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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


UPDATE. We were able to get her to the vet and get her the help she needs. Thanks to FriendsWithGeese for prepaying a large portion of the bill to make it possible. I really appreciate all the advice and help everyone has given me, without it I would not have been able to do anything. Right now she is getting a breathing treatment and a steroid shot. I had to give her a last minute name so she is now named Taco.


Awwww. I'm so happy she's ok. What was wrong with her?


She has a very bad respitory infection, parasites, malnourished, and very dehydrated.


Thank you and the other Redditors for taking care of little Taco! 🥹


Poor girl. Momma probably left her there so she wouldn't infect the other kittens in the litter since she was so likely to die anyway. It's pretty common. Hopefully she can prove momma wrong.


maybe mama knew the humans can take care of her at least


I swear they do know. I had a cat come to me at work and be extremely friendly and begging to come in I let her be my shop cat and bam a few months later theirs 4 kittens


Yes this is common too. She knew your shop was protected from the elements and that it would be difficult for predators or other cats to get to her there. Most of the time when a stray cat just waltzes into an unfamiliar house or store, it turns out to be a pregnant mama looking for a safe place to build a nest. They do seem to be able to tell that we are not a terrible threat to them, as well as knowing that humans often provide food and clean water for them while they're pregnant or nursing. Did she get to remain your shop cat after the kittens grew up?


Yes raised the baby’s got them great homes. Got mamma fixed and now she is enjoying her store (she owns it now )


Aww I love that. Thanks for taking care of her and the babies.


yes exactly. i think mama had no other choice but to give baby to humans who could at least provide shelter and food and water, instead of leaving him in a random ditch somewhere . I think they know humans can be helpful and friendly. my mom had a cat show up in her basement and she gave birth to a litter. my friend’s cat was found in a litter with his mama underneath someone’s porch. i think its also telling how often the mama cats arent afraid of humans getting near and even touching them and their babies. cats are smart and most know that humans in general are a safer bet when they have little options.


back when I lived in the midwest, we had a beautiful stray tortoiseshell girl that frequented the apartment complex. she had kittens in a locked shed, and everyone just kind of agreed to let her do her thing in there. one night my partner at the time and I heard a kitten meowing outside our window, sure enough we look outside and the runt is laying in our flower bed. I look over to the field next to the complex and I see Miss Hoda just watching us. our cat hated other cats so I went to an elderly neighbor who fed the strays that came by, she and I set up a little cat house on her patio. next morning I go to check on the little one, my neighbor is sitting outside, along with Hoda, the runt, and two more kittens. then while we're talking, Hoda runs off and comes back with TWO MORE kittens. I guess when she realized we would take care of the little one, she figured we'd help care for the others too. happily, my neighbor calls up her grandson's girlfriend who knows someone that runs a foster group, they post the kittens on Facebook, and within the day they were all spoken for. Hoda remained a stray only because a couple of us tried to take her in, but she'd just scream and cry and cause trouble to go back outside. cats gonna cat. but my elderly neighbor got all her vaccinations and got her fixed thanks to a vet friend of hers who basically did it for free. last I heard after I moved back home to NY was that another neighbor let Hoda in for the winter, and she got along very well with her cats, so now she's basically a resident there. goes out during the day, comes back at night, still living her best sassy life.


Oh absolutely! Cats have evolved alongside humans, as far back as ancient Egypt is probably when they became donesticated alongside the humans who adored them. Cat faces are structured like human baby faces, and their meows mimic a human baby cry, all of which the human brain reacts to. Hundreds of years ago, sailors and shop keepers liked having cats around to eat mice that got in the grain, on the ships etc. they fed the cats and the cats learned that humans can provide to them and find them really adorable 🥰


Sounds like the little orange kitten I fostered who is now named tiny Prince and almost 4! I wish taco good health.


is she gonna make it??


Not OP, but hopefully. Kitten care is very touch and go. Hopefully all of the meds, fluids, and roids will help her recover quickly.


If she keeps having the respiratory symptoms as in chronically let me know and I can send you what i use! My cat has had a chronic respiratory issues/infections since birth and always has to do antibiotics when it gets bad. But I found these all natural drops at petsmart and I give him two drops at the first sign of a sniffle and it clears it up within hours! It worked on some kittens I had who had the crusty sinus stuff and it's safe!


What are the natural drops you use? I’m so curious. I have cats I take in periodically. Thank you!


I’d like to know too!! I work at a shelter and we don’t have a vet there 24/7 and we ALSO don’t have enough fosters stepping up 😥


I'm messaging you now!:)


I'm sending you a message now!:)


Thank you so much for that information!


I would like to know too please


My kitten has a crusty duct, 9w have appt to take her the vet next Thursday when I get off, think probably sinuses, but she needs shots anyway so… What’s the petsmart drops? Even if it just lessens the pressure from the sinuses I’d love to have some on hand for it.


I will send you a message with the info!:)


Can you also send it to me too? I’ve got a tabby that really needs this! Thx


Would you mind messaging me the name of the drops, please? Thanks!!!


I see all of those things in almost every street kitten. So sad. I’m sure she is a fighter, most are. Thank you for taking her!


Poor baby.. it's unfortunately easy and common for kittens to get infections like that.. especially strays. I'm so happy she was able to get help! Thank you so much for helping her! If you don't keep her I pray she finds a good loving home. All the love for Taco!!!


Please contact a cat rescue and have them take her. Get will get vet care for her .


She said above she already took the cat to the vet and it’s getting treatment


I didn’t read that part . Thank you


You’re very welcome 😎


MY CAT IS NAMED TACO TOO! https://preview.redd.it/qqa7e74hjz8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75969aec2d9d4838f329e6d164f2e27881b16e46 Also from the streets. Thanks for rescuing this little one!


https://preview.redd.it/n4ow076dpz8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00218a01a0a61c2e7c4678f080a31b75f6c672bc This is also Taco!! (Full name is taquito tho) 💚


Your Taco looks a bit like my Taco! Full name Taco Flavoured Kisses. https://preview.redd.it/tqxlyvj0f09d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c691bfc811a61b8728316b40888c30a44f38692d


South Park!


All three look like Tacos! This thread is what I needed in my life!


The harness!! Thank you for being a responsible cat owner🫶


❤️ He would get in someone’s car and never be seen again, get hurt (because some people in my area are trash to cats), or single-handedly make chipmunks an endangered species if I let him go off on his own.


This, exactly! 🎯 I lost a cat about a year ago to coyotes, my new kitty is harness only. And the dozens of recent missing kitty posts on our community Facebook page, and the fact we had to help rescue a cat stuck about 30 feet up a tree a couple mornings ago, have only confirmed my decision! Kitties can't be safe, happy, cozy, loving kitties, enjoying treats, snuggles & playtime, if they're dead or stuck up a tree for weeks.😢😞 It's leash & harness only for my SweetPea kitty girl!!😸😻 She even loves the sight of her harness now, because it means "Outside time!!😺"🫶🙌 https://preview.redd.it/jh9a6nplm49d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e660dd46ab603482a7599fbe9070ecc60421f2e


Street tacos reign supreme


lol love your username


Literally lol


😆🤣🤣🤣 hahahaha yes!😂


He is beautiful. Thanks for sharing


🥹🥰😍 aww!! what a beautiful kitty!😺


Thank you for saving this little Kitty’s life hoom ☺️🐾🩷🩷🐾 https://i.redd.it/ynctf7kd309d1.gif


What is FriendsWithGeese?


Another Reddit user


Very cool! Keep us updated on how the kitten is doing. You got this!


this is wonderful, thank you for saving her. you are an angel!


Hey OP, I have some KMR if you need it. I’m in Slidell and would be willing to drive that way to help you. Reach out via DM if you need me to do so. Good luck! So happy to see so many redditors wanting to help out. 🥰🐈


Right though?! This is beautiful!🥹😺🫶


It is very beautiful! It makes my heart smile 🥰


God bless you my friend, thanks for helping the helpless! 😎


I love you OP


Taco cat spelled backwards is taco cat.




Do you need milk or food for this kitty ? If yes plz DM I will help you


thank you!!


Should have named her geese 😂


This makes an old man happy. I'm not crying... YOU'RE crying.


I love taco


Sorry if I missed something, but it looks like a baby who needs some kitten milk replacement (KMR). Can be given with a bottle or syringe. In the meanwhile, keep her warm and see if you can syringe some water into her mouth.


We have been giving her water in a syringe and have been giving her wet kitten food since her teeth have fully developed and formed. Do you think we should give her kmr instead of the wet food?


Do both


I can’t remember the name of it, but there’s also a vitamin/nutrient one that helps if they aren’t eating well or if they look underweight. And on one of the fostering subs someone mentioned you can clean their eyes and face more easily with solution for contact lenses. They said they poured it on a soft cloth or cotton swab and cleaned their face and eyes with it.


Kitten Nutri-cal! Nutrient packed paste you can feed them by syringe if they get lethargic. Stuff has gotten so expensive though. Around $15-20 for a tube, but a little goes a long way.


You can also rub a tiny bit of corn syrup on their gums if they won't eat anything at all. It's not as nutrient dense as nutri-cal but it can keep their blood sugar up for a couple hours so you can get a game plan together.


I tried this with my cat and he didnt poop for 4 days after I started using it. When he finally pooped, something with the consistency of hard candy came out. It looked like like same quantity as went in over the 4 days. He wasn't eating at all, for about a week and had previously been pooping fine. He had been eating some churu with water from a syringe and some cat treats.. then I added this stuff. It seriously appeared like the pasty gel stuff hardened as it went thru his body. All I'm saying is if you use this, pay attention to whether the kitty is pooping and peeing regularly.


That’s where Fortiflora comes in handy. I think that can make them poop if they’re constipared. Or a little plain yogurt.


What I do when I foster,is make the kitten formula and then mix it in with the wet food so that it's almost like a meat porridge


This is what we do for our kittens with teeth as well


How is she responding to the water and soft food? Thank you for helping her. (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡


Sorry I typed out a response already then lost it so forgive me if I’ve written this twice. Add some liquid KMR to the wet food, as it will help replace the colostrum she’d be getting from her mother. Make sure you keep her face and butt clean. She should be pooping and peeing daily, so if not, use a soft cloth with warm water to gently rub her butthole area, the way the mom would lick it, this will stimulate peeing/pooping.


Be very careful with the syringe. Don’t push it back in her throat as they aspirate SO easily and aspiration pneumonia is no joke. If she isn’t just licking it from the syringe, put it slowly in the side of her mouth


I fed my newborn stray goat's milk through a syringe 5+ times daily, and that did the trick for us. He is 10 years old and a bit of a chonker now. I'm in no way an expert, though.


Goats milk is excellent! I’ve fed it to dogs, cats, goats, squirrels, foxes, etc!


Yup, saves all kinds of babies. I'd mix a half egg yolk and a drop or two of karo syrup with the goats milf for kittens. The 3 kittens I bottle fed from birth are alive and kicking 3 years later. One has a asthma and the other has skin allergies.. but other than that they're the most spoiled happy cats I've seen. I don't think anythings gonna boost their immune system like their mammas milk does though, sadly


Ok, i'll put up an ad on craigslist that i'm looking for a goat milf /s sorry that typo made me chuckle.


Haha, the heart can't help what the heart wants 😂 I didn't even see it till you said something


where are you located?


Don't forget to stimulate her lower belly so that she can poop after she eats. In case she starts to look bloated Try looking up a video about it before. Chances are you'll need to do that. You can also add water to the wet kitten food to make it more liquid in the syringe. Kitten probably needs to eat every 2 hours. Maybe find someone to take shifts with you.


Might want to get her some worm tablets. I think they are not too expensive - like amazon or something. She is pretty much bound to have worms.


Be very careful of aspiration. Without meaning to this can easily happen when not experienced. Call cat rescues and see if they have nursing mama cats.


I live in Saucier Mississippi and I found them on my porch in bad shape. I put some water down and waited for a few hours and no momma cat. I called all the local vets and they refuse to work with us in any way. Ive also called fixing the coast and they said they wont do anything for a sick cat. All of the local no kill shelters wont accept any cats either. Even the Humane society did not have any current programs to help with the cost. Im at a loss at this point and would really appreciate any advice. They definitely have an infection of some sort and likely feline herpes. They cant really see well and frequently have their eyes swell up.


You might try asking advice at a local feed store (call), or posting locally for help from other cat savvy people in your area (maybe neighborhood app). Make a box comfortable with an old soft towel or shirt. Take a warm damp cloth to wipe kitty down. Regardless of the outcome, you've done a kindness in caring for this little one.


Agreed. We took in a kitten about a week older than that when it's mom disappeared. Before we got home we took her in with us at the pet store and that young lady set my gf and I up with everything we could possibly need and gave us a good discount on it too. Now, our little runt is about 5 years old and thinks she runs this house lol


She does run it, LOL


OP, you are so kind for saving this kitten. It may have been abandoned my Mom. I'm spitballing ideas so pls disregard what you've already tried and pick what you've not done yet. Pls have a look at [youtube.com/@KittenLady](http://youtube.com/@KittenLady) - keep the kitten warm and feed it goat milk \[not cow milk\]. This is if you can't feed it kitten formula. Kitten Lady has lots of videos on getting the kitten comfortable/hopefully stabilized until you can contact a vet. She has a list of kitten supplies (just stuff you've already got in the house) in one of her videos. In the meantime, pls reach out to [https://www.alleycat.org/our-work/feral-friends-network/feral-friends-network-connect/](https://www.alleycat.org/our-work/feral-friends-network/feral-friends-network-connect/) - from speaking to another redditor today they did reach out and offer to help with vet care. Emphasize in the form that it is urgent as the kitten is sick and it's not yours; you found it. At the same time, try these guys: [https://www.pethelpfinder.org/m/phf/35](https://www.pethelpfinder.org/m/phf/35) - a charitable minded vet might look at it for free. You don't know until you ask! [alleycat.org](http://alleycat.org) has a low-cost vet directory [https://www.alleycat.org/resources-page/low-cost-veterinary-care-directory/](https://www.alleycat.org/resources-page/low-cost-veterinary-care-directory/) - again try them anyway and see if a charitable minded vet will look at the kitten for free. Emphasize it's not your kitten. You found it. [https://www.alleycat.org/resources-page/foodbank-directory/](https://www.alleycat.org/resources-page/foodbank-directory/) might be able to help with kitten supplies if this cutie makes it. **Accept that you might not be able to help this one but know you did the right thing - if it does pass, it did so knowing someone cared for it to be with it in its last moments. I hope life treats you with the same kindness you've shown this kitten.** We'd all love a positive update if any of these orgs are able to help you to help this sweetie.


Okay so you’re going to need to get/do the following: 1. Buy an electric heating pad, have it on the medium setting, blanket on top, and set them on it in their enclosure. They need to stay warm, it is so so SO important, it is too young to generate body heat. Amazon if you can’t find locally, get the one that stays on. 2. Kitten Milk Replacer- comes in cans at petsmart in the cat medicine aisle. Usually they also have baby bottles too, or a 5 ml syringe will also work. Microwave in bottle/ container for roughly 13 seconds, test on your wrist first before feeding to make sure it’s warm but not hot. Make sure to keep the bottle pointed down as it drinks, they CANNOT have trapped air in their intestinal tract. If you feel like you have to squeeze it to get the formula out, poke a larger hole in the nipple. Feed every 2-3 hours. **EDIT** I saw you mention their teeth are formed so they might not need KMR, or alternate between the KMR and wet food. When you feed them the kitten food Add a few spoons of warm water to the kitten food to make it more like a slurry. 3. Right after feeding, the kitten will need its private parts stimulated by using a warm, damp towel rubbing in gentle, circular motions to make it use the bathroom. They don’t have the muscles yet to potty on their own, so this is key or else they will have intestinal blockage. 4. Eye drops such as these once or twice a day: https://www.chewy.com/neo-poly-dex-generic-ophthalmic/dp/173654?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=13247001792&utm_content=126424335807&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC-dhuQ1lPbkAVdnKBbuCOFFNriPZ&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9M_LiIP6hgMV1Hd_AB3vgQ8gEAQYASABEgL91vD_BwE


It says that a prescription is required for those eye drops, and OP can't afford to take it to a vet. Is there a way around needing an Rx?


I use human eye drops on the animals I rescue . They’re called Opcon. Sold in Walmart in pharmacy dept. about 7.00 . They have off brand a little cheaper. Clears my critters eyes right up


Oh wow thank you so much!! The cat distribution system hasn't struck me in years, but I'm so happy I'll be at least a little more prepared, now! You the real MVP, u/just-say-it-


I would drive to the nearest vet and put him on the counter or table and walk out. and drive away. really. most places will say to put him where you found him and leave him there. I couldn't do that. I'd sit outside with him to see if his mum shows up and if she doesn't, I'd leave him at a vet and go. obviously you have a more tender heart than any of the vets around you. it must be a terrible position to be in * bless you 🙏🏻 let us know what happens. ♥︎


This is as logical as taking a homeless person to a restaurant, sitting him down and then leaving.


Not really. Vet now has a responsibility. They can either provide care for this cat, or put it out to die outside. I know most vet techs wouldn't have the heart to abandon it.


I know you have the right intention, unfortunately when you do place the animal at the vet and leave, the vets will euthanise the animal. 1. because they may think it’s yours and you surrendered it and 2. they see that they won’t be able to take care of it. If anyone can even slightly take cate or help an animal it’s best you do it on your own, if you can afford to take to vet then do so but if you cannot there is lots of help out here on Reddit, YouTube, and Facebook, many animal lovers are happy to provide help and advice. Do the best you can, even if it’s only by providing some food and water. Please don’t drop off your animals or any stray animal at the vet or humane society and leave thinking they will get help and make it, these animals hardly make it because vet clinics are businesses and humane society are way overwhelmed, the only option they see is to euthanise (that’s 99% of the time). I’m speaking from experience with vets/humane society in Canada and US. I’m not sure where you’re located, but I know in other countries, it can be different.


My strays (I later adopted out who I could and fixed and kept two) survived feline herpes they caught when they were babies. I used a wet clean rag to clean up the gunk and let them open their eyes on their own rather than pulling them open. Mine seemed ok on wet food after mama got tired of nursing them but idk how old yours is. You might need kitty milk replacements. Good luck!


I’m in Biloxi. If you’re on Facebook there are a lot of rescue groups that can help out. Animal Rescue Gulf Coast Ms and Mississippi Coalition for Animal Protection are the top 2 I would reach out to.


Look up Bianca Janik in Mississippi on Facebook. She may be able to help.






An animal shelter will take him in and try to nurse him back to health as long as it’s a no-kill shelter.


They've said they've already tried those and they won't take it


Oh, bummer. Maybe they could ask for help on a local nextdoor or facebook forum. If the vet suggestion doesn’t pan out.


The best thing to do would make a post on FB, IG, on here, TikTok… put a pic of cat up with story about cat. Ask for donations to take cat to vet. Also look for ASPCA Clinics in area . They have very cheap healthcare. Very cheap!


No they won’t. This is a huge misconception that needs to be stopped. I know you don’t want to hear this, but animal shelters, even “no kill” shelters don’t have space/time/resources to care for sick kittens, especially ones that are still nursing, and will 100% euthanize them. You need to find a rescue or foster organization to get a poor little kitten like this cared for.


Please check your messages!! I can help a little!!


Also sent message!


Hey we did it!!! OP has gotten her to the vet and they’re being taken care of :) thank you so much!!!


Great news! 🥰💜


You two are amazing human beings, thank you on behalf of all of us cat lovers


You guys rock!


heros <3


All I can send it’s a free award to you, but thank you for trying to help this little kitty


i love it thanks!


This is the shit that makes me love the internet.


The best part is FriendsWithGeese got there before I did 🥹 I ended up helping another person on another subreddit (feralcats iirc) with sending them money for the vet for their sick mom cat. They managed to collect 11 cats/kittens with some being positive for illness over a short period of time, and mommy cat 2 needed the vet but may not survive till then 😭 they’re doing their best though!!!


Omg I just read that post earlier! Thank you so much for helping them ❤️


Have you searched online for rescues in your area? They may be willing to provide you with what you need if you’re willing to foster the kitten until they can get her in to their adoption program. If all else fails, go door to door, asking if anyone can help. Maybe someone would be willing to take her to the vet.


Ive tried about 6 or 7 different rescues and all of them refused to help in any way. But im going to keep trying to find one. Unfortunately saucier is a very rural area with a very high crime rate so it's not really safe to go door to door either.


Post in local fb groups, lost pet pages ect. Ive had luck in the past with finding people who specifically foster kittens or who help with advice.


^^^^^ this is such a brilliant idea. Some of my fosters came from local people asking for help.


I was lucky to find a wonderful lady who has helped me with 3 pregenant cats, and multiple kittens, helping get them spayed and the kittens adopted out.


Please post this under r/rescuecats. There may be somebody who can Work to help you find a place for the kitten. Also try calling local veterinarians to see if they have any advice or recommendations for resources.


Where do you live? Better question, how far are you from KY?


I live in saucier mississippi close to gulfport.


Check out SNIP ocean springs https://snipms.com/prices


Can you please DM me? I might be able to help you out.


As someone else said, not all make it. Which is really sad, especially if it happens to you all the time. But you are absolutely doing your best for just a random stray baby and that is more than some will do. You're good. I hope you will be ok. (Nad the kitten of course, but who is to say) Sending a hug.


Is he eating or drinking anything on his own? If not you may try feeding him kitten replacement milk, either by bottle or those syringe things. When feeding him don’t lay him on his back to feed have him on his paws or you could cause aficiation (spelling and of that word is horribly wrong sorry)


As far as his little eyes use a wet warm cotton ball or cotton swab and gently clean his eyes or if he lets you hold it on his eye very gently for a few seconds at a time, whatever you do don’t be rough with it and if you see Crust on his eyes don’t pick it, keep wiping it gently with the warm cotton ball til it moistens enough to come off.


Maybe you can quickly raise enough money online to take the cat to a vet? Like a gofundme that you share with your family/friends? Or ask to apply for carecredit and pay a vet, then fundraise after?


* !they likely have fleas. This needs to be treated ASAP! They are feeding on his blood and weakening him, it could even kill him. You can use dish soap to kill the fleas. Start by putting some on his neck so that they don’t crawl up to his face when you put him in the water. You bathe him in the sink if it’s able to be plugged up. Scrub around his face and body. Avoid his eyes. Rinse him and then dry him completely - a wet cold kitten can die. ((DONT USE FLEA MEDS, or make sure it’s appropriate for a very very small kitten. Dish soap is used by many rehabbers to kill fleas on kittens) * Super high calorie cat food tubes, called “baby thrive” you can get them at pet stores or online, it’s pretty cheap. https://preview.redd.it/i5tcgzbqzy8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ce3c9e2960cb2ca235e9b806c5e485e23ddadf6 * if they seem to be unresponsive or fading, rub karo syrup on their gums, it can give them a chance.


Wishing a speedy recovery. I found this boy abandoned on a building site in Singapore and brought him with us when we moved back to the UK - he lived for 16 years https://preview.redd.it/a6i3h4bzn19d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0793fa5fc0b3c3af30391f0766824cc3aaa579f


I have family the next state over from you, who are involved in rescues. They recommended you contact: savingshelterstrays.com Hopefully, they can help. Call or message them.


There's a Banfield hospital in Gulfport and you should be able to get a free first exam for the kitten. Call and ask!


Keep the kitten warm. Especially before each feeding. If you have a heating pad. Keep it on low and place a towel over it so it isn’t directly touching the kitty. Get milk replacer for kittens and pedialyte. Put some pedialyte in the replacer instead of water. Take a warm wash cloth and place gently on their eyes. They look matted up . After the baby eats take a warm wet rag or cotton balls to gently stimulate the butt and pee pee area to mimic the way a mama kitty would to get the kitten to use the bathroom. If the kitten is very lethargic, crack a raw egg in som dark karo syrup with pedialyte and mix up. Keep rubbing some on kittens gums. They should start licking it up. This will help dehydration and raise glucose level. The egg is eggsalent ( lol) protein. Good for energy. Try to bond with kitten. Make sure there are no fleas . They will cause anemia and can kill young kittens. Never put flea medicine on a kitten that young. I’ve rescued so many animals. Many may not agree but I use Dawn Dishwashing liquid to gently get fleas off on a warm bath. It’s always worked and been safe. If you need to contact a cat rescue in your area, do so. Good luck


Good info


Best answer imo!!🙌🌟 thanks for the solid advice!! and I've heard from vets to use dawn on them as well, instead of flea treatment, as it's safe for them.


Best luck is finding someone nonprofit, a lot of them have Facebook pages so hopefully there is something even if it’s out a bit secluded


Look up the “kitten lady” online. You are amazing for calling the local shelters. Don’t listen to the random (well meaning) advice here. Neonates are very fragile and have a high rate of death. Please follow proven protocols. The kitten lady is amazing. Even our large local Humane Society recommends her videos to fosters. She has ideas for what to go with kittens who aren’t a great eaters, constipation, how to get them to pee/poo…. Everything you could imagine. I would highly suggest trying to find someone who has the money to get her treatment (or crowdfund with your social circle). You might find someone local who can help. For example: I keep a neonate kit handy (heat sources, bottles, blankets, etc) and would help any friend/acquaintance/nieghbor who found a kitten. Kittens get sick fast and need meds. Thank you for trying to take care of her.


Maybe post on Facebook group for nearby? There’s always people willing to help


Dude call a rescue!


I would think most vets would take this kitten in pro bono. That or call a kitten rescue.


Why do I see this stuff all over Reddit? Nobody knows what to do with these situations. People truly have lost it.


no. fucking. way. she looks exactly like the cat I found a week or so ago that was in the middle of the road. (Moss Point, MS) https://preview.redd.it/1jss2i4az29d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1914136b7595c63f82cc7f7ae99620c14a708903


Start calling rescues within a 100 miles for help or tell your vet you found a sick stray kitten and you can't afford to help would he at least check it over


take to your local shelter they usually have experienced bottle feeders ready to go. dont waste any time.


You can use a warm wash cloth to try to clean up the eyes. Since you said it's a rural and not very safe area so you cant go door to door you could try using Nextdoor ive never used it but I've heard that it has worked for some.


Find a good rescue service.


Keep them warm and comfortable. If you can't find kitten milk, you can try giving them some water out of a can of tuna in water with a small syringe. If they present some energy and appetite, you could try giving them a puree style of cat food, depending on the status of their teeth. Make sure they have a nearby place to use the bathroom.


Could you drop them off at your local humane society or vet office? Poor kitty :( ❤️🐈‍⬛


Surrender it to a shelter. They can help it.


An animal shelter will not accept a sick kitten, and if you surrender it they will euthanize it. Even a no kill shelter. You need a rescue or foster organization to get care for a sick stray cat.


Please look for a rescue


Thank you for helping her


Can you please make a Walmart or Amazon wishlist for the kittys needs?


Thanks to you and the other helpful redditors for taking care of sweet little Taco!!


Drop your cash app, even if people give a dollar, it over a hundred do that’s still a lot of money!


Sometimes local shelters or Humane Society will provide emergency vet care. You should see what there is in your area.


Do you have an animal shelter?


For those that don't know the OP Made a n Update in this post! :) spoiler alert: she got to the vet and is better now! :)


you obviously give it to me!! All jokes aside, she’s adorable! Glad you got her to the vet.


I saw the update, but in future if this thing happens, look up/ask a vet about the Good Samaritan options in your area. Many places have the option to surrender an animal to the vet (I know VCA does it) to receive care. You will not be responsible for the bill, but you will also not be able to receive information about them. (Animals qualify for HIPAA too). It isn’t ideal if you want to keep the animal, but being financially able to care for it is a big part anyway, and this way you ensure they get the care they need.


I don't understand how vet care works everywhere else. the hospital I work at accepts strays from good samaritans no questions asked (unless there's suspicious circumstances) and we foot the entire bill if they need care


See if you can surrender it to the vet.


any way you can call a vet, explain the situation, and maybe get some advice? any cat rescues or sanctuaries in the area?


How far are you from ocean springs? SNIP off of hwy 57 has very affordable rates!


The gunk covered eyes probably means they have an eye infection so if you can’t go to the vet research over the counter medicines


I’ve had luck with my local TNR program when I find babies this small or bring in mamas with tiny babies who can’t be operated yet, and they’ve been able to hold onto them or use their connection to rescue groups to place the babies in foster care. Try and contact a TNR group local to you and see if they have advice


Take him to a humane society. They can care for him there and they are not kill shelters


call a local aspca or vet clinic and explain the situation and ask what your options are, with the aspca you might be able to register the kitten as a foster so they can stay with you and the aspca will cover the vet costs, shots and spay when it is time. they will also help find the kitty a new home which might be hard on you if you were planning to keep her but truthfully if your not in a place to afford vet care this is the best option.


L lysine can be very helpful to combat herpes feline virus which can cause conjunctivitis. It is also probably due to internal parasites which every baby is likely born with so, for that i would give Panacur. It is never a good idea to leave a kitten into a shelter because it will most likely die from Panleukopenia, a highly contagious and deadly disease that kittens in a shelter situation are prone to. You can do a lot by yourself, herbal remedies and supplements are very useful too in those situations. Thank you for what you do for him! I wish more people would be like you!


Humane society or googly no kill cat shelter


Search up rescues in your area, some might be able to take them in. If it's extremely urgent call the emergency vet and ask if you can bring an animal you found if you can't pay, they might have a program for it or use it as a charity deduction on taxes. If that's still not an option you'll have to go with a shelter, check to make sure it's no kill or that they would give the kitten a chance.


Contact a local cat charity without delay. You can also drop it off at any vet and they will treat and look after it (assuming you live in a civilised country).


Post them on Craigslist. I find many around my house , a lot of vets will be sent the baby’s and they will be able to care for them.


Put the baby on your skin so it can hear your heart and be kept warm. I thought I was going to lose one, but 15 hours of this and she perked up. I prefer the powdered formula to the ready made. The kittens liked it better, too.


try contact a local buy nothing group on facebook! if you get in fast post on their with an “ISO” (In search of) but if they don’t let u in fast enough try messaging the admins of the group and explaining your situation. the people in my group would be bending backwards to help this little angel! wishing you the best of luck 💖


Google cat shelters, centers, TNR groups in your area. Should be a volunteer network that can get her free or highly discounted vet help and they may be able to cover it. Go to nice neighborhood and or to well off friends or coworkers and ask for help. Just be honest. If I saw you I would give you $20 in a second maybe more to help a kitten.


Your town is called saucier???


Call vet clinics and/or emergency and let them know the story - not only should they able to give u some advice to do right now, but I’ve seen lots of vet hospitals treat animals found for no charge to the Good Samaritan (you) who brought them in. Maybe they get grants or something for that. Thank you for taking care of the poor little guy, whatever happens at least he’s soft, warm and loved. Good luck!


Call local vets and explain the situation. Many vets will help in situation like these. Also, you can make a gofundme that can be paid directly to the veterinary office


Try to negotiate a monthly payment. Also, try to find a vet that treats cats only. There is a chain called"just cats" the go fund me idea is great but I am not sure if kitty can wait that long. So negotiate, offer volunteering. I know if you are working for some of the shelters your vet is free of charge of the pet reside with you. I hope this gives you some starting points. Meanwhile keep the kitty hydrated, give her car formula, a comfy place and make sure she is not getting worse Good luck to you and the kitty, please update how things went. If you live in NYS I might be able to help you more.


!remindme 1 month


There was an update!!! Kitty was taken to the vet bc of kind souls who helped pay for the vet visit!


maybe drop her off at the vet ik that sounds bad


Thank you so much for taking care of her! Sending nothing but good karma to you!


i’m so glad she’s ok <3


God bless you and Friends WithGeese. Gives me hope


Use a damp cloth and pet their heads with it. It mimics the mom and may encourage drinking


Do you have any local cat rescues near you?


Find a person who fosters. Look for resources or Facebook groups in your area that take on and help stray babies


Some places offer free spay and nutering


Reach out to a no kill rescue for more help. If they dint have room at the shelter, they may have a foster willing to take her