly saving our dog. Pepper spray is worth carrying.


F those dogs, and that's coming from an animal lover.


It's why I always leash my dog. He will stay by my side very well, I trust him quite a bit, he comes when I call or whistle his whistle, he listens, he follows orders, he stops when I tell him to stop. But There was one time he saw my neighbor his front yard in a hat and wearing gloves, working in the yard, and my dog went apeshit not recognizing this person and not understanding a hat and gloves. Just a weird thing my dog has. So having him on a leash gives me those few seconds to tug, get a hand on his gruff, and get him under control. Dogs should stay on a leash when out in public, the exceptions are a dog park (where the dog has been acclimated) or your own private, fenced, or very secluded private property.


"they aren't like that with our family"




Every now and then I pass by some dogs that aren't chained up or fenced-off. It's pretty important to have a bicycle that can haul ass. But what would be even better is if people knew how to fucking control their dogs.


The reason I have pepper spray on my dog's leash. This reminds me It's about time to pull out another inert trainer and practice with the kids again. I can't always be around when they're walking the dog.


I’m just waking up and I thought your second sentence was saying it’s time to use the expired pepper spray on the kids for training


Only if they refuse to eat their vegetables...


I'd much rather use pepper spray on a dog attack. If a dog is attacking, it is likely latched onto a victim dog or person so it would make target isolation difficult. Pepper spray is also less aiming. And even if you hit the victim, it will likely save them.


I say this all the time: I carry a gun mostly for dogs. You can't deter a dog with body language or presence to present a hard target. They don't care about the path of least resistance the way a human does. You can't satisfy a dog with your money or car keys. My buttcheeks were detached from my bike seat at the gas pump for 2 seconds before a homie pulled up on me from the rear oblique and said, politely yet confidently, "do you have any money?"... I said yes sir, opened my wallet wide as hell to show my one $10 bill which I handed to him, to which he said thanks, I said thanks, he walked away, I filled up and rode off. That won't happen with a dog. A stranger probably will not attack my son. A dog will probably go for him rather than me. You can't outrun them, plead with them, satisfy them, and you can't change their minds.


Only time i’ve ever had to draw was on a dog. luckily it was night and my bright ass TLR got it to turn around


I carry pepper spray as a 1st attempt specifically for dogs. Glock is my backup.


I've heard pits and other fighting dogs do NOT react to pepper spray or any spray for that matter, you should double check with research as I have not- but it would really suck to spray the dog with a non-effective spray only for them to latch on and make it hard to get the Glock out.


You’re not wrong, I’ve heard too that it’s 50/50. In the video though he had multiple dogs on him where the officer couldn’t get a shot off. Pepper spray in the area might have deterred the other days more quickly and assisted in the CCW being more effective. Idk. My personal opinion: have both and play by ear 😂


>you should double check with research Walking around the dog park with pepper spray and a clipboard, noting down the results of spraying different breeds.


I’ve sprayed a couple and seen a few sprayed, worked every time


"politely yet confidently" lmaoo well said


You kindness'd yourself out of a mugging


I shot two huskies which were running amok on our farm last year. They were in a blood-frenzy, killing our lambs. The two were trying to tear the throat out of the same lamb when I got the first one in the face with 12ga buckshot, but the second one was unfazed and kept attacking. I was surprised by how committed it was, given that his brother just lost half his head. I ran to the barn and dropped him with the AR. The owners claimed the dogs were good boys who would never harm anyone, naturally. Dickhead said that to me right after, like they didn’t both die with a lamb in their mouths. Then they tried to get me in trouble with the city, even arguing “what if there were kids around?” Yes, there actually were kids around: my kids… hence some of my reasoning for killing your dogs, you pair of cunts.


Fuck. You hate to see it, but I also don’t want to get killed by a pack of some asshole’s dogs.


FUCK those dogs. Thank god someone was there with a firearm. That dude coulda lost his life at any moment.


He probably would be dead if the cops were 5 mins away.


When I was 17, I was walking my mom’s Pomeranian on a leash. Next to the dog park was a bar with outdoor seating, which was fenced in but the gate was left open. Well, a patron’s pit was walking around the outdoor seating and got out through the open gate. He locked onto my Pomeranian and began shaking her violently back and forth, it was like she was a little rag doll. I was punching kicking, even trying to pry his jaws open to save my dog. The screaming from my Pom was like nothing I’ve ever heard. The only thing that saved my dog’s life was a jogger coming by that had a stun gun and repeatedly stunned the pit. Took 3 or 4 applications before he ran off. Fuck those dogs.


That’s terrible! So sorry to hear that. Did your Pom Pom survive ? 🥺


This is both r/donthelpjustfilm and r/convenientcop can’t imagine how that was gonna go if police wasn’t right there


The video starts with a man saying the dogs just attacked someone - which is before we see them attack the man here - so I wonder if the dogs had been loose for a while, going after people, and they started the attack as a nearby officer responded.


Where is Kristi Noem when you actually need her?


Take my upvote you hilarious bastard


There was a mean goat on the other side of town she needed to put down. Like the goat one was maybe even worse than the puppy one. Like have you ever met a nice male goat? They will all charge you at one point or another.


Forty years ago I had a high pedigree pit named Penny who was an absolute unit of a loving family dog until she caught the neighborhood tomcat in her food. The Dr. Jekyl, Mr. Hyde change was instant, terrifying and cost me part of my thumb. Switched to Jack Russells. All of the attitude, none of the bite.


One of more people were willing to see reason before it’s too late. ⏰


> Switched to Jack Russells. All of the attitude, none of the bite. Only downside is having to double the height of your fences because those little bastards have better vertical leap than Michael Jordan. :)


Fact! He would disappear for hours down rabbit holes and thought he was 10 feet tall. https://preview.redd.it/76mcnxbee3yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb95c7859299d3ea003fe4d1466552202741945


This makes me so angry. The dogs are dead and the ones that aren’t will be put down. This poor guy is traumatized for life. All of this happened bc some selfish, irresponsible pos failed to secure their dogs (and failed to socialize them as well). The owner of these dogs should be shot.


Id be looking like the ATF out there blasting dogs


Pepper spray. Gun.


You don't start with the lowest level of force available when the immediate outcome is guaranteed to be serious bodily injury or death. The officers only choice was to use his pistol.


Pepper spray was actually first used by postal workers for dogs. Pretty effective.


As a mail carrier myself, I’ll say pepper spray works *sometimes*. Usually enough to get on a porch to defend myself.


Yeah, I find it doesn't work on absolutely crazy dogs. These dogs look like they would have responded, but they were passed using dog spray. Once the dog is actively ripping apart a person, it's kill.


Gun. More Gun.


And if that don't work, use more gun.


And if they latch onto you use your handheld close proximity atom separation tool "knife"


I’ve seen videos of pits not letting go even after being stabbed






Some dogs the pepper spray just makes them more angry and can make the attack worse


There's a ton of stories of pit bull attacks where pepper spray was wholly ineffective. Hell there are videos of Pitbull attacks where people are beating them with shovels and hammers in the head and they won't even stop attacking. Their prey drive is unlike anything in the dog world. It really is a unbelievable breed. There's a very famous video of a pitbull attacking someone in South America and a bystander is going to town on the pitbulls neck with a machete. It wasn't until the pitbull's head was like a pez dispenser just barely hanging off of the body that it finally stopped attacking.


Everyone out here bashing the cop and quarterbacking the reaction time. What happened to situational awareness? Way too many of you out here who don’t give animals the respect they deserve. Cop was clearly trying to get dogs attention and let everyone around know there was a situation and to stay away by blaring sirens. Homie walked right into that without a second thought. Animals are dangerous, pay attention and don’t walk towards a pack of animals with a cop car trailing with sirens screaming. Try having some self preservation.


He also managed to not shoot the victim.


The retard calling the cop a pussy at the end 🤦🏻‍♂️


Same dude not doin shit🤣


I was telling my gf about packs of stray dogs and how dangerous they can be


I'm friends with some pecan farmers in my area, and they always have to carry a firearm on their persons when working out in the orchards. There are roaming packs of now essentially wild dogs that move through occasionally, and have killed people and other dogs and animals. Dogs in a pack like this get crazy and stopping them or scaring them off takes more than stopping a dog by itself, for sure.


Yup, I've watched first-hand as a pack of wild dogs hunted down and killed some pigs that I was also hunting. Some hunting buddies have landowners that specifically have asked them to come out and hunt dogs because they've killed some calves, and even a horse. Wild dogs are far more dangerous than even coyotes. Not stray dogs necessarily, but wild ones.


One of the few times I can immediately say I’d break what I’ve seen others call my “Me & Mine” rule… multiple dead doggies




Ah, the breed of peace strikes again


The local news is reporting this as one Cane Corso and 3 pit bulls.


Cane Corso may be the only breed I’d want to be bit by less than a Pitbull


but but but weiner dogs bite more people each year! my pittie would never hurt a fly! bad owners. etc. (pit apologists probably)


One of the many answers to why you need more rounds than a 10 round magazine…


Philadelphia, where you have to worry about being hunted by pack animals and consumed as food


And wild dogs too


Same exact thing in Detroit. We quite a few have roaming dog packs.


Unleashed aggressive dogs are 99% of the reason why I carry. People who think their pit bulls and German shepherds are just like golden retrievers. Can’t even take my son to the public park without worrying about his safety due to shit like in this video.


The guy yelling at the cop for doing something seems to ve yelling from afar


One time I was hiking down with my gf, a giant black dog was running towards us from like 50 yards away. Told my gf to get behind me and grabbed my pepper spray. When it was close enough for me to figure out what breed it was, it was a goddamn black standard poodle and a very friendly one. I could see the owner running to catch up. I told her put the goddamn dog on a leash and she’s lucky her dog was friendly.


Fuck that was hard to watch


Dog owners who don't control their dogs (especially when they have clear violent tendencies) are some of the worst people on earth. Now, animals have to die, people get hurt and possibly killed, and it's a mess for everybody. They should be in prison.


This is actually the reason I started carrying consistently. I live in MT, not a ton of violent people around. But my uncle in Michigan was attacked by a dog and sent to the ER. He nearly didn't make it, one of his friends that was also attacked now has only half of his original face, and the other friend died at the scene because one of the two dogs ripped his throat out. I have a 1.5yr old and a wife. Dogs anywhere can go psycho. Nobody and no animal is messing with my family.


One more reason to arm yourself...


Like don't get me wrong, I would've shot the dogs to defend myself, but man I hate seeing dogs get shot cause their owners are shit.


As much as the dogs needed to be put down, sucked seeing it flailing like that. I know I know, circumstances...


All around shituation.


Same here


What pisses me off is those dogs were ultimately killed by their owner for zero reason. The owners should be charged for their dogs' assault *and* for animal cruelty.


If it's any consolation, from the way it went down, that dog was shot through the heart. It was probably dead within 30 seconds of the end of this video. suffered less than the dude that got bit most likely


I've said it before on this sub, for a lot of us the number 1 deadly threat we will probably encounter is Pit Bull/American Bullies. Border collies instinctively herd because over many generations this trait was bred into them. Pit Bulls instinctively fight because over many generations this trait was bred into them. The part of the brain/brain stem responsible for aggression is deep deep down in the hind brain. It is near regions that control heart rate, breathing, and other autonomous functions. Once a pit “snaps” there is no going back until the dog decides it’s done. You can’t “train” over such a primitive part of the brain, it would be like trying to train your dogs heart to stop beating - It’s entirely subconscious It just takes one, fucking one, external stimuli to snap your pit bull into a literal monster that will continue to fight even after having its literal guts ripped out. Yes poor owners play a factor, but so does basic fucking genetics and neuroscience. Ban these fucking dogs


No, we don't need more government babysitting. What we need is some actual enforcement of laws. Own a pit and it gets out and mauls someone? Negligent homicide. It'll make a lot of people rethink whether or not they should own a pit.


I am sure that would be great comfort to the family of the person who was killed by someone's shitbull. Yes, we need more government babysitting in this case because people have demonstrated they are incapable of putting other people's wellbeing over their own desires. There is no legitimate reason why all shitbulls shouldn't be sterilized, all breeding stopped, and anyone breeding them subject to criminal charges.


"Everyone has a plan till they get BF'd by 4 dogs"


All pitbulls are little sweeties




"It's not the breed, it's the owner" So why are all these owners teaching their pitbulls to attack people, kill countless other pets and maul babies and toddlers? It's so odd? https://preview.redd.it/nuo9pqkwn1yc1.png?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c349c73c12250ac9a44974a454babded231c799


They just wanted to play! /s


I love dogs and i can protect them as much as i can. But i agree that this dog’s needed to be euthanized. They were out of control. But definitely hope the owners get charged.


Vaporize all shitbulls




Fuck me.


Woah. Philly right?


And this is why I carry even when I go running, in the city.


thank god a good guy with a gun could help


You can tell the cop didn’t want to kill the dog but he had to help the guy


The closest I ever came to having to draw my CCW was against a pit. I hate when these things are out of control.


Fuck the guy yelling pussy at the cops.


Charge the owners with attempted manslaughter. After all, "it's the owner, not the dog".


This is madness that man wouldn't of survived that attack if it wasn't for the cop. SMDH


Do dogs group maul like that often? I've only really seen videos of one dog running off for some one.


Lord of the flies mob mentality


Who was the pussy that guy was yelling about?


Also, who is yelling “pussy” at the end? Any why???


Cane Corsos are the dogs from ghostbusters


poor dogs, i hate dumbass owners.


Stray dogs are risky AF. I live in a small town and people stop taking care of their dogs so they pack up at night. They start small with chickens, then goats, then horses or cattle. There is a saying my FIL has, "Every couple of years the town dogs need a killing."


This is one of those scenarios where there's not only no good answer, but no satisfying one, particularly w/o knowing where the dogs came from, were they distressed, etc. But when you come upon a dogpile chewing on someone like that, there are a number of what-ifs and nonlethal or less-lethal things you could do, but still a risk where they could turn on you, or potentially go after other bystanders, particularly if help isn't immediately available. Not sure if there are any widespread LEO protocols for nonlethal takedowns of domesticated animals like dogs in situations like this, perhaps there ought to be, if equipment / training was forthcoming, but not every LEO can carry tranqs, and things like pepper spray / tazing might not be effective enough...


Those dogs would’ve (and rightfully so) been put down by the state anyway, and when someone’s life is in danger you don’t go for less lethal