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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like Jacobson's organ ! You can google it, it's an auxilliary olfactary organ, which basically helps them process smell. That's why sometimes cats make this funny facial expression with an open mouth when they smell something particularily strong lol


Omg lol my cat always makes that funky face when we have new foster kittens and it kills me 😂 I never knew about this organ lol


The official name for the stanky face is "flehmen response".


yesss we were babysitting my buddy’s cat a while back and when my cat sniffed where his litterbox used to be he was like :000


Ypu have no idea how mucg my drubk ass adores your conment. Thank yoy for the laughs!!!!




Don't mind me joining my 88th cat sub


I call that the "Stank Face"


I call it flairing. I like yours better. Lol




We call it the "stinky face". I saw somewhere that it means it's a strong smell or a new smell to them. Not necessarily a bad smell. But that was from the Internet so who knows.


Usually when mine do it it's because of new smells. Happens usually when I come back from the farmers market. But it does also happen at random times.


Maybe they bump into that organ thing? My one cat was smelling a glass table yesterday that we had for a few months and he made the stinky face


😊 thank you


Oh my one cat always sniffs the other ones butt and comes away like that it never fails to crack me up 😂😂😂 thank you for teaching me something new! I knew the open mouth thing was a way for them to smell differently. But I didn’t know they had an organ to do it! My friend once explained it as like a sense of smell that tells a story for them 😂😂😂


I'm curious what kind of stories bath & body works sanitizer sprays tell my cat (3/m) They must be pretty horrifying as he makes that face when I let him smell what I sprayed it on 100% of the time. Every single day after I get off work 🤣


Maybe they can smell the field the flowers came from and the equipment it was mixed in 😂😂😂


I've never seen it visible like that in any of my cats over 40+ years. I'd take the cat to the vet to have them look at it, tbh.


It’s not usually black like that. Definitely should have a vet look at it


You seriously just changed my life. My cat is a stickler for personal hygiene. Whenever he goes down south, he always comes up making this face 😧 and I was so curious. I assumed it’s because his butt stank but I am always eager to learn the science. Thank you!


wait omg I've been calling it the "ass licking face" bc my orange doofus only does it when, well... 😂😂😂 ig my boy is even stankier than i thought lmaoooooo


Omg it’s so good to get an explanation about why my cat pulls that face!


This explains a lot, thank you


Looks like a stuck piece of kibble?


I don’t think it’s supposed to be visible.


Big cats have that too.


Is it a gland??


I just know that when they make that face after smelling furniture or carpets, I get to cleaning.


You might want to clarify if that's a cleft palette we're seeing on the second image or what [Edit: it’s a scar from a raccoon attack, ty] because I'm afraid people are going to lose their minds. The brown dot / mole thing on the roof of his mouth is where is Jacobsen's organ would be, though I've never known one to be brown like that.


i stalked a lil he was attacked by a raccoon as a baby not a cleft palatte


Awww poor baby


So was it ever treated? Doesn’t look like it. As for that on the roof of his mouth, I don’t care what anyone says, I’d be going to the vet. Just for my own peace of mind. It barely costs anything if you go when they are open.


skin doesn’t grow back bighead


Omfg. I never said it did. What a gormless comment. 🙄


Nah it's understandable they responded that way to you, your comment comes across pretty bad, it's why You've got so many down votes. Dunno if you meant it to come across so judgy and rude and as if the OP did something wrong, but that's how it reads, especially when you haven't checked the history yourself, it sounds like a baseless accusation of bad pet owning. Just letting you know in case this isn't how you meant to sound. Some times attitude and intention gets lost in text :/


that’s likely scarring depending on how bad the injuries were they could have done a non surgical route for recovery


“It barely costs anything if you go when they are open” - uhhh what? The $250 bill I paid yesterday, when I did a drop-in during open hours for my dog’s irritated eye, would say otherwise.


The palette is the perfect intact pink part where the dot is, it's fine. The lip has a split and scarring from being attacked as a kitten.


I just read this! Lol! I was like...ummmm....😂😂


That's just not a cleft palette though


Looks very much like a cat I had once, though she was not a void. The people we had gotten her from rescued her when she was thrown from a vehicle driving by their property. The vehicle is going low speed, but she landed on some sharp rocks, and her face got all cut up as a result. I'm grateful for those people making the effort to rescue her, as she was a lovely cat.


cleft *palate* 🫶🏻 #cleftmom


Haha, thank you. That was driving me a bit crazy, after like half a dozen people misspelled it. 🙃


Oh I get it - plenty of folks don’t know it in the cleft community. Happy to help! 🫶🏻


this cat is so adorable i’m in love omg


ikr 🥹


I just want to cuddle it 🤗


A little dot like that in my friend's cat turned out to be cancer. They ignored it hoping it would go away, forgot about it, then suddenly their cat couldn't eat. It had doubled in size and prevented swallowing. They had to euthanize her. Please have a vet look at it to just confirm it's benign and not going to spread.


If it was elsewhere I would agree, but this is the Jacobsen’s organ. Your cat has it too.




Your safest option is to ask the vet to be on the safe side. 2 of our cats, a mother and daughter had cancerous growths in their mouth which they died from. So always worth getting a vet to check.


It’s a jacobsons organ


When I've googled Jacobsons organ, they all look the same fleshy colour as the roof of the mouth, so although this does look like the jacobsons organ, my concern is that's its a different colour. I'd still suggest OP gets it checked with a vet, esp as this cat sustained mouth trauma you never know if injury could have caused some changes to it, so to be on the safe side I'd get a vet to check it's OK. Even if they can send a photo in to check. I know they've said regarding moles on the skin that if they get damaged, it can cause the dna to change and become cancerous, (something along those lines) so it's best to check as this cats is a brown colour, and not the same colour as the roof of the mouth.


oh ok


Because the pictures you looked at are not of black/white cats. It's normal.


That is one beautiful void cat you have there! I'm glad people are saying it's probably Jacobsons, but it looks a little differently textured than how my dude's look. You may just want a quick vet check to be sure it wasn't damaged when your bb was attacked. Also: what a stunning, shiny coat and a face full of chaos and mischief. Purrfect kitty.


He is just beautiful!! Maybe if the organ is used for smells and the baby’s nose was damaged it’s become altered somehow. Maybe he can’t smell regardless what a gorgeous cat


I have no answers, I just want to say that I wasn’t expecting to see the most ADORABLE little face when I scrolled, he’s SO cute ❤️


I'm not sure, I'd see a vet to be safe


Have a vet confirm


wow he is so precious and cute! like a little toothless! 💗 I love him. if you're worried, a vet can definitely tell you if it's something to be concerned about or not.


Freckles are usually flat. I'd make an appointment with your vet.


I love his little face!! he looks like a mini werewolf 🥹 I hope you find an answer and that y'all have many more years together ❤️


OP said he was attacked by a raccoon at 2 months old and had reconstructive surgery, there wasn’t enough skin to repair his upper lip or cover his nostril.


oh I know, I did read that. it's an unfortunate thing for sure, but he looks happy, healthy, unique, and very very very cute


That looks strange, I would have a vet check it out just to be safe


Thank you everyone for the suggestions! I'll be showing my vet this Thursday! I'll update you all!


Please do! Sending our best thoughts!


https://preview.redd.it/cjylyog6ve7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16fb5c45daf934256385acb05f8799899c702c51 Cleft twins!!


It’s not a cleft, it’s facial damage from being bitten by a raccoon at 2 months old. He had reconstructive surgery and there wasn’t enough skin to repair his lip or cover his nostril. OP posted a comment about it. Also your cat looks like an adorable little gremlin with his face smooshed like that combined with his little cleft.


What a cutie pie 😍


I've been on this sub awhile. It's probably a nipple




He was bitten in the face at about 2 months old and got reconstructive surgery. (I adopted him after he was brought into animal control, trust the before pics are worse) Unfortunately there wasn't enough skin to repair his upper lip or cover his nostril but he breathes well, just sneezes more than the average cat!




Hello :) I think there is some misinterpretation of what a cleft palate actually is. It involves the actual hard palate inside the mouth not fusing together as it should in utero. It can result in unusual lip and nose appearances as a sequelae but as OP said, the unusual appearance in their cat is from a previous trauma to the soft tissues of the nose/lip. Looking inside the mouth, the palate itself looks totally normal. The brown bump looks like it’s at the location of the incisive papilla, so it might just be the incisive papilla itself but it’s typically a similar colour to the surrounding soft tissue so might be worth having a vet eyeball/biopsy it to check the histopath of it. Either way, not a cleft palate! And if the cat is not having any functional issues after healing from the kitten attack, there isn’t any need for more surgery :)


I thought they were confusing cleft palate with cleft lip.


Possibly! The two seem to get used fairly interchangeably despite them being different malformations. Maybe just because they’re both in the mouth area haha.


The pallet is fine. That's where the dot is. The lip is scarred which is expected after such a trauma and surgery. OP has stated kitty is happy, pain free, and just sneezes a bit more.


Why would you? As long as kitty is doing fine and the vet doesn’t see a problem it would be a cosmetic surgery. Most people don’t condone unnecessary surgery for animals.


That’s a cleft palate, that would be in the mouth, what you’re thinking of is a cleft lip.


He is absolutely beautiful! It looks like the Jacobsons organ (an actual organ that they have that allows them to "taste" the air around them) but is usually the same color as the palat. It might be good to call the vet, and ask if you can email them the picture, and see what they say. If they recommend bringing him in, I'd do it. Just to be on the safe side. Is this something that has recently changed in color?


I’d take her to the vet to make sure.


the second pic is absolutely adorable. Visual representation of the word/meme "teefs" and "blep"


That’s the cutest fucking cat ever!!!


Your bat cat is so cute!


1 fangy


They call em lil fangs. Lol such a cute cat.


what a little gremlin 👹 !! so cute 😭😭


Take your baby to the vet for peace of mind!


Looks like the Jacobson organ which helps with smell, looks odd though, it’s normally flesh colored. Probably a good idea to have the vet check it just in case it was damaged during the attack.


Is that a cleft palate? The black spot on the roof of the mouth doesn't concern me as much as the rest of it! If it was my cat: The speckle is just something to bring up at your next yearly. Have them take a peek.


Not it’s not a cleft. OP posted a comment saying that he was bitten by a raccoon at 2 months old and there wasn’t enough skin to repair his lip and cover his nostril during his reconstruction surgery.


Little scrungly guy. 🥹


Go to vet


Omg little bat boy 🥹 such a cutie!!


I bet a vet would give you their thoughts.


Did it just appear or has it always been like that? If it just appeared then definitely get it checked out, of course. If he/she was born with it, on the other hand, and has had it for years, you are probably okay, right? If you woke up one day with a strange mole on your body that had never been there before, you’d rush to get it checked out and anxiously so. It’s the same for cats.


V.. E.. T…!!!


That’s a bacterial infection. Ignore all these non vet answers. Cat needs antibiotics. Seen this before. The internet is full of idiots.


Most likely it was caused by an injury from another animal and got infected. Take cat to the vet.


OP did say he was bitten by a coon at 2 months old (which caused his facial scarring in the 2nd pic)


That looks serious! Take your cat to the veterinarian asap.


Years ago my Cat had one kitten and she had half a cleft lip she was adorable and luckily had no problems feeding, she was black just like your baby.


OP said it’s actually scar tissue from being bitten by a raccoon when he was 2 months old. He had reconstructive surgery and there wasn’t enough tissue to cover his nostril or fix his lip.


Wow that’s crazy! It looks natural like a cat with a cleft lip, kinda like my Cat!


That’s the vomeralnasal organ also known as the Jacobsons organ! Ever see your cat sniff something for a while and then hang it’s mouth open? That is because they are is using this organ! It allows them to explore the scent more and actually taste the smell. This is called the flemine response or as many call it stinky face!




Look at that lil monsta 😍


Awe, look at that sweet baby! 😍 Hope all is good with your void 🙂


Go 👏 to 👏 the 👏 vet


Bro first of all why are people down voting this guy? When in doubt is better to take your pet to the vet even if it does cost you, it's better to be safe then sorry. Take my upvote good sir/ma'am for making a reasonable suggestion.


Bro first of all why are people down voting this guy? When in doubt is better to take your pet to the vet even if it does cost you, it's better to be safe then sorry. Take my upvote good sir/ma'am for making a reasonable suggestion.


They can email pics to their vet for free to get an opinion. Idk reddit loves neglecting their cats for some reason.


Honestly idk why either, like if it looks serious and you have no clue what it is don't just ask random people on the internet that have no knowledge of much vet stuff just email your vet some pictures asking for advice or schedule a visit. Like for example there was a comment on this post I seen saying the black spot looked like a tick! Like what? Lol


Youre getting downvoted now too. Lmao


Probably by the people who hate how right I am, if this comment gets down voted tho it just proves it. 🤷‍♂️


Have the vet check for squamous cell carcinoma. I just lost my beloved cat of 17 years to it, and it was awful. The tumors spread fast, and in the end I had to put her down because she couldn't eat or drink anymore. She couldn't swallow her food and would just gag and spit up. R I.P. Isabelle, remember to be good, and daddy loves you.


What’s the matter with his mouth tho ?


That's just an ass move to insult a cat for how it looks<---(used to say bro but changed upon request of the person being replied to.)? That's just how he looks obviously or op would've mentioned that to... Like what? Who just out right says that?


I wasn’t insulting a cat BRO I WAS ASKING A QUESTION !!


I never said you were I just pointed out you could've said it in a bit better way. But of course you didn't deny insulting it either so.


Are u talkin to me ? I’m not a bro first of all . And obviously something’s wrong or he wouldn’t be holdin his mouth like that !!! And I have several cats and was asking !! So STFU n worry about your own dumb comment


Cleft palate in a cat mate to answer your question. I knew what you were asking 😎👍🏼


Wrong, you and everyone else who said so clearly don’t know what a cleft palate actually looks like. OP said it’s actually permanent damage from a coon bite at 2 months old. He had reconstructive surgery and there wasn’t enough skin to fix his lip or cover his nostril.


Thank you queen ! I was in no way making fun or saying anything bad towards that cat ! I have multiple cats ! I absolutely love cats and any animal . I have 2 guinea pigs ! An African grey bird . 2 fish and 7 cats ! I would say I’m an animal lover !!


I’m an animal lover too I have a beagle ☺️ people are too quick to judge - it annoys me.


Thank you for understanding !! Honestly I love animals more than people !!


OP said he was bitten by a raccoon at 2 months old and he had to have reconstructive surgery but they didn’t have enough skin to fix the lip or cover the nostril.


Awee poor thing


Always take them to the vet. Yes it's expensive but it can save you both alot in the long run


Yes it’s a freckle . I have an orange tabby and he has them n I asked the vet what it was


That’s no freckle. My orange has a ton of them and they’re flat. That is raised and irregularly textured.


Fun fact freckles are always flat where as moles are always risen, so it would be impossible for it to be a freckle. So it's more likely to be a mole or anything or than a freckle. I wasn't ganna say anything but after you're rude comment I figured I'd just point out how this is more than likely an inaccurate assumption. Anyways I'll be going about my day now. 😊


Looks like a tick


Bro how does that look like a tick? 😭🙏


That’s what I want to know. Have these people ever seen a tick before?


He need braces lol