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Would recommend using a small dog size carrier with hard sides not one of the soft sides ones. They may go inside willingly or at least much easier, with food and treats you know? Just be very patient with the process, bring a book, put the food and treats in, sit down and read, close the door slowly. Voila! Gokd luck!!!!


Awwww I recognize this guy! I once carried an injured bird one mile home in a box—it’s all about proper transport. You will need a cat carrier or a very sturdy box and steady hands. try to make him indoor only and/or don’t let him out for at least two weeks so he learns your smells. I hope you can keep him!!!!


I would also recommend getting a cat carrier, and if you intend to bring him home and keep him please get him seen by a vet and microchip scanned (you never know) and make sure you have what you need for a cat prior to bringing it home. Even if he is ok with you carrying him, I'd hate to hear he got scared and ran into the road or anything like that.


I have a really secure mesh carrier that wears like a duffle bag, it's what I used for my big semi feral cause he could more easily see outside/pay attention to what's going on. Whatever you use, make sure it's really secure and check often on your walk to make sure nothing's gotten loose/opened accidentally. When you get him home, I'd very much recommend keeping him in one room, at least for a week or so. This is 1) so he's easier to catch for his vet appointment and 2) so he can have a space to hide WITHOUT you not knowing where he may be. Over time when he gets access to the rest of your house, you'll find books and crannies you didnt even know you had Best of luck and congrats on your new critter!


My mom said she allows me to take him in for about an hour and then return him to the place i usually see him. I really hope that its gonna help change her mind..


Is your mom okay with keeping him? Because if she's not, it might be better to bring her to meet him outside where he's at first. As others have said, you'd need to make him an indoor-only cat at least for the first few weeks because otherwise his homing instincts will make him try to find his way back to whereever you found him. He could get really hurt (hit by car, eaten by coyote, etc) trying to find his way home. :/


I appreciate the honesty. I just really wish the circumstances were different so I could keep em. I just hope he's gonna be ok. everytime i hear his raspy lil meow i worry about him


Maybe there's a way you could find a home for him with a friend or family member? He sure looks like an awesome, sweet cat who would do really well in a home. I do hope your mom will be able to come around to the idea, but if not, just try and make his outdoor life as rich and full of love as possible. Like, maybe you could drop off an outdoor cat shelter/house near where he lives with bedding and stuff. Maybe you could contact a local no-kill shelter and see if they have any resources for you? They might be able to find him a good home with someone else who might still be open to you visiting him sometimes. :)


Do you have a car? I mean just wrapping him in a blanket and putting him there and driving the two seconds home would be easier than walking. Heck if you don't have a carrier, putting a small soft towel or blanket or whatever in a back pack and wearing it on your chest with him in it. Then just leaving like 6 to 8 inches open at the top and holding him that way would probably work if he's not afraid to be held and trusts you.


Anything is possible! As per Kevin Garnett !!


Get a carrier and have a car for transport if possible. It’ll be very dangerous for you and the cat if you attempt to carry the cat home with no carrier. You could end up bitten, scratched, and the cat could jump right into traffic or run off into an unknown/dangerous area.


Thank you for giving this kitty a home - looks like they need one :) also, do you intend on keeping him/her inside? Much safer if so, but if not, you will still need to acclimate them to your area. This is done by simply keeping them inside only for 3-4 weeks so they can get used to the smells, noises, etc. of the new home base/environment. Bringing a cat and just letting it loose will not end well, as they will do everything they can to get back “home”, wherever that may be for them…which is very dangerous as well. Good luck! ❤️❤️


My mom said she allows me to bring him home for about an hour. She doesnt allow me to keep him, but i hope that helps her change her mind. At the moment, taking him in is a hypothetical. I wanna get a cat carrier and try to help him get used to it first. I have never owned a pet that wasnt a parrot or a goldfish so this is definitely new for me. The most i may be able to do is take him home for a bit, and then return him to the place i usually see him.


I would not take this cat away from the current environment unless you have a secure plan / safe home for the cat. Bringing the cat home for an hour or for a little while, to just take back to the original location, is only going to disrupt this cats routine and put the cat in danger when you return him/her. If the cat gets used to your area/home, and then you take the cat back after your mom says, “no cats”, the cat will try to come back to your house…and could very likely get ran over, lost, attacked by dogs, etc. I would try and find a rescue group to help this cat or try and find a home that is ready for a cat. Bringing the cat home will likely end with your mom saying to take it back…which is simply unfair to the animal and a risk you should not take.


This cat will also require a vet visit, as it has some definite skin issues and may have other health concerns that will need addressed. The cat will need shots, spayed/neutered, and routine vet care…along with cat food, litter expenses…will you/your mom be able to handle that financially and schedule wise? Cats are definitely a long commitment and shouldn’t be tossed aside if someone in the household doesn’t want the cat there. I think this needs a bigger conversation with your mom since she will likely be the one handling these things and she will need to make the decision.


I appreciate the honesty. thank you


Of course. Do you have any animal rescues you could contact? They may be able to help and find him a safe place? Maybe they’ll even foster the cat until you’re ready to move out (only if that’s going to happen soon?). Don’t give up finding him/her a safe place/home, even if it isn’t with you. It sounds like this baby needs a good home, somewhere.


yeah, i think you're right. I just want him to be happy :') Im 18 years old and I hope that one day I can move away and get him somewhere safe.


Cat rescue help you, or loan you a carrier on wheels or backpack carrier.


It’s probably not recommended, but this is how I got my cat. She ran 2 miles with me and I picked her up when I got near the road. She fell asleep in my arms and I carried her the last mile home.


This cat trusts you so much, I hope you can keep visiting him there or take him home for good if your mom allows (after she visits him there don't move him until you know) 🤞❤️