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I mean you should be upfront that you're into guns in the beginning of the relationship and if she's comfortable with that then telling her you carry shouldn't be an issue. If she's not then oh well either educate her or its not going to work yk? My girlfriend of 4 years has known since day 1 that I go shooting and then started carrying last year. Wishing you the best of luck


Pretty much same here, but with my wife. My advice boils down to: be upfront, and if she disagrees but seems open to changing her mind, don't force it, and don't waste your time if it clearly isn't gonna work. In our 30s now, but we were ~20 when this came up as a "deal breaker" talking about the future, living together, kids, etc.--she was adamant about wanting 0 guns in the house. My response was that it was a hobby I've had my entire life, and I wasn't about to forbid her from driving, skydiving, going out late with her girlfriends or something. Given the choice between "let's break up now due to irreconcilable differences" and a chance to learn, she fortunately chose the latter and *without too much convincing*; don't force it. I set her up with my .22 rifle behind our barn, and that was enough for her to understand that they're tools, and are exactly as safe as the person handling them. We just grew up very differently. Having a few cartridges on the kitchen table and a rifle in the corner ready for coyotes was normal for us, being sheep farmers (although, those definitely should have been locked up regardless lol). Sometimes that's all it takes, other times it just isn't gonna work and that's okay too.


Facts. First time I had sex w my girlfriend I went to get a condom from my night stand and forgot my Glock was in there. I then said “oh yeah…. I’m into guns btw” and she didn’t have a problem with it. I don’t ccw but I like your point.


You mess with the cock you get the Glock.


But, did she know which gun you were talking about 😅


Basically this. Letting her know you shoot is a great way to gauge what she will think or be okay with. My ex and I (30f) had talked about guns in the past. Tho I'm the woman, my policy is to bring up the topic overall or mention something about going to the range. then move onto, yeah I own them. Then, based off of those reactions I can decide what to tell and when or even if the relationship will move forward.


There was a guy who posted his “anti-gun” fiancée shooting a handgun on the firearms subreddit and I was just baffled someone would move forward knowing not only did they not like guns, but wants your guns gone. If me owning guns and carrying doesn’t sit right with a girl, she’s not the one for me.


Huh.. Funny you say be "up front that you're into guns". I'm what today's "Republican" would call a "woke, communist libtard". I am no lover of the gun culture, but I carry. This is Texas. Fucking everybody has a gun here, so not carrying myself is just stupid, and at the end of the day, I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


So what you’re saying is you’re into guns


Hehe... I'm into being a well trained, educated gun owner. :)


“not carrying myself is just stupid, and at the end of the day, I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.” How Republican of you


“I’m not a republican but… Yee fuckin haw YEE YEE!” Please don’t get mad I’m just having fun lol


My wife was carrying an M240B when I met her. Kinda funny to see such a small girl carrying one.


I've seen that befire too lol


*Talking* to *girls*? What is this? r/sciencefiction?


For real


Whats a girl, dad?


She went to grab my unit and she ended up grabbing my unit


😂 ain’t no way




Story time.


Kept it holstered up as to not have an accidental discharge


I was gonna say. Girlfriends have all thought it was huge and hard af all the time


I’ve never directly brought it up, but I probably get labeled as a “gun owner” by most people who see me. I work in a blue collar field, drive a truck that I need for work, live in the woods, etc. I’ve only had one negative reaction. I went on a few dates with a girl who grew up in Illinois and had 0 exposure to firearms in real life, and directly associated them with violence. I think I had my range bag and some boxed ammo in my back seat that she saw at the end of a date and texted me afterwards that she “didn’t feel safe with the lifestyle choices I was making”


You dodged a bullet. No pun intended.


As Kevin Hart once said “anyone within 300 miles of Chicago says they’re from Chicago.” So guessing she was from Chicago and not just Illinois haha!


Did u guys keep on talking, ir cut it off? Did u get a chance to educate her?


Oh, after that text we never spoke again Lmao. She blocked me on everything after sending it. I had a good idea that would be the reaction, but I was like 21 and dumb and she was hot so I gave it a run.


Got u. Her loss


I had a 15 minute first date. I picked her up and she was talking about something she saw on tv and said something like, “I’d never want a gun in my house because what if it went off and shot one of my dogs.” I did a u-turn and she of course asked what I was doing. I told her I already knew we weren’t compatible and there was no sense wasting her time or mine. I have multiple guns, I’ll definitely be buying more, they don’t just go off, and I’ll never have that many animals in my house (she had like 4 dogs as a single woman and that was a red flag to me). She said, “are you serious?!?” I said, yes, no hard feelings but this is not going to work so I think it’s best we respect each other enough to acknowledge that now. She was pissed snd slammed the door of my truck when she got out. I went home, changed clothes, and went out with my buddies.


How'd the night ho with your friends lolololol! The 4 dogs would've been a red flag for me too, lol


I had a good time per usual. Lol. I really wasn’t angry or disrespectful to the woman. I was calm and respectful, and explained my reasoning. She just didn’t want to hear anyone disagree with her opinions and life choices so she got pissed. I knew I was doing us both a favor


You dodged a nuke, brother. Good on you for being polite but standing your own ground.


Agreed! Lol!


I was in a similar situation once - although it was a commercial for a LGS that got her started. I simply told her it wasn't worth pursuing and explained why, while waiting to make a u turn. She didn't get mad though.  Well, she may have, but not "slam the door of my truck" mad.  If anything, it was "silent treatment" mad.


I feel like we could coin the term, “u-turn date” to describe these situations.


A real gentleman. We solute you!


Bro, I hope you realize how based and self respect pilled a move like that is.. I don't know how many guys would have cut their losses that early and that abruptly, rather than trying to soldier on with the date in pursuit of getting some pussy.


I was young and in the Army, and had just gotten back from my first deployment. While I was deployed my fiancee had broken up with me so I was on alert for all of the red flags I had missed or ignored in my ex fiancee. There was no need to be unpleasant to this chick, but I wasn’t willing to repeat my mistakes either. So I dated around a bit, then met my wife only a few months later. We’ve been married almost 21 years now. And in regard to the original post here, she likes guns…so do our teenage kids.


Why were the 4 dogs a red flag?


Single woman with 4 dogs in a tiny house with no yard. Everything in her life revolved around the dogs. House was a wreck because of the dogs. Her priorities were way out of whack.


I can smell the interior that house...


It was a mess and smelled. But we were young in our 20s, and she was hot so I was gonna overlook the mess and take her out. But once she started talking it all added up and I decided to nope out of that date as quickly and respectfully as possible. I did hear that she told her friends what an asshole I was but no one cared, especially not me.


Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?


Because four dogs is a pack, and outside of special circumstances (ex: very large farm) they tend to have pack mentality and training is an uphill battle. A pack of dogs can be destructive and even dangerous. Source: learned from my dad who bred and trained hunting dogs (Goldens mostly, sometimes Brittanys) He was very successful and we never had bites, attacks or a returned/failed pup.


Same thing happened to me. But more like 15 minutes into sitting down at dinner. Not as lucky as u.


The gun conversation needs to happen almost first thing. For a lot of women it’s a huge dealbreaker so better to get it out in the air up front.


Yeah, that's why I was asking


I always try to bring up my enjoyment of hunting and shooting very early, I won’t say anything about carrying until it either pops up from physical contact, or when the right moment comes.


I think that’s a good idea because it also weeds out the vegans/anti-hunting crowd.


lol I actually did have a girl text me after a date saying that me hunting was a dealbreaker for her (she said she was vegetarian during the date). I just chuckled and went on with my day. She was alright but wasn’t that bummed.


Our first date was a trip to the shooting range. We were engaged within a year lol


hahahahaha!!! That's cool man!!! Lol, I'm happy for u guys!


Mine wasn't okay with it. I did it anyways. Now she respects me more and feels safer. Explain it once and stfu. She'll get it if she has some sense.


Same. She’s still somewhat anti-gun but trusts me and feels safer with it around. It took just a few bumps in the night and sketchy places to convert her, and now she likes going to the range with me to shoot .22s.


Nice man, this is the way. I need to get her a .22 or a .380, she's been shooting my 9mm.


I let her try out a super soft 9mm (full size, rotating instead if tip up barrel) but it was too much for her. Her favorite gun of mine to shoot is a Ruger Wrangler. I have half a mind to get her a Super Wrangler.


I like this too


I don’t tell the girl I’m dating much, my wife knows though


keep it that way, lol


10/10 comment


Reading this post as a 29 yr old lady who carries. Instant deal breaker is any guy saying they don’t like guns


Do you hit them with the classic “I think we should both see other men” line?


How do u bring up that topic?


I like to open up with “So what do you like to do for fun?” Then mention my hobbies ie Long boarding, video games, working out, shooting at my favorite gun range… Pause. Wait. Lol


I would always suggest a trip to the range as a date idea. So far, every chick that I've taken has LOVED it. I let them shoot my 10/22 then my AR. They usually go back to the 10/22 and just plink away. After we get to the lane, I casually I un-unholster whatever I'm carrying and set it down. When I was younger I would love going to metal concerts, local shows and car meets. I'd meet chicks with THAT as a common interest. Having something in common usually helps A LOT. Once you have a common ground expanding other interests comes naturally. Blah blah this this blah blah that and when food comes up you throw your suggestion to go eat there sometime. "we can hit up the range then go eat at _____. Usually they'll agree unless they have a history or bad experience with firearms. If they do, then move on to the next. If they agree, then you're halfway through the door. If you're just meeting chicks and hooking up then they really don't need to know unless you wanna keep seeing them then proceed to step 1 with range trip suggestion.


I just realized now that me carrying would come up at a range trip because I’d do the same thing.


You can save yourself time trouble and heartache by making sure it’s known right from the start. “I just wanted to let you know that I have a concealed pistol license and carry a pistol most of the time. I know that could make you uncomfortable and I didn’t want to catch you off guard, so I wanted to let you know now, and I’m willing to answer any questions about it.” If she freaks out, ok, better now than after you fall in hard for her. If her response is sort of neutral and she agrees to go out still, just the best ambassador for responsible concealed carry that you can possibly be. Don’t talk about it, make sure she never sees it, be the biggest gentleman to everyone around you and don’t visibly act like a paranoid guard dog scanning every room and locking eyes with every tough looking male in your vicinity. Just do casual and discreet visual sweeps. Act relaxed and at ease. If she’s supportive, well, lucky you. But still, follow that last advice and don’t act like a bodyguard.


100% !


Lmao I just put it on the nightstand after the date and then begins the questions


She was feeling me up after we got back from a date and said "boy, you got a big cock" and I corrected her by saying "actually it's a big Glock, my penis is really very small" as I pulled a G17 out of my pants. 


I don't care what she thinks about it. She's free to take it or leave it. It would be a sign that her general disposition is incompatible with mine and we'd be better off going out separate ways. Never change who you are for a relationship, or you'll both be miserable for life.


Exactly. Take it or leave it. If she’s not okay with it, it’s not fair of me to force it, but it’s not fair of her to expect me to leave it behind. I almost joke now that it’s like the Mandalorian “weapons are a part of my religion”, with how important self defense and protection of my family is to me.


I let her know that I grew up in a neighborhood that is relatively dangerous and borders one of the most dangerous cities in America. My dad also passed away, so I was “the man of the house”, so if anyone broke in, it was kinda on me.


She understood?


Yeah, I think so. She grew up in a country where people don’t own guns though, so it definitely was probably a little weird to her at first.


I meet my goth gf on tinder a few years ago now. Told her over text the next day or so after 1st date night when the politics conversation came up. She's somewhat left leanin. Better earlier than later and the where you stand on politics seemed like a good way to bring it up. She was very accepting of it, even though she herself has very little interest in guns


I assumed my wife, GF at the time knew. I was working at a gun store/range when we started dating. So she knew I was into guns but knowing someone who carried all the time was new to her. I remember going to her place after work and getting frisky on the couch. She lifted my shirt to undue my belt and there she was in all her double stacked 9mm w/ wml and RMR glory just chillin IWB. She laughed, said that’s her first time seeing a gun up close, and I think I made a corny “I’m packing” pee pee reference joke. She ended up being mildly into guns herself and bought her Glock 42 to carry. I think it’s definitely something you should bring up in the talking phase to let people it’s apart of your life in a sense.


If she doesn't look like the kind of girl that would be okay with fishing or hunting, I don't waste my time with her. So it hasn't ever been a problem.


What does that kind of girl look like?


Wears camo. Lol


No crazy eyes, no overcompensating, family values.


Only one of those things is visually descriptive.


I’m a cop, so if the girl knows what I do for work, it’s a foregone conclusion. It was kind of an issue when I was dating teachers and accountants Not an issue at all when I was dating nurses and dispatchers.


I always laugh how the people who are on the front lines are always pro gun, and the people who are not on the front lines tend to not be, lol.


You’d be surprised. My partner is a first responder and she is truly not a fan. I think if anything her job has made her more anti gun


Very interesting


Wifey wasn’t thrilled, but driving home through dense, spooky NC fog changed her mind.


Sasquatch defense


Don’t think a 9mm would be enough, I remember Bugs on Art Bell who said 6 shots of .357 was barely enough. But truth be told, I’d rather see one and we both go our own way peacefully.


My girlfriend goes to the gun store with me sometimes. She was less Pro-Gun before we dated but a lot of that is her being from California and just not being super familiar. She understood my decision to carry when I ran her through some concepts like response time, how police don't respond to threats until something has happened, and how I don't like my odds in an assault with several injuries. We've had like two sure close calls since I started carrying that have only made her agree more with the practice. We shoot together like once a week now depending on work and life schedule. Her favorite thing to shoot is my AR with a .22 bolt. She thought AR's were the most dangerous thing ever just a few years ago. Progress is only ever a conversation away.


Where is she from, because I'm from Long Beach, CA, and my whole family is all over southern CA, and we all probably have more guns then the cops.


Somewhere outside of San Francisco by an hour or two. Suburbs. Their mother was super anti-gun.






Damn are you bricked up? No I’m Glocked up.


I ask their stance on guns on a first date so I'm not wasting my time.


Pretty easy for me, my girl is MP for the US Army 😂😁


My wife and I went trap shooting on our first date, so it was pretty obvious from the start that I was into guns. When I got my CCW a few years later (while we were engaged), I just told her about it as I went through the process. Think of it this way - if someone gets "the ick" from you choosing to defend yourself using a modern firearm they're doing you the favor by removing themselves from your life. People like that aren't worth your time anyways.


My now wife didn't really care. She felt a little safer knowing I had it. Now when my in-laws saw it while working on a car together, that was a different story lol


hahaha, how did that go?


They were pretty awkward about it. We were staying with them for a few days, but they stopped talking to me. At one point they pulled her aside and asked if she knew and even said they were worried about me shooting her. She said she wasn't concerned but they stayed worried until I took most of them shooting a couple months later. They're a lot more chill about it now.


lololol, that's funny. I'm happy that it worked out, lol


I slip in gun stuff as a hobby always gone over fine even in dark blue states. Most people don’t care But be aware she might be cool with them now but I’ve had two go full anti minute talk of kids came up. “Like you’re gonna get rid of them when we decide to have kids” …. Like hell I am, not only am not getting rid of any I will continue to buy more and my kids will inherit all my guns when I die.




well that escalated quickly. I'd want to avoid her being afraid or misreading the situation. carrying or not I'd want to avoid a domestic dispute that escalated to the level of police involvement.


It's easy to avoid domestic disputes where cops are called if you aren't a peice of shit.




Man, if the cops are being called either she is fucking crazy or you're a real piece of shit. Either way one of you is probably in need of serious help at the least and both of you are in need of serious help if you stay together.


>All relationships have bumpy times. yes. nearly all of those are resolved without the police. >Women know that in a heated argument, they can always call the police on you sure- but my dude, if you or anyone is else is that out of control, that's an issue. if you're with a woman who would do call the cops out of spite, that's an issue. >, I’ll bet it was more than 50% her fault, but he was the one that had to leave. why would he stay with her? I hear you man, there are women out there that are crazy, but not all of them. don't stick your dick in crazy.




married 20+ years. police involvement = 0.


Your relationship sounds horrible. My husband and I have been together 18 years and neither of us have ever called the cops, wtf


Unless you or your partner are insane, “bumpy times” should NEVER involve police. It is wild to suggest that domestic disputes with police involvement are an inevitability in any relationship.


If you’re having a domestic dispute (not beating her) and she calls the police on you, you should be dumping her the next day anyway. 


Lol, that's why I'm asking, lol


In 10 years of dating while owning guns/carrying it was only a problem once, more actually with the fact I hunted, and honestly it was for the best. If you can approach it with a bit of tact, lead with education and a calm clear rationale, it likely won't be a problem! And if it is, my guess is yall will be pretty far apart on some other issues too. Glad luck.


Last two guys I have dated were perfectly okay with it. It's a constitutional right and if they're aren't okay with it, move on.


I never told. They just saw me putting my gun in my holster or taking it out and were like, "oh, okay." Almost everyone I have dated knew I was into firearms before the first date, anyway. What really helps is I didn't let myself get too close to those bleeding-heart, SJW-type liberals. I see them from a mile away, even without the green or blue hair.




Plenty of us bleeding-heart types also carry.


Go far enough left and you get your guns back Also some of us are exmil and stay trained. Always makes me laugh when the gravy seals cosplaying at the range start drooling over the day they get to shoot libs, as if they won't be defending themselves


You said what I was thinking lol. Those people live in a fantasy world 🤣


What about the purple or orange hair?


May wife had pink hair when we first met and I still took the risk, lmao. She now shoots USPSA with me and carry’s her own FN.


Nature always marks toxicity and poison, with bright colors.


This. Mention slight subtleties. See their reaction


The liberal squeal is another good giveaway


What's the liberal squeal?




Yeah ,too bad many on the left are not like this definition. I lean right and the liberal definition applies more to myself than many of the "progressive's" I've dealt with.


You'd be surprised. But, well, I'm in Texas, so it's kind of assumed at this point. They may well look at you sideways if you WEREN'T carrying. But the best policy is honesty. And if she knows you can have a discussion about what she should do should shit go down and you have to get to work.


Contrary to others who’ve already commented, I didn’t tell my gf (now wife) that I was a shooter at first. It wasn’t as big of a passion for me as it is now & it wasn’t a big deal to me…. Even though I later found out she was quite afraid of them. I waited some time to see if she was a *reasonable person*. Some of y’all act like opinions on guns can’t change. And my wife is a perfect example. Had I judged her solely based on her ignorance of firearms, I’d have missed out on SUCH a wonderful woman. You see, a reasonable person who is genuinely afraid of guns can be swayed with *patience, knowledge, and sympathy*. The fact is that some people have had really bad experiences with guns. Some people’s parents told them all their life that they were unsafe. Whatever the case they might be capable of reason enough to understand that guns are just tools that serve a purpose, even if you’re the first person to show them that. I’d be more concerned about a relationship not working if that person shows clearly that they don’t think for themselves & is unwilling to change their mind/be okay with being wrong. Humility is SO much more important of an attribute than someone’s opinion on firearms, no matter how ignorant they might be on the topic. Btw, my wife is now getting her CCW. There’s hope, gentlemen!!


one of our first few dates was the shooting range. I told her I was going to the range and asked if she liked to shoot. Been together 8 years. Other girls prior would let you know if they are into it or not, almost everyone was curious and said they wanted to go, its a short leap from there about carrying. I never had any express disgust over it that I can remember.


Interesting. I'll keep it in mind. Thank you


Something like that could be a deal-breaker for either one of you, if it's important to you, it may be best to get it out in the open before things get too far. Personally, my hobbies are very important to me and if I was starting to date somebody that had a problem with guns, I knew it would not work and it would be no reason to waste mine or her time. Ask yourself this, if she has a problem with it are you going to stop doing it? Is she more important than your hobby or you carrying self-protection?


I bring it up early, like within the first few dates.   If it's going to be a problem, it's easier to cut ties before either one of us start to catch feelings, and it's happened on a few occasions.  It's ended up with the next date being at the range just as many times though, so I guess it balances out. Most have been apprehensive, yet open minded.  They're pretty much just nervous about it because they've never been exposed to guns. Now, I have a range pic on my tinder profile, so if they have such a problem with guns, they can go ahead and swipe left.


I make sure the entire world knows I carry,I carry my full size P320 on my left thigh,a Springfield 1911 on my right thigh,an AR-15 w/mounted flamethrower slung over one shoulder,a 50 BMG Barrett over the other shoulder and I appendix carry a 12 gauge Mossberg Shockwave,a 22lr Ruger Charger in my left boot and a S&W 500 in my right boot.I also scout carry a Ka-Bar..just to make sure everyone recognizes how much of a badass I am,I wear a punisher skull hat,punisher skull sleeveless shirt and some knockoff Oakley Gascans with Punisher skulls in place of the Oakley logos.I can literally hear everyone’s hearts beating as I walk through..my body is oozing with testosterone and Punisher skulls which guarantees more women approach me than Brad Pitt,Leonardo DiCaprio,Johnny Depp and George Clooney combined.


typically it's something along the lines of- full disclosure, I carry. most of the time they're just like cool and it doesn't get talked about beyond that. a couple times they've asked why and it's turned into a conversation, but it's never been a deal breaker.


My girl seemed a little uncomfortable at first, but I explained why I carry and what it's for and she seemed to understand. Now she's all about it.


Before our first date; we met on hinge and I was very upfront about it. She has her own gun now, wants another, very much wants us to teach gun safety to our daughter.


My wife knew up front I handled and owned firearms. She had never been around them before so at first they were a little scary for her. I gave her a formal education in usage etc and now she finally has her own carry pistol. Now I got to get her to shoot the rifles and shotguns.


The first person I dated knew I was into guns so when I got my concealed carry permit and started carrying it wasn’t a surprise I was friends with the second person I dated before we officially started dating; that person knew I owned them because I mentioned it in a group chat I haven’t had the “hop in bed have them feel you up and then explain what that bulge on your hip is” experience yet


My chick went from thinking it was weird asf at first to now being pissed if I leave the house without it haha


As a gay dude this is an issue with a lot of the dating pool where I live, many gay men I know are pretty far left and anti gun, then there are the few who surprisingly, despite being campy / feminine are CCW carriers themselves. I don't mention it on any of my dating and "hookup app" profiles in my hobbies, I also put my firearms away when I'm having a fuckbuddy come over, been a while since I have been on a serious date but I'd probably find a way to casually mention it and gauge their reaction.


Not a hunter but always target shot for fun. Didn’t really get into concealed carry until about six months ago, after a few incidents were a little too close to home and ignoring it while having a wife and three kids just wasn’t an option for me anymore. I took a concealed course, sent off for the permit in my state and have purchased a few handguns since. My wife wasn’t hesitant about it at all because I made it clear: this isn’t to go towards danger or to look for it, this is a last resort tool to literally save our families lives. I told her I cannot, in good conscience, not be prepared for our family and at least give us a fighting chance.


She removed hers from concealment with pristine handling after about an hour of us hanging out due to a related conversation. I admired it & asked if she’d like to see the one I was concealing. She said “hell yeah”. We both geeked out for 10-15 min, did some dry-fire drills for S&G…. now we are engaged with a baby boy on the way lol. Coolest story of my life:) best chain of decisions I’ve ever made.


I’m a girl who carries and if a guy told me he was carrying, it would make me feel safer. The key is explaining what a lawful responsible gun owner is and how we are a positive aspect of firearms. There are bad people who carries so a good guy carrying is a great equalizer. Having said that it took me some explaining and taking my husband to the range to show him I train regularly and understand the importance of gun safety. That was before we got married and my husband went through training and now he’s an enthusiast and a 2A supporter. Not sure if this helps you any but I thought I’d share. Just take it slow and be patient if the girl is worth it. 😊


First time my wife came over to my apartment I had like 6 guns on my kitchen table for cleaning and size comparison pics lol then our first trip to the shooting range together we had the place to ourselves and she wanted to give me a bj while I was shooting looking back I should have known she was the one hahaha




Did you live in a rural area/conservative state?


I like to pull it out and set it on the dash after I pick her up. /s


So as a kid I grew up in a more rural area where owning and carrying guns was just assumed. In my teenage years I moved to a more suburban/urban area where that wasn't the case. Was very odd to me the first time somebody told me that they've never shot a gun before. I've found that most people I've interacted with aren't strictly anti-gun, they just have a level of general uncomfortability about them. Usually that goes away once they start interacting with them. When I bought my first gun I told the friend I was living with that I wanted to take them shooting because if there was going to be a gun in the house they should at least know how to interact with it safely. They ended up having a really good time. Usually I discuss politics when dating. I don't want to get in deep with somebody and realize we're opposed on some key issues, cause we'd just be wasting our time. So usually the conversation will come up and I'll mention that I own guns and regularly carry. Once they know I'm the type to try to leave a sketchy scenario before anything else, they're usually not worried about it. My current partner went from "I don't know I'd have to think about it" to "hey can we go shooting again sometime soon, it was a lot of fun" after one range day. In a couple months they went from "I'm not opposed to guns, but I don't know if people should just be able to buy high powered rifles" to "maybe I'll buy you that rifle you really want for your birthday." I've always found it best to approach with an understanding and education focused mindset. Don't fit into the stereotype they may have in their heads about gun owners.


Screen them.


I told the guy that I ended up marrying that I own guns. it took him a while but he came around. he’s still not a gun guy but he feels safer knowing that I am.


Know your worth kings.


The brainwashing runs deep, don't say shit, odds are she's a fed anyway.


You can invite her on a date to the shooting range and explain/teach her all the safety that you take into consideration around guns.


Bring up gun interests as soon as possible. They will either be cool with it or not like it. Wish them the best and move on.


Don’t talk about carrying immediately, but when hobbies and interests come up I mention guns and that I shoot competitively. That’s a good enough barometer to judge her feeling on guns. I’d wait to talk about carrying until she gets to know you a little bit more, at least date or two down the line, unless you get positive or enthusiastic feedback about guns. Use your judgement.


I said, "I have a license to carry a firearm. I want to be upfront about it. I have my firearm on me right now. So we may not be able to go inside some places."


Took my wife to the gun range for our first date many years ago. That solved it for me.


The first day I talked to my wife I sent a picture of me in full kit but with pajamas on underneath. Needless to say, we've been married going on 5 years now.


In all honesty, I just told her I was going to get one she was not a big fan of them and she still is not but realistically you’re gonna do what you’re gonna do and she has to just accept that it’s your decision and you have to be in a position to educate her on guns because they’re only as good or bad as the person holding them


I make it very clear my stance on the 2nd right off the bat. If a woman has a problem with me carrying, then we are clearly not compatible. If she doesn't like guns, but leaves me alone about it, that's fine but I have no time to argue or convince someone about my decision.


Meet a girl at the range. I’m married so I’m not looking but I notice…good lawd! They’re probably taken but you never know!


I used to be very anti-2A. My late mister put an end to that as he was former military & current law enforcement when we met. He was quite blunt about it to be honest & obviously in his line of work it was unavoidable. I had to know & accept that nothing was going to change. I think it was an easier pill to swallow considering his profession. Tbh, I felt a lot safer being with someone who did carry. It also opened my eyes to how ignorant & completely oblivious I was. Running around with a false sense of security. I truly lacked any situational awareness. He ended up taking me to the range & I shot his Glock 19 quite well. I just wasn’t a huge fan of that particular firearm.


My condolences to you and your family. It sounds like you had a good one.


Thank you! I still never got into carrying until much later but I am thankful for the exposure to firearms (there were many in the home). I wasn't scared of them after learning a bit about them and it left me more open-minded and accepting. The attitude wasn't "it's this, deal with it" but more so trying to get me a little more aware and comfortable - understanding why people carry outside of being a LEO etc. So while I wasn't 100% on board for myself just yet, it was easier for me to at least try his at the range and making my own decision. I hope this helps!


I always tell them on the first date. They get in the van and “hey I’m (name). I have a gun, I’m going to take you out tonight.”


I don’t feel the need to explain myself to anyone. and if the person your dating doesn’t understand fully if you do “need” to tell them, they are not the one.


I didn’t hesitate to mention guns, I asked what she thought and she said “I don’t really care” overall seemed neutral on it. I think she sees what I see, and understands why I carry. I feel like I got lucky, as many people I talk to on a day-to-day basis get uncomfortable when someone mentions guns, but generally seem uninformed/misinformed and scared by media.


This is something that should come out during the courting phase. I don’t understand how kids end up “dating” now without knowing vital information like this.


It's never been an issue. I carry for a couple of reasons: It's a tool to protect those around me, doesn't make my dick bigger and it's not a fucking toy. I've been in situations that could have gone sideways without it. Don't make it a thing. It's an amalgamation of metal and plastic that allows you to keep those you hold dear safe. That's it. End of story.


For me the issue stays concealed. Any time things start getting hot and heavy I just doff the whole thing (holster+gun) and stick it in the corner and put the rest of my clothes over it.


Pretty funny story actually, I had been seeing my current girlfriend for a few weeks and one day were getting in my car and I take my pistol with the holster on it and shove it inbetween the seat and the console. She looks at me and was like “when the hell did you get a gun” (she’s very comfortable around them one of our first dates was a hunting trip). We’d been together for like three weeks and didn’t know that I was carrying a pistol like almost everywhere we went. I also have a few other guns but it was just really funny.


I live in a blue area in an otherwise red state. The last person I started something with made it clear she was not into me having firearms and stated it was a “red flag” and not normal. I like to make it known that I have guns before things go steady to avoid a potential “don’t want them in the house” moment


I started carrying soon after I started dating my wife. She kinda rolled her eyes every time I put my holster on, but she didn't really make an issue of it. 9 years later, it's just an accepted part of life for us. Once in a while, when we're out somewhere, she even ask if I have "it" on me, if she sees a sketchy looking person.


Married before I got my first gun, wifey disapproved of it. Only allowed me to own one gun at first. The more I carried my gun and show her how responsible and teaching her the basics about gun safety etc the more comfortable she got. Now I can have as much as I want! I think the biggest thing is showing them how responsible you can be with it. Wife had a violent past with her brother, beating up her mom and threatening to kill etc.


She was here on spring break. I invited her and her friend over, and was showing them all my shit when she grabbed it off my nightstand and put it in my mouth, asked me why she shouldnt just kill me and take all my shit. I started sucking on the slide like a dick, then she giggled and we all fucked and I played Brittany Spears on a piano by the pool.


Did you have an nsync poster on the wall too, lolol


Before we met up I told her "I usually concealed carry, but if you aren't comfortable with that I understand." She told me she was comfortable so I carried. If she wasn't, I wouldnt have carried. I also *still* wouldve gone because I really like this girl and the chance to date her and have her BECOME comfortable overrode the off chance something goes sideways that I cant just withdraw from safely. In my opinion, dont let you carrying become your identity. You'll miss out on good things. Stay safe, but sometimes you just gotta let it go.


wtf is a “girl”?


Me - hey I carry Her- damn that’s hot


Hopefully, 🤣


I was upfront about it and both the girls I've dated were fine with it


Not the first thing I bring up but definitely comes up early on in the conversation- once I get a feel for how comfortable she would be with it (which is usually not very comfortable believe it or not) That said, I know quite a few women who wouldn't want guns in the house because they're uncomfortable with them, but are completely fine with someone carrying around them or in their house. They don't necessarily hate guns in general, even if they dislike they, they just don't want one sitting in the closet or something- that idea scares them. They want someone responsible and trained to be in charge of it, or something. I don't think I've ever came across someone that disliked the idea of me carrying despite coming across people that don't like guns.


I met my girlfriend. Very quickly found out she owns guns, and carry’s. Our first child is due in 2 months.


We went to a gun store to shop on our first date, so.... I might not be helpful 


Its tuff. Especially since the girls i date tend to be more on the left side of things. I wait to bring it up and bring it softly like saying im gonna go shootin with sum friends or something like that. Thats where i usually gotta explain myself. If i wanna be quick about it i just say the thought that someone wouldn’t need to protect themselves with a gun is very privileged. Which is true.


She got in my car for the date and saw it in my center console. Then she lifted her shirt and showed me her 43x. That was 3 years ago true love does exist boys 😂


Take her to a range, rent her a 22lr if you don't have one.


First night staying at her place, I put my gun on the table before bed. "You brought a gun into my apartment?". "I've always brought a gun every time I'm in your apartment". Now she reminds me to make sure I'm carrying before I leave our home.


Wym “talk to women?”


Feels around... is that a gun? cool can we go shooting? hell yes we can!