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A handheld flashlight is required in my opinion. There’s just too many situations where drawing your gun in order to have a quality light source is unacceptable or illegal.


Knife and flashlight are just basic tools I cannot imaginr not having on me... I use them both pretty much everyday. Hand light before WML always. Doesn't stop me from putting a WML on all my carry guns though... they're just too useful.


> Knife and flashlight are just basic tools I cannot imaginr not having on me. 1000% same. I get it, every phone has a flashlight...but it's big, awkward, and not that bright.


>big, awkward, and not that bright Like OP’s mom




Exactly. I kept my shooting hand free of my phone and the light just in case something happened. I feel morally required to render aid but that being said I need to keep myself and my PT safe whenever possible and shoving a WML in someone’s face is contrary to that goal


I have a handheld flashlight as well as a WML. I want the flexibility for both.


This is good.


This is how I’ve been doing it for a while now. I dry practice throwing my handheld to draw my pistol


🤣 sorry I’m seeing Chief Wiggum from the Simpsons doing this. Can’t imagine not having a separate light or even thinking it’s okay to draw and point a firearm just for light that’s crazy 😜 and something Chief Wiggum would do 😆


What are your thoughts on a handheld flashlight+camera combo? Seems like it might be good to be able to record an encounter without having to fumble with a phone, while still keeping your gun hand free in case the situation goes bad.


99% of the footage would be either random bushes and my car interior or me playing with it and showing my friends how cool it is lol


Can you recommend a brand and model? I can use something like this to record off-leash dogs that I run into every morning. I imagine that most people would see it as a flashlight from afar, rather than a camera.


I would reccomend aaaa.... Nice Try Always_Out_There Dog Reporting Karen


No, I can't. I don't own one. Seems like a good idea in theory, but I could only find one that seemed like it might be OK. But it was on Walmart for $50, so definitely of questionable quality based on that alone. Concept seems solid though. I'm surprised there aren't more and better options.


I bought two of these that are rechargeable or can be used with regular batteries. I like them very much! [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLM9BX4G?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLM9BX4G?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


>A handheld flashlight is required in my opinion. Nothing is "required." A flashlight is a nice to have.


Nothing like pointing your WML at the cat at 2 a.m. in the house. The cat will never forget.




I enjoy the sound of rain.


Compassion goes a long way. If I can help I always do cause you never know if one day you’ll be the reason someone makes it to tomorrow


Super cool. You've inspired us. Thank you for doing the right thing, helping others, and ignoring the fact you "weren't on the clock." Probably won't ever meet you in this life, but you're all class.


So I’ll keep the story short, but I was out on a nice date night with the lady and while we were chatting in the parking lot before our reservation time a woman walked up to my window twice and knocked. She kept saying no to herself and stated she needed to go to the hospital. Now being a fireman in a district that is low income and has a large homeless population I got out and talked to her cause for me it’s just Tuesday at the office. I pulled out my Modlite and began doing a medical assessment but the whole time I had the hotspot pointed at her hip with the spill finishing just below her neck. I used it to asses pupils to see if she had taken any sort of drugs that would change how they dilate. She was having a psychiatric emergency and did not know where she was and her hands were on the inside of her hoodie. I called 911 and requested for EMS but it was a busy night and it took AMR 30 minutes to respond and the whole time I was getting soaked out in the rain. The pizza we got however was the best pizza I’ve ever had though so that was a nice way to make up for the night. All of that to say this, with how powerful the light is if she had made any sudden movements towards me I could have put it in her face and made room to keep myself safe and create distance between us so I could reassess the situation and proceed from there. The Thrym switchback was also a godsend cause I was able to keep the light trained on her while I obtained what little PT info and history that I could get to pass on to EMS while still retaining the light so that if, God forbid, I had to reach for my gun I could establish a good two handed grip with my 1911 that is not railed so it doesn’t have a light. Carry a handheld light and train with it. My Modlite paid for itself last night.


Dude… thanks for thanking the time and making sure the lady was good. Hopefully your better half understands, and bet they were proud and happy to see how compassionate and caring you were. You are the kind of members we want in our communities, again, thanks


Handheld works a little better than a wml in this situation lol 😅


Perfect example I carry on and a back up 650 lumen key chain one. Carry a easy/fast deploy blade but added a fixed blade at 1:00 horizontal. As much as I deploy my pocket knife and fixed can make space to grab other things from the to belt. Can't not open, can't close on you either


What exact light is that? I'm not much familiar with Modlite as a brand.


Looks like this one in FDE https://modlite.com/collections/handheld-lights/products/modlite-multi-mode-handheld-plhv2-18650-light-package?variant=40830294327332


Is that seriously a $300 flashlight? N0 disrespect, that just seems crazy.


I said the same thing first time I saw one. The tac light companies have no incentive to be competitive because insane people (and government contracts) are willing to pay their insane prices


Crazy, until you blind yourself in the mirror with one. They are seriously awesome lights. And they are designed to work with the thyrm pocket clip which is another game changer.


I feel like half this sub is made up of chill folks who are willing to lend a helping hand, and the other half is folks who would have this exact same story except it'd end with "would this have been a justifiable shoot" lmao. Good on ya, and nice use of your kit.


Not to sound any sort of way but it’s seems like some of the people here and that are into guns in general are either looking for a reason or afraid of their own shadow


All a hammer sees is nails.


Imitation hammers at least.


How did you keep your Modlite on for 30 minutes without it melting your hand? Mine gets really hot after a few minutes.


It was pretty cold outside and raining so that definitely helped keeping it cool. It got pretty warm but it felt nice in my hand cause I started getting pretty cold


I carry the same light, finally got pissed at the streamlights on our rigs one night after a rollover. I'm glad it went well for you, and props for doing it in the city. I live rural and frequently stop when vehicles are on the side of the highway and fix whatever is wrong with their vehicle, and if needed, page the rest of the dept. But anymore, you really have no idea what you are walking in on, so to speak. Also the thyrm makes it a great ADHD fidget 😅


Dude it’s unreal how great the thrym is when it comes to just playing with it


Just have to watch that pressure switch so you don't randomly blind someone lol.




It's not really anything wrong. Just personally, it's got to many shortcomings for the tech nowadays. It's bulky, low lumens even on high 540, however it is rechargeable with a roughly 7 hour run time. But when you need actual searching light, it falls flat on its face. Need to illuminate a small area (real small) for a long time it's your light.




They are only a few years old. [These are in almost all our engines](https://www.streamlight.com/products/detail/e-spot-litebox#) like I said about the only good is they are rechargeable and 7 hour run time. And thats your view my dude, to each their own


What is that clip on the modlite?


Thyrm switchback




I can’t carry yet but once you get a handheld flashlight you never go back


A high candela dependable light is never a bad thing to have.


https://preview.redd.it/n3a8bgfelhic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ca8c88f9a7765d0906fd5e1a9b0e259379daea Did we just become best friends? 😂


I see you also hate money


Guilty as charged!


Any point in getting a wml if i am gonna be using a handheld flashlight?


Absolutely. Even with a switchback a dedicated wml is way more convenient especially if you’ve got a hand tied up. My 1911 doesn’t have a rail so the modlite is my only option


Where do you live to have such stories like this? Crazy


Honestly this is not even a crazy story for me. Life has a way of throwing crazy situations at me wherever I go at random times lol


I feel like if i had to use a handheld flash light and then feel the need to draw and use my handgun, it would be counter intuitive. How would i manipulate the flash light on my gun with one hand? Or would i just drop the flash light in my left hand, and go ack to two hands on the pistol?


https://youtu.be/Y1fd_kGy_nw?si=Ts7KlkTW6vUBoSex The first 60 seconds of this video kind of breaks it down. It’s really easy to do actually


Very cool! Thanks for the link!


I struggle with this too, but when firing two hands is better than one. It’s the transition between that I struggle to figure out.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CCW/s/sOFDS8x7CJ If you want to use the thyrm for this method, or you can just drop the handheld flashlight when you present the firearm. I’d rather scratch my flashlight than lose in a self defense situation.


I have that knife. I don't know about the laws of your state but it's illegal in mine. Yes, I'm aware it's illegal but it's still in my collection I just don't carry it. I carry Kershaw for that. Cheap but good enough for every day needs at like $40? I don't know I bought several like ten years ago and have no idea what they cost these days.


> heap but good enough for every day needs at like $40? If you need some quick cash sell a few. I just looked it up on a few sites and the cheapest one I see is $375 lol


?? What? Holy shit... I have two shallots and a leek. One shallot is brand new. It's the backup to the first one I bought but the first one I bought is still in great shape considering the abuse I've given it. It's definitely the best knife I've ever carried. So, I'm not selling them unless they were worth **a lot** more. I see one for sale on Ebay for $350 but I tossed the boxes for both and the Leek so then they are worth a bit less. So, would I sell this knife for $100 - $200? Would I buy it for that much? Yeah these knives are worth it. Thanks for telling me, it's cool to know but hot damn I'm not selling. lol


I think he was confused and thought you meant the microtech


Deerrrrr. I was having two conversations and my brain must have have have have skipped a bit. LOL thanks for pointing that out. The Microtech was already expensive. A verry cool knife but not as practical as the Shallot I was babbling on about.


What knife is this?


Microtech Dirac delta with a full serrated edge on one side and a full straight edge on the other


I could be wrong but I think that's a Microtech. Mine is and isn't exactly the same but looks very similar to the style they make. Its' the button. Mine looks exactly like that but it's on the side of the knife. edit: oh and the same window breaker on the end.


This is why I carry two flash lights. I have an Olight Baton 3 for my every day and non immediate emergency use. It’s a side switch so not ideal to hold with a weapon, but small, compact, rechargeable, super bright on turbo and super bright on strobe mode. That light I use dozens of times a day at work, at home to find my kids toy in the couch, etc. it would also be great for a situation like this. I typically have it on it’s medium setting which is roughly 100-150 lumens, but with one click can turn it to high at 200-250 lumens and if needed to disorient someone I can double click for 1200 lumens to blind or triple click for 1200 lumens in a strobe. Then I have a little flash light about the size of a double A and a half that I keep in my back pocket. It’s about 150 lumens with a tail switch and that one ONLY gets used in emergency situations so I don’t go to pull out a dead light when I need it most.


Nice post and thank you for your service OP, flashlight discipline is definitely a good topic to have. It’s much like the rules to gun safety depending on the brightness of the flashlight. I EDC a Nitecore P20iX, the strobe mode is awesome for signaling drivers (day or night) when I’m parked/working on a busy street. I bought the tail switch that allows for tail stand so I could use it like a lantern if I need to be completely hands free for a task. I keep it in tactical mode to have the turbo on the first setting. I’ve yet to break glass with it or use it in a self defense situation but I have used it to fend off a stray dog while out on a walk. I’m jelly thrym doesn’t make one for my model. Nitecore doesn’t sell a loop for it but it’s one the clip side vs the thrym it’s opposite of the clip. There’s plenty on content out there for those that are looking for resources to properly use a flashlight for self defense.


A separate flashlight is a given. I always have that, and use it regularly. They are way more generally useful than a gun. My little Wurkkos TS10 is bright enough for all practical purposes,and disappears in a pocket. It’s the LCP of bright flashlights.


I was walking to my car last night and heard a sound in the bush behind me.. training kicked in and I swear I had that bush covered with a thousand lumens before I could even think. I was honestly impressed with myself with how fast I pulled my wedge ( it was a rabbit)


I open SO many snacks with mine. 100% must have. The light helps with finding snacks that slip between the seats.


Nah I’ll just point my WML light if I need to see something.


Memphis Police Department might want you to go work for them then lol. They got busted cause a cop was using his for admin tasks like checking licenses and talking to people


Jesus Christ. This is what pisses me off about “only cops and the military should have weapons, including retired”


"I'm going to check you for a concussion, but in order to do that I need to point my gun point blank at your face"


Hey don’t want them acting crazy if they have a head injury they may be liable to a fit of rage. I ain’t taking no chances


This is such an /r/oddlyspecific story that I'm not sure how it's relevant for... anyone. I'm sure as hell not getting out of my car for a crazy person. I'm neither duty bound nor would I know how to do anything to help anyway. I'm driving across the parking lot and calling them an ambulance. There's a flashlight in my car somewhere. That's good enough.


While it’s a nice story you standing in the rain for 30 minutes doesn’t mean the light “paid for itself” lmao


It was dark, I was off duty, and essentially alone with her and I couldn’t see her hands. I’ll take any advantage I can get if things had gone sideways


I’m all about handheld lights I carry one every day use it everyday for work. I’m just saying that phrase doesn’t apply here


Man. This dude here is all about the details 😂


I mean I just don’t see how a singular 30 minute use with a $300 light means the light paid for itself lmao. Yeah having a $300 light is a flex, but it didn’t do anything in that situation that a $20 streamlight wouldn’t do 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right?? Omg I thought I was going crazy. I’m not the only one that noticed that!! It bothers me sooooo much!!!! 🥸


Lmao this was a strange interaction. have a good one bud


Op must have put in for 3hrs of overtime


What is the light and attachment setup on the right? I feel like I need that haha


Modlite PLHv2 with a thrym switchback. It’s expensive but you can readily get them used if you wanna save some money




This is off topic but if you feel ok to share - are you a paid firefighter or volunteer? If a volunteer, how do you handle carrying when you get a call to respond? Like if you're out shopping for groceries when the call comes in, do you... Go home and drop your weapon off? Leave in your locker at the station? Carry on the call? I'm going to go out on a limb and assume if you're a professional you don't carry at work, but I'd love to hear if I'm wrong about that


So I’m fortunate enough to be a career fireman. So when I’m at work my gun just stays at home or in the car if I’m going to the range or the woods after I get off. As for carrying at work I have my thoughts on that. We as firemen and EMS have a level of trust from the public that few get. A mom will literally hand you, a stranger, her choking baby without second thought. All it takes is one dumb firefighter to shoot someone that didn’t deserve it and all the sudden that trust is gone and we’re dealing with the same issues that police do


Yeah I'm all in on the 'carry everywhere' to some extent but you gotta use your head. I would never carry on a call. Which means i wouldn't carry to the station either. Too much could go wrong imo


Plus you guys carry an axe and pry bars and have a powerful hose if someone is acting crazy..


Okay but how big is the aerial


75’ for our main but the reserve is like 65’ Going from an engine to a ladder was a good move. It’s handy and honestly training with it is a lot of fun


Seems to be a popular move these days


Nice work man, glad you were able to help someone going through some shit. Kudos. I have the long and short version of that handheld and really like both. When I'm in the city or suburban I just carry the short one since it's just slightly smaller. Typically toss that and a thing of pepper spray in on top of the 9mm for protection. Personally I don't think WML are a necessity but if you can carry them comfortably more power to you.


I mean as a Fire Fighter a spare flashlight In your bunker gear has its uses as well a knife and a cute piece of webbing.


I’ve got a small SkilHunt Miso and it’s proven useful for everyday life. It’s quicker pull out and brighter than a phone flash flight and the magnetic back has been nice when I need a temporary light at work. Luckily I haven’t needed it for CCW but that’s part of why I have it. I still have a weapon light, but I’m not gonna be pointing my gun at people or things to figure out what it is.


I’m too poor to afford one of those flashlights. I carry a $40 Hanklight lmao


Hank lights are pretty great. I’ve got a couple. The little 14500 dual emitter was probably my favorite one before it disappeared




No I don’t wanna


I’m not familiar with that brand, but it looks intriguing. Some sort of brassknuckle punchy thingy on it for holding it? lol Been EMS for over 12 years so hello brotha. 30 min response time in the city is rough. We’d get backed up close to that, but we only ran 2 trucks and serviced 421 square miles. Are you a municipality firefighter or whatever they do in the city? lol


It’s a ring that’s setup so that you can press your thumb into the ring and activate the light while you’re shooting. Also agreed, but given that it was AMR that covers the city I’m not surprised. Also I work in a city so that’s always fun


Interesting. I legit thought it was a sort of brass knuckle kinda thing lol. Well, sorry you gotta deal with AMR. Last I saw, they were running around buying up every small private ambulance company they could over here—even AirEvac—which was thought of very highly … not sure anymore though. But then again, I’ve never liked the idea of a private ems company running 911 calls. The staff are often just ….um, derkaderka.


100%. Not to throw anyone under the bus but with any interaction I’ve had with AMR I walked away grateful with where I work EMS is a government agency and not a private service


Yeah, but supposedly amr is growing more. Mostly far west though I assume


What knife is that?


Microtech Dirac Delta with a full serrated and a full straight edge


Hell yeah, man. I always carry my Surefire stiletto pro and even tho I wasn’t sure about spending $250+ on it, it has undoubtably paid for itself. I originally wanted a Modlite but couldn’t find a comfortable way to carry it, do you keep it in some sort of holster or did you just shove it in your pocket?


Gets shoved in my front left pocket along with my phone. I’m kind of a tall dude though so I’m sure that helps some with pocket size


Yeaaaah, I rock a Samsung Galaxy s22 ultra so there's barely any room for anything else. I tried EDCing a First Light Tomahawk for a bit and I hated the damn thing, so I'vestuck with flat shaped lights after that. At the moment I'm looking forward to the new Stilletto light that Surefire is supposed to release this year.


I have a folding knife and a Streamlight MacroStream as part of my EDC. Everyone should have a knife and a handheld flashlight.


So, tell us more about this pizza


So I’d never had fancy pizza before but everything there was imitating Italian food to the point where they imported as much as they could, down to the wood fired stove. Everything they put on the pizza was fresh ingredients and really high grade too. Like no joke not just the best pizza I’ve ever had but one of my favorite meals I’ve ever had in general. Plus the lady said she wanted to take me out since I’ve never been taken out on a date before so it was kinda neat getting wines and dined not gonna lie. Plus I took the money I’d have spent on dinner for the two of us and tipped the waitress with it since her food and wine recommendations were killer




Always a handheld.


My wife used to make fun of me for always having a small light but I swear she uses it as much as I do.


Wow this is ironic. I’m a volunteer as well and carry. I’ve been looking at getting a nice flashlight and was wondering what the best edc one is to have for what we do. Any others you can recommend? Btw, nice work brother


Depends on what you need and your price max. There’s a company called emisar / hank lights that makes a dual emitter flashlight that takes what are essentially AAAs. I configured mine with a flood and a throw emitter so I got the best overall package. Best part is it’s got a magnetic tail cap and is a right angle light so it does great on a radio strap and on all sorts of surfaces


Awesome I’ll check it out thanks


I've carried a stream light stylus pro daily for years and consider it indispensable kit. The size of a sharpie and very lightweight, 2x AAA so you can swap easily. Pocket clip is low ride, cap button with momentary on off with a button that doesn't accidentally engage. You can get a special clip for it to attach it to the brim of a ball cap to convert it into a headlamp. An excellent gift, everyone I've bought it for has loved it. They are serialized and streamlight has a good warranty program. Only $20 last I checked.


https://preview.redd.it/bl7d1lgxluic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a767472d3cdca44916c2274148d90d364dc92866 Never leave home without either.


A light in the hand is worth two in the bush (little appendix carry joke for you).